diff options
authorMathieu Pasquet <kiorky@cryptelium.net>2007-05-20 17:55:11 +0000
committerMathieu Pasquet <kiorky@cryptelium.net>2007-05-20 17:55:11 +0000
commit3f9b50303008212714aef2478a4a5bd840df6119 (patch)
parentminor changes to maven helper, also renamed it (diff)
xml-rewrite new version: xml-rewrite-3.
svn path=/projects/javatoolkit/trunk/; revision=4724
3 files changed, 428 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/makedefs.mak b/makedefs.mak
index f95ed3b..8b706a2 100644
--- a/makedefs.mak
+++ b/makedefs.mak
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Override this on command line when making a release, ie 'dist'
PYVERSION="`python-config | sed 's/-l//' | sed 's/ -lm.*//'`"
@@ -16,3 +16,5 @@ libdir=$(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/javatoolkit
diff --git a/src/bsfix/Makefile b/src/bsfix/Makefile
index db6360b..87b0e32 100644
--- a/src/bsfix/Makefile
+++ b/src/bsfix/Makefile
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
include ../../makedefs.mak
mkdir -p ../../$(distdir)/src/bsfix
- cp Makefile bsfix build-xml-source-target.xslt xml-rewrite.py xml-rewrite-2.py class-version-verify.py ../../$(distdir)/src/bsfix
+ cp Makefile bsfix build-xml-source-target.xslt xml-rewrite.py xml-rewrite-2.py xml-rewrite-3.py class-version-verify.py ../../$(distdir)/src/bsfix
install: all
install -m 0755 bsfix $(bindir)/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ install: all
install build-xml-source-target.xslt ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/javatoolkit/
install -m 0755 xml-rewrite.py ${bindir}/
install -m 0755 xml-rewrite-2.py ${bindir}/
+ install -m 0755 xml-rewrite-3.py ${xmlrewritedir}/
install -m 0755 class-version-verify.py ${bindir}/
diff --git a/src/bsfix/xml-rewrite-3.py b/src/bsfix/xml-rewrite-3.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e28f379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bsfix/xml-rewrite-3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# vim: set ai ts=8 sts=0 sw=8 tw=0 noexpandtab:
+# Copyright 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence v2
+# Authors:
+# Saleem Abdulrasool <compnerd@compnerd.org>
+# Petteri Räty <betelgeuse@gentoo.org>
+# kiorky <kiorky@cryptelium.net>
+# Maintainer: Gentoo Java Herd <java@gentoo.org>
+# Python based XML modifier
+# ChangeLog
+# kiorky <kiorky@cryptelium.net>
+# May 2007 - Now, all things can be done in one pass, saving us some times :)
+# - javadoc target generation added
+# - Rewritten to be more logical
+# Petteri Räty <betelgeuse@gentoo.org
+# December 06, 2006 - Changed to use xml.parsers.expat and basically rewrote the whole file
+# December 29, 2006 - Added a SAX based implementation to handle entities etc ( test on dev-java/skinlf )
+# Saleem A. <compnerd@compnerd.org>
+# December 23, 2004 - Initial Write
+# December 24, 2004 - Added usage information
+import os
+import sys
+import StringIO
+from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr,escape
+from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.7 $"[11:-2]
+class DomRewriter:
+ """
+ The old DOM rewriter is still around for index based stuff. It can
+ be used for all the complex stuff but portage needed features should
+ be in StreamRewriterBase subclasses as they are much faster.
+ """
+ from xml.dom import NotFoundErr
+ def __init__(self, modifyElems, attributes, values=None, index=None):
+ self.modifyElems = modifyElems
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ self.values = values
+ self.index = index
+ def delete_elements(self, document, **kwargs):
+ if not self.modifyElems:
+ return
+ tomodify = []
+ for tag in self.modifyElems:
+ matches = document.getElementsByTagName(tag)
+ if matches:
+ if self.index == None:
+ for match in matches:
+ tomodify.append(match)
+ else:
+ tomodify.append(matches[self.index])
+ for elem in tomodify:
+ for i,attr in enumerate(self.attributes):
+ if self.values:
+ elem.setAttribute(attr, self.values[i])
+ else:
+ try:
+ elem.removeAttribute(attr)
+ except DomRewriter.NotFoundErr:
+ continue
+ def add_gentoo_classpath(self,document,**kwargs):
+ matches = document.getElementsByTagName("classpath")
+ gcp = document.createElement("location")
+ gcp.setAttribute("path","${gentoo.classpath}")
+ handled_refs = set()
+ for match in matches:
+ if match.hasAttribute("refid"):
+ refid = match.getAttribute("refid")
+ for ref in document.getElementsByTagName("path"):
+ id = ref.getAttribute("id")
+ if id not in handled_refs and id == refid:
+ gcp = document.createElement("pathelement")
+ gcp.setAttribute("path","${gentoo.classpath}")
+ ref.appendChild(gcp)
+ handled_refs.add(id)
+ else:
+ match.appendChild(gcp)
+ def process(self,in_stream,callback=None,*args,**kwargs):
+ from xml.dom import minidom
+ self.document = minidom.parseString(in_stream);
+ if callback:
+ callback(self.document,*args,**kwargs)
+ def write(self,stream):
+ stream.write(self.document.toxml())
+#class ExpatRewriter(StreamRewriterBase):
+# """
+# The only problem with this Expat based implementation is that it does not
+# handle entities doctypes etc properly so for example dev-java/skinlf fails.
+# """
+# def process(self, in_stream):
+# from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate
+# parser = ParserCreate()
+# parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element
+# parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element
+# parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.char_data
+# parser.ParseFile(in_stream)
+# self.p(u'\n')
+# def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+# StreamRewriterBase(self, name, attrs.iteritems())
+# def end_element(self,name):
+# self.p(u'</%s>' % name)
+from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
+class SaxRewriter(XMLGenerator):
+ """
+ Using Sax gives us the support for writing back doctypes and all easily
+ and is only marginally slower than expat as it is just a tight layer over it
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwds):
+ self.elems = kwds.has_key('elems') and kwds['elems'] or []
+ self.attributes = kwds.has_key('attributes') and kwds['attributes'] or []
+ self.values = kwds.has_key('values') and kwds['values'] or []
+ self.sourceElems = kwds.has_key('sourceElems') and kwds['sourceElems'] or []
+ self.sourceAttributes = kwds.has_key('sourceAttributes') and kwds['sourceAttributes'] or []
+ self.sourceValues = kwds.has_key('sourceValues') and kwds['sourceValues'] or []
+ self.targetElems = kwds.has_key('targetElems') and kwds['targetElems'] or []
+ self.targetAttributes = kwds.has_key('targetAttributes') and kwds['targetAttributes'] or []
+ self.targetValues = kwds.has_key('targetValues') and kwds['targetValues'] or []
+ self.deleteElems = kwds.has_key('deleteElems') and kwds['deleteElems'] or []
+ self.deleteAttributes = kwds.has_key('deleteAttributes') and kwds['deleteAttributes'] or []
+ self.src_dirs = kwds.has_key('src_dirs') and kwds['src_dirs'] or []
+ self.output_dir = kwds.has_key('output_dir') and kwds['output_dir'] or None
+ self.buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
+ XMLGenerator.__init__(self, self.buffer, 'UTF-8')
+ def add_gentoo_javadoc(self, name, attrs):
+ self.p(u'<%s ' % name)
+ for a,v in attrs.items():
+ self.write_attr(a,v)
+ self.p(u'>')
+ if name == "project":
+ javadoc_str = """
+ <target name=\"gentoojavadoc\" >
+ <mkdir dir=\"""" + self.output_dir + """\" />
+ <javadoc
+ destdir=\"""" + self.output_dir + """\"
+ author="true"
+ version="true"
+ use="true"
+ windowtitle="javadoc">
+ """
+ for src_dir in self.src_dirs:
+ javadoc_str += """
+ <fileset dir=\"""" + src_dir + """\" defaultexcludes="yes">
+ <include name="**/*.java"/>
+ </fileset>
+ """
+ javadoc_str += """
+ </javadoc>
+ </target>
+ """
+ self.p(u'%s' % javadoc_str)
+ # write as they are or delete if wanted attributes first
+ # next, add / update
+ def modify_elements(self, name, attrs):
+ self.p(u'<%s ' % name)
+ match = ( name in self.elems )
+ matchSource = ( name in self.sourceElems )
+ matchTarget = ( name in self.targetElems )
+ matchDelete = ( name in self.deleteElems )
+ for a,v in attrs.items():
+ if not (
+ (match and a in self.attributes)
+ or (matchSource and a in self.sourceAttributes)
+ or (matchTarget and a in self.targetAttributes)
+ or (matchDelete and a in self.deleteAttributes)
+ ):
+ self.write_attr(a,v)
+ if matchSource:
+ for i, attr in enumerate(self.sourceAttributes):
+ self.write_attr(attr, self.sourceValues[i])
+ if matchTarget:
+ for i, attr in enumerate(self.targetAttributes):
+ self.write_attr(attr, self.targetValues[i])
+ if match:
+ for i, attr in enumerate(self.attributes):
+ self.write_attr(attr, self.values[i])
+ self.p(u'>')
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ self.p(escape(data))
+ def write(self, out_stream):
+ value = self.buffer.getvalue()
+ out_stream.write(value)
+ self.buffer.truncate(0)
+ def p(self,str):
+ self.buffer.write(str.encode('utf8'))
+ def write_attr(self,a,v):
+ self.p(u'%s=%s ' % (a,quoteattr(v, {u'©':'&#169;'})))
+ def process(self, in_stream, callback):
+ self.startElement = callback
+ from xml.sax import parseString
+ parseString(in_stream, self)
+ self.p(u'\n')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ usage = "XML Rewrite Python Module Version " + __version__ + "\n"
+ usage += "Copyright 2004,2006,2007 Gentoo Foundation\n"
+ usage += "Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Lincense v2\n"
+ usage += "Please contact the Gentoo Java Team <java@gentoo.org> with problems.\n"
+ usage += "\n"
+ usage += "Usage:\n"
+ usage += " " + sys.argv[0] + " [-f file] --delete [-g] -n tag [-n tag] -m attribute [-m attribute] [-i index]\n"
+ usage += " " + sys.argv[0] + " [-f file] --change [-g] -e tag [-e tag] -a attribute -v value [-a attribute -v value] \\\n"
+ usage += " [--source-element tag] [--source-attribute attribute --source-value value] \\\n"
+ usage += " [--target-element tag] [--target-attribute attribute --target-value value] [-i index]\n"
+ usage += "Or:\n"
+ usage += " " + sys.argv[0] + " [-f file] --javadoc --source-directory dir [--source-directory dir2] --output-directory dir3 \n"
+ usage += "Or:\n"
+ usage += " " + sys.argv[0] + " [-f file] -g\n"
+ usage += "\n"
+ usage += "Multiple actions can be done simultaneously\n"
+ usage += "\n"
+ usage += "If the -f parameter is not utilized, the script will read and\n"
+ usage += "write to stdin and stdout respectively. The use of quotes on\n"
+ usage += "parameters will break the script.\n"
+ def error(message):
+ print "ERROR: " + message
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # instream is a string
+ def doRewrite(rewriter, in_stream, callback=None):
+ if callback:
+ rewriter.process(in_stream, callback)
+ else:
+ rewriter.process(in_stream)
+ out = StringIO.StringIO()
+ rewriter.write(out)
+ return out.getvalue()
+ def processActions(options, f):
+ out_stream = f.read()
+ if options.gentoo_classpath:
+ rewriter = DomRewriter(options.elements, options.attributes, options.values, options.index)
+ out_stream = doRewrite(rewriter, out_stream, rewriter.add_gentoo_classpath)
+ if options.doJavadoc:
+ rewriter = SaxRewriter(src_dirs = options.src_dirs, output_dir = options.javadoc_dir[0])
+ out_stream = doRewrite(rewriter, out_stream, rewriter.add_gentoo_javadoc)
+ if options.doAdd or options.doDelete:
+ # java-ant-2.eclass does not use these options so we can optimize the ExpatWriter
+ # and let the DomRewriter do these. Also keeps the index option compatible for sure.
+ if options.index:
+ rewriter = DomRewriter(options.delete_elements, options.delete_attributes, options.values, options.index)
+ out_stream = doRewrite(rewriter, out_stream, rewriter.delete_elements)
+ else:
+ rewriter = SaxRewriter( elems = options.elements,
+ attributes = options.attributes,
+ values = options.values,
+ sourceElems = options.source_elements,
+ sourceAttributes = options.source_attributes,
+ sourceValues = options.source_values,
+ targetElems = options.target_elements,
+ targetAttributes = options.target_attributes,
+ targetValues = options.target_values,
+ deleteElems = options.delete_elements,
+ deleteAttributes = options.delete_attributes
+ )
+ out_stream = doRewrite(rewriter, out_stream, rewriter.modify_elements)
+ return out_stream
+ options_list = [
+ make_option ("-a", "--attribute", action="append", dest="attributes", help="Attribute of the matching elements to change. These can be chained for multiple value-attribute pairs"),
+ make_option ("-b", "--target-element", action="append", dest="target_elements", help="Tag of the element of which the attributes to be changed just in target scope. These can be chained for multiple elements."),
+ make_option ("-c", "--change", action="store_true", dest="doAdd", default=False, help="Change the value of an attribute. If it does not exist, it will be created."),
+ make_option ("-d", "--delete", action="store_true", dest="doDelete", default=False, help="Delete an attribute from matching elements."),
+ make_option ("-e", "--element", action="append", dest="elements", help="Tag of the element of which the attributes to be changed. These can be chained for multiple elements."),
+ make_option ("-f", "--file", action="append", dest="files", help="Transform files instead of operating on stdout and stdin"),
+ make_option ("-g", "--gentoo-classpath", action="store_true", dest="gentoo_classpath", help="Rewrite build.xml to use gentoo.classpath where applicable."),
+ make_option ("-i", "--index", type="int", dest="index", help="Index of the match. If none is specified, the changes will be applied to all matches within the document. Starts from zero."),
+ make_option ("-j", "--javadoc", action="store_true", dest="doJavadoc", default=False, help="add a basic javadoc target. Sources must be placed in ${WORKDIR}/javadoc_src."),
+ make_option ("-k", "--target-attribute", action="append", dest="target_attributes", help="Attribute of the matching elements to change. These can be chained for multiple value-attribute pairs (for targetonly)"),
+ make_option ("-l", "--target-value", action="append", dest="target_values", help="Value to set the attribute to (targeronly)."),
+ make_option ("-m", "--delete-attribute", action="append", dest="delete_attributes", help="Attribute of the matching elements to delete. These can be chained for multiple value-attribute pairs"),
+ make_option ("-n", "--delete-element", action="append", dest="delete_elements", help="Tag of the element of which the attributes to be deleted. These can be chained for multiple elements."),
+ make_option ("-o", "--output-directory", action="append", dest="javadoc_dir", help="javadoc output directory. Must be an existing directory"),
+ make_option ("-p", "--source-directory", action="append", dest="src_dirs", help="source directory for javadoc generation. Must be an existing directory"),
+ make_option ("-r", "--source-element", action="append", dest="source_elements", help="Tag of the element of which the attributes to be changed just in source scope. These can be chained for multiple elements."),
+ make_option ("-t", "--source-attribute", action="append", dest="source_attributes", help="Attribute of the matching elements to change. These can be chained for multiple value-attribute pairs (for source only)"),
+ make_option ("-v", "--value", action="append", dest="values", help="Value to set the attribute to."),
+ make_option ("-y", "--source-value", action="append", dest="source_values", help="Value to set the attribute to. (sourceonly)")
+ ]
+ parser = OptionParser(usage, options_list)
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ # Invalid Arguments Must be smited!
+ if not options.doAdd and not options.doDelete and not options.gentoo_classpath and not options.doJavadoc:
+ print usage
+ print
+ error("No action was specified.")
+ if options.doAdd:
+ if not options.elements and not options.target_elements and not options.source_elements:
+ error("At least one element (global, source only or target only) and attribute must be specified.")
+ for elem in ( options.source_attributes or [] ):
+ if elem in ( options.attributes or [] ):
+ error("You can't set an attribute in global and source scope at the same time")
+ for elem in ( options.target_attributes or [] ):
+ if elem in ( options.attributes or [] ):
+ error("You can't set an attribute in global and target scope at the same time")
+ if options.doAdd and (len(options.values or []) != len(options.attributes or [])
+ or len(options.source_values or [] ) != len(options.source_attributes or [])
+ or len(options.target_values or [] ) != len(options.target_attributes or [])):
+ error("You must give attribute(s)/value(s) for every element you are changing.")
+ if options.doJavadoc:
+ if len(options.src_dirs or []) < 1:
+ error("You must specify as least one src directory.")
+ for dir in options.src_dirs:
+ if not os.path.isdir(dir):
+ error("You must specify existing directory for src output")
+ if len(options.javadoc_dir or []) != 1:
+ error("You must specify one and only one javadoc output directory.")
+ if not os.path.isdir(options.javadoc_dir[0]):
+ error("You must specify an existing directory for javadoc output")
+ if options.doDelete:
+ if not options.delete_elements:
+ error("At least one element to delete must be specified.")
+ if options.doDelete and ( len(options.attributes or []) < 0):
+ error("You must give attribute(s) to delete for every element you are changing.")
+ # End Invalid Arguments Check
+ # main loop
+ if options.files:
+ for file in options.files:
+ print "Rewriting %s" % file
+ # First parse the file into memory
+ # Tricks with cwd are needed for relative includes of other xml files to build.xml files
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(file)
+ if dirname != '': # for file = build.xml comes out as ''
+ os.chdir(os.path.dirname(file))
+ f = open(os.path.basename(file), "r")
+ outxml = processActions(options, f)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ f.close()
+ # Then write it back to the file
+ f = open(file, "w")
+ f.write(outxml)
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ outxml = processActions(options, sys.stdin)
+ sys.stdout.write(outxml)