diff options
authorMarkus Ullmann <>2008-01-06 14:21:19 +0000
committerMarkus Ullmann <>2008-01-06 14:21:19 +0000
commit54a10b7c7dc18814ec32de004907a611f82bb251 (patch)
tree9503a95460b4141dde210b8a443f45ff4be50d3f /games-fps
parentgames-board/pokerth: Drop old (diff)
games-fps/uhexen2: Drop old
svn path=/sunrise/; revision=5361
Diffstat (limited to 'games-fps')
3 files changed, 5 insertions, 467 deletions
diff --git a/games-fps/uhexen2/ChangeLog b/games-fps/uhexen2/ChangeLog
index 1f188d314..c4e206718 100644
--- a/games-fps/uhexen2/ChangeLog
+++ b/games-fps/uhexen2/ChangeLog
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for games-fps/uhexen2
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+ 06 Jan 2008; Markus Ullmann <> uhexen2-1.4.2:
+ Drop old
19 Dec 2007; Davide Cendron (scen) <>
+files/uhexen2-1.4.2_fix_huffman-vuln.patch, +uhexen2-1.4.2-r1.ebuild:
Security-Version bump. Fixes Secunia Advisory SA28124
diff --git a/games-fps/uhexen2/Manifest b/games-fps/uhexen2/Manifest
index 5baa91eb8..140e1e217 100644
--- a/games-fps/uhexen2/Manifest
+++ b/games-fps/uhexen2/Manifest
@@ -3,6 +3,5 @@ DIST gamedata-all-1.19.tgz 3703620 RMD160 091d7fbb6db27dab197ad5932be9f40764b212
DIST hexen2source-1.4.2.tgz 2062106 RMD160 bc9f000ce11b5be06ddce64e3a6fe09008b5ea71 SHA1 5b4470a615e82f43f7a4d75896402b1c83a93cc3 SHA256 cd12e4a24edf1958e773110493a6ef67947d400eb74be2821c3b6786c7769c49
DIST hexenworld-pakfiles-0.15.tgz 4948641 RMD160 bbc3d2368b01d60accf457b42f9ed5d247f94d1b SHA1 a7600b80b4205788b64fb57191e194c28b55b522 SHA256 49462cdf984deee7350d03c7d192d1c34d682647ffc9d06de4308e0a7c71c4d9
EBUILD uhexen2-1.4.2-r1.ebuild 12870 RMD160 0673d1db766c3c7e4092487d2f3e641741011924 SHA1 56e9fbbf0428d7d63cccd5ca5a6b196a1b9808ca SHA256 7896cbd555f4ee7f1f6b7aca59f881c2bf8e8e268cd24e7d12142cb7ca5fd1d9
-EBUILD uhexen2-1.4.2.ebuild 12820 RMD160 907d628b7c337cec679fe00c1fb9969c0fea20db SHA1 28d2d86f29221b0ee8c78d0aafe64b819c68434c SHA256 6e0449e009749b8cb6ce7fecfc205331165fef49aab5c16d23cb7962f8179158
-MISC ChangeLog 1858 RMD160 0ae5530d92bc2d4e34ad483f24aade75f46cc4d0 SHA1 393498cb3b6a359c05bf5deb8c54f20d29455f71 SHA256 aa04ce1b9bfcd13bd506e01f24fb038e9e1d357365dd04dbd581193736327c3d
+MISC ChangeLog 1934 RMD160 3932b455712c72b55ca4731e9ffd1d868bf3a7af SHA1 38659aeb041c267a8343ae80e02e8133ef8b14c2 SHA256 21fccccb67acefa2fa598b5a7d520894a4c38c74fb4dcf5ac86b6e224195b913
MISC metadata.xml 321 RMD160 38328099fe4e3737564b5075ba94015829a70953 SHA1 48dbdf9f010778df1a854d8b1cce37da8adfac62 SHA256 df59705cd6050e64fd7d238a1ee22836d82f34a69c0db9d8cc70edfded51dc7e
diff --git a/games-fps/uhexen2/uhexen2-1.4.2.ebuild b/games-fps/uhexen2/uhexen2-1.4.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e814b7f..000000000
--- a/games-fps/uhexen2/uhexen2-1.4.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs versionator games
-DESCRIPTION="Hexen 2 port - Hammer of Thyrion"
- mirror://sourceforge/u${MY_PN}/gamedata-all-${DATA_PV}.tgz
- hexenworld? ( mirror://sourceforge/u${MY_PN}/hexenworld-pakfiles-${HW_PV}.tgz )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="3dfx alsa asm cdaudio debug dedicated demo dynamic hexenworld gtk lights
-midi opengl optimize-cflags oss sdlaudio sdlcd tools"
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/glhexen2
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/hexen2-demo
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/glhexen2-demo
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/hwcl
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/glhwcl
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/hwcl-demo
- ${GAMES_BINDIR:1}/glhwcl-demo"
- >=media-libs/sdl-mixer-1.2.5
- 3dfx? ( media-libs/glide-v3 )
- alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.7 )
- midi? ( media-sound/timidity++ )
- opengl? ( virtual/opengl )"
-# Launcher depends from GTK+ libs
-LNCHDEPEND="gtk? ( =x11-libs/gtk+-2* )"
-# xdelta is needed to manually run the patch script
- demo? ( >=games-fps/hexen2-demodata-${DEMO_PV} )
- lights? ( games-fps/hexen2-lights )
- >=dev-util/xdelta-1.1.3-r1"
- x86? ( asm? ( >=dev-lang/nasm-0.98.38 ) )"
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
- if use midi ; then
- if ! built_with_use "media-libs/sdl-mixer" timidity ; then
- eerror "Recompile media-libs/sdl-mixer with 'timidity' USE flag."
- die "sdl-mixer without timidity support detected"
- fi
- use sdlaudio && ewarn "MIDI music does not work with sdlaudio."
- else
- ewarn "MIDI support disabled! MIDI music won't be played at all."
- ewarn "If you want to hear it, recompile this package"
- ewarn "with \"midi\" USE flag enabled."
- fi
- use alsa || ewarn "alsa is the recommended sound driver."
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- cd hexen2
- epatch "${S}/00_Patches/external-music-file-support.diff"
- cd ..
- # Whether to use the demo directory
- local demo
- use demo && demo="/demo"
- # Use default basedir - has 2 variations
- sed -i \
- -e "s:parms.basedir = cwd;:parms.basedir = \"${dir}${demo}\";:" \
- -e "s:parms.basedir = \".\";:parms.basedir = \"${dir}${demo}\";:" \
- {hexen2,hexen2/server,hexenworld/{Client,Server}}/sys_unix.c \
- || die "sed sys_unix.c failed"
- # Change default sndspeed from 22050 to 44100,
- # to improve the quality/reliability.
- sed -i \
- -e "s:desired_speed = 22050:desired_speed = 44100:" \
- {hexen2,hexenworld/Client}/snd_dma.c || die "sed snd_dma.c failed"
- # Change patch script to be suitable
- sed -i \
- -e "s:chmod :#chmod :" \
- -e 's:"xdelta113":"/usr/bin/xdelta":' \
- -e "s:./xdelta113:xdelta": \
- "${WORKDIR}"/ || die "sed failed"
- # Honour Portage CFLAGS also when debuggins is enabled
- use debug && append-flags "-g2"
- for u in `grep -lr '\-g \-Wall' *`; do
- sed -i \
- -e "s/^CFLAGS \:\= \-g \-Wall/CFLAGS \:\= ${CFLAGS}/" \
- ${u} || die "sed ${u} failed"
- done
- if use demo ; then
- # Allow lightmaps in demo
- sed -i \
- -e "s:!override_pack:0:" \
- hexen2/common.c || die "sed common.c demo failed"
- fi
- if use gtk ; then
- # Tweak the default games data dir for graphical launcher
- sed -i \
- -e "/int basedir_nonstd/s:= 0:= 1:" \
- -e "/game_basedir\[0\]/d" \
- launcher/config_file.c || die "sed config_file.c failed"
- # Tweak the default name for binary executables,if DEMO version is enabled
- if use demo ; then
- sed -i \
- -e "/BINARY_NAME/s:\"$:-demo\":" \
- launcher/games.h || die "sed games.h failed"
- fi
- fi
- rm -rf docs/{activision,COMPILE,COPYING,LICENSE,README.win32}
-src_compile() {
- local h2bin="h2" hwbin="hw" link_gl_libs="no" opts
- local \
- h2bin="h2" hwbin="hw" \
- USE_ALSA="no" \
- USE_CDAUDIO="no" \
- LINK_GL_LIBS="no" \
- USE_MIDI="no" \
- OPT_EXTRA="no" \
- USE_OSS="no" \
- USE_SDLCD="no" \
- X86_ASM="no" \
- USE_3DFX="no" \
- opts
- if use opengl ; then
- h2bin="${h2bin} gl${h2bin}"
- hwbin="${hwbin} gl${hwbin}"
- use dynamic && LINK_GL_LIBS="yes"
- fi
- use debug && opts="${opts} DEBUG=1"
- use demo && opts="${opts} DEMO=1"
- use alsa && USE_ALSA="yes"
- use cdaudio && USE_CDAUDIO="yes"
- use optimize-cflags && OPT_EXTRA="yes"
- use oss && USE_OSS="yes"
- use sdlcd && USE_SDLCD="yes"
- use midi && USE_MIDI="yes"
- use x86 && use asm && X86_ASM="yes"
- use 3dfx && USE_3DFX="yes"
- if use gtk ; then
- # Build launcher
- cd "${S}/launcher"
- einfo "Building graphical launcher"
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- || die "emake launcher failed"
- fi
- if use tools ; then
- # Build Hexen2 utils
- cd "${S}/utils"
- einfo "Building utils"
- local utils_list="hcc maputils genmodel qfiles dcc jsh2color hcc_old texutils/bsp2wal texutils/lmp2pcx"
- for x in ${utils_list}
- do
- emake -C ${x} \
- ${opts} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- || die "emake ${x} failed"
- done
- fi
- if use dedicated ; then
- # Dedicated Server
- cd "${S}/${MY_PN}"
- einfo "Building Dedicated Server"
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- -f \
- || die "emake Dedicated server failed"
- fi
- if use hexenworld ; then
- if use tools; then
- # Hexenworld utils
- local hw_utils="hwmquery hwrcon"
- einfo "Building Hexenworld utils"
- cd "${S}/hw_utils"
- for x in ${hw_utils} ; do
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- -C ${x} \
- || die "emake ${x} failed"
- done
- fi
- # Hexenworld
- einfo "Building Hexenworld servers"
- cd "${S}"/hexenworld
- # Hexenworld servers
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- -C Server \
- || die "emake HexenWorld Server failed"
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- -C Master \
- || die "emake HexenWorld Master failed"
- # Hexenworld client
- einfo "Building Hexenworld client(s)"
- for m in ${hwbin} ; do
- emake -C Client clean
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- USE_X86_ASM=${X86_ASM} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- ${m} \
- -C Client \
- || die "emake Hexenworld Client (${m}) failed"
- done
- fi
- # Hexen 2 game executable
- cd "${S}/${MY_PN}"
- einfo "Building UHexen2 game executable(s)"
- for m in ${h2bin} ; do
- emake clean
- emake \
- ${opts} \
- USE_X86_ASM=${X86_ASM} \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- ${m} \
- || die "emake Hexen2 (${m}) failed"
- done
-src_install() {
- local demo demo_title demo_suffix
- use demo && demo="-demo" && demo_title=" (Demo)" && demo_suffix="demo"
- newicon hexen2/icons/h2_32x32x4.png ${PN}.png || die
- make_desktop_entry "${MY_PN}${demo}" "Hexen 2${demo_title}" ${PN}.png
- newgamesbin "${MY_PN}/${MY_PN}" "${MY_PN}${demo}" \
- || die "newgamesbin ${MY_PN} failed"
- if use opengl ; then
- make_desktop_entry "gl${MY_PN}${demo}" "GLHexen 2${demo_title}" ${PN}.png
- newgamesbin "${MY_PN}/gl${MY_PN}" "gl${MY_PN}${demo}" \
- || die "newgamesbin gl${MY_PN} failed"
- fi
- if use dedicated ; then
- newgamesbin "${MY_PN}"/h2ded "${MY_PN}${demo}-ded" \
- || die "newgamesbin h2ded failed"
- fi
- if use hexenworld ; then
- if use tools; then
- # Hexenworld utils
- dobin hw_utils/hwmquery/hwmquery || die "dobin hwmquery failed"
- dobin hw_utils/hwrcon/{hwrcon,hwterm} || die "dobin hwrcon/hwterm failed"
- dodoc hw_utils/hwmquery/hwmquery.txt || die "dodoc hwmquery.txt failed"
- dodoc hw_utils/hwrcon/{hwrcon,hwterm}.txt \
- || die "dodoc hwrcon/hwterm.txt failed"
- fi
- # Hexenworld Servers
- newgamesbin hexenworld/Server/hwsv hwsv${demo} \
- || die "newgamesbin hwsv failed"
- newgamesbin hexenworld/Master/hwmaster hwmaster${demo} \
- || die "newgamesbin hwmaster failed"
- # HexenWorld client(s)
- newicon hexenworld/icons/hw2_32x32x8.png hwcl.png || die
- make_desktop_entry \
- "hwcl${demo}" "Hexen 2${demo_title} Hexenworld Client" hwcl.png
- newgamesbin "hexenworld/Client/hwcl" "hwcl${demo}" \
- || die "newgamesbin hwcl failed"
- if use opengl ; then
- make_desktop_entry \
- "glhwcl${demo}" "GLHexen 2${demo_title} Hexenworld Client" hwcl.png
- newgamesbin "hexenworld/Client/glhwcl" "glhwcl${demo}" \
- || die "newgamesbin glhwcl failed"
- fi
- insinto "${dir}"/${demo_suffix}
- doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/hw || die "doins hexenworld pak failed"
- fi
- if use gtk ; then
- # GTK launcher
- local lnch_name="h2launcher"
- use demo && lnch_name="h2demo"
- newgamesbin launcher/${lnch_name} h2launcher \
- || die "newgamesbin h2launcher failed"
- make_desktop_entry \
- "h2launcher" "Hexen 2${demo_title} Launcher" ${PN}.png
- fi
- # Forge a new useful document 8)
- head -22 "00_Patches/external-music-file-support.diff" > \
- "docs/external_music.README" || die "make readme failed"
- dodoc docs/*
- if ! use demo ; then
- # Install updated game data
- insinto "${dir}"
- doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/{data1,patchdata,portals,siege} || die
- # Patching should really be done by a future "hexen2-data" ebuild.
- # But this works for now.
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/ || die
- dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/*.txt
- fi
- if use tools ; then
- dobin \
- utils/bin/{bsp2wal,bspinfo,dhcc,genmodel,hcc} \
- || die "dobin utils part 1 failed"
- dobin \
- utils/bin/{jsh2colour,light,lmp2pcx,qbsp,qfiles,vis} \
- || die "dobin utils part 2 failed"
- newbin utils/hcc_old/hcc hcc_old || die "newbin hcc_old failed"
- docinto utils
- dodoc utils/README || die "dodoc README failed"
- newdoc utils/dcc/README README.dcc || die "newdoc dcc failed"
- dodoc utils/dcc/dcc.txt || die "dodoc dcc.txt failed"
- newdoc utils/hcc/README README.hcc || die "newdoc hcc failed"
- newdoc utils/hcc_old/README hcc_old.txt || die "newdoc hcc_old failed"
- newdoc utils/jsh2color/README README.jsh2color \
- || die "newdoc README.jsh2color failed"
- newdoc utils/jsh2color/ChangeLog ChangeLog.jsh2color \
- || die "newdoc Changelog.jsh2color failed"
- fi
- prepgamesdirs
-pkg_postinst() {
- games_pkg_postinst
- if use demo ; then
- elog "uhexen2 has been compiled specifically to play the demo maps."
- elog "Example command-line:"
- elog " hexen2-demo -width 1024 -height 768 -conwidth 640"
- echo
- else
- elog "To play the demo, emerge with the 'demo' USE flag."
- elog
- elog "For the Hexen 2 original game..."
- elog "Put the following files into ${dir}/data1 before playing:"
- elog " pak0.pak pak1.pak"
- elog "Then to play: hexen2"
- elog
- elog "For the 'Portal of Praevus' mission pack..."
- elog "Put the following file into ${dir}/portals before playing:"
- elog " pak3.pak"
- elog "Then to play: hexen2 -portals"
- elog
- elog "To ensure the data files from the CD are patched, run as root:"
- elog " cd ${dir} && sh"
- elog
- elog "Example command-line:"
- elog " hexen2 -width 1024 -height 768 -conwidth 640"
- echo
- fi
- if use gtk ; then
- elog "You've also installed a nice graphical launcher. Simply run:"
- elog
- elog " h2launcher"
- elog
- elog "to enjoy it :)"
- echo
- fi
- if use tools ; then
- if use hexenworld; then
- elog "You've also installed some Hexenworld utility:"
- elog
- elog " - hwmquery (console app to query HW master servers)"
- elog " - hwrcon (remote interface to HW rcon command)"
- elog " - hwterm (HW remote console terminal)"
- echo
- fi
- elog "You've also installed some Hexen2 utility"
- elog "(useful for mod developing)"
- elog
- elog " - dhcc (old progs.dat compiler/decompiler)"
- elog " - genmodel (3-D model grabber)"
- elog " - hcc (HexenC compiler)"
- elog " - hcc_old (old version of HexenC compiler)"
- elog " - jsh2color (light colouring utility)"
- elog " - maputils (Map compiling tools: bspinfo, light, qbsp, vis)"
- elog " - qfiles (build pak files and regenerate bsp models)"
- elog " - bsp2wal (extract all textures from a bsp file)"
- elog " - lmp2pcx (convert hexen2 texture data into pcx and tga)"
- elog
- elog "See relevant documentation for further informations"
- echo
- fi