# ChangeLog for sys-apps/cpi # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ *cpi-1.6 (07 May 2012) 12 May 2012; Martin Väth base->eutils 07 May 2012; Martin Väth Version bump, remove old ebuild. *cpi-1.5 (04 May 2012) 04 May 2012; Martin Väth Version bump, remove old ebuild. *cpi-1.4 (08 Apr 2012) 15 Apr 2012; Martin Väth Inherit base 08 Apr 2012; Martin Väth Version bump, remove old ebuild. *cpi-1.3 (28 Feb 2012) 19 Mar 2012; Martin Väth Use vcs-snapshot.eclass 28 Feb 2012; Martin Väth Version bump, remove old ebuild. *cpi-1.2 (05 Feb 2012) 05 Feb 2012; Martin Väth Version bump, remove old ebuild. Allow touch or forcing of cp -a; options -tfh; diff -q; zsh completion *cpi-1.0 (03 Feb 2012) 03 Feb 2012; Martin Väth New ebuild from scratch.