--- title: AArch64 (arm64) profiles are now stable! --- Packet.com logo The ARM64 project is pleased to announce that all ARM64 profiles are now stable. While our developers and users have contributed significantly in this accomplishment, we must also thank our [Packet](https://www.packet.com) sponsor for their contribution. Providing the Gentoo developer community with access to bare metal hardware has accelerated progress in achieving the stabilization of the ARM64 profiles. ## About Packet.com ## This access has been kindly provided to Gentoo by bare metal cloud Packet via their Works on Arm project. Learn more about their commitment to supporting open source [here](https://www.packet.com/developers/open-source). ## About Gentoo ## [Gentoo Linux](https://www.gentoo.org/) is a free, source-based, rolling release meta distribution that features a high degree of flexibility and high performance. It empowers you to make your computer work for you, and offers a variety of choices at all levels of system configuration. As a community, Gentoo consists of approximately two hundred developers and over fifty thousand users globally.