diff options
authorJustin Lecher (jlec) <jlec@j-schmitz.net>2009-10-11 19:06:44 +0200
committerJustin Lecher (jlec) <jlec@j-schmitz.net>2009-10-13 16:11:45 +0200
commit0acaf2da0d59735fc0640bb5fc557f060e52502b (patch)
tree9ddca9e6262cb1e689c1102b452fb3555fe9e689 /sci-libs
parentrefmac bump to 5.5.106 (diff)
cctbx version bump
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs')
5 files changed, 214 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/cctbx/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/cctbx/ChangeLog
index 1b3681675..3f709398c 100644
--- a/sci-libs/cctbx/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-libs/cctbx/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+*cctbx-2009.09.28.1034 (11 Oct 2009)
+ 11 Oct 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) <jlec@j-schmitz.net>
+ +cctbx-2009.09.28.1034.ebuild:
+ version bump
+ sandbox patch is obsolete
07 Jul 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) <jlec@j-schmitz.net>
we also depend on shelx for amd64 now
diff --git a/sci-libs/cctbx/Manifest b/sci-libs/cctbx/Manifest
index 075fd07b8..6b9f62305 100644
--- a/sci-libs/cctbx/Manifest
+++ b/sci-libs/cctbx/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
AUX 2009.02.15.2320-sandbox-violations-chmod.patch 467 RMD160 11a55d71c9a238cf8c40f1760344c27c65a53922 SHA1 03ce887b4ddaf72310986d97c8add9a7a73c6fb0 SHA256 1c79b9f3bb0215dca39def9b6ba0bdb678022b51345da1567d0f4952951bdcd1
DIST cctbx-2009.02.15.2320.tar.gz 12800622 RMD160 8d95db0054e8ba9378e46e9d5d2d7b333418eeb4 SHA1 1d3e5aad9d1c4fd6617295fc3346c079e7c758d9 SHA256 336946867246ed3cf7f697dc9bf0cc21443b7fb9600b24696b4d8d3cb5773200
-EBUILD cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r2.ebuild 4639 RMD160 69285fb2b9ef6207a8338e0ed6b335432b23c825 SHA1 fd65e7d76f45a4152fbfaaf286e14ee315edfc83 SHA256 21db2dcc51a47440950b854aa54e5f7612128bb0446e69a1877330af003668b7
-EBUILD cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r3.ebuild 5686 RMD160 f28998a96dace7dc401e1d5d0db4eb405c860200 SHA1 7fd5b8bc2483a3d9892c33254fc365b1c2f0abf8 SHA256 d5d92d72d093955b074823cacdb615f0bdc0ee2aae61fc90aeda15d14b95740e
-MISC ChangeLog 1634 RMD160 59d57119125a06d6b6c61f5d28e41ebf7a8b5518 SHA1 c25c2be08a97310f4f75b098d1c96c58700790aa SHA256 6d8ee4f71be586d9ac9b281a70d6d2b53e7315481405ecf68d81573631a9bcc2
+DIST cctbx-2009.09.28.1034.tar.gz 14359425 RMD160 04b932f6dd2665ffd2aa1a21462993ddf0f2e9c4 SHA1 47a529fa596eddc04c93673da16a688617ce07dd SHA256 1714c7a7985c1709baa9786e12dcc24f0073b76e020d194be24fbbf5b4c8504e
+EBUILD cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r2.ebuild 4644 RMD160 6ea87345c030c9c2ec512ac8be9b8c580cb2caa9 SHA1 614dce37aee6ac67b689e50a510dccd3bb81fe59 SHA256 7977fcdf1cac193e7b236ad771dfb047ecf4c2ef77b34aab18d0f1fc894ddeec
+EBUILD cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r3.ebuild 5686 RMD160 7ccf97179ee2540a89052200750675e588075e77 SHA1 8e77b701ab656793b704dc747cf6555b39b34257 SHA256 9d987f67fa1fa2eec9a2b0dfa2784170afe871c97bc94eb3ef1bd600ef0c3d3b
+EBUILD cctbx-2009.09.28.1034.ebuild 5687 RMD160 f3bee8d4b39cb82f16f2a536bfcc0d1e878128b0 SHA1 34715892ac4d2d4dcef5139475a7ec88752e41ed SHA256 763ba7237247d87a137686b14e62ee94247a98aca7b015886d1c4e5b585651d7
+MISC ChangeLog 1807 RMD160 e9e011e4ac6482d3efe4130f8959c3e73362358c SHA1 879af48a729f88b5b49cf40c2da63ccf8f900bda SHA256 7622dd891ba98b522f427956766f6b1f59a6d838616d39f1b2647ec0bf09d90c
MISC metadata.xml 438 RMD160 79ad38c94abc71ba32abccdcd670f2f6802c2df3 SHA1 1ebbff28f7e4d135b26b951b6111f6803f78413c SHA256 94d589a2836bffe732cdf993e9b38afc1cde4683a5e5669c44daf6b69595e8da
diff --git a/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r2.ebuild b/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r2.ebuild
index 53d6344dc..d165df8a8 100644
--- a/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r2.ebuild
+++ b/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r2.ebuild
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ src_test(){
local INST_DIR
@@ -182,14 +181,12 @@ pkg_postrm () {
check_use() {
for var in $@; do
- if use ${var}; then
- printf -v "USE_$var" True
- else
- printf -v "USE_$var" False
- fi
- shift
+ if use ${var}; then
+ printf -v "USE_$var" True
+ else
+ printf -v "USE_$var" False
+ fi
+ shift
diff --git a/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r3.ebuild b/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r3.ebuild
index cc6761923..8f884af6c 100644
--- a/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r3.ebuild
+++ b/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.02.15.2320-r3.ebuild
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ src_test(){
# This is what Bill Scott does in the fink package. Do we need this as well?
# -e "s:prepend:append:g" \
@@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ src_install(){
-e "s:${MY_B}:/usr/$(get_libdir)/cctbx/cctbx_build:g" \
-i '{}' \; || die "Fail to correct path"
ebegin "removing unnessary files"
rm -r "${S}"/cctbx_sources/scons || die "failed to remove uneeded scons"
find "${S}" -type f -name "*conftest*" -exec rm -f '{}' \; || die "failed to remove uneeded *.o"
@@ -161,7 +159,6 @@ src_install(){
chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/bin/* || \
insinto /etc/profile.d/
newins "${MY_B}"/setpaths.sh 30cctbx.sh && \
newins "${MY_B}"/setpaths.csh 30cctbx.csh || \
@@ -182,17 +179,13 @@ pkg_postrm () {
python_mod_cleanup /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_sources
check_use() {
for var in $@; do
- if use ${var}; then
- printf -v "USE_$var" True
- else
- printf -v "USE_$var" False
- fi
+ if use ${var}; then
+ printf -v "USE_$var" True
+ else
+ printf -v "USE_$var" False
+ fi
diff --git a/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.09.28.1034.ebuild b/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.09.28.1034.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c086e02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/cctbx/cctbx-2009.09.28.1034.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit toolchain-funcs python eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Computational Crystallography Toolbox"
+SRC_URI="http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/results/${MY_PV}/${PN}_bundle.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
+IUSE="minimal openmp threads"
+RDEPEND="!minimal? ( sci-chemistry/cns
+ sci-chemistry/shelx )"
+ >=dev-util/scons-1.2"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use openmp &&
+ [[ $(tc-getCC)$ == *gcc* ]] &&
+ ( [[ $(gcc-major-version)$(gcc-minor-version) -lt 42 ]] ||
+ ! built_with_use sys-devel/gcc openmp )
+ then
+ ewarn "You are using gcc and OpenMP is only available with gcc >= 4.2 "
+ ewarn "If you want to build fftw with OpenMP, abort now,"
+ ewarn "and switch CC to an OpenMP capable compiler"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ # Wants to chmod /usr/bin/python
+# epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-sandbox-violations-chmod.patch
+ rm -rf "${MY_S}/scons" # "${MY_S}/boost" ## needs boost 1.39
+ mkdir -p "${MY_S}"/scons/src/ "${MY_S}/boost"
+ ln -sf /usr/$(get_libdir)/scons-1.2.0 "${MY_S}"/scons/src/engine || die
+# ln -sf /usr/include/boost "${MY_S}/boost/"
+src_compile() {
+ python_version
+ local MYCONF
+ local OPTS
+ local OPTSLD
+ MYCONF="${MY_S}/libtbx/configure.py"
+ # Get CXXFLAGS in format suitable for substitition into SConscript
+ for i in ${CXXFLAGS}; do
+ OPTS="${OPTS} \"${i}\","
+ done
+ # Strip off the last comma
+ OPTS=${OPTS%,}
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:\"-O3\", \"-ffast-math\":${OPTS}:g" \
+ ${MY_S}/libtbx/SConscript
+ # Get LDFLAGS in format suitable for substitition into SConscript
+ for i in ${LDFLAGS}; do
+ OPTSLD="${OPTSLD} \"${i}\","
+ done
+ # Fix LDFLAGS which should be as-needed ready
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:\"-shared\":\"-shared\", ${OPTSLD}:g" \
+ ${MY_S}/libtbx/SConscript
+ # Get compiler in the right way
+ COMPILER=$(expr match "$(tc-getCC)" '.*\([a-z]cc\)')
+ MYCONF="${MYCONF} --compiler=${COMPILER}"
+ # Precompiling python scripts. It is done in upstreams install script. Perhaps use python_mod_compile,
+ # but as this script works we should stick to it.
+ ${python} "${MY_S}/libtbx/command_line/py_compile_all.py"
+ # Additional USE flag usage
+ check_use openmp
+ MYCONF="${MYCONF} --enable-openmp-if-possible=${USE_openmp}"
+ use threads && USEthreads="--enable-boost-threads" && \
+ ewarn "If using boost threads openmp support is disabled"
+ MYCONF="${MYCONF} ${USE_threads} --scan-boost"
+ mkdir "${MY_B}" && MYCONF="${MYCONF} --current_working_directory=${MY_B}"
+ cd "${MY_B}"
+ MYCONF="${MYCONF} --build=release fftw3tbx rstbx smtbx mmtbx clipper"
+ einfo "configuring with ${python} ${MYCONF}"
+ ${python} ${MYCONF} \
+ || die "configure failed"
+ source setpaths_all.sh
+ einfo "compiling with libtbx.scons ${MAKEOPTS_EXP}"
+ libtbx.scons ${MAKEOPTS_EXP} .|| die "make failed"
+ source "${MY_B}"/setpaths_all.sh
+ libtbx.python $(libtbx.show_dist_paths boost_adaptbx)/tst_rational.py && \
+ libtbx.python ${SCITBX_DIST}/run_tests.py ${MAKEOPTS_EXP} && \
+ libtbx.python ${CCTBX_DIST}/run_tests.py ${MAKEOPTS_EXP} \
+ || die "test failed"
+ # This is what Bill Scott does in the fink package. Do we need this as well?
+# -e "s:prepend:append:g" \
+ find cctbx_build/ -type f \( -name "*.py" -o -name "*sh" \) -exec \
+ sed -e "s:${MY_S}:/usr/$(get_libdir)/cctbx/cctbx_sources:g" \
+ -e "s:${MY_B}:/usr/$(get_libdir)/cctbx/cctbx_build:g" \
+ -i '{}' \; || die "Fail to correct path"
+ ebegin "removing unnessary files"
+ rm -r "${S}"/cctbx_sources/scons || die "failed to remove uneeded scons"
+ find "${S}" -type f -name "*conftest*" -exec rm -f '{}' \; || die "failed to remove uneeded *.o"
+ find "${S}" -type f -name "*.o" -exec rm -f '{}' \; || die "failed to remove uneeded *.o"
+ find "${S}" -type f -name "*.c" -exec rm -f '{}' \; || die "failed to remove uneeded *.c"
+ find "${S}" -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec rm -f '{}' \; || die "failed to remove uneeded *.cpp"
+ find "${S}" -type f -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -f '{}' \; || die "failed to remove uneeded *.pyc"
+ eend
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ doins -r cctbx_sources cctbx_build || die
+# fperms cannot handle wildcards
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/*sh && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/lib/* && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/scitbx/array_family/* && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/scitbx/serialization/* && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/scitbx/error/* && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/scitbx/fftpack/timing/* && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/scitbx/lbfgs/* && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/chiltbx/handle_test && \
+ chmod 775 "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/bin/* || \
+ die
+ insinto /etc/profile.d/
+ newins "${MY_B}"/setpaths.sh 30cctbx.sh && \
+ newins "${MY_B}"/setpaths.csh 30cctbx.csh || \
+ die
+ cat >> "${T}"/30cctbx <<- EOF
+ LDPATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_build/lib"
+ doenvd "${T}"/30cctbx || die
+pkg_postinst () {
+ python_mod_optimize /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_sources
+pkg_postrm () {
+ python_mod_cleanup /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/cctbx_sources
+check_use() {
+ for var in $@; do
+ if use ${var}; then
+ printf -v "USE_$var" True
+ else
+ printf -v "USE_$var" False
+ fi
+ shift
+ done