# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=4 inherit eutils bash-completion DESCRIPTION="Phoronix's comprehensive, cross-platform testing and benchmark suite" HOMEPAGE="http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com" MY_PV="${PN}-3.2.0m2" SRC_URI="http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/download.php?file=development/${MY_PV} -> ${MY_PV}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="gtk" DEPEND="" # php 5.3 doesn't have pcre and reflection useflags anymore # php-gtk doesn't support php 5.3 at once RDEPEND="!gtk? ( || ( dev-lang/php:5.3[cli,curl,gd,posix,pcntl,truetype,zip] dev-lang/php:5.2[cli,curl,gd,posix,pcntl,reflection,truetype,pcre,zip] ) ) gtk? ( dev-lang/php:5.2[cli,curl,gd,posix,pcntl,reflection,truetype,pcre,zip] dev-php5/php-gtk ) dev-php5/pecl-ps" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" src_prepare() { sed -i -e "s,export PTS_DIR=\`pwd\`,export PTS_DIR=\"/usr/share/${PN}\"," \ phoronix-test-suite } src_configure() { : } src_compile() { : } src_install() { dodir /usr/share/${PN} insinto /usr/share/${PN} doman documentation/man-pages/phoronix-test-suite.1 dodoc AUTHORS CHANGE-LOG COPYING documentation/phoronix-test-suite.pdf dohtml -r documentation/ dobashcompletion pts-core/static/bash_completion ${PN} doicon pts-core/static/images/phoronix-test-suite.png doicon pts-core/static/images/openbenchmarking.png domenu pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop rm -f pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop doins -r {pts,pts-core} exeinto /usr/bin doexe phoronix-test-suite #fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts/test-resources/*/*.sh #fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts/base-test-resources/*/*.sh #fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/modules/*.sh #fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/test-libraries/*.sh fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/static/scripts/root-access.sh fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/external-test-dependencies/scripts/install-gentoo-packages.sh # Need to fix the cli-php config for downloading to work. Very naughty! local slots local slot if use gtk ; then slots="php5.2" else if [[ "x${PHP_TARGETS}" == "x" ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "PHP_TARGETS seems empty, php.ini file can't be configure." ewarn "Make sure that PHP_TARGETS in /etc/make.conf is set." ewarn else for slot in ${PHP_TARGETS}; do slots+=" ${slot/-/.}" done fi fi for slot in ${slots}; do local PHP_INI_FILE="/etc/php/cli-${slot}/php.ini" if [[ -f ${PHP_INI_FILE} ]] ; then dodir $(dirname ${PHP_INI_FILE}) cp ${PHP_INI_FILE} "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}" sed -e 's|^allow_url_fopen .*|allow_url_fopen = On|g' -i "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}" else if [[ "x$(eselect php show cli)" == "x${slot}" ]] ; then ewarn ewarn "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file." ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the allow_url_fopen option set to \"On\"" ewarn "for downloading to work properly." ewarn "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge" ewarn else einfo einfo "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file." einfo "phoronix-test-suite may need the allow_url_fopen option set to \"On\"" einfo "for downloading to work properly if you switch to ${slot}" einfo "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge" einfo fi fi done }