diff options
authorJustin <jlec@users.noreply.github.com>2013-10-16 03:01:56 -0700
committerJustin <jlec@users.noreply.github.com>2013-10-16 03:01:56 -0700
commitcd9de4cacb12ff4f5f10ceba0a4b63c9c137ccad (patch)
tree7217de59964b6f3c2a086be27b19f0d195c9d0aa /sci-mathematics
parentMerge pull request #120 from tamiko/bump_p4est (diff)
parentBump petsc to 3.4.2, include support for scotch and mumps (diff)
Merge pull request #119 from tamiko/bump_petsc
Bump petsc to 3.4.2, include support for scotch and mumps
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics')
3 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/petsc/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/petsc/Manifest
index caacbd2ad..c60a5138c 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/petsc/Manifest
+++ b/sci-mathematics/petsc/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
DIST petsc-3.3-p5.tar.gz 18062672 SHA256 a4a146c469d76a351ca66384e10a65bfe7bcbfc2019dfea69a5340320a9f4591 SHA512 d3347d9bd48d327e27f6e27a9c83e75fcb49ca2874e263292204efafb5d651158012b4644016dcf2b580469bccb92befaaf52123d83d216a20d4182c0788dbea WHIRLPOOL 6c8488f2a13fcb38779e95ab93e3a87737ea8d9858076d41af82fcb26a5df5383cd7a68be3e067e6b119b6c05c556f80377969d618c7cb29a542578e5ccf8eb0
+DIST petsc-3.4.2.tar.gz 18658689 SHA256 f13b0dc978fe0dcc1df032f8142a2fd345217f02b9967936d9aac26ce4b2b52e SHA512 f839e4cfadbee720e53993eb8de74a2d82bfe2a46a418f528b4cdb2e9245b8ecafbc02d6d1718034cfe80d291095187b0946ebe237c8f985e4213c4c35bc345b WHIRLPOOL a00f4340e5dc151c57d9f5e2b764a609a508490756d8337d52bec4712fb26b8c06edf46293ed838f08ff34e1c068549ea9680657b7282cb884df4c1314c58cdb
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/petsc/files/petsc-3.4.2-disable-rpath.patch b/sci-mathematics/petsc/files/petsc-3.4.2-disable-rpath.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ccf45ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/petsc/files/petsc-3.4.2-disable-rpath.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py 2013-10-08 19:45:00.581513389 +0200
++++ config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py 2013-05-13 23:35:20.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1303,12 +1303,7 @@
+ for language in languages:
+ flag = '-L'
+ self.pushLanguage(language)
+- # test '-R' before '-rpath' as sun compilers [c,fortran] don't give proper errors with wrong options.
+- if not Configure.isDarwin():
+- testFlags = ['-Wl,-rpath,', '-R','-rpath ' , '-Wl,-R,']
+- else:
+- testFlags = []
+- # test '-R' before '-Wl,-rpath' for SUN compilers [as cc on linux accepts -Wl,-rpath, but f90 & CC do not.
++ testFlags = []
+ if self.isSun(self.framework.getCompiler()):
+ testFlags.insert(0,'-R')
+ for testFlag in testFlags:
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/petsc/petsc-3.4.2.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/petsc/petsc-3.4.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d8462fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/petsc/petsc-3.4.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit base flag-o-matic fortran-2 toolchain-funcs versionator
+MY_P="${PN}-$(replace_version_separator _ -)"
+DESCRIPTION="Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
+IUSE="afterimage complex-scalars cxx debug doc
+ fortran hdf5 hypre mpi mumps scotch sparse superlu threads X"
+# Failed: boost imagemagick metis
+# hypre and superlu curretly exclude each other due to missing linking to hypre
+# if both are enabled
+ afterimage? ( X )
+ hdf5? ( mpi )
+ hypre? ( cxx mpi )
+ mumps? ( mpi scotch )
+ scotch? ( mpi )
+ ^^ ( hypre superlu )
+# imagemagick? ( X )
+ virtual/blas
+ virtual/lapack
+ afterimage? ( media-libs/libafterimage )
+ hdf5? ( sci-libs/hdf5[mpi?] )
+ hypre? ( >=sci-libs/hypre-2.8.0b[mpi?] )
+ mpi? ( virtual/mpi[cxx?,fortran?] )
+ mumps? ( sci-libs/mumps[mpi?] sci-libs/scalapack )
+ scotch? ( sci-libs/scotch[mpi?] )
+ sparse? ( sci-libs/suitesparse >=sci-libs/cholmod-1.7.0 )
+ superlu? ( sci-libs/superlu )
+ X? ( x11-libs/libX11 )
+# boost? ( dev-libs/boost )
+# metis? ( sci-libs/parmetis )
+# imagemagick? ( media-gfx/imagemagick )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ dev-util/cmake
+# cmake is used for parallel building
+# in some configuration setups, legacy build is used (slow)
+# PETSc does not want its Makefiles to be invoked with anything higher than
+# -j1. The underlying build system does automatically invoke a parallel
+# build. This might not be what you want, but *hey* not your choice.
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P%_*}-disable-rpath.patch
+src_configure() {
+ # petsc uses --with-blah=1 and --with-blah=0 to en/disable options
+ petsc_enable() {
+ use "$1" && echo "--with-${2:-$1}=1" || echo "--with-${2:-$1}=0"
+ }
+ # add external library:
+ # petsc_with use_flag libname libdir
+ # petsc_with use_flag libname include linking_libs
+ petsc_with() {
+ local myuse p=${2:-${1}}
+ if use ${1}; then
+ myuse="--with-${p}=1"
+ if [[ $# -ge 4 ]]; then
+ myuse="${myuse} --with-${p}-include=${EPREFIX}${3}"
+ shift 3
+ myuse="${myuse} --with-${p}-lib=$@"
+ else
+ myuse="${myuse} --with-${p}-dir=${EPREFIX}${3:-/usr}"
+ fi
+ else
+ myuse="--with-${p}=0"
+ fi
+ echo ${myuse}
+ }
+ # select between configure options depending on use flag
+ petsc_select() {
+ use "$1" && echo "--with-$2=$3" || echo "--with-$2=$4"
+ }
+ local mylang
+ local myopt
+ use cxx && mylang="cxx" || mylang="c"
+ use debug && myopt="debug" || myopt="opt"
+ # environmental variables expected by petsc during build
+ export PETSC_DIR="${S}"
+ export PETSC_ARCH="linux-gnu-${mylang}-${myopt}"
+ if use debug; then
+ strip-flags
+ filter-flags -O*
+ fi
+ # C Support on Cxx builds is enabled if possible
+ # i.e. when not using complex scalars
+ # (no complex type for both available at the same time)
+ if use threads; then
+ ewarn "Threads support may be incomplete on $PN-3.3 release and is not officially supported."
+ ewarn "Upstream recommends not to enable threads support for production runs."
+ fi
+ # run petsc configure script
+ econf \
+ scrollOutput=1 \
+ --with-shared-libraries \
+ --with-single-library \
+ --with-clanguage=${mylang} \
+ $(use cxx && ! use complex-scalars && echo "with-c-support=1") \
+ --with-petsc-arch=${PETSC_ARCH} \
+ --with-precision=double \
+ --with-gnu-compilers \
+ --with-blas-lapack-lib="$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs lapack)" \
+ $(petsc_enable debug debugging) \
+ $(petsc_enable mpi) \
+ $(petsc_select mpi cc mpicc $(tc-getCC)) \
+ $(petsc_select mpi cxx mpicxx $(tc-getCXX)) \
+ $(petsc_enable fortran) \
+ $(use fortran && echo "$(petsc_select mpi fc mpif77 $(tc-getF77))") \
+ $(petsc_enable mpi mpi-compilers) \
+ $(petsc_enable threads pthread) \
+ $(petsc_enable threads pthreadclasses) \
+ $(petsc_select complex-scalars scalar-type complex real) \
+ --with-windows-graphics=0 \
+ --with-matlab=0 \
+ --with-cmake=cmake \
+ $(petsc_with afterimage afterimage \
+ /usr/include/libAfterImage -lAfterImage) \
+ $(petsc_with hdf5) \
+ $(petsc_with hypre hypre \
+ /usr/include/hypre -lHYPRE) \
+ $(petsc_with sparse cholmod) \
+ $(petsc_with superlu superlu \
+ /usr/include/superlu -lsuperlu) \
+ $(petsc_with X x) \
+ $(petsc_with X x11) \
+ $(petsc_with scotch ptscotch \
+ /usr/include/scotch \
+ [-lptesmumps,-lptscotch,-lptscotcherr,-lscotch,-lscotcherr]) \
+ $(petsc_with mumps scalapack \
+ /usr/include/scalapack -lscalapack) \
+ $(petsc_with mumps mumps \
+ /usr/include \
+ [-lcmumps,-ldmumps,-lsmumps,-lzmumps,-lmumps_common,-lpord]) \
+ --with-imagemagick=0 \
+ --with-python=0 \
+# not yet tested:
+# python bindings, netcdf
+# non-working:
+# fftw: no mpi-implementaion available in gentoo
+# failed dependencies, perhaps fixed in upstream soon:
+# $(petsc_with metis parmetis) \ # needs metis too (>=5.0.2)
+# $(petsc_with boost) \
+# $(petsc_with imagemagick imagemagick \
+# /usr/include/ImageMagick $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs MagickCore)) \
+src_install() {
+ # petsc install structure is very different from
+ # installing headers to /usr/include/petsc and lib to /usr/lib
+ # it also installs many unneeded executables and scripts
+ # so manual install is easier than cleanup after "emake install"
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}
+ doins include/*.h*
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}/${PETSC_ARCH}/include
+ doins ${PETSC_ARCH}/include/*
+ if use fortran; then
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}/finclude
+ doins include/finclude/*.h
+ fi
+ if ! use mpi ; then
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}/mpiuni
+ doins include/mpiuni/*.h
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}/conf
+ doins conf/{variables,rules,test}
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}/${PETSC_ARCH}/conf
+ doins ${PETSC_ARCH}/conf/{petscrules,petscvariables,RDict.db}
+ insinto /usr/include/${PN}/petsc-private
+ doins include/petsc-private/*.h
+ # fix configuration files: replace ${S} by installed location
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:${S}::g" \
+ "${ED}"/usr/include/${PN}/${PETSC_ARCH}/include/petscconf.h \
+ "${ED}"/usr/include/${PN}/${PETSC_ARCH}/conf/petscvariables || die
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:usr/lib:usr/$(get_libdir):g" \
+ "${ED}"/usr/include/${PN}/${PETSC_ARCH}/include/petscconf.h || die
+ # add information about installation directory and
+ # PETSC_ARCH to environmental variables
+ cat >> 99petsc <<- EOF
+ PETSC_DIR=${EPREFIX}/usr/include/${PN}
+ doenvd 99petsc
+ dolib.so ${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/*.so
+ if use doc ; then
+ einfo "installing documentation (this could take a while)"
+ dodoc docs/manual.pdf
+ dohtml -r docs/*.html docs/changes docs/manualpages
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "The petsc ebuild is still under development."
+ elog "Help us improve the ebuild in:"
+ elog "http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53386"