diff options
authorAndreas K. Huettel <>2010-12-25 23:56:18 +0100
committerAndreas K. Huettel <>2010-12-25 23:56:18 +0100
commitdb90712aaa8e055c949db22bfbff8b5f2e28e217 (patch)
tree8d13a91d9323718176201b2eadde96a8475c2c85 /app-admin
parent[app-office/krita] Shortened patch (diff)
[app-admin/collectd] Cleanup
(Portage version: i686, unsigned Manifest commit)
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin')
7 files changed, 8 insertions, 983 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/ChangeLog b/app-admin/collectd/ChangeLog
index c809682..8ee7d53 100644
--- a/app-admin/collectd/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-admin/collectd/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+ 25 Dec 2010; Andreas K. Huettel <>
+ -collectd-4.10.1-r2.ebuild, -collectd-4.10.1-r3.ebuild,
+ -collectd-4.10.1-r4.ebuild, -files/collectd-4.10.1-werror.patch,
+ notes.txt:
+ Cleanup
*collectd-4.10.2-r2 (21 Dec 2010)
21 Dec 2010; Andreas K. Huettel <>
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/Manifest b/app-admin/collectd/Manifest
index 4acecc0..ccacc28 100644
--- a/app-admin/collectd/Manifest
+++ b/app-admin/collectd/Manifest
@@ -1,39 +1,14 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX collectd-4.10.1-libiptc.patch 534 RMD160 dd6c016797ec4e6e5c7c67bbbeddd50d1c59badc SHA1 253efd36642f7ab1253bcc307e0f4d0e1a4d8e21 SHA256 f6c63e0cb686e4d7a655b9ff0b69e8ba75a9cf40c2ae79c6ec97c1e7377d2f4e
AUX collectd-4.10.1-libperl.patch 917 RMD160 2feb20abbf7fd036e34957c190689f1e668ff321 SHA1 1c8312b576faa6a855f4f615995b007b108325ba SHA256 26e3c74392166a2438d7106e94953f871aedfe3b643c866afc8865c1ef7534c7
AUX collectd-4.10.1-noowniptc.patch 837 RMD160 433d936a3c8d22af289ab9ecc00a9843ab4634e3 SHA1 c08eb253a5297c9ec69b1923dc2ed173343e0ce8 SHA256 fac80da197b0df38b2544edf7008eed544eac06817d5ead86dea2baf46ee009d
-AUX collectd-4.10.1-werror.patch 2005 RMD160 c06320ac7a189de421faabeb377c957f15c757b8 SHA1 6b130c57f63d6aafccbe0fff42edb490030c92ae SHA256 38a704b07121f56494daff59366de1f4793a5d357ed1000de01eafed2e350f60
AUX collectd-4.10.2-libocci.patch 720 RMD160 c90872f76a771076efe500c78dc3e3a5545f8f51 SHA1 40197f33a565ea37774f577c036b1c75ef447cae SHA256 2338b8405e46d67bc71ebe4d4f8cba8658047a352cb7b0c3c0f4b15109a9c98b
AUX collectd.confd 633 RMD160 46f81e3f73d577c3f59df404012e33c419188acc SHA1 85f569035bbb6ff7d3e03a4b85c35ccb126c29a4 SHA256 30e41d63f3af1d736d86903046e5aac8f8a548714bab0acbbca0ffd6c16ed430
AUX collectd.initd 1475 RMD160 47950563900702075f1d429c70a9b00bd19addc1 SHA1 ce61a9ea693a749ba6fe14e9d0bda9124a142f8f SHA256 4f51375e2d8b1543bcbf5c72257a45ed5a10edfe29b95d819a9087de307bbfda
AUX logrotate 115 RMD160 bc70b0fbacde2021a96851f781e096597b161f8c SHA1 4c9f65faab5a43b142fe7f34163ca6d07b8ed704 SHA256 eb359631805b6bfb9f2a9ae5ed21be8f8b3b6f1ffeed8d506231043c9a77262c
-DIST collectd-4.10.1.tar.bz2 1415626 RMD160 f609f70bd7bb789ab54ca72edd34c3753692ff00 SHA1 bda5c918761b98e82fa18da056f60916703b5805 SHA256 607ea5d22164eaf434223dd39a1df453103e2f3c2f2b8c1dbfc1531eefb6df56
DIST collectd-4.10.2.tar.bz2 1419603 RMD160 13db504beb5cd560d60014183b67ce768fe4293e SHA1 8d83dd2d68ac4c0871774af99079564880abb5ef SHA256 17cd6741c360cb2544f00fbe902ec3e9aa0d04a7ab6a744e3e8ea5615bb794be
-EBUILD collectd-4.10.1-r2.ebuild 9956 RMD160 5e745db3aef65ee506c9a7895a2c66f8904e2675 SHA1 928cb45b5e537a77b7b690a29ff30f6ff7a1375d SHA256 794a63a905398059e5c29c545200f887a22a2b2f692c15722f6d3939c5857830
-EBUILD collectd-4.10.1-r3.ebuild 10150 RMD160 61df6b93fa6399f564a7b36c9a759c046f92c99b SHA1 058f6c4792aa7a99a259dc89a4bee814b3783279 SHA256 c7453da4f66f4b436599f74c3d731fd619bc7834e21cdcd733eb6165618b4e6c
-EBUILD collectd-4.10.1-r4.ebuild 10169 RMD160 2e58557e4b1491c49ce296b13934d7a8ed0f98c8 SHA1 22bf8e122db1b0ce7a08a605200e9920752702df SHA256 63b708a3addf663126800fe93df31e6cfa78d961c049605cf13cc4175c2cc770
EBUILD collectd-4.10.2-r1.ebuild 10640 RMD160 fbb7533f826bada4ba457d42e4e2f648852389d3 SHA1 c68a33cf1c5382bdfdf6910405683e2993e6af65 SHA256 fff8f6c361a5e731dacfa65aa6679c8ea25b35956a5e8d68a686b9c13b11f82e
EBUILD collectd-4.10.2-r2.ebuild 10811 RMD160 356cf117841b52d257c6a065d2f0d3c3fc4a37b7 SHA1 4e352eae54481c974620a87640d138ccf92f7cd7 SHA256 aba00690d0f12f5e5619ba2fd75561dc6bbd6495498f68e302b8c62f6115291c
EBUILD collectd-4.10.2.ebuild 10592 RMD160 16570e9e090eecb4c9c69d4b331d529f6074d188 SHA1 e2c9c909abaa0436eced0cfbb62dd1b3359036dd SHA256 eac5dcbebcefa18d510466047055d1578d760245a2b5e69632db786cb350c357
-MISC ChangeLog 4829 RMD160 32f870bb24047f67abaf5d080e08407ae6fd31e1 SHA1 e2e52da8d00ae746737e7e48eba1e21e6a469273 SHA256 2ff6553354ff026feaca4a7c8156a97a3aaf7449bf2804fcf2d4c06c3ab0a96e
+MISC ChangeLog 5035 RMD160 44daad5607f37dd5b0c80d649a796f3dd9b290ed SHA1 3775c6b275b8c07974aee7e9c37f670934c1291d SHA256 246220f89563df20278b8546f65e87a51c4737a891d578f30229762d08c176e3
MISC metadata.xml 11374 RMD160 d55c891c2b22898dd8d4f09e635bddbd61988ea9 SHA1 f725b0c3a45c6c3098dd84b29b39dc7a95a0267f SHA256 f849d03105461a54bce4e59f96530a8ab9471ab8620efee506076ef4e546eb88
-MISC notes.txt 2089 RMD160 cd61c2757dc1a147bc1b9172bbff940cc6cfdc87 SHA1 81e49e513986406e37af00ed9511893f59699f4d SHA256 87515a0ad5131bf44bdba5f257b8b61beea9b7825f1db5501de9ae3551be72e6
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
+MISC notes.txt 1607 RMD160 298719e43ddce700a2eba689061e9e11344da408 SHA1 070967029632603b999c1088e9cded260df4014a SHA256 18c9c548d062e9b2dd71f4786ae985fa7b9bac7706d34f359c6d4518ac6b956f
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r2.ebuild b/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2927ca6..0000000
--- a/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r2.ebuild,v 1.6 2010/10/12 17:59:52 dilfridge Exp $
-inherit base linux-info perl-app autotools
-DESCRIPTION="A small daemon which collects system performance statistics - with a near-infinite number of plugins"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="contrib debug kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD kernel_Darwin"
-# The plugin lists have to follow here since they extend IUSE
-# Plugins that to my knowledge cannot be supported (eg. dependencies not in gentoo)
-COLLECTD_IMPOSSIBLE_PLUGINS="curl_json netapp pinba ping xmms"
-# Plugins that still need some work
-COLLECTD_UNTESTED_PLUGINS="oracle ipmi ipvs netlink apple_sensors routeros tape zfs_arc nut modbus"
-# Plugins that have been (compile) tested and can be enabled via COLLECTD_PLUGINS
-COLLECTD_TESTED_PLUGINS="apache apcups ascent battery bind conntrack contextswitch
- cpu cpufreq curl curl_xml dbi df disk dns email entropy exec filecount fscache gmond
- hddtemp interface iptables irq java libvirt load madwifi mbmon memcachec
- memcached memory multimeter mysql network nfs nginx ntpd olsrd
- onewire openvpn perl postgresql powerdns processes protocols python
- rrdcached sensors serial snmp swap table tail tcpconns teamspeak2 ted thermal
- tokyotyrant uptime users vmem vserver wireless csv exec logfile network
- notify_desktop notify_email perl python rrdcached rrdtool syslog unixsock write_http
- match_empty_counter match_hashed match_regex match_timediff match_value
- target_notification target_replace target_scale target_set uuid"
-for plugin in ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; do
- IUSE="${IUSE} collectd_plugins_${plugin}"
-unset plugin
-# Now come the dependencies.
- collectd_plugins_apache? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_ascent? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_bind? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_curl_xml? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi )
- collectd_plugins_dns? ( net-libs/libpcap )
- collectd_plugins_gmond? ( sys-cluster/ganglia )
- collectd_plugins_iptables? ( >=net-firewall/iptables- )
- collectd_plugins_java? ( virtual/jre dev-java/java-config-wrapper )
- collectd_plugins_libvirt? ( app-emulation/libvirt dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_memcachec? ( dev-libs/libmemcached )
- collectd_plugins_mysql? ( >=virtual/mysql-5.0 )
- collectd_plugins_network? ( dev-libs/libgcrypt )
- collectd_plugins_nginx? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_notify_desktop? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- collectd_plugins_notify_email? ( >=net-libs/libesmtp-1.0.4 dev-libs/openssl )
- collectd_plugins_onewire? ( sys-fs/owfs )
- collectd_plugins_perl? ( dev-lang/perl[ithreads] sys-devel/libperl[ithreads] )
- collectd_plugins_postgresql? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-base-8.2 )
- collectd_plugins_python? ( =dev-lang/python-2* )
- collectd_plugins_rrdcached? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.4 )
- collectd_plugins_rrdtool? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.27 )
- collectd_plugins_sensors? ( sys-apps/lm_sensors )
- collectd_plugins_snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- collectd_plugins_tokyotyrant? ( net-misc/tokyotyrant )
- collectd_plugins_uuid? ( sys-apps/hal )
- collectd_plugins_write_http? ( net-misc/curl )
- kernel_FreeBSD? (
- collectd_plugins_disk? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_interface? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_load? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_memory? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_swap? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_users? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- )"
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- kernel_linux? (
- collectd_plugins_vserver? ( sys-kernel/vserver-sources )
- )"
- collectd_plugins_syslog? ( virtual/logger )"
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}"-{libperl,libiptc,noowniptc}.patch )
-# @FUNCTION: collectd_plugin_kernel_linux
-# USAGE: <plug-in name> <kernel_options> <severity>
-# kernel_options is a list of kernel configurations options; the check tests whether at least
-# one of them is enabled. If no, depending on the third argument an elog, ewarn, or eerror message
-# is emitted.
-collectd_plugin_kernel_linux() {
- local multi_opt opt
- if has ${1} ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; then
- if use collectd_plugins_${1}; then
- for opt in ${2}; do
- if linux_chkconfig_present ${opt}; then return 0; fi
- done
- multi_opt=${2//\ /\ or\ }
- case ${3} in
- (info)
- elog "The ${1} plug-in can use kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (warn)
- ewarn "The ${1} plug-in uses kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (error)
- eerror "The ${1} plug-in needs kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (*)
- die "function collectd_plugin_kernel_linux called with invalid third argument"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
-collectd_linux_kernel_checks() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- # battery.c:/proc/pmu/battery_%i
- # battery.c:/proc/acpi/battery
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux battery ACPI_BATTERY warn
- # cpufreq.c:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux cpufreq SYSFS warn
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux cpufreq CPU_FREQ_STAT warn
- # nfs.c:/proc/net/rpc/nfs
- # nfs.c:/proc/net/rpc/nfsd
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux nfs NFS_COMMON warn
- # serial.c:/proc/tty/driver/serial
- # serial.c:/proc/tty/driver/ttyS
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux serial SERIAL_CORE warn
- # swap.c:/proc/meminfo
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux swap SWAP warn
- # thermal.c:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone
- # thermal.c:/sys/class/thermal
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux thermal "PROC_FS SYSFS" warn
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux thermal ACPI_THERMAL warn
- # vmem.c:/proc/vmstat
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux vmem VM_EVENT_COUNTERS warn
- # uuid.c:/sys/hypervisor/uuid
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux uuid SYSFS info
- # wireless.c:/proc/net/wireless
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux wireless "MAC80211 IEEE80211" warn
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- if linux_config_exists; then
- einfo
- einfo "Checking your linux kernel configuration:"
- collectd_linux_kernel_checks
- else
- elog "Cannot find a linux kernel configuration. Continuing anyway."
- fi
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- base_src_prepare
- # There's some strange prefix handling in the default config file, resulting in
- # paths like "/usr/var/..."
- sed -i -e "s:@prefix@/var:/var:g" src/ || die
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # Now come the lists of os-dependent plugins. Any plugin that is not listed anywhere here
- # should work independent of the operating system.
- local linux_plugins="battery cpu cpufreq disk entropy interface iptables ipvs irq load
- memory netlink nfs processes serial swap tcpconns thermal users vmem vserver
- wireless"
- local libstatgrab_plugins="cpu disk interface load memory swap users"
- local bsd_plugins="cpu tcpconns ${libstatgrab_plugins}"
- local darwin_plugins="apple_sensors battery cpu disk interface memory processes tcpconns"
- local osdependent_plugins="${linux_plugins} ${bsd_plugins} ${darwin_plugins}"
- local myos_plugins=""
- if use kernel_linux; then
- einfo "Enabling Linux plugins."
- myos_plugins=${linux_plugins}
- elif use kernel_FreeBSD; then
- einfo "Enabling FreeBSD plugins."
- myos_plugins=${bsd_plugins}
- elif use kernel_Darwin; then
- einfo "Enabling Darwin plugins."
- myos_plugins=${darwin_plugins}
- fi
- # Do we debug?
- local myconf="$(use_enable debug)"
- local plugin
- # Disable what needs to be disabled.
- for plugin in ${COLLECTD_DISABLED_PLUGINS}; do
- myconf+=" --disable-${plugin}"
- done
- # Set enable/disable for each single plugin.
- for plugin in ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; do
- if has ${plugin} ${osdependent_plugins}; then
- # plugin is os-dependent ...
- if has ${plugin} ${myos_plugins}; then
- # ... and available in this os
- myconf+=" $(use_enable collectd_plugins_${plugin} ${plugin})"
- else
- # ... and NOT available in this os
- if use collectd_plugins_${plugin}; then
- ewarn "You try to enable the ${plugin} plugin, but it is not available for this"
- ewarn "kernel. Disabling it automatically."
- fi
- myconf+=" --disable-${plugin}"
- fi
- else
- myconf+=" $(use_enable collectd_plugins_${plugin} ${plugin})"
- fi
- done
- # Need JAVA_HOME for java.
- if use collectd_plugins_java; then
- myconf+=" --with-java=$(java-config -g JAVA_HOME)"
- fi
- # Need libiptc ONLY for iptables. If we try to use it otherwise bug 340109 happens.
- if ! use collectd_plugins_iptables; then
- myconf+=" --with-libiptc=no"
- fi
- # Finally, run econf.
- KERNEL_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR}" econf --config-cache --without-included-ltdl --localstatedir=/var ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- fixlocalpod
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README TODO || die
- if use contrib ; then
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- doins -r contrib || die
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/${PN} || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN} || die
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN} || die
-collectd_rdeps() {
- if (use collectd_plugins_${1} && ! has_version "${2}"); then
- elog "The ${1} plug-in needs ${2} to be installed locally or remotely to work."
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- collectd_rdeps apcups sys-power/apcupsd
- collectd_rdeps hddtemp app-admin/hddtemp
- collectd_rdeps mbmon sys-apps/xmbmon
- collectd_rdeps memcached ">=net-misc/memcached-1.2.2-r2"
- collectd_rdeps ntpd net-misc/ntp
- collectd_rdeps openvpn ">=net-misc/openvpn-2.0.9"
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r3.ebuild b/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb2302..0000000
--- a/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/10/31 21:19:00 dilfridge Exp $
-inherit base linux-info perl-app autotools
-DESCRIPTION="A small daemon which collects system performance statistics - with a near-infinite number of plugins"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="contrib debug kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD kernel_Darwin"
-# The plugin lists have to follow here since they extend IUSE
-# Plugins that to my knowledge cannot be supported (eg. dependencies not in gentoo)
-COLLECTD_IMPOSSIBLE_PLUGINS="curl_json netapp pinba ping xmms"
-# Plugins that still need some work
-COLLECTD_UNTESTED_PLUGINS="oracle ipvs apple_sensors routeros tape zfs_arc nut modbus"
-# Plugins that have been (compile) tested and can be enabled via COLLECTD_PLUGINS
-COLLECTD_TESTED_PLUGINS="apache apcups ascent battery bind conntrack contextswitch
- cpu cpufreq curl curl_xml dbi df disk dns email entropy exec filecount fscache gmond
- hddtemp interface ipmi iptables irq java libvirt load madwifi mbmon memcachec
- memcached memory multimeter mysql netlink network nfs nginx ntpd olsrd
- onewire openvpn perl postgresql powerdns processes protocols python
- rrdcached sensors serial snmp swap table tail tcpconns teamspeak2 ted thermal
- tokyotyrant uptime users vmem vserver wireless csv exec logfile network
- notify_desktop notify_email perl python rrdcached rrdtool syslog unixsock write_http
- match_empty_counter match_hashed match_regex match_timediff match_value
- target_notification target_replace target_scale target_set uuid"
-for plugin in ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; do
- IUSE="${IUSE} collectd_plugins_${plugin}"
-unset plugin
-# Now come the dependencies.
- collectd_plugins_apache? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_ascent? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_bind? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_curl_xml? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi )
- collectd_plugins_dns? ( net-libs/libpcap )
- collectd_plugins_gmond? ( sys-cluster/ganglia )
- collectd_plugins_ipmi? ( >=sys-libs/openipmi-2.0.16-r1 )
- collectd_plugins_iptables? ( >=net-firewall/iptables- )
- collectd_plugins_java? ( virtual/jre dev-java/java-config-wrapper )
- collectd_plugins_libvirt? ( app-emulation/libvirt dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_memcachec? ( dev-libs/libmemcached )
- collectd_plugins_mysql? ( >=virtual/mysql-5.0 )
- collectd_plugins_netlink? ( >=sys-apps/iproute2-2.6.34 )
- collectd_plugins_network? ( dev-libs/libgcrypt )
- collectd_plugins_nginx? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_notify_desktop? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- collectd_plugins_notify_email? ( >=net-libs/libesmtp-1.0.4 dev-libs/openssl )
- collectd_plugins_onewire? ( sys-fs/owfs )
- collectd_plugins_perl? ( dev-lang/perl[ithreads] sys-devel/libperl[ithreads] )
- collectd_plugins_postgresql? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-base-8.2 )
- collectd_plugins_python? ( =dev-lang/python-2* )
- collectd_plugins_rrdcached? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.4 )
- collectd_plugins_rrdtool? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.27 )
- collectd_plugins_sensors? ( sys-apps/lm_sensors )
- collectd_plugins_snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- collectd_plugins_tokyotyrant? ( net-misc/tokyotyrant )
- collectd_plugins_uuid? ( sys-apps/hal )
- collectd_plugins_write_http? ( net-misc/curl )
- kernel_FreeBSD? (
- collectd_plugins_disk? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_interface? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_load? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_memory? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_swap? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_users? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- )"
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- kernel_linux? (
- collectd_plugins_vserver? ( sys-kernel/vserver-sources )
- )"
- collectd_plugins_syslog? ( virtual/logger )"
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}"-{libperl,libiptc,noowniptc}.patch )
-# @FUNCTION: collectd_plugin_kernel_linux
-# USAGE: <plug-in name> <kernel_options> <severity>
-# kernel_options is a list of kernel configurations options; the check tests whether at least
-# one of them is enabled. If no, depending on the third argument an elog, ewarn, or eerror message
-# is emitted.
-collectd_plugin_kernel_linux() {
- local multi_opt opt
- if has ${1} ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; then
- if use collectd_plugins_${1}; then
- for opt in ${2}; do
- if linux_chkconfig_present ${opt}; then return 0; fi
- done
- multi_opt=${2//\ /\ or\ }
- case ${3} in
- (info)
- elog "The ${1} plug-in can use kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (warn)
- ewarn "The ${1} plug-in uses kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (error)
- eerror "The ${1} plug-in needs kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (*)
- die "function collectd_plugin_kernel_linux called with invalid third argument"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
-collectd_linux_kernel_checks() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- # battery.c:/proc/pmu/battery_%i
- # battery.c:/proc/acpi/battery
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux battery ACPI_BATTERY warn
- # cpufreq.c:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux cpufreq SYSFS warn
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux cpufreq CPU_FREQ_STAT warn
- # nfs.c:/proc/net/rpc/nfs
- # nfs.c:/proc/net/rpc/nfsd
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux nfs NFS_COMMON warn
- # serial.c:/proc/tty/driver/serial
- # serial.c:/proc/tty/driver/ttyS
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux serial SERIAL_CORE warn
- # swap.c:/proc/meminfo
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux swap SWAP warn
- # thermal.c:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone
- # thermal.c:/sys/class/thermal
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux thermal "PROC_FS SYSFS" warn
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux thermal ACPI_THERMAL warn
- # vmem.c:/proc/vmstat
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux vmem VM_EVENT_COUNTERS warn
- # uuid.c:/sys/hypervisor/uuid
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux uuid SYSFS info
- # wireless.c:/proc/net/wireless
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux wireless "MAC80211 IEEE80211" warn
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- if linux_config_exists; then
- einfo
- einfo "Checking your linux kernel configuration:"
- collectd_linux_kernel_checks
- else
- elog "Cannot find a linux kernel configuration. Continuing anyway."
- fi
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- base_src_prepare
- # There's some strange prefix handling in the default config file, resulting in
- # paths like "/usr/var/..."
- sed -i -e "s:@prefix@/var:/var:g" src/ || die
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # Now come the lists of os-dependent plugins. Any plugin that is not listed anywhere here
- # should work independent of the operating system.
- local linux_plugins="battery cpu cpufreq disk entropy interface iptables ipvs irq load
- memory netlink nfs processes serial swap tcpconns thermal users vmem vserver
- wireless"
- local libstatgrab_plugins="cpu disk interface load memory swap users"
- local bsd_plugins="cpu tcpconns ${libstatgrab_plugins}"
- local darwin_plugins="apple_sensors battery cpu disk interface memory processes tcpconns"
- local osdependent_plugins="${linux_plugins} ${bsd_plugins} ${darwin_plugins}"
- local myos_plugins=""
- if use kernel_linux; then
- einfo "Enabling Linux plugins."
- myos_plugins=${linux_plugins}
- elif use kernel_FreeBSD; then
- einfo "Enabling FreeBSD plugins."
- myos_plugins=${bsd_plugins}
- elif use kernel_Darwin; then
- einfo "Enabling Darwin plugins."
- myos_plugins=${darwin_plugins}
- fi
- # Do we debug?
- local myconf="$(use_enable debug)"
- local plugin
- # Disable what needs to be disabled.
- for plugin in ${COLLECTD_DISABLED_PLUGINS}; do
- myconf+=" --disable-${plugin}"
- done
- # Set enable/disable for each single plugin.
- for plugin in ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; do
- if has ${plugin} ${osdependent_plugins}; then
- # plugin is os-dependent ...
- if has ${plugin} ${myos_plugins}; then
- # ... and available in this os
- myconf+=" $(use_enable collectd_plugins_${plugin} ${plugin})"
- else
- # ... and NOT available in this os
- if use collectd_plugins_${plugin}; then
- ewarn "You try to enable the ${plugin} plugin, but it is not available for this"
- ewarn "kernel. Disabling it automatically."
- fi
- myconf+=" --disable-${plugin}"
- fi
- else
- myconf+=" $(use_enable collectd_plugins_${plugin} ${plugin})"
- fi
- done
- # Need JAVA_HOME for java.
- if use collectd_plugins_java; then
- myconf+=" --with-java=$(java-config -g JAVA_HOME)"
- fi
- # Need libiptc ONLY for iptables. If we try to use it otherwise bug 340109 happens.
- if ! use collectd_plugins_iptables; then
- myconf+=" --with-libiptc=no"
- fi
- # Finally, run econf.
- KERNEL_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR}" econf --config-cache --without-included-ltdl --localstatedir=/var ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- fixlocalpod
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README TODO || die
- if use contrib ; then
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- doins -r contrib || die
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/${PN} || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN} || die
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN} || die
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/logrotate" collectd || die
-collectd_rdeps() {
- if (use collectd_plugins_${1} && ! has_version "${2}"); then
- elog "The ${1} plug-in needs ${2} to be installed locally or remotely to work."
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- collectd_rdeps apcups sys-power/apcupsd
- collectd_rdeps hddtemp app-admin/hddtemp
- collectd_rdeps mbmon sys-apps/xmbmon
- collectd_rdeps memcached ">=net-misc/memcached-1.2.2-r2"
- collectd_rdeps ntpd net-misc/ntp
- collectd_rdeps openvpn ">=net-misc/openvpn-2.0.9"
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r4.ebuild b/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f3d70..0000000
--- a/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/collectd/collectd-4.10.1-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/11/08 22:52:14 dilfridge Exp $
-inherit eutils base linux-info perl-app autotools
-DESCRIPTION="A small daemon which collects system performance statistics - with a near-infinite number of plugins"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="contrib debug kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD kernel_Darwin"
-# The plugin lists have to follow here since they extend IUSE
-# Plugins that to my knowledge cannot be supported (eg. dependencies not in gentoo)
-COLLECTD_IMPOSSIBLE_PLUGINS="curl_json netapp pinba ping xmms"
-# Plugins that still need some work
-COLLECTD_UNTESTED_PLUGINS="oracle ipvs apple_sensors routeros tape zfs_arc nut modbus"
-# Plugins that have been (compile) tested and can be enabled via COLLECTD_PLUGINS
-COLLECTD_TESTED_PLUGINS="apache apcups ascent battery bind conntrack contextswitch
- cpu cpufreq curl curl_xml dbi df disk dns email entropy exec filecount fscache gmond
- hddtemp interface ipmi iptables irq java libvirt load madwifi mbmon memcachec
- memcached memory multimeter mysql netlink network nfs nginx ntpd olsrd
- onewire openvpn perl postgresql powerdns processes protocols python
- rrdcached sensors serial snmp swap table tail tcpconns teamspeak2 ted thermal
- tokyotyrant uptime users vmem vserver wireless csv exec logfile network
- notify_desktop notify_email perl python rrdcached rrdtool syslog unixsock write_http
- match_empty_counter match_hashed match_regex match_timediff match_value
- target_notification target_replace target_scale target_set uuid"
-for plugin in ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; do
- IUSE="${IUSE} collectd_plugins_${plugin}"
-unset plugin
-# Now come the dependencies.
- collectd_plugins_apache? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_ascent? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_bind? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_curl_xml? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi )
- collectd_plugins_dns? ( net-libs/libpcap )
- collectd_plugins_gmond? ( sys-cluster/ganglia )
- collectd_plugins_ipmi? ( >=sys-libs/openipmi-2.0.16-r1 )
- collectd_plugins_iptables? ( >=net-firewall/iptables- )
- collectd_plugins_java? ( virtual/jre dev-java/java-config-wrapper )
- collectd_plugins_libvirt? ( app-emulation/libvirt dev-libs/libxml2 )
- collectd_plugins_memcachec? ( dev-libs/libmemcached )
- collectd_plugins_mysql? ( >=virtual/mysql-5.0 )
- collectd_plugins_netlink? ( >=sys-apps/iproute2-2.6.34 )
- collectd_plugins_network? ( dev-libs/libgcrypt )
- collectd_plugins_nginx? ( net-misc/curl )
- collectd_plugins_notify_desktop? ( x11-libs/libnotify )
- collectd_plugins_notify_email? ( >=net-libs/libesmtp-1.0.4 dev-libs/openssl )
- collectd_plugins_onewire? ( sys-fs/owfs )
- collectd_plugins_perl? ( dev-lang/perl[ithreads] sys-devel/libperl[ithreads] )
- collectd_plugins_postgresql? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-base-8.2 )
- collectd_plugins_python? ( =dev-lang/python-2* )
- collectd_plugins_rrdcached? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.4 )
- collectd_plugins_rrdtool? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.27 )
- collectd_plugins_sensors? ( sys-apps/lm_sensors )
- collectd_plugins_snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- collectd_plugins_tokyotyrant? ( net-misc/tokyotyrant )
- collectd_plugins_uuid? ( sys-apps/hal )
- collectd_plugins_write_http? ( net-misc/curl )
- kernel_FreeBSD? (
- collectd_plugins_disk? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_interface? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_load? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_memory? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_swap? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- collectd_plugins_users? ( >=sys-libs/libstatgrab-0.16 )
- )"
- dev-util/pkgconfig
- kernel_linux? (
- collectd_plugins_vserver? ( sys-kernel/vserver-sources )
- )"
- collectd_plugins_syslog? ( virtual/logger )"
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}"-{libperl,libiptc,noowniptc}.patch )
-# @FUNCTION: collectd_plugin_kernel_linux
-# USAGE: <plug-in name> <kernel_options> <severity>
-# kernel_options is a list of kernel configurations options; the check tests whether at least
-# one of them is enabled. If no, depending on the third argument an elog, ewarn, or eerror message
-# is emitted.
-collectd_plugin_kernel_linux() {
- local multi_opt opt
- if has ${1} ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; then
- if use collectd_plugins_${1}; then
- for opt in ${2}; do
- if linux_chkconfig_present ${opt}; then return 0; fi
- done
- multi_opt=${2//\ /\ or\ }
- case ${3} in
- (info)
- elog "The ${1} plug-in can use kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (warn)
- ewarn "The ${1} plug-in uses kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (error)
- eerror "The ${1} plug-in needs kernel features that are disabled now; enable ${multi_opt} in your kernel"
- ;;
- (*)
- die "function collectd_plugin_kernel_linux called with invalid third argument"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
-collectd_linux_kernel_checks() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- # battery.c:/proc/pmu/battery_%i
- # battery.c:/proc/acpi/battery
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux battery ACPI_BATTERY warn
- # cpufreq.c:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux cpufreq SYSFS warn
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux cpufreq CPU_FREQ_STAT warn
- # nfs.c:/proc/net/rpc/nfs
- # nfs.c:/proc/net/rpc/nfsd
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux nfs NFS_COMMON warn
- # serial.c:/proc/tty/driver/serial
- # serial.c:/proc/tty/driver/ttyS
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux serial SERIAL_CORE warn
- # swap.c:/proc/meminfo
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux swap SWAP warn
- # thermal.c:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone
- # thermal.c:/sys/class/thermal
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux thermal "PROC_FS SYSFS" warn
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux thermal ACPI_THERMAL warn
- # vmem.c:/proc/vmstat
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux vmem VM_EVENT_COUNTERS warn
- # uuid.c:/sys/hypervisor/uuid
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux uuid SYSFS info
- # wireless.c:/proc/net/wireless
- collectd_plugin_kernel_linux wireless "MAC80211 IEEE80211" warn
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- if linux_config_exists; then
- einfo "Checking your linux kernel configuration:"
- collectd_linux_kernel_checks
- else
- elog "Cannot find a linux kernel configuration. Continuing anyway."
- fi
- fi
- enewgroup collectd
-src_prepare() {
- base_src_prepare
- # There's some strange prefix handling in the default config file, resulting in
- # paths like "/usr/var/..."
- sed -i -e "s:@prefix@/var:/var:g" src/ || die
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # Now come the lists of os-dependent plugins. Any plugin that is not listed anywhere here
- # should work independent of the operating system.
- local linux_plugins="battery cpu cpufreq disk entropy interface iptables ipvs irq load
- memory netlink nfs processes serial swap tcpconns thermal users vmem vserver
- wireless"
- local libstatgrab_plugins="cpu disk interface load memory swap users"
- local bsd_plugins="cpu tcpconns ${libstatgrab_plugins}"
- local darwin_plugins="apple_sensors battery cpu disk interface memory processes tcpconns"
- local osdependent_plugins="${linux_plugins} ${bsd_plugins} ${darwin_plugins}"
- local myos_plugins=""
- if use kernel_linux; then
- einfo "Enabling Linux plugins."
- myos_plugins=${linux_plugins}
- elif use kernel_FreeBSD; then
- einfo "Enabling FreeBSD plugins."
- myos_plugins=${bsd_plugins}
- elif use kernel_Darwin; then
- einfo "Enabling Darwin plugins."
- myos_plugins=${darwin_plugins}
- fi
- # Do we debug?
- local myconf="$(use_enable debug)"
- local plugin
- # Disable what needs to be disabled.
- for plugin in ${COLLECTD_DISABLED_PLUGINS}; do
- myconf+=" --disable-${plugin}"
- done
- # Set enable/disable for each single plugin.
- for plugin in ${COLLECTD_ALL_PLUGINS}; do
- if has ${plugin} ${osdependent_plugins}; then
- # plugin is os-dependent ...
- if has ${plugin} ${myos_plugins}; then
- # ... and available in this os
- myconf+=" $(use_enable collectd_plugins_${plugin} ${plugin})"
- else
- # ... and NOT available in this os
- if use collectd_plugins_${plugin}; then
- ewarn "You try to enable the ${plugin} plugin, but it is not available for this"
- ewarn "kernel. Disabling it automatically."
- fi
- myconf+=" --disable-${plugin}"
- fi
- else
- myconf+=" $(use_enable collectd_plugins_${plugin} ${plugin})"
- fi
- done
- # Need JAVA_HOME for java.
- if use collectd_plugins_java; then
- myconf+=" --with-java=$(java-config -g JAVA_HOME)"
- fi
- # Need libiptc ONLY for iptables. If we try to use it otherwise bug 340109 happens.
- if ! use collectd_plugins_iptables; then
- myconf+=" --with-libiptc=no"
- fi
- # Finally, run econf.
- KERNEL_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR}" econf --config-cache --without-included-ltdl --localstatedir=/var ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- fixlocalpod
- dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README TODO || die
- if use contrib ; then
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- doins -r contrib || die
- fi
- keepdir /var/lib/${PN} || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN} || die
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN} || die
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/logrotate" collectd || die
-collectd_rdeps() {
- if (use collectd_plugins_${1} && ! has_version "${2}"); then
- elog "The ${1} plug-in needs ${2} to be installed locally or remotely to work."
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- collectd_rdeps apcups sys-power/apcupsd
- collectd_rdeps hddtemp app-admin/hddtemp
- collectd_rdeps mbmon sys-apps/xmbmon
- collectd_rdeps memcached ">=net-misc/memcached-1.2.2-r2"
- collectd_rdeps ntpd net-misc/ntp
- collectd_rdeps openvpn ">=net-misc/openvpn-2.0.9"
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/files/collectd-4.10.1-werror.patch b/app-admin/collectd/files/collectd-4.10.1-werror.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index facc65b..0000000
--- a/app-admin/collectd/files/collectd-4.10.1-werror.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-diff -r -u collectd-4.10.1.orig/ collectd-4.10.1/
---- collectd-4.10.1.orig/ 2010-07-09 12:01:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ collectd-4.10.1/ 2010-10-09 22:54:47.000000000 +0200
-@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
- # Emulate behavior of src/
- if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"
- then
-- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Werror"
- fi
- AC_CACHE_CHECK([for strtok_r],
-@@ -2692,7 +2692,7 @@
- # trigger an error if Perl_load_module*() uses __attribute__nonnull__(3)
- # (see issues #41 and #42)
- AC_CACHE_CHECK([for broken Perl_load_module()],
-diff -r -u collectd-4.10.1.orig/src/libcollectdclient/ collectd-4.10.1/src/libcollectdclient/
---- collectd-4.10.1.orig/src/libcollectdclient/ 2010-07-09 12:01:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ collectd-4.10.1/src/libcollectdclient/ 2010-10-09 22:56:23.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign no-dependencies
--AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
-+AM_CFLAGS = -Wall
- endif
- pkginclude_HEADERS = client.h lcc_features.h
-diff -r -u collectd-4.10.1.orig/src/ collectd-4.10.1/src/
---- collectd-4.10.1.orig/src/ 2010-07-09 12:01:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ collectd-4.10.1/src/ 2010-10-09 22:57:08.000000000 +0200
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- endif
--AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
-+AM_CFLAGS = -Wall
- endif
- AM_CPPFLAGS = -DPREFIX='"${prefix}"'
-diff -r -u collectd-4.10.1.orig/src/owniptc/ collectd-4.10.1/src/owniptc/
---- collectd-4.10.1.orig/src/owniptc/ 2010-07-09 12:01:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ collectd-4.10.1/src/owniptc/ 2010-10-09 22:56:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- EXTRA_DIST = libiptc.c README.collectd
--AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
-+AM_CFLAGS = -Wall
- endif
- noinst_LTLIBRARIES =
diff --git a/app-admin/collectd/notes.txt b/app-admin/collectd/notes.txt
index 7db307c..5e2ab36 100644
--- a/app-admin/collectd/notes.txt
+++ b/app-admin/collectd/notes.txt
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
545 Required for the “netapp” plugin.
546 This library is part of the “Manage ONTAP SDK” published by NetApp.
- 560 * liboping (optional)
- 561 Used by the `ping' plugin to send and receive ICMP packets.
- 562 <>
586 * librouteros (optional)
587 Used by the `routeros' plugin to connect to a device running `RouterOS'.
588 <>
@@ -18,13 +14,8 @@
625 * libxmms (optional)
626 <>
- 628 * libyajl (optional)
- 629 Parse JSON data. This is needed for the `curl_json' plugin.
- 630 <>
<flag name='collectd_plugins_apple_sensors'>Build the apple_sensors input plugin (temperature, fanspeed and voltage)</flag>
- <flag name='collectd_plugins_ipmi'>Build the ipmi input plugin</flag>
<flag name='collectd_plugins_ipvs'>Build the ipvs input plugin</flag>
<flag name='collectd_plugins_modbus'>Build the modbus input plugin</flag>
<flag name='collectd_plugins_netlink'>Build the netlink input plugin</flag>
@@ -42,9 +33,3 @@
collectd_plugin_kernel_linux ipmi IPMI_HANDLER warn
collectd_plugin_kernel_linux ipvs IP_VS warn
-"Sane minimum":
-COLLECTD_PLUGINS="df interface irq load memory rrdtool swap syslog"