path: root/eclass
diff options
authorKrzysztof Pawlik <nelchael@gentoo.org>2006-05-21 21:30:53 +0000
committerKrzysztof Pawlik <nelchael@gentoo.org>2006-05-21 21:30:53 +0000
commitc9969b53385590e37b3c1468d866bf69de2d6ea3 (patch)
treefd8cd72a095ab20c1e1222dbdb7372734ed3c8b9 /eclass
parentVersion bump (diff)
parentMissed the license. (diff)
Split generation 2 packages from gentoo-java-experimental to migration-packages. Any migrated package should be moved to migration-packages.
svn path=/migration-packages/; revision=2291
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/commons-jelly-tags.eclass b/eclass/commons-jelly-tags.eclass
deleted file mode 100644
index a872e5c8..00000000
--- a/eclass/commons-jelly-tags.eclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Original Author: Joshua Nichols <nichoj@gentoo.org>
-# Purpose: facilitate packaging commons-jellyt-tags-*
-# Procedure for packaging common-jelly-tags:
-# * Go to the SVN repository located at:
-# http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/proper/jelly/
-# You'll probably want to use things that are tagged, so:
-# http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/proper/jelly/tags/
-# * For whatever set to package, from the repository, figure out where the
-# source actually lives in the repository.
-# ie for log, it'd be http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/proper/jelly/tags/COMMONS-JELLY-LOG-1_0/jelly-tags/log/
-# * Make a checkout of the source to ${P}
-# * Make a patch to the build.xml to remove deps: 'get-deps' from compile, and 'test' from
-# TODO: maybe a generic patch can be used everywhere (since the build.xmls are
-# so close)?
-# * svn revert build.xml
-# * Run 'ant get-deps', to figure out what it depends on.
-# * For everything that isn't part of LDEPEND below, add it to RDEPEND of the
-# ebuild
-# * If there is anything isn't part of LDEPEND below, also declare a function
-# commons-jelly-tags_src_unpack(), and make the appropriate java-pkg_jar-from
-# calls
-# * ant clean
-# * Create a tarball of the checkout as ${P}.tar.bz2
-inherit java-pkg eutils base
-DECRIPTION="An Executable XML Java Elements Framework"
- http://gentooexperimental.org/distfiles/commons-jelly-tags-${JELLY_PATCH_VERSION}-gentoo.patch.bz2"
- =dev-java/commons-beanutils-1.6*
- dev-java/commons-collections
- =dev-java/commons-jexl-1.0*
- dev-java/commons-logging
- dev-java/commons-lang
- =dev-java/dom4j-1*
- =dev-java/jaxen-1.1*
- =dev-java/xerces-2*
- dev-java/junit"
- dev-java/ant-core
- dev-java/ant-tasks
- jikes? ( dev-java/jikes )
- source? ( app-arch/zip )
-IUSE="doc jikes source"
-EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_compile src_install src_test
-commons-jelly-tags_fix-jars() {
- # empty! implement for each ebuild
- true;
-# Pull jars that will be used by all commons-jelly-tags packages
-commons-jelly-tags_fix-common-jars() {
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-jelly-1
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-beanutils-1.6
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-cli-1
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-collections
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-logging
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-lang
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-jexl-1.0
- java-pkg_jar-from dom4j-1
- java-pkg_jar-from jaxen-1.1
- java-pkg_jar-from junit
- java-pkg_jar-from xerces-2
-commons-jelly-tags_src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- # apply PATCHES
- for patch in ${PATCHES}; do
- epatch ${patch}
- done
- mkdir -p ${S}/target/lib
- cd ${S}/target/lib
- # populate the lib dir with dependencies
- commons-jelly-tags_fix-common-jars
- commons-jelly-tags_fix-jars
-commons-jelly-tags_src_compile() {
- local antflags="jar -Dfinal.name=${PN}"
- use jikes && antflags="${antflags} -Dbuild.compiler=jikes"
- use doc && antflags="${antflags} javadoc"
- ant ${antflags} || die "compile failed"
-commons-jelly-tags_src_install() {
-# java-pkg_newjar target/${PN}*.jar ${PN}.jar
-# for jar in target/*.jar ; do
-# # could there be a better way?
-# # basically, don't want there to be SNAPSHOT in the jar name
-# local jarname=$(basename ${jar})
-# jarname=${jarname%%-1*} # this is ugly...
-# java-pkg_newjar ${jar} ${jarname}.jar
-# done
- java-pkg_dojar target/*.jar
- use doc && java-pkg_dohtml -r dist/docs/api
- use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/java/*
-commons-jelly-tags_src_test() {
- ant test || die "Tests failed"
diff --git a/eclass/java-maven.eclass b/eclass/java-maven.eclass
deleted file mode 100644
index ed144bdb..00000000
--- a/eclass/java-maven.eclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Original Author: nichoj
-# Purpose:
-inherit java-pkg java-utils base
-# This is safe to do, right?
-case "${JAVA_MAVEN_VERSION}" in
- "1")
- JAVA_MAVEN_SYSTEM_HOME="/usr/share/maven"
- ;;
- "2")
- JAVA_MAVEN_SYSTEM_HOME="/usr/share/maven-bin-2"
- ;;
-JAVA_MAVEN_PLUGINS=${JAVA_MAVEN_PLUGINS:="jar pom java javadoc test license xdoc"}
-emaven() {
- local maven_flags="-Dmaven.repo.local=${JAVA_MAVEN_BUILD_REPO}"
- maven_flags="${maven_flags} -Dmaven.plugin.dir=${JAVA_MAVEN_BUILD_PLUGINS}"
- maven_flags="${maven_flags} -Dmaven.repo.remote=file://usr/share/maven-gentoo-repo"
- maven_flags="${maven_flags} -Dmaven.home.local=${JAVA_MAVEN_BUILD_HOME}"
- maven_flags="${maven_flags} -Dmaven.compile.source=$(java-maven_get-source)"
- maven_flags="${maven_flags} -Dmaven.compile.target=$(java-maven_get-target)"
- /usr/share/maven/bin/maven ${maven_flags} "$@" || die "maven failed"
-java-maven_use-plugin() {
-java-maven_src_unpack() {
- einfo "Populating ${JAVA_MAVEN_BUILD_PLUGINS}"
- mkdir -p ${JAVA_MAVEN_BUILD_PLUGINS} || die "mkdir failed"
- for plugin in ${JAVA_MAVEN_PLUGINS}; do
- java-pkg_jar-from maven-${plugin}-plugin-${JAVA_MAVEN_VERSION}
- done
- cd -
- base_src_unpack
-java-maven_get-target() {
-# if [[ -n "$(declare -f java-pkg_get-target)" ]]; then
-# echo $(java-pkg_get-target)
-# else
- echo "1.4"
-# fi
-java-maven_get-source() {
-# if [[ -n "$(declare -f java-pkg_get-source)" ]]; then
-# echo $(java-pkg_get-source)
-# else
- echo "1.4"
-# fi
-function java-maven_doplugin() {
- # TODO check args
- local plugin_jar=${1}
- local plugin_basename=$(basename ${1})
- java-pkg_dojar ${plugin_jar}
- local jardir
- if [[ ${SLOT} != "0" ]]; then
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/lib"
- else
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}/lib"
- fi
- local installed_jar="${jardir}/${plugin_basename}"
- dosym "${installed_jar}" \
- "${JAVA_MAVEN_SYSTEM_PLUGINS}/${plugin_basename}"
-# TODO reduce redunancy of doplugin/newplugin
-function java-maven_newplugin() {
- # TODO check args
- local plugin_jar=${1}
- local plugin_basename=$(basename ${1})
- local plugin_newjar="${2}"
- java-pkg_newjar ${plugin_jar} ${plugin_newjar}
- local jardir
- if [[ ${SLOT} != "0" ]]; then
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/lib"
- else
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}/lib"
- fi
- local installed_jar="${jardir}/${plugin_newjar}"
- dosym "${installed_jar}" \
- "${JAVA_MAVEN_SYSTEM_PLUGINS}/${plugin_basename}"
diff --git a/eclass/maven-plugin.eclass b/eclass/maven-plugin.eclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 96908002..00000000
--- a/eclass/maven-plugin.eclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Original Author: nichoj
-# Purpose: To facilitate packaging maven plugins.
-inherit java-pkg base
- dev-java/ant-core"
-EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_compile src_install
-maven-plugin_populate-jars() {
- true
-maven-plugin_src_unpack() {
- # Use base, so we get some patching magic
- base_src_unpack
- cd ${S}
- # This build.xml was generated by 'maven ant', and fixed slightly.
- local build_xml
- if [[ -f ${FILESDIR}/build-${PVR}.xml ]]; then
- build_xml=${FILESDIR}/build-${PVR}.xml
- elif [[ -f ${FILESDIR}/build-${PV}.xml ]]; then
- build_xml=${FILESDIR}/build-${PV}.xml
- else
- die "Couldn't find a suitable build.xml"
- fi
- cp ${build_xml} build.xml
- mkdir -p target/lib
- cd target/lib
- maven-plugin_populate-jars
-maven-plugin_src_compile() {
- local antflags="jar -Dnoget=true"
- ant ${antflags} || die "ant failed"
-maven-plugin_src_install() {
- maven_newplugin target/${P}.jar ${PN}.jar
-function maven_doplugin() {
- # TODO check args
- local plugin_jar=${1}
- local plugin_basename=$(basename ${1})
- java-pkg_dojar ${plugin_jar}
- local jardir
- if [[ ${SLOT} != "0" ]]; then
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/lib"
- else
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}/lib"
- fi
- local installed_jar="${jardir}/${plugin_basename}"
- dosym "${installed_jar}" \
- "${JAVA_MAVEN_SYSTEM_PLUGINS}/${plugin_basename}"
-# TODO reduce redunancy of doplugin/newplugin
-function maven_newplugin() {
- # TODO check args
- local plugin_jar=${1}
- local plugin_basename=$(basename ${1})
- local plugin_newjar="${2}"
- java-pkg_newjar ${plugin_jar} ${plugin_newjar}
- local jardir
- if [[ ${SLOT} != "0" ]]; then
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/lib"
- else
- jardir="/usr/share/${PN}/lib"
- fi
- local installed_jar="${jardir}/${plugin_newjar}"
- dosym "${installed_jar}" \
- "${JAVA_MAVEN_SYSTEM_PLUGINS}/${plugin_basename}"
diff --git a/eclass/wagon.eclass b/eclass/wagon.eclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8c71f6..00000000
--- a/eclass/wagon.eclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Original Author: nichoj
-# Purpose:
-inherit java-pkg
-SRC_URI="http://gentooexperimental.org/distfiles/${MY_P}.tar.bz2 http://gentooexperimental.org/distfiles/build-wagon.xml.bz2"
- dev-java/ant-core"
-wagon_src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- cp ${WORKDIR}/build-wagon.xml build.xml
-wagon_src_compile() {
- local antflags="jar -Dproject.name=${PN}"
- use doc && antflags="${antflags} javadoc"
- use jikes && antflags="${antflags} -Dbuild.compiler=jikes"
- ant ${antflags} || die "build failed!"
-wagon_src_install() {
- java-pkg_dojar dist/${PN}.jar
- use doc && java-pkg_dohtml -r dist/doc/api
-EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_compile src_install