diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'patches/bigdft-abi-1.0.4-0005.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5317 deletions
diff --git a/patches/bigdft-abi-1.0.4-0005.patch b/patches/bigdft-abi-1.0.4-0005.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ae59b7ba1..000000000
--- a/patches/bigdft-abi-1.0.4-0005.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5317 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/configure.ac bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/configure.ac
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/configure.ac 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/configure.ac 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -806,8 +806,8 @@
- dnl Test the given implementation of libabinit.
- AC_CHECK_LIB(abinit, symbrav, withlibabinit=yes, withlibabinit=no)
-- AC_CHECK_FILE($ac_libabinit_dir/include/ab6_moldyn.$ax_fc_mod_ext, moldyn="yes", moldyn="no")
-- AC_CHECK_FILE($ac_libabinit_dir/include/ab6_symmetry.$ax_fc_mod_ext, sym="yes", sym="no")
-+ AC_CHECK_FILE($ac_libabinit_dir/include/ab7_moldyn.$ax_fc_mod_ext, moldyn="yes", moldyn="no")
-+ AC_CHECK_FILE($ac_libabinit_dir/include/ab7_symmetry.$ax_fc_mod_ext, sym="yes", sym="no")
- AC_CHECK_FILE($ac_libabinit_dir/include/libxc_functionals.$ax_fc_mod_ext, libxc="yes", libxc="no")
- if test "$withlibabinit" = "yes" -a "$moldyn" = "yes" -a "$sym" = "yes" -a "$libxc" = "yes"; then
- ac_use_libabinit="yes"
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/10_defs/defs_basis.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/10_defs/defs_basis.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/10_defs/defs_basis.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/10_defs/defs_basis.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -211,18 +211,18 @@
- integer, parameter :: abinit_comm_serial = -12345
- ! Error codes used by the bindings.
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_NO_ERROR = 0
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_OBJ = 1
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_ARG = 2
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_INVARS_ATT = 3
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_INVARS_ID = 4
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_INVARS_SIZE = 5
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_SYM_NOT_PRIMITIVE = 6
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_SYM_BRAVAIS_XRED = 7
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_MIXING_ARG = 8
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_MIXING_CONVERGENCE = 9
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_MIXING_INTERNAL = 10
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_ERROR_MIXING_INC_NNSLOOP = 11
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_NO_ERROR = 0
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_OBJ = 1
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_ARG = 2
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_INVARS_ATT = 3
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_INVARS_ID = 4
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_INVARS_SIZE = 5
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_SYM_NOT_PRIMITIVE = 6
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_SYM_BRAVAIS_XRED = 7
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_MIXING_ARG = 8
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_MIXING_CONVERGENCE = 9
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_MIXING_INTERNAL = 10
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_ERROR_MIXING_INC_NNSLOOP = 11
- ! Values of optdriver corresponding to the different run-levels.
- integer, parameter, public :: RUNL_GSTATE = 0
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/14_hidewrite/wrtout.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/14_hidewrite/wrtout.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/14_hidewrite/wrtout.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/14_hidewrite/wrtout.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
- !! ioniondist,irrzg,isfile,jellium,klocal,kpgio,kpgsph,kpgstr
- !! kramerskronig,ks_ddiago,kxc_alda,kxc_eok,ladielmt,lattice,lavnl
- !! leave_new,leave_test,linemin,listkk,lobpcgIIwf,lobpcgccIIwf,lobpcgccwf
--!! lobpcgwf,loop3dte,loper3,lwf,m_ab6_invars_f90,m_abilasi,m_atom
-+!! lobpcgwf,loop3dte,loper3,lwf,m_ab7_invars_f90,m_abilasi,m_atom
- !! m_bands_sym,m_bs_defs,m_bz_mesh,m_coulombian,m_crystal,m_dyson_solver
- !! m_ebands,m_errors,m_fft_mesh,m_fftw3,m_geometry,m_green,m_gsphere
- !! m_gwdefs,m_hamiltonian,m_hidecudarec,m_initcuda,m_io_kss,m_io_screening
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/16_hideleave/leave_new.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/16_hideleave/leave_new.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/16_hideleave/leave_new.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/16_hideleave/leave_new.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- !! inupper,invars0,invars1,invars1m,invars2,invars9,invcb,inwffil,inwffil3
- !! ioarr,ioddb8_in,iofn1,iofn2,irrzg,isfile,jellium,klocal,kpgsph,kpgstr
- !! kxc_alda,kxc_eok,ladielmt,lavnl,linemin,listkk,lobpcgIIwf,lobpcgccIIwf
--!! loper3,lwf,m_ab6_invars_f90,m_errors,m_green,m_libxc_functionals
-+!! loper3,lwf,m_ab7_invars_f90,m_errors,m_green,m_libxc_functionals
- !! m_matlu,m_matrix,m_oper,m_paw_dmft,m_special_funcs,m_wffile
- !! mat_mlms2jmj,mat_slm2ylm,matcginv,matcginv_dpc,mati3inv,matrginv
- !! matrixelmt_g,mean_fftr,meanvalue_g,memana,metcon,metric,metstr,mka2f
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/18_timing/timab.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/18_timing/timab.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/18_timing/timab.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/18_timing/timab.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- !! getgsc,getngrec,gran_potrec,green_kernel,gstate,gstateimg,hartre
- !! hartre1,initylmg,inkpts,invars2,inwffil,inwffil3,kpgio,kpgsph,ladielmt
- !! lavnl,leave_test,lobpcgIIwf,lobpcgccIIwf,lobpcgccwf,lobpcgwf,loop3dte
--!! loper3,m_ab6_invars_f90,m_hidecudarec,m_screening,matrixelmt_g
-+!! loper3,m_ab7_invars_f90,m_hidecudarec,m_screening,matrixelmt_g
- !! mean_fftr,meanvalue_g,mkcore,mkffnl,mklocl_realspace,mklocl_recipspace
- !! mkresi,mkrho,mkrho3,mkvxc3,mkvxcstr3,newkpt,newocc,newrho,newvtr
- !! newvtr3,nhatgrid,nlenergyrec,nonlinear,nonlop,nstdy3,nstwf3,odamix
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/32_util/mati3inv.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/32_util/mati3inv.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/32_util/mati3inv.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/32_util/mati3inv.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- !! TODO
- !!
--!! ab6_symmetry_f90,debug_tools,get_full_kgrid,getkgrid,ingeo,invars2m
-+!! ab7_symmetry_f90,debug_tools,get_full_kgrid,getkgrid,ingeo,invars2m
- !! m_bands_sym,m_crystal,m_fft_mesh,m_io_kss,nstdy3,optic,outscfcv,rdddb9
- !! read_gkk,setsym,strainsym,symdij,symdyma,wfconv
- !!
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/chkprimit.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/chkprimit.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/chkprimit.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/chkprimit.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- !
- !!
--!! ingeo,ab6_symmetry_f90
-+!! ingeo,ab7_symmetry_f90
- !!
- !! leave_new,wrtout
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,1088 +0,0 @@
--!* * Fortran90 source file *
--!* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 ABINIT Group (Damien Caliste)
--!* All rights reserved.
--!* This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
--!* please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
--!* distribution.
--module m_ab6_symmetry
-- use defs_basis
-- implicit none
-- private
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES = 384
-- type, public :: symmetry_type
-- ! The input characteristics
-- real(dp) :: tolsym
-- real(dp) :: rprimd(3,3), gprimd(3,3), rmet(3,3)
-- integer :: nAtoms
-- integer, pointer :: typeAt(:)
-- real(dp), pointer :: xRed(:,:)
-- logical :: withField
-- real(dp) :: field(3)
-- logical :: withJellium
-- integer :: withSpin
-- real(dp), pointer :: spinAt(:,:)
-- logical :: withSpinOrbit
-- integer :: vacuum(3)
-- ! The output characteristics
-- ! The bravais parameters
-- integer :: nBravSym
-- integer :: bravais(11), bravSym(3, 3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- ! The symmetry matrices
-- logical :: auto
-- integer :: nSym
-- integer, pointer :: sym(:,:,:)
-- real(dp), pointer :: transNon(:,:)
-- integer, pointer :: symAfm(:)
-- ! Some additional information
-- integer :: multiplicity
-- real(dp) :: genAfm(3)
-- integer :: spaceGroup, pointGroupMagn
-- integer, pointer :: indexingAtoms(:,:,:)
-- end type symmetry_type
-- ! We store here a list of symmetry objects to be able to
-- ! call several symmetry operations on different objects.
-- ! The simplest portable way to do it, is to create
-- ! a list of Fortran structure and to use the list index
-- ! as an identifier that can be given to the other languages.
-- type, private :: symmetry_list
-- integer :: id
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: next
-- type(symmetry_type) :: data
-- end type symmetry_list
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: my_symmetries
-- integer :: n_symmetries = 0
-- logical, private, parameter :: AB_DBG = .false.
-- public :: symmetry_new
-- public :: symmetry_free
-- public :: symmetry_set_tolerance
-- public :: symmetry_set_lattice
-- public :: symmetry_set_structure
-- public :: symmetry_set_collinear_spin
-- public :: symmetry_set_spin
-- public :: symmetry_set_spin_orbit
-- public :: symmetry_set_field
-- public :: symmetry_set_jellium
-- public :: symmetry_set_periodicity
-- public :: symmetry_set_n_sym
-- public :: symmetry_get_from_id
-- public :: symmetry_get_n_atoms
-- public :: symmetry_get_n_sym
-- public :: symmetry_get_multiplicity
-- public :: symmetry_get_bravais
-- public :: symmetry_get_matrices
-- public :: symmetry_get_matrices_p
-- public :: symmetry_get_group
-- public :: symmetry_get_equivalent_atom
-- subroutine new_item(token)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- ! We allocate a new list token and prepend it.
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: create a new token."
-- ! Init case, very first call.
-- if (n_symmetries == 0) then
-- nullify(my_symmetries)
-- end if
-- ! Normal treatment.
-- n_symmetries = n_symmetries + 1
-- allocate(token)
-- token%id = n_symmetries
-- call new_symmetry(token%data)
-- token%next => my_symmetries
-- my_symmetries => token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: creation OK with id ", token%id
-- end subroutine new_item
-- subroutine free_item(token)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: tmp
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- return
-- end if
-- call free_symmetry(token%data)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: free request on token ", token%id
-- ! We remove token from the list.
-- if (my_symmetries%id == token%id) then
-- my_symmetries => token%next
-- else
-- tmp => my_symmetries
-- do
-- if (.not.associated(tmp)) then
-- return
-- end if
-- if (associated(tmp%next) .and. tmp%next%id == token%id) then
-- exit
-- end if
-- tmp => tmp%next
-- end do
-- tmp%next => token%next
-- end if
-- deallocate(token)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: free done"
-- end subroutine free_item
-- subroutine get_item(token, id)
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: tmp
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: request list element ", id
-- nullify(token)
-- tmp => my_symmetries
-- do
-- if (.not. associated(tmp)) then
-- exit
-- end if
-- if (tmp%id == id) then
-- token => tmp
-- return
-- end if
-- tmp => tmp%next
-- end do
-- end subroutine get_item
-- subroutine symmetry_get_from_id(sym, id, errno)
-- type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (associated(token)) then
-- sym => token%data
-- if (sym%nSym <= 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(sym, errno)
-- end if
-- else
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- nullify(sym)
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_from_id
-- subroutine new_symmetry(sym)
-- type(symmetry_type), intent(out) :: sym
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: create a new symmetry object."
-- nullify(sym%xRed)
-- nullify(sym%spinAt)
-- nullify(sym%typeAt)
-- sym%tolsym = tol8
-- sym%auto = .true.
-- sym%nSym = 0
-- nullify(sym%sym)
-- nullify(sym%symAfm)
-- nullify(sym%transNon)
-- sym%nBravSym = -1
-- sym%withField = .false.
-- sym%withJellium = .false.
-- sym%withSpin = 1
-- sym%withSpinOrbit = .false.
-- sym%multiplicity = -1
-- nullify(sym%indexingAtoms)
-- sym%vacuum = 0
-- end subroutine new_symmetry
-- subroutine free_symmetry(sym)
-- type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: free a symmetry."
-- if (associated(sym%xRed)) deallocate(sym%xRed)
-- if (associated(sym%spinAt)) deallocate(sym%spinAt)
-- if (associated(sym%typeAt)) deallocate(sym%typeAt)
-- if (associated(sym%indexingAtoms)) deallocate(sym%indexingAtoms)
-- if (associated(sym%sym)) deallocate(sym%sym)
-- if (associated(sym%symAfm)) deallocate(sym%symAfm)
-- if (associated(sym%transNon)) deallocate(sym%transNon)
-- end subroutine free_symmetry
-- subroutine symmetry_new(id)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(out) :: id
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call new symmetry."
-- call new_item(token)
-- id = token%id
-- end subroutine symmetry_new
-- subroutine symmetry_free(id)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call free symmetry."
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (associated(token)) call free_item(token)
-- end subroutine symmetry_free
-- subroutine symmetry_set_tolerance(id, tolsym, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: tolsym
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set tolerance."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%tolsym = tolsym
-- ! We unset all the computed symmetries
-- token%data%nBravSym = -1
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_tolerance
-- subroutine symmetry_set_lattice(id, rprimd, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_42_geometry
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- real(dp) :: ucvol
-- real(dp) :: gmet(3,3)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set lattice."
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3F12.6,A)") " (", rprimd(:,1), ")"
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3F12.6,A)") " (", rprimd(:,2), ")"
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3F12.6,A)") " (", rprimd(:,3), ")"
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%rprimd = rprimd
-- call metric(gmet, token%data%gprimd, -1, token%data%rmet, rprimd, ucvol)
-- ! We unset all the computed symmetries
-- token%data%nBravSym = -1
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_lattice
-- subroutine symmetry_set_structure(id, nAtoms, typeAt, xRed, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(in) :: nAtoms
-- integer, intent(in) :: typeAt(nAtoms)
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: xRed(3,nAtoms)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- integer :: i
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set structure."
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3,A)") " ", nAtoms, " atoms"
-- if (AB_DBG) then
-- do i = 1, nAtoms, 1
-- write(0, "(A,3F12.6,I3)") " ", xRed(:, i), typeAt(i)
-- end do
-- end if
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%nAtoms = nAtoms
-- allocate(token%data%typeAt(nAtoms))
-- token%data%typeAt = typeAt
-- allocate(token%data%xRed(3, nAtoms))
-- token%data%xRed = xRed
-- ! We unset only the symmetries
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- if (associated(token%data%indexingAtoms)) deallocate(token%data%indexingAtoms)
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_structure
-- subroutine symmetry_set_spin(id, nAtoms, spinAt, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(in) :: nAtoms
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: spinAt(3,nAtoms)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- integer :: i
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set spin."
-- if (AB_DBG) then
-- do i = 1, nAtoms, 1
-- write(0, "(A,3F12.6)") " ", spinAt(:, i)
-- end do
-- end if
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%nAtoms /= nAtoms) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_ARG
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%withSpin = 4
-- allocate(token%data%spinAt(3, nAtoms))
-- token%data%spinAt = spinAt
-- ! We unset only the symmetries
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_spin
-- subroutine symmetry_set_collinear_spin(id, nAtoms, spinAt, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(in) :: nAtoms
-- integer, intent(in) :: spinAt(nAtoms)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- integer :: i
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set collinear spin."
-- if (AB_DBG) then
-- do i = 1, nAtoms, 1
-- write(0, "(A,I3)") " ", spinAt(i)
-- end do
-- end if
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%nAtoms /= nAtoms) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_ARG
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%withSpin = 2
-- allocate(token%data%spinAt(1, nAtoms))
-- token%data%spinAt = real(reshape(spinAt, (/ 1, nAtoms /)), dp)
-- ! We unset only the symmetries
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_collinear_spin
-- subroutine symmetry_set_spin_orbit(id, withSpinOrbit, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- logical, intent(in) :: withSpinOrbit
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set spin orbit."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%withSpinOrbit = withSpinOrbit
-- ! We unset only the symmetries
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_spin_orbit
-- subroutine symmetry_set_field(id, field, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: field(3)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set field."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%withField = .true.
-- token%data%field = field
-- ! We unset all the computed symmetries
-- token%data%nBravSym = -1
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_field
-- subroutine symmetry_set_jellium(id, jellium, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- logical, intent(in) :: jellium
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set jellium."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%withJellium = jellium
-- ! We unset only the symmetries
-- if (token%data%auto) then
-- token%data%nSym = 0
-- end if
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_jellium
-- subroutine symmetry_set_periodicity(id, periodic, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- logical, intent(in) :: periodic(3)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set periodicity."
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3L1,A)") " (", periodic, ")"
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- token%data%vacuum = 0
-- if (.not. periodic(1)) token%data%vacuum(1) = 1
-- if (.not. periodic(2)) token%data%vacuum(2) = 1
-- if (.not. periodic(3)) token%data%vacuum(3) = 1
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_periodicity
-- subroutine symmetry_get_n_atoms(id, nAtoms, errno)
-- !scalars
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nAtoms
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get nAtoms."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- nAtoms = token%data%nAtoms
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_n_atoms
-- subroutine compute_bravais(sym)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_42_geometry
--!End of the abilint section
-- type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-- integer :: berryopt
-- ! We do the computation
-- if (sym%withField) then
-- berryopt = 4
-- else
-- berryopt = 0
-- end if
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT symlatt."
-- call symlatt(sym%bravais, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, &
-- & sym%nBravSym, sym%bravSym, sym%rprimd, sym%tolsym)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT OK."
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " nSymBrav :", sym%nBravSym
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " holohedry:", sym%bravais(1)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " center :", sym%bravais(2)
-- end subroutine compute_bravais
-- subroutine symmetry_get_bravais(id, bravais, holohedry, center, &
-- & nBravSym, bravSym, errno)
-- !scalars
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nBravSym, holohedry, center
-- !arrays
-- integer, intent(out) :: bravais(3,3), bravSym(3, 3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get bravais."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%nBravSym < 0) then
-- ! We do the computation
-- call compute_bravais(token%data)
-- end if
-- holohedry = token%data%bravais(1)
-- center = token%data%bravais(2)
-- bravais = reshape(token%data%bravais(3:11), (/ 3,3 /))
-- nBravSym = token%data%nBravSym
-- bravSym(:, :, 1:nBravSym) = token%data%bravSym(:, :, 1:nBravSym)
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_bravais
-- subroutine compute_matrices(sym, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_42_geometry
--!End of the abilint section
-- type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer :: berryopt, jellslab, noncol
-- integer :: use_inversion
-- real(dp), pointer :: spinAt_(:,:)
-- integer :: sym_(3, 3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- real(dp) :: transNon_(3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- integer :: symAfm_(AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- if (sym%nBravSym < 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the Bravais part.
-- call compute_bravais(sym)
-- end if
-- if (sym%withField) then
-- berryopt = 4
-- else
-- berryopt = 0
-- end if
-- if (sym%withJellium) then
-- jellslab = 1
-- else
-- jellslab = 0
-- end if
-- if (sym%withSpin == 4) then
-- noncol = 1
-- spinAt_ => sym%spinAt
-- else if (sym%withSpin == 2) then
-- noncol = 0
-- spinAt_ => sym%spinAt
-- else
-- noncol = 0
-- allocate(spinAt_(3, sym%nAtoms))
-- spinAt_ = 0
-- end if
-- if (sym%withSpinOrbit) then
-- use_inversion = 0
-- else
-- use_inversion = 1
-- end if
-- if (sym%nsym == 0) then
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT symfind."
-- call symfind(berryopt, sym%field, sym%gprimd, jellslab, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, &
-- & sym%nAtoms, noncol, sym%nBravSym, sym%nSym, sym%bravSym, spinAt_, &
-- & symAfm_, sym_, transNon_, sym%tolsym, sym%typeAt, &
-- & use_inversion, sym%xRed)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT OK."
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " nSym:", sym%nSym
-- if (associated(sym%sym)) deallocate(sym%sym)
-- if (associated(sym%symAfm)) deallocate(sym%symAfm)
-- if (associated(sym%transNon)) deallocate(sym%transNon)
-- allocate(sym%sym(3, 3, sym%nSym))
-- sym%sym(:,:,:) = sym_(:,:, 1:sym%nSym)
-- allocate(sym%symAfm(sym%nSym))
-- sym%symAfm(:) = symAfm_(1:sym%nSym)
-- allocate(sym%transNon(3, sym%nSym))
-- sym%transNon(:,:) = transNon_(:, 1:sym%nSym)
-- else if (sym%nsym < 0) then
-- sym%nsym = -sym%nsym
-- sym_(:,:, 1:sym%nSym) = sym%sym(:,:,:)
-- transNon_(:, 1:sym%nSym) = sym%transNon(:,:)
-- symAfm_(1:sym%nSym) = sym%symAfm(:)
-- end if
-- if (sym%withSpin == 1) then
-- deallocate(spinAt_)
-- end if
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT symanal."
-- call symanal(sym%bravais, 0, sym%genAfm, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, sym%nSym, &
-- & sym%pointGroupMagn, sym%rprimd, sym%spaceGroup, symAfm_, &
-- & sym_, transNon_, sym%tolsym)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT OK."
-- sym%transNon(:,:) = transNon_(:, 1:sym%nSym)
-- if (sym%bravais(1) < 0) then
-- sym%multiplicity = 2
-- else
-- sym%multiplicity = 1
-- end if
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " multi:", sym%multiplicity
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " space:", sym%spaceGroup
-- end subroutine compute_matrices
-- subroutine symmetry_get_n_sym(id, nSym, errno)
-- !scalars
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nSym
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get nSym."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%nSym <= 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-- end if
-- nSym = token%data%nSym
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_n_sym
-- subroutine symmetry_set_n_sym(id, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
-- !scalars
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(in) :: nSym
-- integer, intent(in) :: sym(3, 3, nSym)
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: transNon(3, nSym)
-- integer, intent(in) :: symAfm(nSym)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get nSym."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (nSym <= 0) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_ARG
-- return
-- else
-- allocate(token%data%sym(3, 3, nSym))
-- token%data%sym(:,:,:) = sym(:,:,:)
-- allocate(token%data%symAfm(nSym))
-- token%data%symAfm(:) = symAfm(:)
-- allocate(token%data%transNon(3, nSym))
-- token%data%transNon(:,:) = transNon(:,:)
-- token%data%auto = .false.
-- token%data%nsym = -nSym
-- end if
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-- end subroutine symmetry_set_n_sym
-- subroutine symmetry_get_matrices(id, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nSym
-- integer, intent(out) :: sym(3, 3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- integer, intent(out) :: symAfm(AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: transNon(3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get matrices."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%nSym <= 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-- end if
-- nSym = token%data%nSym
-- sym(:, :, 1:nSym) = token%data%sym(:, :,:)
-- symAfm(1:nSym) = token%data%symAfm(:)
-- transNon(:, 1:nSym) = token%data%transNon(:,:)
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_matrices
-- subroutine symmetry_get_matrices_p(id, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nSym
-- integer, pointer :: sym(:,:,:)
-- integer, pointer :: symAfm(:)
-- real(dp), pointer :: transNon(:,:)
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get matrices as pointers."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%nSym <= 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-- end if
-- nSym = token%data%nSym
-- sym => token%data%sym
-- symAfm => token%data%symAfm
-- transNon => token%data%transNon
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_matrices_p
-- subroutine symmetry_get_multiplicity(id, multiplicity, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: multiplicity, errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get multiplicity."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%multiplicity < 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-- end if
-- multiplicity = token%data%multiplicity
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_multiplicity
-- subroutine symmetry_get_group(id, spaceGroup, spaceGroupId, &
-- & pointGroupMagn, genAfm, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_42_geometry
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: genAfm(3)
-- character(len=15), intent(out) :: spaceGroup
-- integer, intent(out) :: spaceGroupId, pointGroupMagn
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- integer :: sporder
-- character(len=1) :: brvLattice
-- character(len=15) :: ptintsb,ptschsb,schsb,spgrp
-- character(len=35) :: intsbl
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get group."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (token%data%multiplicity < 0) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-- end if
-- if (token%data%multiplicity /= 1) then
-- return
-- end if
-- call spgdata(brvLattice,spgrp,intsbl,ptintsb,ptschsb,&
-- & schsb,1,token%data%spaceGroup,sporder,1)
-- write(spaceGroup, "(3A)") brvLattice, " ", trim(spgrp(1:13))
-- pointGroupMagn = token%data%pointGroupMagn
-- spaceGroupId = token%data%spaceGroup
-- genAfm = token%data%genAfm
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_group
-- subroutine compute_equivalent_atoms(sym)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_32_util
-- use interfaces_42_geometry
--!End of the abilint section
-- type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-- integer, allocatable :: symrec(:,:,:)
-- integer :: isym
-- if (.not. associated(sym%indexingAtoms)) &
-- & allocate(sym%indexingAtoms(4, sym%nSym, sym%nAtoms))
-- !Get the symmetry matrices in terms of reciprocal basis
-- allocate(symrec(3, 3, sym%nSym))
-- do isym = 1, sym%nSym, 1
-- call mati3inv(sym%sym(:,:,isym), symrec(:,:,isym))
-- end do
-- !Obtain a list of rotated atom labels:
-- call symatm(sym%indexingAtoms, sym%nAtoms, sym%nSym, symrec, &
-- & sym%transNon, sym%tolsym, sym%typeAt, sym%xRed)
-- deallocate(symrec)
-- end subroutine compute_equivalent_atoms
-- subroutine symmetry_get_equivalent_atom(id, equiv, iAtom, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: id
-- integer, intent(in) :: iAtom
-- integer, intent(out) :: equiv(4, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-- if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get equivalent."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call get_item(token, id)
-- if (.not. associated(token)) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_OBJ
-- return
-- end if
-- if (iAtom < 1 .or. iAtom > token%data%nAtoms) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_ARG
-- return
-- end if
-- if (.not. associated(token%data%indexingAtoms)) then
-- ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-- call compute_equivalent_atoms(token%data)
-- end if
-- equiv(:, 1:token%data%nSym) = token%data%indexingAtoms(:,:,iAtom)
-- end subroutine symmetry_get_equivalent_atom
--end module m_ab6_symmetry
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
-+!* * Fortran90 source file *
-+!* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 ABINIT Group (Damien Caliste)
-+!* All rights reserved.
-+!* This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
-+!* please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
-+!* distribution.
-+module m_ab7_symmetry
-+ use defs_basis
-+ implicit none
-+ private
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES = 384
-+ type, public :: symmetry_type
-+ ! The input characteristics
-+ real(dp) :: tolsym
-+ real(dp) :: rprimd(3,3), gprimd(3,3), rmet(3,3)
-+ integer :: nAtoms
-+ integer, pointer :: typeAt(:)
-+ real(dp), pointer :: xRed(:,:)
-+ logical :: withField
-+ real(dp) :: field(3)
-+ logical :: withJellium
-+ integer :: withSpin
-+ real(dp), pointer :: spinAt(:,:)
-+ logical :: withSpinOrbit
-+ integer :: vacuum(3)
-+ ! The output characteristics
-+ ! The bravais parameters
-+ integer :: nBravSym
-+ integer :: bravais(11), bravSym(3, 3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ ! The symmetry matrices
-+ logical :: auto
-+ integer :: nSym
-+ integer, pointer :: sym(:,:,:)
-+ real(dp), pointer :: transNon(:,:)
-+ integer, pointer :: symAfm(:)
-+ ! Some additional information
-+ integer :: multiplicity
-+ real(dp) :: genAfm(3)
-+ integer :: spaceGroup, pointGroupMagn
-+ integer, pointer :: indexingAtoms(:,:,:)
-+ end type symmetry_type
-+ ! We store here a list of symmetry objects to be able to
-+ ! call several symmetry operations on different objects.
-+ ! The simplest portable way to do it, is to create
-+ ! a list of Fortran structure and to use the list index
-+ ! as an identifier that can be given to the other languages.
-+ type, private :: symmetry_list
-+ integer :: id
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: next
-+ type(symmetry_type) :: data
-+ end type symmetry_list
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: my_symmetries
-+ integer :: n_symmetries = 0
-+ logical, private, parameter :: AB_DBG = .false.
-+ public :: symmetry_new
-+ public :: symmetry_free
-+ public :: symmetry_set_tolerance
-+ public :: symmetry_set_lattice
-+ public :: symmetry_set_structure
-+ public :: symmetry_set_collinear_spin
-+ public :: symmetry_set_spin
-+ public :: symmetry_set_spin_orbit
-+ public :: symmetry_set_field
-+ public :: symmetry_set_jellium
-+ public :: symmetry_set_periodicity
-+ public :: symmetry_set_n_sym
-+ public :: symmetry_get_from_id
-+ public :: symmetry_get_n_atoms
-+ public :: symmetry_get_n_sym
-+ public :: symmetry_get_multiplicity
-+ public :: symmetry_get_bravais
-+ public :: symmetry_get_matrices
-+ public :: symmetry_get_matrices_p
-+ public :: symmetry_get_group
-+ public :: symmetry_get_equivalent_atom
-+ subroutine new_item(token)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ ! We allocate a new list token and prepend it.
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: create a new token."
-+ ! Init case, very first call.
-+ if (n_symmetries == 0) then
-+ nullify(my_symmetries)
-+ end if
-+ ! Normal treatment.
-+ n_symmetries = n_symmetries + 1
-+ allocate(token)
-+ token%id = n_symmetries
-+ call new_symmetry(token%data)
-+ token%next => my_symmetries
-+ my_symmetries => token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: creation OK with id ", token%id
-+ end subroutine new_item
-+ subroutine free_item(token)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: tmp
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ call free_symmetry(token%data)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: free request on token ", token%id
-+ ! We remove token from the list.
-+ if (my_symmetries%id == token%id) then
-+ my_symmetries => token%next
-+ else
-+ tmp => my_symmetries
-+ do
-+ if (.not.associated(tmp)) then
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(tmp%next) .and. tmp%next%id == token%id) then
-+ exit
-+ end if
-+ tmp => tmp%next
-+ end do
-+ tmp%next => token%next
-+ end if
-+ deallocate(token)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: free done"
-+ end subroutine free_item
-+ subroutine get_item(token, id)
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: tmp
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: request list element ", id
-+ nullify(token)
-+ tmp => my_symmetries
-+ do
-+ if (.not. associated(tmp)) then
-+ exit
-+ end if
-+ if (tmp%id == id) then
-+ token => tmp
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ tmp => tmp%next
-+ end do
-+ end subroutine get_item
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_from_id(sym, id, errno)
-+ type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (associated(token)) then
-+ sym => token%data
-+ if (sym%nSym <= 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(sym, errno)
-+ end if
-+ else
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ nullify(sym)
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_from_id
-+ subroutine new_symmetry(sym)
-+ type(symmetry_type), intent(out) :: sym
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: create a new symmetry object."
-+ nullify(sym%xRed)
-+ nullify(sym%spinAt)
-+ nullify(sym%typeAt)
-+ sym%tolsym = tol8
-+ sym%auto = .true.
-+ sym%nSym = 0
-+ nullify(sym%sym)
-+ nullify(sym%symAfm)
-+ nullify(sym%transNon)
-+ sym%nBravSym = -1
-+ sym%withField = .false.
-+ sym%withJellium = .false.
-+ sym%withSpin = 1
-+ sym%withSpinOrbit = .false.
-+ sym%multiplicity = -1
-+ nullify(sym%indexingAtoms)
-+ sym%vacuum = 0
-+ end subroutine new_symmetry
-+ subroutine free_symmetry(sym)
-+ type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: free a symmetry."
-+ if (associated(sym%xRed)) deallocate(sym%xRed)
-+ if (associated(sym%spinAt)) deallocate(sym%spinAt)
-+ if (associated(sym%typeAt)) deallocate(sym%typeAt)
-+ if (associated(sym%indexingAtoms)) deallocate(sym%indexingAtoms)
-+ if (associated(sym%sym)) deallocate(sym%sym)
-+ if (associated(sym%symAfm)) deallocate(sym%symAfm)
-+ if (associated(sym%transNon)) deallocate(sym%transNon)
-+ end subroutine free_symmetry
-+ subroutine symmetry_new(id)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(out) :: id
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call new symmetry."
-+ call new_item(token)
-+ id = token%id
-+ end subroutine symmetry_new
-+ subroutine symmetry_free(id)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call free symmetry."
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (associated(token)) call free_item(token)
-+ end subroutine symmetry_free
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_tolerance(id, tolsym, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: tolsym
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set tolerance."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%tolsym = tolsym
-+ ! We unset all the computed symmetries
-+ token%data%nBravSym = -1
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_tolerance
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_lattice(id, rprimd, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_42_geometry
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ real(dp) :: ucvol
-+ real(dp) :: gmet(3,3)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set lattice."
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3F12.6,A)") " (", rprimd(:,1), ")"
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3F12.6,A)") " (", rprimd(:,2), ")"
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3F12.6,A)") " (", rprimd(:,3), ")"
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%rprimd = rprimd
-+ call metric(gmet, token%data%gprimd, -1, token%data%rmet, rprimd, ucvol)
-+ ! We unset all the computed symmetries
-+ token%data%nBravSym = -1
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_lattice
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_structure(id, nAtoms, typeAt, xRed, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nAtoms
-+ integer, intent(in) :: typeAt(nAtoms)
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: xRed(3,nAtoms)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ integer :: i
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set structure."
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3,A)") " ", nAtoms, " atoms"
-+ if (AB_DBG) then
-+ do i = 1, nAtoms, 1
-+ write(0, "(A,3F12.6,I3)") " ", xRed(:, i), typeAt(i)
-+ end do
-+ end if
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%nAtoms = nAtoms
-+ allocate(token%data%typeAt(nAtoms))
-+ token%data%typeAt = typeAt
-+ allocate(token%data%xRed(3, nAtoms))
-+ token%data%xRed = xRed
-+ ! We unset only the symmetries
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(token%data%indexingAtoms)) deallocate(token%data%indexingAtoms)
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_structure
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_spin(id, nAtoms, spinAt, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nAtoms
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: spinAt(3,nAtoms)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ integer :: i
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set spin."
-+ if (AB_DBG) then
-+ do i = 1, nAtoms, 1
-+ write(0, "(A,3F12.6)") " ", spinAt(:, i)
-+ end do
-+ end if
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%nAtoms /= nAtoms) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_ARG
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%withSpin = 4
-+ allocate(token%data%spinAt(3, nAtoms))
-+ token%data%spinAt = spinAt
-+ ! We unset only the symmetries
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_spin
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_collinear_spin(id, nAtoms, spinAt, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nAtoms
-+ integer, intent(in) :: spinAt(nAtoms)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ integer :: i
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set collinear spin."
-+ if (AB_DBG) then
-+ do i = 1, nAtoms, 1
-+ write(0, "(A,I3)") " ", spinAt(i)
-+ end do
-+ end if
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%nAtoms /= nAtoms) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_ARG
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%withSpin = 2
-+ allocate(token%data%spinAt(1, nAtoms))
-+ token%data%spinAt = real(reshape(spinAt, (/ 1, nAtoms /)), dp)
-+ ! We unset only the symmetries
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_collinear_spin
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_spin_orbit(id, withSpinOrbit, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ logical, intent(in) :: withSpinOrbit
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set spin orbit."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%withSpinOrbit = withSpinOrbit
-+ ! We unset only the symmetries
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_spin_orbit
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_field(id, field, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: field(3)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set field."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%withField = .true.
-+ token%data%field = field
-+ ! We unset all the computed symmetries
-+ token%data%nBravSym = -1
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_field
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_jellium(id, jellium, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ logical, intent(in) :: jellium
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set jellium."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%withJellium = jellium
-+ ! We unset only the symmetries
-+ if (token%data%auto) then
-+ token%data%nSym = 0
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_jellium
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_periodicity(id, periodic, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ logical, intent(in) :: periodic(3)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call set periodicity."
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,3L1,A)") " (", periodic, ")"
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ token%data%vacuum = 0
-+ if (.not. periodic(1)) token%data%vacuum(1) = 1
-+ if (.not. periodic(2)) token%data%vacuum(2) = 1
-+ if (.not. periodic(3)) token%data%vacuum(3) = 1
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_periodicity
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_n_atoms(id, nAtoms, errno)
-+ !scalars
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nAtoms
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get nAtoms."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ nAtoms = token%data%nAtoms
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_n_atoms
-+ subroutine compute_bravais(sym)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_42_geometry
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-+ integer :: berryopt
-+ ! We do the computation
-+ if (sym%withField) then
-+ berryopt = 4
-+ else
-+ berryopt = 0
-+ end if
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT symlatt."
-+ call symlatt(sym%bravais, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, &
-+ & sym%nBravSym, sym%bravSym, sym%rprimd, sym%tolsym)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT OK."
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " nSymBrav :", sym%nBravSym
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " holohedry:", sym%bravais(1)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " center :", sym%bravais(2)
-+ end subroutine compute_bravais
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_bravais(id, bravais, holohedry, center, &
-+ & nBravSym, bravSym, errno)
-+ !scalars
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nBravSym, holohedry, center
-+ !arrays
-+ integer, intent(out) :: bravais(3,3), bravSym(3, 3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get bravais."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%nBravSym < 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation
-+ call compute_bravais(token%data)
-+ end if
-+ holohedry = token%data%bravais(1)
-+ center = token%data%bravais(2)
-+ bravais = reshape(token%data%bravais(3:11), (/ 3,3 /))
-+ nBravSym = token%data%nBravSym
-+ bravSym(:, :, 1:nBravSym) = token%data%bravSym(:, :, 1:nBravSym)
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_bravais
-+ subroutine compute_matrices(sym, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_42_geometry
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer :: berryopt, jellslab, noncol
-+ integer :: use_inversion
-+ real(dp), pointer :: spinAt_(:,:)
-+ integer :: sym_(3, 3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ real(dp) :: transNon_(3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ integer :: symAfm_(AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ if (sym%nBravSym < 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the Bravais part.
-+ call compute_bravais(sym)
-+ end if
-+ if (sym%withField) then
-+ berryopt = 4
-+ else
-+ berryopt = 0
-+ end if
-+ if (sym%withJellium) then
-+ jellslab = 1
-+ else
-+ jellslab = 0
-+ end if
-+ if (sym%withSpin == 4) then
-+ noncol = 1
-+ spinAt_ => sym%spinAt
-+ else if (sym%withSpin == 2) then
-+ noncol = 0
-+ spinAt_ => sym%spinAt
-+ else
-+ noncol = 0
-+ allocate(spinAt_(3, sym%nAtoms))
-+ spinAt_ = 0
-+ end if
-+ if (sym%withSpinOrbit) then
-+ use_inversion = 0
-+ else
-+ use_inversion = 1
-+ end if
-+ if (sym%nsym == 0) then
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT symfind."
-+ call symfind(berryopt, sym%field, sym%gprimd, jellslab, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, &
-+ & sym%nAtoms, noncol, sym%nBravSym, sym%nSym, sym%bravSym, spinAt_, &
-+ & symAfm_, sym_, transNon_, sym%tolsym, sym%typeAt, &
-+ & use_inversion, sym%xRed)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT OK."
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " nSym:", sym%nSym
-+ if (associated(sym%sym)) deallocate(sym%sym)
-+ if (associated(sym%symAfm)) deallocate(sym%symAfm)
-+ if (associated(sym%transNon)) deallocate(sym%transNon)
-+ allocate(sym%sym(3, 3, sym%nSym))
-+ sym%sym(:,:,:) = sym_(:,:, 1:sym%nSym)
-+ allocate(sym%symAfm(sym%nSym))
-+ sym%symAfm(:) = symAfm_(1:sym%nSym)
-+ allocate(sym%transNon(3, sym%nSym))
-+ sym%transNon(:,:) = transNon_(:, 1:sym%nSym)
-+ else if (sym%nsym < 0) then
-+ sym%nsym = -sym%nsym
-+ sym_(:,:, 1:sym%nSym) = sym%sym(:,:,:)
-+ transNon_(:, 1:sym%nSym) = sym%transNon(:,:)
-+ symAfm_(1:sym%nSym) = sym%symAfm(:)
-+ end if
-+ if (sym%withSpin == 1) then
-+ deallocate(spinAt_)
-+ end if
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT symanal."
-+ call symanal(sym%bravais, 0, sym%genAfm, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, sym%nSym, &
-+ & sym%pointGroupMagn, sym%rprimd, sym%spaceGroup, symAfm_, &
-+ & sym_, transNon_, sym%tolsym)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call ABINIT OK."
-+ sym%transNon(:,:) = transNon_(:, 1:sym%nSym)
-+ if (sym%bravais(1) < 0) then
-+ sym%multiplicity = 2
-+ else
-+ sym%multiplicity = 1
-+ end if
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " multi:", sym%multiplicity
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0, "(A,I3)") " space:", sym%spaceGroup
-+ end subroutine compute_matrices
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_n_sym(id, nSym, errno)
-+ !scalars
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nSym
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get nSym."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%nSym <= 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-+ end if
-+ nSym = token%data%nSym
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_n_sym
-+ subroutine symmetry_set_n_sym(id, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
-+ !scalars
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nSym
-+ integer, intent(in) :: sym(3, 3, nSym)
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: transNon(3, nSym)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symAfm(nSym)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get nSym."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (nSym <= 0) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_ARG
-+ return
-+ else
-+ allocate(token%data%sym(3, 3, nSym))
-+ token%data%sym(:,:,:) = sym(:,:,:)
-+ allocate(token%data%symAfm(nSym))
-+ token%data%symAfm(:) = symAfm(:)
-+ allocate(token%data%transNon(3, nSym))
-+ token%data%transNon(:,:) = transNon(:,:)
-+ token%data%auto = .false.
-+ token%data%nsym = -nSym
-+ end if
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-+ end subroutine symmetry_set_n_sym
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_matrices(id, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nSym
-+ integer, intent(out) :: sym(3, 3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: symAfm(AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: transNon(3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get matrices."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%nSym <= 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-+ end if
-+ nSym = token%data%nSym
-+ sym(:, :, 1:nSym) = token%data%sym(:, :,:)
-+ symAfm(1:nSym) = token%data%symAfm(:)
-+ transNon(:, 1:nSym) = token%data%transNon(:,:)
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_matrices
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_matrices_p(id, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nSym
-+ integer, pointer :: sym(:,:,:)
-+ integer, pointer :: symAfm(:)
-+ real(dp), pointer :: transNon(:,:)
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get matrices as pointers."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%nSym <= 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-+ end if
-+ nSym = token%data%nSym
-+ sym => token%data%sym
-+ symAfm => token%data%symAfm
-+ transNon => token%data%transNon
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_matrices_p
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_multiplicity(id, multiplicity, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: multiplicity, errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get multiplicity."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%multiplicity < 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-+ end if
-+ multiplicity = token%data%multiplicity
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_multiplicity
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_group(id, spaceGroup, spaceGroupId, &
-+ & pointGroupMagn, genAfm, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_42_geometry
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: genAfm(3)
-+ character(len=15), intent(out) :: spaceGroup
-+ integer, intent(out) :: spaceGroupId, pointGroupMagn
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ integer :: sporder
-+ character(len=1) :: brvLattice
-+ character(len=15) :: ptintsb,ptschsb,schsb,spgrp
-+ character(len=35) :: intsbl
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get group."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%multiplicity < 0) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_matrices(token%data, errno)
-+ end if
-+ if (token%data%multiplicity /= 1) then
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ call spgdata(brvLattice,spgrp,intsbl,ptintsb,ptschsb,&
-+ & schsb,1,token%data%spaceGroup,sporder,1)
-+ write(spaceGroup, "(3A)") brvLattice, " ", trim(spgrp(1:13))
-+ pointGroupMagn = token%data%pointGroupMagn
-+ spaceGroupId = token%data%spaceGroup
-+ genAfm = token%data%genAfm
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_group
-+ subroutine compute_equivalent_atoms(sym)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_32_util
-+ use interfaces_42_geometry
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ type(symmetry_type), intent(inout) :: sym
-+ integer, allocatable :: symrec(:,:,:)
-+ integer :: isym
-+ if (.not. associated(sym%indexingAtoms)) &
-+ & allocate(sym%indexingAtoms(4, sym%nSym, sym%nAtoms))
-+ !Get the symmetry matrices in terms of reciprocal basis
-+ allocate(symrec(3, 3, sym%nSym))
-+ do isym = 1, sym%nSym, 1
-+ call mati3inv(sym%sym(:,:,isym), symrec(:,:,isym))
-+ end do
-+ !Obtain a list of rotated atom labels:
-+ call symatm(sym%indexingAtoms, sym%nAtoms, sym%nSym, symrec, &
-+ & sym%transNon, sym%tolsym, sym%typeAt, sym%xRed)
-+ deallocate(symrec)
-+ end subroutine compute_equivalent_atoms
-+ subroutine symmetry_get_equivalent_atom(id, equiv, iAtom, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: id
-+ integer, intent(in) :: iAtom
-+ integer, intent(out) :: equiv(4, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_list), pointer :: token
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(0,*) "AB symmetry: call get equivalent."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call get_item(token, id)
-+ if (.not. associated(token)) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_OBJ
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (iAtom < 1 .or. iAtom > token%data%nAtoms) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_ARG
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (.not. associated(token%data%indexingAtoms)) then
-+ ! We do the computation of the matrix part.
-+ call compute_equivalent_atoms(token%data)
-+ end if
-+ equiv(:, 1:token%data%nSym) = token%data%indexingAtoms(:,:,iAtom)
-+ end subroutine symmetry_get_equivalent_atom
-+end module m_ab7_symmetry
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/symfind.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/symfind.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/symfind.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/42_geometry/symfind.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
- !! be 0 0 0 each for a symmorphic space group)
- !!
--!! ingeo,ab6_symmetry_f90
-+!! ingeo,ab7_symmetry_f90
- !!
- !! leave_new,wrtout
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/findminscf.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/findminscf.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/findminscf.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/findminscf.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
- !write(6,*)' choice,lambda_1,lambda_2=',choice,lambda_1,lambda_2
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
- d_lambda=lambda_1-lambda_2
- if(choice==1) then
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
- & +0.5_dp*d2edv2_1*(lambda_2-lambda_1)**2
- if(d2edv2_mid<0.0_dp)then
- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a,es18.10,a)' ) ch10,&
- & ' findminscf : WARNING -',ch10,&
- & ' (scfcge) The second derivative is negative, equal to',d2edv2_mid ,'.'
-@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
- d2edv2_2=d2edv2_1
- d2edv2_predict=d2edv2_1
- if(d2edv2_predict<0.0_dp)then
- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a,es18.10,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
- & ' findmin : WARNING -',ch10,&
- & ' (scfcge) The second derivative is negative, equal to',d2edv2_predict,'.',&
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
--#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
--#include "config.h"
-- module m_ab6_mixing
-- use m_profiling
-- use defs_basis
-- implicit none
-- private
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_NONE = 0
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_EIG = 1
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_SIMPLE = 2
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON = 3
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON_2 = 4
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY = 5
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2 = 6
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_PULAY = 7
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_POTENTIAL = 0
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_DENSITY = 1
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_REAL_SPACE = 1
-- integer, parameter, public :: AB6_MIXING_FOURRIER_SPACE = 2
-- type, public :: ab6_mixing_object
-- integer :: iscf
-- integer :: nfft, nspden, kind, space
-- logical :: useprec
-- integer :: mffmem
-- character(len = fnlen) :: diskCache
-- integer :: n_index, n_fftgr, n_pulayit, n_pawmix
-- integer, dimension(:), pointer :: i_rhor, i_vtrial, i_vresid, i_vrespc
-- real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: f_fftgr, f_atm
-- real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: f_paw
-- ! Private
-- integer :: n_atom
-- real(dp), pointer :: xred(:,:), dtn_pc(:,:)
-- end type ab6_mixing_object
-- public :: ab6_mixing_new
-- public :: ab6_mixing_deallocate
-- public :: ab6_mixing_use_disk_cache
-- public :: ab6_mixing_use_moving_atoms
-- public :: ab6_mixing_copy_current_step
-- public :: ab6_mixing_eval_allocate
-- public :: ab6_mixing_eval
-- public :: ab6_mixing_eval_deallocate
-- contains
-- subroutine init_(mix)
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(out) :: mix
-- ! Default values.
-- mix%iscf = AB6_MIXING_NONE
-- mix%mffmem = 1
-- mix%n_index = 0
-- mix%n_fftgr = 0
-- mix%n_pulayit = 7
-- mix%n_pawmix = 0
-- mix%n_atom = 0
-- mix%useprec = .true.
-- call nullify_(mix)
-- end subroutine init_
-- subroutine nullify_(mix)
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- ! Nullify internal pointers.
-- nullify(mix%i_rhor)
-- nullify(mix%i_vtrial)
-- nullify(mix%i_vresid)
-- nullify(mix%i_vrespc)
-- nullify(mix%f_fftgr)
-- nullify(mix%f_atm)
-- nullify(mix%f_paw)
-- nullify(mix%dtn_pc)
-- nullify(mix%xred)
-- end subroutine nullify_
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_new(mix, iscf, kind, space, nfft, nspden, &
-- & npawmix, errid, errmess, npulayit, useprec)
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(out) :: mix
-- integer, intent(in) :: iscf, kind, space, nfft, nspden, npawmix
-- integer, intent(out) :: errid
-- character(len = 500), intent(out) :: errmess
-- integer, intent(in), optional :: npulayit
-- logical, intent(in), optional :: useprec
-- integer :: ii, i_stat
-- character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab6_mixing_new"
-- ! Set default values.
-- call init_(mix)
-- ! Argument checkings.
-- if (kind /= AB6_MIXING_POTENTIAL .and. kind /= AB6_MIXING_DENSITY) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_set_arrays: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' Mixing must be done on density or potential only.'
-- return
-- end if
-- if (space /= AB6_MIXING_REAL_SPACE .and. &
-- & space /= AB6_MIXING_FOURRIER_SPACE) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_set_arrays: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' Mixing must be done in real or Fourrier space only.'
-- return
-- end if
-- if (iscf /= AB6_MIXING_EIG .and. iscf /= AB6_MIXING_SIMPLE .and. &
-- & iscf /= AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON .and. &
-- & iscf /= AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON_2 .and. &
-- & iscf /= AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .and. &
-- & iscf /= AB6_MIXING_PULAY .and. &
-- & iscf /= AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-- write(errmess, "(A,I0,A)") "Unknown mixing scheme (", iscf, ")."
-- return
-- end if
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- ! Mandatory arguments.
-- mix%iscf = iscf
-- mix%kind = kind
-- mix%space = space
-- mix%nfft = nfft
-- mix%nspden = nspden
-- mix%n_pawmix = npawmix
-- ! Optional arguments.
-- if (present(useprec)) mix%useprec = useprec
-- ! Set-up internal dimensions.
-- !These arrays are needed only in the self-consistent case
-- if (iscf == AB6_MIXING_EIG) then
-- ! For iscf==1, five additional vectors are needed
-- ! The index 1 is attributed to the old trial potential,
-- ! The new residual potential, and the new
-- ! preconditioned residual potential receive now a temporary index
-- ! The indices number 4 and 5 are attributed to work vectors.
-- mix%n_fftgr=5 ; mix%n_index=1
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_SIMPLE) then
-- ! For iscf==2, three additional vectors are needed.
-- ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-- ! The new residual potential, and the new preconditioned
-- ! residual potential, receive now a temporary index.
-- mix%n_fftgr=3 ; mix%n_index=1
-- if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 2
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON) then
-- ! For iscf==3 , four additional vectors are needed.
-- ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-- ! The new residual potential, and the new and old preconditioned
-- ! residual potential, receive now a temporary index.
-- mix%n_fftgr=4 ; mix%n_index=2
-- if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 3
-- else if (iscf == AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON_2) then
-- ! For iscf==4 , six additional vectors are needed.
-- ! The indices number 1 and 2 are attributed to two old trial vectors
-- ! The new residual potential, and the new and two old preconditioned
-- ! residual potentials, receive now a temporary index.
-- mix%n_fftgr=6 ; mix%n_index=3
-- if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 5
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .or. iscf == AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-- ! For iscf==5 or 6, ten additional vectors are needed
-- ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-- ! The index number 6 is attributed to the search vector
-- ! Other indices are attributed now. Altogether ten vectors
-- mix%n_fftgr=10 ; mix%n_index=3
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_PULAY) then
-- ! For iscf==7, lot of additional vectors are needed
-- ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-- ! The index number 2 is attributed to the old residual
-- ! The indices number 2 and 3 are attributed to two old precond. residuals
-- ! Other indices are attributed now.
-- if (present(npulayit)) mix%n_pulayit = npulayit
-- mix%n_fftgr=2+2*mix%n_pulayit ; mix%n_index=1+mix%n_pulayit
-- if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 1+2*mix%n_pulayit
-- end if ! iscf cases
-- ! Allocate new arrays.
-- allocate(mix%i_rhor(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_rhor, 'mix%i_rhor', subname)
-- allocate(mix%i_vtrial(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_vtrial, 'mix%i_vtrial', subname)
-- allocate(mix%i_vresid(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_vresid, 'mix%i_vresid', subname)
-- allocate(mix%i_vrespc(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_vrespc, 'mix%i_vrespc', subname)
-- ! Setup initial values.
-- if (iscf == AB6_MIXING_EIG) then
-- mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vresid(1)=2 ; mix%i_vrespc(1)=3
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_SIMPLE) then
-- mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vresid(1)=2 ; mix%i_vrespc(1)=3
-- if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%i_vrespc(1)=2
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON) then
-- mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vresid(1)=2
-- if (mix%useprec) then
-- mix%i_vrespc(1)=3 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=4
-- else
-- mix%i_vrespc(1)=2 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=3
-- end if
-- else if (iscf == AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON_2) then
-- mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vtrial(2)=2
-- mix%i_vresid(1)=3
-- if (mix%useprec) then
-- mix%i_vrespc(1)=4 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=5 ; mix%i_vrespc(3)=6
-- else
-- mix%i_vrespc(1)=3 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=4 ; mix%i_vrespc(3)=5
-- end if
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .or. &
-- & iscf == AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-- mix%n_fftgr=10 ; mix%n_index=3
-- mix%i_vtrial(1)=1
-- mix%i_vresid(1)=2 ; mix%i_vresid(2)=4 ; mix%i_vresid(3)=7
-- mix%i_vrespc(1)=3 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=5 ; mix%i_vrespc(3)=8
-- mix%i_rhor(2)=9 ; mix%i_rhor(3)=10
-- else if(iscf == AB6_MIXING_PULAY) then
-- do ii=1,mix%n_pulayit
-- mix%i_vtrial(ii)=2*ii-1 ; mix%i_vrespc(ii)=2*ii
-- end do
-- mix%i_vrespc(mix%n_pulayit+1)=2*mix%n_pulayit+1
-- mix%i_vresid(1)=2*mix%n_pulayit+2
-- if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%i_vresid(1)=2
-- end if ! iscf cases
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_new
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_use_disk_cache(mix, fnametmp_fft)
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- character(len = *), intent(in) :: fnametmp_fft
-- if (len(trim(fnametmp_fft)) > 0) then
-- mix%mffmem = 0
-- write(mix%diskCache, "(A)") fnametmp_fft
-- else
-- mix%mffmem = 1
-- end if
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_use_disk_cache
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_use_moving_atoms(mix, natom, xred, dtn_pc)
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- integer, intent(in) :: natom
-- real(dp), intent(in), target :: dtn_pc(3, natom)
-- real(dp), intent(in), target :: xred(3, natom)
-- mix%n_atom = natom
-- mix%dtn_pc => dtn_pc
-- mix%xred => xred
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_use_moving_atoms
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_copy_current_step(mix, arr_resid, errid, errmess, &
-- & arr_respc, arr_paw_resid, arr_paw_respc, arr_atm)
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: arr_resid(mix%space * mix%nfft, mix%nspden)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errid
-- character(len = 500), intent(out) :: errmess
-- real(dp), intent(in), optional :: arr_respc(mix%space * mix%nfft, mix%nspden)
-- real(dp), intent(in), optional :: arr_paw_resid(mix%n_pawmix), &
-- & arr_paw_respc(mix%n_pawmix)
-- real(dp), intent(in), optional :: arr_atm(3, mix%n_atom)
-- if (.not. associated(mix%f_fftgr)) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_set_arr_current_step: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' Working arrays not yet allocated.'
-- return
-- end if
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- mix%f_fftgr(:,:,mix%i_vresid(1)) = arr_resid(:,:)
-- if (present(arr_respc)) mix%f_fftgr(:,:,mix%i_vrespc(1)) = arr_respc(:,:)
-- if (present(arr_paw_resid)) mix%f_paw(:, mix%i_vresid(1)) = arr_paw_resid(:)
-- if (present(arr_paw_respc)) mix%f_paw(:, mix%i_vrespc(1)) = arr_paw_respc(:)
-- if (present(arr_atm)) mix%f_atm(:,:, mix%i_vresid(1)) = arr_atm(:,:)
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_copy_current_step
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_eval_allocate(mix, istep)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_18_timing
--!End of the abilint section
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- integer, intent(in), optional :: istep
-- integer :: istep_, i_stat, usepaw
-- real(dp) :: tsec(2)
-- character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab6_mixing_eval_allocate"
-- istep_ = 1
-- if (present(istep)) istep_ = istep
-- ! Allocate work array.
-- if (.not. associated(mix%f_fftgr)) then
-- allocate(mix%f_fftgr(mix%space * mix%nfft,mix%nspden,mix%n_fftgr), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%f_fftgr, 'mix%f_fftgr', subname)
-- mix%f_fftgr(:,:,:)=zero
-- if (mix%mffmem == 0 .and. istep_ > 1) then
-- call timab(83,1,tsec)
-- open(unit=tmp_unit,file=mix%diskCache,form='unformatted',status='old')
-- rewind(tmp_unit)
-- read(tmp_unit) mix%f_fftgr
-- if (mix%n_pawmix == 0) close(unit=tmp_unit)
-- call timab(83,2,tsec)
-- end if
-- end if
-- ! Allocate PAW work array.
-- if (.not. associated(mix%f_paw)) then
-- usepaw = 0
-- if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) usepaw = 1
-- allocate(mix%f_paw(max(1,mix%n_pawmix),max(1,mix%n_fftgr * usepaw)), &
-- & stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%f_paw, 'mix%f_paw', subname)
-- if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) then
-- mix%f_paw(:,:)=zero
-- if (mix%mffmem == 0 .and. istep_ > 1) then
-- read(tmp_unit) mix%f_paw
-- close(unit=tmp_unit)
-- call timab(83,2,tsec)
-- end if
-- end if
-- end if
-- ! Allocate atom work array.
-- if (.not. associated(mix%f_atm)) then
-- allocate(mix%f_atm(3,mix%n_atom,mix%n_fftgr), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%f_atm, 'mix%f_atm', subname)
-- end if
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_eval_allocate
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_eval_deallocate(mix)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_18_timing
--!End of the abilint section
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- integer :: i_all, i_stat
-- real(dp) :: tsec(2)
-- character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab6_mixing_eval_deallocate"
-- ! Save on disk and deallocate work array in case on disk cache only.
-- if (mix%mffmem == 0) then
-- call timab(83,1,tsec)
-- open(unit=tmp_unit,file=mix%diskCache,form='unformatted',status='unknown')
-- rewind(tmp_unit)
-- ! VALGRIND complains not all of f_fftgr_disk is initialized
-- write(tmp_unit) mix%f_fftgr
-- if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) then
-- write(tmp_unit) mix%f_paw
-- end if
-- close(unit=tmp_unit)
-- call timab(83,2,tsec)
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_fftgr))*kind(mix%f_fftgr)
-- deallocate(mix%f_fftgr, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_atm', subname)
-- nullify(mix%f_fftgr)
-- if (associated(mix%f_paw)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_paw))*kind(mix%f_paw)
-- deallocate(mix%f_paw, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_paw', subname)
-- nullify(mix%f_paw)
-- end if
-- end if
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_eval_deallocate
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_eval(mix, arr, istep, nfftot, ucvol, &
-- & mpi_comm, mpi_summarize, errid, errmess, &
-- & reset, isecur, pawarr, pawopt, response, etotal, potden, &
-- & resnrm, fnrm, fdot, user_data)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_56_mixing
--!End of the abilint section
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- integer, intent(in) :: istep, nfftot, mpi_comm
-- logical, intent(in) :: mpi_summarize
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: ucvol
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: arr(mix%space * mix%nfft,mix%nspden)
-- integer, intent(out) :: errid
-- character(len = 500), intent(out) :: errmess
-- logical, intent(in), optional :: reset
-- integer, intent(in), optional :: isecur, pawopt, response
-- real(dp), intent(inout), optional, target :: pawarr(mix%n_pawmix)
-- real(dp), intent(in), optional :: etotal
-- real(dp), intent(in), optional :: potden(mix%space * mix%nfft,mix%nspden)
-- real(dp), intent(out), optional :: resnrm
-- optional :: fnrm, fdot
-- integer, intent(in), optional :: user_data(:)
-- interface
-- function fdot(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-- integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-- double precision :: fdot
-- end function fdot
-- function fnrm(x,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*)
-- integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-- double precision :: fnrm
-- end function fnrm
-- end interface
-- character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab6_mixing_eval"
-- integer :: moveAtm, dbl_nnsclo, initialized, isecur_
-- integer :: usepaw, pawoptmix_, response_, i_stat, i_all
-- integer :: user_data_(2)
-- real(dp) :: resnrm_
-- real(dp), pointer :: pawarr_(:)
-- ! Argument checkings.
-- if (mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_NONE) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' No method has been chosen.'
-- return
-- end if
-- if (mix%n_pawmix > 0 .and. .not. present(pawarr)) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' PAW is used, but no pawarr argument provided.'
-- return
-- end if
-- if (mix%n_atom > 0 .and. (.not. associated(mix%dtn_pc) .or. &
-- & .not. associated(mix%xred))) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' Moving atoms is used, but no xred or dtn_pc attributes provided.'
-- return
-- end if
-- if ((present(fnrm) .or. present(fdot) .or. present(user_data)) .and. &
-- & .not. (present(fnrm) .and. present(fdot) .and. present(user_data))) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' Passing optional norm and dot product routines without user_data argument.'
-- return
-- end if
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- ! Miscellaneous
-- moveAtm = 0
-- if (mix%n_atom > 0) moveAtm = 1
-- initialized = 1
-- if (present(reset)) then
-- if (reset) initialized = 0
-- end if
-- isecur_ = 0
-- if (present(isecur)) isecur_ = isecur
-- usepaw = 0
-- if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) usepaw = 1
-- pawoptmix_ = 0
-- if (present(pawopt)) pawoptmix_ = pawopt
-- response_ = 0
-- if (present(response)) response_ = response
-- if (present(pawarr)) then
-- pawarr_ => pawarr
-- else
-- allocate(pawarr_(1), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, pawarr_, 'pawarr_', subname)
-- end if
-- ! Norm and dot products.
-- if (.not. present(user_data)) then
-- user_data_(1) = 0
-- if (mpi_summarize) user_data_(1) = 1
-- user_data_(2) = mpi_comm
-- end if
-- ! Do the mixing.
-- resnrm_ = 0.d0
-- if (mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_EIG) then
-- ! This routine compute the eigenvalues of the SCF operator
-- call scfeig(istep, mix%space * mix%nfft, mix%nspden, &
-- & mix%f_fftgr(:,:,mix%i_vrespc(1)), arr, &
-- & mix%f_fftgr(:,:,1), mix%f_fftgr(:,:,4:5), errid, errmess)
-- else if (mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_SIMPLE .or. &
-- & mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON .or. &
-- & mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_ANDERSON_2 .or. &
-- & mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_PULAY) then
-- if (present(user_data)) then
-- call scfopt(mix%space, mix%f_fftgr,mix%f_paw,mix%iscf,istep,&
-- & mix%i_vrespc,mix%i_vtrial, mix%nfft,mix%n_pawmix,mix%nspden, &
-- & mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,pawoptmix_,usepaw,pawarr_, &
-- & resnrm_, arr, fnrm, fdot, user_data, errid, errmess)
-- else
-- call scfopt(mix%space, mix%f_fftgr,mix%f_paw,mix%iscf,istep,&
-- & mix%i_vrespc,mix%i_vtrial, mix%nfft,mix%n_pawmix,mix%nspden, &
-- & mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,pawoptmix_,usepaw,pawarr_, &
-- & resnrm_, arr, fnrm_default, fdot_default, user_data_, errid, errmess)
-- end if
-- ! Change atomic positions
-- if((istep==1 .or. mix%iscf==AB6_MIXING_SIMPLE) .and. mix%n_atom > 0)then
-- ! GAF: 2009-06-03
-- ! Apparently there are not reason
-- ! to restrict iscf=2 for ionmov=5
-- mix%xred(:,:) = mix%xred(:,:) + mix%dtn_pc(:,:)
-- end if
-- else if (mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .or. &
-- & mix%iscf == AB6_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-- ! Optimize next vtrial using an algorithm based
-- ! on the conjugate gradient minimization of etotal
-- if (.not. present(etotal) .or. .not. present(potden)) then
-- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-- & ' ab6_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-- & ' Arguments etotal or potden are missing for CG on energy methods.'
-- return
-- end if
-- if (mix%n_atom == 0) then
-- allocate(mix%xred(3,0), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%xred, 'mix%xred', subname)
-- allocate(mix%dtn_pc(3,0), stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, mix%dtn_pc, 'mix%dtn_pc', subname)
-- end if
-- if (present(user_data)) then
-- call scfcge(mix%space,dbl_nnsclo,mix%dtn_pc,etotal,mix%f_atm,&
-- & mix%f_fftgr,initialized,mix%iscf,isecur_,istep,&
-- & mix%i_rhor,mix%i_vresid,mix%i_vrespc,moveAtm,&
-- & mix%n_atom,mix%nfft,nfftot,&
-- & mix%nspden,mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,&
-- & response_,potden,ucvol,arr,mix%xred, &
-- & fnrm, fdot, user_data, errid, errmess)
-- else
-- call scfcge(mix%space,dbl_nnsclo,mix%dtn_pc,etotal,mix%f_atm,&
-- & mix%f_fftgr,initialized,mix%iscf,isecur_,istep,&
-- & mix%i_rhor,mix%i_vresid,mix%i_vrespc,moveAtm,&
-- & mix%n_atom,mix%nfft,nfftot,&
-- & mix%nspden,mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,&
-- & response_,potden,ucvol,arr,mix%xred, fnrm_default, &
-- & fdotn_default, user_data_, errid, errmess)
-- end if
-- if (mix%n_atom == 0) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%xred))*kind(mix%xred)
-- deallocate(mix%xred, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%xred', subname)
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%dtn_pc))*kind(mix%dtn_pc)
-- deallocate(mix%dtn_pc, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%dtn_pc', subname)
-- end if
-- if (dbl_nnsclo == 1) errid = AB6_ERROR_MIXING_INC_NNSLOOP
-- end if
-- if (present(resnrm)) resnrm = resnrm_
-- if (.not. present(pawarr)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(pawarr_))*kind(pawarr_)
-- deallocate(pawarr_, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'pawarr_', subname)
-- end if
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_eval
-- subroutine ab6_mixing_deallocate(mix)
-- implicit none
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-- integer :: i_all, i_stat
-- character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab6_mixing_deallocate"
-- if (associated(mix%i_rhor)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_rhor))*kind(mix%i_rhor)
-- deallocate(mix%i_rhor, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_rhor', subname)
-- end if
-- if (associated(mix%i_vtrial)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_vtrial))*kind(mix%i_vtrial)
-- deallocate(mix%i_vtrial, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_vtrial', subname)
-- end if
-- if (associated(mix%i_vresid)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_vresid))*kind(mix%i_vresid)
-- deallocate(mix%i_vresid, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_vresid', subname)
-- end if
-- if (associated(mix%i_vrespc)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_vrespc))*kind(mix%i_vrespc)
-- deallocate(mix%i_vrespc, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_vrespc', subname)
-- end if
-- if (associated(mix%f_fftgr)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_fftgr))*kind(mix%f_fftgr)
-- deallocate(mix%f_fftgr, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_fftgr', subname)
-- end if
-- if (associated(mix%f_paw)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_paw))*kind(mix%f_paw)
-- deallocate(mix%f_paw, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_paw', subname)
-- end if
-- if (associated(mix%f_atm)) then
-- i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_atm))*kind(mix%f_atm)
-- deallocate(mix%f_atm, stat = i_stat)
-- call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_atm', subname)
-- end if
-- call nullify_(mix)
-- end subroutine ab6_mixing_deallocate
-- function fnrm_default(x,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*)
-- integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-- double precision :: fnrm_default
-- real(dp) :: resid_new(1)
-- call sqnormm_v(cplex,1,user_data(2),(user_data(1) /= 0),1,&
-- & nfft,resid_new,1,nspden,opt_denpot,x)
-- fnrm_default = resid_new(1)
-- end function fnrm_default
-- function fdot_default(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-- integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-- double precision :: fdot_default
-- real(dp) :: prod_resid(1)
-- call dotprodm_v(cplex,1,prod_resid,1,1,user_data(2),(user_data(1) /= 0),1,1,&
-- & nfft,1,1,nspden,opt_denpot,x,y)
-- fdot_default = prod_resid(1)
-- end function fdot_default
-- function fdotn_default(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-- integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-- double precision :: fdotn_default
-- real(dp) :: prod_resid(1,1,1)
-- call dotprodm_vn(cplex,1,x,prod_resid,1,1,user_data(2),(user_data(1) /= 0),1,1,&
-- & 1,nfft,1,nspden,y)
-- fdotn_default = prod_resid(1,1,1)
-- end function fdotn_default
-- end module m_ab6_mixing
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
-+#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
-+#include "config.h"
-+ module m_ab7_mixing
-+ use m_profiling
-+ use defs_basis
-+ implicit none
-+ private
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_NONE = 0
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_EIG = 1
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_SIMPLE = 2
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON = 3
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON_2 = 4
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY = 5
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2 = 6
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_PULAY = 7
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_POTENTIAL = 0
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_DENSITY = 1
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_REAL_SPACE = 1
-+ integer, parameter, public :: AB7_MIXING_FOURRIER_SPACE = 2
-+ type, public :: ab7_mixing_object
-+ integer :: iscf
-+ integer :: nfft, nspden, kind, space
-+ logical :: useprec
-+ integer :: mffmem
-+ character(len = fnlen) :: diskCache
-+ integer :: n_index, n_fftgr, n_pulayit, n_pawmix
-+ integer, dimension(:), pointer :: i_rhor, i_vtrial, i_vresid, i_vrespc
-+ real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: f_fftgr, f_atm
-+ real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: f_paw
-+ ! Private
-+ integer :: n_atom
-+ real(dp), pointer :: xred(:,:), dtn_pc(:,:)
-+ end type ab7_mixing_object
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_new
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_deallocate
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_use_disk_cache
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_use_moving_atoms
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_copy_current_step
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_eval_allocate
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_eval
-+ public :: ab7_mixing_eval_deallocate
-+ contains
-+ subroutine init_(mix)
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(out) :: mix
-+ ! Default values.
-+ mix%iscf = AB7_MIXING_NONE
-+ mix%mffmem = 1
-+ mix%n_index = 0
-+ mix%n_fftgr = 0
-+ mix%n_pulayit = 7
-+ mix%n_pawmix = 0
-+ mix%n_atom = 0
-+ mix%useprec = .true.
-+ call nullify_(mix)
-+ end subroutine init_
-+ subroutine nullify_(mix)
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ ! Nullify internal pointers.
-+ nullify(mix%i_rhor)
-+ nullify(mix%i_vtrial)
-+ nullify(mix%i_vresid)
-+ nullify(mix%i_vrespc)
-+ nullify(mix%f_fftgr)
-+ nullify(mix%f_atm)
-+ nullify(mix%f_paw)
-+ nullify(mix%dtn_pc)
-+ nullify(mix%xred)
-+ end subroutine nullify_
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_new(mix, iscf, kind, space, nfft, nspden, &
-+ & npawmix, errid, errmess, npulayit, useprec)
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(out) :: mix
-+ integer, intent(in) :: iscf, kind, space, nfft, nspden, npawmix
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errid
-+ character(len = 500), intent(out) :: errmess
-+ integer, intent(in), optional :: npulayit
-+ logical, intent(in), optional :: useprec
-+ integer :: ii, i_stat
-+ character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab7_mixing_new"
-+ ! Set default values.
-+ call init_(mix)
-+ ! Argument checkings.
-+ if (kind /= AB7_MIXING_POTENTIAL .and. kind /= AB7_MIXING_DENSITY) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_set_arrays: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' Mixing must be done on density or potential only.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (space /= AB7_MIXING_REAL_SPACE .and. &
-+ & space /= AB7_MIXING_FOURRIER_SPACE) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_set_arrays: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' Mixing must be done in real or Fourrier space only.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (iscf /= AB7_MIXING_EIG .and. iscf /= AB7_MIXING_SIMPLE .and. &
-+ & iscf /= AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON .and. &
-+ & iscf /= AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON_2 .and. &
-+ & iscf /= AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .and. &
-+ & iscf /= AB7_MIXING_PULAY .and. &
-+ & iscf /= AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-+ write(errmess, "(A,I0,A)") "Unknown mixing scheme (", iscf, ")."
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ ! Mandatory arguments.
-+ mix%iscf = iscf
-+ mix%kind = kind
-+ mix%space = space
-+ mix%nfft = nfft
-+ mix%nspden = nspden
-+ mix%n_pawmix = npawmix
-+ ! Optional arguments.
-+ if (present(useprec)) mix%useprec = useprec
-+ ! Set-up internal dimensions.
-+ !These arrays are needed only in the self-consistent case
-+ if (iscf == AB7_MIXING_EIG) then
-+ ! For iscf==1, five additional vectors are needed
-+ ! The index 1 is attributed to the old trial potential,
-+ ! The new residual potential, and the new
-+ ! preconditioned residual potential receive now a temporary index
-+ ! The indices number 4 and 5 are attributed to work vectors.
-+ mix%n_fftgr=5 ; mix%n_index=1
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_SIMPLE) then
-+ ! For iscf==2, three additional vectors are needed.
-+ ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-+ ! The new residual potential, and the new preconditioned
-+ ! residual potential, receive now a temporary index.
-+ mix%n_fftgr=3 ; mix%n_index=1
-+ if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 2
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON) then
-+ ! For iscf==3 , four additional vectors are needed.
-+ ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-+ ! The new residual potential, and the new and old preconditioned
-+ ! residual potential, receive now a temporary index.
-+ mix%n_fftgr=4 ; mix%n_index=2
-+ if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 3
-+ else if (iscf == AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON_2) then
-+ ! For iscf==4 , six additional vectors are needed.
-+ ! The indices number 1 and 2 are attributed to two old trial vectors
-+ ! The new residual potential, and the new and two old preconditioned
-+ ! residual potentials, receive now a temporary index.
-+ mix%n_fftgr=6 ; mix%n_index=3
-+ if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 5
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .or. iscf == AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-+ ! For iscf==5 or 6, ten additional vectors are needed
-+ ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-+ ! The index number 6 is attributed to the search vector
-+ ! Other indices are attributed now. Altogether ten vectors
-+ mix%n_fftgr=10 ; mix%n_index=3
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_PULAY) then
-+ ! For iscf==7, lot of additional vectors are needed
-+ ! The index number 1 is attributed to the old trial vector
-+ ! The index number 2 is attributed to the old residual
-+ ! The indices number 2 and 3 are attributed to two old precond. residuals
-+ ! Other indices are attributed now.
-+ if (present(npulayit)) mix%n_pulayit = npulayit
-+ mix%n_fftgr=2+2*mix%n_pulayit ; mix%n_index=1+mix%n_pulayit
-+ if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%n_fftgr = 1+2*mix%n_pulayit
-+ end if ! iscf cases
-+ ! Allocate new arrays.
-+ allocate(mix%i_rhor(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_rhor, 'mix%i_rhor', subname)
-+ allocate(mix%i_vtrial(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_vtrial, 'mix%i_vtrial', subname)
-+ allocate(mix%i_vresid(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_vresid, 'mix%i_vresid', subname)
-+ allocate(mix%i_vrespc(mix%n_index), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%i_vrespc, 'mix%i_vrespc', subname)
-+ ! Setup initial values.
-+ if (iscf == AB7_MIXING_EIG) then
-+ mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vresid(1)=2 ; mix%i_vrespc(1)=3
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_SIMPLE) then
-+ mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vresid(1)=2 ; mix%i_vrespc(1)=3
-+ if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%i_vrespc(1)=2
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON) then
-+ mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vresid(1)=2
-+ if (mix%useprec) then
-+ mix%i_vrespc(1)=3 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=4
-+ else
-+ mix%i_vrespc(1)=2 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=3
-+ end if
-+ else if (iscf == AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON_2) then
-+ mix%i_vtrial(1)=1 ; mix%i_vtrial(2)=2
-+ mix%i_vresid(1)=3
-+ if (mix%useprec) then
-+ mix%i_vrespc(1)=4 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=5 ; mix%i_vrespc(3)=6
-+ else
-+ mix%i_vrespc(1)=3 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=4 ; mix%i_vrespc(3)=5
-+ end if
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .or. &
-+ & iscf == AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-+ mix%n_fftgr=10 ; mix%n_index=3
-+ mix%i_vtrial(1)=1
-+ mix%i_vresid(1)=2 ; mix%i_vresid(2)=4 ; mix%i_vresid(3)=7
-+ mix%i_vrespc(1)=3 ; mix%i_vrespc(2)=5 ; mix%i_vrespc(3)=8
-+ mix%i_rhor(2)=9 ; mix%i_rhor(3)=10
-+ else if(iscf == AB7_MIXING_PULAY) then
-+ do ii=1,mix%n_pulayit
-+ mix%i_vtrial(ii)=2*ii-1 ; mix%i_vrespc(ii)=2*ii
-+ end do
-+ mix%i_vrespc(mix%n_pulayit+1)=2*mix%n_pulayit+1
-+ mix%i_vresid(1)=2*mix%n_pulayit+2
-+ if (.not. mix%useprec) mix%i_vresid(1)=2
-+ end if ! iscf cases
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_new
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_use_disk_cache(mix, fnametmp_fft)
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ character(len = *), intent(in) :: fnametmp_fft
-+ if (len(trim(fnametmp_fft)) > 0) then
-+ mix%mffmem = 0
-+ write(mix%diskCache, "(A)") fnametmp_fft
-+ else
-+ mix%mffmem = 1
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_use_disk_cache
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_use_moving_atoms(mix, natom, xred, dtn_pc)
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ integer, intent(in) :: natom
-+ real(dp), intent(in), target :: dtn_pc(3, natom)
-+ real(dp), intent(in), target :: xred(3, natom)
-+ mix%n_atom = natom
-+ mix%dtn_pc => dtn_pc
-+ mix%xred => xred
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_use_moving_atoms
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_copy_current_step(mix, arr_resid, errid, errmess, &
-+ & arr_respc, arr_paw_resid, arr_paw_respc, arr_atm)
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: arr_resid(mix%space * mix%nfft, mix%nspden)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errid
-+ character(len = 500), intent(out) :: errmess
-+ real(dp), intent(in), optional :: arr_respc(mix%space * mix%nfft, mix%nspden)
-+ real(dp), intent(in), optional :: arr_paw_resid(mix%n_pawmix), &
-+ & arr_paw_respc(mix%n_pawmix)
-+ real(dp), intent(in), optional :: arr_atm(3, mix%n_atom)
-+ if (.not. associated(mix%f_fftgr)) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_set_arr_current_step: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' Working arrays not yet allocated.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ mix%f_fftgr(:,:,mix%i_vresid(1)) = arr_resid(:,:)
-+ if (present(arr_respc)) mix%f_fftgr(:,:,mix%i_vrespc(1)) = arr_respc(:,:)
-+ if (present(arr_paw_resid)) mix%f_paw(:, mix%i_vresid(1)) = arr_paw_resid(:)
-+ if (present(arr_paw_respc)) mix%f_paw(:, mix%i_vrespc(1)) = arr_paw_respc(:)
-+ if (present(arr_atm)) mix%f_atm(:,:, mix%i_vresid(1)) = arr_atm(:,:)
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_copy_current_step
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_eval_allocate(mix, istep)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_18_timing
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ integer, intent(in), optional :: istep
-+ integer :: istep_, i_stat, usepaw
-+ real(dp) :: tsec(2)
-+ character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab7_mixing_eval_allocate"
-+ istep_ = 1
-+ if (present(istep)) istep_ = istep
-+ ! Allocate work array.
-+ if (.not. associated(mix%f_fftgr)) then
-+ allocate(mix%f_fftgr(mix%space * mix%nfft,mix%nspden,mix%n_fftgr), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%f_fftgr, 'mix%f_fftgr', subname)
-+ mix%f_fftgr(:,:,:)=zero
-+ if (mix%mffmem == 0 .and. istep_ > 1) then
-+ call timab(83,1,tsec)
-+ open(unit=tmp_unit,file=mix%diskCache,form='unformatted',status='old')
-+ rewind(tmp_unit)
-+ read(tmp_unit) mix%f_fftgr
-+ if (mix%n_pawmix == 0) close(unit=tmp_unit)
-+ call timab(83,2,tsec)
-+ end if
-+ end if
-+ ! Allocate PAW work array.
-+ if (.not. associated(mix%f_paw)) then
-+ usepaw = 0
-+ if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) usepaw = 1
-+ allocate(mix%f_paw(max(1,mix%n_pawmix),max(1,mix%n_fftgr * usepaw)), &
-+ & stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%f_paw, 'mix%f_paw', subname)
-+ if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) then
-+ mix%f_paw(:,:)=zero
-+ if (mix%mffmem == 0 .and. istep_ > 1) then
-+ read(tmp_unit) mix%f_paw
-+ close(unit=tmp_unit)
-+ call timab(83,2,tsec)
-+ end if
-+ end if
-+ end if
-+ ! Allocate atom work array.
-+ if (.not. associated(mix%f_atm)) then
-+ allocate(mix%f_atm(3,mix%n_atom,mix%n_fftgr), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%f_atm, 'mix%f_atm', subname)
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_eval_allocate
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_eval_deallocate(mix)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_18_timing
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ integer :: i_all, i_stat
-+ real(dp) :: tsec(2)
-+ character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab7_mixing_eval_deallocate"
-+ ! Save on disk and deallocate work array in case on disk cache only.
-+ if (mix%mffmem == 0) then
-+ call timab(83,1,tsec)
-+ open(unit=tmp_unit,file=mix%diskCache,form='unformatted',status='unknown')
-+ rewind(tmp_unit)
-+ ! VALGRIND complains not all of f_fftgr_disk is initialized
-+ write(tmp_unit) mix%f_fftgr
-+ if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) then
-+ write(tmp_unit) mix%f_paw
-+ end if
-+ close(unit=tmp_unit)
-+ call timab(83,2,tsec)
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_fftgr))*kind(mix%f_fftgr)
-+ deallocate(mix%f_fftgr, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_atm', subname)
-+ nullify(mix%f_fftgr)
-+ if (associated(mix%f_paw)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_paw))*kind(mix%f_paw)
-+ deallocate(mix%f_paw, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_paw', subname)
-+ nullify(mix%f_paw)
-+ end if
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_eval_deallocate
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_eval(mix, arr, istep, nfftot, ucvol, &
-+ & mpi_comm, mpi_summarize, errid, errmess, &
-+ & reset, isecur, pawarr, pawopt, response, etotal, potden, &
-+ & resnrm, fnrm, fdot, user_data)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_56_mixing
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ integer, intent(in) :: istep, nfftot, mpi_comm
-+ logical, intent(in) :: mpi_summarize
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: ucvol
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: arr(mix%space * mix%nfft,mix%nspden)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errid
-+ character(len = 500), intent(out) :: errmess
-+ logical, intent(in), optional :: reset
-+ integer, intent(in), optional :: isecur, pawopt, response
-+ real(dp), intent(inout), optional, target :: pawarr(mix%n_pawmix)
-+ real(dp), intent(in), optional :: etotal
-+ real(dp), intent(in), optional :: potden(mix%space * mix%nfft,mix%nspden)
-+ real(dp), intent(out), optional :: resnrm
-+ optional :: fnrm, fdot
-+ integer, intent(in), optional :: user_data(:)
-+ interface
-+ function fdot(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-+ double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-+ double precision :: fdot
-+ end function fdot
-+ function fnrm(x,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-+ double precision, intent(in) :: x(*)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-+ double precision :: fnrm
-+ end function fnrm
-+ end interface
-+ character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab7_mixing_eval"
-+ integer :: moveAtm, dbl_nnsclo, initialized, isecur_
-+ integer :: usepaw, pawoptmix_, response_, i_stat, i_all
-+ integer :: user_data_(2)
-+ real(dp) :: resnrm_
-+ real(dp), pointer :: pawarr_(:)
-+ ! Argument checkings.
-+ if (mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_NONE) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' No method has been chosen.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (mix%n_pawmix > 0 .and. .not. present(pawarr)) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' PAW is used, but no pawarr argument provided.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (mix%n_atom > 0 .and. (.not. associated(mix%dtn_pc) .or. &
-+ & .not. associated(mix%xred))) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' Moving atoms is used, but no xred or dtn_pc attributes provided.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if ((present(fnrm) .or. present(fdot) .or. present(user_data)) .and. &
-+ & .not. (present(fnrm) .and. present(fdot) .and. present(user_data))) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' Passing optional norm and dot product routines without user_data argument.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ ! Miscellaneous
-+ moveAtm = 0
-+ if (mix%n_atom > 0) moveAtm = 1
-+ initialized = 1
-+ if (present(reset)) then
-+ if (reset) initialized = 0
-+ end if
-+ isecur_ = 0
-+ if (present(isecur)) isecur_ = isecur
-+ usepaw = 0
-+ if (mix%n_pawmix > 0) usepaw = 1
-+ pawoptmix_ = 0
-+ if (present(pawopt)) pawoptmix_ = pawopt
-+ response_ = 0
-+ if (present(response)) response_ = response
-+ if (present(pawarr)) then
-+ pawarr_ => pawarr
-+ else
-+ allocate(pawarr_(1), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, pawarr_, 'pawarr_', subname)
-+ end if
-+ ! Norm and dot products.
-+ if (.not. present(user_data)) then
-+ user_data_(1) = 0
-+ if (mpi_summarize) user_data_(1) = 1
-+ user_data_(2) = mpi_comm
-+ end if
-+ ! Do the mixing.
-+ resnrm_ = 0.d0
-+ if (mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_EIG) then
-+ ! This routine compute the eigenvalues of the SCF operator
-+ call scfeig(istep, mix%space * mix%nfft, mix%nspden, &
-+ & mix%f_fftgr(:,:,mix%i_vrespc(1)), arr, &
-+ & mix%f_fftgr(:,:,1), mix%f_fftgr(:,:,4:5), errid, errmess)
-+ else if (mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_SIMPLE .or. &
-+ & mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON .or. &
-+ & mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_ANDERSON_2 .or. &
-+ & mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_PULAY) then
-+ if (present(user_data)) then
-+ call scfopt(mix%space, mix%f_fftgr,mix%f_paw,mix%iscf,istep,&
-+ & mix%i_vrespc,mix%i_vtrial, mix%nfft,mix%n_pawmix,mix%nspden, &
-+ & mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,pawoptmix_,usepaw,pawarr_, &
-+ & resnrm_, arr, fnrm, fdot, user_data, errid, errmess)
-+ else
-+ call scfopt(mix%space, mix%f_fftgr,mix%f_paw,mix%iscf,istep,&
-+ & mix%i_vrespc,mix%i_vtrial, mix%nfft,mix%n_pawmix,mix%nspden, &
-+ & mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,pawoptmix_,usepaw,pawarr_, &
-+ & resnrm_, arr, fnrm_default, fdot_default, user_data_, errid, errmess)
-+ end if
-+ ! Change atomic positions
-+ if((istep==1 .or. mix%iscf==AB7_MIXING_SIMPLE) .and. mix%n_atom > 0)then
-+ ! GAF: 2009-06-03
-+ ! Apparently there are not reason
-+ ! to restrict iscf=2 for ionmov=5
-+ mix%xred(:,:) = mix%xred(:,:) + mix%dtn_pc(:,:)
-+ end if
-+ else if (mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY .or. &
-+ & mix%iscf == AB7_MIXING_CG_ENERGY_2) then
-+ ! Optimize next vtrial using an algorithm based
-+ ! on the conjugate gradient minimization of etotal
-+ if (.not. present(etotal) .or. .not. present(potden)) then
-+ write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
-+ & ' ab7_mixing_eval: ERROR -',ch10,&
-+ & ' Arguments etotal or potden are missing for CG on energy methods.'
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ if (mix%n_atom == 0) then
-+ allocate(mix%xred(3,0), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%xred, 'mix%xred', subname)
-+ allocate(mix%dtn_pc(3,0), stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, mix%dtn_pc, 'mix%dtn_pc', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (present(user_data)) then
-+ call scfcge(mix%space,dbl_nnsclo,mix%dtn_pc,etotal,mix%f_atm,&
-+ & mix%f_fftgr,initialized,mix%iscf,isecur_,istep,&
-+ & mix%i_rhor,mix%i_vresid,mix%i_vrespc,moveAtm,&
-+ & mix%n_atom,mix%nfft,nfftot,&
-+ & mix%nspden,mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,&
-+ & response_,potden,ucvol,arr,mix%xred, &
-+ & fnrm, fdot, user_data, errid, errmess)
-+ else
-+ call scfcge(mix%space,dbl_nnsclo,mix%dtn_pc,etotal,mix%f_atm,&
-+ & mix%f_fftgr,initialized,mix%iscf,isecur_,istep,&
-+ & mix%i_rhor,mix%i_vresid,mix%i_vrespc,moveAtm,&
-+ & mix%n_atom,mix%nfft,nfftot,&
-+ & mix%nspden,mix%n_fftgr,mix%n_index,mix%kind,&
-+ & response_,potden,ucvol,arr,mix%xred, fnrm_default, &
-+ & fdotn_default, user_data_, errid, errmess)
-+ end if
-+ if (mix%n_atom == 0) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%xred))*kind(mix%xred)
-+ deallocate(mix%xred, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%xred', subname)
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%dtn_pc))*kind(mix%dtn_pc)
-+ deallocate(mix%dtn_pc, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%dtn_pc', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (dbl_nnsclo == 1) errid = AB7_ERROR_MIXING_INC_NNSLOOP
-+ end if
-+ if (present(resnrm)) resnrm = resnrm_
-+ if (.not. present(pawarr)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(pawarr_))*kind(pawarr_)
-+ deallocate(pawarr_, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'pawarr_', subname)
-+ end if
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_eval
-+ subroutine ab7_mixing_deallocate(mix)
-+ implicit none
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ integer :: i_all, i_stat
-+ character(len = *), parameter :: subname = "ab7_mixing_deallocate"
-+ if (associated(mix%i_rhor)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_rhor))*kind(mix%i_rhor)
-+ deallocate(mix%i_rhor, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_rhor', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(mix%i_vtrial)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_vtrial))*kind(mix%i_vtrial)
-+ deallocate(mix%i_vtrial, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_vtrial', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(mix%i_vresid)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_vresid))*kind(mix%i_vresid)
-+ deallocate(mix%i_vresid, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_vresid', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(mix%i_vrespc)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%i_vrespc))*kind(mix%i_vrespc)
-+ deallocate(mix%i_vrespc, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%i_vrespc', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(mix%f_fftgr)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_fftgr))*kind(mix%f_fftgr)
-+ deallocate(mix%f_fftgr, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_fftgr', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(mix%f_paw)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_paw))*kind(mix%f_paw)
-+ deallocate(mix%f_paw, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_paw', subname)
-+ end if
-+ if (associated(mix%f_atm)) then
-+ i_all = -product(shape(mix%f_atm))*kind(mix%f_atm)
-+ deallocate(mix%f_atm, stat = i_stat)
-+ call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'mix%f_atm', subname)
-+ end if
-+ call nullify_(mix)
-+ end subroutine ab7_mixing_deallocate
-+ function fnrm_default(x,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-+ double precision, intent(in) :: x(*)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-+ double precision :: fnrm_default
-+ real(dp) :: resid_new(1)
-+ call sqnormm_v(cplex,1,user_data(2),(user_data(1) /= 0),1,&
-+ & nfft,resid_new,1,nspden,opt_denpot,x)
-+ fnrm_default = resid_new(1)
-+ end function fnrm_default
-+ function fdot_default(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-+ double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-+ double precision :: fdot_default
-+ real(dp) :: prod_resid(1)
-+ call dotprodm_v(cplex,1,prod_resid,1,1,user_data(2),(user_data(1) /= 0),1,1,&
-+ & nfft,1,1,nspden,opt_denpot,x,y)
-+ fdot_default = prod_resid(1)
-+ end function fdot_default
-+ function fdotn_default(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
-+ double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: user_data(:)
-+ double precision :: fdotn_default
-+ real(dp) :: prod_resid(1,1,1)
-+ call dotprodm_vn(cplex,1,x,prod_resid,1,1,user_data(2),(user_data(1) /= 0),1,1,&
-+ & 1,nfft,1,nspden,y)
-+ fdotn_default = prod_resid(1,1,1)
-+ end function fdotn_default
-+ end module m_ab7_mixing
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfcge.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfcge.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfcge.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfcge.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
- !write(6,*)' scfcge : enter '
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
- dbl_nnsclo = 0
- !reduction gives the level of reduction of the error in
-@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
- & d2edv2_new,d2edv2_old,d2edv2_predict,&
- & etotal,etotal_old,etotal_predict,&
- & lambda_new,lambda_old,lambda_predict,errid_,message)
-- if (errid_ /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (errid_ /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
- end if
-@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
- & (abs(lambda_predict)<0.005_dp*lambda_adapt .and. iscf==6).or. &
- & ilinmin==mlinmin ) )then
- if(number_of_restart>12)then
- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a,a,i3,a,a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
- & ' scfcge : ERROR -',ch10,&
- & ' Potential-based CG line minimization not',&
-@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@
- & d2edv2_new,d2edv2_old,d2edv2_predict,&
- & etotal,etotal_old,etotal_predict,&
- & lambda_new,lambda_old,lambda_predict,errid_,message)
-- if (errid_ /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (errid_ /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
- end if
- lambda_predict2=0.0_dp
-@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
- ! End of choice between initialisation or more developed
- ! parts of the CG algorithm
- else
- write(errmess, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
- & ' scfcge : BUG ',ch10,&
- & ' You should not be here ! '
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfeig.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfeig.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfeig.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfeig.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
- ! *************************************************************************
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
- if(nspden==4)then
- write(errmess, *) ' scfeig : does not work yet for nspden=4'
- return
- end if
-@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
- & ' scfeig : initial PC_residual square =',resid_old
- call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
- if(resid_old>1.0d-8)then
- write(errmess,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)') ch10,&
- & ' scfeig : ERROR -',ch10,&
- & ' This value is not good enough to allow',ch10,&
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfopt.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfopt.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfopt.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_mixing/scfopt.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
- !write(6,*)' scfopt : enter ; istep,iscf ',istep,iscf
-- errid = AB6_NO_ERROR
-+ errid = AB7_NO_ERROR
- i_vstore=i_vtrial(1)
- if (iscf==4) i_vstore=i_vtrial(2)
-@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
- call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
- if (npulay>npulaymax) then
- write(errmess, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
- & ' scfopt : ERROR - ',ch10,&
- & ' Too much iterations required for Pulay algorithm (<50) !'
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
--!* * Fortran90 source file *
--!* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 ABINIT Group (Damien Caliste)
--!* All rights reserved.
--!* This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
--!* please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
--!* distribution.
--#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
--#include "config.inc"
--module m_ab6_kpoints
-- use defs_basis
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-- implicit none
-- private
-- logical, private, parameter :: AB_DBG = .false.
-- public :: kpoints_get_irreductible_zone
-- public :: kpoints_get_mp_k_grid
-- public :: kpoints_get_auto_k_grid
-- public :: kpoints_binding_mp_k_1
-- public :: kpoints_binding_mp_k_2
-- public :: kpoints_binding_auto_k_1
-- public :: kpoints_binding_auto_k_2
-- subroutine kpoints_get_irreductible_zone(irrzon, phnons, &
-- & n1, n2, n3, nsppol, nspden, symid, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_56_recipspace
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, nsppol, nspden
-- integer, intent(out) :: irrzon(n1*n2*n3,2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: phnons(2,n1*n2*n3,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB kpoints: call get irreductible zone."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- if (sym%withSpin /= nspden) then
-- errno = AB6_ERROR_ARG
-- return
-- end if
-- call irrzg(irrzon, nspden, nsppol, sym%nSym, n1, n2, n3, phnons, &
-- & sym%symAfm, sym%sym, sym%transNon)
-- end subroutine kpoints_get_irreductible_zone
-- subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_1(symid, nkpt, ngkpt, &
-- & kptrlatt, kptrlen, nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_56_recipspace
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(in) :: ngkpt(3)
-- integer, intent(inout) :: nshiftk
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: kptrlen
-- integer, intent(out) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-- integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-- type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-- real(dp) :: kpt(3,1), wkpt(1)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get k grid1."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- ! First, compute the number of kpoints
-- kptrlatt(:,:) = 0
-- kptrlatt(1,1) = ngkpt(1)
-- kptrlatt(2,2) = ngkpt(2)
-- kptrlatt(3,3) = ngkpt(3)
-- kptrlen = 20.
-- call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, 0, nkpt, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-- & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-- & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-- end subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_1
-- subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-- & kptrlatt, kptrlen, nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_56_recipspace
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(inout) :: nshiftk
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-- integer, intent(in) :: nkpt
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: kpt(3,nkpt), wkpt(nkpt)
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: kptrlen
-- integer, intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-- type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-- integer :: nkpt_
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get k grid2."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- ! Then, we call it again to get the actual values for the k points.
-- call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, nkpt, nkpt_, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-- & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-- & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-- end subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_2
-- subroutine kpoints_get_mp_k_grid(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-- & ngkpt, nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(in) :: ngkpt(3)
-- integer, intent(in) :: nshiftk
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: shiftk(3, nshiftk)
-- integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-- real(dp), pointer :: kpt(:,:), wkpt(:)
-- real(dp) :: kptrlen
-- integer :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-- integer :: nshiftk_
-- real(dp) :: shiftk_(3, 8)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get k grid."
-- nshiftk_ = nshiftk
-- shiftk_(:,1:nshiftk_) = shiftk(:,:)
-- call kpoints_binding_mp_k_1(symid, nkpt, ngkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & nshiftk_, shiftk_, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- allocate(kpt(3, nkpt))
-- allocate(wkpt(nkpt))
-- call kpoints_binding_mp_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-- & kptrlatt, kptrlen, nshiftk_, shiftk_, errno)
-- end subroutine kpoints_get_mp_k_grid
-- subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_1(symid, nkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_56_recipspace
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: kptrlen
-- integer, intent(out) :: nshiftk
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-- integer, intent(out) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-- type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-- real(dp), allocatable :: kpt(:,:), wkpt(:)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get auto k grid1."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- ! The parameters of the k lattice are not known, compute
-- ! kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk.
-- call testkgrid(sym%bravais,6,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
-- & AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES,nshiftk,sym%nSym,0,sym%rprimd,&
-- & shiftk,sym%symAfm,sym%sym,sym%vacuum)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: testkgrid -> kptrlatt=", kptrlatt
-- call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, 0, nkpt, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-- & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-- & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: getkgrid -> nkpt=", nkpt
-- end subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_1
-- subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
--!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
--!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-- use interfaces_56_recipspace
--!End of the abilint section
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(in) :: nkpt
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: kpt(3,nkpt), wkpt(nkpt)
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: kptrlen
-- integer, intent(inout) :: nshiftk
-- real(dp), intent(inout) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-- integer, intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-- type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-- integer :: nkpt_
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get auto k grid2."
-- errno = AB6_NO_ERROR
-- call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- ! Then, we call it again to get the actual values for the k points.
-- call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-- & AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES, nkpt, nkpt_, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-- & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-- & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-- end subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_2
-- subroutine kpoints_get_auto_k_grid(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-- & kptrlen, errno)
-- integer, intent(in) :: symid
-- integer, intent(out) :: errno
-- integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: kptrlen
-- real(dp), pointer :: kpt(:,:), wkpt(:)
-- real(dp) :: kptrlen_
-- integer :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-- integer :: nshiftk
-- real(dp) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-- if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get auto k grid."
-- kptrlen_ = kptrlen
-- call kpoints_binding_auto_k_1(symid, nkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen_, &
-- & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) return
-- allocate(kpt(3, nkpt))
-- allocate(wkpt(nkpt))
-- call kpoints_binding_auto_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen_, &
-- & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-- end subroutine kpoints_get_auto_k_grid
--end module m_ab6_kpoints
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
-+!* * Fortran90 source file *
-+!* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 ABINIT Group (Damien Caliste)
-+!* All rights reserved.
-+!* This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
-+!* please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
-+!* distribution.
-+#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
-+#include "config.inc"
-+module m_ab7_kpoints
-+ use defs_basis
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
-+ implicit none
-+ private
-+ logical, private, parameter :: AB_DBG = .false.
-+ public :: kpoints_get_irreductible_zone
-+ public :: kpoints_get_mp_k_grid
-+ public :: kpoints_get_auto_k_grid
-+ public :: kpoints_binding_mp_k_1
-+ public :: kpoints_binding_mp_k_2
-+ public :: kpoints_binding_auto_k_1
-+ public :: kpoints_binding_auto_k_2
-+ subroutine kpoints_get_irreductible_zone(irrzon, phnons, &
-+ & n1, n2, n3, nsppol, nspden, symid, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_56_recipspace
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, nsppol, nspden
-+ integer, intent(out) :: irrzon(n1*n2*n3,2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: phnons(2,n1*n2*n3,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB kpoints: call get irreductible zone."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ if (sym%withSpin /= nspden) then
-+ errno = AB7_ERROR_ARG
-+ return
-+ end if
-+ call irrzg(irrzon, nspden, nsppol, sym%nSym, n1, n2, n3, phnons, &
-+ & sym%symAfm, sym%sym, sym%transNon)
-+ end subroutine kpoints_get_irreductible_zone
-+ subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_1(symid, nkpt, ngkpt, &
-+ & kptrlatt, kptrlen, nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_56_recipspace
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(in) :: ngkpt(3)
-+ integer, intent(inout) :: nshiftk
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: kptrlen
-+ integer, intent(out) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-+ type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-+ real(dp) :: kpt(3,1), wkpt(1)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get k grid1."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ ! First, compute the number of kpoints
-+ kptrlatt(:,:) = 0
-+ kptrlatt(1,1) = ngkpt(1)
-+ kptrlatt(2,2) = ngkpt(2)
-+ kptrlatt(3,3) = ngkpt(3)
-+ kptrlen = 20.
-+ call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, 0, nkpt, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-+ & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-+ & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-+ end subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_1
-+ subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-+ & kptrlatt, kptrlen, nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_56_recipspace
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(inout) :: nshiftk
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nkpt
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: kpt(3,nkpt), wkpt(nkpt)
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: kptrlen
-+ integer, intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-+ type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-+ integer :: nkpt_
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get k grid2."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ ! Then, we call it again to get the actual values for the k points.
-+ call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, nkpt, nkpt_, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-+ & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-+ & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-+ end subroutine kpoints_binding_mp_k_2
-+ subroutine kpoints_get_mp_k_grid(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-+ & ngkpt, nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(in) :: ngkpt(3)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nshiftk
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: shiftk(3, nshiftk)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-+ real(dp), pointer :: kpt(:,:), wkpt(:)
-+ real(dp) :: kptrlen
-+ integer :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-+ integer :: nshiftk_
-+ real(dp) :: shiftk_(3, 8)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get k grid."
-+ nshiftk_ = nshiftk
-+ shiftk_(:,1:nshiftk_) = shiftk(:,:)
-+ call kpoints_binding_mp_k_1(symid, nkpt, ngkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & nshiftk_, shiftk_, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ allocate(kpt(3, nkpt))
-+ allocate(wkpt(nkpt))
-+ call kpoints_binding_mp_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-+ & kptrlatt, kptrlen, nshiftk_, shiftk_, errno)
-+ end subroutine kpoints_get_mp_k_grid
-+ subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_1(symid, nkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_56_recipspace
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: kptrlen
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nshiftk
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-+ integer, intent(out) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-+ type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-+ real(dp), allocatable :: kpt(:,:), wkpt(:)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get auto k grid1."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ ! The parameters of the k lattice are not known, compute
-+ ! kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk.
-+ call testkgrid(sym%bravais,6,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
-+ & AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES,nshiftk,sym%nSym,0,sym%rprimd,&
-+ & shiftk,sym%symAfm,sym%sym,sym%vacuum)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: testkgrid -> kptrlatt=", kptrlatt
-+ call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, 0, nkpt, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-+ & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-+ & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: getkgrid -> nkpt=", nkpt
-+ end subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_1
-+ subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
-+!Do not modify the following lines by hand.
-+ use interfaces_56_recipspace
-+!End of the abilint section
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(in) :: nkpt
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: kpt(3,nkpt), wkpt(nkpt)
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: kptrlen
-+ integer, intent(inout) :: nshiftk
-+ real(dp), intent(inout) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-+ integer, intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-+ type(symmetry_type), pointer :: sym
-+ integer :: nkpt_
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get auto k grid2."
-+ errno = AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ call symmetry_get_from_id(sym, symid, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ ! Then, we call it again to get the actual values for the k points.
-+ call getkgrid(6, 1, kpt, 1, kptrlatt, kptrlen, &
-+ & AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES, nkpt, nkpt_, nshiftk, sym%nSym, &
-+ & sym%rprimd, shiftk, sym%symAfm, sym%sym, &
-+ & sym%vacuum, wkpt)
-+ end subroutine kpoints_binding_auto_k_2
-+ subroutine kpoints_get_auto_k_grid(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, &
-+ & kptrlen, errno)
-+ integer, intent(in) :: symid
-+ integer, intent(out) :: errno
-+ integer, intent(out) :: nkpt
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: kptrlen
-+ real(dp), pointer :: kpt(:,:), wkpt(:)
-+ real(dp) :: kptrlen_
-+ integer :: kptrlatt(3,3)
-+ integer :: nshiftk
-+ real(dp) :: shiftk(3, 8)
-+ if (AB_DBG) write(std_err,*) "AB symmetry: call get auto k grid."
-+ kptrlen_ = kptrlen
-+ call kpoints_binding_auto_k_1(symid, nkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen_, &
-+ & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) return
-+ allocate(kpt(3, nkpt))
-+ allocate(wkpt(nkpt))
-+ call kpoints_binding_auto_k_2(symid, nkpt, kpt, wkpt, kptrlatt, kptrlen_, &
-+ & nshiftk, shiftk, errno)
-+ end subroutine kpoints_get_auto_k_grid
-+end module m_ab7_kpoints
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
--module ab6_moldyn
-- use defs_basis
-- implicit none
-- interface
-- subroutine scfloop_main(acell, epot, fcart, grad, itime, me, natom, rprimd, xred)
-- use defs_basis
-- integer, intent(in) :: natom, itime, me
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: epot
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: acell(3)
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3), xred(3,natom)
-- real(dp), intent(out) :: fcart(3, natom), grad(3, natom)
-- end subroutine scfloop_main
-- end interface
-- interface
-- subroutine scfloop_output(acell, epot, ekin, fred, itime, me, natom, rprimd, vel, xred)
-- use defs_basis
-- integer, intent(in) :: natom, itime, me
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: epot, ekin
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: acell(3)
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3), xred(3,natom)
-- real(dp), intent(in) :: fred(3, natom), vel(3, natom)
-- end subroutine scfloop_output
-- end interface
-- include "velocity_verlet.F90"
-- include "quenched.F90"
-- include "langevin.F90"
-- include "nose.F90"
-- include "isokinetic.F90"
-- include "isotemp.F90"
-- include "isothermal.F90"
-- include "moldyn.F90"
--end module ab6_moldyn
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
-+module ab7_moldyn
-+ use defs_basis
-+ implicit none
-+ interface
-+ subroutine scfloop_main(acell, epot, fcart, grad, itime, me, natom, rprimd, xred)
-+ use defs_basis
-+ integer, intent(in) :: natom, itime, me
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: epot
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: acell(3)
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3), xred(3,natom)
-+ real(dp), intent(out) :: fcart(3, natom), grad(3, natom)
-+ end subroutine scfloop_main
-+ end interface
-+ interface
-+ subroutine scfloop_output(acell, epot, ekin, fred, itime, me, natom, rprimd, vel, xred)
-+ use defs_basis
-+ integer, intent(in) :: natom, itime, me
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: epot, ekin
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: acell(3)
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3), xred(3,natom)
-+ real(dp), intent(in) :: fred(3, natom), vel(3, natom)
-+ end subroutine scfloop_output
-+ end interface
-+ include "velocity_verlet.F90"
-+ include "quenched.F90"
-+ include "langevin.F90"
-+ include "nose.F90"
-+ include "isokinetic.F90"
-+ include "isotemp.F90"
-+ include "isothermal.F90"
-+ include "moldyn.F90"
-+end module ab7_moldyn
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/Makefile.am bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/Makefile.am
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/Makefile.am 2012-11-08 11:12:57.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/Makefile.am 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
- 42_geometry/getspinrot.F90 \
- 42_geometry/gridgcart.F90 \
- 42_geometry/holocell.F90 \
-- 42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 \
-+ 42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 \
- 42_geometry/metric.F90 \
- 42_geometry/mkrdim.F90 \
- 42_geometry/operat.F90 \
-@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@
- 56_mixing/dotprodm_vn.F90 \
- 56_mixing/findminscf.F90 \
- 56_mixing/interfaces_56_mixing.F90 \
-- 56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 \
-+ 56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 \
- 56_mixing/scfcge.F90 \
- 56_mixing/scfeig.F90 \
- 56_mixing/scfopt.F90 \
- 56_mixing/sqnormm_v.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/interfaces_56_recipspace.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/irrzg.F90 \
-- 56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 \
-+ 56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/smpbz.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/symkpt.F90 \
-@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
- 67_common/ewald2.F90 \
- 67_common/fconv.F90 \
- 67_common/prtxvf.F90 \
-- 72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 \
-+ 72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 \
- 72_geomoptim/xfpack.F90
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/Makefile.in bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/Makefile.in
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/Makefile.in 2013-01-28 14:39:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/Makefile.in 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
- gensymshub4.$(OBJEXT) gensymshub.$(OBJEXT) \
- gensymspgr.$(OBJEXT) getptgroupma.$(OBJEXT) \
- getspinrot.$(OBJEXT) gridgcart.$(OBJEXT) holocell.$(OBJEXT) \
-- m_ab6_symmetry.$(OBJEXT) metric.$(OBJEXT) mkrdim.$(OBJEXT) \
-+ m_ab7_symmetry.$(OBJEXT) metric.$(OBJEXT) mkrdim.$(OBJEXT) \
- operat.$(OBJEXT) prtspgroup.$(OBJEXT) ptgmadata.$(OBJEXT) \
- smallprim.$(OBJEXT) spgdata.$(OBJEXT) strainsym.$(OBJEXT) \
- strconv.$(OBJEXT) stresssym.$(OBJEXT) sym2cart.$(OBJEXT) \
-@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@
- symzat.$(OBJEXT) xredxcart.$(OBJEXT) defs_abitypes.$(OBJEXT) \
- aprxdr.$(OBJEXT) dotprodm_v.$(OBJEXT) dotprodm_vn.$(OBJEXT) \
- findminscf.$(OBJEXT) interfaces_56_mixing.$(OBJEXT) \
-- m_ab6_mixing.$(OBJEXT) scfcge.$(OBJEXT) scfeig.$(OBJEXT) \
-+ m_ab7_mixing.$(OBJEXT) scfcge.$(OBJEXT) scfeig.$(OBJEXT) \
- scfopt.$(OBJEXT) sqnormm_v.$(OBJEXT) \
- interfaces_56_recipspace.$(OBJEXT) irrzg.$(OBJEXT) \
-- m_ab6_kpoints.$(OBJEXT) getkgrid.$(OBJEXT) smpbz.$(OBJEXT) \
-+ m_ab7_kpoints.$(OBJEXT) getkgrid.$(OBJEXT) smpbz.$(OBJEXT) \
- symkpt.$(OBJEXT) testkgrid.$(OBJEXT) \
- interfaces_56_xc.$(OBJEXT) drivexc.$(OBJEXT) invcb.$(OBJEXT) \
- mkdenpos.$(OBJEXT) m_libxc_functionals.$(OBJEXT) \
-@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
- xclb.$(OBJEXT) xcpbe.$(OBJEXT) xcpzca.$(OBJEXT) \
- xcspol.$(OBJEXT) xctetr.$(OBJEXT) xcwign.$(OBJEXT) \
- xcxalp.$(OBJEXT) ewald.$(OBJEXT) ewald2.$(OBJEXT) \
-- fconv.$(OBJEXT) prtxvf.$(OBJEXT) ab6_moldyn.$(OBJEXT) \
-+ fconv.$(OBJEXT) prtxvf.$(OBJEXT) ab7_moldyn.$(OBJEXT) \
- xfpack.$(OBJEXT)
- libabinit_a_OBJECTS = $(am_libabinit_a_OBJECTS)
- DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
-@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
- 42_geometry/getspinrot.F90 \
- 42_geometry/gridgcart.F90 \
- 42_geometry/holocell.F90 \
-- 42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 \
-+ 42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 \
- 42_geometry/metric.F90 \
- 42_geometry/mkrdim.F90 \
- 42_geometry/operat.F90 \
-@@ -395,14 +395,14 @@
- 56_mixing/dotprodm_vn.F90 \
- 56_mixing/findminscf.F90 \
- 56_mixing/interfaces_56_mixing.F90 \
-- 56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 \
-+ 56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 \
- 56_mixing/scfcge.F90 \
- 56_mixing/scfeig.F90 \
- 56_mixing/scfopt.F90 \
- 56_mixing/sqnormm_v.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/interfaces_56_recipspace.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/irrzg.F90 \
-- 56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 \
-+ 56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/smpbz.F90 \
- 56_recipspace/symkpt.F90 \
-@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
- 67_common/ewald2.F90 \
- 67_common/fconv.F90 \
- 67_common/prtxvf.F90 \
-- 72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 \
-+ 72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 \
- 72_geomoptim/xfpack.F90
-@@ -633,8 +633,8 @@
- holocell.obj: 42_geometry/holocell.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o holocell.obj `if test -f '42_geometry/holocell.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '42_geometry/holocell.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/42_geometry/holocell.F90'; fi`
--m_ab6_symmetry.obj: 42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90
-- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o m_ab6_symmetry.obj `if test -f '42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90'; fi`
-+m_ab7_symmetry.obj: 42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90
-+ $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o m_ab7_symmetry.obj `if test -f '42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90'; fi`
- metric.obj: 42_geometry/metric.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o metric.obj `if test -f '42_geometry/metric.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '42_geometry/metric.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/42_geometry/metric.F90'; fi`
-@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@
- interfaces_56_mixing.obj: 56_mixing/interfaces_56_mixing.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o interfaces_56_mixing.obj `if test -f '56_mixing/interfaces_56_mixing.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_mixing/interfaces_56_mixing.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_mixing/interfaces_56_mixing.F90'; fi`
--m_ab6_mixing.obj: 56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90
-- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o m_ab6_mixing.obj `if test -f '56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90'; fi`
-+m_ab7_mixing.obj: 56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90
-+ $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o m_ab7_mixing.obj `if test -f '56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90'; fi`
- scfcge.obj: 56_mixing/scfcge.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o scfcge.obj `if test -f '56_mixing/scfcge.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_mixing/scfcge.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_mixing/scfcge.F90'; fi`
-@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@
- irrzg.obj: 56_recipspace/irrzg.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o irrzg.obj `if test -f '56_recipspace/irrzg.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_recipspace/irrzg.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_recipspace/irrzg.F90'; fi`
--m_ab6_kpoints.obj: 56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90
-- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o m_ab6_kpoints.obj `if test -f '56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90'; fi`
-+m_ab7_kpoints.obj: 56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90
-+ $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o m_ab7_kpoints.obj `if test -f '56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90'; fi`
- getkgrid.obj: 56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o getkgrid.obj `if test -f '56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90'; fi`
-@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@
- prtxvf.obj: 67_common/prtxvf.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o prtxvf.obj `if test -f '67_common/prtxvf.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '67_common/prtxvf.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/67_common/prtxvf.F90'; fi`
--ab6_moldyn.obj: 72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90
-- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o ab6_moldyn.obj `if test -f '72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90'; fi`
-+ab7_moldyn.obj: 72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90
-+ $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o ab7_moldyn.obj `if test -f '72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90'; fi`
- xfpack.obj: 72_geomoptim/xfpack.F90
- $(FC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o xfpack.obj `if test -f '72_geomoptim/xfpack.F90'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '72_geomoptim/xfpack.F90'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/72_geomoptim/xfpack.F90'; fi`
-@@ -1268,11 +1268,11 @@
- interfaces_42_geometry.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o symptgroup.o `test -f '42_geometry/symptgroup.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`42_geometry/symptgroup.F90
--m_ab6_symmetry.o: 42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 \
-+m_ab7_symmetry.o: 42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- interfaces_32_util.o \
- interfaces_42_geometry.o
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab6_symmetry.o `test -f '42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab7_symmetry.o `test -f '42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90
- symchk.o: 42_geometry/symchk.F90 \
- defs_basis.o
-@@ -1498,11 +1498,11 @@
- interfaces_56_recipspace.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o getkgrid.o `test -f '56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90
--m_ab6_kpoints.o: 56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 \
-+m_ab7_kpoints.o: 56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- interfaces_56_recipspace.o \
-- m_ab6_symmetry.o
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab6_kpoints.o `test -f '56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90
-+ m_ab7_symmetry.o
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab7_kpoints.o `test -f '56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90
- interfaces_56_recipspace.o: 56_recipspace/interfaces_56_recipspace.F90 \
- defs_abitypes.o \
-@@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@
- defs_datatypes.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o moldyn.o `test -f '72_geomoptim/moldyn.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`72_geomoptim/moldyn.F90
--ab6_moldyn.o: 72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 \
-+ab7_moldyn.o: 72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- defs_basis.o \
- 72_geomoptim/isokinetic.F90 \
-@@ -1669,7 +1669,7 @@
- 72_geomoptim/quenched.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- 72_geomoptim/velocity_verlet.F90
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o ab6_moldyn.o `test -f '72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o ab7_moldyn.o `test -f '72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90
- velocity_verlet.o: 72_geomoptim/velocity_verlet.F90 \
- defs_basis.o
-@@ -1768,12 +1768,12 @@
- interfaces_14_hidewrite.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o scfeig.o `test -f '56_mixing/scfeig.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_mixing/scfeig.F90
--m_ab6_mixing.o: 56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 \
-+m_ab7_mixing.o: 56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- interfaces_18_timing.o \
- interfaces_56_mixing.o \
- m_profiling.o
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab6_mixing.o `test -f '56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab7_mixing.o `test -f '56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90
- dotprodm_vn.o: 56_mixing/dotprodm_vn.F90 \
- defs_abitypes.o \
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/deps bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/deps
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/libABINIT/src/deps 2012-11-08 11:13:29.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/libABINIT/src/deps 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@
- interfaces_42_geometry.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o symptgroup.o `test -f '42_geometry/symptgroup.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`42_geometry/symptgroup.F90
--m_ab6_symmetry.o: 42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90 \
-+m_ab7_symmetry.o: 42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- interfaces_32_util.o \
- interfaces_42_geometry.o
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab6_symmetry.o `test -f '42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`42_geometry/m_ab6_symmetry.F90
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab7_symmetry.o `test -f '42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`42_geometry/m_ab7_symmetry.F90
- symchk.o: 42_geometry/symchk.F90 \
- defs_basis.o
-@@ -424,11 +424,11 @@
- interfaces_56_recipspace.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o getkgrid.o `test -f '56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_recipspace/getkgrid.F90
--m_ab6_kpoints.o: 56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90 \
-+m_ab7_kpoints.o: 56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- interfaces_56_recipspace.o \
-- m_ab6_symmetry.o
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab6_kpoints.o `test -f '56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_recipspace/m_ab6_kpoints.F90
-+ m_ab7_symmetry.o
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab7_kpoints.o `test -f '56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_recipspace/m_ab7_kpoints.F90
- interfaces_56_recipspace.o: 56_recipspace/interfaces_56_recipspace.F90 \
- defs_abitypes.o \
-@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
- defs_datatypes.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o moldyn.o `test -f '72_geomoptim/moldyn.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`72_geomoptim/moldyn.F90
--ab6_moldyn.o: 72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90 \
-+ab7_moldyn.o: 72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- defs_basis.o \
- 72_geomoptim/isokinetic.F90 \
-@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
- 72_geomoptim/quenched.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- 72_geomoptim/velocity_verlet.F90
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o ab6_moldyn.o `test -f '72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`72_geomoptim/ab6_moldyn.F90
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o ab7_moldyn.o `test -f '72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`72_geomoptim/ab7_moldyn.F90
- velocity_verlet.o: 72_geomoptim/velocity_verlet.F90 \
- defs_basis.o
-@@ -694,12 +694,12 @@
- interfaces_14_hidewrite.o
- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o scfeig.o `test -f '56_mixing/scfeig.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_mixing/scfeig.F90
--m_ab6_mixing.o: 56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90 \
-+m_ab7_mixing.o: 56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90 \
- defs_basis.o \
- interfaces_18_timing.o \
- interfaces_56_mixing.o \
- m_profiling.o
-- $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab6_mixing.o `test -f '56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_mixing/m_ab6_mixing.F90
-+ $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o m_ab7_mixing.o `test -f '56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`56_mixing/m_ab7_mixing.F90
- dotprodm_vn.o: 56_mixing/dotprodm_vn.F90 \
- defs_abitypes.o \
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/abscalc.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/abscalc.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/abscalc.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/abscalc.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- ! use minimization, only: parameterminimization
- implicit none
-@@ -323,9 +323,9 @@
- use module_xc
- use vdwcorrection
- use esatto
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-- use m_ab6_kpoints
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_kpoints
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: nproc,iproc
- real(gp), intent(inout) :: hx_old,hy_old,hz_old
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/cluster.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/cluster.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/cluster.f90 2012-11-29 11:18:04.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/cluster.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
- ! use Poisson_Solver
- use module_xc
- ! use vdwcorrection
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- use yaml_output
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: nproc,iproc
-@@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces, except_this_one => kswfn_optimization_loop
- use yaml_output
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- real(dp), dimension(6), intent(out) :: xcstr
- integer, intent(in) :: iproc, nproc, idsx, inputpsi
-@@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@
- if (nproc > 1) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
- !call kswfn_free_scf_data(KSwfn, (nproc > 1))
- !if (opt%iscf /= SCF_KIND_DIRECT_MINIMIZATION) then
-- ! call ab6_mixing_deallocate(denspot%mix)
-+ ! call ab7_mixing_deallocate(denspot%mix)
- ! deallocate(denspot%mix)
- !end if
- !>todo: change this return into a clean out of the routine, so the YAML is clean.
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/distances.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/distances.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/distances.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/distances.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
- subroutine box_features(whichone,contcar,nrep,nat,ntypes,iatype,pos,factor)
- use BigDFT_API
- use module_interfaces
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- character(len=1), intent(in) :: whichone
- character(len=40), intent(in) :: contcar
-@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
- subroutine read_pos(iunit,whichone,nat,pos,nrep)
- use BigDFT_API
- use module_interfaces
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- character(len=1), intent(in) :: whichone
- integer, intent(in) :: iunit,nat,nrep
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/forces.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/forces.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/forces.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/forces.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@
- subroutine symm_stress(dump,tens,symobj)
- use defs_basis
- use module_base, only: verbose,gp
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- use module_types
- implicit none
- !Arguments
-@@ -3773,7 +3773,7 @@
- real(gp),dimension(3,3) :: symtens
- call symmetry_get_matrices_p(symObj, nsym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) stop
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) stop
- if (nsym < 2) return
- if (dump)&
-@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@
- !> Symmetrize the atomic forces (needed with special k points)
- subroutine symmetrise_forces(iproc, fxyz, at)
- use defs_basis
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- use module_types
- implicit none
-@@ -3833,7 +3833,7 @@
- type(atoms_data), intent(in) :: at
- real(gp), intent(inout) :: fxyz(3, at%nat)
- integer :: ia, mu, isym, errno, ind, nsym
-- integer :: indsym(4, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ integer :: indsym(4, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
- real(gp) :: summ
- real(gp) :: alat(3)
- real(gp), allocatable :: dedt(:,:)
-@@ -3843,7 +3843,7 @@
- real(gp), pointer :: transNon(:,:)
- call symmetry_get_matrices_p(at%sym%symObj, nsym, sym, transNon, symAfm, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) stop
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) stop
- if (nsym < 2) return
- if (iproc == 0) write(*,"(1x,A,I0,A)") "Symmetrise forces with ", nsym, " symmetries."
-@@ -3866,7 +3866,7 @@
- ! actually conduct symmetrization
- do ia = 1, at%nat
- call symmetry_get_equivalent_atom(at%sym%symObj, indsym, ia, errno)
-- if (errno /= AB6_NO_ERROR) stop
-+ if (errno /= AB7_NO_ERROR) stop
- do mu = 1, 3
- summ = real(0, gp)
- do isym = 1, nsym
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/frequencies.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/frequencies.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/frequencies.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/frequencies.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- use yaml_output
- implicit none
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/geometry.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/geometry.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/geometry.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/geometry.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use scfloop_API
-- use ab6_moldyn
-+ use ab7_moldyn
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: nproc,iproc
- integer, intent(inout) :: ncount_bigdft
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/hpsiortho.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/hpsiortho.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/hpsiortho.f90 2013-01-30 10:10:56.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/hpsiortho.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces, fake_name => psitohpsi
- use Poisson_Solver
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- use yaml_output
- implicit none
- logical, intent(in) :: scf
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
- !here the density can be mixed
-- if (denspot%mix%kind == AB6_MIXING_DENSITY) then
-+ if (denspot%mix%kind == AB7_MIXING_DENSITY) then
- call mix_rhopot(iproc,nproc,denspot%mix%nfft*denspot%mix%nspden,alphamix,denspot%mix,&
- denspot%rhov,itrp,wfn%Lzd%Glr%d%n1i,wfn%Lzd%Glr%d%n2i,wfn%Lzd%Glr%d%n3i,&
- atoms%alat1*atoms%alat2*atoms%alat3,&!hx*hy*hz,& !volume should be used
-@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
- !here the potential can be mixed
-- if (denspot%mix%kind == AB6_MIXING_POTENTIAL) then
-+ if (denspot%mix%kind == AB7_MIXING_POTENTIAL) then
- call mix_rhopot(iproc,nproc,denspot%mix%nfft*denspot%mix%nspden,alphamix,denspot%mix,&
- denspot%rhov,itrp,wfn%Lzd%Glr%d%n1i,wfn%Lzd%Glr%d%n2i,wfn%Lzd%Glr%d%n3i,&
- atoms%alat1*atoms%alat2*atoms%alat3,&!volume should be used
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/init/atoms.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/init/atoms.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/init/atoms.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/init/atoms.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use defs_basis
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- type(atoms_data), intent(inout) :: atoms
- real(gp), dimension(3,atoms%nat), intent(in) :: rxyz
-@@ -1901,8 +1901,8 @@
- subroutine symmetry_set_irreductible_zone(sym, geocode, n1i, n2i, n3i, nspin)
- use module_base
- use module_types
-- use m_ab6_kpoints
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_kpoints
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- type(symmetry_data), intent(inout) :: sym
- integer, intent(in) :: n1i, n2i, n3i, nspin
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/init/denspotd.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/init/denspotd.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/init/denspotd.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/init/denspotd.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
- & n1i, n2i) !to be removed arguments when denspot has dimensions
- use module_base
- use module_types
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- type(DFT_local_fields), intent(inout) :: denspot
- integer, intent(in) :: iscf, n1i, n2i, nspin
-@@ -104,20 +104,20 @@
- character(len=500) :: errmess
- if (iscf < 10) then
- npoints = n1i*n2i*denspot%dpbox%n3p
- if (denspot%dpbox%n3p==0) npoints=1
- else
-- potden = AB6_MIXING_DENSITY
-+ potden = AB7_MIXING_DENSITY
- npoints = n1i*n2i*denspot%dpbox%n3d
- if (denspot%dpbox%n3d==0) npoints=1
- end if
- allocate(denspot%mix)
-- call ab6_mixing_new(denspot%mix, modulo(iscf, 10), potden, &
-- AB6_MIXING_REAL_SPACE, npoints, nspin, 0, &
-+ call ab7_mixing_new(denspot%mix, modulo(iscf, 10), potden, &
-+ AB7_MIXING_REAL_SPACE, npoints, nspin, 0, &
- ierr, errmess, useprec = .false.)
-- call ab6_mixing_eval_allocate(denspot%mix)
-+ call ab7_mixing_eval_allocate(denspot%mix)
- else
- nullify(denspot%mix)
- end if
-@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
- subroutine denspot_free_history(denspot)
- use module_types
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- type(DFT_local_fields), intent(inout) :: denspot
- if (associated(denspot%mix)) then
-- call ab6_mixing_deallocate(denspot%mix)
-+ call ab7_mixing_deallocate(denspot%mix)
- deallocate(denspot%mix)
- end if
- end subroutine denspot_free_history
-@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces, except_this_one => allocateRhoPot
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: iproc,nspin
- type(locreg_descriptors), intent(in) :: Glr
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/init/sysprop.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/init/sysprop.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/init/sysprop.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/init/sysprop.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_xc
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- character (len=*), intent(in) :: fileocc
- type(atoms_data), intent(inout) :: atoms
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/input_variables.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/input_variables.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/input_variables.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/input_variables.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use defs_basis
-- use m_ab6_kpoints
-+ use m_ab7_kpoints
- use module_input
- implicit none
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@
- comment='Equivalent length of K-space resolution (Bohr)')
- call kpoints_get_auto_k_grid(sym%symObj, in%nkpt, in%kpt, in%wkpt, &
- & kptrlen, ierror)
-- if (ierror /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (ierror /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- if (iproc==0) write(*,*) " ERROR in symmetry library. Error code is ", ierror
- stop
- end if
-@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@
- end do
- call kpoints_get_mp_k_grid(sym%symObj, in%nkpt, in%kpt, in%wkpt, &
- & ngkpt, nshiftk, shiftk, ierror)
-- if (ierror /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (ierror /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- if (iproc==0) write(*,*) " ERROR in symmetry library. Error code is ", ierror
- stop
- end if
-@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use defs_basis
-- use m_ab6_kpoints
-+ use m_ab7_kpoints
- implicit none
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
- integer, intent(in) :: iproc
-@@ -1178,11 +1178,11 @@
- call check()
- call kpoints_get_auto_k_grid(atoms%sym%symObj, in%nkpt, in%kpt, in%wkpt, &
- & kptrlen, ierror)
-- if (ierror /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (ierror /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- if (iproc==0) write(*,*) " ERROR in symmetry library. Error code is ", ierror
- stop
- end if
-- ! in%kpt and in%wkpt will be allocated by ab6_symmetry routine.
-+ ! in%kpt and in%wkpt will be allocated by ab7_symmetry routine.
- call memocc(0,in%kpt,'in%kpt',subname)
- call memocc(0,in%wkpt,'in%wkpt',subname)
- else if (trim(type) == "MPgrid" .or. trim(type) == "mpgrid") then
-@@ -1198,11 +1198,11 @@
- if (atoms%geocode == 'F') ngkpt = 1
- call kpoints_get_mp_k_grid(atoms%sym%symObj, in%nkpt, in%kpt, in%wkpt, &
- & ngkpt, nshiftk, shiftk, ierror)
-- if (ierror /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (ierror /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- if (iproc==0) write(*,*) " ERROR in symmetry library. Error code is ", ierror
- stop
- end if
-- ! in%kpt and in%wkpt will be allocated by ab6_symmetry routine.
-+ ! in%kpt and in%wkpt will be allocated by ab7_symmetry routine.
- call memocc(0,in%kpt,'in%kpt',subname)
- call memocc(0,in%wkpt,'in%wkpt',subname)
- else if (trim(type) == "manual" .or. trim(type) == "Manual") then
-@@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces, except_this_one => read_atomic_file
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- use position_files
- implicit none
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
-@@ -2430,7 +2430,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces, except_this_one => initialize_atomic_file
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: iproc
- type(atoms_data), intent(inout) :: atoms
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/memguess.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/memguess.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/memguess.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/memguess.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces
- use module_xc
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- character(len=*), parameter :: subname='memguess'
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/modules/defs.F90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/modules/defs.F90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/modules/defs.F90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/modules/defs.F90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@
- end subroutine herk_double
- function fnrm_denpot(x,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*)
-@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@
- double precision :: fnrm_denpot, ar, nrm_local, dnrm2
- ! In case of density, we use nscatterarr.
-- if (opt_denpot == AB6_MIXING_DENSITY) then
-+ if (opt_denpot == AB7_MIXING_DENSITY) then
- call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,iproc,ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) then
- call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr, ie)
-@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@
- end function fnrm_denpot
- function fdot_denpot(x,y,cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot,user_data)
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,opt_denpot
- double precision, intent(in) :: x(*), y(*)
-@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@
- double precision :: fdot_denpot, ar, dot_local, ddot
- ! In case of density, we use nscatterarr.
-- if (opt_denpot == AB6_MIXING_DENSITY) then
-+ if (opt_denpot == AB7_MIXING_DENSITY) then
- call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,iproc,ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) then
- call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr, ie)
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/modules/interfaces.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/modules/interfaces.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/modules/interfaces.f90 2013-01-03 10:10:13.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/modules/interfaces.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -5857,7 +5857,7 @@
- energs,rpnrm,xcstr,proj_G,paw)
- use module_base
- use module_types
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- logical, intent(in) :: scf
- integer, intent(in) :: iproc,nproc,itrp,iscf,ixc,linflag,itwfn
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/modules/types.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/modules/types.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/modules/types.f90 2013-01-03 10:18:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/modules/types.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- !! and the routines of allocations and de-allocations
- module module_types
-- use m_ab6_mixing, only : ab6_mixing_object
-+ use m_ab7_mixing, only : ab7_mixing_object
- use module_base, only : gp,wp,dp,tp,uninitialized
- implicit none
-@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
- type, public :: DFT_local_fields
- real(dp), dimension(:), pointer :: rhov !< generic workspace. What is there is indicated by rhov_is
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), pointer :: mix !< History of rhov, allocated only when using diagonalisation
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), pointer :: mix !< History of rhov, allocated only when using diagonalisation
- !local fields which are associated to their name
- !normally given in parallel distribution
- real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: rho_psi !< density as given by square of el. WFN
-@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@
- subroutine deallocate_symmetry(sym, subname)
- use module_base
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- type(symmetry_data), intent(inout) :: sym
- character(len = *), intent(in) :: subname
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/output.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/output.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/output.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/output.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use defs_basis
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- !Arguments
- integer, intent(in) :: nproc
-@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
- type(atoms_data), intent(in) :: atoms
- integer :: nSym, ierr, ityp, iat, i, lg
-- integer :: sym(3, 3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- integer :: symAfm(AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-- real(gp) :: transNon(3, AB6_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ integer :: sym(3, 3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ integer :: symAfm(AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
-+ real(gp) :: transNon(3, AB7_MAX_SYMMETRIES)
- real(gp) :: genAfm(3)
- character(len=15) :: spaceGroup
- integer :: spaceGroupId, pointGroupMagn
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
- call symmetry_get_matrices(atoms%sym%symObj, nSym, sym, transNon, symAfm, ierr)
- call symmetry_get_group(atoms%sym%symObj, spaceGroup, &
- & spaceGroupId, pointGroupMagn, genAfm, ierr)
-- if (ierr == AB6_ERROR_SYM_NOT_PRIMITIVE) write(spaceGroup, "(A)") "not prim."
-+ if (ierr == AB7_ERROR_SYM_NOT_PRIMITIVE) write(spaceGroup, "(A)") "not prim."
- write(add(1), '(a,i0)') "N. sym. = ", nSym
- write(add(2), '(a,a,a)') "Sp. group = ", trim(spaceGroup)
- else if (atoms%geocode /= 'F' .and. input%disableSym) then
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/splinedsaddle.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/splinedsaddle.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/splinedsaddle.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/splinedsaddle.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- use yaml_output
- implicit none
- character(len=*), parameter :: subname='BigDFT'
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/sumrho.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/sumrho.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/sumrho.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/sumrho.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@
- sym)
- use module_base!, only: gp,dp,wp,ndebug,memocc
- use module_types
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: iproc,nproc,nspin, n1i, n2i, n3i
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/test_forces.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/test_forces.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/test_forces.f90 2012-07-09 16:43:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/test_forces.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- use module_base
- use module_types
- use module_interfaces
-- use m_ab6_symmetry
-+ use m_ab7_symmetry
- implicit none
- character(len=*), parameter :: subname='test_forces'
-diff -urN bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/wfn_opt/diis.f90 bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/wfn_opt/diis.f90
---- bigdft-abi-1.0.4.old/src/wfn_opt/diis.f90 2012-08-22 09:55:24.000000000 +0200
-+++ bigdft-abi-1.0.4.new/src/wfn_opt/diis.f90 2013-06-11 16:51:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -459,13 +459,13 @@
- subroutine mix_rhopot(iproc,nproc,npoints,alphamix,mix,rhopot,istep,&
- & n1,n2,n3,ucvol,rpnrm,nscatterarr)
- use module_base
-- use defs_basis, only: AB6_NO_ERROR
-- use m_ab6_mixing
-+ use defs_basis, only: AB7_NO_ERROR
-+ use m_ab7_mixing
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: npoints, istep, n1, n2, n3, nproc, iproc
- real(gp), intent(in) :: alphamix, ucvol
- integer, dimension(0:nproc-1,4), intent(in) :: nscatterarr
-- type(ab6_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
-+ type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
- real(dp), dimension(npoints), intent(inout) :: rhopot
- real(gp), intent(out) :: rpnrm
- !local variables
-@@ -497,10 +497,10 @@
- end do
- ! Do the mixing
-- call ab6_mixing_eval(mix, rhopot, istep, n1 * n2 * n3, ucvol, &
-+ call ab7_mixing_eval(mix, rhopot, istep, n1 * n2 * n3, ucvol, &
- & MPI_COMM_WORLD, (nproc > 1), ierr, errmess, resnrm = rpnrm, &
- & fnrm = fnrm_denpot, fdot = fdot_denpot, user_data = user_data)
-- if (ierr /= AB6_NO_ERROR) then
-+ if (ierr /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
- if (iproc == 0) write(0,*) errmess
- call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr, ie)
- end if