Boot media

{% include partials/download-link.html type="iso" arch="arm64" id="minimal" title="Minimal Installation CD" tag="EFI" %}

Stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-desktop-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="desktop profile | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="systemd" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-systemd-mergedusr" title="Stage 3" tag="systemd | merged usr" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-desktop-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="desktop profile | systemd" %}

LLVM-based stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-llvm-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="llvm | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-llvm-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="llvm | systemd" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-llvm-systemd-mergedusr" title="Stage 3" tag="llvm | systemd | merged usr" %}

Musl stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-musl" title="Stage 3" tag="musl | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-musl-llvm" title="Stage 3" tag="musl | llvm | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="arm64-musl-hardened" title="Hardened Stage 3" tag="musl | openrc" %}

Big-Endian Stage archives

{% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="aarch64_be-openrc" title="Stage 3" tag="eb | openrc" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="aarch64_be-systemd" title="Stage 3" tag="eb | systemd" %} {% include partials/download-link.html type="stage3" arch="arm64" id="aarch64_be-systemd-mergedusr" title="Stage 3" tag="eb | systemd | merged usr" %}
Musl stages: consider the musl overlay

While the core system packages within the stage files work fine in the main gentoo repository, musl-specific fixes for additional packages can be found in the musl overlay. If you encounter problems, you may want to consider adding this overlay to your installation. Instructions how to do so can be found, e.g., on the page of the Hardened musl project. Please file bugs!

Details (contents, hashes, and signatures)