diff options
authorChris PeBenito <pebenito@ieee.org>2018-05-31 17:40:10 -0400
committerJason Zaman <jason@perfinion.com>2018-06-08 17:21:01 +0800
commit42e8225c62bc535718a2582b973315348748c459 (patch)
parentinit: Module version bump. (diff)
Remove deprecated flask.py script.
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/policy/flask/Makefile b/policy/flask/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 17dc1747c..000000000
--- a/policy/flask/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-PYTHON ?= python
-# flask needs to know where to export the libselinux headers.
-LIBSELINUX_D ?= ../../libselinux
-# flask needs to know where to export the kernel headers.
-LINUX_D ?= ../../../linux-2.6
-ACCESS_VECTORS_F = access_vectors
-INITIAL_SIDS_F = initial_sids
-SECURITY_CLASSES_F = security_classes
-USER_D = userspace
-KERN_D = kernel
-LIBSELINUX_INCLUDE_H = flask.h av_permissions.h
-LIBSELINUX_SOURCE_H = class_to_string.h av_inherit.h common_perm_to_string.h av_perm_to_string.h
-FLASK_H = class_to_string.h flask.h initial_sid_to_string.h
-ACCESS_VECTORS_H = av_inherit.h common_perm_to_string.h av_perm_to_string.h av_permissions.h
-USER_H = $(addprefix $(USER_D)/, $(ALL_H))
-KERN_H = $(addprefix $(KERN_D)/, $(ALL_H))
-FLASK_NOWARNINGS = --nowarnings
-all: $(USER_H) $(KERN_H)
- mkdir -p $(USER_D)
- mkdir -p $(KERN_D)
-tolib: all
- install -m 644 $(addprefix $(USER_D)/, $(LIBSELINUX_INCLUDE_H)) $(LIBSELINUX_D)/include/selinux
- install -m 644 $(addprefix $(USER_D)/, $(LIBSELINUX_SOURCE_H)) $(LIBSELINUX_D)/src
-tokern: all
- install -m 644 $(KERN_H) $(LINUX_D)/security/selinux/include
-install: all
- rm -fr userspace
- rm -fr kernel
diff --git a/policy/flask/flask.py b/policy/flask/flask.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ca566d866..000000000
--- a/policy/flask/flask.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -E
-# Author(s): Caleb Case <ccase@tresys.com>
-# Adapted from the bash/awk scripts mkflask.sh and mkaccess_vector.sh
-import getopt
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-class ParseError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, type, file, line):
- self.type = type
- self.file = file
- self.line = line
- def __str__(self):
- typeS = self.type
- if type(self.type) is not str: typeS = Flask.CONSTANT_S[self.type]
- return "Parse Error: Unexpected %s on line %d of %s." % (typeS, self.line, self.file)
-class DuplicateError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, type, file, line, symbol):
- self.type = type
- self.file = file
- self.line = line
- self.symbol = symbol
- def __str__(self):
- typeS = self.type
- if type(self.type) is not str: typeS = Flask.CONSTANT_S[self.type]
- return "Duplicate Error: Duplicate %s '%s' on line %d of %s." % (typeS, self.symbol, self.line, self.file)
-class UndefinedError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, type, file, line, symbol):
- self.type = type
- self.file = file
- self.line = line
- self.symbol = symbol
- def __str__(self):
- typeS = self.type
- if type(self.type) is not str: typeS = Flask.CONSTANT_S[self.type]
- return "Undefined Error: %s '%s' is not defined but used on line %d of %s." % (typeS, self.symbol, self.line, self.file)
-class UnusedError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, info):
- self.info = info
- def __str__(self):
- return "Unused Error: %s" % self.info
-class Flask:
- '''
- FLASK container class with utilities for parsing definition
- files and creating c header files.
- '''
- #Constants used in definitions parsing.
- WHITE = re.compile(r'^\s*$')
- COMMENT = re.compile(r'^\s*#')
- USERFLAG = re.compile(r'# userspace')
- CLASS = re.compile(r'^class (?P<name>\w+)')
- COMMON = re.compile(r'^common (?P<name>\w+)')
- INHERITS = re.compile(r'^inherits (?P<name>\w+)')
- OPENB = re.compile(r'^{')
- VECTOR = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<name>\w+)')
- CLOSEB = re.compile(r'^}')
- SID = re.compile(r'^sid (?P<name>\w+)')
- EOF = "end of file"
- #Constants used in header generation.
- KERNEL = 1
- CONSTANT_S = { \
- #parsing constants
- WHITE : "whitespace", \
- COMMENT : "comment", \
- USERFLAG : "userspace flag", \
- CLASS : "class definition", \
- COMMON : "common definition", \
- INHERITS : "inherits definition", \
- OPENB : "'{'", \
- VECTOR : "access vector definition", \
- CLOSEB : "'}'", \
- SID : "security identifier", \
- EOF : "end of file", \
- #generation constants
- USERSPACE : "userspace mode", \
- KERNEL : "kernel mode", \
- }
- def __init__(self, warn = True):
- self.WARN = warn
- self.autogen = "/* This file is automatically generated. Do not edit. */\n"
- self.commons = []
- self.user_commons = []
- self.common = {}
- self.classes = []
- self.vectors = []
- self.vector = {}
- self.userspace = {}
- self.sids = []
- self.inherits = {}
- def warning(self, msg):
- '''
- Prints a warning message out to stderr if warnings are enabled.
- '''
- if self.WARN: sys.stderr.write("Warning: %s\n" % msg)
- def parseClasses(self, path):
- '''
- Parses security class definitions from the given path.
- '''
- classes = []
- input = open(path, 'r')
- number = 0
- for line in input:
- number += 1
- m = self.COMMENT.search(line)
- if m: continue
- m = self.WHITE.search(line)
- if m: continue
- m = self.CLASS.search(line)
- if m:
- g = m.groupdict()
- c = g['name']
- if c in classes: raise DuplicateError, (self.CLASS, path, number, c)
- classes.append(c)
- if self.USERFLAG.search(line):
- self.userspace[c] = True
- else:
- self.userspace[c] = False
- continue
- raise ParseError, ("data. Was expecting either a comment, whitespace, or class definition. ", path, number)
- self.classes = classes
- return classes
- def parseSids(self, path):
- '''
- Parses initial SID definitions from the given path.
- '''
- sids = []
- input = open(path, 'r')
- for line in input:
- m = self.COMMENT.search(line)
- if m: continue
- m = self.WHITE.search(line)
- if m: continue
- m = self.SID.search(line)
- if m:
- g = m.groupdict()
- s = g['name']
- if s in sids: raise DuplicateError, (self.SID, path, number, s)
- sids.append(s)
- continue
- raise ParseError, ("data. Was expecting either a comment, whitespace, or security identifier. ", path, number)
- self.sids = sids
- return sids
- def parseVectors(self, path):
- '''
- Parses access vector definitions from the given path.
- '''
- vectors = []
- vector = {}
- commons = []
- common = {}
- inherits = {}
- user_commons = {}
- input = open(path, 'r')
- # states
- NONE = 0
- COMMON = 1
- CLASS = 2
- OPEN = 4
- state = NONE
- state2 = NONE
- number = 0
- for line in input:
- number += 1
- m = self.COMMENT.search(line)
- if m: continue
- m = self.WHITE.search(line)
- if m:
- if state == INHERIT:
- state = NONE
- continue
- m = self.COMMON.search(line)
- if m:
- if state != NONE: raise ParseError, (self.COMMON, path, number)
- g = m.groupdict()
- c = g['name']
- if c in commons: raise DuplicateError, (self.COMMON, path, number, c)
- commons.append(c)
- common[c] = []
- user_commons[c] = True
- state = COMMON
- continue
- m = self.CLASS.search(line)
- if m:
- if state != NONE: raise ParseError, (self.CLASS, number)
- g = m.groupdict()
- c = g['name']
- if c in vectors: raise DuplicateError, (self.CLASS, path, number, c)
- if c not in self.classes: raise UndefinedError, (self.CLASS, path, number, c)
- vectors.append(c)
- vector[c] = []
- state = CLASS
- continue
- m = self.INHERITS.search(line)
- if m:
- if state != CLASS: raise ParseError, (self.INHERITS, number)
- g = m.groupdict()
- i = g['name']
- if c in inherits: raise DuplicateError, (self.INHERITS, path, number, c)
- if i not in common: raise UndefinedError, (self.COMMON, path, number, i)
- inherits[c] = i
- state = INHERIT
- if not self.userspace[c]: user_commons[i] = False
- continue
- m = self.OPENB.search(line)
- if m:
- if (state != CLASS \
- and state != INHERIT \
- and state != COMMON) \
- or state2 != NONE:
- raise ParseError, (self.OPENB, path, number)
- state2 = OPEN
- continue
- m = self.VECTOR.search(line)
- if m:
- if state2 != OPEN: raise ParseError, (self.VECTOR, path, number)
- g = m.groupdict()
- v = g['name']
- if state == CLASS or state == INHERIT:
- if v in vector[c]: raise DuplicateError, (self.VECTOR, path, number, v)
- vector[c].append(v)
- elif state == COMMON:
- if v in common[c]: raise DuplicateError, (self.VECTOR, path, number, v)
- common[c].append(v)
- continue
- m = self.CLOSEB.search(line)
- if m:
- if state2 != OPEN: raise ParseError, (self.CLOSEB, path, number)
- state = NONE
- state2 = NONE
- c = None
- continue
- raise ParseError, ("data", path, number)
- if state != NONE and state2 != NONE: raise ParseError, (self.EOF, path, number)
- cvdiff = set(self.classes) - set(vectors)
- if cvdiff: raise UnusedError, "Not all security classes were used in access vectors: %s" % cvdiff # the inverse of this will be caught as an undefined class error
- self.commons = commons
- self.user_commons = user_commons
- self.common = common
- self.vectors = vectors
- self.vector = vector
- self.inherits = inherits
- return vector
- def createHeaders(self, path, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- Creates the C header files in the specified MODE and outputs
- them to give PATH.
- '''
- headers = { \
- 'av_inherit.h' : self.createAvInheritH(mode), \
- 'av_perm_to_string.h' : self.createAvPermToStringH(mode), \
- 'av_permissions.h' : self.createAvPermissionsH(mode), \
- 'class_to_string.h' : self.createClassToStringH(mode), \
- 'common_perm_to_string.h' : self.createCommonPermToStringH(mode), \
- 'flask.h' : self.createFlaskH(mode), \
- 'initial_sid_to_string.h' : self.createInitialSidToStringH(mode) \
- }
- for key, value in headers.items():
- of = open(os.path.join(path, key), 'w')
- of.writelines(value)
- of.close()
- def createUL(self, count):
- fields = [1, 2, 4, 8]
- return "0x%08xUL" % (fields[count % 4] << 4 * (count / 4))
- def createAvInheritH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- for c in self.vectors:
- if c in self.inherits:
- i = self.inherits[c]
- count = len(self.common[i])
- if not (mode == self.KERNEL and self.userspace[c]):
- results.append(" S_(SECCLASS_%s, %s, %s)\n" % (c.upper(), i, self.createUL(count)))
- return results
- def createAvPermToStringH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- for c in self.vectors:
- for p in self.vector[c]:
- if not (mode == self.KERNEL and self.userspace[c]):
- results.append(" S_(SECCLASS_%s, %s__%s, \"%s\")\n" % (c.upper(), c.upper(), p.upper(), p))
- return results
- def createAvPermissionsH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- width = 57
- count = 0
- for common in self.commons:
- count = 0
- shift = 0
- for p in self.common[common]:
- if not (mode == self.KERNEL and self.user_commons[common]):
- columnA = "#define COMMON_%s__%s " % (common.upper(), p.upper())
- columnA += "".join([" " for i in range(width - len(columnA))])
- results.append("%s%s\n" % (columnA, self.createUL(count)))
- count += 1
- width = 50 # broken for old tools whitespace
- for c in self.vectors:
- count = 0
- ps = []
- if c in self.inherits:
- ps += self.common[self.inherits[c]]
- ps += self.vector[c]
- for p in ps:
- columnA = "#define %s__%s " % (c.upper(), p.upper())
- columnA += "".join([" " for i in range(width - len(columnA))])
- if not (mode == self.KERNEL and self.userspace[c]):
- results.append("%s%s\n" % (columnA, self.createUL(count)))
- count += 1
- return results
- def createClassToStringH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- results.append("/*\n * Security object class definitions\n */\n")
- if mode == self.KERNEL:
- results.append(" S_(NULL)\n")
- else:
- results.append(" S_(\"null\")\n")
- for c in self.classes:
- if mode == self.KERNEL and self.userspace[c]:
- results.append(" S_(NULL)\n")
- else:
- results.append(" S_(\"%s\")\n" % c)
- return results
- def createCommonPermToStringH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- for common in self.commons:
- if not (mode == self.KERNEL and self.user_commons[common]):
- results.append("TB_(common_%s_perm_to_string)\n" % common)
- for p in self.common[common]:
- results.append(" S_(\"%s\")\n" % p)
- results.append("TE_(common_%s_perm_to_string)\n\n" % common)
- return results
- def createFlaskH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- results.append("#ifndef _SELINUX_FLASK_H_\n")
- results.append("#define _SELINUX_FLASK_H_\n")
- results.append("\n")
- results.append("/*\n")
- results.append(" * Security object class definitions\n")
- results.append(" */\n")
- count = 0
- width = 57
- for c in self.classes:
- count += 1
- columnA = "#define SECCLASS_%s " % c.upper()
- columnA += "".join([" " for i in range(width - len(columnA))])
- if not (mode == self.KERNEL and self.userspace[c]):
- results.append("%s%d\n" % (columnA, count))
- results.append("\n")
- results.append("/*\n")
- results.append(" * Security identifier indices for initial entities\n")
- results.append(" */\n")
- count = 0
- width = 56 # broken for old tools whitespace
- for s in self.sids:
- count += 1
- columnA = "#define SECINITSID_%s " % s.upper()
- columnA += "".join([" " for i in range(width - len(columnA))])
- results.append("%s%d\n" % (columnA, count))
- results.append("\n")
- columnA = "#define SECINITSID_NUM "
- columnA += "".join([" " for i in range(width - len(columnA))])
- results.append("%s%d\n" % (columnA, count))
- results.append("\n")
- results.append("#endif\n")
- return results
- def createInitialSidToStringH(self, mode = USERSPACE):
- '''
- '''
- results = []
- results.append(self.autogen)
- results.append("static char *initial_sid_to_string[] =\n")
- results.append("{\n")
- results.append(" \"null\",\n")
- for s in self.sids:
- results.append(" \"%s\",\n" % s)
- results.append("};\n")
- results.append("\n")
- return results
-def usage():
- '''
- Returns the usage string.
- '''
- usage = 'Usage: %s -a ACCESS_VECTORS -i INITIAL_SIDS -s SECURITY_CLASSES -o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -k|-u [-w]\n' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- usage += '\n'
- usage += ' -a --access_vectors\taccess vector definitions\n'
- usage += ' -i --initial_sids\tinitial sid definitions\n'
- usage += ' -s --security_classes\tsecurity class definitions\n'
- usage += ' -o --output\toutput directory for generated files\n'
- usage += ' -k --kernel\toutput mode set to kernel (kernel headers contain empty blocks for all classes specified with # userspace in the security_classes file)\n'
- usage += ' -u --user\toutput mode set to userspace\n'
- usage += ' -w --nowarnings\tsupresses output of warning messages\n'
- return usage
-########## MAIN ##########
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Parse command line args
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:i:s:o:kuwh', ['access_vectors=', 'initial_sids=', 'security_classes=', 'output=', 'kernel', 'user', 'nowarnings', 'help'])
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- print(usage())
- sys.exit(2)
- avec = None
- isid = None
- secc = None
- outd = None
- mode = None
- warn = True
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ('-h', '--help'):
- print(usage())
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o in ('-a', '--access_vectors'):
- avec = a
- elif o in ('-i', '--initial_sids'):
- isid = a
- elif o in ('-s', '--security_classes'):
- secc = a
- elif o in ('-o', '--output'):
- outd = a
- elif o in ('-k', '--kernel'):
- if mode != None:
- print(usage())
- sys.exit(2)
- mode = Flask.KERNEL
- elif o in ('-u', '--user'):
- if mode != None:
- print(usage())
- sys.exit(2)
- mode = Flask.USERSPACE
- elif o in ('-w', '--nowarnings'):
- warn = False
- else:
- print(usage())
- sys.exit(2)
- if avec == None or \
- isid == None or \
- secc == None or \
- outd == None:
- print(usage())
- sys.exit(2)
- try:
- f = Flask(warn)
- f.parseSids(isid)
- f.parseClasses(secc)
- f.parseVectors(avec)
- f.createHeaders(outd, mode)
- except Exception, e:
- print(e)
- sys.exit(2)