diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/sys-power/s2ram/ChangeLog b/sys-power/s2ram/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 93cfcb32d..000000000
--- a/sys-power/s2ram/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sys-power/s2ram
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 13 Nov 2007; Jakub Moc <> s2ram-0.5.ebuild:
- Fix CONFIG_CHECK for 2.6.23+ kernels
- 10 Mar 2007; Jakub Moc <> s2ram-0.5.ebuild:
- Another thing broken by the retarded pciutils zlib USE flag
- 22 Feb 2007; Jakub Moc <> ChangeLog:
- New ebuild for Bug 128468.
diff --git a/sys-power/s2ram/Manifest b/sys-power/s2ram/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index e36762c98..000000000
--- a/sys-power/s2ram/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-DIST suspend-0.5.tar.gz 163148 RMD160 8b38fcb18c7f860b4c292a4329f268bce6dc177a SHA1 6fbcb41ec5bcae277cc6fd6a95d85709e3bfc5a6 SHA256 ab87f1ee097dab98b4d56f98c95779a47a859de81512292743213e6bd5a352f1
-EBUILD s2ram-0.5.ebuild 1855 RMD160 c8f5da8cdec629d9283059903f28569114617f58 SHA1 29d2f12e5725bfa7d014e03be1e704ee50cae0af SHA256 fe8bf3054cee8f3045d9072da6af5ebcfabd3606a3de9cecc5b1c1ca3b75e29e
-MISC ChangeLog 428 RMD160 a350fca4aee24c53fc2b0d11f49b6e58f5dc205e SHA1 f848ed273dc8305c1c0b01923064a4cba1047207 SHA256 fd073da385cda8919c6b006ebd735a479a8e254ee2f4fb32767f13728599a651
-MISC metadata.xml 170 RMD160 645927a396fdc21cdeb089fe42c5397332420ea6 SHA1 ac7f48a14fec325926f9ce1be8fbf1f311b4f2e4 SHA256 d797a2ec6f9dc516c9f9c1a758ee87ad3e8c43101b5dc76c2f872d5bd4639b42
diff --git a/sys-power/s2ram/metadata.xml b/sys-power/s2ram/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e3286984..000000000
--- a/sys-power/s2ram/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
diff --git a/sys-power/s2ram/s2ram-0.5.ebuild b/sys-power/s2ram/s2ram-0.5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ed03d9c2e..000000000
--- a/sys-power/s2ram/s2ram-0.5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header$
-inherit linux-info toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Suspend-to-RAM utility from Linux Suspend project"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- sed -i -e "s@CFLAGS :=@CFLAGS +=@" Makefile || die "sed failed in Makefile"
-pkg_setup() {
- if kernel_is lt 2 6 17 ; then
- eerror "2.6.17 or higher kernel is required to use ${PN}"
- die "This will only work with recent 2.6 kernels"
- fi
- if has_version =sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.4* ; then
- if built_with_use --missing true =sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.4* zlib ; then
- eerror "Compile will fail with =sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.4* emerge with USE=zlib"
- eerror "If you dislike this, then attach a patch to Bug 128468"
- die "You MUST build pciutils without the zlib USE flag"
- fi
- fi
- if kernel_is lt 2 6 23 ; then
- else
- fi
- linux-info_pkg_setup
-src_compile() {
- emake CC=$(tc-getCC) s2ram || die "compile failed"
-src_install() {
- dosbin s2ram || die "install failed"
- newdoc README.s2ram-whitelist README
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! has_version sys-apps/vbetool ; then
- elog "If you get blank screen on resume, then emerge sys-apps/vbetool"
- elog "and read the supplied documentation."
- fi
- if ! has_version app-laptop/radeontool ; then
- elog "To control backlight on suspend with ATI Radeon Mobility graphics cards,"
- elog "you will need to emerge app-laptop/radeontool"
- fi
- elog "See README in /usr/share/doc/${PF} and ${PN} -h for quick usage instructions."