diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/plugins/wpmp_switcher/pages/mobile_admin.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/plugins/wpmp_switcher/pages/mobile_admin.php b/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/plugins/wpmp_switcher/pages/mobile_admin.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 19d798be..00000000
--- a/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/plugins/wpmp_switcher/pages/mobile_admin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-$Id: mobile_admin.php 195195 2010-01-19 04:11:37Z jamesgpearce $
-$URL: $
-Copyright (c) 2009 James Pearce & friends, portions mTLD Top Level Domain Limited, ribot, Forum Nokia
-Online support:
-This file is part of the WordPress Mobile Pack.
-The WordPress Mobile Pack is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
-under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
-CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- include_once('mobile.php');
- wpmp_ms_mobile_admin();
- function wpmp_ms_mobile_admin() {
- $base = get_option('home');
- if (($user = wp_get_current_user())==null || $user->ID==0) {
- header("Location: $base/wp-login.php?redirect_to=" . urlencode($base) . "%2Fwp-admin%2F");
- }
- $menu = array(
- __("Overview", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/index.php",
- __("New post", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/post-new.php",
- __("Edit post", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit",
- __("Comments", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/edit-comments.php",
- "_" . __("Comment", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/comment.php",
- __("Switcher", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/themes.php",
- __("Settings", 'wpmp') => "/wp-admin/options-general.php",
- );
- if (function_exists('wp_logout_url')) {
- $menu[__("Log out", 'wpmp')] = wp_logout_url();
- } else {
- $menu[__("Log out", 'wpmp')] = "/wp-login.php?action=logout";
- }
- $page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- $function = "";
- foreach($menu as $link) {
- if(strpos(strtolower($page), strtolower($link))!==false) {
- $function = substr($link, 10);
- $function = explode(".", $function);
- $function = str_replace("-", "_", $function[0]);
- $function = strtolower($function);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!function_exists("wpmp_msma_$function")) {
- $function = "overview";
- }
- if(!current_user_can('manage_options')) { // harsh but fair
- $menu = array();
- $function = "junior";
- }
- wpmp_ms_mobile_top("Admin", $menu);
- call_user_func("wpmp_msma_$function", $menu);
- wpmp_ms_mobile_bottom();
- }
- function wpmp_msma_overview($menu) {
- $base = get_option('home');
- $post_count = wp_count_posts('post');
- $page_count = wp_count_posts('page');
- print "<p>";
- printf(__ngettext("You have one post", "You have %d posts", $c=0+($post_count->publish), 'wpmp'), $c);
- print ' ';
- printf(__ngettext("and one page", "and %d pages", $c=0+($page_count->publish), 'wpmp'), $c);
- print ' ' . __("contained within", 'wpmp') . ' ';
- printf(__ngettext("one category", "%d categories", $c=0+(wp_count_terms('category')), 'wpmp'), $c);
- print ' ' . __("and", 'wpmp') . ' ';
- printf(__ngettext("one tag", "%d tags", $c=0+(wp_count_terms('post_tag')), 'wpmp'), $c);
- print ".</p>";
- global $wpdb;
- $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved='0'" );
- $comment_count = $comments[0];
- printf("<p>" . __ngettext("You have one comment to moderate", "You have %d comments to moderate", $c=0+($comment_count->cnt), 'wpmp') . ".</p>", $c);
- print "<h3>" . __("Select an admin page:", 'wpmp') . "</h3>";
- print "<p><ul>";
- $not_first = false;
- foreach($menu as $name=>$link) {
- if($name[0]!='_' && $not_first) {
- if(substr($link, 0, 7)!="http://" && substr($link, 0, 8)!="https://") {
- $link = $base . $link;
- }
- print "<li><a href='$link'>" . __("$name", 'wpmp') . "</a>";
- }
- $not_first = true;
- }
- print "</ul></p>";
- print "<p>" . sprintf(__("...or <a%s>return to the site</a>", 'wpmp'), " href='$base/'") . "</p>";
- print "<p>" . __("A subset of the full WordPress administration is available through this mobile interface.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- }
- function wpmp_msma_junior($menu) {
- $base = get_option('home');
- print "<h3>" . __("Sorry! Permission denied...", 'wpmp') . "</h3>";
- print "<p>" . __("Only 'administrator' users can use the mobile admin panel.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- print "<p><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "$base/wp-login.php?action=logout'>" . __("Login as a different user", 'wpmp') . "</a> " . __("or", 'wpmp') . " <a href='$base/'>" . __("return to the site", 'wpmp') . "</a></p>";
- }
- function wpmp_msma_post_new() {
- wpmp_msma_post(null, true);
- }
- function wpmp_msma_post($menu, $new = false) {
- if (sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
- if (!wpmp_msma_check_referer()) { return; }
- @wp_update_post($_POST);
- print "<p>" . __("Your changes have been applied.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- wpmp_msma_post_list();
- } else {
- if(is_numeric($id = @$_GET['post'])) {
- $post = get_post($id, OBJECT, 'edit');
- if(!$post->ID) {
- print "<p>" . __("That post does not exist, but you may write a new one.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- }
- } elseif (!$new) {
- wpmp_msma_post_list();
- return;
- }
- if(!@$post->ID) {
- $post->ID = 0;
- $post->post_status = 'draft';
- }
- wpmp_msma_post_edit_form($post);
- }
- }
- function wpmp_msma_post_edit_form($post) {
- global $user_ID;
- print '<form name="post" action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" id="post">';
- print '<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="' . $post->ID . '" />';
- print '<input type="hidden" name="user_ID" value="' . (int) $user_ID . '" />';
- print '<p><label for="title">' . __('Title', 'wpmp') . ':</label><br />';
- print '<input type="text" name="post_title" value="' . attribute_escape(@$post->post_title) . '" id="title" /></p>';
- print '<p><label for="post_status">' . __('Status', 'wpmp') . ':</label><br />';
- print '<select name="post_status" id="post_status">';
- print '<option ' . (($post->post_status == 'publish' || $post->post_status == 'private') ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . ' value="publish">' . __('Published', 'wpmp') . '</option>';
- print '<option ' . (($post->post_status == 'draft' || $post->post_status == 'future') ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . ' value="draft">' . __('Unpublished', 'wpmp') . '</option>';
- print '<option ' . (($post->post_status == 'pending') ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . ' value="pending">' . __('Pending Review', 'wpmp') . '</option>';
- print '</select></p>';
- print '<p><label for="post_content">' . __('Content', 'wpmp') . ':</label><br />';
- $safe_content = @$post->post_content;
- $safe_content = str_replace("<textarea", "<div", $safe_content);
- $safe_content = str_replace("<TEXTAREA", "<div", $safe_content);
- $safe_content = str_replace("</textarea", "</div", $safe_content);
- $safe_content = str_replace("</TEXTAREA", "</div", $safe_content);
- print '<textarea name="post_content" id="post_content" rows="6">' . $safe_content . '</textarea></p>';
- print '<input class="button" name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="' . __('Apply', 'wpmp') . '" />';
- print '<p>' . __('You can use HTML tags to format your post. Use &lt;!--more--&gt; to indicate the end of the teaser.', 'wpmp') . '</p>';
- print '</form>';
- }
- function wpmp_msma_post_list() {
- $base = get_option('home');
- wp('orderby=modified');
- if(have_posts()) {
- global $post;
- print "<p>" . __("Select a post to edit:", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- add_filter('get_pagenum_link', 'wpmp_msma_get_pagenum_link');
- while (have_posts()) {
- the_post();
- print "<p>" .
- "<strong><a href='$base/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=$post->ID'>" . get_the_title() . "</a></strong>" .
- "<br />" . get_the_modified_date() .
- "<br />" . wpmp_msma_post_status($post->post_status) .
- "</p>";
- }
- next_posts_link('Older');
- previous_posts_link('Newer');
- } else {
- print "<p>" . __("There are no posts to edit.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- }
- }
- function wpmp_msma_edit_comments() {
- global $wpdb;
- $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT $wpdb->comments.*, $wpdb->posts.post_title FROM $wpdb->comments INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON $wpdb->comments.comment_post_id = $wpdb-> WHERE comment_approved='0' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 5" );
- if(sizeof($comments)==0) {
- print "<p>" . __("This site has no comments awaiting moderation.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- } else {
- switch($size = sizeof($comments)) {
- case 5:
- print "<p>" . __("There are at least 5 comments awaiting moderation:", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- break;
- case 1:
- return wpmp_msma_edit_comment($comments[0], true);
- default:
- print "<p>" . __("There are $size comments awaiting moderation:", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- }
- foreach($comments as $comment) {
- wpmp_msma_edit_comment($comment);
- }
- }
- }
- function wpmp_msma_comment() {
- $id = $_GET['c'];
- if(is_numeric($id)) {
- global $wpdb;
- if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="approvecomment" && wpmp_msma_check_referer()) {
- wp_set_comment_status($id, 'approve');
- } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="deletecomment" && wpmp_msma_check_referer()) {
- wp_set_comment_status($id, 'delete');
- } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="spamcomment" && wpmp_msma_check_referer()) {
- wp_set_comment_status($id, 'spam');
- } else {
- $comment = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT $wpdb->comments.*, $wpdb->posts.post_title FROM $wpdb->comments INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON $wpdb->comments.comment_post_id = $wpdb-> WHERE comment_ID=$id;" );
- }
- }
- if(!@$comment) {
- return wpmp_msma_edit_comments();
- }
- wpmp_msma_edit_comment($comment[0], true);
- }
- function wpmp_msma_themes() {
- if (isset($_POST['wpmp_switcher_mode'])) {
- if (!wpmp_msma_check_referer()) { return; }
- update_option('wpmp_switcher_mode', $_POST['wpmp_switcher_mode']);
- print "<p>" . __("Your changes have been applied.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- print "<p><a href='/wp-admin/'>" . __("Continue.", 'wpmp') . "</a></p>";
- return;
- }
- print '<form name="post" action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" id="post">';
- print '<p><label for="title">' . __('Change the mobile switcher mode:', 'wpmp') . '</label><br />';
- $current = get_option('wpmp_switcher_mode');
- foreach(array(
- 'none'=>__('Disabled', 'wpmp'),
- 'browser'=>__('Browser detection', 'wpmp'),
- 'domain'=>__('Domain mapping', 'wpmp'),
- 'browserdomain'=>__('BOTH: browser detection and domain mapping', 'wpmp'),
- ) as $value=>$title) {
- print "<input style='width:32px;' type='radio' name='wpmp_switcher_mode' value='$value'";
- if ($value == $current) {
- print " checked";
- }
- print "/> $title<br />";
- }
- print '</select></p>';
- print '<input class="button" name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="' . __('Apply', 'wpmp') . '" />';
- print '</form>';
- print "<p>" . __("NB: Changing the switcher mode may return you to the desktop version of the admin pages. Be cautious if you are using a mobile device.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- }
- function wpmp_msma_edit_comment(&$comment, $full = false) {
- $base = get_option('home');
- $id = $comment->comment_ID;
- $content = strip_tags($comment->comment_content);
- $title = strip_tags($comment->comment_author);
- if(!$full) {
- $title = "<a href='$base/wp-admin/comment.php?action=editcomment&amp;c=$id'>$title</a>";
- if(strlen($content)>100) {
- $content = substr($content, 0, 100) . "...";
- }
- }
- $approve = "<a href='comment.php?action=approvecomment&amp;c=$id'>" . __('Approve', 'wpmp') . "</a>";
- $delete = "<a href='comment.php?action=deletecomment&amp;c=$id'>" . __('Delete', 'wpmp') . "</a>";
- $spam = "<a href='comment.php?action=spamcomment&amp;c=$id'>" . __('Spam', 'wpmp') . "</a>";
- print "<p>" . sprintf(_c('<strong>%1$s</strong> on %2$s|comment_title ON post_title', 'wpmp'), $title, $comment->post_title) .
- "<br />$content" .
- "<br />$approve | $delete | $spam" .
- "</p>";
- }
- function wpmp_msma_options_general() {
- if(isset($_GET['option']) && is_numeric($id = $_GET['option'])) {
- if (sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
- if (!wpmp_msma_check_referer()) { return; }
- wpmp_msma_option_update($_POST);
- print "<p>" . __("Your changes have been applied.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- return wpmp_msma_options_list();
- } else {
- return wpmp_msma_option_edit_form($id);
- }
- }
- wpmp_msma_options_list();
- }
- function wpmp_msma_options_filter() {
- return "WHERE option_name!='' AND " .
- "LEFT(option_name, 4)!='rss_' AND " .
- "NOT INSTR(option_name, 'widget') AND " .
- "NOT INSTR(option_name, 'plugin') AND " .
- "option_name NOT IN ('cron', 'update_core', 'recently_edited', 'wp_user_roles', 'category_children', 'wpmp_deviceatlas_json_location')" .
- "";
- }
- function wpmp_msma_options_list() {
- global $wpdb;
- $base = get_option('home');
- $count = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM $wpdb->options " . wpmp_msma_options_filter());
- $count = ($count[0]->cnt);
- $size = 10;
- $page = 0;
- if(isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) {
- $page = $_GET['page'];
- }
- $start = $page * $size;
- $options = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->options " . wpmp_msma_options_filter() . " order by option_id asc LIMIT $start, $size" );
- foreach($options as $option) {
- $editable = false;
- $label = wpmp_msma_option_name($option->option_name);
- $value = wpmp_msma_option_value($option->option_name, $option->option_value, $editable);
- if ($editable) {
- $label = "<a href='$base/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=$page&amp;option=$option->option_id'>$label</a>";
- }
- print "<p>$label: " . htmlentities($value) . "</p>";
- }
- $next = "";
- $previous = "";
- if($page>0) {
- $previous = "<a href='?page=" . ($page-1) . "'>" . __('Previous page', 'wpmp') . "</a>";
- }
- if(($page+1) * $size < $count) {
- $next = "<a href='?page=" . ($page+1) . "'>" . __('Next page', 'wpmp') . "</a>";
- }
- if ($next || $previous) {
- print "<p>$previous";
- if ($next && $previous) {
- print " | ";
- }
- print "$next</p>";
- }
- print "<p>" . __("NB: Some complex options cannot be edited in this mobile interface.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- }
- function wpmp_msma_option_edit_form($id) {
- global $wpdb;
- $option = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->options " . wpmp_msma_options_filter() . " and option_id=$id");
- if(sizeof($option)==0) {
- print "<p>" . __("That option is not editable.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- return wpmp_msma_options_list();
- }
- $option = $option[0];
- $value = wpmp_msma_option_value($option->option_name, $option->option_value, $editable);
- if(!$editable) {
- print "<p>" . __("That option is not editable.", 'wpmp') . "</p>";
- return wpmp_msma_options_list();
- }
- print '<form name="post" action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" id="post">';
- print '<input type="hidden" name="option_name" value="' . attribute_escape($option->option_name) . '" />';
- print '<p><label for="title">' . wpmp_msma_option_name($option->option_name) . ':</label><br />';
- print '<input type="text" name="option_value" value="' . attribute_escape($value) . '" id="title" /></p>';
- print '<input class="button" name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="' . __('Apply', 'wpmp') . '" />';
- if($value==='0' or $value==='1') {
- print '<p>' . __('For options that are usually a checkbox, use 1 for \'on\', and 0 for \'off\'', 'wpmp') . '</p>';
- }
- print '</form>'; }
- function wpmp_msma_option_update($option) {
- if(isset($option['option_name'])) {
- update_option($option['option_name'], stripslashes($option['option_value']));
- }
- }
- function wpmp_msma_option_name($name) {
- $name = str_replace("_", " ", $name);
- $name = strtoupper($name[0]) . substr($name, 1);
- if(substr($name, 0, 5)=='Wpmp ') {
- $name = "Mobile " . substr($name, 5);
- }
- $name = str_replace("Mobile deviceatlas", "DeviceAtlas", $name);
- $name = str_replace("Siteurl", "Site url", $name);
- $name = str_replace("Blogname", "Blog name", $name);
- $name = str_replace("Blogdescription", "Blog description", $name);
- $name = str_replace("Gzipcompression", "GZIP compression", $name);
- $name = str_replace("linksupdate", "links update", $name);
- $name = str_replace("yearmonth", "year/month", $name);
- $name = str_replace(" url", " URL", $name);
- $name = str_replace(" uri", " URI", $name);
- $name = str_replace("Gmt", "GMT", $name);
- $name = str_replace("Html", "HTML", $name);
- $name = str_replace("rss", "RSS", $name);
- return $name;
- }
- function wpmp_msma_option_value($name, $value, &$editable) {
- $value = maybe_unserialize($value);
- if (gettype($value)=='object') { //is_object has incomplete class bug
- $value = "(locked)";
- } elseif (is_array($value)) {
- $value = "(locked)";
- } else {
- $editable = true;
- }
- return print_r($value, 1);
- }
- function wpmp_msma_get_pagenum_link($link) {
- return str_replace('&amp;post=', '&amp;_post=',
- str_replace('&post=', '&_post=', $link)); // remove post-post-POST evidence
- }
- function wpmp_msma_post_status($status) {
- switch($status) {
- case 'publish':
- case 'private':
- return __('Published', 'wpmp');
- case 'future':
- return __('Scheduled', 'wpmp');
- case 'pending':
- return __('Pending Review', 'wpmp');
- default:
- return __('Unpublished', 'wpmp');
- }
- }
- function wpmp_msma_check_referer() {
- $base = get_option('home');
- $admin = "$base/wp-admin";
- $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- if (substr($referer, 0, strlen($admin)) != $admin) {
- print __("You may only originate this action from the admin pages", 'wpmp');
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }