# ag-ops Set of ebuilds for SysAdmins or DevOps for use on Gentoo. An attempt is made to keep updated versions of some useful tools. ## Usage Please see the [Gentoo Wiki](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Ebuild_repository) for an expanded overview of ebuilds and unofficial repositories for Gentoo. You can enable this overlay by simply executing the following: ``` eselect repository enable ag-ops ``` This assumes that you have installed the `app-eselect/eselect-repository` package. #### Packages | Count | Category/Name | Description | |-------|------------|--------------------------------| | 1 | `sys-process/netatop` | Optional kernel module for `atop` to gather statistics about TCP/UDP packets transmitted/received per process and per thread | | 2 | `dev-lua/ldoc` | A LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system | | 3 | `dev-lua/lgi` | Lua bindings using gobject-introspection | | 4 | `dev-lua/luafilesystem` | File System Library for the Lua Programming Language | | 5 | `dev-lua/luaposix` | Bindings for POSIX APIs | | 6 | `dev-lua/penlight` | Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries | | 7 | `dev-lua/say` | Lua String Hashing/Indexing Library | | 8 | `net-irc/weechat` | Portable and multi-interface IRC client |