diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deprecated/etcat/etcat')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deprecated/etcat/etcat b/deprecated/etcat/etcat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5137683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deprecated/etcat/etcat
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- mode: python; -*-
+# --| Version Information |------------------------------------------
+# etcat v0.1.4 (27 Apr 2003)
+# $Header$
+# --| About |--------------------------------------------------------
+# etcat is a Portage/Ebuild Information Extractor. Basically, it
+# provides higher level convienence functions to the Portage system
+# used by Gentoo Linux.
+# You can use it to quickly find out the recent changes of your
+# favourite package, the size of installed packages, the
+# available versions for a package and more.
+# --| License |------------------------------------------------------
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Alastair Tse.
+# --| Usage |--------------------------------------------------------
+# etcat [options] <command> <package[-ver]|ebuild|category/package[-ver]>
+# -b/belongs ) checks what package(s) a file belongs to
+# -c/changes ) list the more recent changelog entry
+# -d/depends ) list all those that have this in their depends
+# -f/files ) list all files that belong to this package
+# -g/graph ) graph dependencies
+# -s/size ) guesses the size of a installed packaged.
+# -u/uses ) list all the use variables used in this package/ebuild
+# -v/versions ) list all the versions available for a package
+# --| TODO |---------------------------------------------------------
+# - in ver_cmp: 1.2.10a < 1.2.10, need to fix that
+# --| Changes |------------------------------------------------------
+# * etcat-0.3.1 (10 Oct 2004) [karltk]
+# - Fixed changes help examples
+# * etcat-0.3.1 (08 Jan 2004) [genone]
+# - adding missing python searchpath modification
+# - fixing sort order
+# * etcat-0.3.0 (12 Jul 2003) [karltk]
+# - Refactored interesting stuff into the Gentoolkit module
+# * etcat-0.2.0 (13 Jun 2003)
+# - Updated "versions" with PORTAGE_OVERLAY detection
+# - Added "graph" feature
+# * etcat-0.1.5 (30 Apr 2003)
+# - Fixed disappearing short opts. Oops.
+# * etcat-0.1.4 (27 Apr 2003)
+# - Cleaned up command execution code to provide a single place
+# to specify functions
+# - Added own custom wrapping print code.
+# - Added "files" feature
+# - Added "depends" feature
+# * etcat-0.1.3 (24 Apr 2003)
+# - Overhaul of commandline interpreter
+# - Added "belongs" feature
+# - Reimplemented "uses" to deal with IUSE more cleanly
+# and sources use.local.desc
+# - Natural Order Listings for version
+# * etcat-0.1.2 (29 Mar 2003)
+# - Added unstable indicator to complement masked
+# - improved use flag listing
+# * etcat-0.1.1 (21 Jan 2003)
+# - Add package to versions listing even if it's not in
+# the portage anymore (21 Jan 2003)
+# - Fixed old ehack references (17 Jan 2003)
+# * etcat-0.1 (31 Oct 2002)
+# Initial Release;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import pprint
+import getopt
+import glob
+# portage and gentoolkit need special path modifications
+sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/lib/portage/pym")
+sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/lib/gentoolkit/pym")
+import gentoolkit
+from stat import *
+ from portage.output import *
+except ImportError:
+ from output import *
+__author__ = "Alastair Tse"
+__email__ = ""
+__version__ = "0.3.1"
+__productname__ = "etcat"
+__description__ = "Portage Information Extractor"
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Initialise Colour Settings |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+if (not sys.stdout.isatty()) or (gentoolkit.settings["NOCOLOR"] in ["yes","true"]):
+ nocolor()
+# "option": ("shortcommand","desc",["example one", "example two"])
+options = {
+"belongs": \
+("b","Searches for a package that owns a specified file with an option to restrict the search space.",
+["etcat belongs /usr/bin/gimp media-gfx",
+ "etcat belongs /usr/lib/ media-*",
+ "etcat belongs /usr/lib/"]),
+"changes": \
+("c","Outputs the changelog entry to screen. It is possible to give a version number along with the package name.",
+["etcat changes mozilla",
+ "etcat changes =mozilla-1.1-r1",
+ "etcat changes gkrellm$"]),
+"depends": \
+("d","Finds all packages that are directly dependent to a regex search string.",
+["etcat depends 'gnome-base/libgnome'",
+ "etcat depends '>=dev-lang/python-2.2'"]),
+"files": \
+("f","Lists files that belongs to a package and optionally with version.",[]),
+"graph": \
+("g","Graphs Dependencies (NON WORKING)",[]),
+"size": \
+("s","Lists the installed size of a package.",[]),
+"uses": \
+("u", "Advanced output of USE vars in a package. Tells you flags used by a package at time of installation, flags in current config and flag description.",[]),
+"versions": \
+("v","Displays the versions available for a specific package. Colour coded to indicate installation status and displays slot information.",
+[turquoise("(I)") + "nstalled",
+ yellow("(~)") + "Unstable Testing Branch",
+ red("(M)") + "asked Package"])
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Small Wrapping Printer with Indent Support |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def wrap_print(string, indent=0, width=74):
+ line_len = width - indent
+ str_len = len(string)
+ lines = []
+ pos = 0
+ thisline = ""
+ while pos < str_len:
+ # if we still have space stuff the
+ # character in this line
+ if len(thisline) < line_len-1:
+ thisline += string[pos]
+ pos += 1
+ # if we're at the end of the line,
+ # check if we should hyphenate or
+ # append
+ elif len(thisline) == line_len -1:
+ # end of a text
+ if pos == str_len -1:
+ thisline += string[pos]
+ pos += 1
+ # end of a word
+ elif string[pos] != " " and string[pos+1] == " ":
+ thisline += string[pos]
+ pos += 1
+ # just a space
+ elif string[pos] == " ":
+ thisline += string[pos]
+ pos += 1
+ # start of a word, we start the word on the next line
+ elif pos>0 and string[pos-1] == " ":
+ thisline += " "
+ # needs hyphenating
+ else:
+ thisline += "-"
+ # append the line
+ lines.append(thisline)
+ thisline = ""
+ # append last line
+ if thisline:
+ lines.append(thisline)
+ for line in lines:
+ print " "*indent + line
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Pretty Print Log |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Extracts and prints out the log entry corresponding |
+# | to a certain revision if given. If not supplied, |
+# | prints out the latest/topmost entry |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+# output the latest entry in changelog
+def output_log(lines, package_ver=""):
+ # using simple rules that all changelog entries have a "*"
+ # as the first char
+ is_log = 0
+ is_printed = 0
+ for line in lines:
+ if package_ver:
+ start_entry ="^[\s]*\*[\s]*(" + package_ver + ")[\s]+.*(\(.*\))",line)
+ else:
+ start_entry ="^[\s]*\*[\s]*(.*)[\s]+.*(\(.*\))",line)
+ if not is_log and start_entry:
+ is_printed = 1
+ is_log = 1
+ print green("*") + " " + white( + " " + turquoise( + " :"
+ elif is_log and"^[\s]*\*[\s]*(.*)[\s]+.*(\(.*\))",line):
+ break
+ elif is_log:
+ print line.rstrip()
+ else:
+ pass
+ return is_printed
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Changes Function |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Print out the ChangeLog entry for package[-version] |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def changes(query, matches):
+ if not report_matches(query,matches,installed_only=0):
+ return
+ for pkg in matches:
+ changelog_file = pkg.get_package_path() + "/ChangeLog"
+ if os.path.exists(changelog_file):
+ output_log(open(changelog_file).readlines(), pkg.get_name()+"-"+pkg.get_version())
+ else:
+ print red("Error") + ": No Changelog for " + pkg.get_cpv()
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Versions Function |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Prints out the available version, masked status and |
+# | installed status. |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def versions(query, matches):
+ # this function should also report masked packages
+ matches = gentoolkit.find_packages(query, masked=True)
+ if not report_matches(query,matches):
+ return
+ # sorting result list
+ matches = gentoolkit.sort_package_list(matches)
+ # FIXME: old version printed result of regex search on name,
+ # so "ant" would return app-emacs/semantic, etc...
+ last_cp = ""
+ for pkg in matches:
+ new_cp = pkg.get_category()+"/"+pkg.get_name()
+ if last_cp != new_cp:
+ print green("*") + " " + white(new_cp) + " :"
+ last_cp = new_cp
+ state = []
+ color = green
+ unstable = 0
+ overlay = ""
+ # check if masked
+ if pkg.is_masked():
+ state.append(red("M"))
+ color = red
+ else:
+ state.append(" ")
+ # check if in unstable
+ kwd = pkg.get_env_var("KEYWORDS")
+ if "~" + gentoolkit.settings["ARCH"] in kwd.split():
+ state.append(yellow("~"))
+ if color != red:
+ color = yellow
+ unstable = 1
+ else:
+ state.append(" ")
+ # check if installed
+ if pkg.is_installed():
+ state.append(turquoise("I"))
+ color = turquoise
+ else:
+ state.append(" ")
+ # check if this is a OVERLAY ebuilds
+ if pkg.is_overlay():
+ overlay = " OVERLAY"
+ ver = pkg.get_version()
+ slot = pkg.get_env_var("SLOT")
+ print " "*8 + "[" + "".join(state) + "] " + color(ver) + " (" + color(slot) + ")" + overlay
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | List USE flags for a single ebuild, if it's installed |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Just uses the new IUSE parameter in ebuilds |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def uses(query, matches):
+ useflags = gentoolkit.settings["USE"].split()
+ usedesc = {}
+ uselocaldesc = {}
+ # Load global USE flag descriptions
+ try:
+ fd = open(gentoolkit.settings["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/use.desc")
+ usedesc = {}
+ for line in fd.readlines():
+ if line[0] == "#":
+ continue
+ fields = line.split(" - ")
+ if len(fields) == 2:
+ usedesc[fields[0].strip()] = fields[1].strip()
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ # Load local USE flag descriptions
+ try:
+ fd = open(gentoolkit.settings["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/use.local.desc")
+ for line in fd.readlines():
+ if line[0] == "#":
+ continue
+ fields = line.split(" - ")
+ if len(fields) == 2:
+ catpkguse ="([a-z]+-[a-z]+/.*):(.*)", fields[0])
+ if catpkguse:
+ if not uselocaldesc.has_key(
+ uselocaldesc[] = { : fields[1].strip()}
+ else:
+ uselocaldesc[][] = fields[1].strip()
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ print "[ Colour Code : " + green("set") + " " + red("unset") + " ]"
+ print "[ Legend : (U) Col 1 - Current USE flags ]"
+ print "[ : (I) Col 2 - Installed With USE flags ]"
+ if filter(gentoolkit.Package.is_installed, matches):
+ only_installed = True
+ else:
+ only_installed = False
+ # Iterate through matches, printing a report for each package
+ for p in matches:
+ if not p.is_installed() and only_installed:
+ continue
+ bestver = p.get_cpv()
+ iuse = p.get_env_var("IUSE")
+ if iuse: usevar = iuse.split()
+ else: usevar = []
+ inuse = []
+ used = p.get_use_flags().split()
+ # store (inuse, inused, flag, desc)
+ output = []
+ for u in usevar:
+ inuse = 0
+ inused = 0
+ try:
+ desc = usedesc[u]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ desc = uselocaldesc[p.get_category()+"/"+p.get_name()][u]
+ except KeyError:
+ desc = ""
+ if u in p.get_settings("USE"): inuse = 1
+ if u in used: inused = 1
+ output.append((inuse, inused, u, desc))
+ # pretty print
+ if output:
+ print
+ print white(" U I ") + "[ Found these USE variables in : " + white(bestver) + " ]"
+ maxflag_len = 0
+ for inuse, inused, u, desc in output:
+ if len(u) > maxflag_len:
+ maxflag_len = len(u)
+ for inuse, inused, u, desc in output:
+ flag = ["-","+"]
+ colour = [red, green]
+ if inuse != inused:
+ print yellow(" %s %s" % (flag[inuse], flag[inused])),
+ else:
+ print " %s %s" % (flag[inuse], flag[inused]),
+ print colour[inuse](u.ljust(maxflag_len)),
+ # print description
+ if desc:
+ print ":", desc
+ else:
+ print ": unknown"
+ else:
+ print "[ No USE flags found for :", white(p.get_cpv()), "]"
+ return
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Graphs the Dependency Tree for a package |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Naive graphing of dependencies
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def graph(query, matches):
+ if not report_matches(query, matches):
+ return
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if not pkg.is_installed():
+ continue
+ rgraph(pkg)
+def rgraph(pkg,level=0,pkgtbl=[],suffix=""):
+ cpv=pkg.get_cpv()
+ print level*" " + "`-- " + cpv + suffix
+ pkgtbl.append(cpv)
+ for x in pkg.get_runtime_deps():
+ suffix=""
+ cpv=x[2]
+ pkg=gentoolkit.find_best_match(x[0] + cpv)
+ if not pkg:
+ continue
+ if pkg.get_cpv() in pkgtbl:
+ continue
+ if cpv.find("virtual")==0:
+ suffix+=" (" + cpv + ")"
+ if len(x[1]):
+ suffix+=" [ " + "".join(x[1]) + " ]"
+ pkgtbl=rgraph(pkg,level+1,pkgtbl,suffix)
+ return pkgtbl
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Required By Function |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Find what packages require a given package name |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def depends(query, matches):
+ print "[ Results for search key : " + white(query) + " ]"
+ isdepend = gentoolkit.split_package_name(query)
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if pkg.is_installed():
+ deps = pkg.get_runtime_deps()
+ for x in deps:
+ cpvs=gentoolkit.split_package_name(x[2])
+ cat_match=0
+ ver_match=0
+ name_match=0
+ if not isdepend[0] or isdepend[0] == cpvs[0]:
+ cat_match=1
+ if not isdepend[2] or \
+ (isdepend[2] == cpvs[2] and isdepend[3] == cpvs[3]):
+ ver_match=1
+ if isdepend[1] == cpvs[1]:
+ name_match=1
+ if cat_match and ver_match and name_match:
+ print turquoise("*"), white(pkg.get_cpv()), white("[ ") + "".join(x[1]), white("]")
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Belongs to which package |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Finds what package a file belongs to |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def belongs(query,matches):
+ q = query.split()
+ if len(q) > 1:
+ item=q[0]
+ cat=q[1]
+ fn=lambda x: x.find(cat)==0
+ else:
+ item=q[0]
+ cat="*"
+ fn=None
+ matches = gentoolkit.find_all_installed_packages(fn)
+ print "Searching for " + item + " in " + cat + " ..."
+ rx = re.compile(item)
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if pkg.get_contents():
+ for fn in pkg.get_contents().keys():
+ if
+ print pkg.get_cpv()
+ break # We know this pkg matches, look for any more matches
+ return
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Size of all packages matching query |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Finds the size of installed packages |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def size(query,packages):
+ packages = gentoolkit.find_packages(query)
+ if not report_matches(query, packages):
+ return
+ for pkg in packages:
+ if not pkg.is_installed():
+ continue
+ x=pkg.size()
+ size=x[0]
+ files=x[1]
+ uncounted=x[2]
+ print turquoise("*") + " " + white(pkg.get_cpv())
+ print " Total Files : ".rjust(25) + str(files)
+ if uncounted:
+ print " Inaccessible Files : ".rjust(25) + str(uncounted)
+ print " Total Size : ".rjust(25) + "%.2f KB" % (size/1024.0)
+def report_matches(query, matches, installed_only=1):
+ print "[ Results for search key : " + white(query) + " ]"
+ print "[ Candidate applications found : " + white(str(len(matches))) + " ]"
+ print
+ if installed_only and matches:
+ print " Only printing found installed programs."
+ print
+ elif installed_only:
+ print "No packages found."
+ if matches:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Files in a package |
+# +-------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Lists all the files in a package |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def files(query,matches):
+ if not report_matches(query, matches):
+ return
+ for package in matches:
+ if not package.is_installed():
+ continue
+ contents = package.get_contents()
+ print yellow(" * ") + white(package.get_cpv())
+ for x in contents.keys():
+ t = contents[x][0]
+ if t == "obj":
+ print x
+ elif t == "sym":
+ print turquoise(x)
+ elif t == "dir":
+ print blue(x)
+ else:
+ print x
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Help Function |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def ver():
+ print __productname__ + " (" + __version__ + ") - " + __description__ + " - By: " + __author__
+def help():
+ screenwidth = 74
+ margin = 2
+ margin_desc = 4
+ margin_ex = 8
+ ver()
+ print yellow("NOTICE: ") + "This tool will be phased out at some point in"
+ print " the future, please use equery instead."
+ print " Bugs are still fixed, but new features won't be added."
+ print
+ print white("Usage: ") + turquoise(__productname__) + " [ " + green("options") + " ] [ " + turquoise("action") + " ] [ " + turquoise("package") + " ]"
+ print
+ print turquoise("Actions:")
+ print
+ for name,tup in options.items():
+ print " "*margin + green(name) + " (" + green("-" + tup[0]) + " short option)"
+ wrap_print(tup[1],indent=margin_desc)
+ for example in tup[2]:
+ print " "*margin_ex + example
+ print
+# .-------------------------------------------------------.
+# | Main Function |
+# `-------------------------------------------------------'
+def main():
+ action = ''
+ query = ''
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # delegates the commandline stuff to functions
+ pointer = 2
+ # short/long opts mapping
+ shortopts = ["-"+x[0] for x in options.values()]
+ short2long = {}
+ for k,v in options.items():
+ short2long[v[0]] = k
+ longopts = options.keys()
+ # loop thru arguments
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if arg[0] == "-" and len(arg) == 2 and arg in shortopts:
+ action = short2long[arg[1]]
+ query = ' '.join(sys.argv[pointer:])
+ break
+ elif arg in longopts:
+ action = arg
+ query = ' '.join(sys.argv[pointer:])
+ break
+ else:
+ pointer += 1
+ # abort if we don't have an action or query string
+ if not query or action not in options.keys():
+ help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ try:
+ matches = gentoolkit.find_packages(query)
+ except KeyError, e:
+ if e[0].find("Specific key requires operator") == 0:
+ print red("!!!"), "Invalid syntax: missing operator"
+ print red("!!!"), "If you want only specific versions please use one of"
+ print red("!!!"), "the following operators as prefix for the package name:"
+ print red("!!!"), " > >= = <= <"
+ print red("!!!"), "Example to only match gcc versions greater or equal 3.2:"
+ print red("!!!"), " >=sys-devel/gcc-3.2"
+ else:
+ print red("!!!"), "Internal portage error, terminating"
+ if len(e[0]):
+ print red("!!!"), e
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if isinstance(e[0],list):
+ print red("!!!"), "Ambiguous package name \"%s\"" % query
+ print red("!!!"), "Please use one of the following long names:"
+ for p in e[0]:
+ print red("!!!"), " "+p
+ else:
+ print red("!!!"), "Internal portage error, terminating"
+ if len(e[0]):
+ print red("!!!"), e[0]
+ sys.exit(2)
+ function = globals()[action]
+ function(query, matches)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ main()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "Operation Aborted!"