module Gentoo class PlanetGenerator < Jekyll::Generator PLANET_XML = '_data/planet.xml' def generate(site) planetinfo = Nokogiri::XML( # author is the only thing taken from the dublin core, we don't need namespaces for that planetinfo.remove_namespaces!['planet'] ||= { 'posts' => [] } planetinfo.xpath('/rss/channel/item').each do |item| item_data = {} ignore = false item.children.each do |tag| case when 'title' item_data['title'] = tag.text.partition(':')[2].strip when 'link' item_data['uri'] = tag.text when 'creator' if tag.text =~ /^(.*) \(([^)]+)\)$/ item_data['author'] = $1 item_data['nick'] = $2 else # It's a news item; skip ignore = true end end end['planet']['posts'] << item_data unless ignore end end end end