Boot media

{% include partials/download-link.html type="iso" arch="amd64" id="minimal" title="Minimal Installation CD" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="iso" arch="amd64" id="admincd-amd64" title="Admin CD" %}

Stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="systemd" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-nomultilib-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="no multilib | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-nomultilib-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="no multilib | systemd" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="x32-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="x32 | openrc" %}

Hardened stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-openrc" title="Hardened stage 3" tag="openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-nomultilib-openrc" title="Hardened stage 3" tag="no multilib | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-selinux-openrc" title="H/SELinux stage 3" tag="openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-hardened-nomultilib-selinux-openrc" title="H/SELinux stage 3" tag="no multilib | openrc" %}

Processor compatibility

Processor compatibility

The amd64 architecture is intended for use on AMD 64-bit CPUs as well as 64-bit Intel Pentium/Core/Xeon processors.

Musl stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-musl" title="Stage 3" tag="musl | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="amd64" id="amd64-musl-hardened" title="Hardened stage 3" tag="musl | openrc" %}
Musl stages require the musl overlay

If you want to use the musl stages, you must add the musl overlay to your installation. Instructions how to do this can be found on the page of the Hardened musl project.

Details (contents, hashes, and signatures)