diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/source/getting_started/workflow.rst')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/getting_started/workflow.rst b/docs/source/getting_started/workflow.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59eefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/getting_started/workflow.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Commit and branches
+* Avoid creating new branches in the main repository, prefer to work on your fork instead.
+* Never commit anything to master.
+* Always submit a Pull Request instead.
+Pull Requests
+* Pull Requests have to be reviewed by at least one other person and get his +1.
+* travis-ci will run the tests against a submitted Pull Request, needless to say they should pass.
+They are in ``okupy/tests`` directory, separated in four categories:
+* **Unit tests**: They test units. No http requests are allowed. They usually test models, forms, and custom classes/methods. They use django.test.unittest.
+* **Integration tests**: They mostly involve http requests using Client(). Usually they test views. They use django.test.unittest.
+* **Functional tests**: They usually test general functionality, as well as javascript. They work on a mocked up environment with no real database or LDAP server. They use selenium.
+* **Acceptance tests**: They test general functionality, also with selenium, but run against a real environment.
+Try to submit unit and/or integration tests along with your code.
+Running the tests
+* The command to run the tests is::
+ python manage.py test --settings=okupy.tests.settings
+* There is a helper script in ``bin/`` directory::
+ bin/runtests -s
+Coverage report
+* You need to emerge ``dev-python/coverage`` or ``pip install coverage``.
+* The command to run the tests then becomes::
+ coverage run manage.py test --settings=okupy.tests.settings
+* You need to run the following command then to get the report::
+ coverage report -m
+* Or by using the ``bin/runtests`` script, which will print the coverage report as well::
+ bin/runtests -s -c
+Flake8 report
+* You need to ``emerge dev-python/flake8`` or ``pip install flake8``.
+* To run `flake8` the command is::
+ flake8 . --exclude=./okupy/tests/settings.py,./okupy/settings,setup.py
+* Using the ``bin/runtests`` script::
+ bin/runtests -s -f
+If you're working with TDD_, you could use ``dev-python/tdaemon``, which runs the tests every time a filesystem action is performed under your identity.g.o checked out directory.
+* In order to run it, cd to your local identity.g.o dir and run::
+ tdaemon -t django --custom-args="--settings=okupy.tests.settings
+* Using the bin/runtests script::
+ bin/runtests -s -t
+* To trigger a tdaemon test run::
+ bin/trigger_tdaemon_run
+.. _TDD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development
+We split the settings file in the following modules:
+* **__init__.py**: Settings variables that are generic and static without depending if the environment is production or development.
+* **production.py**: Settings variables that are bound to production environment.
+* **development.py.sample**: Settings variables that are bound to development environment. They are provided through a sample file, since they could be different between various development environments.
+* **local.py.sample**: Settings variables that need clarification in any environment.
+Tests have their own settings file under ``okupy/tests/settings.py``
+External services
+* travis-ci.org_: Runs the tests after every commit, and against every Pull Request
+* coveralls.io_: Gathers statistics about test coverage
+.. _travis-ci.org: https://travis-ci.org/
+.. _coveralls.io: https://coveralls.io/