diff options
authorMartin Mokrejš <mmokrejs@fold.natur.cuni.cz>2014-07-03 00:39:35 +0200
committerMartin Mokrejš <mmokrejs@fold.natur.cuni.cz>2014-07-03 00:39:35 +0200
commit520a2dd61f2a9b4716d34a975cd43dbefba6c41d (patch)
parentMerge branch 'jonasstein-master' (diff)
sci-biology/tablet: cleaned up the ebuilds, they compile and install but the bundled samtools-*.jar is not found; updated the license
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.7
5 files changed, 96 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/sci-biology/tablet/ChangeLog b/sci-biology/tablet/ChangeLog
index 0080ef21c..0cca8d837 100644
--- a/sci-biology/tablet/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-biology/tablet/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+*tablet- (02 Jul 2014)
+ 02 Jul 2014; Martin Mokrejs <mmokrejs@fold.natur.cuni.cz>
+ +tablet-, -Manifest, tablet-,
+ tablet-9999.ebuild:
+ sci-biology/tablet: cleaned up the ebuilds, they compile and install but the
+ bundled samtools-*.jar is not found
*tablet- (28 Mar 2014)
*tablet-9999 (28 Mar 2014)
diff --git a/sci-biology/tablet/Manifest b/sci-biology/tablet/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 05da7e849..000000000
--- a/sci-biology/tablet/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-DIST coveragestats.py 4800 SHA256 358b686d00fd75d2cc9af490b0e7d635f74cbb1c0b153df22d8ff879884d47bc SHA512 d5688832c13dc9c2e2e015df0b5c50113f72e2eeae076d479c43b65a4b028f8dcfa5f0fb833b4341d76d3956ea27707c55a51389b73a2efed6abd2b96ccdc3cd WHIRLPOOL 0b1eb20189b343d6014097748c053f35f8ad162400312cfbde16bac7fee52f24ac8b0055e991c823dcb64d7a20df3fbb88d8cd6119f838d4e9a5f26e82604664
-DIST tablet- 34395356 SHA256 fab481dd2a19e1c25142c41e75c483eeac36cc6793921a2643d9472f0aecbd2b SHA512 6fee28fd68ac4dde777dc7b873735e165d19bec47997a49185f21eecaaf2f38ca019b5af30ff18177ed69ad01eb8a797ef8b892631780ad548bf8fdf3ceb2f0b WHIRLPOOL 274e3849096179707af5ad36001ba060b5c5be068350454553997a120ec5c5f33b347ea26f3f9bd356bb7191b1c1e07199a6f6c0073e5b7edb7bf953d46c0974
diff --git a/sci-biology/tablet/tablet- b/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-
index 112709b08..1940cb9c7 100644
--- a/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-
+++ b/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-
@@ -6,84 +6,45 @@ EAPI=5
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
-inherit java-pkg-2 python-r1
+inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 python-r1
+# [ "$PV" == "9999" ] && inherit subversion
+inherit subversion
DESCRIPTION="Viewer of next generation sequence assemblies and alignments."
- x86? ( http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/tablet/installers/tablet_linux_x86_$(replace_all_version_separators _).sh -> ${P}.sh )
- amd64? ( http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/tablet/installers/tablet_linux_x64_$(replace_all_version_separators _).sh -> ${P}.sh )
- http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/tablet/additional/coveragestats.py"
-# Upstream says regarding source code unavailability:
-# Tablet uses a modified version of the BSD License which has been edited to
-# remove references to distribution and use in source forms. This means that
-# we are happy for you to distribute and use Tablet however you please, but we
-# do not (yet) want to make the source code publicly available.
-# The licence file itself is in the installer, and ends up on disk after
-# installation at /opt/Tablet/docs/tablet.html
-# The original BSD licence was modified to remove references to distribution
-# and use in source forms, because we cannot make the source code available
-# for Tablet.
+if [ "$PV" == "9999" ]; then
+ ESVN_REPO_URI="http://ics.hutton.ac.uk/svn/tablet/trunk/"
+ ESVN_REPO_URI="http://ics.hutton.ac.uk/svn/tablet/tags/${PV}"
+ >=virtual/jdk-1.7"
- virtual/jre"
+ >=virtual/jre-1.7
+ sci-biology/samtools
+ sci-biology/picard
+ dev-db/sqlite"
-src_unpack() {
- local file
- for file in ${A}; do
- cp "${DISTDIR}"/${file} "${WORKDIR}" || die
- done
src_install() {
- # In theory it seems this binary package could be installed through ant
- # instead of the install4j package which is not easy to be forced
- # non-interactive. The below approach via install4j is not ideal but works.
- sed "s#\"\${D}\"#\"${D}\"#g" "${FILESDIR}"/response.varfile > "${WORKDIR}"/response.varfile || die "sed failed"
- # the intallation script somehow does not pickup
- # -varfile="${DISTDIR}"/response.varfile from the commandline and therefore
- # we place the file rather directly into the place where it should reside.
- # In the file you can read details how the variables were mangled. For
- # example, the trick with sys.symlinkDir in the response.varfile is to
- # disable the installation process to symlink from /usr/local/bin/table to
- # /opt/Tablet/tablet. That was logged in that file with the following line:
- #
- # /var/tmp/portage/sci-biology/tablet-bin-
- # Variable changed: sys.symlinkDir=/usr/local/bin[class java.lang.String]
- #
- # The file is then left on the installed system in "${D}"/opt/Tablet/.install4j/response.varfile
- dodir /opt/Tablet/.install4j
- cat "${WORKDIR}"/response.varfile > "${ED}"/opt/Tablet/.install4j/response.varfile || die
- # make sure we force java to point a to $HOME which is inside our sanbox
- # directory area. We force -Duser.home . It seems also -Dinstall4j.userHome
- # could be done based on the figure shown at http://resources.ej-technologies.com/install4j/help/doc/
- sed \
- -e "s#/bin/java\" -Dinstall4j.jvmDir#/bin/java\" -Duser.home="${TMPDIR}" -Dinstall4j.jvmDir#" \
- -i "${WORKDIR}"/${P}.sh || die
- sh \
- "${WORKDIR}"/${P}.sh \
- -q -overwrite \
- -varfile="${DISTDIR}"/response.varfile \
- --destination="${ED}"/opt/Tablet \
- -dir "${ED}"/opt/Tablet || die
- rm -rf "${ED}"/opt/Tablet/jre || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/tablet-resources.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/tablet.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/flamingo.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/scri-commons.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/samtools*.jar || die
- python_foreach_impl python_doscript "${WORKDIR}"/coveragestats.py
+ dobin www/additional/coveragestats.py
echo "PATH=${EPREFIX}/opt/Tablet" > 99Tablet
doenvd 99Tablet || die
diff --git a/sci-biology/tablet/tablet- b/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1940cb9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
+inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 python-r1
+# [ "$PV" == "9999" ] && inherit subversion
+inherit subversion
+DESCRIPTION="Viewer of next generation sequence assemblies and alignments."
+if [ "$PV" == "9999" ]; then
+ ESVN_REPO_URI="http://ics.hutton.ac.uk/svn/tablet/trunk/"
+ ESVN_REPO_URI="http://ics.hutton.ac.uk/svn/tablet/tags/${PV}"
+ >=virtual/jdk-1.7"
+ >=virtual/jre-1.7
+ sci-biology/samtools
+ sci-biology/picard
+ dev-db/sqlite"
+src_install() {
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/tablet-resources.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/tablet.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/flamingo.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/scri-commons.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/samtools*.jar || die
+ dobin www/additional/coveragestats.py
+ echo "PATH=${EPREFIX}/opt/Tablet" > 99Tablet
+ doenvd 99Tablet || die
diff --git a/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-9999.ebuild b/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-9999.ebuild
index 40472c753..1940cb9c7 100644
--- a/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-9999.ebuild
+++ b/sci-biology/tablet/tablet-9999.ebuild
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ EAPI=5
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
-inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 python-r1 eutils
+inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 python-r1
-[ "$PV" == "9999" ] && inherit subversion
+# [ "$PV" == "9999" ] && inherit subversion
+inherit subversion
DESCRIPTION="Viewer of next generation sequence assemblies and alignments."
@@ -20,23 +21,6 @@ else
-# x86? ( http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/tablet/installers/tablet_linux_x86_$(replace_all_version_separators _).sh -> ${P}.sh )
-# amd64? ( http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/tablet/installers/tablet_linux_x64_$(replace_all_version_separators _).sh -> ${P}.sh )
-# http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/tablet/additional/coveragestats.py"
-# Upstream says regarding source code unavailability:
-# Tablet uses a modified version of the BSD License which has been edited to
-# remove references to distribution and use in source forms. This means that
-# we are happy for you to distribute and use Tablet however you please, but we
-# do not (yet) want to make the source code publicly available.
-# The licence file itself is in the installer, and ends up on disk after
-# installation at /opt/Tablet/docs/tablet.html
-# The original BSD licence was modified to remove references to distribution
-# and use in source forms, because we cannot make the source code available
-# for Tablet.
@@ -44,56 +28,23 @@ IUSE=""
- virtual/jdk"
+ >=virtual/jdk-1.7"
- virtual/jre"
+ >=virtual/jre-1.7
+ sci-biology/samtools
+ sci-biology/picard
+ dev-db/sqlite"
-src_unpack() {
- local file
- for file in ${A}; do
- cp "${DISTDIR}"/${file} "${WORKDIR}" || die
- done
src_install() {
- # In theory it seems this binary package could be installed through ant
- # instead of the install4j package which is not easy to be forced
- # non-interactive. The below approach via install4j is not ideal but works.
- sed "s#\"\${D}\"#\"${D}\"#g" "${FILESDIR}"/response.varfile > "${WORKDIR}"/response.varfile || die "sed failed"
- # the intallation script somehow does not pickup
- # -varfile="${DISTDIR}"/response.varfile from the commandline and therefore
- # we place the file rather directly into the place where it should reside.
- # In the file you can read details how the variables were mangled. For
- # example, the trick with sys.symlinkDir in the response.varfile is to
- # disable the installation process to symlink from /usr/local/bin/table to
- # /opt/Tablet/tablet. That was logged in that file with the following line:
- #
- # /var/tmp/portage/sci-biology/tablet-bin-
- # Variable changed: sys.symlinkDir=/usr/local/bin[class java.lang.String]
- #
- # The file is then left on the installed system in "${D}"/opt/Tablet/.install4j/response.varfile
- dodir /opt/Tablet/.install4j
- cat "${WORKDIR}"/response.varfile > "${ED}"/opt/Tablet/.install4j/response.varfile || die
- # make sure we force java to point a to $HOME which is inside our sanbox
- # directory area. We force -Duser.home . It seems also -Dinstall4j.userHome
- # could be done based on the figure shown at http://resources.ej-technologies.com/install4j/help/doc/
- sed \
- -e "s#/bin/java\" -Dinstall4j.jvmDir#/bin/java\" -Duser.home="${TMPDIR}" -Dinstall4j.jvmDir#" \
- -i "${WORKDIR}"/${P}.sh || die
- sh \
- "${WORKDIR}"/${P}.sh \
- -q -overwrite \
- -varfile="${DISTDIR}"/response.varfile \
- --destination="${ED}"/opt/Tablet \
- -dir "${ED}"/opt/Tablet || die
- rm -rf "${ED}"/opt/Tablet/jre || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/tablet-resources.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/tablet.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/flamingo.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/scri-commons.jar || die
+ java-pkg_dojar lib/samtools*.jar || die
- python_foreach_impl python_doscript "${WORKDIR}"/coveragestats.py
+ dobin www/additional/coveragestats.py
echo "PATH=${EPREFIX}/opt/Tablet" > 99Tablet
doenvd 99Tablet || die