# This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. Please add # your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY. # * generated automatically using egencache * app-admin/checksec:update - Support self-update functionality outside of the package-manager app-portage/eix:debug - Build with upstream's CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for debugging support; not recommended for normal use. app-portage/eix:dep - Make DEP=true the default which enables support for {,R,P}DEPEND but requires roughly double disk and memory. app-portage/eix:doc - Create description of the eix cache file additionally in html format app-portage/eix:optimization - Accept upstream's choices for CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for optimization. Absense of this USE flag does not strip user's *FLAGS app-portage/eix:required-use - Make REQUIRED_USE=true the default which enables support for REQUIRED_USE but requires more disk and memory. app-portage/eix:security - This adds some checks which can prevent certain exploits if e.g. the eix code has a bug. If you use the hardened toolchain, using this flag does not increase security and can even lead to problems. app-portage/eix:sqlite - Compile in support for portage's sqlite backend; to actually use it you need additional configuration of portage and eix app-portage/eix:strong-optimization - Adds several more agressive CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for optimization like graphite (if available). May cause trouble with some buggy compiler versions. Absense of this USE flag does not strip user's *FLAGS app-portage/eix:strong-security - Add many checks to prevent exploits if eix code has a bug. This will slow down eix considerably. Use only if you are paranoid or have reasons to suspect a bug. app-portage/eix:swap-remote - Swap role of remote addresses in eix-remote, making the data from gpo.zugaina.org the first choice. app-portage/eix:tools - Create separate binary for script helper tools; useful if they are called extremely often app-portage/portage-postsyncd-mv:portage-utils - Make /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/q-reinit from app-portage/portage-utils non-executable and install a hack in /etc/portage/env/app-portage/portage-utils so that it stays so app-shells/auto-fu-zsh:compile - Byte-compile to speed up. Do not use this if you are cross-compiling app-shells/dash:dumb-echo - Disable echo -n and character sequence interpretation for added fun app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_calc - Rename calc to scalc for compatibility with sci-mathematics/calc app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_compare - Rename compare to scompare for compatibility with imagemagick app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_count - Rename count to scount for compatibility with sys-devel/llvm app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_jsh - Rename jsh to sjsh for compatibility with app-shells/heirloom-sh app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_man2html - Rename man2html to sman2html for compatibility with sys-apps/man app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_p - Rename p to sp for compatibility with dev-util/wiggle app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_bosh - Install bosh, a shell which aims to be fully POSIX compatible app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_calc - Install calc, a bc clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_calltree - Install calltree, a cflow clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_change - Install change, a program to change patterns in files app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_compare - Install compare, a cmp clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_copy - Install copy, a cp clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_count - Install count, a wc clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_cpp - Install cpp, a C preprocessor app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_cstyle - Install Cstyle, a C-codingstyle lint app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_cut - Install scut, a cut clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_hdump - Install hdump, a hexdump clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_label - Install label, a sun disk label manipulator app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_lndir - Install lndir, a program for creating symlinked directory trees app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_man2html - Install a man2html clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_manmake - Install manpages about the schily makefile system app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_match - Install match, a grep clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_mdigest - Install mdigest, e.g. covering md5sum sha*sum app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_mountcd - Install mountcd, a solaris CD comparison tool app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_osh - Install osh, the original sVr4 (SunOS 5) shell with original bugs app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_p - Install p, a more program which filters non-printable characters app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_paste - Install spaste, a paste clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_patch - Install spatch, a patch clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_pxupgrade - Install pxupgrade: upgrading firmware in Plextor CD/DVD writers app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_sccs - Install sfind, a source code control system app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_sfind - Install sfind, a find clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_smake - Install smake, a make clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_termcap - Install termcap, a termcap compiler app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_translit - Install translit, a tr clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_udiff - Install udiff, a diff clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_ved - Install ved, a visual editor with features from vi and emacs app-shells/schily-tools:system-libschily - Rely on app-cdr/cdrtools for providing libschily app-shells/schily-tools:system-star - Rely on app-arch/star for the match manpage app-shells/termcolors-mv:create - Install DIR_COLORS-create perl script app-shells/termcolors-mv:perl - Install 256colors perl script app-shells/zsh:compile - Byte-compile. This costs disk space and may make things faster or slower. Do not use this if you are cross-compiling app-shells/zsh:completion_AIX - Install zsh completions for AIX app-shells/zsh:completion_BSD - Install zsh completions for BSD app-shells/zsh:completion_Cygwin - Install zsh completions for Cygwin app-shells/zsh:completion_Darwin - Install zsh completions for Darwin app-shells/zsh:completion_Debian - Install zsh completions for Debian app-shells/zsh:completion_Linux - Install zsh completions for Linux app-shells/zsh:completion_Mandriva - Install zsh completions for Mandriva app-shells/zsh:completion_Redhat - Install zsh completions for Redhat app-shells/zsh:completion_Solaris - Install zsh completions for Solaris app-shells/zsh:completion_Unix - Install zsh completions for Unix app-shells/zsh:completion_X - Install zsh completions for X app-shells/zsh:completion_openSUSE - Install zsh completions for openSUSE app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Android - Install zsh completions for Android-related programs app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Arch - Install zsh completions for Archlinux app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Google - Install zsh completions for Google tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Linux - Install zsh completions for Linux app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_Unix - Install zsh completions for Unix app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_X - Install zsh completions for X app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_database - Install zsh completions for database programs app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_dev - Install zsh completions for development (build systems, editors, web) app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_disk - Install zsh completions for disk tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_distribute - Install zsh completions for tools for distributing tasks to machines app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_git - Install zsh completions for special git tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_go - Install zsh completions for go-related tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_gtk - Install zsh completions for gtk-related tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_hardware - Install zsh completions for low-level hardware tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_haskell - Install zsh completions for Haskell tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_managers - Install zsh completions for package managers (not portage) app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_multimedia - Install zsh completions for multimedia programs app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_net - Install zsh completions for net-related tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_nfs - Install zsh completions for network filesystem tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_perl - Install zsh completion for perl-related tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_python - Install zsh completion for python development tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_ruby - Install zsh completion for ruby tools and tools in ruby app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_search - Install zsh completion for search tools like sys-apps/ack and sys-apps/the_silver_searcher app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_session - Install zsh completion for session-handling frontends app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_subtitles - Install zsh completion for subtitle tools app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_virtualization - Install zsh completion for virtualization programs app-shells/zsh-completions:completion_web - Install zsh completion for web-related tools incl. java/javascript/scala app-text/lesspipe:antiword - Support doc files with app-text/antiword; this overrides catdoc app-text/lesspipe:cabextract - Support cabextract files app-text/lesspipe:catdoc - Support doc files with app-text/catdoc; unused if antiword is set app-text/lesspipe:cpio - Support cpio files app-text/lesspipe:djvu - Support djvu files app-text/lesspipe:dpkg - Support Debian package files app-text/lesspipe:dvi2tty - Support dvi files with dev-tex/dvi2tty app-text/lesspipe:elinks - Support html files with www-client/elinks; ignored if html2text, links, or lynx is set; this overrides w3m app-text/lesspipe:fastjar - Support jar files with app-arch/fastjar app-text/lesspipe:ghostscript - Support ps files with app-text/ghostscript-gpl; ignored if pstotext is set app-text/lesspipe:gpg - Support gpg files app-text/lesspipe:groff - Support man and nroff files app-text/lesspipe:hdf5 - Support h5dump from sci-libs/hdf5 app-text/lesspipe:html2text - Support html files with app-text/html2text; this overrides links, lynx, elinks, w3m app-text/lesspipe:id3v2 - Support mp3 files with media-sound/id3v2; this overrides mp3info2, mp3info app-text/lesspipe:image - Support image/jpg files app-text/lesspipe:isoinfo - Support CD/DVD-iso files app-text/lesspipe:libplist - Support Apple Property List files app-text/lesspipe:links - Support html files with www-client/links; ignored if html2text is set; this overrides lynx, elinks, w3m app-text/lesspipe:lynx - Support html files with www-client/lynx; ignored if html2text or links is set; this overrides elinks, w3m app-text/lesspipe:lzip - Support lzip files app-text/lesspipe:mp3info - Support mp3 files with media-sound/mp3info; unused if id3v2 or mp3info2 is set app-text/lesspipe:mp3info2 - Support mp3 files with dev-perl/MP3-Tag (mp3info2); ignored if id3v2 is set; this overrides mp3info app-text/lesspipe:netcdf - Support ncdump from sci-libs/netcdf app-text/lesspipe:ooffice - Support OpenOffice files app-text/lesspipe:p7zip - Support p7zip files app-text/lesspipe:pdf - Support pdf files app-text/lesspipe:pstotext - Support ps files with app-text/pstotext; this overrides ghostscript app-text/lesspipe:rar - Support rar files with app-arch/rar; unused if unrar is set app-text/lesspipe:rpm - Support rpm files with app-arch/rpm or rpm5; ignored if rpm2targz is set app-text/lesspipe:rpm2targz - Support rpm files with app-arch/rpm2targz; this overrides rpm app-text/lesspipe:unrar - Support rar files with app-arch/unrar; this overrides rar app-text/lesspipe:unrtf - Support rtf files with app-text/unrtf app-text/lesspipe:unzip - Support zip files with app-arch/unzip app-text/lesspipe:w3m - Support html files with www-client/w3m; ignored if html2text, links, lynx, or elinks is set app-text/lesspipe:xlhtml - Support Excel and Powerpoint files with app-arch/xlhtml app-text/stardict:advertisement - Enable stardict advertisements plugin app-text/stardict:cal - Enable calendar support using cal program app-text/stardict:canberra - Use libcanberra for sound playing app-text/stardict:dictdotcn - Enable dict.cn network plugin (for Chinese language) app-text/stardict:espeak - Enable text to speech synthesizer plugin using app-accessibility/espeak engine app-text/stardict:flite - Enable text to speech synthesizer plugin using app-accessibility/flite engine app-text/stardict:fortune - Enable plugin to read fortune messages using games-misc/fortune-mod. You may consider installing games-misc/fortune-mod-all to get all fortune messages. app-text/stardict:gucharmap - Enable plugin for unicode symbols description using gnome-extra/gucharmap app-text/stardict:htmlparse - Enable plugin to parse dictionaries with html content app-text/stardict:info - Enable plugin to read info pages app-text/stardict:man - Enable plugin to read manual pages app-text/stardict:powerwordparse - Enable plugin to parse powerword dictionaries app-text/stardict:pronounce - Install WyabdcRealPeopleTTS package (it is just many .wav files) to make StarDict pronounce English words app-text/stardict:qqwry - Enable QQWry plugin, which provides information (in Chinese language) about geographical positions, owner, etc. for IP addresses app-text/stardict:tools - Build and install dictionary management tools and converters from various dictionary formats app-text/stardict:updateinfo - Enable plugin to check for stardict updates app-text/stardict:wikiparse - Enable plugin to parse dictionaries in wikimedia format app-text/stardict:wordnet - Enable wordnet plugin to find similar English words using lexical database app-text/stardict:xdxfparse - Enable plugin to parse dictionaries in xdxf (XML Dictionary eXchange Format) app-text/stardict:youdaodict - Enable youdao.com network plugin (for Chinese language) games-emulation/xmame:bundled-libs - Use bundled version of dev-libs/expat games-emulation/xmame:net - Add network support games-emulation/xmess:bundled-libs - Use bundled version of dev-libs/expat games-emulation/xmess:net - Add network support games-rpg/m5figur-mv:examples - Compile example character sheet as PDF games-rpg/magus:browser_elinks - Use elinks as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_firefox - Use firefox as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_konqueror - Use konqueror as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_links - Use links as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_lynx - Use lynx as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_palemoon - Use palemoon as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_seamonkey - Use seamonkey as browser games-rpg/magus:imagemagick - Use convert from graphicsmagick/imagemagick to scale pictures before installation games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_acroread - Use acroread as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_apvlv - Use apvlv as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_evince - Use evince as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_mupdf - Use mupdf as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_okular - Use okular as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_qpdfview - Use qpdfview as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_zathura - Use zathura as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pngcrush - Use pngcrush for opimizing png before installation games-rpg/magus:postgres - Use postgresql instead of sqlite mail-client/alpine:chappa - enhance alpine by applying Eduardo Chappa's patches mail-client/alpine:onlyalpine - installs only the alpine binary, so it does not collied with app-editors/pico and/or mail-client/pine mail-client/alpine:passfile - Adds support for caching passwords into a file between sessions mail-client/alpine:smime - Enable support for S/MIME mail-client/alpine:topal - Enable support for net-mail/topal media-gfx/pqiv:gtk2 - Use gtk:2 instead of gtk:3 media-libs/avidemux-core:system-ffmpeg - Use the ffmpeg provided by the system. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:aften - Enable A/52 (AC-3) audio encoder support. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:amr - Enable Adaptive Multi-Rate format support via media-libs/opencore-amr. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:fribidi - Enable unicode bidirectional algorithm support via dev-libs/fribidi. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:nvenc - Adds support for NVIDIA Encoder (NVENC) API for hardware accelerated encoding on NVIDIA cards. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:opus - Adds support for the Opus codec via media-libs/opus. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:twolame - Enable TwoLAME support via media-sound/twolame, an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:vpx - Enable WebM VP8 Codec SDK support via media-libs/libvpx. media-libs/avidemux-plugins:x265 - Enables HEVC support with media-libs/x265. media-tv/sundtek-tv:ld-preload-env - Install LD_PRELOAD in /etc/env.d/50sundtek-tv media-tv/sundtek-tv:ld-preload-file - Install /etc/ld.so.preload media-tv/sundtek-tv:pax_kernel - Mark package which is necessary if you use a PAX kernel net-dns/noip-updater:ezipupd - Use user/group ezipupd instead of nobody: Useful if you restrict outgoing network traffic for user nobody net-firewall/firewall-mv:old-openrc - Install rudimentary support for /etc/modules.load.d for sys-apps/openrc-0.21.5 or older. This is a temporary hack of /etc/conf.d/modules which should not be used with more recent versions of sys-apps/openrc. Therefore, newer or older versions of openrc are blocked depending on this flag, respectively. net-misc/sshstart:keychain - Pull in keychain as dependency. Not required, but recommended for smoother operation. net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1000 - HP LJ 1000 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1005 - HP LJ 1005 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1018 - HP LJ 1018 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1020 - HP LJ 1020 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1025 - HP LaserJet Pro CP1025nw ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1215 - HP Color LaserJet CP1215 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1500 - HP Color LaserJet 1500 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1600 - HP Color LaserJet 1600 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp2600n - HP Color LaserJet 2600n ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1005 - HP LJ P1005 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1006 - HP LJ P1006 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1007 - HP LJ P1007 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1008 - HP LJ P1008 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1505 - HP LJ P1505 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2200 - Minolta 2200 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2300 - Minolta 2300 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2430 - Konica Minolta 2430 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2480 - Konica Minolta 2480 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2490 - Konica Minolta 2490 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2530 - Konica Minolta 2530 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_kmcpwl - Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_lm500 - Lexmark C500 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki301 - Oki C301dn ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki310 - Oki C310dn ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3100 - Oki C3100 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3200 - Oki C3200 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3300 - Oki C3300 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3400 - Oki C3400 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3530 - Oki C3530 MFP ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5100 - Oki C5100 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki511 - Oki C511dn ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5150 - Oki C5150n ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5200 - Oki C5200 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5250 - Oki C5250n ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5500 - Oki C5500 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5600 - Oki C5600 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5800 - Oki C5800 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki810 - Oki C810 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oli160 - Olivetti d-Color P160W ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa2160 - Samsung CLX-2160 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa300 - Samsung CLP-300 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa310 - Samsung CLP-310 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa315 - Samsung CLP-315 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa3160 - Samsung CLX-3160 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa3175 - Samsung CLX-3175 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa3185 - Samsung CLX-3185 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa325 - Samsung CLP-325 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa360 - Samsung CLP-360 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa365 - Samsung CLP-365 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa600 - Samsung CLP-600 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa610 - Samsung CLP-610 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_xp6110 - Xerox Phaser 6110 and 6110MFP ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_xp6115 - Xerox Phaser 6115MFP ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foomaticdb - Add support for the foomatic printing driver database sys-apps/less:less-select - Add the less-select feature (additional options and a binary helper). sys-apps/less:lesspipe - Default to lesspipe.sh from app-text/lesspipe instead of the gentoo specific lesspipe. sys-apps/less:original-gentoo - Use the gentoo default for the LESS variable. sys-apps/less:source - Install sources for keybindings (only useful with less-select). sys-fs/aufs:all-patches - Apply all patches - also those which do not start with aufs sys-fs/aufs:kernel-patch - Apply the aufs kernel patches instead of just copying them sys-fs/squash_dir:aufs - Prefer aufs sys-fs/squash_dir:bundled-openrc-wrapper - Install the bundled openrc-wrapper sys-fs/squash_dir:overlayfs - Prefer overlayfs sys-fs/squash_dir:unionfs-fuse - Prefer unionfs-fuse sys-fs/squashfs-tools:lz4 - Enable support for LZ4 compression using app-arch/lz4 sys-fs/squashfs-tools:xz - Enable support for XZ ("LZMA2") compression using app-arch/xz-utils sys-process/systemd-cron:cron-boot - Include support for the boot timer. sys-process/systemd-cron:etc-crontab-systemd - Use dedicated /etc/crontab-systemd instead of parsing /etc/crontab sys-process/systemd-cron:minutely - Support /etc/cron.minutely sys-process/systemd-cron:setgid - Compile setgid C helper for crontab. Needs GCC or Clang. sys-process/systemd-cron:yearly - Support /etc/cron.yearly x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:kernel3-13 - Install unofficial patches for linux-3.13 and newer x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:kernel3-14 - Install unofficial patches for linux-3.14 and newer x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:kernel3-17 - Install unofficial patches for linux-3.17 and newer x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:pax_kernel - Patch to compile with hardened-sources/grsecurity x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:tools - Install additional tools such as nvidia-settings x11-libs/gtk+:adwaita-icon-theme - Force the adwaita-icon-theme x11-libs/gtk+:atk-bridge - Enable the gtk3-atk-bridge, hard depending on app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk and thus on sys-apps/dbus x11-libs/gtk+:broadway - Enable the GDK Broadway backend. x11-libs/gtk+:cloudprint - Enable printing via Google Cloud Print. x11-libs/gtk+:colord - Use x11-misc/colord for color management in printing x11-libs/motif:motif22-compatibility - Compatibility with Open Motif 2.2 x11-misc/redshift:geoclue - Control dependency on app-misc/geoclue x11-wm/fvwm:gtk2-perl - Enable GTK2 Perl bindings x11-wm/fvwm:lock - Enable screen locking x11-wm/fvwm:netpbm - Enable NetPBM support (used by FvwmScript-ScreenDump) x11-wm/fvwm:rplay - Enable rplay support x11-wm/fvwm:stroke - Mouse Gesture support