# This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. Please add # your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY. # * generated automatically using egencache * app-cdr/cdrtools:schily-tools - Use libschily from app-shells/schily-tools app-portage/eix:debug - Build with upstream's CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for debugging support; not recommended for normal use. app-portage/eix:dep - Make DEP=true the default which enables support for {,R,P}DEPEND but requires roughly double disk and memory. app-portage/eix:doc - Create description of the eix cache file additionally in html format app-portage/eix:jumbo-build - Compile faster and produce better binary. Recommended unless compiling on a quite memory-restricted system. app-portage/eix:meson - Build with meson instead of autotools. Faster but less compatible app-portage/eix:optimization - Accept upstream's choices for CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for optimization. Absense of this USE flag does not strip user's *FLAGS app-portage/eix:required-use - Make REQUIRED_USE=true the default which enables support for REQUIRED_USE but requires more disk and memory. app-portage/eix:security - This adds some checks which can prevent certain exploits if e.g. the eix code has a bug. If you use the hardened toolchain, using this flag does not increase security and can even lead to problems. app-portage/eix:sqlite - Compile in support for portage's sqlite backend; to actually use it you need additional configuration of portage and eix app-portage/eix:strong-optimization - Adds several more agressive CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for optimization like graphite (if available). May cause trouble with some buggy compiler versions. Absense of this USE flag does not strip user's *FLAGS app-portage/eix:strong-security - Add many checks to prevent exploits if eix code has a bug. This will slow down eix considerably. Use only if you are paranoid or have reasons to suspect a bug. app-portage/eix:swap-remote - Swap role of remote addresses in eix-remote, making the data from gpo.zugaina.org the first choice. app-portage/eix:tools - Create separate binary for script helper tools; useful if they are called extremely often app-portage/portage-bashrc-mv:ccache - Install a script for CCACHE_* variable support. This requires dev-util/ccache app-portage/portage-bashrc-mv:cflags - Install a script for /etc/portage/package.cflags support. Requires app-portage/eix for fast parsing app-portage/portage-bashrc-mv:localepurge - Install a script to remove unneeded locales. Requires the config files of app-admin/localepurge app-portage/portage-bashrc-mv:remove-la - Install a script to remove unneeded .ls files app-portage/portage-bashrc-mv:title - Install a script to display the expected merge time. Requires app-portage/portage-utils and app-shells/runtitle app-portage/portage-postsyncd-mv:portage-utils - Make /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/q-reinit from app-portage/portage-utils non-executable and install a hack in /etc/portage/env/app-portage/portage-utils so that it stays so app-shells/auto-fu-zsh:compile - Byte-compile to speed up. Do not use this if you are cross-compiling app-shells/dash:vanilla - Let echo escapes and -n work as decided by upstream app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_calc - Rename calc to scalc for compatibility with sci-mathematics/calc app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_compare - Rename compare to scompare for compatibility with imagemagick app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_count - Rename count to scount for compatibility with sys-devel/llvm app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_jsh - Rename jsh to sjsh for compatibility with app-shells/heirloom-sh app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_libschily - Rename some manpages from libschily for compatibility with sys-apps/man app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_man2html - Rename man2html to sman2html for compatibility with sys-apps/man app-shells/schily-tools:renameschily_p - Rename p to sp for compatibility with dev-util/wiggle app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_bosh - Install bosh, a shell which aims to be fully POSIX compatible app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_calc - Install calc, a bc clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_calltree - Install calltree, a cflow clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_change - Install change, a program to change patterns in files app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_compare - Install compare, a cmp clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_copy - Install copy, a cp clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_count - Install count, a wc clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_cpp - Install cpp, a C preprocessor app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_cstyle - Install Cstyle, a C-codingstyle lint app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_cut - Install scut, a cut clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_hdump - Install hdump, a hexdump clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_label - Install label, a sun disk label manipulator app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_lndir - Install lndir, a program for creating symlinked directory trees app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_man2html - Install a man2html clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_manmake - Install manpages about the schily makefile system app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_match - Install match, a grep clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_mdigest - Install mdigest, e.g. covering md5sum sha*sum app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_mountcd - Install mountcd, a solaris CD comparison tool app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_osh - Install osh, the original sVr4 (SunOS 5) shell with original bugs app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_p - Install p, a more program which filters non-printable characters app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_paste - Install spaste, a paste clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_patch - Install spatch, a patch clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_pxupgrade - Install pxupgrade: upgrading firmware in Plextor CD/DVD writers app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_sccs - Install sfind, a source code control system app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_sfind - Install sfind, a find clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_smake - Install smake, a make clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_termcap - Install termcap, a termcap compiler app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_translit - Install translit, a tr clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_udiff - Install udiff, a diff clone app-shells/schily-tools:schilytools_ved - Install ved, a visual editor with features from vi and emacs app-shells/schily-tools:system-libschily - Rely on app-cdr/cdrtools for providing libschily app-shells/schily-tools:system-star - Rely on app-arch/star for the match manpage app-shells/termcolors-mv:create - Install DIR_COLORS-create perl script app-shells/termcolors-mv:perl - Install 256colors perl script app-shells/termcolors-mv:poor - Install poor man's variant which does not require coreutils-8.25 or newer app-text/lesspipe:antiword - Support doc files with app-text/antiword; this overrides catdoc app-text/lesspipe:brotli - Support brotli files; requires app-arch/brotli app-text/lesspipe:cabextract - Support cabextract files app-text/lesspipe:catdoc - Support doc files with app-text/catdoc; unused if antiword is set app-text/lesspipe:cpio - Support cpio files app-text/lesspipe:djvu - Support djvu files app-text/lesspipe:dpkg - Support Debian package files app-text/lesspipe:dvi2tty - Support dvi files with dev-tex/dvi2tty app-text/lesspipe:elinks - Support html files with www-client/elinks; ignored if html2text, links, or lynx is set; this overrides w3m app-text/lesspipe:fastjar - Support jar files with app-arch/fastjar app-text/lesspipe:ghostscript - Support ps files with app-text/ghostscript-gpl; ignored if pstotext is set app-text/lesspipe:gpg - Support gpg files app-text/lesspipe:groff - Support man and nroff files app-text/lesspipe:hdf5 - Support h5dump from sci-libs/hdf5 app-text/lesspipe:html2text - Support html files with app-text/html2text; this overrides links, lynx, elinks, w3m app-text/lesspipe:id3v2 - Support mp3 files with media-sound/id3v2; this overrides mp3info2, mp3info app-text/lesspipe:image - Support image/jpg files app-text/lesspipe:isoinfo - Support CD/DVD-iso files app-text/lesspipe:libplist - Support Apple Property List files app-text/lesspipe:links - Support html files with www-client/links; ignored if html2text is set; this overrides lynx, elinks, w3m app-text/lesspipe:lynx - Support html files with www-client/lynx; ignored if html2text or links is set; this overrides elinks, w3m app-text/lesspipe:lz4 - Support lz4 files; requires app-arch/lz4 app-text/lesspipe:lzip - Support lzip files app-text/lesspipe:mp3info - Support mp3 files with media-sound/mp3info; unused if id3v2 or mp3info2 is set app-text/lesspipe:mp3info2 - Support mp3 files with dev-perl/MP3-Tag (mp3info2); ignored if id3v2 is set; this overrides mp3info app-text/lesspipe:netcdf - Support ncdump from sci-libs/netcdf app-text/lesspipe:ooffice - Support OpenOffice files app-text/lesspipe:p7zip - Support p7zip files app-text/lesspipe:pdf - Support pdf files app-text/lesspipe:pstotext - Support ps files with app-text/pstotext; this overrides ghostscript app-text/lesspipe:rar - Support rar files with app-arch/rar; unused if unrar is set app-text/lesspipe:rpm - Support rpm files with app-arch/rpm or rpm5; ignored if rpm2targz is set app-text/lesspipe:rpm2targz - Support rpm files with app-arch/rpm2targz; this overrides rpm app-text/lesspipe:unrar - Support rar files with app-arch/unrar; this overrides rar app-text/lesspipe:unrtf - Support rtf files with app-text/unrtf app-text/lesspipe:unzip - Support zip files with app-arch/unzip app-text/lesspipe:w3m - Support html files with www-client/w3m; ignored if html2text, links, lynx, or elinks is set app-text/lesspipe:xlhtml - Support Excel and Powerpoint files with app-arch/xlhtml app-text/lesspipe:zstd - Support brotli files; requires app-arch/zstd app-text/stardict:advertisement - Enable stardict advertisements plugin app-text/stardict:cal - Enable calendar support using cal program app-text/stardict:canberra - Use libcanberra for sound playing app-text/stardict:dictdotcn - Enable dict.cn network plugin (for Chinese language) app-text/stardict:espeak - Enable text to speech synthesizer plugin using app-accessibility/espeak engine app-text/stardict:flite - Enable text to speech synthesizer plugin using app-accessibility/flite engine app-text/stardict:fortune - Enable plugin to read fortune messages using games-misc/fortune-mod. You may consider installing games-misc/fortune-mod-all to get all fortune messages. app-text/stardict:gucharmap - Enable plugin for unicode symbols description using gnome-extra/gucharmap app-text/stardict:htmlparse - Enable plugin to parse dictionaries with html content app-text/stardict:info - Enable plugin to read info pages app-text/stardict:man - Enable plugin to read manual pages app-text/stardict:powerwordparse - Enable plugin to parse powerword dictionaries app-text/stardict:pronounce - Install WyabdcRealPeopleTTS package (it is just many .wav files) to make StarDict pronounce English words app-text/stardict:qqwry - Enable QQWry plugin, which provides information (in Chinese language) about geographical positions, owner, etc. for IP addresses app-text/stardict:tools - Build and install dictionary management tools and converters from various dictionary formats app-text/stardict:updateinfo - Enable plugin to check for stardict updates app-text/stardict:wikiparse - Enable plugin to parse dictionaries in wikimedia format app-text/stardict:wordnet - Enable wordnet plugin to find similar English words using lexical database app-text/stardict:xdxfparse - Enable plugin to parse dictionaries in xdxf (XML Dictionary eXchange Format) app-text/stardict:youdaodict - Enable youdao.com network plugin (for Chinese language) games-board/chessproblem:debug - Build with upstream's CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for debugging support; not recommended for normal use. games-board/chessproblem:multithreading - Install multithreading version games-board/chessproblem:optimization - Accept upstream's choices for CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for optimization. Absense of this USE flag does not strip user's *FLAGS games-board/chessproblem:propagate-signal - Use signal propagation for thread pruning. Requires more memory; it is faster in some cases, but slower in others games-board/chessproblem:strong-optimization - Adds several more agressive CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS for optimization like graphite (if available). May cause trouble with some buggy compiler versions. Absense of this USE flag does not strip user's *FLAGS games-emulation/sdlmame:arcade - Enable the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for arcade games support games-emulation/sdlmame:mess - Enable the Multi Emulator Super System for game system support games-emulation/sdlmame:tools - Build development tools shared between sdlmame and sdlmess games-emulation/xmame:bundled-libs - Use bundled version of dev-libs/expat games-emulation/xmame:net - Add network support games-emulation/xmess:bundled-libs - Use bundled version of dev-libs/expat games-emulation/xmess:net - Add network support games-rpg/m5figur-mv:examples - Compile example character sheet as PDF games-rpg/magus:browser_elinks - Use elinks as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_firefox - Use firefox as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_konqueror - Use konqueror as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_links - Use links as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_lynx - Use lynx as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_palemoon - Use palemoon as browser games-rpg/magus:browser_seamonkey - Use seamonkey as browser games-rpg/magus:imagemagick - Use convert from graphicsmagick/imagemagick to scale pictures before installation games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_acroread - Use acroread as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_apvlv - Use apvlv as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_evince - Use evince as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_mupdf - Use mupdf as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_okular - Use okular as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_qpdfview - Use qpdfview as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pdfviewer_zathura - Use zathura as default pdfviewer games-rpg/magus:pngcrush - Use pngcrush for opimizing png before installation games-rpg/magus:postgres - Use postgresql instead of sqlite mail-client/alpine:chappa - enhance alpine by applying Eduardo Chappa's patches mail-client/alpine:onlyalpine - installs only the alpine binary, so it does not collied with app-editors/pico and/or mail-client/pine mail-client/alpine:passfile - Adds support for caching passwords into a file between sessions mail-client/alpine:smime - Enable support for S/MIME media-gfx/pqiv:archive - Enable support for images in archives and cbX comic book files media-gfx/pqiv:gtk2 - Use gtk:2 instead of gtk:3 media-tv/sundtek-tv:ld-preload-env - Install LD_PRELOAD in /etc/env.d/50sundtek-tv media-tv/sundtek-tv:ld-preload-file - Install /etc/ld.so.preload media-tv/sundtek-tv:pax_kernel - Mark package which is necessary if you use a PAX kernel media-tv/w_scan:plp-id-zero - Apply experimental patch to force plp_id to 0 for DVB-T2. Seems to be necessary at least with some tuners in some regions net-dns/noip-updater:ezipupd - Use user/group ezipupd instead of nobody: Useful if you restrict outgoing network traffic for user nobody net-misc/sshstart:keychain - Pull in keychain as dependency. Not required, but recommended for smoother operation. net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1000 - HP LJ 1000 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1005 - HP LJ 1005 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1018 - HP LJ 1018 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1020 - HP LJ 1020 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1025 - HP LaserJet Pro CP1025nw ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1215 - HP Color LaserJet CP1215 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1500 - HP Color LaserJet 1500 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp1600 - HP Color LaserJet 1600 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hp2600n - HP Color LaserJet 2600n ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1005 - HP LJ P1005 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1006 - HP LJ P1006 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1007 - HP LJ P1007 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1008 - HP LJ P1008 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_hpp1505 - HP LJ P1505 firmware net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2200 - Minolta 2200 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2300 - Minolta 2300 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2430 - Konica Minolta 2430 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2480 - Konica Minolta 2480 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2490 - Konica Minolta 2490 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_km2530 - Konica Minolta 2530 DL ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_kmcpwl - Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_lm500 - Lexmark C500 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki301 - Oki C301dn ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki310 - Oki C310dn ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3100 - Oki C3100 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3200 - Oki C3200 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3300 - Oki C3300 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3400 - Oki C3400 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki3530 - Oki C3530 MFP ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5100 - Oki C5100 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki511 - Oki C511dn ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5150 - Oki C5150n ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5200 - Oki C5200 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5250 - Oki C5250n ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5500 - Oki C5500 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5600 - Oki C5600 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki5800 - Oki C5800 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oki810 - Oki C810 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_oli160 - Olivetti d-Color P160W ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa2160 - Samsung CLX-2160 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa300 - Samsung CLP-300 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa310 - Samsung CLP-310 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa315 - Samsung CLP-315 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa3160 - Samsung CLX-3160 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa3175 - Samsung CLX-3175 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa3185 - Samsung CLX-3185 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa325 - Samsung CLP-325 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa360 - Samsung CLP-360 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa365 - Samsung CLP-365 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa600 - Samsung CLP-600 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_sa610 - Samsung CLP-610 ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_xp6110 - Xerox Phaser 6110 and 6110MFP ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foo2zjs_devices_xp6115 - Xerox Phaser 6115MFP ICM net-print/foo2zjs:foomaticdb - Add support for the foomatic printing driver database sci-geosciences/googleearth:bundled-libs - Use bundled libraries. sci-geosciences/googleearth:bundled-qt - Use bundled qt. sys-apps/less:less-select - Add the less-select feature (additional options and a binary helper). sys-apps/less:lesspipe - Default to lesspipe.sh from app-text/lesspipe instead of the gentoo specific lesspipe. sys-apps/less:original-gentoo - Use the gentoo default for the LESS variable. sys-apps/less:source - Install sources for keybindings (only useful with less-select). sys-block/parted:debug - Enable debugging as encouraged by upstream: [The default configuration] includes --enable-debug (by default), which contains many assertions. Obviously, these "waste" space, but in the past, they have caught potentially dangerous bugs before they would have done damage, so we think it's worth it. Also, it means we get more bug reports ;) sys-block/parted:device-mapper - Enable device-mapper support from sys-fs/lvm2 in parted sys-block/parted:standalone - Install a standalone version which provides all headers and binaries which collide with sys-block/parted:0. If this flag is not set, sys-block/parted:0 is pulled in to provide the non-installed headers and binaries. sys-fs/aufs:all-patches - Apply all patches - also those which do not start with aufs sys-fs/aufs:kernel-patch - Apply the aufs kernel patches instead of just copying them sys-fs/squash_dir:aufs - Prefer aufs sys-fs/squash_dir:bundled-openrc-wrapper - Install the bundled openrc-wrapper sys-fs/squash_dir:overlayfs - Prefer overlayfs sys-fs/squash_dir:unionfs-fuse - Prefer unionfs-fuse sys-fs/squashfs-tools:lz4 - Enable support for LZ4 compression using app-arch/lz4 sys-fs/squashfs-tools:xz - Enable support for XZ ("LZMA2") compression using app-arch/xz-utils sys-fs/squashfs-tools:zstd - Enable support for ZSTD compression using app-arch/zstd (requires >=linux-4.14 or >=sys-fs/squashfuse-0.1.101_alpha20170917) sys-fs/squashfuse:lz4 - Enable support for lz4 compression sys-fs/squashfuse:zstd - Enable support for zstd compression sys-power/nut:ipmi - Support IPMI-based UPSes. sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_al175 - Driver for Eltek UPS models with AL175 alarm module sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_apcsmart - Driver for American Power Conversion Smart Protocol UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_apcsmart-old - Driver for American Power Conversion Smart Protocol UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_apcupsd-ups - Driver for apcupsd client access sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_bcmxcp - Driver for UPSes supporting the serial BCM/XCP protocol sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_bcmxcp_usb - Experimental driver for UPSes supporting the BCM/XCP protocol over USB sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_belkin - Driver for Belkin serial UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_belkinunv - Driver for Belkin "Universal UPS" and compatible sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_bestfcom - Driver for Best Power Fortress/Ferrups sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_bestfortress - Driver for old Best Fortress UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_bestuferrups - Driver for Best Power Micro-Ferrups sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_bestups - Driver for Best Power / SOLA (Phoenixtec protocol) UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_blazer_ser - Driver for Megatec/Q1 protocol serial based UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_blazer_usb - Driver for Megatec/Q1 protocol USB based UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_clone - Fake driver to clone outlets for device grouping sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_clone-outlet - Fake driver to clone outlets for device grouping sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_dummy-ups - Driver for multi-purpose UPS emulation sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_etapro - Driver for ETA UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_everups - Driver for Ever UPS models sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_gamatronic - Driver for Gamatronic UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_genericups - Driver for contact-closure UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_isbmex - Driver for ISBMEX UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_ivtscd - driver for the IVT Solar Controller Device sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_liebert - Driver for Liebert contact-closure UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_liebert-esp2 - Driver for Liebert UPS, using the ESP-II serial protocol sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_masterguard - Driver for Masterguard UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_metasys - Driver for Meta System UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_mge-shut - Driver for SHUT Protocol UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_mge-utalk - Driver for MGE UPS SYSTEMS UTalk protocol equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_microdowell - Driver for Microdowell Enterprise UPS series sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_netxml-ups - Driver for Eaton / MGE Network Management Card / Proxy (XML/HTTP Protocol) equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_nut-ipmipsu - Driver for IPMI Power Supply Units (PSU) sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_nutdrv_qx - Driver for Q* protocol serial and USB based UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_oldmge-shut - Driver for SHUT Protocol UPS equipment (older implementation) sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_oneac - Driver for Oneac UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_optiups - Driver for Opti-UPS (Viewsonic) UPS and Zinto D (ONLINE-USV) equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_powercom - UPS driver for serial Powercom/Trust/Advice UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_powerpanel - Driver for PowerPanel Plus compatible UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_rhino - Driver for Brazilian Microsol RHINO UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_richcomm_usb - Driver UPS equipment using Richcomm dry-contact to USB solution sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_riello_ser - Driver for Riello UPS Protocol UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_riello_usb - Driver for Riello UPS Protocol UPS equipment via USB sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_safenet - Driver for SafeNet compatible UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_snmp-ups - Multi-MIB Driver for SNMP UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_solis - Driver for Brazilian Microsol SOLIS UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_tripplite - Driver for Tripp-Lite SmartPro UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_tripplite_usb - Driver for older Tripp Lite USB UPSes (not PDC HID) sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_tripplitesu - Driver for Tripp-Lite SmartOnline (SU) UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_upscode2 - Driver for UPScode II compatible UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_usbhid-ups - Driver for USB/HID UPS equipment sys-power/nut:ups_drivers_victronups - Driver for IMV/Victron UPS unit Match, Match Lite, NetUps x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:kernel3-13 - Install unofficial patches for linux-3.13 and newer x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:kernel3-14 - Install unofficial patches for linux-3.14 and newer x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:kernel3-17 - Install unofficial patches for linux-3.17 and newer x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:pax_kernel - Patch to compile with hardened-sources/grsecurity x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:tools - Install additional tools such as nvidia-settings x11-libs/gtk+:adwaita-icon-theme - Force the adwaita-icon-theme x11-libs/gtk+:atk-bridge - Enable the gtk3-atk-bridge, hard depending on app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk and thus on sys-apps/dbus x11-libs/gtk+:broadway - Enable the GDK Broadway backend. x11-libs/gtk+:cloudprint - Enable printing via Google Cloud Print. x11-libs/gtk+:colord - Use x11-misc/colord for color management in printing x11-libs/motif:motif22-compatibility - Compatibility with Open Motif 2.2 x11-misc/redshift:geoclue - Control dependency on app-misc/geoclue x11-wm/fvwm:gtk2-perl - Enable GTK2 Perl bindings x11-wm/fvwm:lock - Enable screen locking x11-wm/fvwm:netpbm - Enable NetPBM support (used by FvwmScript-ScreenDump) x11-wm/fvwm:rplay - Enable rplay support x11-wm/fvwm:stroke - Mouse Gesture support