diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/wp-security-scan/database.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/wp-security-scan/database.php b/plugins/wp-security-scan/database.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d5bf2a15..00000000
--- a/plugins/wp-security-scan/database.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Thank you Philipp Heinze.
-function mrt_sub3(){
- <div class=wrap>
- <h2><?php _e('WP - Database Security') ?></h2>
- <div style="height:299px"><br />
-<h3><i>Make a backup of your database before using this tool:</i></h3>
-<?php /*global $wpdb;
-$mrtright = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW GRANTS FOR '".DB_USER."'@'".DB_HOST."'", ARRAY_N);
-echo "rights: ";
- <p>Change your database table prefix to mitigate zero-day SQL Injection attacks.</p>
- <p><b>Before running this script:</b>
- <ul><li>wp-config must be set to writable before running this script.</li>
- <li>the database user you're using with WordPress must have ALTER rights</li></ul>
- <form action='' method='post' name='prefixchanging'>
- <?php
- if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) {
- wp_nonce_field('prefix-changer-change_prefix');
- }
- ?>
- Change the current:<input type="Text" name="prefix_n" value="<?php echo($GLOBALS['table_prefix']);?>" size="20" maxlength="50"> prefix to something different if it's the default wp_<br />
- Allowed Chars are all latin Alphanumeric Chars as well as the Chars <strong>-</strong> and <strong>_</strong>.
- <input type='submit' name='renameprefix' value='Start Renaming'/>
- </form>
- <?php
- if (isset($_POST['prefix_n'])) {
- check_admin_referer('prefix-changer-change_prefix');
- $wpdb =& $GLOBALS['wpdb'];
- $newpref = ereg_replace("[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]", "", $_POST['prefix_n']);
- //checking if user has enough rights to alter the Tablestructure
- $rights = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW GRANTS FOR '".DB_USER."'@'".DB_HOST."'", ARRAY_N);
- foreach ($rights as $right) {
- if (ereg("ALTER(.*)(\*|`".str_replace("_", "\\_", DB_NAME)."`)\.(\*|`".DB_HOST."`) TO '".DB_USER."'@'".DB_HOST."'", $right[0]) || ereg("ALL PRIVILEGES ON (\*|`".str_replace("_", "\\_", DB_NAME)."`)\.(\*|`".DB_HOST."`) TO '".DB_USER."'@'".DB_HOST."'", $right[0])) {
- $rightsenough = true;
- $rightstomuch = true;
- break;
- } else {
- if (ereg("ALTER(.*)`".DB_NAME."`", $right[0])) {
- $rightsenough = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isset($rightsenough) && $rightsenough != true) {
- exit('<font color="#ff0000">Your User which is used to access your Wordpress Tables/Database, hasn\'t enough rights( is missing ALTER-right) to alter your Tablestructure. Please visit the plugin <a href="" target=_blank">documentation</a> for more information. If you believe you have alter rights, please <a href="">contact</a> the plugin author for assistance.<br />');
- }
- if (isset($rightstomuch) && $rightstomuch === true) {
- echo ('<font color="#FF9B05">Your currently used User to Access the Wordpress Database, holds too many rights. '.
- 'We suggest that you limit his rights or to use another User with more limited rights instead, to increase your Security.</font><br />');
- }
- if ($newpref == $GLOBALS['table_prefix']) {
- exit ("No change: Please select a new table_prefix value.</div>");
- } elseif (strlen($newpref) < strlen($_POST['prefix_n'])){
- echo ("You used some Chars which aren't allowed within Tablenames".
- "The sanitized prefix is used instead: " . $newpref);
- }
- echo("<h2>Started Prefix Changer:</h2>");
- //we rename the tables before we change the Config file, so We can aviod changed Configs, without changed prefixes.
- echo("<h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;Start Renaming of Tables:</h3>");
- $oldtables = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$GLOBALS['table_prefix']."%'", ARRAY_N);//retrieving all tables named with the prefix on start
- $table_c = count($oldtables);
- $table_s = 0;//holds the count of successful changed tables.
- $table_f[] = '';//holds all table names which failed to be changed
- for($i = 0; $i < $table_c; $i++) {//renaming each table to the new prefix
- $wpdb->hide_errors();
- $table_n = str_replace($GLOBALS['table_prefix'], $newpref, $oldtables[$i][0]);
- echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Renaming ".$oldtables[$i][0]." to $table_n:";
- $table_r = $wpdb->query("RENAME TABLE ".$oldtables[$i][0]." TO $table_n");
- if ($table_r === 0) {
- echo ('<font color="#00ff00"> Success</font><br />');
- $table_s++;
- } elseif ($table_r === FALSE) {
- echo ('<font color="#ff0000"> Failed</font><br />');
- $table_f[] = $oldtables[$i][0];
- }
- }//changing some "hardcoded" wp values within the tables
- echo ("<h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;Start changing Databasesettings:</h3>");
- if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$newpref."options SET option_name='".$newpref."user_roles' WHERE option_name='".$GLOBALS['table_prefix']."user_roles' LIMIT 1")) <> 1) {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$newpref.'options: 1/1 <font color="#ff0000">Failed</font><br />');
- } else {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'options 1/1: <font color="#00ff00">Success</font><br />');
- }
- if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$newpref."usermeta SET meta_key='".$newpref."capabilities' WHERE meta_key='".$GLOBALS['table_prefix']."capabilities'") <> 1)) {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'usermeta 1/3: <font color="#ff0000">Failed</font><br />');
- } else {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'usermeta 1/3: <font color="#00ff00">Success</font><br />');
- }
- if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$newpref."usermeta SET meta_key='".$newpref."user_level' WHERE meta_key='".$GLOBALS['table_prefix']."user_level'")) === FALSE)
- {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'usermeta 2/3: <font color="#ff0000">Failed</font><br />');
- } else {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'usermeta 2/3: <font color="#00ff00">Success</font><br />');
- }
- if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$newpref."usermeta SET meta_key='".$newpref."autosave_draft_ids' WHERE meta_key='".$GLOBALS['table_prefix']."autosave_draft_ids'")) === 0) {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'usermeta 3/3: <font color="#000000">Value doesn\'t exist</font><br />');
- } else {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Changing values in table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'usermeta 3/3: <font color="#00ff00">Success</font><br />');
- }
- if ($table_s == 0) {
- exit('<font color="#ff0000">Some Error occured, it wasn\'t possible to change any Tableprefix. Please retry, no changes are done to your wp-config File.</font><br />');
- } elseif ($table_s < $table_c) {
- echo('<font color="#ff0000">It wasn\'t possible to rename some of your Tables prefix. Please change them manually. Following you\'ll see all failed tables:<br />');
- for ($i = 1; $i < count($tables_f); $i++) {
- echo ($tables_f[$i])."<br />";
- }
- exit('No changes where done to your wp-config File.</font><br />');
- }
- echo("<h3>Changing Config File:</h3>");
- $conf_f = "../wp-config.php";
- @chmod($conf_f, 0777);//making the the config readable to change the prefix
- if (!is_writeable($conf_f)) {//when automatic config file changing isn't possible the user get's all needed information to do it manually
- echo('&nbsp;&nbsp;1/1 file writeable: <font color="#ff0000">Not Writeable</font><br />');
- echo('<b>Please make your wp-config.php file writable for this process.</b>');
- die("</div>");
- } else {//changing if possible the config file automatically
- echo('&nbsp;&nbsp;1/3 file writeable: <font color="#00ff00"> Writeable</font><br />');
- $handle = @fopen($conf_f, "r+");
- if ($handle) {
- while (!feof($handle)) {
- $lines[] = fgets($handle, 4096);
- }//while feof
- fclose($handle);
- $handle = @fopen($conf_f, "w+");
- foreach ($lines as $line) {
- if (strpos($line, $GLOBALS['table_prefix'])) {
- $line = str_replace($GLOBALS['table_prefix'], $newpref, $line);
- echo('&nbsp;&nbsp;2/3 <font color="#00ff00">table prefix changed!</font><br />');
- }//if strpos
- fwrite($handle, $line);
- }//foreach $lines
- fclose($handle);
- if (chmod ($conf_f, 0644)) {
- echo('&nbsp;&nbsp;3/3 <font color="#00ff00">Config files permission set to 644, for security purpose.</font><br />');
- } else {
- echo ('&nbsp;&nbsp;3/3 wasn\'t able to set chmod to 644, please check if your files permission is set back to 644!<br />');
- }//if chmod
- }//if handle
- }//if is_writeable
- }//if prefix
- ?>
- </div>
- Plugin by <a href="" title="Semper Fi Web Design">Semper Fi Web Design</a>
- </div>
-}//function prefix_changer