diff options
authorMartin Väth <>2010-03-28 12:13:38 +0200
committerMartin Väth <>2010-03-28 12:13:38 +0200
commit3c20a4557767ea27aef7df1f4443dada90d06138 (patch)
treeb8bf2e2934314313ed99330577d4906b79d8f5aa /sys-apps/less-select/files
Import of the mv overlay
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/less-select/files')
4 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/less-select/files/README.Gentoo b/sys-apps/less-select/files/README.Gentoo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dca83280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/less-select/files/README.Gentoo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+This version of less comes with some Gentoo enhancements:
+ - default script to "view" files
+ - colorization support
+To see what file types are supported, just read the /usr/bin/
+script (it's just a plain text bash script).
+Colorization support is disabled by default. To enable it, export the
+LESSCOLOR variable to "yes":
+ $ export LESSCOLOR=yes
+We also provide a colorization script, 'code2color', that is used by
+default. If you wish to use another script, simply export the LESSCOLORIZER
+variable to name of the script:
+ $ export LESSCOLORIZER=some-other-script
+If you want to use the code2color script and the default color schemes are
+not acceptable, you can develop your own schemes and save them in one of
+the following places:
+ /etc/code2color
+ ~/.code2color
diff --git a/sys-apps/less-select/files/code2color.patch b/sys-apps/less-select/files/code2color.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d4ac7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/less-select/files/code2color.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- code2color
++++ code2color
+@@ -163,11 +163,11 @@
+ # building up the database
+ # newer entries overwrite old ones
+- push @CONFIG_FILES, "/etc/code2html.config";
++ push @CONFIG_FILES, "/etc/code2color";
+- $ENV{'HOME'}."/.code2html.config" if $ENV{'HOME'};
++ $ENV{'HOME'}."/.code2color" if $ENV{'HOME'};
+ split(/:/,$params{'langfile'}) if $params{'langfile'};
+@@ -446,7 +446,6 @@
+ $_[2] = $langmode;
+ $_[3] = $alt_langmode;
+- print "==> append : to filename to switch off syntax highlighting\n";
+ return \$code;
+ };
+@@ -3192,7 +3192,7 @@
+ #
+ $LANGUAGE{'shellscript'} = {
+- 'filename' => '\\.(sh|shell)$',
++ 'filename' => '\\.(ebuild|eclass|sh|shell)$',
+ 'regex' => '^\\s*#\\s*![^\\s]*(sh|bash|ash|zsh|ksh)',
+ 'patterns' => [ {
+ 'name' => 'comment',
diff --git a/sys-apps/less-select/files/less.envd b/sys-apps/less-select/files/less.envd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..200171c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/less-select/files/less.envd
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+LESSOPEN="| %s"
+LESS="-R -M --shift 5"
diff --git a/sys-apps/less-select/files/ b/sys-apps/less-select/files/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afa7dc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/less-select/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# Preprocessor for 'less'. Used when this environment variable is set:
+# LESSOPEN="| %s"
+# TODO: handle compressed files better
+trap 'exit 0' PIPE
+guesscompress() {
+ case "$1" in
+ *.gz|*.z) echo "gunzip -c" ;;
+ *.bz2) echo "bunzip2 -c" ;;
+ *.lz) echo "lzip -c" ;;
+ *.lzma) echo "unlzma -c" ;;
+ *.xz) echo "xzdec" ;;
+ *) echo "cat" ;;
+ esac
+lesspipe_file() {
+ local out=$(file -L -- "$1")
+ local suffix
+ case ${out} in
+ *" 7-zip archive"*) suffix="7z";;
+ *" ar archive"*) suffix="a";;
+ *" CAB-Installer"*) suffix="cab";;
+ *" cpio archive"*) suffix="cpio";;
+ *" ELF "*) suffix="elf";;
+ *" LHa"*archive*) suffix="lha";;
+ *" troff "*) suffix="man";;
+ *" script text"*) suffix="sh";;
+ *" shared object"*) suffix="so";;
+ *" tar archive"*) suffix="tar";;
+ *" Zip archive"*) suffix="zip";;
+ *": data") hexdump -C -- "$1"; return 0;;
+ *) return 1;;
+ esac
+ lesspipe "$1" ".${suffix}"
+ return 0
+lesspipe() {
+ local match=$2
+ [[ -z ${match} ]] && match=$1
+ local DECOMPRESSOR=$(guesscompress "$match")
+ # User filters
+ if [[ -x ~/.lessfilter ]] ; then
+ ~/.lessfilter "$1" && exit 0
+ fi
+ local ignore
+ for ignore in ${LESSIGNORE} ; do
+ [[ ${match} == *.${ignore} ]] && exit 0
+ done
+ case "$match" in
+ ### Doc files ###
+ *.[0-9n]|*.man|\
+ *.[0-9n].bz2|*.man.bz2|\
+ *.[0-9n].gz|*.man.gz|\
+ *.[0-9n].lzma|*.man.lzma|\
+ *.[0-9][a-z].gz|*.[0-9][a-z].gz)
+ local out=$(${DECOMPRESSOR} -- "$1" | file -)
+ case ${out} in
+ *troff*)
+ # Need to make sure we pass path to man or it will try
+ # to locate "$1" in the man search paths
+ if [[ $1 == /* ]] ; then
+ man -- "$1"
+ else
+ man -- "./$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *text*)
+ ${DECOMPRESSOR} -- "$1"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # We could have matched a library (, so let
+ # `file` figure out what the hell this thing is
+ lesspipe_file "$1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *.dvi) dvi2tty "$1" ;;
+ *.ps|*.pdf) ps2ascii "$1" || pstotext "$1" || pdftotext "$1" ;;
+ *.doc) antiword "$1" || catdoc "$1" ;;
+ *.rtf) unrtf --nopict --text "$1" ;;
+ *.conf|*.txt|*.log) ;; # force less to work on these directly #150256
+ ### URLs ###
+ ftp://*|http://*|*.htm|*.html)
+ for b in links2 links lynx ; do
+ ${b} -dump "$1" && exit 0
+ done
+ html2text -style pretty "$1"
+ ;;
+ ### Tar files ###
+ *.tar|\
+ *.tar.bz2|*.tbz2|*.tbz|\
+ *.tar.gz|*.tgz|*.tar.z|\
+ *.tar.lz|*.tar.tlz|\
+ *.tar.lzma|*.tar.xz)
+ ${DECOMPRESSOR} -- "$1" | tar tvvf -;;
+ ### Misc archives ###
+ *.bz2|\
+ *.gz|*.z|\
+ *.lz|\
+ *.lzma|*.xz) ${DECOMPRESSOR} -- "$1" ;;
+ *.rpm) rpm -qpivl --changelog -- "$1" ;;
+ *.cpi|*.cpio) cpio -itv < "$1" ;;
+ *.ace) unace l "$1" ;;
+ *.arc) arc v "$1" ;;
+ *.arj) unarj l -- "$1" ;;
+ *.cab) cabextract -l -- "$1" ;;
+ *.lha|*.lzh) lha v "$1" ;;
+ *.zoo) zoo -list "$1" || unzoo -l "$1" ;;
+ *.7z) 7z l -- "$1" || 7za l -- "$1" ;;
+ *.a) ar tv "$1" ;;
+ *.elf) readelf -a -- "$1" ;;
+ *.so) readelf -h -d -s -- "$1" ;;
+ *.mo|*.gmo) msgunfmt -- "$1" ;;
+ *.rar|.r[0-9][0-9]) unrar l -- "$1" ;;
+ *.jar|*.war|*.ear|*.xpi|*.zip)
+ unzip -v "$1" || miniunzip -l "$1" || miniunz -l "$1" || zipinfo -v "$1"
+ ;;
+ *.deb|*.udeb)
+ if type -P dpkg > /dev/null ; then
+ dpkg --info "$1"
+ dpkg --contents "$1"
+ else
+ ar tv "$1"
+ ar p "$1" data.tar.gz | tar tzvvf -
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ### Media ###
+ *.bmp|*.gif|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.ico|*.pcd|*.pcx|*.png|*.ppm|*.tga|*.tiff|*.tif)
+ identify "$1" || file -L -- "$1"
+ ;;
+ *.avi|*.mpeg|*.mpg|*.mov|*.qt|*.wmv|*.asf|*.rm|*.ram)
+ midentify "$1" || file -L -- "$1"
+ ;;
+ *.mp3) mp3info "$1" || id3info "$1" ;;
+ *.ogg) ogginfo "$1" ;;
+ *.flac) metaflac --list "$1" ;;
+ *.torrent) torrentinfo-console "$1" || ctorrent -x "$1" ;;
+ *.bin|*.cue|*.raw)
+ # not all .bin/.raw files are cd images, so fall back to hexdump
+ cd-info --no-header --no-device-info "$1" || lesspipe_file "$1"
+ ;;
+ *.iso)
+ iso_info=$(isoinfo -d -i "$1")
+ echo "${iso_info}"
+ # Joliet output overrides Rock Ridge, so prefer the better Rock
+ case ${iso_info} in
+ *$'\n'"Rock Ridge"*) iso_opts="-R";;
+ *$'\n'"Joliet"*) iso_opts="-J";;
+ *) iso_opts="";;
+ esac
+ isoinfo -l ${iso_opts} -i "$1"
+ ;;
+ ### Source code ###
+ *.awk|*.groff|*.java|*.js|*.m4|*.php|*.pl|*.pm|*.pod|*.sh|\
+ *.ad[asb]|*.asm|*.inc|*.[ch]|*.[ch]pp|*.[ch]xx|*.cc|*.hh|\
+ *.lsp|*.l|*.pas|*.p|*.xml|*.xps|*.xsl|*.axp|*.ppd|*.pov|\
+ *.diff|*.patch|*.py|*.rb|*.sql|*.ebuild|*.eclass)
+ # Allow people to flip color off if they dont want it
+ case ${LESSCOLOR} in
+ always) LESSCOLOR=2;;
+ [yY][eE][sS]|1|true) LESSCOLOR=1;;
+ [nN][oO]|0|false) LESSCOLOR=0;;
+ *) LESSCOLOR=0;; # default to no color #188835
+ esac
+ [[ ${LESSCOLORIZER+set} != "set" ]] && LESSCOLORIZER=code2color
+ if [[ ${LESSCOLOR} == "0" ]] || [[ -z ${LESSCOLORIZER} ]] ; then
+ # let less itself handle these files
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # 2: Only colorize if user forces it ...
+ # 1: ... or we know less will handle raw codes -- this will
+ # not detect -seiRM, so set LESSCOLORIZER yourself
+ if [[ ${LESSCOLOR} == "2" ]] || [[ " ${LESS} " == *" -"[rR]" "* ]] ; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+# May not be such a good idea :)
+# ### Device nodes ###
+# /dev/[hs]d[a-z]*)
+# fdisk -l "${1:0:8}"
+# [[ $1 == *hd* ]] && hdparm -I "${1:0:8}"
+# ;;
+ ### Everything else ###
+ *)
+ # Sanity check
+ [[ ${recur} == 2 ]] && exit 0
+ # Maybe we didn't match due to case issues ...
+ if [[ ${recur} == 0 ]] ; then
+ recur=1
+ lesspipe "$1" "$(echo $1 | LC_ALL=C tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+ # Maybe we didn't match because the file is named weird ...
+ else
+ recur=2
+ lesspipe_file "$1"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Usage: <file>"
+elif [[ $1 == "-V" || $1 == "--version" ]] ; then
+ Id="cvsid"
+ cvsid="$Id:,v 1.35 2009/04/11 23:20:51 vapier Exp $"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ $cvsid
+ Copyright 2001-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+ Mike Frysinger <>
+ (with plenty of ideas stolen from other projects/distros)
+ less -V
+elif [[ $1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help" ]] ; then
+ cat <<-EOF
+ preproccess files before sending them to less
+ Usage: <file>
+ specific settings:
+ LESSCOLOR env - toggle colorizing of output (no/yes/always)
+ LESSCOLORIZER env - program used to colorize output (default: code2color)
+ LESSIGNORE - list of extensions to ignore (don't do anything fancy)
+ You can create per-user filters as well by creating the executable file:
+ ~/.lessfilter
+ One argument is passed to it: the file to display.
+ To use, simply add to your environment:
+ export LESSOPEN="| %s"
+ Run 'less --help' or 'man less' for more info
+elif [[ -d $1 ]] ; then
+ ls -alF -- "$1"
+ recur=0
+ lesspipe "$1" 2> /dev/null