diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics/frama-c/files/ocamlgraph185_compat.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/frama-c/files/ocamlgraph185_compat.patch b/sci-mathematics/frama-c/files/ocamlgraph185_compat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 798d17fd3..000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/frama-c/files/ocamlgraph185_compat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-From: Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi@debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 13:46:16 +0200
-Subject: Port to OCamlgraph 1.8.5
- src/impact/reason_graph.ml | 2 +-
- src/kernel/stmts_graph.ml | 10 +++++-----
- src/logic/property_status.ml | 8 ++++----
- src/misc/service_graph.ml | 4 ++--
- src/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml | 6 +++---
- src/postdominators/print.ml | 2 +-
- src/semantic_callgraph/register.ml | 4 ++--
- src/slicing/printSlice.ml | 10 +++++-----
- src/syntactic_callgraph/register.ml | 4 ++--
- src/wp/cil2cfg.ml | 12 ++++++------
- 10 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/impact/reason_graph.ml b/src/impact/reason_graph.ml
-index eabacb0..ce19b4a 100644
---- a/src/impact/reason_graph.ml
-+++ b/src/impact/reason_graph.ml
-@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ module Printer (X: AdditionalInfo) = struct
- let graph_attributes _ = [`Label "Impact graph"]
-- let default_vertex_attributes _g = [`Style [`Filled]; `Shape `Box]
-+ let default_vertex_attributes _g = [`Style `Filled; `Shape `Box]
- let default_edge_attributes _g = []
- let vertex_attributes v =
-diff --git a/src/kernel/stmts_graph.ml b/src/kernel/stmts_graph.ml
-index a8fe121..16059c3 100644
---- a/src/kernel/stmts_graph.ml
-+++ b/src/kernel/stmts_graph.ml
-@@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ module TP = struct
- let vertex_attributes s =
- match s.skind with
-- | Loop _ -> [`Color 0xFF0000; `Style [`Filled]]
-- | If _ -> [`Color 0x00FF00; `Style [`Filled]; `Shape `Diamond]
-- | Return _ -> [`Color 0x0000FF; `Style [`Filled]]
-+ | Loop _ -> [`Color 0xFF0000; `Style `Filled]
-+ | If _ -> [`Color 0x00FF00; `Style `Filled; `Shape `Diamond]
-+ | Return _ -> [`Color 0x0000FF; `Style `Filled]
- | Block _ -> [`Shape `Box; `Fontsize 8]
-- | Goto _ -> [`Shape `Diamond; `Color 0x00FFFF ; `Style [`Filled]]
-- | Instr (Skip _) -> [`Color 0x00FFFF ; `Style [`Filled]]
-+ | Goto _ -> [`Shape `Diamond; `Color 0x00FFFF ; `Style `Filled]
-+ | Instr (Skip _) -> [`Color 0x00FFFF ; `Style `Filled]
- | _ -> []
- let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
-diff --git a/src/logic/property_status.ml b/src/logic/property_status.ml
-index f7c278d..47485f6 100644
---- a/src/logic/property_status.ml
-+++ b/src/logic/property_status.ml
-@@ -1481,12 +1481,12 @@ module Consolidation_graph = struct
- let s = get_status p in
- let color = status_color p s in
- let style = match s with
-- | Never_tried -> [`Style [`Bold]; `Width 0.8 ]
-- | _ -> [`Style [`Filled]]
-+ | Never_tried -> [`Style `Bold; `Width 0.8 ]
-+ | _ -> [`Style `Filled]
- in
- style @ [ label v; `Color color; `Shape `Box ]
- | Emitter _ as v ->
-- [ label v; `Shape `Diamond; `Color 0xb0c4de; `Style [`Filled] ]
-+ [ label v; `Shape `Diamond; `Color 0xb0c4de; `Style `Filled ]
- | Tuning_parameter _ as v ->
- [ label v; (*`Style `Dotted;*) `Color 0xb0c4de; ]
- (*| Correctness_parameter _ (*as v*) -> assert false (*[ label v; `Color 0xb0c4de ]*)*)
-@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ module Consolidation_graph = struct
- | None -> []
- | Some s ->
- let c = emitted_status_color s in
-- [ `Color c; `Fontcolor c; `Style [`Bold] ]
-+ [ `Color c; `Fontcolor c; `Style `Bold ]
- let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
- let default_edge_attributes _ = []
-diff --git a/src/misc/service_graph.ml b/src/misc/service_graph.ml
-index 4f866c5..d158028 100644
---- a/src/misc/service_graph.ml
-+++ b/src/misc/service_graph.ml
-@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ Src root:%s in %s (is_root:%b) Dst:%s in %s (is_root:%b) [2d case]"
- color e
- else
- match CallG.E.label e with
-- | Inter_services -> [ `Style [`Invis] ]
-+ | Inter_services -> [ `Style `Invis ]
- | Inter_functions | Both -> color e
- let default_edge_attributes _ = []
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Src root:%s in %s (is_root:%b) Dst:%s in %s (is_root:%b) [2d case]"
- sg_attributes =
- [ `Label ("S " ^ cs);
- `Color (Extlib.number_to_color id);
-- `Style [`Bold] ] }
-+ `Style `Bold ] }
- end
-diff --git a/src/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml b/src/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
-index 05754e4..74cdebf 100644
---- a/src/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
-+++ b/src/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
-@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ module Pdg = struct
- let graph_attributes _ = [`Rankdir `TopToBottom ]
-- let default_vertex_attributes _ = [`Style [`Filled]]
-+ let default_vertex_attributes _ = [`Style `Filled]
- let vertex_name v = string_of_int (Node.id v)
- let vertex_attributes v =
-@@ -711,13 +711,13 @@ module Pdg = struct
- if Dpd.is_ctrl d then (`Arrowtail `Odot)::attrib else attrib
- in
- let attrib =
-- if Dpd.is_addr d then (`Style [`Dotted])::attrib else attrib
-+ if Dpd.is_addr d then (`Style `Dotted)::attrib else attrib
- in
- attrib
- let get_subgraph v =
- let mk_subgraph name attrib =
-- let attrib = (`Style [`Filled]) :: attrib in
-+ let attrib = (`Style `Filled) :: attrib in
- Some { Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.sg_name= name;
- sg_parent = None;
- sg_attributes = attrib }
-diff --git a/src/postdominators/print.ml b/src/postdominators/print.ml
-index f2e3a25..15f4ff2 100644
---- a/src/postdominators/print.ml
-+++ b/src/postdominators/print.ml
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module Printer = struct
- let graph_attributes (title, _) = [`Label title]
-- let default_vertex_attributes _g = [`Style [`Filled]]
-+ let default_vertex_attributes _g = [`Style `Filled]
- let default_edge_attributes _g = []
- let vertex_attributes (s, has_postdom) =
-diff --git a/src/semantic_callgraph/register.ml b/src/semantic_callgraph/register.ml
-index 1c79dcc..071f061 100644
---- a/src/semantic_callgraph/register.ml
-+++ b/src/semantic_callgraph/register.ml
-@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ module Service =
- let name = Kernel_function.get_name
- let attributes v =
- [ `Style
-- [if Kernel_function.is_definition v then `Bold
-- else `Dotted] ]
-+ (if Kernel_function.is_definition v then `Bold
-+ else `Dotted) ]
- let entry_point () =
- try Some (fst (Globals.entry_point ()))
- with Globals.No_such_entry_point _ -> None
-diff --git a/src/slicing/printSlice.ml b/src/slicing/printSlice.ml
-index c5363f9..211e0bb 100644
---- a/src/slicing/printSlice.ml
-+++ b/src/slicing/printSlice.ml
-@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ module PrintProject = struct
- let graph_attributes (name, _) = [`Label name]
-- let default_vertex_attributes _ = [`Style [`Filled]]
-+ let default_vertex_attributes _ = [`Style `Filled]
- let vertex_name v = match v with
- | Src fi -> SlicingMacros.fi_name fi
-@@ -280,16 +280,16 @@ module PrintProject = struct
- let edge_attributes (e, call) =
- let attrib = match e with
-- | (Src _, Src _) -> [`Style [`Invis]]
-- | (OptSliceCallers _, _) -> [`Style [`Invis]]
-- | (_, OptSliceCallers _) -> [`Style [`Invis]]
-+ | (Src _, Src _) -> [`Style `Invis]
-+ | (OptSliceCallers _, _) -> [`Style `Invis]
-+ | (_, OptSliceCallers _) -> [`Style `Invis]
- | _ -> []
- in match call with None -> attrib
- | Some call -> (`Label (string_of_int call.sid)):: attrib
- let get_subgraph v =
- let mk_subgraph name attrib =
-- let attrib = (*(`Label name) ::*) (`Style [`Filled]) :: attrib in
-+ let attrib = (*(`Label name) ::*) (`Style `Filled) :: attrib in
- Some { Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.sg_name= name;
- sg_parent = None;
- sg_attributes = attrib }
-diff --git a/src/syntactic_callgraph/register.ml b/src/syntactic_callgraph/register.ml
-index d4669c4..d41980e 100644
---- a/src/syntactic_callgraph/register.ml
-+++ b/src/syntactic_callgraph/register.ml
-@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ module Service =
- let name v = nodeName v.cnInfo
- let attributes v =
- [ match v.cnInfo with
-- | NIVar (_,b) when not !b -> `Style [`Dotted]
-- | _ -> `Style [`Bold] ]
-+ | NIVar (_,b) when not !b -> `Style `Dotted
-+ | _ -> `Style `Bold ]
- let equal v1 v2 = id v1 = id v2
- let compare v1 v2 =
- let i1 = id v1 in
-diff --git a/src/wp/cil2cfg.ml b/src/wp/cil2cfg.ml
-index 6d8cf09..ba5f410 100644
---- a/src/wp/cil2cfg.ml
-+++ b/src/wp/cil2cfg.ml
-@@ -1278,9 +1278,9 @@ module Printer (PE : sig val edge_txt : edge -> string end) = struct
- | Vstart | Vend | Vexit -> [`Color 0x0000FF; `Shape `Doublecircle]
- | VfctIn | VfctOut -> [`Color 0x0000FF; `Shape `Box]
- | VblkIn _ | VblkOut _ -> [`Shape `Box]
-- | Vloop _ | Vloop2 _ -> [`Color 0xFF0000; `Style [`Filled]]
-+ | Vloop _ | Vloop2 _ -> [`Color 0xFF0000; `Style `Filled]
- | Vtest _ | Vswitch _ ->
-- [`Color 0x00FF00; `Style [`Filled]; `Shape `Diamond]
-+ [`Color 0x00FF00; `Style `Filled; `Shape `Diamond]
- | Vcall _ | Vstmt _ -> []
- in (`Label (String.escaped label))::attr
-@@ -1290,15 +1290,15 @@ module Printer (PE : sig val edge_txt : edge -> string end) = struct
- let attr = [] in
- let attr = (`Label (String.escaped (PE.edge_txt e)))::attr in
- let attr =
-- if is_back_edge e then (`Constraint false)::(`Style [`Bold])::attr
-+ if is_back_edge e then (`Constraint false)::(`Style `Bold)::attr
- else attr
- in
- let attr = match (edge_type e) with
- | Ethen | EbackThen -> (`Color 0x00FF00)::attr
- | Eelse | EbackElse -> (`Color 0xFF0000)::attr
-- | Ecase [] -> (`Color 0x0000FF)::(`Style [`Dashed])::attr
-+ | Ecase [] -> (`Color 0x0000FF)::(`Style `Dashed)::attr
- | Ecase _ -> (`Color 0x0000FF)::attr
-- | Enext -> (`Style [`Dotted])::attr
-+ | Enext -> (`Style `Dotted)::attr
- | Eback -> attr (* see is_back_edge above *)
- | Enone -> attr
- in
-@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ module Printer (PE : sig val edge_txt : edge -> string end) = struct
- let get_subgraph v =
- let mk_subgraph name attrib =
-- let attrib = (`Style [`Filled]) :: attrib in
-+ let attrib = (`Style `Filled) :: attrib in
- Some { Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.sg_name= name;
- sg_parent = None;
- sg_attributes = attrib }