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Diffstat (limited to 'net-dialup/martian/martian-20080625.ebuild')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-dialup/martian/martian-20080625.ebuild b/net-dialup/martian/martian-20080625.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..036be39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dialup/martian/martian-20080625.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header $
+inherit linux-mod eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Winmodems with Lucent Apollo (ISA) and Mars (PCI) chipsets"
+LICENSE="GPL-2 AgereSystems-WinModem"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~x86"
+RESTRICT="mirror strip"
+SERIAL_8250_ERROR="This driver requires you to compile your kernel with serial core (CONFIG_SERIAL_8250) support."
+pkg_setup() {
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ if kernel_is 2 4; then
+ eerror "This driver works only with 2.6 kernels!"
+ die "unsupported kernel detected"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ # install kernel module
+ linux-mod_src_install
+ dosbin modem/martian_modem
+pkg_postinst() {
+ linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ if [ "$ROOT" = "/" ]; then
+ /sbin/update-modules
+ fi
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "To make the modem available modprobe martian_dev and run \"martian_modem\"."
+ ewarn "This will make the modem available as /dev/ttySM0."
+ ewarn "When using wvdial add \"Carrier Check = no\" line."
+ if linux_chkconfig_present SMP ; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Please note that Linux support for SMP (symmetric multi processor)"
+ ewarn "is reported to be incompatible with this driver!"
+ ewarn "In case it doesn't work, you should try first to disable CONFIG_SMP in your kernel."
+ fi