diff options
authorMartin Väth <>2017-08-30 16:18:48 +0200
committerMartin Väth <>2017-08-30 16:18:48 +0200
commitb1c6980498a8f04f05be5b171cf2b63c6da0f1d1 (patch)
parentapp-shells/zsh: Remove since support in gentoo repository is good (diff)
app-shells/zsh-completions: Remove since support in gentoo repository is good
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh-completions/Manifest b/app-shells/zsh-completions/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index b136deeb..00000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh-completions/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-DIST zsh-completions-0.26.0.tar.gz 193410 SHA256 770d92749b11b22192595b207208508f8bfa319d5d03210a71bc44c8b9cfa0d5
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh-completions/metadata.xml b/app-shells/zsh-completions/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 67a35342..00000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh-completions/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Väth</name>
- <description>maintainer of the updates in the mv overlay</description>
- </maintainer>
- <maintainer type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Manuel Rüger</name>
- </maintainer>
- <upstream>
- <maintainer>
- <name>zsh-users</name>
- </maintainer>
- <remote-id type="github">zsh-users/zsh-completions</remote-id>
- </upstream>
- <use>
- <flag name="completion_Android">Install zsh completions for Android-related programs</flag>
- <flag name="completion_Arch">Install zsh completions for Archlinux</flag>
- <flag name="completion_Google">Install zsh completions for Google tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_Linux">Install zsh completions for Linux</flag>
- <flag name="completion_Unix">Install zsh completions for Unix</flag>
- <flag name="completion_X">Install zsh completions for X</flag>
- <flag name="completion_database">Install zsh completions for database programs</flag>
- <flag name="completion_dev">Install zsh completions for development (build systems, editors, web)</flag>
- <flag name="completion_disk">Install zsh completions for disk tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_distribute">Install zsh completions for tools for distributing tasks to machines</flag>
- <flag name="completion_editor">Install zsh completions for various editors</flag>
- <flag name="completion_git">Install zsh completions for special git tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_go">Install zsh completions for go-related tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_gtk">Install zsh completions for gtk-related tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_hardware">Install zsh completions for low-level hardware tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_haskell">Install zsh completions for Haskell tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_managers">Install zsh completions for package managers (not portage)</flag>
- <flag name="completion_multimedia">Install zsh completions for multimedia programs</flag>
- <flag name="completion_net">Install zsh completions for net-related tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_nfs">Install zsh completions for network filesystem tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_perl">Install zsh completion for perl-related tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_python">Install zsh completion for python development tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_ruby">Install zsh completion for ruby tools and tools in ruby</flag>
- <flag name="completion_search">Install zsh completion for search tools like sys-apps/ack and sys-apps/the_silver_searcher</flag>
- <flag name="completion_session">Install zsh completion for session-handling frontends</flag>
- <flag name="completion_subtitles">Install zsh completion for subtitle tools</flag>
- <flag name="completion_virtualization">Install zsh completion for virtualization programs</flag>
- <flag name="completion_web">Install zsh completion for web-related tools incl. java/javascript/scala</flag>
- </use>
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh-completions/zsh-completions-0.26.0.ebuild b/app-shells/zsh-completions/zsh-completions-0.26.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6737ada4..00000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh-completions/zsh-completions-0.26.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-case ${PV} in
- LIVE=:
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI=;;
- LIVE=false
- #RESTRICT="mirror"
- SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/${TARBALL_VERSION}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-DESCRIPTION="Additional completion definitions for Zsh"
-declare -a FILES
-used_value() {
- case ${!1} in
- '#'*)
- eval "${1}=\${${1}#?}"
- ${LIVE};;
- '/'*)
- eval "${1}=\${${1}#?}"
- ! ${LIVE};;
- esac
-calculate_data() {
- local comp curr currfile curruse first used
- for comp
- do curr="${comp%% *}"
- used_value curr || continue
- case ${curr} in
- '+'*)
- curr="completion_${curr#?}"
- curruse=+${curr};;
- *)
- curr="completion_${curr}"
- curruse=${curr};;
- esac
- first=:
- for currfile in ${comp#* }
- do used_value currfile
- used=${?}
- USEFILE["${currfile}"]="${curr}"
- [[ -z ${FILEINDEX["${currfile}"]} ]] || die "${currfile} listed twice"
- [ ${used} -ne 0 ] && continue
- ! $first || IUSE=${IUSE-}${IUSE:+\ }$curruse
- first=false
- FILEINDEX["${currfile}"]="${#FILES[@]}"
- FILES+=("${currfile}")
- done
- done
-# Prepend # or / to mark only live/-nonlive categories or files
-# (though categories are automatically marked/removed if they contain no files)
-calculate_data \
- '+Android /_adb _android _emulator' \
- '+Arch #_archlinux-java' \
- '+Google _google' \
- '+Linux #_chattr #_column #_lsattr #_lsblk #_paste #_setcap' \
- '+Unix #_cheat _cmake /_dzen2 /_logger /_nl #_openssl #_patool #_pixz /_ps _shutdown /_watch /_zfs' \
- '+X #_trash-empty #_trash-list #_trash-put #_trash-restore _xinput' \
- '+database _redis-cli _pgsql_utils' \
- '+dev _artisan _choc _console _geany /_gradle _phing / _mvn /_pear _play /_symfony _thor _vagrant /_veewee' \
- '+disk #_scrub _sdd _smartmontools _srm #_udisksctl' \
- '+distribute /_celery /_envoy _fab #_fleetctl _glances _kitchen _knife _mina _mussh' \
- '+editor #_kak #_subl' \
- '+git _git-flow #_git-journal _git-pulls' \
- '+go #_force #_go' \
- '+gtk #_gtk-launch' \
- '+hardware _optirun _perf /_primus' \
- '+haskell /_cabal _ghc #_stack' \
- '+managers #_ansible #_ansible-galaxy #_ansible-playbook #_ansible-vault _bower /_brew #_cask _debuild /_lein #_multirust /_pactree _pkcon _port #_rsvm #_scl #_supervisorctl _yaourt #_yarn' \
- '+multimedia /_id3 /_id3v2 _showoff' \
- '+net _dget _dhcpcd _httpie /_iw /_mosh _rfkill #_rslsync /_socat _ssh-copy-id #_ufw _vpnc _vnstat' \
- '+nfs _exportfs #_rclone' \
- '+perl /_cpanm' \
- '+python /_bpython #_ffind _pygmentize' \
- '+ruby _bundle _cap /_ditz _gas /_gem _gist /_github _git-wtf /_jekyll _lunchy _rails _rspec _rubocop _rvm' \
- '+search _ack _ag _jq #_jrnl' \
- '+session _atach _teamocil _tmuxinator _wemux' \
- '+subtitles _language_codes _periscope _subliminal' \
- '+virtualization /_boot2docker #_envdir #_rkt _virtualbox _virsh' \
- '+web #_afew #_bitcoin-cli #_cf _coffee _composer #_dad #_diana _docpad _drush /_heroku #_homestead _jonas _jmeter _jmeter-plugins /_lunar _middleman #_mix _node _nvm _ralio /_salt _sbt _scala _svm #_zcash-cli'
-src_prepare() {
- # Remove colliding completions
- if ! ${LIVE}
- then mv src/_docker src/_pip . || die
- fi
- chmod a-x src/*
- eapply_user
-warn_once() {
- ewarn "${CATEGORY}-${PF}.ebuild might need a version bump!"
- warn_once() {
- :
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- local i j u
- for i in src/*
- do j=${i#src/}
- u=${USEFILE["${j}"]}
- if [ -z "${u}" ]
- then warn_once
- elog "installing unknown completion ${i#*/}"
- doins "${i}"
- continue
- fi
- ! use "${u}" || doins "${i}"
- u=${FILEINDEX["${j}"]}
- FILES[${u}]=
- done
- for i in ${FILES[*]}
- do warn_once
- elog "listed file ${i} not found"
- done
- dodoc
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "If you happen to compile your functions, you may need to delete"
- elog "~/.zcompdump{,.zwc} and recompile to make the new completions available"
- elog "to your shell."
- elog
diff --git a/app-shells/zsh-completions/zsh-completions-99999999.ebuild b/app-shells/zsh-completions/zsh-completions-99999999.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6737ada4..00000000
--- a/app-shells/zsh-completions/zsh-completions-99999999.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-case ${PV} in
- LIVE=:
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI=;;
- LIVE=false
- #RESTRICT="mirror"
- SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/${TARBALL_VERSION}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-DESCRIPTION="Additional completion definitions for Zsh"
-declare -a FILES
-used_value() {
- case ${!1} in
- '#'*)
- eval "${1}=\${${1}#?}"
- ${LIVE};;
- '/'*)
- eval "${1}=\${${1}#?}"
- ! ${LIVE};;
- esac
-calculate_data() {
- local comp curr currfile curruse first used
- for comp
- do curr="${comp%% *}"
- used_value curr || continue
- case ${curr} in
- '+'*)
- curr="completion_${curr#?}"
- curruse=+${curr};;
- *)
- curr="completion_${curr}"
- curruse=${curr};;
- esac
- first=:
- for currfile in ${comp#* }
- do used_value currfile
- used=${?}
- USEFILE["${currfile}"]="${curr}"
- [[ -z ${FILEINDEX["${currfile}"]} ]] || die "${currfile} listed twice"
- [ ${used} -ne 0 ] && continue
- ! $first || IUSE=${IUSE-}${IUSE:+\ }$curruse
- first=false
- FILEINDEX["${currfile}"]="${#FILES[@]}"
- FILES+=("${currfile}")
- done
- done
-# Prepend # or / to mark only live/-nonlive categories or files
-# (though categories are automatically marked/removed if they contain no files)
-calculate_data \
- '+Android /_adb _android _emulator' \
- '+Arch #_archlinux-java' \
- '+Google _google' \
- '+Linux #_chattr #_column #_lsattr #_lsblk #_paste #_setcap' \
- '+Unix #_cheat _cmake /_dzen2 /_logger /_nl #_openssl #_patool #_pixz /_ps _shutdown /_watch /_zfs' \
- '+X #_trash-empty #_trash-list #_trash-put #_trash-restore _xinput' \
- '+database _redis-cli _pgsql_utils' \
- '+dev _artisan _choc _console _geany /_gradle _phing / _mvn /_pear _play /_symfony _thor _vagrant /_veewee' \
- '+disk #_scrub _sdd _smartmontools _srm #_udisksctl' \
- '+distribute /_celery /_envoy _fab #_fleetctl _glances _kitchen _knife _mina _mussh' \
- '+editor #_kak #_subl' \
- '+git _git-flow #_git-journal _git-pulls' \
- '+go #_force #_go' \
- '+gtk #_gtk-launch' \
- '+hardware _optirun _perf /_primus' \
- '+haskell /_cabal _ghc #_stack' \
- '+managers #_ansible #_ansible-galaxy #_ansible-playbook #_ansible-vault _bower /_brew #_cask _debuild /_lein #_multirust /_pactree _pkcon _port #_rsvm #_scl #_supervisorctl _yaourt #_yarn' \
- '+multimedia /_id3 /_id3v2 _showoff' \
- '+net _dget _dhcpcd _httpie /_iw /_mosh _rfkill #_rslsync /_socat _ssh-copy-id #_ufw _vpnc _vnstat' \
- '+nfs _exportfs #_rclone' \
- '+perl /_cpanm' \
- '+python /_bpython #_ffind _pygmentize' \
- '+ruby _bundle _cap /_ditz _gas /_gem _gist /_github _git-wtf /_jekyll _lunchy _rails _rspec _rubocop _rvm' \
- '+search _ack _ag _jq #_jrnl' \
- '+session _atach _teamocil _tmuxinator _wemux' \
- '+subtitles _language_codes _periscope _subliminal' \
- '+virtualization /_boot2docker #_envdir #_rkt _virtualbox _virsh' \
- '+web #_afew #_bitcoin-cli #_cf _coffee _composer #_dad #_diana _docpad _drush /_heroku #_homestead _jonas _jmeter _jmeter-plugins /_lunar _middleman #_mix _node _nvm _ralio /_salt _sbt _scala _svm #_zcash-cli'
-src_prepare() {
- # Remove colliding completions
- if ! ${LIVE}
- then mv src/_docker src/_pip . || die
- fi
- chmod a-x src/*
- eapply_user
-warn_once() {
- ewarn "${CATEGORY}-${PF}.ebuild might need a version bump!"
- warn_once() {
- :
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- local i j u
- for i in src/*
- do j=${i#src/}
- u=${USEFILE["${j}"]}
- if [ -z "${u}" ]
- then warn_once
- elog "installing unknown completion ${i#*/}"
- doins "${i}"
- continue
- fi
- ! use "${u}" || doins "${i}"
- u=${FILEINDEX["${j}"]}
- FILES[${u}]=
- done
- for i in ${FILES[*]}
- do warn_once
- elog "listed file ${i} not found"
- done
- dodoc
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "If you happen to compile your functions, you may need to delete"
- elog "~/.zcompdump{,.zwc} and recompile to make the new completions available"
- elog "to your shell."
- elog
diff --git a/metadata/pkg_desc_index b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
index 64c0e66e..6cad78a6 100644
--- a/metadata/pkg_desc_index
+++ b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ app-shells/runtitle 2.10: Scripts to run commands and set the hard status line (
app-shells/schily-tools 2017.08.14-r1: Many tools from Joerg Schilling, including a POSIX compliant Bourne Shell
app-shells/set_prompt 3.0.0: An intelligent prompt for zsh or bash with status line (window title) support
app-shells/termcolors-mv 4.2: 256colors sample script and dircolors configuration for standard or 256 colors
-app-shells/zsh-completions 0.26.0 99999999: Additional completion definitions for Zsh
app-shells/zsh-syntax-highlighting 0.6.0_rc1 99999999: Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh
app-shells/zshrc-mv 3.10: A zshrc file initializing zsh specific interactive features
app-text/ispell 3.3.02-r1 3.4.00: fast screen-oriented spelling checker
diff --git a/profiles/use.local.desc b/profiles/use.local.desc
index 3a39b914..820424ec 100644
--- a/profiles/use.local.desc
+++ b/profiles/use.local.desc
@@ -58,34 +58,6 @@ app-shells/schily-tools:system-libschily - Rely on app-cdr/cdrtools for providin
app-shells/schily-tools:system-star - Rely on app-arch/star for the match manpage
app-shells/termcolors-mv:create - Install DIR_COLORS-create perl script
app-shells/termcolors-mv:perl - Install 256colors perl script
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Android - Install zsh completions for Android-related programs
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Arch - Install zsh completions for Archlinux
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Google - Install zsh completions for Google tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Linux - Install zsh completions for Linux
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Unix - Install zsh completions for Unix
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_X - Install zsh completions for X
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_database - Install zsh completions for database programs
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_dev - Install zsh completions for development (build systems, editors, web)
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_disk - Install zsh completions for disk tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_distribute - Install zsh completions for tools for distributing tasks to machines
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_editor - Install zsh completions for various editors
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_git - Install zsh completions for special git tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_go - Install zsh completions for go-related tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_gtk - Install zsh completions for gtk-related tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_hardware - Install zsh completions for low-level hardware tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_haskell - Install zsh completions for Haskell tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_managers - Install zsh completions for package managers (not portage)
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_multimedia - Install zsh completions for multimedia programs
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_net - Install zsh completions for net-related tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_nfs - Install zsh completions for network filesystem tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_perl - Install zsh completion for perl-related tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_python - Install zsh completion for python development tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_ruby - Install zsh completion for ruby tools and tools in ruby
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_search - Install zsh completion for search tools like sys-apps/ack and sys-apps/the_silver_searcher
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_session - Install zsh completion for session-handling frontends
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_subtitles - Install zsh completion for subtitle tools
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_virtualization - Install zsh completion for virtualization programs
-app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_web - Install zsh completion for web-related tools incl. java/javascript/scala
app-text/lesspipe:antiword - Support doc files with app-text/antiword; this overrides catdoc
app-text/lesspipe:cabextract - Support cabextract files
app-text/lesspipe:catdoc - Support doc files with app-text/catdoc; unused if antiword is set