diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dbapi/bintree.py')
1 files changed, 1366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dbapi/bintree.py b/portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dbapi/bintree.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fc623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portage_with_autodep/pym/portage/dbapi/bintree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1366 @@
+# Copyright 1998-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+__all__ = ["bindbapi", "binarytree"]
+import portage
+ 'portage.checksum:hashfunc_map,perform_multiple_checksums,verify_all',
+ 'portage.dbapi.dep_expand:dep_expand',
+ 'portage.dep:dep_getkey,isjustname,match_from_list',
+ 'portage.output:EOutput,colorize',
+ 'portage.locks:lockfile,unlockfile',
+ 'portage.package.ebuild.doebuild:_vdb_use_conditional_atoms',
+ 'portage.package.ebuild.fetch:_check_distfile',
+ 'portage.update:update_dbentries',
+ 'portage.util:atomic_ofstream,ensure_dirs,normalize_path,' + \
+ 'writemsg,writemsg_stdout',
+ 'portage.util.listdir:listdir',
+ 'portage.versions:best,catpkgsplit,catsplit',
+from portage.cache.mappings import slot_dict_class
+from portage.const import CACHE_PATH
+from portage.dbapi.virtual import fakedbapi
+from portage.dep import Atom, use_reduce, paren_enclose
+from portage.exception import AlarmSignal, InvalidPackageName, \
+ PermissionDenied, PortageException
+from portage.localization import _
+from portage import _movefile
+from portage import os
+from portage import _encodings
+from portage import _unicode_decode
+from portage import _unicode_encode
+import codecs
+import errno
+import io
+import re
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+from itertools import chain
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse
+ from urllib.request import urlopen as urllib_request_urlopen
+except ImportError:
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+ from urllib import urlopen as urllib_request_urlopen
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+ basestring = str
+ long = int
+class bindbapi(fakedbapi):
+ _known_keys = frozenset(list(fakedbapi._known_keys) + \
+ ["CHOST", "repository", "USE"])
+ def __init__(self, mybintree=None, **kwargs):
+ fakedbapi.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ self.bintree = mybintree
+ self.move_ent = mybintree.move_ent
+ self.cpvdict={}
+ self.cpdict={}
+ # Selectively cache metadata in order to optimize dep matching.
+ self._aux_cache_keys = set(
+ "RDEPEND", "repository", "RESTRICT", "SLOT", "USE", "DEFINED_PHASES",
+ self._aux_cache_slot_dict = slot_dict_class(self._aux_cache_keys)
+ self._aux_cache = {}
+ def match(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
+ if self.bintree and not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.match(self, *pargs, **kwargs)
+ def cpv_exists(self, cpv, myrepo=None):
+ if self.bintree and not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.cpv_exists(self, cpv)
+ def cpv_inject(self, cpv, **kwargs):
+ self._aux_cache.pop(cpv, None)
+ fakedbapi.cpv_inject(self, cpv, **kwargs)
+ def cpv_remove(self, cpv):
+ self._aux_cache.pop(cpv, None)
+ fakedbapi.cpv_remove(self, cpv)
+ def aux_get(self, mycpv, wants, myrepo=None):
+ if self.bintree and not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ cache_me = False
+ if not self._known_keys.intersection(
+ wants).difference(self._aux_cache_keys):
+ aux_cache = self._aux_cache.get(mycpv)
+ if aux_cache is not None:
+ return [aux_cache.get(x, "") for x in wants]
+ cache_me = True
+ mysplit = mycpv.split("/")
+ mylist = []
+ tbz2name = mysplit[1]+".tbz2"
+ if not self.bintree._remotepkgs or \
+ not self.bintree.isremote(mycpv):
+ tbz2_path = self.bintree.getname(mycpv)
+ if not os.path.exists(tbz2_path):
+ raise KeyError(mycpv)
+ metadata_bytes = portage.xpak.tbz2(tbz2_path).get_data()
+ def getitem(k):
+ v = metadata_bytes.get(_unicode_encode(k,
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'],
+ errors='backslashreplace'))
+ if v is not None:
+ v = _unicode_decode(v,
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace')
+ return v
+ else:
+ getitem = self.bintree._remotepkgs[mycpv].get
+ mydata = {}
+ mykeys = wants
+ if cache_me:
+ mykeys = self._aux_cache_keys.union(wants)
+ for x in mykeys:
+ myval = getitem(x)
+ # myval is None if the key doesn't exist
+ # or the tbz2 is corrupt.
+ if myval:
+ mydata[x] = " ".join(myval.split())
+ if not mydata.setdefault('EAPI', _unicode_decode('0')):
+ mydata['EAPI'] = _unicode_decode('0')
+ if cache_me:
+ aux_cache = self._aux_cache_slot_dict()
+ for x in self._aux_cache_keys:
+ aux_cache[x] = mydata.get(x, _unicode_decode(''))
+ self._aux_cache[mycpv] = aux_cache
+ return [mydata.get(x, _unicode_decode('')) for x in wants]
+ def aux_update(self, cpv, values):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ tbz2path = self.bintree.getname(cpv)
+ if not os.path.exists(tbz2path):
+ raise KeyError(cpv)
+ mytbz2 = portage.xpak.tbz2(tbz2path)
+ mydata = mytbz2.get_data()
+ for k, v in values.items():
+ k = _unicode_encode(k,
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace')
+ v = _unicode_encode(v,
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace')
+ mydata[k] = v
+ for k, v in list(mydata.items()):
+ if not v:
+ del mydata[k]
+ mytbz2.recompose_mem(portage.xpak.xpak_mem(mydata))
+ # inject will clear stale caches via cpv_inject.
+ self.bintree.inject(cpv)
+ def cp_list(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.cp_list(self, *pargs, **kwargs)
+ def cp_all(self):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.cp_all(self)
+ def cpv_all(self):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.cpv_all(self)
+def _pkgindex_cpv_map_latest_build(pkgindex):
+ """
+ Given a PackageIndex instance, create a dict of cpv -> metadata map.
+ If multiple packages have identical CPV values, prefer the package
+ with latest BUILD_TIME value.
+ @param pkgindex: A PackageIndex instance.
+ @type pkgindex: PackageIndex
+ @rtype: dict
+ @returns: a dict containing entry for the give cpv.
+ """
+ cpv_map = {}
+ for d in pkgindex.packages:
+ cpv = d["CPV"]
+ btime = d.get('BUILD_TIME', '')
+ try:
+ btime = int(btime)
+ except ValueError:
+ btime = None
+ other_d = cpv_map.get(cpv)
+ if other_d is not None:
+ other_btime = other_d.get('BUILD_TIME', '')
+ try:
+ other_btime = int(other_btime)
+ except ValueError:
+ other_btime = None
+ if other_btime and (not btime or other_btime > btime):
+ continue
+ cpv_map[cpv] = d
+ return cpv_map
+class binarytree(object):
+ "this tree scans for a list of all packages available in PKGDIR"
+ def __init__(self, root, pkgdir, virtual=None, settings=None):
+ if True:
+ self.root = root
+ #self.pkgdir=settings["PKGDIR"]
+ self.pkgdir = normalize_path(pkgdir)
+ self.dbapi = bindbapi(self, settings=settings)
+ self.update_ents = self.dbapi.update_ents
+ self.move_slot_ent = self.dbapi.move_slot_ent
+ self.populated = 0
+ self.tree = {}
+ self._remote_has_index = False
+ self._remotepkgs = None # remote metadata indexed by cpv
+ self.invalids = []
+ self.settings = settings
+ self._pkg_paths = {}
+ self._pkgindex_uri = {}
+ self._populating = False
+ self._all_directory = os.path.isdir(
+ os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All"))
+ self._pkgindex_version = 0
+ self._pkgindex_hashes = ["MD5","SHA1"]
+ self._pkgindex_file = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "Packages")
+ self._pkgindex_keys = self.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.copy()
+ self._pkgindex_keys.update(["CPV", "MTIME", "SIZE"])
+ self._pkgindex_aux_keys = \
+ "PROVIDE", "RDEPEND", "repository", "SLOT", "USE", "DEFINED_PHASES",
+ self._pkgindex_aux_keys = list(self._pkgindex_aux_keys)
+ self._pkgindex_use_evaluated_keys = \
+ self._pkgindex_header_keys = set([
+ self._pkgindex_default_pkg_data = {
+ "BUILD_TIME" : "",
+ "DEPEND" : "",
+ "EAPI" : "0",
+ "IUSE" : "",
+ "KEYWORDS": "",
+ "LICENSE" : "",
+ "PATH" : "",
+ "PDEPEND" : "",
+ "PROPERTIES" : "",
+ "PROVIDE" : "",
+ "RDEPEND" : "",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ "SLOT" : "0",
+ "USE" : "",
+ }
+ self._pkgindex_inherited_keys = ["CHOST", "repository"]
+ # Populate the header with appropriate defaults.
+ self._pkgindex_default_header_data = {
+ "CHOST" : self.settings.get("CHOST", ""),
+ "repository" : "",
+ }
+ # It is especially important to populate keys like
+ # "repository" that save space when entries can
+ # inherit them from the header. If an existing
+ # pkgindex header already defines these keys, then
+ # they will appropriately override our defaults.
+ main_repo = self.settings.repositories.mainRepo()
+ if main_repo is not None and not main_repo.missing_repo_name:
+ self._pkgindex_default_header_data["repository"] = \
+ main_repo.name
+ self._pkgindex_translated_keys = (
+ ("repository" , "REPO"),
+ )
+ self._pkgindex_allowed_pkg_keys = set(chain(
+ self._pkgindex_keys,
+ self._pkgindex_aux_keys,
+ self._pkgindex_hashes,
+ self._pkgindex_default_pkg_data,
+ self._pkgindex_inherited_keys,
+ chain(*self._pkgindex_translated_keys)
+ ))
+ def move_ent(self, mylist, repo_match=None):
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ origcp = mylist[1]
+ newcp = mylist[2]
+ # sanity check
+ for atom in (origcp, newcp):
+ if not isjustname(atom):
+ raise InvalidPackageName(str(atom))
+ mynewcat = catsplit(newcp)[0]
+ origmatches=self.dbapi.cp_list(origcp)
+ moves = 0
+ if not origmatches:
+ return moves
+ for mycpv in origmatches:
+ mycpv_cp = portage.cpv_getkey(mycpv)
+ if mycpv_cp != origcp:
+ # Ignore PROVIDE virtual match.
+ continue
+ if repo_match is not None \
+ and not repo_match(self.dbapi.aux_get(mycpv,
+ ['repository'])[0]):
+ continue
+ mynewcpv = mycpv.replace(mycpv_cp, str(newcp), 1)
+ myoldpkg = catsplit(mycpv)[1]
+ mynewpkg = catsplit(mynewcpv)[1]
+ if (mynewpkg != myoldpkg) and os.path.exists(self.getname(mynewcpv)):
+ writemsg(_("!!! Cannot update binary: Destination exists.\n"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! "+mycpv+" -> "+mynewcpv+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ tbz2path = self.getname(mycpv)
+ if os.path.exists(tbz2path) and not os.access(tbz2path,os.W_OK):
+ writemsg(_("!!! Cannot update readonly binary: %s\n") % mycpv,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ moves += 1
+ mytbz2 = portage.xpak.tbz2(tbz2path)
+ mydata = mytbz2.get_data()
+ updated_items = update_dbentries([mylist], mydata)
+ mydata.update(updated_items)
+ mydata[b'PF'] = \
+ _unicode_encode(mynewpkg + "\n",
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'])
+ mydata[b'CATEGORY'] = \
+ _unicode_encode(mynewcat + "\n",
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'])
+ if mynewpkg != myoldpkg:
+ ebuild_data = mydata.pop(_unicode_encode(myoldpkg + '.ebuild',
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content']), None)
+ if ebuild_data is not None:
+ mydata[_unicode_encode(mynewpkg + '.ebuild',
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'])] = ebuild_data
+ mytbz2.recompose_mem(portage.xpak.xpak_mem(mydata))
+ self.dbapi.cpv_remove(mycpv)
+ del self._pkg_paths[mycpv]
+ new_path = self.getname(mynewcpv)
+ self._pkg_paths[mynewcpv] = os.path.join(
+ *new_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2:])
+ if new_path != mytbz2:
+ self._ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(new_path))
+ _movefile(tbz2path, new_path, mysettings=self.settings)
+ self._remove_symlink(mycpv)
+ if new_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2] == "All":
+ self._create_symlink(mynewcpv)
+ self.inject(mynewcpv)
+ return moves
+ def _remove_symlink(self, cpv):
+ """Remove a ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 symlink and also remove
+ the ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY} directory if empty. The file will not be
+ removed if os.path.islink() returns False."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ mylink = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ if os.path.islink(mylink):
+ """Only remove it if it's really a link so that this method never
+ removes a real package that was placed here to avoid a collision."""
+ os.unlink(mylink)
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat))
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT,
+ errno.ENOTEMPTY, errno.EEXIST):
+ raise
+ del e
+ def _create_symlink(self, cpv):
+ """Create a ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 symlink (and
+ ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY} directory, if necessary). Any file that may
+ exist in the location of the symlink will first be removed."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ full_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ self._ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(full_path))
+ try:
+ os.unlink(full_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ os.symlink(os.path.join("..", "All", mypkg + ".tbz2"), full_path)
+ def prevent_collision(self, cpv):
+ """Make sure that the file location ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2 is safe to
+ use for a given cpv. If a collision will occur with an existing
+ package from another category, the existing package will be bumped to
+ ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 so that both can coexist."""
+ if not self._all_directory:
+ return
+ # Copy group permissions for new directories that
+ # may have been created.
+ for path in ("All", catsplit(cpv)[0]):
+ path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, path)
+ self._ensure_dir(path)
+ if not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
+ raise PermissionDenied("access('%s', W_OK)" % path)
+ full_path = self.getname(cpv)
+ if "All" == full_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2]:
+ return
+ """Move a colliding package if it exists. Code below this point only
+ executes in rare cases."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ myfile = mypkg + ".tbz2"
+ mypath = os.path.join("All", myfile)
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ try:
+ st = os.lstat(dest_path)
+ except OSError:
+ st = None
+ else:
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
+ st = None
+ try:
+ os.unlink(dest_path)
+ except OSError:
+ if os.path.exists(dest_path):
+ raise
+ if st is not None:
+ # For invalid packages, other_cat could be None.
+ other_cat = portage.xpak.tbz2(dest_path).getfile(b"CATEGORY")
+ if other_cat:
+ other_cat = _unicode_decode(other_cat,
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace')
+ other_cat = other_cat.strip()
+ other_cpv = other_cat + "/" + mypkg
+ self._move_from_all(other_cpv)
+ self.inject(other_cpv)
+ self._move_to_all(cpv)
+ def _ensure_dir(self, path):
+ """
+ Create the specified directory. Also, copy gid and group mode
+ bits from self.pkgdir if possible.
+ @param cat_dir: Absolute path of the directory to be created.
+ @type cat_dir: String
+ """
+ try:
+ pkgdir_st = os.stat(self.pkgdir)
+ except OSError:
+ ensure_dirs(path)
+ return
+ pkgdir_gid = pkgdir_st.st_gid
+ pkgdir_grp_mode = 0o2070 & pkgdir_st.st_mode
+ try:
+ ensure_dirs(path, gid=pkgdir_gid, mode=pkgdir_grp_mode, mask=0)
+ except PortageException:
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ raise
+ def _move_to_all(self, cpv):
+ """If the file exists, move it. Whether or not it exists, update state
+ for future getname() calls."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ myfile = mypkg + ".tbz2"
+ self._pkg_paths[cpv] = os.path.join("All", myfile)
+ src_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat, myfile)
+ try:
+ mystat = os.lstat(src_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ mystat = None
+ if mystat and stat.S_ISREG(mystat.st_mode):
+ self._ensure_dir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All"))
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All", myfile)
+ _movefile(src_path, dest_path, mysettings=self.settings)
+ self._create_symlink(cpv)
+ self.inject(cpv)
+ def _move_from_all(self, cpv):
+ """Move a package from ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2 to
+ ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 and update state from getname calls."""
+ self._remove_symlink(cpv)
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ myfile = mypkg + ".tbz2"
+ mypath = os.path.join(mycat, myfile)
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ self._ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(dest_path))
+ src_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All", myfile)
+ _movefile(src_path, dest_path, mysettings=self.settings)
+ self._pkg_paths[cpv] = mypath
+ def populate(self, getbinpkgs=0):
+ "populates the binarytree"
+ if self._populating:
+ return
+ pkgindex_lock = None
+ try:
+ if os.access(self.pkgdir, os.W_OK):
+ pkgindex_lock = lockfile(self._pkgindex_file,
+ wantnewlockfile=1)
+ self._populating = True
+ self._populate(getbinpkgs)
+ finally:
+ if pkgindex_lock:
+ unlockfile(pkgindex_lock)
+ self._populating = False
+ def _populate(self, getbinpkgs=0):
+ if (not os.path.isdir(self.pkgdir) and not getbinpkgs):
+ return 0
+ # Clear all caches in case populate is called multiple times
+ # as may be the case when _global_updates calls populate()
+ # prior to performing package moves since it only wants to
+ # operate on local packages (getbinpkgs=0).
+ self._remotepkgs = None
+ self.dbapi._clear_cache()
+ self.dbapi._aux_cache.clear()
+ if True:
+ pkg_paths = {}
+ self._pkg_paths = pkg_paths
+ dirs = listdir(self.pkgdir, dirsonly=True, EmptyOnError=True)
+ if "All" in dirs:
+ dirs.remove("All")
+ dirs.sort()
+ dirs.insert(0, "All")
+ pkgindex = self._load_pkgindex()
+ pf_index = None
+ if not self._pkgindex_version_supported(pkgindex):
+ pkgindex = self._new_pkgindex()
+ header = pkgindex.header
+ metadata = {}
+ for d in pkgindex.packages:
+ metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
+ update_pkgindex = False
+ for mydir in dirs:
+ for myfile in listdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mydir)):
+ if not myfile.endswith(".tbz2"):
+ continue
+ mypath = os.path.join(mydir, myfile)
+ full_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ s = os.lstat(full_path)
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode):
+ continue
+ # Validate data from the package index and try to avoid
+ # reading the xpak if possible.
+ if mydir != "All":
+ possibilities = None
+ d = metadata.get(mydir+"/"+myfile[:-5])
+ if d:
+ possibilities = [d]
+ else:
+ if pf_index is None:
+ pf_index = {}
+ for mycpv in metadata:
+ mycat, mypf = catsplit(mycpv)
+ pf_index.setdefault(
+ mypf, []).append(metadata[mycpv])
+ possibilities = pf_index.get(myfile[:-5])
+ if possibilities:
+ match = None
+ for d in possibilities:
+ try:
+ if long(d["MTIME"]) != s[stat.ST_MTIME]:
+ continue
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ continue
+ try:
+ if long(d["SIZE"]) != long(s.st_size):
+ continue
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ continue
+ if not self._pkgindex_keys.difference(d):
+ match = d
+ break
+ if match:
+ mycpv = match["CPV"]
+ if mycpv in pkg_paths:
+ # discard duplicates (All/ is preferred)
+ continue
+ pkg_paths[mycpv] = mypath
+ # update the path if the package has been moved
+ oldpath = d.get("PATH")
+ if oldpath and oldpath != mypath:
+ update_pkgindex = True
+ if mypath != mycpv + ".tbz2":
+ d["PATH"] = mypath
+ if not oldpath:
+ update_pkgindex = True
+ else:
+ d.pop("PATH", None)
+ if oldpath:
+ update_pkgindex = True
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(mycpv)
+ if not self.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.difference(d):
+ aux_cache = self.dbapi._aux_cache_slot_dict()
+ for k in self.dbapi._aux_cache_keys:
+ aux_cache[k] = d[k]
+ self.dbapi._aux_cache[mycpv] = aux_cache
+ continue
+ if not os.access(full_path, os.R_OK):
+ writemsg(_("!!! Permission denied to read " \
+ "binary package: '%s'\n") % full_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ self.invalids.append(myfile[:-5])
+ continue
+ metadata_bytes = portage.xpak.tbz2(full_path).get_data()
+ mycat = _unicode_decode(metadata_bytes.get(b"CATEGORY", ""),
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace')
+ mypf = _unicode_decode(metadata_bytes.get(b"PF", ""),
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace')
+ slot = _unicode_decode(metadata_bytes.get(b"SLOT", ""),
+ encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace')
+ mypkg = myfile[:-5]
+ if not mycat or not mypf or not slot:
+ #old-style or corrupt package
+ writemsg(_("\n!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n") % full_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ missing_keys = []
+ if not mycat:
+ missing_keys.append("CATEGORY")
+ if not mypf:
+ missing_keys.append("PF")
+ if not slot:
+ missing_keys.append("SLOT")
+ msg = []
+ if missing_keys:
+ missing_keys.sort()
+ msg.append(_("Missing metadata key(s): %s.") % \
+ ", ".join(missing_keys))
+ msg.append(_(" This binary package is not " \
+ "recoverable and should be deleted."))
+ for line in textwrap.wrap("".join(msg), 72):
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % line, noiselevel=-1)
+ self.invalids.append(mypkg)
+ continue
+ mycat = mycat.strip()
+ slot = slot.strip()
+ if mycat != mydir and mydir != "All":
+ continue
+ if mypkg != mypf.strip():
+ continue
+ mycpv = mycat + "/" + mypkg
+ if mycpv in pkg_paths:
+ # All is first, so it's preferred.
+ continue
+ if not self.dbapi._category_re.match(mycat):
+ writemsg(_("!!! Binary package has an " \
+ "unrecognized category: '%s'\n") % full_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(_("!!! '%s' has a category that is not" \
+ " listed in %setc/portage/categories\n") % \
+ (mycpv, self.settings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"]),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ pkg_paths[mycpv] = mypath
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(mycpv)
+ update_pkgindex = True
+ d = metadata.get(mycpv, {})
+ if d:
+ try:
+ if long(d["MTIME"]) != s[stat.ST_MTIME]:
+ d.clear()
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ d.clear()
+ if d:
+ try:
+ if long(d["SIZE"]) != long(s.st_size):
+ d.clear()
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ d.clear()
+ d["CPV"] = mycpv
+ d["SLOT"] = slot
+ d["MTIME"] = str(s[stat.ST_MTIME])
+ d["SIZE"] = str(s.st_size)
+ d.update(zip(self._pkgindex_aux_keys,
+ self.dbapi.aux_get(mycpv, self._pkgindex_aux_keys)))
+ try:
+ self._eval_use_flags(mycpv, d)
+ except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
+ writemsg(_("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n") % \
+ self.getname(mycpv), noiselevel=-1)
+ self.dbapi.cpv_remove(mycpv)
+ del pkg_paths[mycpv]
+ # record location if it's non-default
+ if mypath != mycpv + ".tbz2":
+ d["PATH"] = mypath
+ else:
+ d.pop("PATH", None)
+ metadata[mycpv] = d
+ if not self.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.difference(d):
+ aux_cache = self.dbapi._aux_cache_slot_dict()
+ for k in self.dbapi._aux_cache_keys:
+ aux_cache[k] = d[k]
+ self.dbapi._aux_cache[mycpv] = aux_cache
+ for cpv in list(metadata):
+ if cpv not in pkg_paths:
+ del metadata[cpv]
+ # Do not bother to write the Packages index if $PKGDIR/All/ exists
+ # since it will provide no benefit due to the need to read CATEGORY
+ # from xpak.
+ if update_pkgindex and os.access(self.pkgdir, os.W_OK):
+ del pkgindex.packages[:]
+ pkgindex.packages.extend(iter(metadata.values()))
+ self._update_pkgindex_header(pkgindex.header)
+ f = atomic_ofstream(self._pkgindex_file)
+ pkgindex.write(f)
+ f.close()
+ if getbinpkgs and not self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"]:
+ writemsg(_("!!! PORTAGE_BINHOST unset, but use is requested.\n"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ if not getbinpkgs or 'PORTAGE_BINHOST' not in self.settings:
+ self.populated=1
+ return
+ self._remotepkgs = {}
+ for base_url in self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"].split():
+ parsed_url = urlparse(base_url)
+ host = parsed_url.netloc
+ port = parsed_url.port
+ user = None
+ passwd = None
+ user_passwd = ""
+ if "@" in host:
+ user, host = host.split("@", 1)
+ user_passwd = user + "@"
+ if ":" in user:
+ user, passwd = user.split(":", 1)
+ port_args = []
+ if port is not None:
+ port_str = ":%s" % (port,)
+ if host.endswith(port_str):
+ host = host[:-len(port_str)]
+ pkgindex_file = os.path.join(self.settings["EROOT"], CACHE_PATH, "binhost",
+ host, parsed_url.path.lstrip("/"), "Packages")
+ pkgindex = self._new_pkgindex()
+ try:
+ f = io.open(_unicode_encode(pkgindex_file,
+ encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
+ mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'],
+ errors='replace')
+ try:
+ pkgindex.read(f)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ local_timestamp = pkgindex.header.get("TIMESTAMP", None)
+ rmt_idx = self._new_pkgindex()
+ proc = None
+ tmp_filename = None
+ try:
+ # urlparse.urljoin() only works correctly with recognized
+ # protocols and requires the base url to have a trailing
+ # slash, so join manually...
+ url = base_url.rstrip("/") + "/Packages"
+ try:
+ f = urllib_request_urlopen(url)
+ except IOError:
+ path = parsed_url.path.rstrip("/") + "/Packages"
+ if parsed_url.scheme == 'sftp':
+ # The sftp command complains about 'Illegal seek' if
+ # we try to make it write to /dev/stdout, so use a
+ # temp file instead.
+ fd, tmp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.close(fd)
+ if port is not None:
+ port_args = ['-P', "%s" % (port,)]
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['sftp'] + port_args + \
+ [user_passwd + host + ":" + path, tmp_filename])
+ if proc.wait() != os.EX_OK:
+ raise
+ f = open(tmp_filename, 'rb')
+ elif parsed_url.scheme == 'ssh':
+ if port is not None:
+ port_args = ['-p', "%s" % (port,)]
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh'] + port_args + \
+ [user_passwd + host, '--', 'cat', path],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ f = proc.stdout
+ else:
+ setting = 'FETCHCOMMAND_' + parsed_url.scheme.upper()
+ fcmd = self.settings.get(setting)
+ if not fcmd:
+ raise
+ fd, tmp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ tmp_dirname, tmp_basename = os.path.split(tmp_filename)
+ os.close(fd)
+ success = portage.getbinpkg.file_get(url,
+ tmp_dirname, fcmd=fcmd, filename=tmp_basename)
+ if not success:
+ raise EnvironmentError("%s failed" % (setting,))
+ f = open(tmp_filename, 'rb')
+ f_dec = codecs.iterdecode(f,
+ _encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace')
+ try:
+ rmt_idx.readHeader(f_dec)
+ remote_timestamp = rmt_idx.header.get("TIMESTAMP", None)
+ if not remote_timestamp:
+ # no timestamp in the header, something's wrong
+ pkgindex = None
+ writemsg(_("\n\n!!! Binhost package index " \
+ " has no TIMESTAMP field.\n"), noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ if not self._pkgindex_version_supported(rmt_idx):
+ writemsg(_("\n\n!!! Binhost package index version" \
+ " is not supported: '%s'\n") % \
+ rmt_idx.header.get("VERSION"), noiselevel=-1)
+ pkgindex = None
+ elif local_timestamp != remote_timestamp:
+ rmt_idx.readBody(f_dec)
+ pkgindex = rmt_idx
+ finally:
+ # Timeout after 5 seconds, in case close() blocks
+ # indefinitely (see bug #350139).
+ try:
+ try:
+ AlarmSignal.register(5)
+ f.close()
+ finally:
+ AlarmSignal.unregister()
+ except AlarmSignal:
+ writemsg("\n\n!!! %s\n" % \
+ _("Timed out while closing connection to binhost"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ writemsg(_("\n\n!!! Error fetching binhost package" \
+ " info from '%s'\n") % base_url)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n\n" % str(e))
+ del e
+ pkgindex = None
+ if proc is not None:
+ if proc.poll() is None:
+ proc.kill()
+ proc.wait()
+ proc = None
+ if tmp_filename is not None:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(tmp_filename)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ if pkgindex is rmt_idx:
+ pkgindex.modified = False # don't update the header
+ try:
+ ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(pkgindex_file))
+ f = atomic_ofstream(pkgindex_file)
+ pkgindex.write(f)
+ f.close()
+ except (IOError, PortageException):
+ if os.access(os.path.dirname(pkgindex_file), os.W_OK):
+ raise
+ # The current user doesn't have permission to cache the
+ # file, but that's alright.
+ if pkgindex:
+ # Organize remote package list as a cpv -> metadata map.
+ remotepkgs = _pkgindex_cpv_map_latest_build(pkgindex)
+ remote_base_uri = pkgindex.header.get("URI", base_url)
+ for cpv, remote_metadata in remotepkgs.items():
+ remote_metadata["BASE_URI"] = remote_base_uri
+ self._pkgindex_uri[cpv] = url
+ self._remotepkgs.update(remotepkgs)
+ self._remote_has_index = True
+ for cpv in remotepkgs:
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(cpv)
+ if True:
+ # Remote package instances override local package
+ # if they are not identical.
+ hash_names = ["SIZE"] + self._pkgindex_hashes
+ for cpv, local_metadata in metadata.items():
+ remote_metadata = self._remotepkgs.get(cpv)
+ if remote_metadata is None:
+ continue
+ # Use digests to compare identity.
+ identical = True
+ for hash_name in hash_names:
+ local_value = local_metadata.get(hash_name)
+ if local_value is None:
+ continue
+ remote_value = remote_metadata.get(hash_name)
+ if remote_value is None:
+ continue
+ if local_value != remote_value:
+ identical = False
+ break
+ if identical:
+ del self._remotepkgs[cpv]
+ else:
+ # Override the local package in the aux_get cache.
+ self.dbapi._aux_cache[cpv] = remote_metadata
+ else:
+ # Local package instances override remote instances.
+ for cpv in metadata:
+ self._remotepkgs.pop(cpv, None)
+ continue
+ try:
+ chunk_size = long(self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST_CHUNKSIZE"])
+ if chunk_size < 8:
+ chunk_size = 8
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ chunk_size = 3000
+ writemsg_stdout("\n")
+ writemsg_stdout(
+ colorize("GOOD", _("Fetching bininfo from ")) + \
+ re.sub(r'//(.+):.+@(.+)/', r'//\1:*password*@\2/', base_url) + "\n")
+ remotepkgs = portage.getbinpkg.dir_get_metadata(
+ base_url, chunk_size=chunk_size)
+ for mypkg, remote_metadata in remotepkgs.items():
+ mycat = remote_metadata.get("CATEGORY")
+ if mycat is None:
+ #old-style or corrupt package
+ writemsg(_("!!! Invalid remote binary package: %s\n") % mypkg,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ mycat = mycat.strip()
+ fullpkg = mycat+"/"+mypkg[:-5]
+ if fullpkg in metadata:
+ # When using this old protocol, comparison with the remote
+ # package isn't supported, so the local package is always
+ # preferred even if getbinpkgsonly is enabled.
+ continue
+ if not self.dbapi._category_re.match(mycat):
+ writemsg(_("!!! Remote binary package has an " \
+ "unrecognized category: '%s'\n") % fullpkg,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(_("!!! '%s' has a category that is not" \
+ " listed in %setc/portage/categories\n") % \
+ (fullpkg, self.settings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"]),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ mykey = portage.cpv_getkey(fullpkg)
+ try:
+ # invalid tbz2's can hurt things.
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(fullpkg)
+ for k, v in remote_metadata.items():
+ remote_metadata[k] = v.strip()
+ remote_metadata["BASE_URI"] = base_url
+ # Eliminate metadata values with names that digestCheck
+ # uses, since they are not valid when using the old
+ # protocol. Typically this is needed for SIZE metadata
+ # which corresponds to the size of the unpacked files
+ # rather than the binpkg file size, triggering digest
+ # verification failures as reported in bug #303211.
+ remote_metadata.pop('SIZE', None)
+ for k in portage.checksum.hashfunc_map:
+ remote_metadata.pop(k, None)
+ self._remotepkgs[fullpkg] = remote_metadata
+ except SystemExit as e:
+ raise
+ except:
+ writemsg(_("!!! Failed to inject remote binary package: %s\n") % fullpkg,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ self.populated=1
+ def inject(self, cpv, filename=None):
+ """Add a freshly built package to the database. This updates
+ $PKGDIR/Packages with the new package metadata (including MD5).
+ @param cpv: The cpv of the new package to inject
+ @type cpv: string
+ @param filename: File path of the package to inject, or None if it's
+ already in the location returned by getname()
+ @type filename: string
+ @rtype: None
+ """
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ if filename is None:
+ full_path = self.getname(cpv)
+ else:
+ full_path = filename
+ try:
+ s = os.stat(full_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ writemsg(_("!!! Binary package does not exist: '%s'\n") % full_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return
+ mytbz2 = portage.xpak.tbz2(full_path)
+ slot = mytbz2.getfile("SLOT")
+ if slot is None:
+ writemsg(_("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n") % full_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return
+ slot = slot.strip()
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(cpv)
+ # Reread the Packages index (in case it's been changed by another
+ # process) and then updated it, all while holding a lock.
+ pkgindex_lock = None
+ created_symlink = False
+ try:
+ pkgindex_lock = lockfile(self._pkgindex_file,
+ wantnewlockfile=1)
+ if filename is not None:
+ new_filename = self.getname(cpv)
+ try:
+ samefile = os.path.samefile(filename, new_filename)
+ except OSError:
+ samefile = False
+ if not samefile:
+ self._ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(new_filename))
+ _movefile(filename, new_filename, mysettings=self.settings)
+ if self._all_directory and \
+ self.getname(cpv).split(os.path.sep)[-2] == "All":
+ self._create_symlink(cpv)
+ created_symlink = True
+ pkgindex = self._load_pkgindex()
+ if not self._pkgindex_version_supported(pkgindex):
+ pkgindex = self._new_pkgindex()
+ # Discard remote metadata to ensure that _pkgindex_entry
+ # gets the local metadata. This also updates state for future
+ # isremote calls.
+ if self._remotepkgs is not None:
+ self._remotepkgs.pop(cpv, None)
+ # Discard cached metadata to ensure that _pkgindex_entry
+ # doesn't return stale metadata.
+ self.dbapi._aux_cache.pop(cpv, None)
+ try:
+ d = self._pkgindex_entry(cpv)
+ except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
+ writemsg(_("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n") % \
+ self.getname(cpv), noiselevel=-1)
+ self.dbapi.cpv_remove(cpv)
+ del self._pkg_paths[cpv]
+ return
+ # If found, remove package(s) with duplicate path.
+ path = d.get("PATH", "")
+ for i in range(len(pkgindex.packages) - 1, -1, -1):
+ d2 = pkgindex.packages[i]
+ if path and path == d2.get("PATH"):
+ # Handle path collisions in $PKGDIR/All
+ # when CPV is not identical.
+ del pkgindex.packages[i]
+ elif cpv == d2.get("CPV"):
+ if path == d2.get("PATH", ""):
+ del pkgindex.packages[i]
+ elif created_symlink and not d2.get("PATH", ""):
+ # Delete entry for the package that was just
+ # overwritten by a symlink to this package.
+ del pkgindex.packages[i]
+ pkgindex.packages.append(d)
+ self._update_pkgindex_header(pkgindex.header)
+ f = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "Packages"))
+ pkgindex.write(f)
+ f.close()
+ finally:
+ if pkgindex_lock:
+ unlockfile(pkgindex_lock)
+ def _pkgindex_entry(self, cpv):
+ """
+ Performs checksums and evaluates USE flag conditionals.
+ Raises InvalidDependString if necessary.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @returns: a dict containing entry for the give cpv.
+ """
+ pkg_path = self.getname(cpv)
+ d = dict(zip(self._pkgindex_aux_keys,
+ self.dbapi.aux_get(cpv, self._pkgindex_aux_keys)))
+ d.update(perform_multiple_checksums(
+ pkg_path, hashes=self._pkgindex_hashes))
+ d["CPV"] = cpv
+ st = os.stat(pkg_path)
+ d["MTIME"] = str(st[stat.ST_MTIME])
+ d["SIZE"] = str(st.st_size)
+ rel_path = self._pkg_paths[cpv]
+ # record location if it's non-default
+ if rel_path != cpv + ".tbz2":
+ d["PATH"] = rel_path
+ self._eval_use_flags(cpv, d)
+ return d
+ def _new_pkgindex(self):
+ return portage.getbinpkg.PackageIndex(
+ allowed_pkg_keys=self._pkgindex_allowed_pkg_keys,
+ default_header_data=self._pkgindex_default_header_data,
+ default_pkg_data=self._pkgindex_default_pkg_data,
+ inherited_keys=self._pkgindex_inherited_keys,
+ translated_keys=self._pkgindex_translated_keys)
+ def _update_pkgindex_header(self, header):
+ portdir = normalize_path(os.path.realpath(self.settings["PORTDIR"]))
+ profiles_base = os.path.join(portdir, "profiles") + os.path.sep
+ if self.settings.profile_path:
+ profile_path = normalize_path(
+ os.path.realpath(self.settings.profile_path))
+ if profile_path.startswith(profiles_base):
+ profile_path = profile_path[len(profiles_base):]
+ header["PROFILE"] = profile_path
+ header["VERSION"] = str(self._pkgindex_version)
+ base_uri = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BINHOST_HEADER_URI")
+ if base_uri:
+ header["URI"] = base_uri
+ else:
+ header.pop("URI", None)
+ for k in self._pkgindex_header_keys:
+ v = self.settings.get(k, None)
+ if v:
+ header[k] = v
+ else:
+ header.pop(k, None)
+ def _pkgindex_version_supported(self, pkgindex):
+ version = pkgindex.header.get("VERSION")
+ if version:
+ try:
+ if int(version) <= self._pkgindex_version:
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return False
+ def _eval_use_flags(self, cpv, metadata):
+ use = frozenset(metadata["USE"].split())
+ raw_use = use
+ iuse = set(f.lstrip("-+") for f in metadata["IUSE"].split())
+ use = [f for f in use if f in iuse]
+ use.sort()
+ metadata["USE"] = " ".join(use)
+ for k in self._pkgindex_use_evaluated_keys:
+ if k.endswith('DEPEND'):
+ token_class = Atom
+ else:
+ token_class = None
+ try:
+ deps = metadata[k]
+ deps = use_reduce(deps, uselist=raw_use, token_class=token_class)
+ deps = paren_enclose(deps)
+ except portage.exception.InvalidDependString as e:
+ writemsg("%s: %s\n" % (k, str(e)),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ raise
+ metadata[k] = deps
+ def exists_specific(self, cpv):
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ return self.dbapi.match(
+ dep_expand("="+cpv, mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings))
+ def dep_bestmatch(self, mydep):
+ "compatibility method -- all matches, not just visible ones"
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ writemsg("\n\n", 1)
+ writemsg("mydep: %s\n" % mydep, 1)
+ mydep = dep_expand(mydep, mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings)
+ writemsg("mydep: %s\n" % mydep, 1)
+ mykey = dep_getkey(mydep)
+ writemsg("mykey: %s\n" % mykey, 1)
+ mymatch = best(match_from_list(mydep,self.dbapi.cp_list(mykey)))
+ writemsg("mymatch: %s\n" % mymatch, 1)
+ if mymatch is None:
+ return ""
+ return mymatch
+ def getname(self, pkgname):
+ """Returns a file location for this package. The default location is
+ ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2, but will be ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2
+ in the rare event of a collision. The prevent_collision() method can
+ be called to ensure that ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2 is available for a
+ specific cpv."""
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ mycpv = pkgname
+ mypath = self._pkg_paths.get(mycpv, None)
+ if mypath:
+ return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(mycpv)
+ if self._all_directory:
+ mypath = os.path.join("All", mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ if mypath in self._pkg_paths.values():
+ mypath = os.path.join(mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ else:
+ mypath = os.path.join(mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ self._pkg_paths[mycpv] = mypath # cache for future lookups
+ return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ def isremote(self, pkgname):
+ """Returns true if the package is kept remotely and it has not been
+ downloaded (or it is only partially downloaded)."""
+ if self._remotepkgs is None or pkgname not in self._remotepkgs:
+ return False
+ # Presence in self._remotepkgs implies that it's remote. When a
+ # package is downloaded, state is updated by self.inject().
+ return True
+ def get_pkgindex_uri(self, pkgname):
+ """Returns the URI to the Packages file for a given package."""
+ return self._pkgindex_uri.get(pkgname)
+ def gettbz2(self, pkgname):
+ """Fetches the package from a remote site, if necessary. Attempts to
+ resume if the file appears to be partially downloaded."""
+ tbz2_path = self.getname(pkgname)
+ tbz2name = os.path.basename(tbz2_path)
+ resume = False
+ if os.path.exists(tbz2_path):
+ if (tbz2name not in self.invalids):
+ return
+ else:
+ resume = True
+ writemsg(_("Resuming download of this tbz2, but it is possible that it is corrupt.\n"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ mydest = os.path.dirname(self.getname(pkgname))
+ self._ensure_dir(mydest)
+ # urljoin doesn't work correctly with unrecognized protocols like sftp
+ if self._remote_has_index:
+ rel_url = self._remotepkgs[pkgname].get("PATH")
+ if not rel_url:
+ rel_url = pkgname+".tbz2"
+ remote_base_uri = self._remotepkgs[pkgname]["BASE_URI"]
+ url = remote_base_uri.rstrip("/") + "/" + rel_url.lstrip("/")
+ else:
+ url = self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"].rstrip("/") + "/" + tbz2name
+ protocol = urlparse(url)[0]
+ fcmd_prefix = "FETCHCOMMAND"
+ if resume:
+ fcmd_prefix = "RESUMECOMMAND"
+ fcmd = self.settings.get(fcmd_prefix + "_" + protocol.upper())
+ if not fcmd:
+ fcmd = self.settings.get(fcmd_prefix)
+ success = portage.getbinpkg.file_get(url, mydest, fcmd=fcmd)
+ if not success:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(self.getname(pkgname))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ raise portage.exception.FileNotFound(mydest)
+ self.inject(pkgname)
+ def _load_pkgindex(self):
+ pkgindex = self._new_pkgindex()
+ try:
+ f = io.open(_unicode_encode(self._pkgindex_file,
+ encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
+ mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'],
+ errors='replace')
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ pkgindex.read(f)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ return pkgindex
+ def digestCheck(self, pkg):
+ """
+ Verify digests for the given package and raise DigestException
+ if verification fails.
+ @rtype: bool
+ @returns: True if digests could be located, False otherwise.
+ """
+ cpv = pkg
+ if not isinstance(cpv, basestring):
+ cpv = pkg.cpv
+ pkg = None
+ pkg_path = self.getname(cpv)
+ metadata = None
+ if self._remotepkgs is None or cpv not in self._remotepkgs:
+ for d in self._load_pkgindex().packages:
+ if d["CPV"] == cpv:
+ metadata = d
+ break
+ else:
+ metadata = self._remotepkgs[cpv]
+ if metadata is None:
+ return False
+ digests = {}
+ for k in hashfunc_map:
+ v = metadata.get(k)
+ if not v:
+ continue
+ digests[k] = v
+ if "SIZE" in metadata:
+ try:
+ digests["size"] = int(metadata["SIZE"])
+ except ValueError:
+ writemsg(_("!!! Malformed SIZE attribute in remote " \
+ "metadata for '%s'\n") % cpv)
+ if not digests:
+ return False
+ eout = EOutput()
+ eout.quiet = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET") == "1"
+ ok, st = _check_distfile(pkg_path, digests, eout, show_errors=0)
+ if not ok:
+ ok, reason = verify_all(pkg_path, digests)
+ if not ok:
+ raise portage.exception.DigestException(
+ (pkg_path,) + tuple(reason))
+ return True
+ def getslot(self, mycatpkg):
+ "Get a slot for a catpkg; assume it exists."
+ myslot = ""
+ try:
+ myslot = self.dbapi.aux_get(mycatpkg,["SLOT"])[0]
+ except SystemExit as e:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ return myslot