diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-chemistry/nmrpipe/nmrpipe-8.7.20200827.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/sci-chemistry/nmrpipe/nmrpipe-8.7.20200827.ebuild b/sci-chemistry/nmrpipe/nmrpipe-8.7.20200827.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 303f2c4a2..000000000
--- a/sci-chemistry/nmrpipe/nmrpipe-8.7.20200827.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Versioning is output of nmrPipe -help
-inherit virtualx
-DESCRIPTION="Spectral visualisation, analysis and Fourier processing"
-# NMRPipeX.tZ
-# talos.tZ
-# dyn.tZ
-# binval.com
-# install.com"
- https://www.ibbr.umd.edu/nmrpipe/install.com -> install-${PV}.com
- https://www.ibbr.umd.edu/nmrpipe/binval.com -> binval-${PV}.com
- https://www.ibbr.umd.edu/nmrpipe/NMRPipeX.tZ -> NMRPipeX-${PV}.tZ
- https://www.ibbr.umd.edu/nmrpipe/plugin.smile.tZ -> plugin.smile-${PV}.tZ
- https://www.ibbr.umd.edu/nmrpipe/talos.tZ -> talos-${PV}.tZ
- https://www.ibbr.umd.edu/nmrpipe/dyn.tZ -> dyn-${PV}.tZ
- "
-# Right now, precompiled executables are only available for Linux on the
-# x86 architecture. The maintainer chose to keep the sources closed, but
-# says he will gladly provide precompiled executables for other platforms
-# if there are such requests.
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-RESTRICT="strip bindist mirror !test? ( test )"
- app-editors/nedit
- dev-lang/tk
- dev-tcltk/blt
- media-fonts/font-sun-misc
- sys-libs/ncurses-compat:5/5
- x11-apps/xset
- x11-libs/xview-bin
- !prefix? ( >=x11-libs/libX11-1.6.2 )
- prefix? ( dev-util/patchelf )"
-src_unpack() {
- # The installation script will unpack the package. We just provide symlinks
- # to the archive files, ...
- for i in NMRPipeX-${PV}.tZ plugin.smile-${PV}.tZ talos-${PV}.tZ dyn-${PV}.tZ; do
- ln -sf "${DISTDIR}"/${i} ${i/-${PV}/} || die
- done
- mkdir "${S}" && cd "${S}" || die
- # ... copy the installation scripts ...
- cp -L "${DISTDIR}"/install-${PV}.com install.com || die
- cp -L "${DISTDIR}"/binval-${PV}.com binval.com || die
- # ... and make the installation scripts executable.
- chmod +x *.com || die
- virtx \
- ./install.com \
- +type $(usex x86 linux9 linux212_64) \
- +src "${WORKDIR}" \
- +dest "${S}" \
- +nopost +nocshrc
-src_prepare() {
- default
- local bin i
- mv nmrbin.$(usex x86 linux9 linux212_64)/nmr{W,w}ish || die
- ebegin "Cleaning installation"
- # Remove some of the bundled applications and libraries; they are provided by Gentoo instead.
- rm -rf nmrbin.linux*/{lib/*.timestamp,*timestamp,xv,gnuplot*,rasmol*,nc,nedit} \
- nmrbin.{linux,mac} nmruser format \
- $(usex x86 nmrbin.linux212_64 nmrbin.linux9) \
- || die "Failed to remove unnecessary libraries."
- # As long as xview is not fixed for amd64 we do this
- rm nmrbin.linux*/lib/{libxview.so*,libolgx.so*} || die
- # Remove the initialisation script generated during the installation.
- # It contains incorrect hardcoded paths; only the "nmrInit.com" script
- # should be used.
- rm -f com/nmrInit.linux*.com || die "Failed to remove broken init script."
- # Remove installation log files.
- rm -f README_NMRPIPE_USERS *.log install.com binval.com || die "Failed to remove installation log."
- # Remove unused binaries
- rm -f {talos*,spartaplus,promega}/bin/*{linux,mac,sgi6x,winxp} pdb/misc/addSeg || die
- # Some scripts are on the wrong place
- cp -f nmrtxt/*.com com/
- rm -f {acme,com}/{nmrproc,fid,install}.com || die
- eend
- ebegin "Fixing paths in scripts"
- # Set the correct path to NMRPipe in the auxiliary scripts.
- for i in $(find com/ dynamo/surface/misc/ nmrtxt/ talos/misc talosplus/com -type f); do
- sed -e "s%/u/delaglio%${ENMRBASE}%" -i ${i} || die \
- "Failed patching scripts."
- done
- sed -i "s:${WORKDIR}:${ENMRBASE}:g" com/font.com || die
- sed \
- -e "s:!/bin:!${EPREFIX}/bin:g" \
- -e "s:!/usr/bin:!${EPREFIX}/usr/bin:g" \
- -e "s:!/usr/local/bin:!${EPREFIX}/usr/bin:g" \
- -e "s: /bin: ${EPREFIX}/bin:g" \
- -e "s: /usr/bin: ${EPREFIX}/usr/bin:g" \
- -e "s: /usr/local/bin: ${EPREFIX}/usr/bin:g" \
- -i $(find "${S}" \( -name "*.tcl" -o -name "*.com" -o -name "*.ksh" \)) \
- {com/,nmrtxt/*.com,nmrtxt/nt/*.com,dynamo/tcl/,talos*/com/,dynamo/tcl/}* \
- nmrbin.linux*/{nmrDraw,xNotify} || die
- eend
- if use prefix; then
- sed \
- -e "s: sh : \"${EPREFIX}/bin/sh\" :g" \
- -e "s: csh : \"${EPREFIX}/bin/csh\" :g" \
- -e "s: bash : \"${EPREFIX}/bin/bash\" :g" \
- -e "s:appTerm -e:appTerm -e \"${EPREFIX}/bin/csh\":g" \
- -i com/* || die
- ebegin "Setting RPATH in binaries"
- for bin in $(find nmrbin.linux*/ -type f -maxdepth 1); do
- patchelf --set-rpath "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/" ${bin}
- done
- eend $?
- fi
-src_install() {
- cat >> "${T}"/nmrWish <<- EOF
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/csh -f
- setenv NMRBIN \${NMRBASE}/bin/
- setenv NMRLIB \${NMRBIN}/lib
- setenv AUXLIB \${NMRBIN}/openwin/lib
- setenv TCLPATH \${NMRBASE}/com
- setenv TCL_LIBRARY \${NMRBASE}/nmrtcl/tcl8.4
- setenv TK_LIBRARY \${NMRBASE}/nmrtcl/tk8.4
- setenv BLT_LIBRARY \${NMRBASE}/nmrtcl/blt2.4
- setenv NMRPIPE_TCL_LIB \${NMRBASE}/nmrtcl/tcl8.4
- setenv NMRPIPE_TK_LIB \${NMRBASE}/nmrtcl/tk8.4
- setenv NMRPIPE_BLT_LIB \${NMRBASE}/nmrtcl/blt2.4
- if (!(\$?LD_LIBRARY_PATH)) then
- else
- endif
- nmrwish \$*
- sed \
- -e "s:/opt/nmrpipe:${EPREFIX}/opt/nmrpipe:g" \
- -e "s:@BINTYPE@:$(usex x86 linux9 linux212_64):g" \
- "${FILESDIR}"/env-${PN} \
- > "${T}"/env-${PN} || die
- newenvd "${T}"/env-${PN} 40${PN}
- insinto ${NMRBASE}
- doins -r *
- dosym nmrbin.linux* ${NMRBASE}/bin
- ebegin "Fixing permissions"
- chmod 775 "${ED}"/${NMRBASE}/{talos*/bin/,sparta*/bin/,nmrbin.linux*/,com/,dynamo/tcl/,nmrtxt/*.com,talos*/com/,promega/bin/}* || die
- eend
- exeinto ${NMRBASE}/nmrbin.$(usex x86 linux9 linux212_64)
- doexe "${T}"/nmrWish
- insinto ${NMRBASE}/nmrtxt
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/extract.M