--- nav1: get-involved nav2: irc nav3: irc-all-channels title: 'All IRC channels' ---

This page offers a listing of all official IRC channels we maintain.

Before joining a channel…
…please be sure that you have taken note of our IRC guidelines. Also, do read the channel's topic, it might just answer your question already.

Primary support channels

{% for channel in site.data.irc.primary %} {% include partials/irc-channel.html %} {% endfor %}
Channel Description

Architecture/Platform support channels

{% for channel in site.data.irc.arch %} {% include partials/irc-channel.html %} {% endfor %}
Channel Description

General and development channels

{% for channel in site.data.irc.general %} {% include partials/irc-channel.html %} {% endfor %}
Channel Description

International channels

{% for channel in site.data.irc.international %} {% include partials/irc-channel.html %} {% endfor %}
Channel Description