diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/php/files/eblits/src_install-v1.eblit')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/php/files/eblits/src_install-v1.eblit b/dev-lang/php/files/eblits/src_install-v1.eblit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cef456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/php/files/eblits/src_install-v1.eblit
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/php/files/eblits/Attic/src_install-v1.eblit,v 1.1 2010/05/27 23:05:04 mabi Exp $
+eblit-php-src_install() {
+ # Makefile forgets to create this before trying to write to it...
+ dodir "${PHP_DESTDIR}/bin"
+ # Install php environment (without any sapis)
+ emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" \
+ install-build install-headers install-programs \
+ || die "emake install failed"
+ local extension_dir="$("${D}/${PHP_DESTDIR}/bin/php-config" --extension-dir)"
+ # And install the modules to it
+ if use sharedext ; then
+ insinto "${extension_dir}"
+ doins "${S}/modules/"*.so
+ fi
+ # Generate the USE file for PHP
+ phpconfutils_generate_usefile
+ # Create the directory where we'll put version-specific php scripts
+ keepdir /usr/share/php${PHP_MV}
+ if use cli ; then
+ einfo "Installing SAPI: cli"
+ into "${PHP_DESTDIR}"
+ dobin "${SAPIS}"/cli/php \
+ || die "Unable to install cli sapi"
+ php_install_ini cli
+ fi
+ if use cgi ; then
+ einfo "Installing SAPI: cgi"
+ into "${PHP_DESTDIR}" # needed each time, php_install_ini would reset it
+ dobin "${SAPIS}"/cgi/php-cgi \
+ || die "Unable to install cgi sapi"
+ php_install_ini cgi
+ fi
+ if use embed ; then
+ einfo "Installing SAPI: embed"
+ into "${PHP_DESTDIR}"
+ "${SAPIS}"/embed/ \
+ || die "Unable to install embed sapi"
+ php_install_ini embed
+ fi
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ einfo "Installing SAPI: apache2"
+ emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install-sapi || \
+ die "Unable to install apache2 SAPI"
+ if use concurrentmodphp ; then
+ einfo "Installing Apache2 config file 70_mod_php${PHP_MV}_concurr.conf"
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/70_mod_php${PHP_MV}_concurr.conf-apache2" \
+ "70_mod_php${PHP_MV}_concurr.conf"
+ # Put the ld version script in the right place so it's alwayas
+ # accessible
+ insinto "/var/lib/php-pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PN}-${PVR}/"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/php${PHP_MV}-ldvs"
+ else
+ einfo "Installing Apache2 config 70_mod_php${PHP_MV}.conf)"
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/70_mod_php${PHP_MV}.conf-apache2" \
+ "70_mod_php${PHP_MV}.conf"
+ fi
+ php_install_ini apache2
+ fi
+ # Install env.d files
+ newenvd "${FILESDIR}/20php${PHP_MV}-envd" \
+ "20php${PHP_MV}"
+ sed -e "s|/lib/|/$(get_libdir)/|g" -i \
+ "${D}/etc/env.d/20php${PHP_MV}"
+php_install_ini() {
+ local phpsapi="${1}"
+ # work out where we are installing the ini file
+ php_set_ini_dir "${phpsapi}"
+ local phpinisrc="${PHP_INI_UPSTREAM}-${phpsapi}"
+ cp "${PHP_INI_UPSTREAM}" "${phpinisrc}"
+ # default to expose_php=Off, bug 300695
+ sed -e 's|^expose_php .*|expose_php = Off|g' -i "${phpinisrc}"
+ # Set the extension dir
+ sed -e "s|^extension_dir .*$|extension_dir = ${extension_dir}|g" -i "${phpinisrc}"
+ # Set the include path to point to where we want to find PEAR packages
+ sed -e 's|^;include_path = ".:/php/includes".*|include_path = ".:/usr/share/php'${PHP_MV}':/usr/share/php"|' -i "${phpinisrc}"
+ dodir ${PHP_INI_DIR}
+ insinto ${PHP_INI_DIR}
+ newins "${phpinisrc}" ${PHP_INI_FILE}
+ dodir ${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR}
+ # Install any extensions built as shared objects
+ if use sharedext ; then
+ insinto "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR}"
+ for extension in "${D}/${extension_dir}/"*.so ; do
+ extension="${extension##*/}"
+ inifilename="${extension/.so/.ini}"
+ echo "extension=${extension}" > "${S}/modules/$inifilename"
+ doins "${S}/modules/$inifilename"
+ dosym "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR}/${inifilename}" "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR_ACTIVE}/${inifilename}"
+ done
+ fi