Boot media
{% include partials/download-link.html type="iso" arch="amd64" id="minimal" title="Minimal Installation CD" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="iso" arch="amd64" id="admincd-amd64" title="Admin CD" %}
Stage archives
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="openrc" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="systemd" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-nomultilib-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="no multilib | openrc" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-nomultilib-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="no multilib | systemd" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="x32-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="x32 | openrc" %}
Hardened stage archives
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-openrc" title="Hardened stage 3" tag="openrc" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-nomultilib-openrc" title="Hardened stage 3" tag="no multilib | openrc" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-selinux-openrc" title="H/SELinux stage 3" tag="openrc" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-nomultilib-selinux-openrc" title="H/SELinux stage 3" tag="no multilib | openrc" %}
Processor compatibility
Processor compatibility
The amd64 architecture is intended for use on AMD 64-bit CPUs as well as 64-bit Intel Pentium/Core/Xeon processors.
Musl stage archives
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-musl" title="Stage 3" tag="musl | openrc" %}
{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-musl-hardened" title="Hardened stage 3" tag="musl | openrc" %}
Details (contents, hashes, and signatures)