diff options
authorKacper Kowalik (Xarthisius) <xarthisius.kk@gmail.com>2012-03-23 14:40:41 +0100
committerKacper Kowalik (Xarthisius) <xarthisius.kk@gmail.com>2012-03-23 14:40:41 +0100
commit7328e37580c48c365af256bf36c03b643856d55d (patch)
parentsci-physics/abinit-6.12.1 fortran setup improvement corrected, gui preparatio... (diff)
[sci-libs/hdf5] add developement snapshot
6 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/hdf5/Manifest b/sci-libs/hdf5/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..412651171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/hdf5/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DIST hdf5-1.8.9-snap13.tar.bz2 5835537 SHA256 870465412642e71291ecd94cee998e3b874de0c6fe63197589f744becca94a1f SHA512 1d976e42cef9c6b7f96066bc1e21112e13c6f497c313532cc64afa80c28d4f675176d718d6ffb8ffdd6a88c147a99b108fdaa63fd68736a1d3c049518c433543 WHIRLPOOL c076ab336cbb2aa2638ab3156a4657351b81812d1bc10c45fa0466e7af6b9ec1897638974d0ec5ac2f41e43927b65affd1c860fd462a32a44b20de3754b0623d
diff --git a/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.8-array_bounds.patch b/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.8-array_bounds.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..042d012d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.8-array_bounds.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- a/perform/pio_engine.c
++++ b/perform/pio_engine.c
+@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
+ subdir = (user ? user : login);
+ if (subdir) {
+- for (i = 0; i < size && prefix[i]; i++)
++ for (i = 0; i < size-1 && prefix[i]; i++)
+ fullname[i] = prefix[i];
+ fullname[i++] = '/';
+--- a/perform/sio_engine.c
++++ b/perform/sio_engine.c
+@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
+ subdir = (user ? user : login);
+ if (subdir) {
+- for (i = 0; i < size && prefix[i]; i++)
++ for (i = 0; i < size-1 && prefix[i]; i++)
+ fullname[i] = prefix[i];
+ fullname[i++] = '/';
diff --git a/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.8-buildsystem.patch b/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.8-buildsystem.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f85cf5ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.8-buildsystem.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Prevent build system with messing up LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+--- a/configure.in
++++ b/configure.in
+@@ -2328,8 +2328,6 @@
+ dnl
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to print long long])
+ AC_CACHE_VAL([hdf5_cv_printf_ll],
+-LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`echo $AM_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/-L/:/g' -e 's/ //g'`"
+ for hdf5_cv_printf_ll in l ll L q unknown; do
+--- a/src/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/Makefile.am
+@@ -125,8 +125,6 @@
+ # Remove the generated .c file if errors occur unless HDF5_Make_Ignore
+ # is set to ignore the error.
+ H5Tinit.c: H5detect$(EXEEXT)
+- sed -e 's/-L/:/g' -e 's/ //g'`" \
+ $(RUNSERIAL) ./H5detect$(EXEEXT) > $@ || \
+ (test $$HDF5_Make_Ignore && echo "*** Error ignored") || \
+ ($(RM) $@ ; exit 1)
+@@ -137,8 +135,6 @@
+ # Remove the generated .c file if errors occur unless HDF5_Make_Ignore
+ # is set to ignore the error.
+ H5lib_settings.c: H5make_libsettings$(EXEEXT) libhdf5.settings
+- sed -e 's/-L/:/g' -e 's/ //g'`" \
+ $(RUNSERIAL) ./H5make_libsettings$(EXEEXT) > $@ || \
+ (test $$HDF5_Make_Ignore && echo "*** Error ignored") || \
+ ($(RM) $@ ; exit 1)
diff --git a/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.9-implicits.patch b/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.9-implicits.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43e4f0774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/hdf5/files/hdf5-1.8.9-implicits.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+--- b/configure.in
++++ a/configure.in
+@@ -1499,6 +1499,9 @@
+ dnl though we do not do this as it breaks the big test on older versions
+ dnl of linux (CentOS 4.6) using newer versions of gcc (4.6.2).
++ dnl _GNU_SOURCE is needed for vasprintf
+ ;;
+ esac
+--- a/test/cache_common.h
++++ b/test/cache_common.h
+@@ -702,5 +702,9 @@
+ hbool_t compare_init,
+ int test_num);
++hbool_t resize_configs_are_equal(const H5C_auto_size_ctl_t *a,
++ const H5C_auto_size_ctl_t *b,
++ hbool_t compare_init);
+ #endif /* _CACHE_COMMON_H */
+--- a/tools/misc/talign.c
++++ b/tools/misc/talign.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include "hdf5.h"
+ #include "H5private.h"
++#include "h5tools.h"
+ const char *fname = "talign.h5";
+ const char *setname = "align";
+--- a/tools/h5repack/testh5repack_detect_szip.c
++++ b/tools/h5repack/testh5repack_detect_szip.c
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include "h5repack.h"
+ #include "h5tools.h"
+ #include "h5test.h"
++#include "h5tools_utils.h"
+ /* Name of tool */
+--- a/hl/src/H5LTanalyze.c
++++ b/hl/src/H5LTanalyze.c
+@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include "H5pubconf.h"
+ #ifdef H5_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #endif
diff --git a/sci-libs/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.9_pre13.ebuild b/sci-libs/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.9_pre13.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..698acd5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.9_pre13.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.8.ebuild,v 1.4 2011/12/05 16:56:26 xarthisius Exp $
+inherit autotools eutils fortran-2 toolchain-funcs versionator
+MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator 3 '-')
+VER=$(get_version_component_range 1-2)
+DESCRIPTION="General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data"
+IUSE="cxx debug examples fortran fortran2003 mpi static-libs szip threads zlib"
+REQUIRED_USE="cxx? ( !mpi ) mpi? ( !cxx )
+ threads? ( !cxx !mpi !fortran )
+ fortran2003? ( fortran )"
+RDEPEND="fortran? ( virtual/fortran )
+ mpi? ( virtual/mpi[romio] )
+ szip? ( >=sci-libs/szip-2.1 )
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
+ sys-devel/libtool:2"
+pkg_setup() {
+ tc-export CXX CC FC # workaround for bug 285148
+ if use fortran; then
+ use fortran2003 && FORTRAN_STANDARD=2003
+ fortran-2_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ if use mpi; then
+ if has_version 'sci-libs/hdf5[-mpi]'; then
+ ewarn "Installing hdf5 with mpi enabled with a previous hdf5 with mpi disabled may fail."
+ ewarn "Try to uninstall the current hdf5 prior to enabling mpi support."
+ fi
+ export CC=mpicc
+ use fortran && export FC=mpif90
+ elif has_version 'sci-libs/hdf5[mpi]'; then
+ ewarn "Installing hdf5 with mpi disabled while having hdf5 installed with mpi enabled may fail."
+ ewarn "Try to uninstall the current hdf5 prior to disabling mpi support."
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.8.8-buildsystem.patch \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.8.8-array_bounds.patch \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.8.9-implicits.patch
+ # respect gentoo examples directory
+ sed \
+ -e "s:hdf5_examples:doc/${PF}/examples:g" \
+ -i $(find . -name Makefile.am) $(find . -name "run*.sh.in") || die
+ sed \
+ -e '/docdir/d' \
+ -i config/commence.am || die
+ eautoreconf
+ # enable shared libs by default for h5cc config utility
+ sed -i -e "s/SHLIB:-no/SHLIB:-yes/g" tools/misc/h5cc.in || die
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ --disable-sharedlib-rpath \
+ --enable-production \
+ --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+ --enable-deprecated-symbols \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --disable-silent-rules \
+ $(use_enable static-libs static) \
+ $(use_enable debug debug all) \
+ $(use_enable debug codestack) \
+ $(use_enable cxx) \
+ $(use_enable fortran) \
+ $(use_enable fortran2003) \
+ $(use_enable mpi parallel) \
+ $(use_enable threads threadsafe) \
+ $(use_with szip szlib) \
+ $(use_with threads pthread) \
+ $(use_with zlib) \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ default
+ use static-libs || find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} +
+ if use examples; then
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-examples
+ fi
diff --git a/sci-libs/hdf5/metadata.xml b/sci-libs/hdf5/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b6f68735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/hdf5/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
+ <herd>sci</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email>xarthisius@gentoo.org</email>
+ <name>Kacper Kowalik</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <longdescription>
+ HDF5 is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5
+ was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It
+ has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger
+ than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O.
+ </longdescription>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="fortran2003">enable new features that require Fortran 2003
+ (http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/fortran/NewFeatures_F2003.pdf)</flag>
+ </use>