#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 PIDFILE="/run/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.pid" depend() { need net } get_var() { grep -P -o -m 1 "(?<=^${1} = ).*" "${SABNZBD_CONFIGFILE}" || echo 0 } start() { ebegin "Starting SABnzbd" checkpath -q -d -o ${SABNZBD_USER}:${SABNZBD_GROUP} -m 0770 "$(dirname "${PIDFILE}")" start-stop-daemon \ --quiet \ --start \ --user ${SABNZBD_USER} \ --group ${SABNZBD_GROUP} \ --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" \ --wait 1000 \ --exec /usr/bin/sabnzbd \ -- \ --config-file "${SABNZBD_CONFIGFILE}" \ --logging "${SABNZBD_LOGGING}" \ --daemon \ --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" eend $? } stop() { local protocol="http" local host="$(get_var "host")" local port="$(get_var "port")" if [ $(get_var "enable_https") -eq 1 ]; then protocol="https" port="$(get_var "https_port")" fi case "${host}" in *:*) host="[${host}]" ;; esac local url="${protocol}://${host}:${port}/sabnzbd/api?mode=shutdown" if [ $(get_var "disable_api_key") -eq 0 ]; then url="${url}&apikey=$(get_var "api_key")" fi local signals="TERM/1/KILL/1" ebegin "Stopping SABnzbd" if [ "$(wget -q -t 1 -O - -T 10 "${url}")" = "ok" ]; then signals="CONT/5/${signals}" fi start-stop-daemon \ --stop \ --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" \ --retry "${signals}" eend $? }