diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-gfx/xaralx/files/60_launchpad_translations')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 64513 deletions
diff --git a/media-gfx/xaralx/files/60_launchpad_translations b/media-gfx/xaralx/files/60_launchpad_translations
deleted file mode 100644
index e2225d7d9..000000000
--- a/media-gfx/xaralx/files/60_launchpad_translations
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64513 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 60_launchpad_translations.dpatch by Joachim Breitner <>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
-diff -urNad xaralx-0.7r1785~/po/de.po xaralx-0.7r1785/po/de.po
---- xaralx-0.7r1785~/po/de.po 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ xaralx-0.7r1785/po/de.po 2009-10-08 11:48:36.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,21162 @@
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+"Project-Id-Version: XaraLX 0.7\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-08-15 15:05+0100\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-03 22:06+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Marcus Reimann <Unknown>\n"
-+"Language-Team: German Xara Xtreme <>\n"
-+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2009-10-08 09:48+0000\n"
-+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
-+msgid "Locate the folder containing the plug-ins that you want to use"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis für die Plugins aus"
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "Select an object on which to get Help"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Objekt aus, zu dem Sie Hilfe erhalten möchten."
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme - For help & information select Contents from the Help menu"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara Xtreme - Weitere Hilfe & Informationen finden Sie im Menü „Hilfe“ unter "
-+"dem Menüpunkt „Inhalte“"
-+msgid "Activate this window"
-+msgstr "Aktiviert dieses Fenster."
-+msgid "&Apply\\n50"
-+msgstr "&Anwenden\\n50"
-+msgid "Cancel\\n50"
-+msgstr "Abbrechen\\n50"
-+msgid "Close"
-+msgstr "Schließen"
-+msgid "&Help\\n50"
-+msgstr "&Hilfe\\n50"
-+msgid "OK\\n50"
-+msgstr "OK\\n50"
-+msgid "Close the active window and prompts to save the documents"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Schließt das aktuelle Fenster mit Rückfrage, ob Änderungen gespeichert "
-+"werden sollen"
-+msgid "Enlarge the window to full size"
-+msgstr "Fenster zum Vollbild vergrößern"
-+msgid "Reduce the window to an icon"
-+msgstr "Fenster minimieren"
-+msgid "Change the window position"
-+msgstr "Fenster verschieben"
-+msgid "Switch to the next document window"
-+msgstr "Zum nächsten Dokumentenfenster umschalten"
-+msgid "Switch to the previous document window"
-+msgstr "Zum vorherigen Dokumentenfenster umschalten"
-+msgid "Restore the window to normal size"
-+msgstr "Fenstergröße wieder herstellen"
-+msgid "Change the window size"
-+msgstr "Fenstergröße verändern"
-+msgid "Activate Task List"
-+msgstr "Aktiviert die Task-Liste."
-+msgid "This bar should not be called FontsSGallery"
-+msgstr "Diese Leiste sollte nicht FontsSGallery heißen"
-+msgid "Blend Along A Curve"
-+msgstr "Entlang einer Kurve überblenden"
-+msgid "Add segment"
-+msgstr "Linienabschnitt hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Add element"
-+msgstr "Element hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Alignment"
-+msgstr "Ausrichtung"
-+msgid "Apply ClipView"
-+msgstr "ClipView zuweisen"
-+msgid "Apply Live Effect"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekt anwenden"
-+msgid "Complete shapes"
-+msgstr "Form schließen"
-+msgid "Banner envelope"
-+msgstr "Fahnen-Hülle"
-+msgid "Bar creation"
-+msgstr "Leiste erstellen"
-+msgid "Create NavBar"
-+msgstr "NavLeiste erstellen"
-+msgid "Slider type"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Vertical position"
-+msgstr "vertikale Position"
-+msgid "Inner Bevel"
-+msgstr "innere Kante"
-+msgid "Bevel join"
-+msgstr "Abgeschrägte Verbindung"
-+msgid "Mitre join"
-+msgstr "Winkelverbindung"
-+msgid "Round join"
-+msgstr "Abgerundete Verbindung"
-+msgid "Outer Bevel"
-+msgstr "äußere Kante"
-+msgid "Softness width"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Inner/Outer Bevel"
-+msgstr "innere/äußere Kante"
-+msgid "Bevel Settings"
-+msgstr "Kanten-Einstellungen"
-+msgid "Bevel contrast"
-+msgstr "Kanten-Kontrast"
-+msgid "Bevel size"
-+msgstr "Kantengröße"
-+msgid "Bevel light angle"
-+msgstr "Kanten-Lichteinfallswinkel"
-+msgid "Light Elevation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Halo shadow switch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bevel type"
-+msgstr "Kantenart"
-+msgid "Bevel Tool Ctrl+F3"
-+msgstr "Kantenwerkzeug Strg+F3"
-+msgid "Softness nudge"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Current mode"
-+msgstr "Aktueller Modus"
-+msgid "End arrow position"
-+msgstr "Endposition des Pfeils"
-+msgid "Start arrow position"
-+msgstr "Anfangsposition des Pfeils"
-+msgid "Shape Editor Tool F4"
-+msgstr "Form-Werkzeug F4"
-+msgid "Profile"
-+msgstr "Profil"
-+msgid "Bitmap resolution"
-+msgstr "Grafikauflösung"
-+msgid "Bitmap effects"
-+msgstr "Grafikeffekte"
-+msgid "Bitmap name"
-+msgstr "Bildname"
-+msgid "Bitmap tracer"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Vektorisierer"
-+msgid "Blank Tool (No Hotkey)"
-+msgstr "leeres Tool (kein Tastaturcode)"
-+msgid "Text Tool F8"
-+msgstr "Textwerkzeug F8"
-+msgid "Anti-alias blend steps"
-+msgstr "Überblendungsschritte glätten"
-+msgid "Attribute profile"
-+msgstr "Eigenschaftenprofil"
-+msgid "Distance between steps in the blend"
-+msgstr "Stufenabstand der Ãœberblendung"
-+msgid "Position profile"
-+msgstr "Positionsprofil"
-+msgid "Blend steps"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendstufen"
-+msgid "Edit number of steps"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Zwischenstufen bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Number of steps in the blend"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Zwischenstufen in einer Ãœberblendung"
-+msgid "Blend Tool F7"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblenden F7"
-+msgid "Set page background"
-+msgstr "Seitenhintergrund setzen"
-+msgid "Insert bitmap object"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Grafik einfügen"
-+msgid "Apply as fill"
-+msgstr "Als Füllung anwenden"
-+msgid "Special Effects"
-+msgstr "Spezialeffekte"
-+msgid "Show preview of bitmaps"
-+msgstr "Bildvorschau anzeigen"
-+msgid "Gallery properties"
-+msgstr "Galerieeigenschaften"
-+msgid "Save bitmap"
-+msgstr "Bitmap speichern"
-+msgid "Apply as transparency"
-+msgstr "Als Transparenz anwenden"
-+msgid "Trace bitmap"
-+msgstr "Bitmap vektorisieren"
-+msgid "Break at points"
-+msgstr "Punkte auflösen"
-+msgid "Break shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen trennen"
-+msgid "Bring to front"
-+msgstr "Nach vorne bringen"
-+msgid "Edit brush distance"
-+msgstr "Pinselabstand bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Edit brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Select an existing brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel auswählen"
-+msgid "Bitmap info"
-+msgstr "Bildinfo"
-+msgid "Floor shadow"
-+msgstr "Bodenschatten"
-+msgid "Glow"
-+msgstr "Schein"
-+msgid "No shadow"
-+msgstr "kein Schatten"
-+msgid "Wall shadow"
-+msgstr "Wandschatten"
-+msgid "Set line width"
-+msgstr "Linienbreite setzen"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock selected effects"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählte Effekte sperren/entsperren"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock all the effects in the selection"
-+msgstr "Alle Effekte der Auswahl (ent)sperren/entsperren"
-+msgid "Change effect resolution"
-+msgstr "Effektive Auflösung ändern"
-+msgid "Set line cap"
-+msgstr "Linienende festlegen"
-+msgid "Set join type"
-+msgstr "Verbindungstyp festlegen"
-+msgid "Circular envelope"
-+msgstr "Kreisförmige Hülle"
-+msgid "Toggle Bitmap Cache"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Cache umschalten"
-+msgid "Clone"
-+msgstr "Klonen"
-+msgid "Close line"
-+msgstr "Linie schließen"
-+msgid "Set Page Background"
-+msgstr "Seitenhintergrund setzen"
-+msgid "Edit colours"
-+msgstr "Farben bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Colour blend effect"
-+msgstr "Farbüberblendungseffekt"
-+msgid "Change the colour effect"
-+msgstr "Farb-Effekt bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Colour editor"
-+msgstr "Farb-Editor"
-+msgid "Define colour sorts"
-+msgstr "Farbreihenfolge festlegen"
-+msgid "Add shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Intersect shapes"
-+msgstr "Schnittmenge bilden"
-+msgid "Slice shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen schneiden"
-+msgid "Subtract shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen subtrahieren"
-+msgid "Concave envelope"
-+msgstr "Konkave Hülle"
-+msgid "Distance between steps in the contour"
-+msgstr "Stufenabstand der Kontur"
-+msgid "Inner Contour"
-+msgstr "Innere Kontur"
-+msgid "Outer Contour"
-+msgstr "Äußere Kontur"
-+msgid "Contour Width"
-+msgstr "Konturbreite"
-+msgid "Number of steps in the contour"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Zwischenschritte in der Kontur"
-+msgid "Contour Tool Ctrl+F7"
-+msgstr "Konturwerkzeug Strg+F7"
-+msgid "Convert File Formats"
-+msgstr "Konvertiere Dateiformate"
-+msgid "Copy"
-+msgstr "Kopieren"
-+msgid "Copy And Transform"
-+msgstr "Kopieren und Transformieren"
-+msgid "Copy mould shape"
-+msgstr "Grundform kopieren"
-+msgid "Create a new brush"
-+msgstr "Neuen Pinsel erzeugen"
-+msgid "Thumbnails"
-+msgstr "Miniaturansicht"
-+msgid "Create mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform erstellen"
-+msgid "Create and edit a button or a bar"
-+msgstr "Eine Leiste oder Knopf erstellen oder bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Cut"
-+msgstr "Ausschneiden"
-+msgid "Default envelope"
-+msgstr "Standardhülle"
-+msgid "Default perspective"
-+msgstr "Standardperspektive"
-+msgid "Delete"
-+msgstr "Löschen"
-+msgid "Delete All Live Effects"
-+msgstr "Alle Live-Effekte löschen"
-+msgid "Delete points"
-+msgstr "Punkte löschen"
-+msgid "Delete Live Effect"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekt löschen"
-+msgid "Detach Curve From Blend"
-+msgstr "Kurve von Überblendung lösen"
-+msgid "Detach mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform lösen"
-+msgid "Bitmap gallery"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Galerie"
-+msgid "Clipart gallery"
-+msgstr "Clipart-Galerie"
-+msgid "Colour gallery"
-+msgstr "Farb-Galerie"
-+msgid "Fill gallery"
-+msgstr "Füllungs-Galerie"
-+msgid "Fonts gallery"
-+msgstr "Schriftart-Galerie"
-+msgid "Layer gallery"
-+msgstr "Ebenen-Galerie"
-+msgid "Line gallery"
-+msgstr "Linien-Galerie"
-+msgid "Name gallery"
-+msgstr "Namens-Galerie"
-+msgid "Grid spacing"
-+msgstr "Rasterabstand"
-+msgid "Drag origin"
-+msgstr "Ursprung ziehen"
-+msgid "Duplicate"
-+msgstr "Duplizieren"
-+msgid "Edit an existing brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel abändern"
-+msgid "Select all"
-+msgstr "Alles auswählen"
-+msgid "Clear selection"
-+msgstr "Auswahl aufheben"
-+msgid "Edit the bar's properties"
-+msgstr "Leisteneigenschaften bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Edit the selected object using its main editor"
-+msgstr "Ausgewähltes Objekt mit seinem Haupteditor bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Edit Live Effect"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekt bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Fill effect"
-+msgstr "Füllungseffekt"
-+msgid "Ellipse Tool Shift+F4"
-+msgstr "Ellipsenwerkzeug Umschalt+F4"
-+msgid "Elliptical envelope"
-+msgstr "Elliptische Hülle"
-+msgid "Extend named objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Feather"
-+msgstr "Ausfransen"
-+msgid "Change profile of feather region"
-+msgstr "Profil der Ausfranzregion ändern"
-+msgid "Change size of feather region"
-+msgstr "Größe der Ausfransregion ändern"
-+msgid "Freehand and Brush Tool F3"
-+msgstr "Freihand- und Pinselwerkzeug F3"
-+msgid "Close file"
-+msgstr "Datei schließen"
-+msgid "Export"
-+msgstr "Exportieren"
-+msgid "Import"
-+msgstr "Importieren"
-+msgid "Document info"
-+msgstr "Dokumentinfo"
-+msgid "New drawing"
-+msgstr "Neue Zeichnung"
-+msgid "New animation"
-+msgstr "Neue Animation"
-+msgid "New document from template"
-+msgstr "Neues Dokument von Vorlage"
-+msgid "Open file"
-+msgstr "Datei öffnen"
-+msgid "Save all"
-+msgstr "Alles speichern"
-+msgid "Save as"
-+msgstr "Speichern unter"
-+msgid "Save"
-+msgstr "Speichern"
-+msgid "Save template"
-+msgstr "Speichere als Vorlage"
-+msgid "Fill handle colour"
-+msgstr "Farbe des Füllungshaltepunkts"
-+msgid "Selected fill handle"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählter Füllungshaltepunkt"
-+msgid "Fill tiling"
-+msgstr "Kachelfüllung"
-+msgid "Fill type"
-+msgstr "Füllungstyp"
-+msgid "Fractal resolution"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fractal graininess"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fractal scale"
-+msgstr "Skalierung der Faktalfüllung"
-+msgid "Fill Tool F5"
-+msgstr "Füllwerkzeug F5"
-+msgid "Fit text to curve"
-+msgstr "Text an Kurve anpassen"
-+msgid "Zoom to drawing"
-+msgstr "Auf Zeichung zoomen"
-+msgid "Zoom to selection"
-+msgstr "Auf Auswahl zoomen"
-+msgid "Zoom to page"
-+msgstr "Auf Seitengröße zoomen"
-+msgid "Floor perspective"
-+msgstr "Boden-Perspektive"
-+msgid "Uninstall selected fonts"
-+msgstr "Entfernt ausgewählte Schriftarten."
-+msgid "Install selected fonts"
-+msgstr "Installiert ausgewählte Schriftarten."
-+msgid "Enable/disable pressure recording"
-+msgstr "Druckaufzeichung ein-/ausschalten"
-+msgid "Re-fit indicator"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Freehand smoothing"
-+msgstr "Freihandglättung"
-+msgid "Apply item to selection"
-+msgstr "Element auf Auswahl anwenden"
-+msgid "Delete items"
-+msgstr "Elemente löschen"
-+msgid "Edit this item"
-+msgstr "Element bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Help for this Gallery"
-+msgstr "Hilfe zu dieser Galerie"
-+msgid "Display options"
-+msgstr "Anzeigeoptionen"
-+msgid "Rename this item"
-+msgstr "Element umbenennen"
-+msgid "Create new item"
-+msgstr "Neues Element erstellen"
-+msgid "Redefine from selection"
-+msgstr "Aus Auswahl neu definieren"
-+msgid "Undo"
-+msgstr "Rückgängig"
-+msgid "Change fill mode"
-+msgstr "Füllmodus ändern"
-+msgid "Transparency"
-+msgstr "Transparenz"
-+msgid "Grid and Ruler options"
-+msgstr "Raster- und Linealoptionen"
-+msgid "Grid type"
-+msgstr "Rastertyp"
-+msgid "Grid Tool"
-+msgstr "Rasterwerkzeug"
-+msgid "Group"
-+msgstr "Gruppieren"
-+msgid "Group Transparency"
-+msgstr "gruppenübergreifende Transparenz"
-+msgid "Guideline properties"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinien-Eigenschaften"
-+msgid "Help on the demos"
-+msgstr "Hilfe zu den Demos"
-+msgid "Help on galleries"
-+msgstr "Hilfe zu Galerien"
-+msgid "Help contents"
-+msgstr "Inhalt"
-+msgid "Contacting Technical Support"
-+msgstr "Technischen Support kontaktieren"
-+msgid "Help on tools"
-+msgstr "Hilfe zu Werkzeugen"
-+msgid "Help on..."
-+msgstr "Hilfe zu..."
-+msgid "Image slicing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Inset Path"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Join shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen kombinieren"
-+msgid "Layer properties"
-+msgstr "Ebeneneigenschaften"
-+msgid "All layers visible"
-+msgstr "Alle Ebenen sichtbar"
-+msgid "Copy layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene kopieren"
-+msgid "Delete layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene löschen"
-+msgid "Move layer down"
-+msgstr "Ebene nach unten verschieben"
-+msgid "Change editable state"
-+msgstr "Ändert Bearbeitbar-Status."
-+msgid "Move to current layer"
-+msgstr "Zur aktuellen Ebene verschieben"
-+msgid "Edit all layers"
-+msgstr "Alle Ebenen bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Name layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene benennen"
-+msgid "New layer"
-+msgstr "Neue Ebene"
-+msgid "Layer properties..."
-+msgstr "Ebeneneigenschaften..."
-+msgid "Move layer up"
-+msgstr "Ebene nach oben verschieben"
-+msgid "Change visible state"
-+msgstr "Ändert Sichtbarkeitsstatus"
-+msgid "Left perspective"
-+msgstr "Linke Perspektive"
-+msgid "Add new effect"
-+msgstr "Neuen Effekt hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Change/Insert effects"
-+msgstr "Effekte bearbeiten/hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Edit the current effect"
-+msgstr "Aktuellen Effekt bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Insert new effect"
-+msgstr "Neuen Effekt hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Effects applied in order"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change effect order"
-+msgstr "Effektreihenfolge ändern"
-+msgid "Delete all effects"
-+msgstr "Alle Effekte löschen"
-+msgid "Delete the current effect"
-+msgstr "Aktuellen Effekt löschen"
-+msgid "Resolution of effect (pixels per inch)"
-+msgstr "Auflösung des Effekts (Pixel pro Zoll)"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock effects"
-+msgstr "Effekte sperren/entsperren"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock the current effect"
-+msgstr "Aktuellen Effekt sperren/entsperren"
-+msgid "Choose type of effect"
-+msgstr "Effektart wählen"
-+msgid "Add clipart from disc"
-+msgstr "Füge Cliparts von der Festplatte hinzu"
-+msgid "Add fills from disc"
-+msgstr "Neue Füllungen von Festplatte hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Add fonts from disc"
-+msgstr "Neue Schriftarten von der Festplatte hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Add new library"
-+msgstr "Fügt eine neue Bibliothek hinzu."
-+msgid "Show Clipart or Web Themes"
-+msgstr "Cliparts oder Web-Themen zeigen"
-+msgid "Copy to clipboard"
-+msgstr "In die Zwischenablage kopieren"
-+msgid "Generate new indices"
-+msgstr "Generiert neue Indizies"
-+msgid "Import into this document"
-+msgstr "In dieses Dokument importieren"
-+msgid "Open as new document"
-+msgstr "Als neues Dokument öffnen"
-+msgid "Remove selected sections"
-+msgstr "Entfernt ausgewählte Abschnitte."
-+msgid "Stop thumbnail downloading"
-+msgstr "Herunterladen der Minarturansicht stoppen"
-+msgid "Start batching"
-+msgstr "Beginnt Stapeln."
-+msgid "Connect to clipart gallery on Xara's web site"
-+msgstr "Mit Clipart-Galerie auf der Xara-Website verbinden"
-+msgid "Connect to fills gallery on Xara's web site"
-+msgstr "Mit der Füllungs-Galerie auf der Xara-Webseite verbinden"
-+msgid "Connect to font gallery on Xara's web site"
-+msgstr "Mit der Schriftart-Galerie auf der Xara-Webseite verbinden"
-+msgid "Live effect tool Ctrl+F5"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekt-Werkzeug Strg+F5"
-+msgid "Make the bar stretch live as you type"
-+msgstr "Verändert die Breite während des Tippens"
-+msgid "Loads a file directly into a specified document"
-+msgstr "Lädt eine Datei direkt in das angegebene Dokument"
-+msgid "Make curve 'C'"
-+msgstr "Kurve „C“ erstellen."
-+msgid "Curved lines"
-+msgstr "Gebogene Linien"
-+msgid "Cusp join 'Z'"
-+msgstr "Spitze Verbindung „Z“"
-+msgid "Toggle default grid"
-+msgstr "Standardraster umschalten"
-+msgid "Make line 'L'"
-+msgstr "Linie „L“ erstellen."
-+msgid "Straight lines"
-+msgstr "Gerade Linien"
-+msgid "Convert objects into shapes"
-+msgstr "Objekte in Formen umwandeln"
-+msgid "Reverse paths"
-+msgstr "Pfade umkehren"
-+msgid "Convert to editable shapes"
-+msgstr "In bearbeitbare Formen wandeln"
-+msgid "Smooth join 'S'"
-+msgstr "Glatte Verbindung „S“"
-+msgid "Create stroke"
-+msgstr "Strich erzeugen"
-+msgid "Mould Tool Shift+F6"
-+msgstr "Grundform-Werkzeug Umschalt+F6"
-+msgid "Move backwards"
-+msgstr "Nach hinten"
-+msgid "Move forwards"
-+msgstr "Nach vorne"
-+msgid "Move to frame/layer behind"
-+msgstr "Rahmen/Ebene nach hinten verschieben"
-+msgid "Move to layer behind"
-+msgstr "Auswahl zur darunterliegenden Ebene verschieben"
-+msgid "Move to frame/layer in front"
-+msgstr "Rahmen/Ebene nach vorne schieben"
-+msgid "Move to layer in front"
-+msgstr "Ebene nach vorne verschieben"
-+msgid "MovePathPoint"
-+msgstr "MovePathPoint"
-+msgid "All"
-+msgstr "Alle"
-+msgid "Export the object"
-+msgstr "Das Objekt exportieren"
-+msgid "Select the location and file type of this object"
-+msgstr "Ort und Dateityp dieses Objektes auswählen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S \"#2%S\" selected"
-+msgstr "#1%S „#2%S“ ausgewählt"
-+#. IDS_NO
-+msgid "No"
-+msgstr "Nein"
-+msgid "Click to select the name and file type of this object"
-+msgstr "Klicken, um den Namen und Dateityp dieses Objekts auszuwählen"
-+msgid "Click to select the export options for this object"
-+msgstr "Klicken, um die Exportoptionen dieses Objektes auszuwählen"
-+msgid "Select to make this object remain whole after image slicing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select to make this object stretch"
-+msgstr "Objekt selektieren, um es dehnbar zu machen"
-+msgid "Some"
-+msgstr "Einige"
-+msgid "Name the object"
-+msgstr "Objekt benennen"
-+msgid "Name selected objects"
-+msgstr "Benenne ausgewählte Objekte"
-+msgid "Create a new name"
-+msgstr "Neuen Namen erzeugen"
-+msgid "Change extending mode of bars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change properties of bars"
-+msgstr "Leisteneigenschaften ändern"
-+msgid "Change properties of objects"
-+msgstr "Objekteigenschaften ändern"
-+msgid "Delete names from all objects"
-+msgstr "Namen aller Objekte löschen"
-+msgid "Export objects with names"
-+msgstr "Objekte mit Namen exportieren"
-+msgid "Create new names"
-+msgstr "Neue Namen erzeugen"
-+msgid "Redefine names as selected objects"
-+msgstr "Namen ausgewählter Objekte neudefinieren"
-+msgid "Remove names from selected objects"
-+msgstr "Namen ausgewählter Objekte entfernen"
-+msgid "Change a name"
-+msgstr "Einen Namen ändern"
-+msgid "Select objects with names in common"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select objects called a name"
-+msgstr "Alle Objekte mit Namen selektieren"
-+msgid "Select objects with names"
-+msgstr "Objekte mit Namen auswählen"
-+msgid "Change which properties are shown"
-+msgstr "anzuzeigende Eigenschaften ändern"
-+msgid "Create a new bar from the selection"
-+msgstr "Neue Leiste aus Auswahl erzeugen"
-+msgid "1 to 1 node mapping"
-+msgstr "1-zu-1-Knotenzuordnung"
-+msgid "Options"
-+msgstr "Optionen"
-+msgid "Page rulers"
-+msgstr "Seitenlineale"
-+msgid "Page size"
-+msgstr "Seitengröße"
-+msgid "Paste"
-+msgstr "Einfügen"
-+msgid "Paste at same position"
-+msgstr "An gleicher Position einfügen"
-+msgid "Paste attributes"
-+msgstr "Attribute einfügen"
-+msgid "Paste envelope"
-+msgstr "Hülle einfügen"
-+msgid "Paste mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform einfügen"
-+msgid "Paste perspective"
-+msgstr "Perspektive einfügen"
-+msgid "Paste Special"
-+msgstr "Inhalte einfügen"
-+msgid "Increase value"
-+msgstr "Wert erhöhen"
-+msgid "Reduce value"
-+msgstr "Wert reduzieren"
-+msgid "Point handle"
-+msgstr "Punkt-Haltepunkt"
-+msgid "Line angle"
-+msgstr "Linienwinkel"
-+msgid "Line length"
-+msgstr "Linienlänge"
-+msgid "Next curve handle"
-+msgstr "Nächster Kurvenhaltepunkt"
-+msgid "Previous curve handle"
-+msgstr "Vorheriger Kurvenhaltepunkt"
-+msgid "Create point"
-+msgstr "Punkt erstellen"
-+msgid "Edit line"
-+msgstr "Linie bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Edit point"
-+msgstr "Punkt bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Pen Tool Shift+F5"
-+msgstr "Hilfsmittel „Stift“ Umschalt+F5"
-+msgid "Previous zoom"
-+msgstr "Vorherige Vergrößerung"
-+msgid "Print borders"
-+msgstr "Druckränder"
-+msgid "Print"
-+msgstr "Drucken"
-+msgid "Print setup"
-+msgstr "Druckeinstellungen"
-+msgid "Pull onto grid"
-+msgstr "Auf Raster ziehen"
-+msgid "Push Tool Shift+F8"
-+msgstr "Hilfsmittel „Schieben“ Umschalt+F8"
-+msgid "Put to back"
-+msgstr "In den Hintergrund verschieben"
-+msgid "Anti-aliased"
-+msgstr "Kantenglättung"
-+msgid "Normal"
-+msgstr "Normal"
-+msgid "Outline"
-+msgstr "Kontur"
-+msgid "Simple"
-+msgstr "Einfach"
-+msgid "Rectangle Tool Shift+F3"
-+msgstr "Rechteckwerkzeug Umschalt+F3"
-+msgid ""
-+"Take the design of this bar's buttons for this state from the selection."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Redo"
-+msgstr "Wiederherstellen"
-+msgid "Tool mode"
-+msgstr "Hilfsmittel-Modus"
-+msgid "Bounds creation"
-+msgstr "Begrenzung erstellen"
-+msgid "Centre point X"
-+msgstr "Mittelpunkt X"
-+msgid "Centre point Y"
-+msgstr "Mittelpunkt Y"
-+msgid "Curved corners"
-+msgstr "Abgerundete Ecken"
-+msgid "Diameter creation"
-+msgstr "Durchmesser erstellen"
-+msgid "Editable items"
-+msgstr "Bearbeitbare Elemente"
-+msgid "Create ellipses"
-+msgstr "Ellipsen erstellen"
-+msgid "Restore edges"
-+msgstr "Ränder wiederherstellen"
-+msgid "Create polygons"
-+msgstr "Polygone erstellen"
-+msgid "Primary curvature ratio"
-+msgstr "Primäres Krümmungsverhältnis"
-+msgid "Radius creation"
-+msgstr "Radius erstellen"
-+msgid "Rotation"
-+msgstr "Rotation"
-+msgid "Number of sides"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Seiten"
-+msgid "Size"
-+msgstr "Größe"
-+msgid "Starred shapes"
-+msgstr "Sternförmige Formen"
-+msgid "Stellation offset"
-+msgstr "Sternabstand"
-+msgid "Stellation curvature ratio"
-+msgstr "Stern-Krümmungsverhältnis"
-+msgid "Stellation radius"
-+msgstr "Sternradius"
-+msgid "Height"
-+msgstr "Höhe"
-+msgid "QuickShape Tool Shift+F2"
-+msgstr "Schnellform-Werkzeug Umschalt+F2"
-+msgid "Width"
-+msgstr "Breite"
-+msgid "Remove blend"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendung entfernen"
-+msgid "Remove Contour"
-+msgstr "Kontur entfernen"
-+msgid "Remove mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform entfernen"
-+msgid "Remove ClipView"
-+msgstr "ClipView entfernen"
-+msgid "Retro smooth"
-+msgstr "Retro glätten"
-+msgid "Right perspective"
-+msgstr "Rechte Perspektive"
-+msgid "Ceiling perspective"
-+msgstr "Decken-Perspektive"
-+msgid "Centre of transformation"
-+msgstr "Zentrum der Transformation"
-+msgid "Rotate contents"
-+msgstr "Inhalt drehen"
-+msgid "Rotate Tool"
-+msgstr "Drehwerkzeug"
-+msgid "Save as CorelXARA 1.1"
-+msgstr "Als CorelXARA 1.1 speichern"
-+msgid "Save as Xara X"
-+msgstr "Als Xara X speichern"
-+msgid "Save as Xara Web"
-+msgstr "Als Xara Web speichern"
-+msgid "Scale factor"
-+msgstr "Skalierungsfaktor"
-+msgid "Transparency type"
-+msgstr "Transparenztyp"
-+msgid "Selector Tool F2"
-+msgstr "Auswahlhilfsmittel F2"
-+msgid "Angle of selection"
-+msgstr "Auswahlwinkel"
-+msgid "Height of selection"
-+msgstr "Auswahlhöhe"
-+msgid "Skew-angle of selection"
-+msgstr "Neigungswinkel der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Width of selection"
-+msgstr "Auswahlbreite"
-+msgid "X coordinate of selection"
-+msgstr "X-Koordinate der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Scale width"
-+msgstr "Skalenbreite"
-+msgid "Y coordinate of selection"
-+msgstr "Y-Koordinate der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Scale height"
-+msgstr "Skalenhöhe"
-+msgid "Flip horizontally"
-+msgstr "Horizontal spiegeln"
-+msgid "Flip vertically"
-+msgstr "Vertikal spiegeln"
-+msgid "Leave original selection"
-+msgstr "Behält Originalauswahl bei."
-+msgid "Lock aspect ratio"
-+msgstr "Größenverhältnis sperren"
-+msgid "Show rotation handles"
-+msgstr "Bearbeitungshaltepunkte anzeigen"
-+msgid "Set origin position"
-+msgstr "Legt Ursprungsposition fest."
-+msgid "Scale line widths"
-+msgstr "Linienbreite skalieren"
-+msgid "Show ArtLine edit handles"
-+msgstr "ArtLine-Bearbeitungshaltepunkte anzeigen"
-+msgid "Show selection bounds handles"
-+msgstr "Auswahlbegrenzungs-Haltepunkte anzeigen"
-+msgid "Show fill edit handles"
-+msgstr "Füllungsbearbeitungs-Haltepunkte anzeigen"
-+msgid "Show object edit handles"
-+msgstr "Objektbearbeitungs-Haltepunkte anzeigen"
-+msgid "Transform fills"
-+msgstr "Transformiert Füllungen."
-+msgid "Shadow blur"
-+msgstr "Schattenunschärfe"
-+msgid "Shadow transparency"
-+msgstr "Schattentransparenz"
-+msgid "Show grid"
-+msgstr "Raster anzeigen"
-+msgid "Show guides"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinien anzeigen"
-+msgid "Button and NavBar Tool Ctrl+F8"
-+msgstr "Button und Navigationsleisten-Tool Strg+F8"
-+msgid "Smooth region"
-+msgstr "Bereich glätten"
-+msgid "Smoothing"
-+msgstr "Glättungsgenauigkeit"
-+msgid "Snap to grid"
-+msgstr "Einrasten am Raster"
-+msgid "Snap to guides"
-+msgstr "An Hilfslinien und -objekten ausrichten"
-+msgid "Snap to objects"
-+msgstr "An Objekten ausrichten"
-+msgid "Position nudge"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Horizontal position"
-+msgstr "Horizontale Position"
-+msgid "Remove shadow from selection"
-+msgstr "Entferne Schatten von Auswahl"
-+msgid "Shadow Parameters"
-+msgstr "Schattenparameter"
-+msgid "Shadow Tool Ctrl+F2"
-+msgstr "Schattenwerkzeug Strg+F2"
-+msgid "Create or delete the button states of this bar"
-+msgstr "Erzeuge oder lösche Button-Status für diese Navigationsleiste"
-+msgid "Edit the distance between steps"
-+msgstr "Abstand zwischen den Schritten bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Select an existing stroke shape / pressure profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The name that identifies this bar"
-+msgstr "Eindeutiger Name der Navigationsleiste"
-+msgid "Duplicate the bar"
-+msgstr "Leiste duplizieren"
-+msgid "Export the selection as a sliced image including HTML"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show the buttons in a given state"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Synchronise the text to what it is in the MouseOff state"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Grid subdivisions"
-+msgstr "Rasterunterteilung"
-+msgid "Rotate along curve"
-+msgstr "Entlang einer Kurve rotieren lassen"
-+msgid "Wizard Properties"
-+msgstr "Assistent-Eigenschaften"
-+msgid "Fill tessellation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Paste text"
-+msgstr "Text einfügen"
-+msgid "Transparency shape"
-+msgstr "Transparenzform"
-+msgid "Toggle cache throttling"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Time redraw"
-+msgstr "Zeit neu einstellen"
-+msgid "Toggle mesh"
-+msgstr "Maschen ein-/ausblenden"
-+msgid "Fill mode"
-+msgstr "Füllmodus"
-+msgid "Transparency tiling"
-+msgstr "Transparenzkacheln"
-+msgid "Transparency Tool F6"
-+msgstr "Transparenzwerkzeug F6"
-+msgid "Remove Feathering"
-+msgstr "Ausfransen entfernen"
-+msgid "Ungroup"
-+msgstr "Gruppierung entfernen"
-+msgid "Ungroup all"
-+msgstr "Gruppierung aller Objekte entfernen"
-+msgid "Ungroup Transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unit setup"
-+msgstr "Einheiteneinstellungen"
-+msgid "Grid units"
-+msgstr "Rastereinheiten"
-+msgid "Import from Web"
-+msgstr "Aus Web importieren"
-+msgid "Toggle full screen"
-+msgstr "Blendet ganzen Bildschirm ein und aus."
-+msgid "Set view quality"
-+msgstr "Ansichtsqualität festlegen"
-+msgid "Toggle status line"
-+msgstr "Statusleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "Web address"
-+msgstr "Web-Adresse"
-+msgid "What's This?"
-+msgstr "Was ist das?"
-+msgid "Arrange windows"
-+msgstr "Fenster anordnen"
-+msgid "Cascade windows"
-+msgstr "Ãœberlappend"
-+msgid "New view"
-+msgstr "Neue Ansicht"
-+msgid "Tile windows"
-+msgstr "Alle anordnen"
-+msgid "Edit with Xara Picture Editor"
-+msgstr "Mit Xara's Bildeditor bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Set zoom factor"
-+msgstr "Vergrößerungsfaktor setzen"
-+msgid "Zoom Tool"
-+msgstr "Vergrößerungswerkzeug"
-+msgid "Zoom Tool Shift+F7"
-+msgstr "Vergrößerungswerkzeug Umschalt+F7"
-+msgid "&Cancel"
-+msgstr "&Abbrechen"
-+msgid "C&ancel"
-+msgstr "&Abbrechen"
-+msgid "&Continue"
-+msgstr "&Fortsetzen"
-+msgid "&Limit"
-+msgstr "&Begrenzung"
-+msgid "deffill.bmp"
-+msgstr "deffill.bmp"
-+msgid "Do&n't Save"
-+msgstr "&Nicht speichern"
-+msgid "Do you want to blobby blobby blobby to the document blobby?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Don't save"
-+msgstr "&Nicht speichern"
-+msgid "&Don't Export"
-+msgstr "&Nicht exportieren"
-+msgid "&Export"
-+msgstr "&Exportieren"
-+msgid "&Help"
-+msgstr "&Hilfe"
-+msgid "&Insert"
-+msgstr "&Einfügen"
-+msgid "&Replace"
-+msgstr "&Ersetzen"
-+msgid "&Don't Import"
-+msgstr "&Nicht importieren"
-+msgid "&Import"
-+msgstr "&Importieren"
-+msgid "&Don't Open"
-+msgstr "&Nicht öffnen"
-+msgid "Open"
-+msgstr "Öffnen"
-+msgid "Quit"
-+msgstr "Beenden"
-+msgid "&Save"
-+msgstr "&Speichern"
-+msgid "Save as..."
-+msgstr "Speichern unter..."
-+msgid "Online help"
-+msgstr "Onlinehilfe"
-+msgid "&Don't resize"
-+msgstr "Größe &nicht ändern"
-+msgid "&Resize"
-+msgstr "&Größe ändern"
-+msgid "14.4 Kbs modem"
-+msgstr "14.4-Kbps-Modem"
-+msgid "28.8/33.6 Kbs modem"
-+msgstr "28.8/33.6 Kbs-Modem"
-+msgid "56 Kbs modem"
-+msgstr "56-kbps-Modem"
-+msgid "Image A (0%) SELECTED"
-+msgstr "Bild A (0%) ausgewählt"
-+msgid "Image B (0%)"
-+msgstr "Bild B (0%)"
-+msgid "Page(s)"
-+msgstr "Einzelseite(n)"
-+msgid "Selection bounds"
-+msgstr "Auswahlbegrenzung"
-+msgid "Spread"
-+msgstr "Seite"
-+msgid "A&ll foreground layers"
-+msgstr "Alle Vordergrundebenen"
-+msgid "&All objects"
-+msgstr "&alle Objekte"
-+msgid "Print all text as shapes"
-+msgstr "Text als Formen drucken"
-+msgid "&Animation"
-+msgstr "&Animation"
-+msgid "Loop Continuously"
-+msgstr "Fortlaufend wiederholen"
-+msgid "Show preview in options"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "from selection"
-+msgstr "aus Auswahl"
-+msgid "Create"
-+msgstr "Erstellen"
-+msgid "Make BackBar from backmost object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Groups do not stretch"
-+msgstr "Gruppen dehnen sich nicht"
-+msgid "Redefine"
-+msgstr "Neu definieren"
-+msgid "&Best fit"
-+msgstr "&Bestpassend"
-+msgid "&Automatic fit"
-+msgstr "&Automatisch passend"
-+msgid "Add:"
-+msgstr "Hinzufügen:"
-+msgid "Grain"
-+msgstr "Korn"
-+msgid "Hue"
-+msgstr "Farbton"
-+msgid "Opacity"
-+msgstr "Deckkraft"
-+msgid "Rainbows"
-+msgstr "Regenbogen"
-+msgid "Saturation"
-+msgstr "Sättigung"
-+msgid "Shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen"
-+msgid "Style"
-+msgstr "Stil"
-+msgid "Value"
-+msgstr "Wert"
-+msgid "Variation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Amount"
-+msgstr "&Betrag"
-+msgid "Lock &aspect ratio"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "To 16 col (b&ayer)"
-+msgstr "Zu 16 Farben (Ba&yer)"
-+msgid "To mono (&bayer)"
-+msgstr "Zu monochrom (&Bayer)"
-+msgid "To 16 col (d&iffusion)"
-+msgstr "Zu 16 Farben (D&iffusion)"
-+msgid "To mono (&diffusion)"
-+msgstr "Zu monochrom (&Diffusion)"
-+msgid "&Width (pixels)"
-+msgstr "&Breite (Pixeln)"
-+msgid "&Height (pixels)"
-+msgstr "&Höhe (Pixel)"
-+msgid "Flip &horizontally"
-+msgstr "&Horizontal umklappen"
-+msgid "Flip &vertically"
-+msgstr "&Vertikal umklappen"
-+msgid "&Custom"
-+msgstr "&Angepasst"
-+msgid "To mono (&halftone)"
-+msgstr "Zu monochrom (&Halbton)"
-+msgid "Linear &interpolation"
-+msgstr "Lineare &Interpolation"
-+msgid "To &greyscale"
-+msgstr "Zu &Graustufen"
-+msgid "300"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "400"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "To 256 col (&popularity)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rotate by &180 degrees"
-+msgstr "Drehe um &180°"
-+msgid "Rotate by &270 degrees"
-+msgstr "Drehe um &270°"
-+msgid "Rotate by &90 degrees"
-+msgstr "Drehe um &90°"
-+msgid "&Brightness"
-+msgstr "&Helligkeit"
-+msgid "Co&lour"
-+msgstr "&Farbe"
-+msgid "&Contrast"
-+msgstr "&Konstrast"
-+msgid "&All"
-+msgstr "&Alle"
-+msgid "&Bottom"
-+msgstr "&Unten"
-+msgid "&Floating"
-+msgstr "&Schwebend"
-+msgid "&Left"
-+msgstr "&Links"
-+msgid "&None"
-+msgstr "&Keine"
-+msgid "&Right"
-+msgstr "&Rechts"
-+msgid "&Top"
-+msgstr "&Oben"
-+msgid "Anti-alias"
-+msgstr "Kantenglättung"
-+msgid "Steps:"
-+msgstr "Schritte:"
-+msgid "Background"
-+msgstr "Hintergrund"
-+msgid "Insert"
-+msgstr "Einfügen"
-+msgid "Effects..."
-+msgstr "Effekte..."
-+msgid "Fill"
-+msgstr "Füllung"
-+msgid "Effects"
-+msgstr "Effekte"
-+msgid "Preview..."
-+msgstr "Füllungen hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "Properties..."
-+msgstr "Eigenschaften..."
-+msgid "Save..."
-+msgstr "Speichern..."
-+msgid "Transp"
-+msgstr "Transp."
-+msgid "Trace..."
-+msgstr "Vektorisierung..."
-+msgid "1"
-+msgstr "1"
-+msgid "24"
-+msgstr "24"
-+msgid "32"
-+msgstr "32"
-+msgid "4"
-+msgstr "4"
-+msgid "8"
-+msgstr "8"
-+msgid "CMYK"
-+msgstr "Bereich"
-+msgid "&Compression"
-+msgstr "&Komprimierung"
-+msgid "Ba&ckground"
-+msgstr "&Hintergrund"
-+msgid "Error diffusion"
-+msgstr "Fehlerdiffusion"
-+msgid "&dpi"
-+msgstr "&dpi"
-+msgid "&Drawing"
-+msgstr "&Zeichnen"
-+msgid "Export type"
-+msgstr "Gif-Exporttyp"
-+msgid "&Interlaced"
-+msgstr "&Interlaced"
-+msgid "None"
-+msgstr "Kein"
-+msgid "Number of colours:"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Farben:"
-+msgid "Number of colours in palette"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Farben in der Palette"
-+msgid "Add system colours"
-+msgstr "Systemfarben hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Ordered"
-+msgstr "Geordnet"
-+msgid "Optimised"
-+msgstr "Optimierte"
-+msgid "Browser"
-+msgstr "Browser"
-+msgid "50%"
-+msgstr "50%"
-+msgid "Bitmap size and &resolution"
-+msgstr "G&röße der Grafik und Auflösung"
-+msgid "RGB"
-+msgstr "RGB"
-+msgid "RLE"
-+msgstr "RLE"
-+msgid "Area to save"
-+msgstr "Bereich"
-+msgid "&Selection"
-+msgstr "&Auswahl"
-+msgid "S&pread"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Transparent"
-+msgstr "&Transparent"
-+msgid "Unknown"
-+msgstr "Unkekannt"
-+msgid "Smooth when scaled up"
-+msgstr "Beim Skalieren glätten"
-+msgid "Show all previews in browser"
-+msgstr "Vorschau immer im Browser zeigen"
-+msgid "Convert"
-+msgstr "Konvertieren"
-+msgid "Randomise"
-+msgstr "zufällig"
-+msgid "New >"
-+msgstr "Neu >"
-+msgid "Edit..."
-+msgstr "Bearbeiten..."
-+msgid "Insert..."
-+msgstr "Einfügen..."
-+msgid "Remove"
-+msgstr "Entfernen"
-+msgid "Remove All"
-+msgstr "Alle entfernen"
-+msgid "Setup..."
-+msgstr "Einstellungen..."
-+msgid "100"
-+msgstr "100"
-+msgid "32-bit Retail"
-+msgstr "32-Bit-Release"
-+msgid "Windows NT 3.50"
-+msgstr "Windows NT 3.50"
-+msgid "Xara X Version 3.0"
-+msgstr "Xara X Version 3.0"
-+msgid "Cancel"
-+msgstr "Abbrechen"
-+msgid "The number is printed on a label attached to the CD case."
-+msgstr "Die Nummer befindet sich auf der Rückseite der CD-Hülle."
-+msgid "Enter"
-+msgstr "OK"
-+msgid "Disable gadgets"
-+msgstr "Gadgets deaktivieren"
-+msgid "Hide gadgets"
-+msgstr "Gadgets ausblenden"
-+msgid "Don't show this A&gain"
-+msgstr "Nicht &nocheinmal zeigen"
-+msgid "Negative"
-+msgstr "Negativ"
-+msgid "Always overprint black"
-+msgstr "Schwarz immer überdrucken"
-+msgid "&Overprint this ink"
-+msgstr "Diese Farbe überdrucken"
-+msgid "Output Printer's Marks "
-+msgstr "Schneidemaken ausgeben "
-+msgid "&Print this ink"
-+msgstr "Diese Farbe drucken"
-+msgid "Print spot &colours as process colours"
-+msgstr "Schmuck&farben als Prozeßfarben drucken"
-+msgid "Emulsion down (reflect image)"
-+msgstr "Filmschicht herab (reflektierendes Bild)"
-+msgid "Rotate along path"
-+msgstr "Rotieren entlang des Pfades"
-+msgid "Print colour &separations "
-+msgstr "Drucke Farb&auszüge "
-+msgid "Tile fills"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cache groups and layers"
-+msgstr "Gruppen und Layer cachen"
-+msgid "New effects are locked by default"
-+msgstr "Neue Effekte sind standardmäßig gesperrt"
-+msgid "Chequered Background"
-+msgstr "Gekachelter Hintergrund"
-+msgid "Mouse Down"
-+msgstr "Mausgedrückt"
-+msgid "Created"
-+msgstr "Erstellt"
-+msgid "Columns:"
-+msgstr "Spalten:"
-+msgid "Xara Ltd."
-+msgstr "Xara Ltd."
-+msgid "Conversion:"
-+msgstr "Konvertierung:"
-+msgid "Create Brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel erstellen"
-+msgid "&Create State"
-+msgstr "&Status erzeugen"
-+msgid "1/100 s"
-+msgstr "1/100 s"
-+msgid "0%"
-+msgstr "0%"
-+msgid "&Custom fit"
-+msgstr "&Angepasst"
-+msgid "Use &custom settings"
-+msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen nutzen"
-+msgid "Remove bevel"
-+msgstr "Kante entfernen"
-+msgid "Apply Bevel"
-+msgstr "Kanten anwenden"
-+msgid "Description"
-+msgstr "Beschreibung"
-+msgid "Dump Tree"
-+msgstr "Dump-Verzeichnisstruktur"
-+msgid "Expand Tree"
-+msgstr "Verzeichnisstruktur erweitern"
-+msgid "Show hidden nodes"
-+msgstr "Versteckte Knoten anzeigen"
-+msgid "Refresh"
-+msgstr "aktualisieren"
-+msgid "Selection only"
-+msgstr "Nur Auswahl"
-+msgid "Delay for:"
-+msgstr "Verzögerung wegen:"
-+msgid "&Delete"
-+msgstr "&Löschen"
-+msgid "&Delete State"
-+msgstr "Zustand löschen"
-+msgid "Document Background"
-+msgstr "Dokument-Hintergrund"
-+msgid "&Automatic"
-+msgstr "&Automatisch"
-+msgid "Pixels per inch"
-+msgstr "Pixel pro Zoll"
-+msgid "&Manual"
-+msgstr "&Manuell"
-+msgid "&Both"
-+msgstr "&Beide"
-+msgid "&Left pages"
-+msgstr "&Linke Seiten"
-+msgid "&Right pages"
-+msgstr "&Rechte Seite"
-+msgid "Print &individual pages"
-+msgstr "&Einzelne Seiten drucken"
-+msgid "Print &whole spread"
-+msgstr "&Gesamtes Dokument drucken"
-+msgid "Edit Brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel bearbeiten"
-+msgid "&3D"
-+msgstr "&3D"
-+msgid "Bar Properties..."
-+msgstr "Navigationsleisten-Einstellungen..."
-+msgid "Comp 1"
-+msgstr "Comp 1"
-+msgid "Comp 2"
-+msgstr "Comp 2"
-+msgid "Comp 3"
-+msgstr "Comp 3"
-+msgid "Comp 4"
-+msgstr "Comp 4"
-+msgid "Inherit:"
-+msgstr "Ãœbernehmen:"
-+msgid "Parent:"
-+msgstr "Ãœbergeordnet:"
-+msgid "%"
-+msgstr "%"
-+msgid "Shade:"
-+msgstr "Schattierung:"
-+msgid "Help! Help! We are being held prisoner in a stately home!"
-+msgstr "Help! Help! We are being held prisoner in a stately home!"
-+msgid "Check List Box Placeholder"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Select which named objects will make #1%S extend"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Choose how #1%S should extend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Horizontally"
-+msgstr "Horizontal"
-+msgid "Vertically"
-+msgstr "vertikal"
-+msgid "Export text as curves"
-+msgstr "Text als Kurven exportieren"
-+msgid "File Difference:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Options..."
-+msgstr "&Optionen..."
-+msgid "File Size:"
-+msgstr "Dateigröße:"
-+msgid "Quality:"
-+msgstr "Qualität:"
-+msgid "Empty Cache"
-+msgstr "Cache leeren"
-+msgid "O&verlay"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show frame"
-+msgstr "Frame anzeigen"
-+msgid "&Background"
-+msgstr "&Hintergrund"
-+msgid "Animation..."
-+msgstr "Animation..."
-+msgid "Browser..."
-+msgstr "Browser..."
-+msgid "Error &diffusion"
-+msgstr "Fehler&streuung"
-+msgid "Global &browser palette"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Global &optimised palette"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Optimised palette per &frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Or&dered"
-+msgstr "&Geordnet"
-+msgid "Make background &transparent"
-+msgstr "Hintergrund &transparent machen"
-+msgid "100%"
-+msgstr "100%"
-+msgid "Retro"
-+msgstr "Retro"
-+msgid "Apply"
-+msgstr "Anwenden"
-+msgid "Copy..."
-+msgstr "Kopieren..."
-+msgid "Uninstall"
-+msgstr "Entfernen"
-+msgid "Down one"
-+msgstr "Eins nach unten"
-+msgid "Edit"
-+msgstr "Bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Help..."
-+msgstr "Hilfe..."
-+msgid "Install"
-+msgstr "Installieren"
-+msgid "Options..."
-+msgstr "Optionen..."
-+msgid "Name..."
-+msgstr "Name..."
-+msgid "New..."
-+msgstr "Neu..."
-+msgid "New"
-+msgstr "Neu"
-+msgid "Up one"
-+msgstr "Eins nach oben"
-+msgid "Primary key"
-+msgstr "Primärschlüssel"
-+msgid "Secondary key"
-+msgstr "Sekundärschlüssel"
-+msgid "&Reversed"
-+msgstr "&Umgekehrt"
-+msgid "Reversed"
-+msgstr "Umgekehrt"
-+msgid "A&pply the sort to all the gallery sections"
-+msgstr "Ãœbertrage die Sortierung auf alle Gallerie-Abschnitte"
-+msgid "&Only apply the sort to sections containing selected items"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ãœbertrage die Sortierung nur auf Abschnitte, die selektierte Objekte "
-+msgid "Browser Preview"
-+msgstr "Browser-Voransicht"
-+msgid "Background Options"
-+msgstr "Hintergrundoptionen"
-+msgid "Additional Information"
-+msgstr "Weitere Informationen"
-+msgid "Transparency resolution"
-+msgstr "Transparenzauflösung"
-+msgid "Fill quality"
-+msgstr "Füllungsqualität"
-+msgid "Print layers"
-+msgstr "Druckebenen"
-+msgid "Print As..."
-+msgstr "Drucken als..."
-+msgid "Print Pages"
-+msgstr "Seiten drucken"
-+msgid "Text options"
-+msgstr "Textoptionen"
-+msgid "Horizontal"
-+msgstr "Horizontal"
-+msgid "Colour:"
-+msgstr "Farbe:"
-+msgid "Vertical"
-+msgstr "vertikal"
-+msgid "Gutter:"
-+msgstr "Spaltenabstand:"
-+msgid "Height:"
-+msgstr "Höhe:"
-+msgid "Include Image Information"
-+msgstr "Bildinformationen einbinden"
-+msgid "Save all clickable areas as rectangles"
-+msgstr "Alle klickbaren Bereiche als Rechtecke speichern"
-+msgid "Size of corresponding bitmap"
-+msgstr "Größe des korrespondierenden Bitmaps"
-+msgid "Copy image map to clipboard"
-+msgstr "Imagemap in die Zwischenablage kopieren"
-+msgid "Image Size:"
-+msgstr "Bildgröße:"
-+msgid "Add Design Note"
-+msgstr "Design-Notiz hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Browse..."
-+msgstr "Suchen..."
-+msgid "Clipboard"
-+msgstr "Zwischenablage"
-+msgid "File"
-+msgstr "Datei"
-+msgid "Insert Image Map into Existing File"
-+msgstr "Imagemap in bereits existierende Datei einfügen"
-+msgid "Replace existing file"
-+msgstr "Ersetze existierende Datei"
-+msgid "Name"
-+msgstr "Name"
-+msgid "Approximate curves with lines"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Dreamweaver 3 is not installed"
-+msgstr "Dreamweaver 3 ist nicht installiert"
-+msgid "Current drawing must be saved"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Zeichnung muß gespeichert werden"
-+msgid ".."
-+msgstr ".."
-+msgid "Dual ISDN or better (>128 Kbs)"
-+msgstr "Zweifach ISDN oder besser (>128 Kbit/s)"
-+msgid "Imagesetting options for"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Print film "
-+msgstr "Film drucken "
-+msgid "Use Original JPEG"
-+msgstr "Original JPEG benutzen"
-+msgid "&Progressive"
-+msgstr "&Progressiv"
-+msgid "Editable"
-+msgstr "Bearbeitbar"
-+msgid "Visible"
-+msgstr "sichtbar"
-+msgid "Move"
-+msgstr "Verschieben"
-+msgid "Custom fit; 100% Upright: Page don't fit dude"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Attribute:"
-+msgstr "Attribute:"
-+msgid "Spacing:"
-+msgstr "Abstand:"
-+msgid " Object:"
-+msgstr " Objekt:"
-+msgid "Left:"
-+msgstr "Links:"
-+msgid "Disc clipart..."
-+msgstr "Schriftarten hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "Disc fills..."
-+msgstr "Eigenschaften..."
-+msgid "Disc fonts..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add library..."
-+msgstr "Bibliothek hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "Stop loading"
-+msgstr "Laden stoppen"
-+msgid "Batch"
-+msgstr "Stapeln"
-+msgid "Get clipart..."
-+msgstr "Clipart abholen..."
-+msgid "Get fills..."
-+msgstr "Füllungen abholen..."
-+msgid "Get fonts..."
-+msgstr "Schriften abholen..."
-+msgid "&Update"
-+msgstr "&Aktualisieren"
-+msgid "<Does index exist>"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "<Pathname here>"
-+msgstr "<Dateipfad hier>"
-+msgid "Justin Flude"
-+msgstr "Justin Flude"
-+msgid "Live stretching"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "G"
-+msgstr "G"
-+msgid "Make local to frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Tell me more"
-+msgstr "&Mehr"
-+msgid "Mouse Off"
-+msgstr "Mouse Off"
-+msgid "Mouse Over"
-+msgstr "Mausberührung"
-+msgid "&Multiple fit"
-+msgstr "&Mehrfache Passung"
-+msgid "Not enough memory!"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher verfügbar!"
-+msgid "Intersect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rename"
-+msgstr "Umbenennen"
-+msgid "Select"
-+msgstr "Markieren"
-+msgid "M"
-+msgstr "M"
-+msgid "Style Name:"
-+msgstr "Stilname:"
-+msgid "#"
-+msgstr "#"
-+msgid "Ne&w..."
-+msgstr "&Neu..."
-+msgid "Make the colour a shade of:"
-+msgstr "Farbe als Schattierung von:"
-+msgid "&Next Tip"
-+msgstr "&Nächster Tip"
-+msgid "1 to 1"
-+msgstr "1-zu-1"
-+msgid "X"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Y"
-+msgstr "Y"
-+msgid "JPEG Quality"
-+msgstr "JPEG-Qualität"
-+msgid "&Abbreviation:"
-+msgstr "&Abkürzung:"
-+msgid "Ask &before setting current attribute"
-+msgstr "Nachfragen, &bevor das aktuelle Attribut gesetzt wird"
-+msgid "&Edit local colours in "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Automatic scroll to selected colour "
-+msgstr "&Automatisch zur ausgewählten Farbe rollen "
-+msgid "Background &redraw"
-+msgstr "Hintergrund &neuzeichnen"
-+msgid "Bitmaps"
-+msgstr "Bitmaps"
-+msgid "&Bleed "
-+msgstr "&Beschnitt "
-+msgid "mar&gin"
-+msgstr "Rand"
-+msgid "Mouse button function"
-+msgstr "Mausbutton-Funktion"
-+msgid "&Number of items cached per group:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ask about &closing document views"
-+msgstr "Vor dem Schließen von Dokumentfenstern nachfragen"
-+msgid "&0 - 255"
-+msgstr "&0-255"
-+msgid "Percen&t"
-+msgstr "Pro&zent"
-+msgid "&Colour line size"
-+msgstr "&Farbliniengröße"
-+msgid "Colour"
-+msgstr "Farbe"
-+msgid "Colour units"
-+msgstr "Farbeinheit"
-+msgid "&Angle constraint"
-+msgstr "&Winkelbeschränkung"
-+msgid "&Delete unit"
-+msgstr "Einheit &löschen"
-+msgid "Display"
-+msgstr "Anzeige"
-+msgid "Dithering"
-+msgstr "Farbmischung"
-+msgid "Error &diffused (slower)"
-+msgstr "Fehler&streuung (langsamer)"
-+msgid "&None (faster)"
-+msgstr "&Keine (schneller)"
-+msgid "&Ordered"
-+msgstr "&Geordnet"
-+msgid "&Double page spread"
-+msgstr "Doppelseite"
-+msgid "Duplication distance"
-+msgstr "Abstand der Duplikate"
-+msgid "Editing"
-+msgstr "Bearbeiten"
-+msgid "is equivalent to"
-+msgstr "ist gleichwertig zu"
-+msgid "Recent &file list size"
-+msgstr "Listengröße letzter &Dateien"
-+msgid "&Font units:"
-+msgstr "Schrifteinheit:"
-+msgid "Gallery cache"
-+msgstr "Galerie Cache"
-+msgid "&Number of subdivisions"
-+msgstr "&Unterteilungsanzahl"
-+msgid "Grid and Ruler spacing"
-+msgstr "Raster- und Linealabstand"
-+msgid "&Major spacing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make &groups be transparent as a whole"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Height"
-+msgstr "&Höhe"
-+msgid "Internet options"
-+msgstr "Internetoptionen"
-+msgid "Windows options for"
-+msgstr "Fenstereinstellungen für"
-+msgid "DPI when auto generated"
-+msgstr "DPI bei automatischer Generierung"
-+msgid "&Interactive fill dragging"
-+msgstr "&interaktives Ziehen der Füllung per Maus"
-+msgid "&Isometric"
-+msgstr "&Isometrisch"
-+msgid "&Landscape"
-+msgstr "&Querformat"
-+msgid "Give new objects most &recent attributes"
-+msgstr "Neuen Objekten die zuletzt verwendeten Attribute zuweisen"
-+msgid "&Left mouse button"
-+msgstr "&Linker Mausknopf"
-+msgid "&Limited:"
-+msgstr "&Begrenzt:"
-+msgid "Li&ne"
-+msgstr "Li&nie"
-+msgid "Magnetic snap radii"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Outer &margin"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Memory required to redraw a full page:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "General options"
-+msgstr "Allgemeine Optionen"
-+msgid "&New unit..."
-+msgstr "&Neue Einheit"
-+msgid "&Nudge size"
-+msgstr "&Verschiebegröße"
-+msgid "Origin (0,0 point)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&X"
-+msgstr "&X"
-+msgid "&Y"
-+msgstr "&Y"
-+msgid "Paper"
-+msgstr "Papier"
-+msgid "&Page units:"
-+msgstr "&Seiteneinheiten:"
-+msgid "&Point"
-+msgstr "&Punkt"
-+msgid "&Portrait"
-+msgstr "&Hochformat"
-+msgid "Show progress &bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Real world"
-+msgstr "&Echte Welt"
-+msgid "&Rectangular"
-+msgstr "&Rechteckig"
-+msgid "Reset &defaults"
-+msgstr "Auf Standardeinstellungen zurücksetzen"
-+msgid "&Right mouse button"
-+msgstr "&Rechter Mausknopf"
-+msgid "Save settings no&w"
-+msgstr "Einstellungen &jetzt speichern"
-+msgid "&Save settings on exit"
-+msgstr "Einstellungen beim &Beenden Speichern"
-+msgid "E.g. 1 to 25000"
-+msgstr "z.B. 1 bis 25000"
-+msgid "to"
-+msgstr "bis"
-+msgid "Sh&ow page shadow"
-+msgstr "&Zeige Seitenschatten"
-+msgid "Paper &size"
-+msgstr "Papier&größe"
-+msgid "N&ever smooth"
-+msgstr "Ni&emals glätten"
-+msgid "Redraw"
-+msgstr "Neu zeichnen"
-+msgid "Undo size for"
-+msgstr "Undo-Größe für"
-+msgid "Current undo size:"
-+msgstr "aktuelle Undo-Größe:"
-+msgid "Unit na&me:"
-+msgstr "Einheitsna&me:"
-+msgid "P&refix"
-+msgstr "P&räfix"
-+msgid "&Properties..."
-+msgstr "&Eigenschaften..."
-+msgid "Default units"
-+msgstr "Standardeinheiten"
-+msgid "&Suffix"
-+msgstr "&Suffix"
-+msgid "Fill me in"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Unlimited"
-+msgstr "&Unbegrenzt"
-+msgid "Li&mited:"
-+msgstr "&Begrenzt:"
-+msgid "Unit definition"
-+msgstr "Einheitsdefinition"
-+msgid "&Use scale factor"
-+msgstr "&Skalierungsfaktor benutzen"
-+msgid "Current layer always &visible and editable"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Ebene immer &sicht- und bearbeitbar"
-+msgid "&Width"
-+msgstr "&Breite"
-+msgid "Output options for"
-+msgstr "Ausgabeoptionen für"
-+msgid "210mm x 297mm"
-+msgstr "210mm × 297mm"
-+msgid "Paper size:"
-+msgstr "Papierformat:"
-+msgid "Always perform this check when starting the program"
-+msgstr "Diese Prüfung bei jedem Programmstart durchführen"
-+msgid "Base (768 by 512)"
-+msgstr "Basis (768 by 512)"
-+msgid "Base*16 (3072 by 2048)"
-+msgstr "Basis*16 (3072 x 2048)"
-+msgid "Base*4 (1536 by 1024)"
-+msgstr "Basis*4 (1536 x 1024)"
-+msgid "Base/16 (192 by 128) "
-+msgstr "Basis/16 (192 x 128) "
-+msgid "Base/4 (384 by 256)"
-+msgstr "Basis/4 (386 x 256)"
-+msgid "Plain Background"
-+msgstr "schlichter Hintergrund"
-+msgid "Magenta plate properties"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Frame:"
-+msgstr "Frame:"
-+msgid "Use printer &defaults"
-+msgstr "Drucker Stan&dardeinstellungen benutzen"
-+msgid "Custom fit; 100% Upright: 1 page fits on the paper"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "An&ti-aliased bitmap"
-+msgstr "Geglättete Bitmap"
-+msgid "&Bitmap"
-+msgstr "&Bitmap"
-+msgid "&Normal"
-+msgstr "&Normal"
-+msgid "Untitled 1"
-+msgstr "Unbenannt 1"
-+msgid "Print layout options for"
-+msgstr "Druckoptionen für"
-+msgid "Problems&?"
-+msgstr "Probleme&?"
-+#. IDC_RADIO11
-+msgid "Radio4"
-+msgstr "Radio4"
-+#. IDC_RADIO12
-+msgid "Radio5"
-+msgstr "Radio5"
-+#. IDC_RADIO13
-+msgid "Radio6"
-+msgstr "Radio6"
-+#. IDC_RADIO21
-+msgid "Radio1"
-+msgstr "Radio1"
-+#. IDC_RADIO22
-+msgid "Radio2"
-+msgstr "Radio2"
-+#. IDC_RADIO23
-+msgid "Radio3"
-+msgstr "Radio3"
-+msgid "All brush colours"
-+msgstr "Alle Pinselfarben"
-+msgid "Named brush colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No brush colours"
-+msgstr "Keine Pinselfarben"
-+msgid "Set new design"
-+msgstr "Setzt neues Design"
-+msgid "Redraw Me"
-+msgstr "Neuzeichnen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Register this copy of Xara Xtreme to receive free support and special offers "
-+"on other Xara products and upgrades."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Re&set"
-+msgstr "&Zurücksetzen"
-+msgid "Restore:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rows:"
-+msgstr "Zeilen:"
-+msgid "Scale:"
-+msgstr "Skalierung:"
-+msgid "Selected"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählt"
-+msgid "&Selected objects"
-+msgstr "&Gewählte Objekte"
-+msgid "+ 44 1442 351000"
-+msgstr "+ 44 1442 351000"
-+msgid "Fixed:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Optimal"
-+msgstr "Optimal"
-+msgid "Override &Brush Colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Override Brush &Transparency"
-+msgstr "Pinsel-&Transparenz überschreiben"
-+msgid "&Repeating"
-+msgstr "&Wiederholend"
-+msgid "&Find first"
-+msgstr "&Ersten finden"
-+msgid "Search all &information"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Search &names && keywords"
-+msgstr "Suche &Namen && Schlüsselworte"
-+msgid "Show preview"
-+msgstr "Vorschau anzeigen"
-+msgid "Size:"
-+msgstr "Größe:"
-+msgid "100% "
-+msgstr "100% "
-+msgid "Nothing Selected"
-+msgstr "Nichts ausgwählt"
-+msgid "from MouseOff"
-+msgstr "von MouseOff"
-+msgid " PostScript options "
-+msgstr " PostScript-Optionen "
-+msgid "Target printer resolution"
-+msgstr "Druckauflösung"
-+msgid "dpi"
-+msgstr "dpi"
-+msgid "Default screen frequency"
-+msgstr "Standard-Bildschirmfrequenz"
-+msgid "lpi"
-+msgstr "lpi"
-+msgid "Screen/Dot type"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Show Tips on StartUp"
-+msgstr "&Zeige Tips beim Starten"
-+msgid "Create/Delete States..."
-+msgstr "Erzeuge/Lösche Stati..."
-+msgid "MouseOver state"
-+msgstr "MouseOver Status"
-+msgid "Developed by Xara Group Ltd."
-+msgstr "Entwickelt von Xara Group Ltd."
-+msgid "-1"
-+msgstr "-1"
-+msgid "0"
-+msgstr "0"
-+msgid "+1"
-+msgstr "+1"
-+msgid "Brush name:"
-+msgstr "Pinselname:"
-+msgid "Random:"
-+msgstr "Zufall:"
-+msgid "Scaling changes by:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Spacing"
-+msgstr "Abstände der Navigation"
-+msgid "Spacing changes by:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "100 - 100"
-+msgstr "100 - 100"
-+msgid "0 - 100"
-+msgstr "0 - 100"
-+msgid "Local colours replace:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Random: "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Offset changes by:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Direction from line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Distance"
-+msgstr "Entfernung"
-+msgid "Brush angle: "
-+msgstr "Pinselwinkel: "
-+msgid "degrees"
-+msgstr "Grad"
-+msgid "Adding:"
-+msgstr "Hinzufügen:"
-+msgid "0 -100"
-+msgstr "0 -100"
-+msgid "Pressure:"
-+msgstr "Druck:"
-+msgid "Sequence progresses:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Transparency:"
-+msgstr "Transparenz:"
-+msgid "Percentage of cache currently used:"
-+msgstr "momentane prozentuale Cache-Auslastung:"
-+msgid "Change/Insert"
-+msgstr "Ändern/Einfügen"
-+msgid "Default live effect resolution:"
-+msgstr "Standard-Auflösung für Live-Effekte:"
-+msgid "Default locked effect resolution:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unit Conversion"
-+msgstr "Einheit-Konvertierung"
-+msgid "Convert to"
-+msgstr "Farbformat ändern"
-+msgid "Default"
-+msgstr "Standard"
-+msgid "Radiodaze"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Real"
-+msgstr "Wirklich"
-+msgid "Unit Value"
-+msgstr "Einheit-Wert"
-+msgid "XYZ"
-+msgstr "XYZ"
-+msgid "Bar1"
-+msgstr "Menüleiste1"
-+msgid "Export..."
-+msgstr "&Exportieren..."
-+msgid "Page"
-+msgstr "Seite"
-+msgid "Drawing"
-+msgstr "Zeichnung"
-+msgid "Selection"
-+msgstr "Auswahl"
-+msgid "Maintain screen anti-aliasing"
-+msgstr "Antialiasing entsprechend der aktuellen Anzeigeeinstellungen"
-+msgid "Minimise visible anti-aliasing"
-+msgstr "sichtbares Antialiasing minimieren"
-+msgid "DPI"
-+msgstr "DPI"
-+msgid "Scale"
-+msgstr "Skal."
-+msgid "Put HTML Image Tag On Clipboard"
-+msgstr "HTML IMG-Tag in Zwischenablage ablegen"
-+msgid "Dithering:"
-+msgstr "Dithern:"
-+msgid "Palette:"
-+msgstr "Palette:"
-+msgid "Colour depth:"
-+msgstr "Farbtiefe"
-+msgid "Max colours:"
-+msgstr "Max. Farben:"
-+msgid "Value:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "R"
-+msgstr "R"
-+msgid "B"
-+msgstr "B"
-+msgid "Include Image Map"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bitmap As Background"
-+msgstr "Bitmap als Hintergrund"
-+msgid "Tile:"
-+msgstr "Kachel:"
-+msgid "times"
-+msgstr "Mail"
-+msgid "&Add -->"
-+msgstr "&Hinzufügen -->"
-+msgid "Make &Style..."
-+msgstr "Mache &Stil..."
-+msgid "&Question"
-+msgstr "&Frage"
-+msgid "<-- &Remove"
-+msgstr "<-- &Entfernen"
-+msgid "Remove A&ll"
-+msgstr "A&lle entfernen"
-+msgid "Accuracy"
-+msgstr "Genauigkeit"
-+msgid "Remove noise"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Defaults"
-+msgstr "&Standard"
-+msgid "Final colour tolerance"
-+msgstr "endgültige Farbtoleranz"
-+msgid "Initial colour tolerance"
-+msgstr "Anfängliche Fehlertoleranz"
-+msgid "Minimum area"
-+msgstr "Minimalfläche"
-+msgid "Passes"
-+msgstr "Durchläufe"
-+msgid "&Reset settings"
-+msgstr "Einstellung zu&rücksetzen"
-+msgid "&Save settings"
-+msgstr "Einstellungen &speichern"
-+msgid "&Trace"
-+msgstr "&Vektorisieren"
-+msgid "Y:"
-+msgstr "Y:"
-+msgid "X:"
-+msgstr "X:"
-+msgid "Help"
-+msgstr "Hilfe"
-+msgid "Use as default template"
-+msgstr "Als Standard-Vorlage nutzen"
-+msgid "&Visible foreground layers"
-+msgstr "&Sichtbare Vordergrundebenen"
-+msgid "Character validation"
-+msgstr "Zeichengültigkeit"
-+msgid "Clickable area"
-+msgstr "anklickbarer Bereich"
-+msgid "Correct URL automatically"
-+msgstr "URL automatisch korrigieren"
-+msgid "Shape of object"
-+msgstr "Form des Objekts"
-+msgid "Rectangle surrounding object"
-+msgstr "Das Objekt umgebende Rechteck"
-+msgid "D&rawing"
-+msgstr "&Zeichnung"
-+msgid "Put HTML tag on clipboard"
-+msgstr "HTML-Code in Zwischenablage kopieren"
-+msgid "Remove invisible &layers"
-+msgstr "Unsichtbare &Ebenen entfernen"
-+msgid "Remove extra &editing information"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use &JPEG on compatible bitmaps"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Remove preview &bitmap"
-+msgstr "Vorschaubild entfernen"
-+msgid "Selec&tion"
-+msgstr "&Auswahl"
-+msgid "Convert text to &outlines"
-+msgstr "Text in"
-+msgid "Remove unused &colours"
-+msgstr "Unbenutze &Farben entfernen"
-+msgid "Width:"
-+msgstr "Breite:"
-+msgid "About Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Ãœber Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "About Xara Xtreme Plus"
-+msgstr "Ãœber Xara Xtreme Plus"
-+msgid "About Xara XS"
-+msgstr "Ãœber Xara XS"
-+msgid "Object Alignment"
-+msgstr "Objektausrichtung"
-+msgid "Animation bar"
-+msgstr "Symbolleiste Animation"
-+msgid "Dummy standard bar"
-+msgstr "Pseudo-Standardleiste"
-+msgid "Create a new NavBar"
-+msgstr "Neue Navigationsleiste erzeugen"
-+msgid "Manage States for Nav Bar"
-+msgstr "Stati der Navigationsleiste verwalten"
-+msgid "Dialog"
-+msgstr "Dialog"
-+msgid "Flip & Rotate"
-+msgstr "Spiegeln & drehen"
-+msgid "Resize"
-+msgstr "Skalieren"
-+msgid "Brightness & Contrast"
-+msgstr "Helligkeit && Kontrast"
-+msgid "Colour depth"
-+msgstr "Farbtiefe"
-+msgid "Bitmap Alchemist"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Alchemist"
-+msgid "Blank Tool InfoBar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blobby Dialog"
-+msgstr "Blobby-Dialogfeld"
-+msgid "Coords"
-+msgstr "Koordinaten"
-+msgid "RadioDaze"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bitmap Properties"
-+msgstr "Bitmapeinstellungen"
-+msgid "Fill Properties"
-+msgstr "Fülleigenschaften"
-+msgid "Offset"
-+msgstr "Verschiebung"
-+msgid "Scaling"
-+msgstr "Skalierung"
-+msgid "Create new brush:"
-+msgstr "Neuen Pinsel erzeugen:"
-+msgid "Animation Bar"
-+msgstr "Animationsleiste"
-+msgid "Arrange Bar"
-+msgstr "Objekte anordnen"
-+msgid "Edit Bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Feather Bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "File Bar"
-+msgstr "Dateileiste"
-+msgid "Galleries Bar"
-+msgstr "Galerieleiste"
-+msgid "General Bar"
-+msgstr "Hauptleiste"
-+msgid "Image Setting Bar"
-+msgstr "Bildeinstellungs-Leiste"
-+msgid "Standard Bar"
-+msgstr "Standardleiste"
-+msgid "Status Bar"
-+msgstr "Statusleiste"
-+msgid "Toolbar Bar"
-+msgstr "Werkzeugleiste"
-+msgid "Window Bar"
-+msgstr "Fensterleiste"
-+msgid "Serial number entry"
-+msgstr "Eingabe der Seriennummer"
-+msgid "Check Associations"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rename colour style"
-+msgstr "Farbstil umbenennen"
-+msgid "Customize"
-+msgstr "Anpassen"
-+msgid "Bevels"
-+msgstr "Kanten"
-+msgid "Camelot debug commands"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ellipse tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Ellipsenwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Export bitmap options"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Exportoptionen"
-+msgid "Export JPEG options"
-+msgstr "JPEG-Exportoptionen"
-+msgid "Native Format Options"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export Native Format Options"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Image Map Export Options"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Extend #1%S"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Document information"
-+msgstr "Dokument-Informationen"
-+msgid "Frame gallery"
-+msgstr "Frame Galerie"
-+msgid "Gallery button store"
-+msgstr "Galerie-Schaltflächen"
-+msgid "Fill tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Hilfsmittel „Füllung“ - Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Grid tool info"
-+msgstr "Info über Hilfsmittel „Raster“"
-+msgid "Fills gallery"
-+msgstr "Füll-Galerie"
-+msgid "Add folder to gallery"
-+msgstr "Ordner zu Galerie hinzufügen"
-+msgid "New Style Name"
-+msgstr "Name des neuen Stils"
-+msgid "Create a name"
-+msgstr "Namen erzeugen"
-+msgid "New named colour"
-+msgstr "Neu benannte Farbe"
-+msgid "New control bar"
-+msgstr "Neue Steuerungsleiste"
-+msgid " Grid and Ruler "
-+msgstr " Raster und Lineal "
-+msgid "Imagesetting"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Internet"
-+msgstr "Internet"
-+msgid " General "
-+msgstr " Allgemein "
-+msgid " Page "
-+msgstr " Seite "
-+msgid "Effects && Plugins"
-+msgstr "Effekte && Plugins"
-+msgid " Mouse "
-+msgstr " Maus "
-+msgid " Output "
-+msgstr " Ausgabe "
-+msgid "Print layout"
-+msgstr "Drucken"
-+msgid "Separations"
-+msgstr "Farbauszüge"
-+msgid " Scaling "
-+msgstr " Skalierung "
-+msgid " Tune-ups "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " Units "
-+msgstr " Einheiten "
-+msgid " View "
-+msgstr " Ansicht "
-+msgid "Unit properties"
-+msgstr "Einheitseigenschaft"
-+msgid "Palette Options"
-+msgstr "Palettenoptionen"
-+msgid "Pen tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Photo CD import options"
-+msgstr "Photo CD-Importoptionen"
-+msgid "Separation properties"
-+msgstr "Farbauszugseigenschaften"
-+msgid "Preview"
-+msgstr "Vorschau"
-+msgid "Printing..."
-+msgstr "Dokument drucken"
-+msgid "File download"
-+msgstr "Dateidownload"
-+msgid "Push tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rectangle tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set button design in this State"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme Online Registration"
-+msgstr "Xara-Xtreme-Onlineregistrierung"
-+msgid "Render Demo"
-+msgstr "Render-Demo"
-+msgid "Selector tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Gallery icon size"
-+msgstr "Galerie-Eigenschaften"
-+msgid "Custom brush properties"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Find gallery item..."
-+msgstr "Galerie-Eintrag suchen..."
-+msgid "Gallery sort options"
-+msgstr "Galerie-Sortieroptionen"
-+msgid "Shadow tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Animation Colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Animation Loop and Speed"
-+msgstr "Animations-Wiederholung & Geschwindigkeit"
-+msgid "Frame"
-+msgstr "Rahmen"
-+msgid "Guides"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinien und -objekte"
-+msgid "Layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene"
-+msgid "Preview in Browser"
-+msgstr "Vorschau im Browser"
-+msgid "Bitmap Size"
-+msgstr "Bitmapgröße"
-+msgid "Image Map"
-+msgstr "Imagemap"
-+#. IDD_TIP
-+msgid "Tip of the Day"
-+msgstr "Tipp des Tages"
-+msgid "Control bars"
-+msgstr "Steuerungsleisten"
-+msgid "Transparency tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Hilfsmittel „Transparenz“ - Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Import from Web..."
-+msgstr "Aus Web importieren..."
-+msgid "Web Address..."
-+msgstr "Webadresse..."
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme EPS Export Options"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme EPS-Exportoptionen"
-+msgid "Zoom tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Internal error from the bitmap loader/savers"
-+msgstr "Interner Fehler beim Laden/Speichern der Bitmap."
-+msgid "Not enough memory is available to complete the task"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher für diese Aufgabe."
-+msgid ""
-+"A bad display area has been specified, either negative or out of range "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The specified bitmap page has not been found"
-+msgstr "Festgelegte Bitmap-Seite konnte nicht gefunden werden."
-+msgid "A disk read error has occurred by going past the end of file"
-+msgstr "Ein Diskettenlesefehler wurde am Ende der Datei festgestellt."
-+msgid "A bad Accusoft image handle has been specified"
-+msgstr "Ein unzulässiger Accusoft-Haltepunkt wurde festgelegt."
-+msgid "The specified image was not found on the clipboard"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das angegebene Bild konnte in der Zwischenablage nicht gefunden werden."
-+msgid "The specified scanner driver has not been installed"
-+msgstr "Der angegebene Scanner-Treiber wurde nicht installiert."
-+msgid "The scanner driver is bad or has not been configured correctly"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Scanner-Treiber beschädigt oder Treiber nicht ordnungsgemäß konfiguriert."
-+msgid "The twain.dll cannot be found"
-+msgstr "The twain.dll cannot be found"
-+msgid "A problem has happened when decompressing the file"
-+msgstr "Problem bei der Dekomprimierung der Datei."
-+msgid "The date on an evaluation copy has expired"
-+msgstr "Datum der Testversion ist abgelaufen."
-+msgid "The file could not be found (open call failed)"
-+msgstr "Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden (Öffnen fehlgeschlagen)."
-+msgid "Vbx runtime version not allowed for design mode"
-+msgstr "Vbx Runtime-Version nicht für Designmodus zugelassen."
-+msgid ""
-+"Tried to save an image to a format not supporting that colour depth (bits "
-+"per pixel)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Speichern scheiterte, da das Bildformat diese Farbtiefe (Bits pro Pixel) "
-+"nicht unterstützt"
-+msgid "The specified operation will not work on images with palettes"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die angegebene Operation funktioniert nicht bei Bildern mit Paletten."
-+msgid "There is no LZW code or gif in this version"
-+msgstr "Kein LZW-Code oder GIF in dieser Version vorhanden."
-+msgid "This bitmap file has a problem in it and hence is unreadable"
-+msgstr "Diese Bitmap-Datei ist beschädigt und kann nicht gelesen werden."
-+msgid "A bad string, possibly the pathname, has been specified"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Eine unzulässige Zeichenfolge (eventuell der Pfadname) wurde angegeben."
-+msgid "A bad return has occurred"
-+msgstr "Unzulässige Rückmeldung"
-+msgid "Cannot create the specified file"
-+msgstr "Die angegebene Datei konnte nicht erstellt werden."
-+msgid ""
-+"This bitmap format is not allowed, possibly due to bad resolution "
-+"information or colour depth"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No bitmap has been found"
-+msgstr "Keine Bitmap gefunden."
-+msgid "An error has occurred when writing to the file, possibly disk full"
-+msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Datei;Datenträger eventuell voll."
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to print because a previous Xara Xtreme print job is stalled in the "
-+"queue and cannot be deleted."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Ignoring a problem with the preferences for the bars. Using the default "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There are no Texture Bitmaps loaded. Please Import a suitable Bitmap (It "
-+"must be 256 colour) and try again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Could not load the bitmap as it contains a bad colour depth (BPP), width or "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cannot load this Xara X document file for copyright reasons."
-+msgstr "Optionen"
-+msgid "Invalid file format"
-+msgstr "Ungültiges Dateiformat"
-+msgid "An error was detected in the metafile. The import has been aborted."
-+msgstr "Fehler in Metadatei. Das Importieren wurde abgebrochen."
-+msgid ""
-+"Catastrophic memory failure has occurred. Program likely to be unstable"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Schwerwiegender Speicherfehler. Programm ist wahrscheinlich instabil."
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, there was a problem accessing the preferences (.INI) file. Please "
-+"check the file, close some other applications, and then restart this program."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You appear to have a Pentium chip that cannot divide accurately. Program "
-+"errors may result."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Es scheint als ob Ihr Rechner über einen Pentium-Prozessor verfügt, der "
-+"keine Gleitkommazahlen verarbeitet. Dies könnte Fehler im Programm "
-+msgid "Bitmap processing aborted"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Verarbeitung abgebrochen."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The bitmap width that was entered or has been calculated is invalid. It must "
-+"be a positive, non-zero number less than #1%d pixels"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Buffer could not be allocated for file:\\n\\t"
-+msgstr "Puffer konnte nicht reserviert werden für Datei:\\n\\t"
-+msgid "Could not create a dialog"
-+msgstr "Dialogfeld konnte nicht angelegt werden."
-+msgid ""
-+"Library colours cannot be edited. Do you want to copy it into your document?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Could not save bars configuration file "
-+msgstr "Konnte Leisten-Konfigurationsdatei nicht speichern. "
-+msgid ""
-+"CorelDRAW version 6 files are not supported. Use the CMX format instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+"CorelDRAW Version 6-Dateien werden nicht unterstützt. Bitte benutze Sie "
-+"stattdessen das CMX-Format zum Datenaustausch."
-+msgid "Error in CorelDRAW file."
-+msgstr "Fehler in CorelDRAW-Datei."
-+msgid "Not a CorelDRAW CDR file."
-+msgstr "Keine CorelDRAW CDR-Datei."
-+msgid "There was a problem copying to the Windows clipboard"
-+msgstr "Fehler beim Kopieren in die Windows-Zwischenablage"
-+msgid "Destructor was called before closing file:\\n\\t"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There is no object selected in the document from which I can redefine this "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You are trying to redefine that colour from itself!"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie versuchen, diese Farbe durch die gleiche Farbe neu zu definieren!"
-+msgid "Version 5 Corel Palette file has an incorrect format."
-+msgstr "Corel-Palettendatei Version 5 hat kein gültiges Format."
-+msgid "Version 3 or 4 Corel Palette file has an incorrect format."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Version 3 oder 4 der Corel-Palettendatei hat ein unzulässiges Format."
-+msgid "File error whilst reading Corel Palette file."
-+msgstr "Dateifehler beim Lesen der Corel-Palettendatei."
-+msgid "Not a CorelDRAW palette file."
-+msgstr "Keine CorelDRAW-Palettendatei."
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, it was not possible to create a view, as there is not enough free "
-+"memory available. Close some other applications and then try again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Could not create the necessary bitmap, possibly due to lack of memory or a "
-+"bad file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This document is already open. Do you want to revert to the saved version "
-+"(losing all changes made since you last saved) or load the saved version as "
-+"a copy, keeping the edited version open?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "DocView::GetRectChapters can't cope with Coords outside Chapters."
-+msgstr ""
-+"DocView::GetRectChapters-Probleme mit Koordinaten außerhalb des Kapitels."
-+msgid "Empty clipboard!"
-+msgstr "Zwischenablage leeren!"
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape is not suitable for use as an envelope mould. It contains no "
-+"moveto element to begin the shape."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape is not suitable for use as an envelope mould. It is not a closed "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape is not suitable for use as an envelope mould. The shape is one "
-+"dimensional, it either has no width or height."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape is not suitable for use as an envelope mould. Envelope moulds "
-+"must have four sides."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "End of file has been reached!"
-+msgstr "Ende der Datei wurde erreicht!"
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme could not export because there are no objects to export. Create "
-+"some objects and try again."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Access violation exception at offset %s"
-+msgstr "Zugriffsverletzungsausnahme bei Abstand %s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Floating point exception at offset %s"
-+msgstr "Verschiebepunktausnahme bei Abstand %s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Invalid memory access exception at offset %s"
-+msgstr "Unzulässige Speicherzugriffsausnahme bei Abstand %s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Invalid instruction exception at %s"
-+msgstr "Unzulässige Anweisungsausnahme bei %s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Floating point divide by zero at offset %s"
-+msgstr "Verschiebepunkt geteilt durch Null bei Abstand %s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Invalid handle at %s"
-+msgstr "Ungültige Handle bei %s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Integer divide by zero at offset %s"
-+msgstr "Ganze Zahl geteilt durch Null bei Abstand %s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Unhandleable & unidentifiable exception in thread at %s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Failed to contact or failed to read update information."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The Freehand tool was unable to find its cursors."
-+msgstr "Das Hilfsmittel „Freihand“ konnte den Cursor nicht finden."
-+msgid "File position is beyond the range of the current file!"
-+msgstr "Datei-Position befindet sich nicht im Bereich der aktuellen Datei!"
-+msgid "Error reading file"
-+msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der Datei."
-+msgid "That file seems to be empty"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die eingegebene Bitmap-Auflösung (DPI) ist ungültig. Sie muss zwischen 5 und "
-+"3000 liegen."
-+msgid "bad file handle"
-+msgstr "Fehlerhafter Datei-Handle"
-+msgid "file already exists"
-+msgstr "Datei existiert bereits."
-+msgid "file does not exist"
-+msgstr "Datei existiert nicht."
-+msgid "no space left on device"
-+msgstr "Kein Platz auf dem Gerät"
-+msgid "permission denied"
-+msgstr "Keine Erlaubnis"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "A read error occurred (#1%s) with the file: #2%s"
-+msgstr "Ein Lesefehler (#1%s) ist bei der Datei #2%s aufgetreten"
-+msgid "Invalid memory file size"
-+msgstr "Ungültige Speicherdateigröße"
-+msgid "too many open files"
-+msgstr "Zu viele Dateien geöffnet."
-+msgid "unknown"
-+msgstr "Unzulässiges Lesen von Einstellungen für Ansicht."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "A write error occurred (#1%s) with the file: #2%s"
-+msgstr "Ein Schreibfehler (#1%s) ist bei der Datei #2%s aufgetreten"
-+msgid "Problem loading filter DLL"
-+msgstr "Problem beim Laden der Filter-DLL"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Filter DLL failed to import (error #1%d)"
-+msgstr "Importieren von Filter-DLL fehlgeschlagen (Fehler #1%d)."
-+msgid "Not a graphics filter DLL"
-+msgstr "Keine Grafikfilter-DDL"
-+msgid ""
-+"An internal error has occurred: Failed to read the requested Type1 character "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An internal error has occurred: Failed to read the requested Type1 character "
-+"advanced width."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An internal error has occurred: Failed to read the requested TrueType "
-+"character outline."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An internal error has occurred: Failed to read the requested TrueType "
-+"character advanced width."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "File format not supported"
-+msgstr "Dateiformat wird nicht unterstützt."
-+msgid "Failed to create the fractal fill."
-+msgstr "Erstellen der Fraktalfüllung ist fehlgeschlagen."
-+msgid "Not enough memory to create the fractal fill."
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicherplatz zum Erstellen der Fraktalfüllung."
-+msgid ""
-+"You entered an unsuitable Web Address. It must be between 1 and 254 "
-+"characters long."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die angegebene Internetadresse (URL) ist falsch. Sie muß zwischen 1 und 254 "
-+"Zeichen lang sein."
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme had a problem loading images from that HTML file. This includes"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara Xtreme konnte Bilder von dieser HTML-Datei nicht laden. Dies beinhaltet"
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme could not find any images in that HTML file"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme konnte keine Bilder in der HTML-Datei finden"
-+msgid "ImageMagick failed to convert the file"
-+msgstr "ImageMagick konnte die Datei nicht konvertieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme could not export an image map because no objects were suitable. "
-+"Try applying Web Addresses to objects or making shapes closed."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme does not understand that URL. Please check it and enter the URL "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese URL scheint ungültig zu sein. Bitte überprüfen Sie die URL und geben "
-+"Sie sie erneut ein."
-+msgid ""
-+"This file contains new information not supported by this viewer. The picture "
-+"might look different to the intended design. The Xara web site, "
-+", has information on viewer updates."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There is information missing from this file. The picture might look "
-+"different than the intended design."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Internal error"
-+msgstr "Interner Fehler"
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, a zoom factor must be an integer multiplier (e.g. '2x') or a "
-+"percentage (e.g. '55%'), and must be greater than 10%. Please re-enter."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The angle you specified was invalid. It must be between -360 and 360"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der angegebene Winkel ist ungültig. Der Wert muss zwischen -360 und 360 "
-+msgid ""
-+"You specified an incorrect location for the centre of the QuickShape. Enter "
-+"two numbers for X and Y coordinates"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Could not recognise char key"
-+msgstr "Konnte Zeichen-Schlüssel nicht wiedererkennen."
-+msgid ""
-+"The curvature ratio you specified was invalid. It must be a positive number"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Invalid line/shape detected"
-+msgstr "Ungültige Linie/Form festgestellt."
-+msgid "The radius you specified was invalid. It must be a positive distance"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der angegebene Radius ist ungültig. Es muss sich um einen positiven Abstand "
-+msgid ""
-+"The stellation offset angle you specified was invalid. It must be between -"
-+"180 and 180"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Could not recognise virtual key"
-+msgstr "Konnte virtuellen Schlüssel nicht wiedererkennen."
-+msgid "An unknown file i/o error has occurred"
-+msgstr "Ein unbekannter Dateiein-/ausgabefehler ist aufgetreten."
-+msgid "LiveEffect tool can't find the cursor definitions it needs"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The file cannot be loaded because it is a renderable EPS file. It is not "
-+"designed to be edited by Xara X. If you still have the original Xara X file "
-+"from which it was exported please load that instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"'#1%s' cannot be loaded because it is a renderable EPS file. It is not "
-+"designed to be edited by Xara X. If you still have the original Xara X file "
-+"from which it was exported please load that instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Could not load clipboard!"
-+msgstr "Konnte Zwischenablage nicht öffnen!"
-+msgid "Could not load resource!"
-+msgstr "Konnte Ressource nicht laden!"
-+msgid ""
-+"Only named colours can be spot colours. Do you want to make this a named "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You are printing more than 6 colour separation plates. Are you sure you wish "
-+"to proceed?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Failure allocating memory block"
-+msgstr "Zuordnen des Speicherblocks ist gescheitert."
-+msgid "Destructor was called before closing memory file"
-+msgstr "Destructor vor dem Schließen der Speicherdatei aufgerufen."
-+msgid "Could not open memory file!"
-+msgstr "Konnte Speicherdatei nicht öffnen!"
-+msgid "Menu script was not found\\n\\t- Menu initialisation has failed!"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cannot create metafile (while closing)"
-+msgstr "Metadatei kann nicht erstellt werden (beim Schließen)."
-+msgid "Cannot create metafile (Create)"
-+msgstr "Metadatei kann nicht erstellt werden (Erstellen)."
-+msgid "Cannot create metafile (bad lock)"
-+msgstr "Metadatei kann nicht erstellt werden (unzulässige Sperre)."
-+msgid ""
-+"One or more of the coordinates was off the spread. The points were not moved"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"That name is already used in this document. Please enter a name that is "
-+"different to all others."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Application has run out of memory!"
-+msgstr "Anwendung verfügt nicht über genügend Speicher."
-+msgid ""
-+"Colour separations are enabled, but no plates are set to print. You can "
-+"change this in the 'Separations' tab of the Print Options dialogue."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "File is not open!"
-+msgstr "Datei ist nicht geöffnet!"
-+msgid ""
-+"No default printer. Use Print Manager to install and select a default printer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Could not get current DocView object"
-+msgstr "Konnte aktuelles DocView-Objekt nicht erhalten.t"
-+msgid ""
-+"The NTHELPER.EXE component of Xara Xtreme is missing. Due to a limitation in "
-+"this version of Windows NT, help will no longer be context-sensitive. Please "
-+"reinstall Xara Xtreme."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Memory file pointer is NULL!"
-+msgstr "Speicherdateianzeiger ist NULL!"
-+msgid "The print dialog failed to set up the print job correctly"
-+msgstr "Der Druckauftrag wurde nicht ordnungsgemäß eingegeben."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "An error occurred (#1%s) when opening the file: #2%s"
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler (#1%s) ist beim Öffnen der Datei aufgetreten: #2%s"
-+msgid "Cannot open this file for writing"
-+msgstr "Kann diese Datei zum Schreiben nicht öffnen."
-+msgid "Operation token not recognised: "
-+msgstr "Operationszeichen nicht erkannt: "
-+msgid ""
-+"The abbreviation for the unit you entered was invalid. It cannot be a blank "
-+"string or contain numbers or the decimal point or thousands separator "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The amount of limited redraw memory you entered was invalid. It must be a "
-+"positive non-zero number."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The name for the unit you entered was invalid. It cannot be a blank string"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to reduce the maximum size of the operation history, doing so would "
-+"result in the loss of redo info"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The equivalent number of user units you entered was invalid. It must be a "
-+"positive, non-zero value"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The equivalent number of selected units you entered was invalid. It must be "
-+"a positive, non-zero value"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The constraint angle you entered was invalid. It must be between 1 and 359 "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The page bleed size you entered was invalid. It must be a positive "
-+"measurement, maximum about 3in (7.62cm)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The number of gallery cache items you entered was invalid. It must be "
-+"between 1 and 99"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Operations, such as convert to editable shapes on shadows, generate bitmaps "
-+"of user definable dpi. The dpi must be in the range of 10 to 1000."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The duplicate distance you entered was invalid. It must be a valid "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The drawing scale you entered was invalid. It must be a valid measurement"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The file list size you entered was invalid. It must be between 1 and 9"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The number of grid subdivisions you entered was invalid. It must be between "
-+"0 and 99"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The grid spacing you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, non-zero "
-+"measurement, maximum about 9ft (2.75M), minimum about 0.5inch (1.3cm)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The page height you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, non-zero "
-+"measurement, maximum for page and margins is about 9ft (2.75M), minimum "
-+"about 0.5inch (1.3cm)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The magnetic line radius you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, non-"
-+"zero measurement"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The page margin you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, non-zero "
-+"measurement, maximum is about 9ft (2.75M), minimum about 0.5inch (1.3cm)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The nudge distance you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, non-zero "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The grid and ruler origin you entered was invalid. Both the X and Y values "
-+"must be valid measurements and fall within the current page and margins. "
-+"Maximum size is about 9ft (2.75M)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The magnetic point radius you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, "
-+"non-zero measurement"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The real scale you entered was invalid. It must be a valid measurement"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An invalid drawing and/or real scale has been set as the calculated scaling "
-+"factor is bad."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The undo size you entered was invalid. It must be larger than 1k (1024 "
-+"bytes) and positive"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The page width you entered was invalid. It must be a positive, non-zero "
-+"measurement, maximum for page and margins is about 9ft (2.75M), minimum "
-+"about 0.5inch (1.3cm)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The minimum allowed is "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The calculated size of the combined page(s) and margins that you have "
-+"entered was too big. It must come to a maximum size of about 9ft (2.75M), "
-+"minimum about 0.5inch (1.3cm)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in Edit section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in Grid and Ruler section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in General section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in Scaling section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in Tune ups section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in Undo section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad reading of preference in View section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in Edit section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in Grid and Ruler section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in General section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in Scaling section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in Tune ups section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in Undo section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad setting of preference in View section"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This colour swatch file contains unknown colour definitions. The unknown "
-+"colours will not be imported."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "One of the coordinates was not a valid position"
-+msgstr "Eine der Koordination befand sich an einer ungültigen Position."
-+msgid "An invalid pathname has been supplied!"
-+msgstr "Ein ungültiger Pfadname wurde eingegeben!"
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape cannot be used as a perspective mould. It contains no moveto "
-+"element to begin the shape."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape cannot be used as a perspective mould. Some coordinates within "
-+"the shape are coincident."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape cannot be used as a perspective mould. The shape is not convex, "
-+"it contains a twist."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape cannot be used as a perspective mould. Some of its edges are "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape cannot be used as a perspective mould. It is not a closed shape."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Form kann nicht als Perspektive-Grundform verwendet werden. Es handelt "
-+"sich nicht um eine geschlossene Form."
-+msgid ""
-+"This shape cannot be used as a perspective mould. Perspective moulds must "
-+"have four straight sides."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You have chosen to print colour separations in 'Bitmap' mode. Spot and CMYK "
-+"colours will separate differently, and printer's marks will not be printed. "
-+"Are you sure you wish to proceed?"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Print job aborted due to error: (#1%s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Print job aborted due to user intervention or a system error."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Druckauftrag aufgrund von Benutzereingriff oder Systemfehler abgebrochen."
-+msgid "Print job aborted due to user intervention."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Problem loading #1%s (#2%d). See your installation instructions"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Problem beim Laden von #1%s (#2%d). Sehen Sie in Ihren "
-+"Installationsanweisungen nach."
-+msgid "Memory file is in read only mode!"
-+msgstr "Speicherdatei ist im Schreibschutz-Modus!"
-+msgid "Could not reallocate clipboard data"
-+msgstr "Konnte Zwischenablagedaten nicht wieder zuweisen."
-+msgid "The number of sides must be between 3 and 99"
-+msgstr "Die Anzahl der Seiten muss zwischen 3 und 99 liegen."
-+msgid "The new centre point was off the spread. The QuickShape was not moved"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Invalid resource size!"
-+msgstr "Ungültige Ressourcengröße!"
-+msgid "Error detected in RTF file. Import aborted"
-+msgstr "Fehler in RTF-Datei entdeckt. Import abgebrochen."
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme is unable to fill multiple objects when the fill is not "
-+"downloaded. Drag the fill into the document to download it and then try "
-+"applying the fill again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Some document quickshape objects have stretching properties applied to them. "
-+"Please convert these objects to editable shapes."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Search aborted"
-+msgstr "Suche abgebrochen."
-+msgid ""
-+"That will be hard to find! Fill in the search-text field and try again"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Schwer zu finden! Füllen Sie das Suchfeld aus, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
-+msgid "No (further) matches found"
-+msgstr "Keine (weiteren) Entsprechungen gefunden."
-+msgid ""
-+"All spot colours are set to print as process colours, so you cannot make new "
-+"spots. You can change this in the 'Separations' tab of the Print Options "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Not enough memory for sprite extension block"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher für Sprite-Erweiterungsblock."
-+msgid "Problems importing sprite"
-+msgstr "Probleme beim Importieren von Sprite."
-+msgid "Not enough memory for image data"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher für Bilddaten."
-+msgid "Not enough memory for mask data"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher für Maskendaten."
-+msgid "Not enough memory for palette data"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher für Palettendaten."
-+msgid "Problems constructing palette for sprite"
-+msgstr "Probleme beim Aufbauen der Palette für Sprite."
-+msgid ""
-+"Calculated image size does not equal actual image size (sprite file is "
-+"probably corrupt)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot find BPP for mode #1%d sprites"
-+msgstr "BPP für Modus-Sprites #1%d kann nicht gefunden werden."
-+msgid "Length value is greater than String size!"
-+msgstr "Längenwert ist größer als Größe der Zeichenfolge!"
-+msgid "Syntax error in Menu script\\n\\t- Menu initialisation has failed!"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Syntaxfehler im Menüskript\\n\\t- Menüinitialisierung fehlgeschlagen!"
-+msgid "Object is used by a text object"
-+msgstr "Fließtext wird auf Objekt angewendet."
-+msgid "Failed to make the transparency mask for the bitmap"
-+msgstr "Failed to make the transparency mask for the bitmap"
-+msgid "Trace aborted"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This file contains objects that are not supported in this version, and have "
-+"been Ignored. The file may not be displayed correctly."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The shape on the clipboard is not suitable for use as a mould"
-+msgstr "Form in Zwischenablage kann nicht als Grundform verwendet werden."
-+msgid "Memory file is in write only file!"
-+msgstr "Speicherdatei ist im Ãœberschreib-Modus!"
-+msgid "Error in capabilities XML"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Expected 'as' attr"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unexpected null node pointer (Internal Error)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Expected Options 'boundslevel' attr to be one of; 'none', 'compound', 'all'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unexpected Private node"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unexpected Options node"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unexpected Rasterise node"
-+msgstr "unerwarteter Raster-Knoten"
-+msgid "Unexpected Spread node"
-+msgstr "unerwarteter Spread-Knoten"
-+msgid "Unexpected Objects node"
-+msgstr "unerwarteter Objekt-Knoten"
-+msgid "Unexpected Attributes node"
-+msgstr "unerwarteter Attribut-Knoten"
-+msgid "Unexpected Colours node"
-+msgstr "unerwarteter Farb-Knoten"
-+msgid "Expected Spread 'as' attr to be not present or 'bitmap'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Expected Attribute type to be one of; 'Fill', 'FillTrans', 'Line', "
-+"'LineTrans', 'Feather'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Expected bool attr value to be one of; 'true', 'false'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Expected Colour type to be 'Colour'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Expected Object type to be one of; 'Layer', 'Contour', 'Shadow', 'Bevel', "
-+"'Blend', 'Mould', 'Rectangle', 'Ellipse', 'Polygon', 'Bitmap', 'Text', "
-+"'ClipView', 'BitmapEffect', 'Feather'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unexpected element"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Expected attribute value"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Expected 'as' attr to be one of; 'native', 'simple', 'stroked', 'bitmap', "
-+"'bitmapfill', 'bitmapfilltrans', 'bitmapspan', 'reformat', 'remove', "
-+"'simplergb', 'rgb', 'cmyk':"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Failed to create plugin filter object for #1%S (#2%08lx)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Failed to create stream for plugin filter"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "DoExport failed"
-+msgstr "DoExport fehlgeschlagen"
-+msgid "DoImport failed"
-+msgstr "DoImport fehlgeschlagen"
-+msgid "PrepareExport failed"
-+msgstr "PrepareExport fehlgeschlagen"
-+msgid "buffer error"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der eingegebene Abstand für Schrittweite ist ungültig. Es muss sich um einen "
-+"positiven Wert außer Null handeln."
-+msgid "data integrity error"
-+msgstr "data integrity error"
-+msgid "file error"
-+msgstr "Dateifehler"
-+msgid "Insufficient memory"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der eingegebene duplizierte Abstand ist ungültig. Es muss sich um ein "
-+"gültiges Maß handeln."
-+msgid "streaming error"
-+msgstr "Unzulässiges Lesen von Einstellungen für Allgemein."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "A error occurred (#1%s) opening the file: #2%s"
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler (#1%s) ist beim Öffnen der Datei #2%s aufgetreten."
-+msgstr "DEFAULT_PAGESIZES.res"
-+msgid "STANDARD_HOTKEYS.res"
-+msgstr "STANDARD_HOTKEYS.res"
-+msgid "BEVEL_BAR"
-+msgstr "BEVEL_BAR"
-+msgid "BEZTOOL_BAR"
-+msgstr "BEZTOOL_BAR"
-+msgid "BLANK_BAR"
-+msgstr "BLANK_BAR"
-+msgid "BLEND_BAR"
-+msgstr "BLEND_BAR"
-+msgid "CONTOUR_BAR"
-+msgstr "CONTOUR_BAR"
-+msgid "Crash me Float"
-+msgstr "Crash mich Gleitkomma"
-+msgid "Crash me Int"
-+msgstr "Crash mich Ganzzahl"
-+msgid "Crash me Ptr"
-+msgstr "Crash mich Zeiger"
-+msgid "Crash me Render"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "DEFAULT_DOC"
-+msgstr "DEFAULT_DOC"
-+msgid "DEFAULT_BARS"
-+msgstr "DEFAULT_BARS"
-+msgid "DEFAULT_MENU.res"
-+msgstr "DEFAULT_MENU.res"
-+msgstr "DEFAULT_UNITS"
-+msgid "ELLIPSE_BAR"
-+msgstr "ELLIPSE_BAR"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S already exists. Do you want to replace this file?"
-+msgstr "#1%S existiert bereits. Wollen Sie diese Datei ersetzen?"
-+msgid "FREEHAND_BAR"
-+msgstr "FREEHAND_BAR"
-+msgid "GRAD_BAR"
-+msgstr "GRAD_BAR"
-+msgid "GRID_BAR"
-+msgstr "GRID_BAR"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"#1%S already exists. Do you want to insert an image map into this file or "
-+"replace the file?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MOULDTOOL_BAR"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%s already exists. Do you want to replace it?"
-+msgstr "%s existiert bereits. Ersetzen?"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The file %s already exists. REPLACE this file with an HTML file containing "
-+"these graphics or INSERT into this existing HTML file?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "PENTOOL_BAR"
-+msgstr "PENTOOL_BAR"
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "PUSH_BAR"
-+msgstr "PUSH_BAR"
-+msgid "RECT_BAR"
-+msgstr "RECT_BAR"
-+msgid "REGSHAPE_BAR"
-+msgstr "REGSHAPE_BAR"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Do you want to save your changes to '#1%s'?"
-+msgstr "Möchten Sie Ihre Änderungen in „#1%s“ speichern?"
-+msgid "SELECTOR_BAR"
-+msgstr "SELECTOR_BAR"
-+msgid "SHARED_MENU.res"
-+msgstr "SHARED_MENU.res"
-+msgid "SLICE_BAR"
-+msgstr "SLICE_BAR"
-+msgid "TEXT_BAR"
-+msgstr "TEXT_BAR"
-+msgid "TRAN_BAR"
-+msgstr "TRAN_BAR"
-+msgid "ZOOM_BAR"
-+msgstr "ZOOM_BAR"
-+msgid "Export BMP format files"
-+msgstr "BMP-Dateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Accusoft BMP"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export various format files"
-+msgstr "Dateien mit verschiedenem Format exportieren."
-+msgid "Accusoft"
-+msgstr "Accusoft"
-+msgid "Bad current section in GetSection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bad section name in DeclareSection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export Brook Trout format files"
-+msgstr "Brook Trout-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "BrookTrout"
-+msgstr "BrookTrout"
-+msgid "Export CALS format files"
-+msgstr "CALS-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "CALS"
-+msgstr "CALS"
-+msgid "CMX Import cancelled by user!"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Large with scroll bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Medium"
-+msgstr "Mittel"
-+msgid "Medium with scroll bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Small"
-+msgstr "Klein"
-+msgid "Export DCX format files"
-+msgstr "DCX-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "DCX"
-+msgstr "DCX"
-+msgid " Export Bitmap Options"
-+msgstr " 'Bitmap-Export'-Optionen"
-+msgid "Exporting GIF file..."
-+msgstr "GIF-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting PBM file..."
-+msgstr "Raster- und Linealoptionen für"
-+msgid "Exporting PGM file..."
-+msgstr "Ebeneneigenschaften"
-+msgid "Exporting PPM file..."
-+msgstr "PPM-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting bitmap file..."
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting BMP file..."
-+msgstr "BMP-Datei wird exportiert...."
-+msgid "Exporting Brook Trout file..."
-+msgstr "Brook Trout-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting CALS file..."
-+msgstr "CALS-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting DCX file..."
-+msgstr "DCX-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting GX2 file..."
-+msgstr "GX2-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting Halo CUT file..."
-+msgstr "Halo CUT-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting IFF file..."
-+msgstr "IFF-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting GEM IMG file..."
-+msgstr "GEM IMG-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting IOCA file..."
-+msgstr "IOCA-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting JPEG file..."
-+msgstr "JPEG-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting KOFAX file..."
-+msgstr "KOFAX-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting LaserView file..."
-+msgstr "LaserView-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting MacPaint file..."
-+msgstr "MacPaint-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting MS Icons file..."
-+msgstr "MS Icons-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting MS Paint file..."
-+msgstr "MS Paint-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting PCX file..."
-+msgstr "PCX-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting PhotoCD file..."
-+msgstr "PhotoCD-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting PhotoShop file..."
-+msgstr "PhotoShop-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting PICT file..."
-+msgstr "PICT-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting Acorn sprite file..."
-+msgstr "Acorn sprite-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting SUN raster file..."
-+msgstr "SUN Raster-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting TARGA file..."
-+msgstr "TARGA-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting TIFF file..."
-+msgstr "TIFF-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting WPG file..."
-+msgstr "WPG-Datei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting X Windows bitmap..."
-+msgstr "X Windows-Bitmap wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "bmp"
-+msgstr "bmp"
-+msgid "301"
-+msgstr "301"
-+msgid "cal"
-+msgstr "cal"
-+msgid "dcx"
-+msgstr "dcx"
-+msgid "gif"
-+msgstr "gif"
-+msgid "gx2"
-+msgstr "gx2"
-+msgid "cut"
-+msgstr "cut"
-+msgid "iff"
-+msgstr "iff"
-+msgid "img"
-+msgstr "img"
-+msgid "ica"
-+msgstr "ica"
-+msgid "jpg,jpeg"
-+msgstr "jpg,jpeg"
-+msgid "kfx"
-+msgstr "kfx"
-+msgid "lv"
-+msgstr "lv"
-+msgid "mac"
-+msgstr "mac"
-+msgid "ico"
-+msgstr "ico"
-+msgid "msp"
-+msgstr "msp"
-+msgid "pbm"
-+msgstr "pbm"
-+msgid "pcx"
-+msgstr "pcx"
-+msgid "pgm"
-+msgstr "pgm"
-+msgid "pcd"
-+msgstr "pcd"
-+msgid "psd"
-+msgstr "psd"
-+msgid "pct"
-+msgstr "pct"
-+msgid "ppm"
-+msgstr "ppm"
-+msgid "spr,ff9"
-+msgstr "spr,ff9"
-+msgid "ras"
-+msgstr "ras"
-+msgid "tga"
-+msgstr "tga"
-+msgid "tif"
-+msgstr "tif"
-+msgid "wpg"
-+msgstr "wpg"
-+msgid "xbm,xpm"
-+msgstr "xbm,xpm"
-+msgid "Bitmap"
-+msgstr "Bitmap"
-+msgid "Windows bitmap"
-+msgstr "Windows-Bitmap"
-+msgid "Brook Trout"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Multi-Page PCX (DCX)"
-+msgstr "mehrseitiges PCX (DCX)"
-+msgid "GIF"
-+msgstr "GIF"
-+msgid "Story Board (GX2)"
-+msgstr "Story Board (GX2)"
-+msgid "Halo CUT"
-+msgstr "Halo CUT"
-+msgid "Amiga IFF (ILBM)"
-+msgstr "Amiga IFF (ILBM)"
-+msgid "GEM IMG"
-+msgstr "GEM IMG"
-+msgid "IBM IOCA"
-+msgstr "IBM IOCA"
-+msgid "JPEG"
-+msgstr "JPEG"
-+msgid "KOFAX"
-+msgstr "KOFAX"
-+msgid "Laser View"
-+msgstr "Laser View"
-+msgid "MacPaint"
-+msgstr "MacPaint"
-+msgid "Microsoft Icons"
-+msgstr "Microsoft Icons"
-+msgid "Microsoft Paint"
-+msgstr "Microsoft Paint"
-+msgid "Portable bitmap format"
-+msgstr "Portable Bitmap-Format"
-+msgid "PaintBrush PCX"
-+msgstr "PaintBrush PCX"
-+msgid "Portable greymap format"
-+msgstr "Portable Greymap-Format"
-+msgid "Photo CD"
-+msgstr "Photo CD"
-+msgid "PhotoShop"
-+msgstr "PhotoShop"
-+msgid "Macintosh PICT"
-+msgstr "Macintosh PICT"
-+msgid "Portable pixmap format"
-+msgstr "Portable Pixmap-Format"
-+msgid "Acorn Sprite"
-+msgstr "Acorn Sprite"
-+msgid "Sun Raster"
-+msgstr "Sun Raster"
-+msgid "TrueVision TARGA"
-+msgstr "TrueVision TARGA"
-+msgid "TIFF"
-+msgstr "TIFF"
-+msgid "WordPerfect Group"
-+msgstr "WordPerfect Group"
-+msgid "X Windows bitmap/pixmap"
-+msgstr "X Windows Bitmap/Pixmap"
-+msgid "Filter is not present"
-+msgstr "Filter nicht vorhanden."
-+msgid "Export GIF format files"
-+msgstr "GIF-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Export GX2 format files"
-+msgstr "GX2-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "GX2"
-+msgstr "GX2"
-+msgid "Export Halo CUT format files"
-+msgstr "Halo CUT-Dateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Export IFF format files"
-+msgstr "IFF-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "IFF"
-+msgstr "IFF"
-+msgid "Export IMG format files"
-+msgstr "IMG-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "IMG"
-+msgstr "IMG"
-+msgid "Importing bitmap file..."
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing BMP file..."
-+msgstr "BMP-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Brook Trout file..."
-+msgstr "Brook Trout-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing CALS file..."
-+msgstr "CALS-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing DCX file..."
-+msgstr "DCX-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing GIF file..."
-+msgstr "GIF-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing GX2 file..."
-+msgstr "GX2-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Halo CUT file..."
-+msgstr "Halo CUT-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing IFF file..."
-+msgstr "IFF-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing GEM IMG file..."
-+msgstr "GEM IMG-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing JPEG file..."
-+msgstr "JPEG-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing KOFAX file..."
-+msgstr "KOFAX-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing LaserView file..."
-+msgstr "LaserView-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing MacPaint file..."
-+msgstr "MacPaint-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing MS Icons file..."
-+msgstr "MS Icons-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing MS Paint file..."
-+msgstr "MS Paint-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing PBM file..."
-+msgstr "Unzulässiges Lesen von Einstellungen für Raster und Lineale."
-+msgid "Importing PCX file..."
-+msgstr "PCX-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing PGM file..."
-+msgstr "Eigenschaften..."
-+msgid "Importing PhotoCD file..."
-+msgstr "PhotoCD-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing PhotoShop file..."
-+msgstr "PhotoShop-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing PICT file..."
-+msgstr "PICT-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing PPM file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die äquivalente Anzahl der ausgewählten Einheiten ist ungültig. Es muß sich "
-+"um einen positiven Wert handeln, der ungleich Null ist."
-+msgid "Importing Acorn sprite file..."
-+msgstr "Acorn sprite-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing SUN raster file..."
-+msgstr "SUN-Rasterdatei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing TARGA file..."
-+msgstr "TARGA-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing TIFF file..."
-+msgstr "TIFF-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing WPG file..."
-+msgstr "WPG-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing X Windows bitmap/pixmap file..."
-+msgstr "X Windows Bitmap/Pixmap-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Export IOCA format files"
-+msgstr "IOCA-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "IOCA"
-+msgstr "IOCA"
-+msgid "Export JPEG format files"
-+msgstr "JPEG-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Export KOFAX format files"
-+msgstr "KOFAX-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Export LaserView format files"
-+msgstr "LaserView-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "LaserView"
-+msgstr "LaserView"
-+msgid "Export MacPaint format files"
-+msgstr "MacPaint-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Preparing mask for GIF file..."
-+msgstr "Maske für GIF-Datei wird vorbereitet..."
-+msgid "Preparing mask for PNG file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export MS Icons format files"
-+msgstr "MS Icons-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "MS Icons"
-+msgstr "MS Icons"
-+msgid "Export MS Paint format files"
-+msgstr "MS Paint-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "MS Paint"
-+msgstr "MS Paint"
-+msgid "Custom"
-+msgstr "Standard"
-+msgid "Export PBM format files"
-+msgstr "Ebeneneigenschaften...;Ändert die Ebeneneinstellungen"
-+msgid "PBM"
-+msgstr "PBM"
-+msgid "Export PCX format files"
-+msgstr "PCX-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "PCX"
-+msgstr "PCX"
-+msgid "Export PGM format files"
-+msgstr "Das Dialogfeld „Datei importieren“ ist bereits geöffnet."
-+msgid "PGM"
-+msgstr "PGM"
-+msgid "Export PhotoCD format files"
-+msgstr "PhotoCD-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "PhotoCD"
-+msgstr "PhotoCD"
-+msgid "Export PhotoShop format files"
-+msgstr "PhotoShop-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Export PICT format files"
-+msgstr "PICT-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "PICT"
-+msgstr "PICT"
-+msgid "Export PPM format files"
-+msgstr "PPM-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "PPM"
-+msgstr "PPM"
-+msgid "Print options"
-+msgstr "Druckoptionen"
-+msgid "Import / Export Acorn sprite files"
-+msgstr "Import/Export von Acorn sprite-Dateien."
-+msgid "Sprite"
-+msgstr "Sprite"
-+msgid "Export SUN raster format files"
-+msgstr "SUN Raster-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "SUN"
-+msgstr "SUN"
-+msgid "Export TARGA format files"
-+msgstr "TARGA-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "TARGA"
-+msgstr "TARGA"
-+msgid "2D encoding"
-+msgstr "2D-Code"
-+msgid "Export TIFF format files"
-+msgstr "TIFF-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Group 3 Fax"
-+msgstr "Group 3 Fax"
-+msgid "Group 4 Fax"
-+msgstr "Group 4 Fax"
-+msgid "Huffman"
-+msgstr "Huffman"
-+msgid "LZW"
-+msgstr "LZW"
-+msgid "Packbits"
-+msgstr "Packbits"
-+msgid "The user cancelled the dialog box."
-+msgstr "The user cancelled the dialog box."
-+msgid "Export WPG format files"
-+msgstr "WPG-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "WPG"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export X Windows bitmap/pixmap format files"
-+msgstr "X Windows-Bitmap/Pixmap-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "XWindows"
-+msgstr "XWindows"
-+msgid ""
-+"\\nUntitled\\nDocument\\n Xara X Docs (*.xar)\\n.xar\\nXaraX.Document\\"
-+"nXaraX Document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&File"
-+msgstr "&Datei"
-+msgid "&Edit"
-+msgstr "&Bearbeiten"
-+msgid "&View"
-+msgstr "&Ansicht"
-+msgid "&Window"
-+msgstr "&Fenster"
-+msgid "Insert a new bitmap object"
-+msgstr "Fügt ein neues Bitmap-Objekt ein."
-+msgid "Apply effects to a bitmap"
-+msgstr "Wendet Effekte auf eine Bitmap an."
-+msgid "Apply a bitmap as a fill"
-+msgstr "Wendet eine Bitmap als Füllung an."
-+msgid "Plug-ins"
-+msgstr "Plugins"
-+msgid "Properties"
-+msgstr "Eigenschaften"
-+msgid "Save a bitmap"
-+msgstr "Speichert eine Bitmap."
-+msgid "Apply a bitmap as a transparency"
-+msgstr "Wendet eine Bitmap als Transparenz an."
-+msgid "Trace a bitmap"
-+msgstr "Vektorisiert eine Bitmap."
-+msgid "Display the colour gallery"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Farb-Galerie an"
-+msgid "Uninstalls the selected fonts from your system"
-+msgstr "Entfernt die ausgewählten Schriftarten aus Ihrem System."
-+msgid "Installs the selected fonts onto your system"
-+msgstr "Installiert die ausgewählten Schriftarten in Ihrem System."
-+msgid "Apply this item to the document selection"
-+msgstr "Wendet dieses Element auf die Dokumentauswahl an."
-+msgid "Delete all selected items"
-+msgstr "Löscht alle ausgewählten Elemente."
-+msgid "Set gallery options (Sort, Search, Properties, etc)"
-+msgstr "Legt Galerie-Optionen fest (Sortieren, Suchen, Eigenschaften, etc.)."
-+msgid "Create a new item (will duplicate a selected item)"
-+msgstr "Erstellt ein neues Element (dupliziert ein ausgewähltes Element)."
-+msgid "Redefine this item from the document selection"
-+msgstr "Definiert dieses Element aus der Dokumentauswahl neu."
-+msgid "Undo the last action"
-+msgstr "Macht den letzten Vorgang rückgängig."
-+msgid "Move the selected objects to the current layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add new clipart from your local hard disc"
-+msgstr "Fügt eine neue Clipart von Ihrer Festplatte oder Ihrer CD-ROM hinzu."
-+msgid "Add new fills from your hard drive or CD ROM"
-+msgstr "Fügt neue Füllungen von Ihrer Festplatte oder Ihrer CD-ROM hinzu."
-+msgid "Add new fonts from your hard drive or CD ROM"
-+msgstr "Fügt neue Schriftarten von Ihrer Festplatte oder Ihrer CD-ROM hinzu."
-+msgid "Copy this item onto the clipboard"
-+msgstr "Kopiert dieses Element in die Zwischenablage."
-+msgid "Generate new library indices for this gallery"
-+msgstr "Generiert neue Bibliotheksindizes für diese Galerie."
-+msgid "Import this item into the selected document"
-+msgstr "Importiert dieses Element in das ausgewählte Dokument."
-+msgid "Open this item as a new document"
-+msgstr "Öffnet dieses Element als neues Dokument."
-+msgid "Remove selected sections from your library gallery"
-+msgstr "Entfernt ausgewählte Abschnitte aus Ihrer Bibliotheks-Galerie."
-+msgid "Start batching from the selected entry"
-+msgstr "Stapelt aus dem ausgewählten Eintrag."
-+msgid "Click to download clipart and their thumbnails from Xara's web site"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Stop thumbnail downloading (click on Get Clipart... to start downloading "
-+"them again)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to download fills and their thumbnails from Xara's web site"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Stop thumbnail downloading (click on Get Fills... to start downloading them "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to download fonts and their thumbnails from Xara's web site"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Stop thumbnail downloading (click on Get Fonts... to start downloading them "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"#1%S objects using #3%S \"#2%S\" are selected; Click to (de)select objects "
-+"using this #4%S"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"#1%S objects using #3%S \"#2%S\" are selected; Click to highlight this #4%S; "
-+"Double-click to name selected objects; Or drag and drop"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"#1%S objects using #3%S \"#2%S\" are selected; Click to highlight this #4%S"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging \"#1%S\" #2%S"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging \"#1%S\" #2%S : drop to give this #3%S the #4%S \"#5%S\""
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging #1%Ss : drop to give this #2%S the highlighted #3%Ss"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Paste specific format from the clipboard"
-+msgstr "Hilfe..."
-+msgid "1 sec"
-+msgstr "1 sec"
-+msgid ""
-+"Zoom so one pixel in the preview dialog is equal to one pixel in the image"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s by #2%s pixels"
-+msgstr "#1%s mal #2%s Pixel"
-+msgid "Many"
-+msgstr "Viele"
-+msgid "More Fills"
-+msgstr "Mehr Füllungen"
-+msgid "No brush"
-+msgstr "Kein Pinsel"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "A #1%s"
-+msgstr "Ein #1%s"
-+msgid "Abort"
-+msgstr "Abbruch"
-+msgid "Now selection will not move after drag"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&About Xara Xtreme;Information about Xara Xtreme ;AboutOp"
-+msgstr "&Über Xara Xtreme;Informationen über Xara Xtreme ;AboutOp"
-+msgid "&About Xara XS;Information about Xara XS ;AboutOp"
-+msgstr "Ü&ber Xara XS;Informationen über Xara XS ;AboutOp"
-+msgid "&amp;About Xara Xtreme...;Information about Xara Xtreme ;AboutOp"
-+msgstr "&amp;Über Xara Xtreme...;Informationen über Xara Xtreme ;AboutOp"
-+msgid ""
-+"Blend Along A Curve;Makes the selected blends follow the curve formed by the "
-+"selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add curve"
-+msgstr "Kurve hinzufügen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Select at least one blend object AND at least one other type of object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "blend Along A Curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add"
-+msgstr "Hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Change"
-+msgstr "Ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to add line segment; Shift-click to deselect point handles; Press C to "
-+"change to curve mode"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add line segment;Click to create a new line segment"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Linienabschnitt hinzufügen;Klicken zum Hinzufügen eines neuen "
-+msgid "Add element;Drag to re-shape the new line segment"
-+msgstr "Element hinzufügen;Ziehen zum erneuten Formen des Linienabschnitts."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to add curve segment; Shift-click to deselect point handles; Press L "
-+"to change to line mode"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s Options"
-+msgstr "#1%s Optionen"
-+msgid "&All Selected"
-+msgstr "&Alle auswählen"
-+msgid "The selected objects are already at the back of their layers"
-+msgstr "Die ausgewählten Objekte befinden sich bereits hinten auf der Ebene."
-+msgid "The selected objects are already at the back of their frames"
-+msgstr "Die ausgewählten Objekte befinden sich bereits am Ende ihres Frames"
-+msgid "The selected object is already at the back of its layer"
-+msgstr "Das ausgewählte Objekt befindet sich bereits hinten auf der Ebene."
-+msgid "The selected object is already at the back of its frame"
-+msgstr "Das ausgewählte Objekt befindet sich bereits am Ende seines Frames."
-+msgid "The selected objects are already at the front of their layers"
-+msgstr "Die ausgewählten Objekte befinden sich bereits am Anfang ihrer Ebene"
-+msgid "The selected objects are already at the front or their frames"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die ausgewählten Objekte befinden sich bereits am Anfange ihres Frames"
-+msgid "The selected object is already at the front of its layer"
-+msgstr "Das ausgewählte Objekt befindet sich bereits vorne auf der Ebene."
-+msgid "The selected object is already at the front of its frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das ausgewählte Objekt befindet sich bereits am Anfang seines Frames."
-+msgid "The selected objects are already on the first frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The selected object is already on the first frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The selected objects are already on the lowest visible and editable layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die ausgewählten Objekte befinden sich bereits auf der niedrigsten "
-+"bearbeitbaren Ebene."
-+msgid ""
-+"The selected object is already on the lowest visible and editable layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das ausgewählte Objekt befindet sich bereits auf der niedrigsten "
-+"bearbeitbaren Ebene."
-+msgid "The selected objects are already on the last frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The selected object is already on the last frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The selected objects are already on the highest visible and editable layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die ausgewählten Objekte befinden sich bereits auf der höchsten "
-+"bearbeitbaren Ebene."
-+msgid ""
-+"The selected object is already on the highest visible and editable layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das ausgewählte Objekt befindet sich bereits auf der höchsten bearbeitbaren "
-+msgid "&Always Continue"
-+msgstr "&Immer fortsetzen"
-+msgid "Always on &Top"
-+msgstr "&Immer im Vordergrund"
-+msgid "Keeps this view on top of all others"
-+msgstr "Zeigt diese Ansicht vor anderen Ansichten."
-+msgid "&Always on Top"
-+msgstr "&Immer im Vordergrund"
-+msgid "and"
-+msgstr "und"
-+msgid ""
-+"AngleShadow;Operation for changing the shadow angle;Change the shadow angle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "An Animated GIF"
-+msgstr "Ein animiertes GIF"
-+msgid "Animation export options"
-+msgstr "Exportoptionen zur Animation"
-+msgid "&Animation;Animation options;Animation"
-+msgstr "&Animation;Animationsoptionen;Animation"
-+msgid "Animation properties"
-+msgstr "Animationseinstellungen"
-+msgid "The Animation properties dialog is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Anonymous toolbar or gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Anti-alias;Control whether anti-aliasing is used in display"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Kantenglättung;Kontroliert, ob Kantenglättung am Bildschirm benutzt wird"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Using an #1%d bit, #2%d colour #3%s palette<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Custom: #1%S"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Apply attribute;Applies the current attributes to all selected "
-+"objects;Apply attribute"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Attribut anwenden;Wendet das aktuelle Attribut auf alle ausgewählten Objekte "
-+"an;Attribut anwenden"
-+msgid "Apply a brush"
-+msgstr "Einen Pinsel anwenden"
-+msgid "Apply brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel anwenden"
-+msgid ""
-+"Ce&ntre justify;Make all lines in the text centre justified;Centre justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Fully justify;Make all lines in the text fully justified;Fully justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "L&eft justify;Make all lines in the text left justified;Left justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Right justify;Make all lines in the text right justified;Right justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ApplyShadow;Apply shadows to objects;Shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Apply attribute to Node;Applies an attribute to a specific object;Apply "
-+"attribute to Node"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Apply ClipVie&w;Groups the selected objects so that they are clipped to the "
-+"back object;Apply ClipView"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Apply Live &Effect;Apply live bitmap effect to selection;Apply Live Effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The options dialog is already open"
-+msgstr "Das Dialogfenster \"Optionen\" ist bereits geöffnet"
-+msgid "E&xit;Close the Xara Xtreme window"
-+msgstr "&Beenden;Schließen des Xara-Xtreme-Fensters"
-+msgid "E&xit;Close the Xara XS window"
-+msgstr "&Beenden;Schließen des Xara-XS-Fensters"
-+msgid "U&pdate;Check for updates"
-+msgstr "U&pdate;Nach Updates suchen"
-+msgid "No objects are selected"
-+msgstr "Keine Objekte sind ausgewählt."
-+msgid "The dialogue is already open"
-+msgstr "Das Dialogfeld ist bereits geöffnet."
-+msgid "&Alignment...;Align or distribute objects relative to each other"
-+msgstr "&Anordnen...;Objekte relativ zu einander anordnen oder verteilen"
-+msgid "Arrange"
-+msgstr "Anordnen"
-+msgid "B&reak shapes;Break selected compound shapes into many shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Put to back;Push selected objects to back of layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move to layer be&hind;Push selected objects to layer behind"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move backwar&d;Push selected objects behind an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Group;Group the selected objects"
-+msgstr "&Gruppieren;Ausgewählte Objekte gruppieren"
-+msgid "&Join Shapes;Join selected shapes into one compound shape"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Convert to shapes;Convert the selected objects into shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "A&rrange;Commands to arrange and relate objects"
-+msgstr "&Anordnen;Befehle, um Objekte anzuordnen und in Beziehung zu setzen"
-+msgid "Pul&l onto grid;Slide selected objects onto nearest grid point"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Ungroup;Ungroup the selected groups"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move to layer in fron&t;Pull selected objects to layer in front"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move &forward;Pull selected objects in front of an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Bring to front;Pull selected objects to front of layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The PNG file has been corrupted by an ASCII conversion"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This operation may take a long time to complete. Do you wish to continue?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The selected fill has been profiled. Applying a multi-stage fill will remove "
-+"the profile. Do you wish to continue?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "aspect ratio"
-+msgstr "Größenverhältnis"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"'#1%s' is a multiple master font. Please use the ATM control panel to "
-+"uninstall this font."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Font absent"
-+msgstr "Schriftart nicht vorhanden"
-+msgid "Font differs from the one already installed"
-+msgstr "Schriftart unterscheidet sich von der installierten Schriftart"
-+msgid "Font in use"
-+msgstr "Schriftart wird verwendet"
-+msgid "Font already present"
-+msgstr "Schriftart existiert bereits"
-+msgid "ATM is not running"
-+msgstr "ATM wird nicht ausgeführt"
-+msgid "ATM feature not supported. Are you running NT4 and ATM4?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The Adobe Type Manager is not running"
-+msgstr "Der Adobe Type Manager wird nicht ausgeführt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"There were problems uninstalling '#1%s'. Please use the ATM control panel."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Probleme beim Entfernen von '#1%s'. Verwenden Sie die ATM-Systemsteuerung."
-+msgid ""
-+"This feature is not supported on NT 4 at present. Please use the ATM control "
-+"panel to install and uninstall fonts."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Brush attribute"
-+msgstr "Pinselattribute"
-+msgid "attribute"
-+msgstr "Attribut"
-+msgid "Attribute"
-+msgstr "Attribut"
-+msgid "&Attribute;Commands to work with attributes of the selection"
-+msgstr "&Attribute;Befehlt, mit den Attributen der Auswahl zu arbeiten"
-+msgid ""
-+"This attribute cannot be applied to any of the selected objects. Do you wish "
-+"to make the"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This attribute cannot be applied to the object you dropped on. Do you wish "
-+"to make the"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform"
-+msgid "change attribute profile"
-+msgstr "Attribut-Profil ändern"
-+msgid "Stroke type"
-+msgstr "Exportiert Zwischenablage."
-+msgid ""
-+"Some attributes can not be pasted into the selection. Do you want to make "
-+"these attributes Current Attributes?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Variable width"
-+msgstr "Variable Breite"
-+msgid "Remove Property"
-+msgstr "Eigenschaft entfernen"
-+msgid "&Fill...;Set fill attributes for the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fon&t...;Set font attributes for the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Line...;Set line attributes for the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Style...;Modify styles and apply them to the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Complete shapes;Close the line to make a shape;Complete shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use automatic kerning"
-+msgstr "automatisches Kerning benutzen"
-+msgid "&Automatic kerning;Automatic kerning;Automatic kerning"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Automatic"
-+msgstr "Automatisch"
-+msgid "attribute a Current"
-+msgstr "Aktuelles Attribut"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "BackBar#1%d"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "BackBar created successfully"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Restore background"
-+msgstr "Hintergrund wieder herstellen"
-+msgid "Page background"
-+msgstr "Keine Elemente ausgewählt."
-+msgid "BackBar"
-+msgstr "BackBar"
-+msgid "bak"
-+msgstr "bak"
-+msgid "Apply a banner shaped envelope around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten fahnenförmige Hülle zu."
-+msgid ""
-+"<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\">\\r\\n<CENTER>Best Possible Download "
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\">\\r\\n<CENTER>Bestmögliche "
-+msgid "Bar creation...;Create a button bar;Bar creation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Create NavBar;Create NavBar;Create NavBar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Duplicate bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Bar#1%d"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Only one bar's control dialog can be open at any one time."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Nur ein Dialogfeld für Leistensteuerung kann gleichzeitig geöffnet werden."
-+msgid "&Bars;Configure Bars"
-+msgstr "&Leisten;Leisten konfigurieren"
-+msgid "That bar is already open"
-+msgstr "Diese Symbolleiste ist bereits geöffnet"
-+msgid "New bar : "
-+msgstr "Neue Leiste : "
-+msgid ""
-+"This bar does not exist. Either click on an existing bar first, or create a "
-+"new bar to operate on."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bar properties : "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create or delete states of "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "baseline shift"
-+msgstr "Versatz Grundlinie"
-+msgid "Automatic kerning"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to alter the transparency of the selected shadow(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Changes the appearance of a bevel"
-+msgstr "Ändert das Erscheinungsbild einer Kantenabschrägung"
-+msgid "Use the slider to change the bevel settings"
-+msgstr "Benutzen Sie den Schieberegler zur Änderung der Kanteneigenschaften"
-+msgid "Contrast"
-+msgstr "Kontrast"
-+msgid "Drag to Set Light Angle"
-+msgstr "Ziehen (Drag) um den Lichtwinkel zu setzen"
-+msgid "Drag create bevel;Drag create bevel;Drag create bevel"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ziehen (Drag) erzeugt eine Kante;Ziehen (Drag) erzeugt eine Kante;Ziehen "
-+"(Drag) erzeugt eine Kante"
-+msgid "Drag create bevel"
-+msgstr "Ziehen (Drag) erzeugt eine Kante"
-+msgid "Drag to set bevel size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Flat"
-+msgstr "Flach"
-+msgid "Flat Top Frame"
-+msgstr "flacher Rahmen"
-+msgid "Round Frame 2"
-+msgstr "runder Rahmen 2"
-+msgid "Make all selected bevels inner"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set line join type to bevelled"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set line join type to mitred"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set line join type to rounded"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Light Angle"
-+msgstr "Lichtwinkel"
-+msgid "Bevelling tool;Bevelling tool;Bevelling tool"
-+msgstr "Kantenwerkzeug;Kantenwerkzeug;Kantenwerkzeug"
-+msgid "Chiselled"
-+msgstr "Gemeiselt"
-+msgid "Chiselled 2"
-+msgstr "Chiselled 2"
-+msgid "Make all selected bevels outer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Allows editing of the softness width of the selected shadow(s)"
-+msgstr "Bearbeiten der Breite der Weichheit der gewählen Schatten erlauben"
-+msgid "Point Frame 1"
-+msgstr "Punkt-Rahmen 1"
-+msgid "Point Frame 2"
-+msgstr "Punkt-Rahmen 2"
-+msgid "Point Frame 3"
-+msgstr "Punkt-Rahmen 3"
-+msgid "Choose an inner or an outer bevel"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie zwischen innerer oder äußerer Kante"
-+msgid "Round Frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ruffle Frame 1"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ruffle Frame 2"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ruffle Frame 3"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ruffle Frame 4"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select the bevel parameter which the slider changes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use the slider to change the contrast of the selected bevels"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Benutzen Sie den Schieberegler, um den Kontrast der ausgewählten Kante zu "
-+msgid "Use the controls to change the size of the selected bevels"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Mit Hilfe der Kantenwerkzeuge können Sie den Kontrast ausgewählten Kante "
-+msgid "Use the controls to change the light angle of the selected bevels"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Use the slider to change the elevation of the light angle of the selected "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rounded"
-+msgstr "Abgerundet"
-+msgid "Rounded 2"
-+msgstr "Abgerundet 2"
-+msgid "Click select; Drag handles to create a bevel or change a bevel's size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "<Many>"
-+msgstr "<Viele>"
-+msgid "Click to make the selected shadow(s) not halo shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to make the selected shadow(s) halo shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bevel tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Kantenwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Select the appearance of the bevel from the list"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bevel Contrast"
-+msgstr "Kantenkontrast"
-+msgid "Bevel Indent"
-+msgstr "Einrückung"
-+msgid "Bevel Light Angle"
-+msgstr "Kanten-Lichteinfallswinkel"
-+msgid "Bevel"
-+msgstr "Schräge"
-+msgid "&Bevel Tool;Activate the Bevel Tool;Bevel"
-+msgstr "&Kantenwerkzeug;Aktiviert das Kantenwerkzeug;Kante"
-+msgid "Bevel Type"
-+msgstr "Kantenart"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Shape Editor Tool;Choose the Shape Editor Tool to create lines and "
-+"shapes;Line and Shape editing"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Formbearbeiten-Werkzeug;Wählen Sie das Formbearbeiten-Werkzeug, um Linien "
-+"und Formen zu erstellen"
-+msgid "Change:"
-+msgstr "Ändern:"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to alter position of end arrows from arrow base at end of line to "
-+"arrow tip at end of line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shape Editor tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Form-Editor Infoleiste"
-+msgid "New:"
-+msgstr "Neu:"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to alter position of start arrows from arrow base at start of line to "
-+"arrow tip at start of line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Use Add mode to extend lines; Use Change mode to alter their appearance"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ")"
-+msgstr ")"
-+msgid " (*"
-+msgstr " (*"
-+msgid " ("
-+msgstr " ("
-+msgid "Bitmap Effects"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Effekte"
-+msgid ""
-+"Special &Effects...;Display bitmap special effects dialog;Display bitmap "
-+"special effects dialog"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Isolate Points"
-+msgstr "Punkte isolieren"
-+msgid "Sharpen (Low)"
-+msgstr "Schärfe (Minimum)"
-+msgid "Sharpen (Medium)"
-+msgstr "Schärfe (Mittel)"
-+msgid "Sharpen (High)"
-+msgstr "Schärfe (Maximum)"
-+msgid "Blur (Low)"
-+msgstr "Unschärfe (Minimum)"
-+msgid "Blur (Medium)"
-+msgstr "Unschärfe (Mittel)"
-+msgid "Blur (High)"
-+msgstr "Unschärfe (Maximum)"
-+msgid "Remove Dither, make mono"
-+msgstr "Rasterung entfernen, in Mono umwandeln."
-+msgid "Remove Dither, make greyscale"
-+msgstr "Rasterung entfernen, in Graustufen umwandeln."
-+msgid "Remove Dither, make 256 colour"
-+msgstr "Rasterung entfernen, in 256 Farben umwandeln."
-+msgid "Remove Dither, make true colour"
-+msgstr "Rasterung entfernen, in echte Farben umwandeln."
-+msgid "Edge detection"
-+msgstr "Ãœberzeichnen"
-+msgid "Horizontal edge detection"
-+msgstr "Horizontale Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "Vertical edge detection"
-+msgstr "Vertikale Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "45 degree edge detection"
-+msgstr "45 Grad-Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "-45 degree edge detection"
-+msgstr "-45 Grad-Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "Laplacian"
-+msgstr "Laplace"
-+msgid "Dilation"
-+msgstr "Dialation"
-+msgid "Roberts cross"
-+msgstr "Robert-Kreuz"
-+msgid "You may only open one instance of the bitmap effects dialog"
-+msgstr "Sie können eventuell nur ein Dialogfeld für Bitmap-Effekte öffnen."
-+msgid "Processing bitmap"
-+msgstr "Bitmap wird bearbeitet..."
-+msgid "Test"
-+msgstr "Test"
-+msgid ""
-+"Insert processed bitmap;Insert processed bitmap;Insert processed bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Brightness and Contrast"
-+msgstr "Helligkeit und Kontrast"
-+msgid "Colour Depth"
-+msgstr "Farbtiefe"
-+msgid "Flip and Rotate"
-+msgstr "Spiegeln und drehen"
-+msgid "converted to 16 colours using bayer dithering"
-+msgstr "Mit Bayer-Rasterung in 16 Farben umgewandelt."
-+msgid "converted to monochrome using bayer dithering"
-+msgstr "Mit Bayer-Rasterung in Monochrom umgewandelt."
-+msgid "blurred"
-+msgstr "Unscharf"
-+msgid "Unable to process 32-Bit Bitmaps,\\nCreating a new 24-Bit Version."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "with altered brightness, contrast or colour"
-+msgstr "Mit veränderter Helligkeit, Kontrast oder Farbe"
-+msgid "converted to 16 colours using diffusion dithering"
-+msgstr "Mit Diffusionsrasterung in 16 Farben umgewandelt."
-+msgid "converted to monochrome using diffusion dithering"
-+msgstr "Mit Diffusionsrasterung in Monochrom umgewandelt."
-+msgid "with custom special effect applied"
-+msgstr "Mit angepasstem Spezialeffekt"
-+msgid "with isolate points applied"
-+msgstr "Mit isolierten Punkten"
-+msgid "with edge detection applied"
-+msgstr "Mit Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "with horizontal edge detection applied"
-+msgstr "Mit horizontaler Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "with vertical edge detection applied"
-+msgstr "Mit vertikaler Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "with 45 degree edge detection applied"
-+msgstr "Mit 45-Grad-Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "with -45 degree edge detection applied"
-+msgstr "Mit -45-Grad-Ãœberzeichnung"
-+msgid "with laplacian effect applied"
-+msgstr "Mit Laplacian-Effekt"
-+msgid "with dilation effect applied"
-+msgstr "Mit Dialation-Effekt"
-+msgid "with roberts cross effect applied"
-+msgstr "Mit Robert-Kreuz-Effekt"
-+msgid "flipped horizontally"
-+msgstr "Horizontal gespiegelt"
-+msgid "flipped vertically"
-+msgstr "Vertikal gespiegelt"
-+msgid "converted to greyscale"
-+msgstr "In Graustufen umgewandelt"
-+msgid "converted to monochrome using halftone dithering"
-+msgstr "Mit Halbtonrasterung in Monochrom umgewandelt."
-+msgid "converted to 256 colours using the octree method"
-+msgstr "Mit der Median-Methode in 256 Farben umgewandelt."
-+msgid "converted to 256 colours using the popularity method"
-+msgstr "Mit der Popularitätsmethode in 256 Farben umgewandelt."
-+msgid "processed, "
-+msgstr "Bearbeitet "
-+msgid "with dither removed"
-+msgstr "Mit entferntem Raster"
-+msgid "resized"
-+msgstr "Größe neu eingestellt"
-+msgid "rotated 180 degrees"
-+msgstr "Um 180 Grad gedreht"
-+msgid "rotated 270 degrees"
-+msgstr "Um 170 Grad gedreht"
-+msgid "rotated 90 degrees"
-+msgstr "Um 90 Grad gedreht"
-+msgid "sharpened"
-+msgstr "Scharf"
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to process 32-Bit Bitmaps,\\nContinuing with the 24-Bit Version."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Kerning (ems/1000)"
-+msgstr "Kerning (ems/1000)"
-+msgid "Select one of the options to edit the objects profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Choose the rate of fading across colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Standard bitmap,"
-+msgstr "Standardbitmap,"
-+msgid "bitmap dpi"
-+msgstr "Bitmap DPI"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "bitmap fill"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Füllung"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "<img src=\"#1%S\" width=#2%ld height=#3%ld>"
-+msgstr "<img src=\"#1%S\" width=#2%ld height=#3%ld>"
-+msgid "tessellation"
-+msgstr "Schachbrett"
-+msgid "bitmap transparency"
-+msgstr "Bild-Transparenz"
-+msgid "Alpha channel"
-+msgstr "Alphakanal"
-+msgid "Masked colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "bitmaps"
-+msgstr "Bitmaps"
-+msgid "bitmap"
-+msgstr "Bitmap"
-+msgid "Bitmap Feather"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Fransung"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s - #2%s"
-+msgstr "#1%s - #2%s"
-+msgid "Bitmap Shadow"
-+msgstr "Bitmapschatten"
-+msgid "Centre justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fully justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Left justify"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Right justify"
-+msgstr "rechtsbündig"
-+msgid "Black"
-+msgstr "Schwarz"
-+msgid "&Blank Tool;Activate the blank tool;Blank"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Draw the blended steps using anti-aliasing when anti-aliasing is on"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Zeichnet die überblendeten Schritte bei aktiviertem Anti-Alias mit Anti-"
-+msgid "Change anti-alias blend steps"
-+msgstr "Ändert Anti-Alias-Überblendungsschritte."
-+msgid "Select one of the options to edit the blend attributes profile "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Enter a value for the distance between the steps of the blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter a valid distance"
-+msgstr "Geben Sie eine gültigen Abstand ein"
-+msgid "That distance value is too big, there will be no steps in your blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"That distance value is too small, there will be too many steps in your blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blenders"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblender"
-+msgid "Blender"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblender"
-+msgid "Blending...Please wait"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblenden... Bitte warten"
-+msgid ""
-+"If a blend has a shadow on it, then you must remove the shadow before you "
-+"can remove the blend."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select one of the options to edit the blend objects position profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit the position of the end object of the blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to the object you wish to blend to"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Objekt, das überblendet werden soll."
-+msgid "Click and drag to blend between objects; click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the object to a new position on the curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to a point in another selected line/shape to map the two points together"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ziehen zu einem Punkt in einer ausgewählten Linie/Form, um beide Punkte zu "
-+msgid "Release button to blend the two objects together"
-+msgstr "Maustaste loslassen, um zwei Objekte gemeinsam zu überblenden."
-+msgid "Release button to map the two points together"
-+msgstr "Maustaste loslassen, um zwei Punkte gemeinsam zu überblenden."
-+msgid "Drag to a point in the other object to map the two points together"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ziehen zu einem Punkt in einem Objekt, um die beiden Punkte zu verbinden."
-+msgid "Enter the number of blend steps for the selected blend objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Geben Sie die Anzahl der Überblendungsschritte für das ausgewählte "
-+"Ãœberblendungsobjekt ein."
-+msgid "Edit the number of steps in the blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Enter a value for the number of steps in the blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter a value between 0 and 999"
-+msgstr "Geben Sie einen Wert zwischen 0 und 999 ein."
-+msgid " Steps"
-+msgstr " Schritte"
-+msgid "Change number of blend steps"
-+msgstr "Ändert die Anzahl der überblendeten Schritte."
-+msgid "Object is inside a blend"
-+msgstr "Objekt befindet sich innerhalb einer Ãœberblendung."
-+msgid "Blends"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendungen"
-+msgid "Blend"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendung"
-+msgid "&Blend Tool;Choose the Blend Tool to blend between objects;Blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ü&berblendwerkzeug;Wählen Sie das Überblendwerkzeug, um zwischen Objekten zu "
-+msgid "Blend tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblenden Infoleiste"
-+msgid "The Blobby Bar is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blobby Tab Dialog"
-+msgstr "Blobby-Registerdialogfeld"
-+msgid "XYZxyz"
-+msgstr "XYZxyz"
-+msgid "&Blobby Op;Do a blobby operation;BlobbyOp"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. IDS_BMP
-+msgid "BMP"
-+msgstr "BMP"
-+msgid ""
-+"Are you sure you want to delete the selected bitmap(s). The bitmap(s) will "
-+"be removed from ALL documents. This operation can not be undone."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This is not a grey level bitmap. Would you like to create a grey level "
-+"version, and apply that instead ?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Don't delete"
-+msgstr "Nicht löschen"
-+msgid "&Bitmap export options; Change the export depth and bits per pixel"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The bitmap width or height you entered was too large. Either use smaller "
-+"values or enlarge the size of the objects being exported on the page"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The bitmap width or height you entered was too small. Either use larger "
-+"values or reduce the size of the objects being exported on the page"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The delay between each frame is invalid. It must be between 0 and 65535 "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The bitmap resolution (dpi) you entered was invalid. It must be between 5 "
-+"and 1500"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The number of animation loops is invalid. It must be between 0 and 65535. "
-+"(Enter 0 to loop forever)."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The number of colours you have chosen for the palette is out of range. "
-+"Please enter a value between #1%d and #2%d."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This BMP image may not appear in your browser as it's not a standard web "
-+"graphic format. Try GIF or JPEG as an alternative format."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "bold"
-+msgstr "Fett"
-+msgid "Drag to move bottom of grid"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Verschieben des Rasters unten."
-+msgid "Drag to resize grid to bottom and left"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern der Größe des Rasters unten und links."
-+msgid "Drag to resize grid to bottom and right"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern der Größe des Rasters unten und rechts."
-+msgid ""
-+"&Break at Points;Break selected points to create separate line segments"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Break Shapes;Break compound shapes into two or more simple shapes;Break "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Break shapes needs at least one compound shape selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Für das Auflösen von Formen wird mindestens eine ausgewählte "
-+"Formenkombination benötigt."
-+msgid ""
-+"&Bring to Front;Puts the selected objects on top of all other objects;Bring "
-+"to front"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Add"
-+msgstr "&Hinzu"
-+msgid "browser"
-+msgstr "Browser"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Can't find the folder '#2%s' for the #1%s gallery. Would you like to add a "
-+"different folder to the gallery?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter a rotation angle between 0 and 360 degrees"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to create bitmaps for brush stroking, you may have your zoom setting "
-+"too high, or you are using a brush that is too big."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "To create a brush you must have an object selected."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"We are sorry, it is not possible to create a brush using a bevelled, "
-+"shadowed or contoured shape. Please try again with another shape."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There is a maximum of 50 objects to make a brush, some objects may have been "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Normal line"
-+msgstr "Normale Linie"
-+msgid "delete brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel löschen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Edit the properties of the selected brush; Change the properties of the "
-+"selected object's brush"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Multiple objects should be grouped if you wish to preserve their relative "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "New brush strokes"
-+msgstr "Neuer Pinsel"
-+msgid "Adding values must be in the range -10% to +10%."
-+msgstr "Werte müssen im Bereich von -10% bis +10% liegen."
-+msgid "Default stroke"
-+msgstr "Standard-Pinsel"
-+msgid "Sorry that name is already in use, please enter a unique name."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, that name is too long. Please enter a name up to 20 characters long."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush offset increment"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Offset values must be between 0% - 300%"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush offset type"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush offset amount"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please wait a second whilst the system prepares for a brush stroke"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush rotate amount"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush angle addition."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush angle pressure sensitivity."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush rotate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Default brush size is set by line width."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Scaling adder values must be in the range -50% to +50%."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush scaling increment"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush scaling random effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush scaling pressure effect."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush scaling random sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush scaling"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Enter the distance between each brush object."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush spacing increment"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Spacing values must be between 5% - 500%"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush spacing random effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush spacing random sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter a smaller value."
-+msgstr "Geben Sie einen kleineren Wert ein."
-+msgid "Please enter a larger value."
-+msgstr "Geben Sie einen größeren Wert ein."
-+msgid "brush spacing."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Draw to start a brush stroke."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush tiling"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "brush transparency."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter a transparency between -100 and +100 percent"
-+msgstr "Geben Sie die Transparenz zwischen -100 und +100 Prozent ein"
-+msgid "brush transparency pressure effect."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Unfortunately it is not possible to make shapes on a brushed object at this "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "all brush parameters"
-+msgstr "Alle Pinselparameter"
-+msgid "Unnamed brush"
-+msgstr "Unbenannter Pinsel"
-+msgid "random hue."
-+msgstr "zufälliger Farbton."
-+msgid "randomise saturation and hue."
-+msgstr "zufällige Sättigung und Farbton."
-+msgid ""
-+"Use this brush to draw with; Apply the selected object's brush to the next "
-+"line drawn with the freehand tool"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"No input is possible at this time, please wait a few seconds and try again"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "random saturation."
-+msgstr "zufällige Sättigung."
-+msgid "randomise saturation."
-+msgstr "zufällige Sättigung."
-+msgid "save brush definition."
-+msgstr "Pinseldefinition speichern."
-+msgid "Save as new"
-+msgstr "Als neu speichern"
-+msgid ""
-+"That value is too big for this brush to scale to - setting to maximum value "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"That value is too small for this brush to scale to - setting to minimum "
-+"value instead"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"That object is too big to use as a brush! Please use a smaller object and "
-+"try again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "use local fill colour"
-+msgstr "lokale Füllfarbe verwenden"
-+msgid "use local transparency"
-+msgstr "lokale Transparenz verwenden"
-+msgid "Aspect ratio"
-+msgstr "Seitenverhältnis"
-+msgid "Bold"
-+msgstr "Fett"
-+msgid "Italic"
-+msgstr "Kursiv"
-+msgid "Font"
-+msgstr "Schriftart"
-+msgid "Underline"
-+msgstr "Unterstrichen"
-+msgid "Line spacing"
-+msgstr "Zeilenabstand"
-+msgid "Subscript"
-+msgstr "Tiefgestellt"
-+msgid "Superscript"
-+msgstr "Hochgestellt"
-+msgid "Tracking (ems/1000)"
-+msgstr "Tracking (ems/1000)"
-+msgid "Click to apply floor shadows to the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to apply glows to the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to remove shadows from the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to apply wall shadows to the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing preview bitmap..."
-+msgstr "Vorschau-Bitmaps werden vorbereitet..."
-+msgid "16-bit Debug"
-+msgstr "16-Bit-Debug"
-+msgid "16-bit Retail"
-+msgstr "16-Bit-Release"
-+msgid "32-bit Debug"
-+msgstr "32-Bit-Debug"
-+msgid "Processing... Please wait"
-+msgstr "Wird bearbeitet... Bitte warten"
-+msgid "Feathering"
-+msgstr "Ausblenden"
-+msgid "Galleries"
-+msgstr "Galerien"
-+msgid "General"
-+msgstr "Allgemein"
-+msgid "MoreTools"
-+msgstr "MoreTools"
-+msgid "&Animation bar;Toggle animation bar"
-+msgstr "&Animationsleiste;Animationsleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "&Arrange bar;Toggle arrange bar"
-+msgstr "&Anordnungsleiste;Anordnungsleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "&Edit bar;Toggle edit bar"
-+msgstr "&Editierleiste;Editierleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "&Feather bar;Toggle feather bar"
-+msgstr "&Ausfransleise;Umschalten der Ausfransleiste"
-+msgid "&File bar;Toggle file bar"
-+msgstr "&Dateileiste;Umschalten der Dateileiste"
-+msgid "&Galleries bar;Toggle galleries bar"
-+msgstr "&Galerieleiste;Umschalten der Galerieleiste"
-+msgid "&General bar;Toggle general bar"
-+msgstr "&Hauptleiste;Umschalten der Hauptleiste"
-+msgid "&Image-setting bar;Toggle image-setting bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Standard bar;Toggle standard bar"
-+msgstr "&Standardleiste;Standardleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "&Status bar;Toggle status bar"
-+msgstr "&Statusleiste;Statusleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "&Toolbar bar;Toggle toolbar bar"
-+msgstr "&Werkzeugleiste;Werkzeugleiste umschalten"
-+msgid "&Window bar;Toggle window bar"
-+msgstr "&Fensterleiste;Umschalten der Fensterleiste"
-+msgid "Standard"
-+msgstr "Standard"
-+msgid "Toolbar"
-+msgstr "Symbolleiste"
-+msgid "Window"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Alt-click"
-+msgstr "Alt-Klicken"
-+msgid "Ctrl-click"
-+msgstr "Strg-Klicken"
-+msgid "Select tool for clicked object"
-+msgstr "Wählt Hilfsmittel für ausgewähltes Objekt."
-+msgid "Toggle full-screen mode"
-+msgstr "Vollbild aktivieren/deaktivieren"
-+msgid "Pop-up menu"
-+msgstr "Popup-Menü"
-+msgid "Normal click"
-+msgstr "Klicken"
-+msgid "Push Tool"
-+msgstr "Verschiebe Werkzeug"
-+msgid "Shift-click"
-+msgstr "Umschalt-Klicken"
-+msgid "Zoom in or out"
-+msgstr "Vergrößern oder verkleinern"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Button#1%d"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "independent sizes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "equal size (left)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "equal size (right)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "equal size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Elements of the existing button are not selected, these will be deleted and "
-+"only the selection will be taken to define this button."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Not all of your button is selected therefore this action is likely to deform "
-+"your button design. This can be prevented by cancelling the action or "
-+"turning off live stretching."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Baseline shift"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"An extremely serious error has occurred. #1%s must quit immediately. We "
-+"apologise for any inconvenience caused."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"You can only run one copy of #1%s at once.\\rPlease use the copy that is "
-+"already running."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S #2%S"
-+msgstr "#1%S #2%S"
-+msgid "Cancel Action"
-+msgstr "Aktion abbrechen"
-+msgid ""
-+"There is insufficient space in the undo system for this operation. If you "
-+"continue then you will be unable to redo"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There is insufficient space in the undo system for this operation. If you "
-+"continue then you will be unable to undo"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Can't bevel a contoured object"
-+msgstr "Ein Objekt mit Konturen kann keine Kantenabschrägung erhalten"
-+msgid "Can't contour bevelled objects"
-+msgstr "Ein Objekt mit Kanten kann keine Kontur erhalten"
-+msgid "You can't delete the Infobar"
-+msgstr "Sie können den Info-Balken nicht löschen."
-+msgid "You cannot apply colours to this type of group!"
-+msgstr "Sie können dieser Art von Gruppe keine Farben zuweisen!"
-+msgid "Can't move guide objects off guide layers - use Cut & Paste instead"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme was unable to create this file association as you do not have "
-+"enough sufficient privileges on this machine. To create the file association "
-+"Xara must be run by a user with administrator privileges for this machine."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cannot remove the blend while it is bevelled.\\r\\nRemove the bevel"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Cannot remove the blend while it is contoured.\\r\\nRemove the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Butt cap"
-+msgstr "Gerades Ende"
-+msgid "Round cap"
-+msgstr "Rundes Ende"
-+msgid "Square cap"
-+msgstr "Eckiges Ende"
-+msgid "text cursor"
-+msgstr "Text-Cursor"
-+msgid "text cursors"
-+msgstr "Text-Cursor"
-+msgid "Continue"
-+msgstr "Fortfahren"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click the 'register' button on the startup screen to obtain your Xara XS "
-+"serial number."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Centimetre"
-+msgstr "Zentimeter"
-+msgid "Centimetres"
-+msgstr "Zentimeter"
-+msgid " change"
-+msgstr " ändern"
-+msgid "Change attribute"
-+msgstr "Attribut ändern"
-+msgid "Bevel contrast change"
-+msgstr "Kantenkonstraständerung"
-+msgid "Bevel size change"
-+msgstr "Kantengrößenänderung"
-+msgid "Bevel light angle change"
-+msgstr "Kanten-Lichteinfallsänderung"
-+msgid "Bevel light angle elevation change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ChangeBevel;Operation for changing bevels;Change bevel"
-+msgstr "ChangeBevel;Funktion zum Ändern von Kanten;Kanten ändern"
-+msgid "Make bevels inner"
-+msgstr "Erzeuge eine innere Kante"
-+msgid "Make bevels outer"
-+msgstr "Erzeuge eine äußere Kante"
-+msgid "Bevel type change"
-+msgstr "Kantentypänderung"
-+msgid "blend profile;blend profile;blend profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change fill colour"
-+msgstr "Füllungsfarbe ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"ChangeContourBlendProfile;Change the contour attribute profile; Change the "
-+"contour attribute profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"ChangeContourStepProfile;Change the contour step profile; Change the contour "
-+"step profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ChangeContourWidth"
-+msgstr "ChangeContourWidth"
-+msgid "Change contour width"
-+msgstr "Konturbreite ändern"
-+msgid "Change floor shadow angle and height"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change glow width"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Change line width;Changes the line width of all selected objects;Change line "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change shadow type"
-+msgstr "Schattentyp ändern"
-+msgid "Change wall shadow offsets"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Lock/unlock effect; Lock or unlock the selected effects; Lock/unlock effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Lock/unlock effects; Lock or unlock all the effects in the selection; "
-+"Lock/unlock effects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change resolution;Change resolution of effect;Change resolution"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change end arrow extends"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Set line start & end &cap;Allows you to set a line's start and end "
-+"cap;Allows you to set a line's start and end cap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Set &join type;Allows you to set a line's join type.;Allows you to set a "
-+"line's join type."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change start arrow extends"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "chapters"
-+msgstr "Kapitel"
-+msgid "chapter"
-+msgstr "Kapitel"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "<BODY BACKGROUND=\"#1%s\" TEXT=\"BLACK\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<BODY BACKGROUND=\"#1%s\" TEXT=\"BLACK\">\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Chris' example string"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply a circular envelope around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten kreisförmige Hülle zu."
-+msgid "circular graduated fill"
-+msgstr "kreisförmige Füllung"
-+msgid "circular transparency"
-+msgstr "kreisförmige Transparenz"
-+msgid "&Toggle Bitmap Cache;Toggle bitmap cache;Toggle bitmap cache"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click here to select document"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen des Dokuments."
-+msgid "Click to create a straight line; Shift-Click to cancel new line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select point handle; Drag to move point handle; Shift-Click to "
-+"toggle selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to create a curve; Shift-Click to cancel new curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Can't move clipart between sections."
-+msgstr "Clipart kann nicht zwischen Abschnitten verschoben werden."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging clipart '#1%s'"
-+msgstr "Clipart „#1%s“ wird gezogen."
-+msgid "Drop to Insert the clipart at this point on the Page"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um die Clipart an dieser Posn. auf der Seite einzufügen."
-+msgid "Drop to open a new document containing the clipart"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "webindex.tmp"
-+msgstr "webindex.tmp"
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Discard"
-+msgstr "&Verwerfen"
-+msgid "The clipboard doesn't contain anything Xara Xtreme can paste"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die Zwischenablage enthält keine Elemente, die von Xara Xtreme eingefügt "
-+"werden können."
-+msgid "Pasting Bitmap picture"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Bild wird eingefügt..."
-+msgid "Pasting Device Independent Bitmap picture"
-+msgstr "Geräteunabhängiges Bitmap-Bild wird eingefügt..."
-+msgid "&Keep"
-+msgstr "&Behalten"
-+msgid ""
-+"You placed some objects on the Clipboard. Do you want these objects to be "
-+"available to other applications after you quit? (Preparing for this may take "
-+"some time)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Es sind noch einige Objekte in der Zwischenablage. Wollen Sie diese Objekte "
-+"für andere Programme in der Zwischenablage behalten, nachdem Xara Xtreme "
-+"beendet ist? (Dieser Vorgang kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen)"
-+msgid "Export clipboard"
-+msgstr "Exportiere in Zwischenablage"
-+msgid "Import clipboard"
-+msgstr "Importiere aus Zwischenablage"
-+msgid "Cl&one "
-+msgstr "Kl&onen "
-+msgid "&Copy "
-+msgstr "&Kopieren "
-+msgid "Drop Cop&y"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cu&t "
-+msgstr "Aus&schneiden "
-+msgid "De&lete "
-+msgstr "&Löschen "
-+msgid "&Duplicate "
-+msgstr "&Duplizieren "
-+msgid "&Paste "
-+msgstr "&Einfügen "
-+msgid "unformatted text"
-+msgstr "Unformatierter Text"
-+msgid "device-independent bitmap"
-+msgstr "Geräteunabhängige Bitmap"
-+msgid "..."
-+msgstr "..."
-+msgid "enhanced metafile"
-+msgstr "Erweiterte Metadatei"
-+msgid "XaraX Document"
-+msgstr "XaraX Dokument"
-+msgid "TIFF image"
-+msgstr "TIFF-Bild"
-+msgid "Unrecognised format"
-+msgstr "Nicht erkanntes Format"
-+msgid "Windows metafile"
-+msgstr "Windows-Metadatei"
-+msgid "ClipView groups"
-+msgstr "ClipView Gruppen"
-+msgid "ClipView group"
-+msgstr "ClipView Gruppe"
-+msgid "ClipView objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ClipView object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You need at least two objects selected in order to apply a ClipView"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Cl&one;Creates clones of all selected objects, in the same positions as the "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Would you like to keep the existing documents open ?"
-+msgstr "Sollen die existierenden Dokumente geöffnet bleiben?"
-+msgid "Click to close the shape"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Schließen der Form."
-+msgid "Close line;Click to close the line, drag to edit the shape"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "</CENTER>"
-+msgstr "</CENTER>"
-+msgid "</TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "</TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Closing Document"
-+msgstr "Dokument wird geschlossen..."
-+msgid "cm"
-+msgstr "cm"
-+msgid "CMX/CDR file format dump"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click sets the colour of selected fill handles; Double click to edit a colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop the colour here to edit it"
-+msgstr "Farbe zum Bearbeiten hier ablegen."
-+msgid "Click to scroll"
-+msgstr "Klicken für Bildlauf."
-+msgid "Click to edit current colour"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Bearbeiten der aktuellen Farbe."
-+msgid "Current line & fill colours"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Linien- & Füllfarben"
-+msgid "Click to create a new colour"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Erstellen einer neuen Farbe."
-+msgid "Set 'no colour'"
-+msgstr "„Keine Farbe“ festlegen"
-+msgid "Drag to scroll"
-+msgstr "Ziehen für Bildlauf."
-+msgid "Ctrl-drop the colour here to alter its position on the colour line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to edit current fill colour; Shift-click to edit line colour; Or drop "
-+"a colour here"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to edit fill colour of #1%s; Shift-click to edit line colour; Or drop "
-+"a colour here"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to set 'no colour' fill; Shift-click sets 'no colour' line; Or drag "
-+"onto an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click or drag to scroll the displayed colours"
-+msgstr "Klicken oder Ziehen zum Rollen der angezeigten Farben."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to set fill colour; Right click/Shift-click to set line colour; Or "
-+"drag onto an object or fill handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blue"
-+msgstr "Blau"
-+msgid "Cyan"
-+msgstr "Cyan"
-+msgid "Green"
-+msgstr "Grün"
-+msgid "Intensity"
-+msgstr "Intensität"
-+msgid "Key (Black)"
-+msgstr "Taste (Schwarz)"
-+msgid "Magenta"
-+msgstr "Magenta"
-+msgid "Red"
-+msgstr "Rot"
-+msgid "Yellow"
-+msgstr "Gelb"
-+msgid "C"
-+msgstr "C"
-+msgid "H"
-+msgstr "H"
-+msgid "K"
-+msgstr "K"
-+msgid "S"
-+msgstr "S"
-+msgid "Transparent"
-+msgstr "Transparenz"
-+msgid "V"
-+msgstr "V"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s colour model"
-+msgstr "#1%s-Farbmodell"
-+msgid "Current fill colour"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Füllungsfarbe"
-+msgid "Current line colour"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Linienfarbe"
-+msgid "Local fill colour"
-+msgstr "Lokale Füllungsfarbe"
-+msgid "Local line colour"
-+msgstr "Lokale Linienfarbe"
-+msgid "Also apply this sort to the colour bar"
-+msgstr "Diese Sortierung auch auf den Farbleiste anwenden."
-+msgid ""
-+"Some of the selected named colours are in use in your document; objects "
-+"using these colours will be given local colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ", Linked to #1%s"
-+msgstr ", Verbunden mit #1%s"
-+msgid " (not in use)"
-+msgstr " (Nicht benutzt)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ", Shade of #1%s"
-+msgstr ", Schattierung von #1%s"
-+msgid ", Spot colour"
-+msgstr ", Schmuckfarbe"
-+msgid ", #1%ld% Tint of #2%s"
-+msgstr ", #1%ld% Tönung von #2%s"
-+msgid "Delete all"
-+msgstr "Alle löschen"
-+msgid "Delete unused"
-+msgstr "Nicht benutzte löschen"
-+msgid ""
-+"This operation can only be applied to named colours in the selected document"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Operation kann nur auf benannte Farben in dem ausgewählten Dokument "
-+"angewendet werden."
-+msgid "Only named colours in the selected document will be deleted"
-+msgstr "Nur benannte Farben im ausgewählten Dokument werden gelöscht."
-+msgid ""
-+"Are you sure you wish to redefine this named colour from the colour of the "
-+"selected object(s)?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit parent"
-+msgstr "Vater abändern"
-+msgid "This colour has no parent to edit"
-+msgstr "Diese Farbe hat keinen Vater zum Abändern"
-+msgid "CIE"
-+msgstr "CIE"
-+msgid "Greyscale"
-+msgstr "Graustufen"
-+msgid "HSV"
-+msgstr "HSV"
-+msgid "RGB web/hex"
-+msgstr "RGB Web/Hex"
-+msgid "Rename a named colour"
-+msgstr "Farbe umbenennen"
-+msgid "Create a new named colour"
-+msgstr "Erstellt eine neue, benannte Farbe."
-+msgid "2 colours"
-+msgstr "2 Farben"
-+msgid "True colour"
-+msgstr "Echtfarben"
-+msgid "True colour + Alpha"
-+msgstr "Echtfarben + Alpha"
-+msgid "16 colours"
-+msgstr "16 Farben"
-+msgid "256 colours"
-+msgstr "256 Farben"
-+msgid "RGB: Hex"
-+msgstr "RGB: Hex"
-+msgid "RGB: 0-255"
-+msgstr "RGB: 0-255"
-+msgid "RGB: %"
-+msgstr "RGB: %"
-+msgid "Choose the way in which colours are blended together"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie, wie die Farben überblendet werden sollen."
-+msgid "Change colour blending effect"
-+msgstr "Ändert Farbüberblendungseffekt."
-+msgid "edit named colour;edit named colour;edit named colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change the colour effect of the contour rings"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Colour E&ditor...;Change object colours and create or modify named colours "
-+"using the colour editor dialog"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Name colour..."
-+msgstr "Farbe benennen..."
-+msgid ""
-+"Some of those named colours (or their tint/shade/link parents) were already "
-+"present in the destination document, so did not need to be copied"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "colour"
-+msgstr "Farbe"
-+msgid "The colour that the pointer is over is shown in the palette"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to examine and select the preview bitmap colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Linked to another colour"
-+msgstr "Verbindung mit einer anderen Farbe"
-+msgid "Normal colour"
-+msgstr "Normale Farbe"
-+msgid "Shade of another colour"
-+msgstr "Schattierung einer anderen Farbe"
-+msgid "Spot colour"
-+msgstr "Schmuckfarbe"
-+msgid "Tint of another colour"
-+msgstr "Tönung einer anderen Farbe"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Add Shapes;Add shapes together to make their combined silhouette shape"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Intersect Shapes;Make shapes from the overlapped parts of the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Combine Shapes;Replace selected shapes with combined forms of the shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The shape combining operation failed to create a result"
-+msgstr "Kein Ergebnis beim Kombinieren von Objekten."
-+msgid "Two or more objects that are or can become shapes should be selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wählen Sie zwei oder mehr Objekte aus, die in eine Form umgewandelt werden "
-+msgid ""
-+"S&lice (cut) Shapes;Cuts the lower selected objects using the top object as "
-+"a knife"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Both ends of the top slicing line must fall outside the bounds of the "
-+"shape(s) you are slicing."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Combining selected objects"
-+msgstr "Kombinieren ausgewählter Objekte"
-+msgid "&Subtract Shapes;Remove the top shape from lower selected ones"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Point"
-+msgstr "Punkt"
-+msgid "Points"
-+msgstr "Punkte"
-+msgid "Apply a concave envelope around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten konkave Hülle zu."
-+msgid ""
-+"This folder contains a graphic file with a conflicting name. Do you want to "
-+"overwrite any conflicting files in this folder?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "conical graduated fill"
-+msgstr "Konische Füllung"
-+msgid "conical transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Continue update"
-+msgstr "&Aktualisieren fortsetzen"
-+msgid "Select one of the options to edit the contour attributes profile "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Contour Colour Type"
-+msgstr "Konturfarbentyp"
-+msgid "Edit the distance between steps in the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Enter a value for the distance of steps in the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click select; Drag handles to create a contour or change a contour's width"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change contours to inner"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Select one of the options to edit the contour objects position profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change contours to outer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to set contour width"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Sets the width of the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Contour steps"
-+msgstr "Konturschritte"
-+msgid "Edit the number of steps in the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Enter a value for the number of steps in the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Contour steps change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Contour tool infobar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Creating contour - Please wait"
-+msgstr "Erzeuge Kontur - Bitte warten"
-+msgid "Distance values must be larger than 0"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Contour"
-+msgstr "Kontur"
-+msgid "&Contour Tool;Choose the Contour Tool to contour objects;Contour Tool"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Kontur-Werkzeug;Wählen Sie das Kontur-Werkzeug um Objekten eine Kontur zu "
-+msgid "Width values must be larger than 0"
-+msgstr "Breite muß größer als 0 sein"
-+msgid "Button Palette"
-+msgstr "Schaltflächen-Palette"
-+msgid "Convert File Formats;Convert File Formats;Convert File Formats"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Converting document for export"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Convert &Line to Shape;Convert the selected line object into a shape"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Create &Bitmap Copy...;Creates a bitmap copy of the selected objects;Create "
-+"bitmap copy"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Erzeuge &Bitmap-Kopie...;Erzeugt eine Bitmap-Kopie von den ausgewählten "
-+"Objekten;Erzeuge Bitmap-Kopie"
-+msgid "."
-+msgstr "."
-+msgid "BYTE"
-+msgstr "BYTE"
-+msgid "Byte"
-+msgstr "Byte"
-+msgid "1 cm"
-+msgstr "1 cm"
-+msgid "1 mi"
-+msgstr "1 km"
-+msgid "byte"
-+msgstr "Byte"
-+msgid "g"
-+msgstr "g"
-+msgid "k"
-+msgstr "k"
-+msgid "m"
-+msgstr "m"
-+msgid "Drop Cop&y;Drops a copy of the objects you are dragging;Drop Copy"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Copy mould shape;Copy the shape of the selected mould to the clipboard"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Copy of #1%s"
-+msgstr "Tönung von #1%s"
-+msgid "&Copy;Places a copy of the selected objects onto the clipboard;Copy"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Kopieren;Kopiert die ausgewählten Objekte in die Zwischenablage;Kopieren"
-+msgid "&Correct"
-+msgstr "&Korrigieren"
-+msgid "The document failed to load due to a lack of memory."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das Dokument konnte nicht geladen werden, da nicht genügend Speicher "
-+"vorhanden ist."
-+msgid "&Create"
-+msgstr "&Erstellen"
-+msgid "CreateBevel;Operation for creating bevels;Bevel creation"
-+msgstr "CreateBevel;Funktion zum Erzeugen von Kanten;Kanten erzeugen"
-+msgid "Could not create cd serial number dialog box."
-+msgstr "CD-Seriennummern-Dialogfenster konnte nicht erstellt werden"
-+msgid "create named colour(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Inhalte einfügen...;Fügt ein spezielles Format aus der Zwischenablage "
-+"ein;Inhalte einfügen..."
-+msgid "CreateContour;Create contour;Contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create new fill"
-+msgstr "Neue Füllung erstellen"
-+msgid "Create Font Thumbnails;Creates font thumbnails;CFN"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create from"
-+msgstr "Erzeugen von"
-+msgid "Create mould;Apply a mould shape around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Verformung erzeugen; Verformung auf ausgewählte Objekte anwenden"
-+msgid "CreateShadow;Operation for creating shadows;Shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shadow"
-+msgstr "Schatten"
-+msgid "Creates the default MouseOff state of a button or bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create text object"
-+msgstr "Textobjekt erstellen"
-+msgid "Create BackBar"
-+msgstr "Erzeuge BackBar"
-+msgid "Create guide layer"
-+msgstr "Neue Hilfslinien und -objektebene erstellen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to start a new line; Drag to select point handles; Shift-click to "
-+"deselect point handles"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "States..."
-+msgstr "Stati..."
-+msgid "Can't claim Context Stack. A block is already Claimed."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Kann Kontextstapel nicht beanspruchen. Ein Block ist bereits beansprucht."
-+msgid "Render Region couldn't claim memory for Context Stack."
-+msgstr "Renderbereich konnte Speicher für Kontextstapel nicht beanspruchen."
-+msgid "Couldn't expand Context Stack."
-+msgstr "Konnte Kontextstapel nicht erweitern."
-+msgid "No Context Stack to restore !!."
-+msgstr "Kein Kontextstapel zum Wiederherstellen!"
-+msgid "Can't release block. Context Stack is not Claimed."
-+msgstr "Kann Block nicht freigeben. Kontextstapel ist nicht beansprucht."
-+msgid "Render Region couldn't release memory for Context Stack."
-+msgstr "Renderbereich konnte Speicher für Kontextstapel nicht freigeben."
-+msgid "Couldn't Shrink Context Stack."
-+msgstr "Konnte Kontextstapel nicht schrumpfen."
-+msgid "Customize control bar..."
-+msgstr "Steuerungsleiste anpassen..."
-+msgid "There was a problem initialising this library - cannot continue."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Not enough free memory to continue."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "MS Sans Serif"
-+msgstr "MS Sans Serif"
-+msgid "Xara X Custom Controls Library"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Cu&t;Removes all selected objects and places them onto the clipboard;Cut"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Ausschneiden;Entfernt die ausgewählten Objekte und legt sie in der "
-+"Zwischenablage ab;Cut"
-+msgid "Xar format dump"
-+msgstr "Xar format dump"
-+msgid "dash pattern"
-+msgstr "Bindestrich-Muster"
-+msgid "DaveDlg"
-+msgstr "DaveDlg"
-+msgid "Debug"
-+msgstr "Debug"
-+msgid "Debug commands"
-+msgstr "Debug-Funktionen"
-+msgid "Camelot Tree"
-+msgstr "Camelot-Baum"
-+msgid "&Debug;Commands for the down-trodden developers at Xara HQ!"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Transparency;See real transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Leave on"
-+msgstr "&An lassen"
-+msgid "Xara X document"
-+msgstr "Xara X Dokument"
-+msgid "Default colour"
-+msgstr "Standardfarbe"
-+msgid "800_by_600_drawing.xar"
-+msgstr "800_by_600_drawing.xar"
-+msgid "Apply a rectangular envelope around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten rechteckige Hülle zu."
-+msgid "Untitled"
-+msgstr "Unbenannt"
-+msgid "Apply a rectangular perspective around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten rechteckige Perspektive zu."
-+msgid "Document"
-+msgstr "Dokument"
-+msgid "embedded.xar"
-+msgstr "embedded.xar"
-+msgid "xar"
-+msgstr "xar"
-+msgid "72"
-+msgstr "135"
-+msgid "OLE Container"
-+msgstr "OLE-Kontainer"
-+msgid "&Uninstall"
-+msgstr "&Deinstallieren"
-+msgid "Uninstall &All"
-+msgstr "&Alle deinstallieren"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "'#1%s' is being used by a document you currently have loaded."
-+msgstr "„#1%s“ wird von einem zur Zeit geladenen Dokument verwendet."
-+msgid "&Delete All Guidelines;Delete all the guidelines in the guide layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Alle Hilfslinien &löschen;Löscht alle Hilfslinien in der Hilfslinienebene"
-+msgid ""
-+"Delete &All Live Effects;Delete all live bitmap effects;Delete All Live "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Delete Attribute"
-+msgstr "Attribute löschen"
-+msgid "delete named colour(s)"
-+msgstr "delete named colour(s)"
-+msgid "&Delete;Delete the guideline"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "De&lete;Removes all selected objects;Delete"
-+msgstr "&Löschen;Entfernt alle selektierten Objekte;Löschen"
-+msgid "Default Page Background;Reset the page background to its default"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Standard Seitenhintergrund;Setzt den Hintergrund der Seite auf den "
-+"Standardwert zurück"
-+msgid ""
-+"Dele&te Points;Delete selected point handles in selected lines or "
-+"shapes;Delete points"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Punk&te löschen;Löscht die selektierten Haltepunkte der ausgewählten Linien "
-+"oder Formen;Punkte löschen"
-+msgid "Delete TextStory;Delete empty TextStory;Remove empty text"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Delete colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to delete a palette colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Delete Live Effect;Delete live bitmap effect;Delete Live Effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There is insufficient memory to perform this operation. Do you want to try "
-+"to make room by deleting UNDO records ?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Delete Bar State;Delete Bar State;Delete Bar State"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Every bar must have a MouseOff state.\\nDo you wish to delete the whole bar?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply Live Effect to selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "shape"
-+msgstr "Form"
-+msgid "shapes"
-+msgstr "Formen"
-+msgid "characters"
-+msgstr "Zeichen"
-+msgid "character"
-+msgstr "Zeichen"
-+msgid "text lines"
-+msgstr "Textzeilen"
-+msgid "text line"
-+msgstr "Textzeile"
-+msgid "text objects"
-+msgstr "Text"
-+msgid "text object"
-+msgstr "Text"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Deselect All Points;Deselect all the points on the path;Deselect all points"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set new design..."
-+msgstr "Setzt neues Design..."
-+msgid "Detach Curve From Blend;Detaches the curve from the selected blends"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Detach curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select at least one blend that's following a curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "detach Curve From Blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Detach mould;Detaches or reattaches the moulds shape for quicker editing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Load Copy"
-+msgstr "Kopie ö&ffnen"
-+msgid ""
-+"<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"50%\" CELLSPACING=\"4\">\\r\\"
-+"n<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\\r\\n<CENTER>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"50%\" CELLSPACING=\"4\">\\r\\"
-+"n<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\\r\\n<CENTER>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "&Dialogs;Commands to work with dialog boxes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Did you know..."
-+msgstr "Wussten Sie schon..."
-+msgid "The dialog is already shown"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Operation unavailable: "
-+msgstr "Operation kann aus folgenden Gründen nicht ausgeführt werden: "
-+msgid "&Bitmap Gallery...;Display the bitmap gallery;Bitmap gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"This is an exported BMP picture\" "
-+"USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"Dies ist eine exportierte BMP-Grafik\" "
-+"USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\">\\r\\n"
-+msgid ""
-+"Clip&art Gallery...;Display the clipart gallery;Display the clipart gallery;"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Colour Gallery...;Display the colour gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "F&ill Gallery...;Display the fill gallery;Display the fill gallery;"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Font Gallery...;Display the fonts gallery;Display the fonts gallery;"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Schriftgalerie...;Zeigt die Schriftgalerie an;Zeigt die Schriftgalerie an"
-+msgid "&Layer Gallery...;Display the layer gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Lin&e Gallery...;Display the line gallery;Allows you to change a line's "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Name Gallery...;Display the name gallery;Allows you to name and select "
-+"categories of objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"This is an exported picture\" "
-+"USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"Dies ist ein exportiertes Bild\" "
-+"USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\">\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"This is an exported PNG picture\" "
-+"USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"Dies ist eine exportierte PNG-Grafik\" "
-+"USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\">\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dithered using #1%s<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "gedithered als #1%s<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "error diffusion dithering"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ordered dithering"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The spacing between each major grid point"
-+msgstr "Abstand zwischen jedem Haup-Rasterpunkt"
-+msgid "locked bitmap effects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "locked bitmap effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "(Copy)"
-+msgstr "(Kopieren)"
-+msgid "*"
-+msgstr "*"
-+msgid "(Read-only)"
-+msgstr "(Schreibgeschützt)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " #1%S"
-+msgstr " #1%S"
-+msgid "&Don't Correct"
-+msgstr "&Nicht korrigiern"
-+msgid "&Don't use"
-+msgstr "&Nicht benutzen"
-+msgid "Don't support the import of this type of bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An extremely serious error has occurred. Xara Xtreme may be not be able to "
-+"recover. If possible, save your work under a different filename and exit "
-+"immediately. Do you want to attempt to save your work before quitting?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An extremely serious error has occurred. Xara Xtrenm must quit immediately."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Exit Xara Xtreme now"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme &beenden"
-+msgid "Attempt to &Save your work"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unimplemented"
-+msgstr "Nicht implementiert"
-+msgid "Screen"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to set the Bitmap fill of the page background"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " alone"
-+msgstr " allein"
-+msgid "Dragging colour '"
-+msgstr "Farbe wird gezogen '"
-+msgid "' : "
-+msgstr "' : "
-+msgid "Dragging fill colour : "
-+msgstr "Füllungsfarbe wird gezogen: "
-+msgid "Dragging line colour : "
-+msgstr "Linienfarbe wird gezogen: "
-+msgid "Dragging 'no colour'"
-+msgstr "„Keine Farbe“ wird gezogen"
-+msgid "Dragging 'no colour' : "
-+msgstr "„Keine Farbe“ wird gezogen: "
-+msgid "Drop to set the fill colour of the page background"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to set the 'current fill colour' attribute"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um das Attribut „Aktuelle Füllungsfarbe“ festzulegen"
-+msgid "Drop to set the fill colour of this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um die Füllungsfarbe festzulegen für "
-+msgid "Drop to set the fill end colour of this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um die Endfüllungsfarbe festzulegen für "
-+msgid "Drop to set the second fill end colour of this "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to set the third fill end colour of this "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to set the fill start colour of this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um die Anfangsfüllungsfarbe festzulegen für "
-+msgid "Drop to set the line colour of this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um die Linienfarbe festzulegen für "
-+msgid "; Press 'Control' to drop 'Inside'"
-+msgstr "; Press 'Control' to drop 'Inside'"
-+msgid " this object"
-+msgstr " dieses Objekt"
-+msgid "Drag this point to edit the mould shape"
-+msgstr "Punkt zum Bearbeiten der Grundform ziehen."
-+msgid "Drag up or down to copy guideline; Drag onto top ruler to delete it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag left or right to copy guideline; Drag onto left ruler to delete it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shadow;Drag a shadow out from the selected objects; Shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Schatten;Ziehen Sie einen Schatten aus den ausgewählten Objekten; Shadow"
-+msgid "Release button to delete guideline"
-+msgstr "Loslassen zum Löschen der Hilfslinie"
-+msgid "Release mouse button to capture 24-bit colour-bar colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release mouse button to capture document's 24-bit screen colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release mouse button to capture document's screen colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag mouse over open document or elsewhere on your desktop to capture screen "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release mouse button to capture screen colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag origin;Drag this point to move the origin around"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Dragging an object"
-+msgstr "Ziehen eines Objekts"
-+msgid "Drag this point to move the perspective vanishing point around"
-+msgstr "Punkt zum Verschieben des Fluchtpunkts der Perspektive ziehen."
-+msgid "Draw brush"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "draw with brush"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You did not drop the attribute onto an object. Do you wish to make the"
-+msgstr "Sie haben das Attribut nicht auf einem Objekt abgelegt. Möchten Sie"
-+msgid "You are over a Drop target"
-+msgstr "Sie befinden sich über einem Ablageziel."
-+msgid "; Other mouse button/Num + drops copy"
-+msgstr "; Other mouse button/Num + drops copy"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Paste #1%s"
-+msgstr "#1%s einfügen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Duplicate #1%S's"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Duplicate;Creates a duplicate copy of all selected objects, placed close to "
-+"the original;Duplicate"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Duplzieren;Erzeugt ein Duplikat (Kopie) aller ausgewählten Objekte - in der "
-+"Nähe des Original platziert;Duplizieren"
-+msgid "Limit to web browser palette"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use '3d' display"
-+msgstr "Verwendet 3D-Anzeige."
-+msgid "Show advanced options"
-+msgstr "Zeigt erweiterte Optionen an."
-+msgid "Hide advanced options"
-+msgstr "Blendet erweiterte Optionen aus."
-+msgid "Change colour model"
-+msgstr "Ändert Farbmodell."
-+msgid "Colour type"
-+msgstr "Farbtyp"
-+msgid "Hue (0..360)"
-+msgstr "Farbton (0..360)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s (#2%s..#3%s#4%s)"
-+msgstr "#1%s (#2%s..#3%s#4%s"
-+msgid "Inherit/Override switch"
-+msgstr "Auswahl übernehmen/übergehen"
-+msgid "Fill/Line switch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make local to frame/layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show menu"
-+msgstr "Menü anzeigen"
-+msgid "Choose colour to edit"
-+msgstr "Wählt zu bearbeitende Farbe aus."
-+msgid "Parent colour"
-+msgstr "Ãœbergeordnete Farbe"
-+msgid "Original/Current colour"
-+msgstr "Ursprüngliche/aktuelle Farbe"
-+msgid "Tint value (0-100%)"
-+msgstr "Tönungswert (0-100%)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Shade value (-100%-100%)"
-+msgstr "Schattierungswert (-100%-100%)"
-+msgid "Web colour (hexadecimal)"
-+msgstr "Webfarbe (hexadezimal)"
-+msgid "&Edit effects"
-+msgstr "&Effekte bearbeiten"
-+msgid "Edit fill"
-+msgstr "Füllung bearbeiten"
-+msgid ""
-+"EditQuickShape;Operation for editing regular QuickShapes;QuickShape edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select &All;Select all the objects in the active layer(s)"
-+msgstr "Alles auswählen;Auswählen aller Objekte der aktiven Ebene(n)"
-+msgid "Cl&ear Selection;Deselect any selected objects"
-+msgstr "Auswahl a&bwählen;Abwählen aller ausgewählten Objekte"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click here to select the colour in the web browser palette that is closest "
-+"to this colour."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "In RGB and CMYK colour models, turns '3-d' display on or off"
-+msgstr "Aktiviert/deaktiviert 3D-Anzeige in den RGB- und CMYK-Modellen."
-+msgid "Click here to show advanced colour editor options"
-+msgstr "Klicken Sie hier zum Anzeigen erweiterter Farb-Editoroptionen."
-+msgid "Click here to reduce the window size by hiding advanced options"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie hier zum Reduzieren der Fenstergröße durch Ausblenden der "
-+"erweiterten Optionen."
-+msgid "Click here to close the colour editor"
-+msgstr "Klicken Sie hier zum Schließen des Farb-Editors."
-+msgid "Choose a colour model in which to display and edit the colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wählen Sie ein Farbmodell aus, in dem Sie die Farbe anzeigen und bearbeiten."
-+msgid ""
-+"Change this colour to be 'normal', or a tint/shade/link of another colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ändern Sie diese Farbe in eine normale Farbe, oder in eine "
-+"Tönung/Schattierung/Verbindung einer anderen Farbe."
-+msgid "Click here, then type a new value for the Hue (in degrees, 0..360)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie hier, und geben Sie anschließend einen neuen Wert für den "
-+"Farbton ein (in Grad, 0..360)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click here, then type a new percentage or decimal value for #1%s"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie hier, und geben Sie anschließend einen neuen Prozentwert für "
-+"#1%s ein."
-+msgid "Colour editor. Move over the buttons to get more help"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Farb-Editor. Verschieben Sie die Maus über die Schaltflächen, um weitere "
-+"Hilfe zu erhalten."
-+msgid "Click to inherit or override the parent colour for this component"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Übernehmen/Übergehen der übergeordneten Farbe für diese "
-+msgid ""
-+"Click here to swap between fill colour and line colour mode. When the switch "
-+"is pushed in, the editor is in line colour mode."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click here to create a new named colour; Shift-click to make a copy; Ctrl-"
-+"click to make a shade; Shift-ctrl click to use the last settings"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click here to make this colour local to the selected frame."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click here to show a menu of editor options"
-+msgstr "Klicken Sie hier zum Anzeigen eines Menüs mit Editor-Optionen."
-+msgid "Choose a different local colour or named colour to edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wählen Sie eine andere lokale oder benannte Farbe zum Bearbeiten aus."
-+msgid "There is no colour to edit"
-+msgstr "Keine zu bearbeitende Farbe"
-+msgid "Choose a colour for the 'parent' colour of this colour"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Farbe als übergeordnete Farbe dieser Farbe aus."
-+msgid ""
-+"This area shows the current colour, and how it looked before your edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Dieser Bereich zeigt die aktuelle Farbe und ihr Aussehen vor der Bearbeitung "
-+msgid "Tint/Shade colour. Click or drag to alter the colour"
-+msgstr "Tönung/Schattierung. Klicken oder Ziehen zum Ändern der Farbe."
-+msgid "Linked colour. Click or drag to set the non-inherited components"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Verbundene Farbe. Klicken oder Ziehen zum Einstellen der nicht übernommenen "
-+msgid "Click or drag to alter the colour definition"
-+msgstr "Klicken oder Ziehen zum Ändern der Farbdefinition."
-+msgid "Click here to change the name of this colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click here to set the fill or line colour to 'no colour'. Use the fill/line "
-+"switch to swap between fill colour and line colour."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Choose a new tint value; 0% produces white, 100% produces the parent colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Choose a new shade value"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie einen neuen Schattierungswert aus."
-+msgid ""
-+"Cl&one;Create an exact copy of the current selection in the same position"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Kl&onen;Erzeugt eine exakte Kopie der ausgewählten Objekte an der gleichen "
-+msgid "&Copy;Copy the selected objects to the clipboard"
-+msgstr "&Kopieren;Kopiert die ausgewählten Objete in die Zwischenablage"
-+msgid ""
-+"Cu&t;Move the selected objects from the active document to the clipboard"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Ausschneiden;Verschiebt die ausgewählten Objekte in die Zwischenablage"
-+msgid "&Delete;Delete the selected objects without affecting the clipboard"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "D&uplicate;Make copies of the current selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit Selected"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählte bearbeiten"
-+msgid "<<"
-+msgstr "<<"
-+msgid "Edit Li&ve Effect;Edit/Create live bitmap effect;Edit Live Effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Edit;Commands to edit objects in this document"
-+msgstr "&Bearbeiten;Befehle, um Objekte dieses Dokuments zu bearbeiten"
-+msgid ">>"
-+msgstr ">>"
-+msgid ""
-+"There are no named colours available to which this colour can be linked"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Keine benannten Farben verfügbar, mit denen diese Farbe verbunden werden "
-+msgid "O&bject info;Display information about the current selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+"O&bjekteigenschaften;Zeigt Informationen über die selektierten Objekte"
-+msgid "&Insert object...;Inserts a new embedded object"
-+msgstr "Objekt &einfügen...;Fügt ein neues eingebettetes Objekt ein"
-+msgid "Lin&ks...;Allows links to be viewed, updated, opened or cancelled"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Object;<Help dependent on sel object. User should NOT see this message>"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Paste;Insert the contents of the clipboard into the active document"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ein&fügen;Fügt den Inhalt der Zwischenablage in das aktuelle Dokument ein"
-+msgid ""
-+"Paste &special...;Insert the contents of the clipboard as a linked, embedded "
-+"or other form of object"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Er&weitertes Einfügen...;Insert the contents of the clipboard as a linked, "
-+"embedded or other form of object"
-+msgid "&Redo;Redo the last operation"
-+msgstr "&Wiederholen;Die letzte Operation wiederholen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Select &All;Select all objects in the active layers of the current document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "C&lear selection;Deselect any selected objects"
-+msgstr "&Auswahl abwählen;Abwählen aller ausgewählten Objekte"
-+msgid "Tint:"
-+msgstr "Tönung:"
-+msgid "&Undo;Undo the last operation"
-+msgstr "&Rückgängig;Letzte Operation rückgängig machen"
-+msgid "Choose how the fill fades from one colour to another"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie die Ausblendung von einer Farbe zu einer anderen aus."
-+msgid "Ellipse tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Ellipse Infoleiste"
-+msgid "elliptical graduated fill"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "elliptical transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release now to complete the new ellipse. Ctrl to make circular."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Loslassen zum Beenden der neuen Ellipse. Strg zum Erstellen eines Kreises."
-+msgid "Click and Drag to draw a new ellipse; Click to select an object."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken und ziehen, um eine neue Ellipse zu zeichen; Klciken, um ein Objekt "
-+msgid "ellipses"
-+msgstr "Ellipsen"
-+msgid "ellipse"
-+msgstr "Ellipse"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Ellipse Tool;Choose the Ellipse Tool to draw and edit ellipses and "
-+"circles;Ellipse Creation"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Ellipsenwerkzeug;Wählen Sie das Ellipsenwerkzeug, um Ellipsen und Kreise zu "
-+msgid "Apply an elliptical envelope around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten elliptische Hülle zu."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s in #2%s"
-+msgstr "#1%s in #2%s"
-+msgid ""
-+"<BR>\\r\\n<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" height=\"250\"><TR><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>\\r\\"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "end arrow"
-+msgstr "Endpfeil"
-+msgid "end cap"
-+msgstr "Ende"
-+msgid "</BODY>\\r\\n</HTML>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "</BODY>\\r\\n</HTML>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "</TABLE>"
-+msgstr "</TABLE>"
-+msgid "Load Enhanced Metafile"
-+msgstr "Erweiterte Metadatei laden"
-+msgid "Enhanced Metafile"
-+msgstr "Erweiterte Metadatei"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Please enter the serial number for #1%s."
-+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die Seriennummer für #1%s ein."
-+msgid "end of line"
-+msgstr "Linienende"
-+msgid "end of lines"
-+msgstr "Ende der Linien"
-+msgid "Converting EPS..."
-+msgstr "EPS wird konvertiert..."
-+msgid "Generate Error &Report"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Internal error from Xara X"
-+msgstr "Interner Fehler in Xara X"
-+msgid "Error from Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Fehler von Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "Serious Error from Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme has suffered an error while trying to display a message - the "
-+"next error message may not be displayed correctly."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Spurious internal error has occurred."
-+msgstr "Interner Fehler ist aufgetreten."
-+msgid "Warning from Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"An error was detected in the Xara Xtreme document file. The import has been "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unknown.File"
-+msgstr "<unbekannt>"
-+msgid "Error"
-+msgstr "Fehler"
-+msgid "Serious Error"
-+msgstr "Schwerwiegender Fehler"
-+msgid ""
-+"A very serious error has occurred - please consult your technical support."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Schwerwiegender Fehler - wenden Sie sich an die technische Unterstützung."
-+msgid "Extend"
-+msgstr "Verlängern"
-+msgid "No named objects"
-+msgstr "Keine benannten Objekte"
-+msgid "</TR>\\r\\n<TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "</TR>\\r\\n<TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Exiting Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme beenden"
-+msgid "Exiting Xara XS"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting PNG file..."
-+msgstr "exportiere PNG-Grafik..."
-+msgid "Exporting document"
-+msgstr "exportiere Dokument"
-+msgid "Saving Enhanced Metafile..."
-+msgstr "Erweiterte Metadatei wird gespeichert..."
-+msgid "Saving Xara (wix) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Image Map..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Saving Xara X document..."
-+msgstr "Xara X-Dokument wird gespeichert..."
-+msgid "Saving CorelXARA document..."
-+msgstr "Speichert CorelXARA Dokument..."
-+msgid "Saving Xara web document..."
-+msgstr "Speichere Xara Web Dokument..."
-+msgid "CorelXARA Web(*.cxw) |*.cxw| All Files (*.*) |*.*||"
-+msgstr "CorelXARA Web(*.cxw) |*.cxw| Alle Dateien (*.*) |*.*||"
-+msgid "Export web filename"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Large DPI values create very big files yet rarely give better results. Are "
-+"you sure you want a DPI value greater than 300 (maximum is 600)?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unable to convert a text object to outlines during export"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " Extender"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Extends"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Extend named objects...;Show extend named objects dialog;Extend named objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The objects on the clipboard are from another application"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die Objekte in der Zwischenablage stammen aus einer anderen Anwendung."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Unable to export to HTML file %s."
-+msgstr "Export der HTML-Datei %s nicht möglich."
-+msgid "Operation failed to create the backbar."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Operation failed to create or recreate the requested state of the bar."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "feathers"
-+msgstr "Ausblenden"
-+msgid "feather"
-+msgstr "verblassen"
-+msgid "Feather;Fades outline of selected objects;Feather"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Feather Profile;Changes the profile of the feather region;Feather Profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Feather Size;Changes the size of the feather region;Feather Size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "feathered objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "feathered object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This feature is not functional in this beta version of Xara X. Release "
-+"features will include pressure sensitive brushes."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Feet"
-+msgstr "Fuß"
-+msgid "Re-fit"
-+msgstr "Erneut"
-+msgid "The file appears to be damaged and can not be loaded."
-+msgstr "Die Datei ist beschädigt und kann nicht geladen werden."
-+msgid "Compress file"
-+msgstr "Datei komprimieren"
-+msgid "ControlWatch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Only one document information dialog can be open at any time"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Nur ein Dialogfeld für Dokumentinformationen kann jeweils geöffnet sein."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%lu redo "
-+msgstr "#1%lu wiederherstellen. "
-+msgid " (Reduced)"
-+msgstr " (Reduziert)"
-+msgid "step"
-+msgstr "Schritt"
-+msgid "steps"
-+msgstr "Schritte"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%lu undo "
-+msgstr "#1%lu rückgängig "
-+msgid "Not yet saved"
-+msgstr "Noch nicht gespeichert"
-+msgid "&Close;Close this document"
-+msgstr "Sch&ließen;Dieses Dokument schließen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "&Close And Return To #1%s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme was started as an OLE server. Use Exit And Return instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "File Difference: "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d Bytes "
-+msgstr "#1%d Byte "
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "E&xit And Return To #1%s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Document Info...;View and edit information about this document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&File;Commands to work with documents"
-+msgstr "&Datei;Befehle, um mit Dokumenten zu arbeiten"
-+msgid "&Merge...;Merge a document into this document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Re-open &Document;Re-open documents that were recently closed"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Do&kument erneut öffnen;Öffnet Dokumente erneut, die gerade geschlossen "
-+msgid "&New;Create a new document from a template"
-+msgstr "&Neu;Erstellt ein neues Dokument von einer Vorlage"
-+msgid "Animation;Creates a new animation;New animation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drawing;Creates a new drawing;New drawing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Template 1;Creates a new document from this template;New document from "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "There are no open documents."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Open...;View or edit a document in a file"
-+msgstr "Ö&ffnen...;Ansehen oder bearbeiten eines Dokumentes in einer Datei"
-+msgid "Document Op&tions...;Set options for this document"
-+msgstr "Dokument Op&tionen...;Setzt Optionen für dies Dokument"
-+msgid "&Print...;Print this document"
-+msgstr "&Drucken...;Dies Dokument drucken"
-+msgid "The print dialog is already open"
-+msgstr "Anpassen"
-+msgid "Print Pre&view;Show a preview of this document when printed"
-+msgstr "Druck&vorschau;Zeige eine Vorschau dieses Dokuments beim Drucken"
-+msgid "Printer Set&up...;Set up the printer"
-+msgstr "Dr&uckereinstellungen...;Einstellen des Druckers"
-+msgid "&Save;Save this document in a file"
-+msgstr "&Speichern;Speichern dieses Dokumentes in einer Datei"
-+msgid "Save Al&l;Save all file-based documents that have changed"
-+msgstr ""
-+"A&lles speichern;Alle dateibasierten Dokumente speichern, die geändert sind"
-+msgid "Save &As...;Save this document in a file, under a new name"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Speichern &unter...;Dies Dokument in eine Datei unter einem neuen Namen "
-+msgid "No file-based documents have been changed."
-+msgstr "(%d DPI)"
-+msgid "Save Copy &As..."
-+msgstr "Kopie speichern &unter..."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "This document is embedded in #1%s. Use Save Copy As instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Eine Farbe dieses Namens existiert bereits. Die neue Farbe wurde umbenannt "
-+"in '%s'"
-+msgid "This document has not been changed."
-+msgstr "%d%%"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "File Size: #1%d Bytes"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. IDS_PNG
-+msgid "PNG"
-+msgstr "PNG"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "&Update #1%s"
-+msgstr "&Aktualisiere #1%s"
-+msgid "alternate rainbow fill"
-+msgstr "Alternative Regenbogenfüllung"
-+msgid "RGB fade fill"
-+msgstr "RGB-Ausblendefüllung"
-+msgid "rainbow fill"
-+msgstr "Regenbogenfüllung"
-+msgid "linear fill mapping"
-+msgstr "Lineare Füllungszuordnung"
-+msgid "sinusoidal fill mapping"
-+msgstr "Sinusförmige Füllungszuordnung"
-+msgid "Fill Profile; Change the fill Profile; Change the fill profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "colour fill ramp"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "transparency fill ramp"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to apply the fill to this object"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um Füllung auf dieses Objekt anzuwenden."
-+msgid "Drop to apply the fill to these objects"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um Füllung auf diese Objekte anzuwenden."
-+msgid "Can't move fills between sections."
-+msgstr "Füllungen können nicht zwischen Abschnitten verschoben werden."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging fill '#1%s'"
-+msgstr "Füllung „#1%s“ wird gezogen."
-+msgid "Drop to Insert a new Bitmap object on the Page"
-+msgstr "Ablegen zum Einfügen eines neuen Bitmap-Objekts auf der Seite"
-+msgid "Alt Rainbow"
-+msgstr "Alt. Regenbogen"
-+msgid "Choose the bitmap to use for this fill"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie die Bitmap zum Benutzen dieser Füllung aus."
-+msgid "View and adjust the resolution of this bitmap fill"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Auflösung dieser Bitmap-Datei an und passt sie an."
-+msgid "Bleach"
-+msgstr "Bleichen"
-+msgid "Brightness"
-+msgstr "Helligkeit"
-+msgid "Circular"
-+msgstr "Kreisförmig"
-+msgid "Conical"
-+msgstr "Konisch"
-+msgid "Darken"
-+msgstr "Abdunkeln"
-+msgid "Default Bitmap"
-+msgstr "Standard-Bitmap"
-+msgid " dpi"
-+msgstr " dpi"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d dpi"
-+msgstr "%d dpi"
-+msgid "Elliptical"
-+msgstr "Elliptisch"
-+msgid "End Colour"
-+msgstr "Endfarbe"
-+msgid "End Colour 2"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "End Colour 3"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "End Transp"
-+msgstr "Transp. beenden"
-+msgid "End Transp 2"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "End Transp 3"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fade"
-+msgstr "Ausblenden"
-+msgid "The colour of the selected fill handle"
-+msgstr "Farbe des ausgewählten Füllungshaltepunkts"
-+msgid "The selected fill handle"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählter Füllungshaltepunkt"
-+msgid "Choose the repeating nature of the fill"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie den wiederholenden Füllungstyp aus."
-+msgid "Choose the type of fill"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie den Füllungstyp aus."
-+msgid "Flat fill"
-+msgstr "Gleichmäßigen"
-+msgid "Four colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Four point"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fractal clouds"
-+msgstr "Fraktal"
-+msgid "View and adjust the resolution of this fractal fill"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Auflösung dieser Fraktalfüllung an und passt sie an."
-+msgid "View and adjust the graininess of this fractal fill"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Körnung dieser Fraktalfüllung an und passt sie an."
-+msgid "Lighten"
-+msgstr "Aufhellen"
-+msgid "Linear"
-+msgstr "Arithmetisch"
-+msgid "Local colour"
-+msgstr "Lokale Farbe"
-+msgid "Luminosity"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Repeating"
-+msgstr "Wiederholend"
-+msgid "Fractal plasma"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "View and adjust the scale of this fractal fill"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No transparency"
-+msgstr "Keine Transparenz"
-+msgid "Mix"
-+msgstr "Zusammenführen"
-+msgid "Rainbow"
-+msgstr "Regenbogen"
-+msgid "Ramp colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ramp transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Diamond"
-+msgstr "Diamant"
-+msgid "Stained glass"
-+msgstr "Farbiges Glas"
-+msgid "Start Colour"
-+msgstr "Anfangsfarbe"
-+msgid "Start Transp"
-+msgstr "Transp. beginnen"
-+msgid "Repeating tile"
-+msgstr "Kacheln wiederholen"
-+msgid "Repeat inverted"
-+msgstr "Invertiert wiederholen"
-+msgid "Single tile"
-+msgstr "Einzelne Kachel"
-+msgid "Three colour"
-+msgstr "dreifarbig"
-+msgid "Three point"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "White"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "fill colour"
-+msgstr "Füllungsfarbe"
-+msgid "emf"
-+msgstr "emf"
-+msgid "wix"
-+msgstr "wix"
-+msgid "htm,html"
-+msgstr "htm,html"
-+msgid "xar,art"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "png"
-+msgstr "PNG"
-+msgid "web"
-+msgstr "web"
-+msgid "Import bitmaps contained in HTML files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export Image Maps"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Animated GIF"
-+msgstr "Animiertes GIF"
-+msgid "Xara"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "HTML files"
-+msgstr "HTML-Dateien"
-+msgid "Xara X"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "CorelXARA pre-1.5"
-+msgstr "CorelXARA vor-1.5"
-+msgid "--------------------------------------------------"
-+msgstr "--------------------------------------------------"
-+msgid "--- Effects ---"
-+msgstr "--- Effecte ---"
-+msgid "Not installed"
-+msgstr "Nicht installiert"
-+msgid "--- Fonts ---"
-+msgstr "--- Schriftarten ---"
-+msgid "Locked effect not installed in XPE"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This document uses XPE plug-in Live Effects that are not installed. Parts of "
-+"the document may not look quite right. Please see the Document Info dialog "
-+"for a list of the missing effects."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Not installed in XPE"
-+msgstr "Nicht in XPE installiert"
-+msgid "first line indent"
-+msgstr "erste Zeile einrücken"
-+msgid ""
-+"Fit &Text to Curve;Fit or remove the selected text to or from the selected "
-+"curve;Fit text to curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unknown File"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Xara (wix) file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "flat transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Flip;Flips the selected objects;Flip"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply a floor shaped perspective around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten Boden-Perspektive zu."
-+msgid "font typeface change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "-Bold"
-+msgstr "-Fett"
-+msgid "-BoldItalic"
-+msgstr "-FettKursiv"
-+msgid "-Italic"
-+msgstr "-Kursiv"
-+msgid " (missing)"
-+msgstr " (fehlend)"
-+msgid "font size"
-+msgstr "Schriftartgröße"
-+msgid "Fonts"
-+msgstr "Schriftarten"
-+msgid ""
-+"Some fonts have been substituted because they are not currently installed. "
-+"The font list in the Document Information dialog shows which fonts are "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Aliases"
-+msgstr "Aliase"
-+msgid "ANSI"
-+msgstr "ANSI"
-+msgid "ATM"
-+msgstr "ATM"
-+msgid ";"
-+msgstr ";"
-+msgid "Can't move fonts between sections."
-+msgstr "Schriftarten können nicht zwischen Abschnitten verschoben werden."
-+msgid "Helvetica"
-+msgstr "Helvetica"
-+msgid "Can't find a selected font to apply"
-+msgstr "Keine Schriftart zum Anwenden ausgewählt."
-+msgid "BOLD"
-+msgstr "FETT"
-+msgid "ITALIC"
-+msgstr "ITALIC"
-+msgid "Chinese"
-+msgstr "Chinese"
-+msgid "Default pitch"
-+msgstr "Standard-Zeichendichte"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"'#1%s'; Click, then use the Install button to add font; Or drag and drop"
-+msgstr ""
-+"'#1%s';Klicken und dann den Installieren Knopf drücken um eine Schrift "
-+"hinzuzufügen; Sie können auch \"drag and drop\" benutzen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Uninstalling '#1%s'"
-+msgstr "„#1%s“ wird entfernt."
-+msgid "CCSMALL"
-+msgstr "CCSMALL"
-+msgid "SmallFonts"
-+msgstr "SmallFonts"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging font '#1%s'"
-+msgstr "Schriftart „#1%s“ wird gezogen."
-+msgid "Drop to apply this font to the text cursor"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um diese Schriftart auf das Winkelzeichen anzuwenden."
-+msgid "Drop to apply this font to this character"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to set the current font style"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um den aktuellen Schriftartstil festzulegen."
-+msgid "Drop to apply this font to the text selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drop to apply this font to the text object"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um diese Schriftart auf den Text anzuwenden."
-+msgid "Drop to Install this font"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um diese Schriftart zu installieren."
-+msgid "CCLARGE"
-+msgstr "CCLARGE"
-+msgid "Decorative"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Not classified"
-+msgstr "Nicht klassifiziert"
-+msgid "Modern"
-+msgstr "Modern"
-+msgid "Roman"
-+msgstr "Roman"
-+msgid "Script"
-+msgstr "Script"
-+msgid "Swiss"
-+msgstr "Swiss"
-+msgid "Unrecognised"
-+msgstr "Nicht erkannt"
-+msgid "Fixed pitch"
-+msgstr "Feste Zeichendichte"
-+msgid "No Weight"
-+msgstr "Kein"
-+msgid "Extra Bold"
-+msgstr "Extrafett"
-+msgid "Extra Light"
-+msgstr "Extraleicht"
-+msgid "Heavy"
-+msgstr "Ultrafett"
-+msgid "Light"
-+msgstr "Leicht"
-+msgid "Semi Bold"
-+msgstr "Halbfett"
-+msgid "Thin"
-+msgstr "Dünn"
-+msgid "FontsGallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Installed Fonts"
-+msgstr "Installierte Schriftarten"
-+msgid "<FontName>"
-+msgstr "<FontName>"
-+msgid "Abc"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Are you sure you want to uninstall '#1%s'?"
-+msgstr "Möchten Sie „#1%s“ wirklich entfernen?"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Are you sure you want to install '#1%s'?"
-+msgstr "Möchten Sie „#1%s“ wirklich installieren?"
-+msgid "GB2312"
-+msgstr "GB2312"
-+msgid "Fonts Group"
-+msgstr "Schriftartengruppe"
-+msgid "Hangeul"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "'#1%s'; Click, then use the Uninstall button to remove font"
-+msgstr "'#1%s'; Klicken und Deinstallieren, um die Schriftart zu entfernen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Installing '#1%s'"
-+msgstr "„#1%s“ wird installiert."
-+msgid ""
-+"You cannot install ATM fonts with the same typeface names as installed "
-+"TrueType fonts. Please uninstall the TrueType font first."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You cannot install TrueType fonts with the same typeface names as installed "
-+"ATM fonts. Please uninstall the ATM font first."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie können keine TrueType Fonts installieren, die den selben Namen wie schon "
-+"installierte ATM Fonts haben. Bitte deinstallieren Sie den entsprechenden "
-+"ATM Font zuerst."
-+msgid ""
-+"Problems applying this font. If there is an equivalent ATM font, uninstall "
-+"the ATM version and try again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "OEM"
-+msgstr "OEM"
-+msgid "ON"
-+msgstr "AN"
-+msgid "PFB_Dir"
-+msgstr "PFB_Dir"
-+msgid "PFM_Dir"
-+msgstr "PFM_Dir"
-+msgid "placeholder"
-+msgstr "Platzhalter"
-+msgid "PostScript,"
-+msgstr "PostScript,"
-+msgid "Scanning documents for font"
-+msgstr "Dokumente werden nach Schriftarten durchsucht"
-+msgid "Scanning installed fonts"
-+msgstr "Scannen installierter Schriftarten."
-+msgid "Settings"
-+msgstr "Einstellungen"
-+msgid "Setup"
-+msgstr "Einstellungen"
-+msgid "ShiftJIS"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "softfont#1%d"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "softfonts"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " Bold"
-+msgstr " Fett"
-+msgid " Italic"
-+msgstr " Kursiv"
-+msgid " (TrueType)"
-+msgstr " (TrueType)"
-+msgid "Symbol"
-+msgstr "Symbol"
-+msgid "Variable pitch"
-+msgstr "Variable Zeichendichte"
-+msgid "Version"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "font typeface"
-+msgstr "Schriftart"
-+msgid "Foot"
-+msgstr "Fuß"
-+msgid "Standard bitmap"
-+msgstr "Standardbitmap"
-+msgid "XPE bitmap"
-+msgstr "XPE-Bitmap"
-+msgid "four colour graduated fill"
-+msgstr "vierfarbige Füllung"
-+msgid "four point transparency"
-+msgstr "vierfarbige Transparenz"
-+msgid "fractal clouds fill"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "fractal clouds transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "graininess"
-+msgstr "Körnung"
-+msgid "fractal plasma fill"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "fractal plasma transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "fractal fill"
-+msgstr "Fraktalfüllung"
-+msgid "Move Frame In Front"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Sets the accuracy for the freehand tool's curve fitting."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Legt die Genauigkeit für die Kurvenanpassung des Hilfsmittels „Freihand“ "
-+msgid "Shift to rub out line; Alt to add a straight line."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release now to join with the selected line."
-+msgstr "Loslassen zum Verbinden mit der ausgewählten Linie."
-+msgid "Release now to replace the section of the selected line/shape."
-+msgstr "Loslassen zum Ersetzen des Abschnitts der ausgewählten Linie/Form."
-+msgid "Drag to another point on the line to modify it."
-+msgstr "Ziehen zu einer anderen Position auf der Linie zum Verändern."
-+msgid "Indicates whether re-fitting of the line is possible."
-+msgstr "Zeigt an, wo erneutes Anpassen der Linie möglich ist."
-+msgid "Release Shift to stop rubbing out and carry on drawing."
-+msgstr "Loslassen und Umschalt zum Beenden des Entfernens und zum Zeichnen."
-+msgid "Drag to draw a new freehand line; Click to select a line."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to extend existing line."
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Erweitern der bestehenden Linie."
-+msgid ""
-+"Ctrl constrains the straight line; Release Alt to complete the straight line "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Freehand tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Freihand Infoleiste"
-+msgid ""
-+"Free&hand Tool;Choose the Freehand Tool to draw and edit lines and "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "from Selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to move this fill handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect all other fill handles; Shift-Click to deselect just this "
-+"fill handle; Drag to move it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shift-Click to deselect this fill handle; Drag to move it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to select this fill handle; Drag to move it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select this fill handle; Drag to move it; Right click to remove it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " Click to deselect all fill handles"
-+msgstr " Klicken zum Aufheben aller Füllungshaltepunkte."
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Bitmap Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Bitmap Fill; Click to deselect fill handles; Click to "
-+"select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Circular Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Circular Fill; Click to deselect fill handles; Click to "
-+"select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Conical Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Conical Fill; Click to deselect all fill handles; Click "
-+"to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Elliptical Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Elliptical Fill; Click to deselect all fill handles; "
-+"Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Four colour Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Four colour Fill; Click to deselect all fill handles; "
-+"Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Fractal Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Fractal Fill; Click to deselect fill handles; Click to "
-+"select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Linear Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Linear Fill; Click to deselect fill handles; Click to "
-+"select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Fractal Plasma Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Fractal Plasma Fill; Click to deselect fill handles; "
-+"Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Diamond Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Diamond Fill; Click to deselect all fill handles; Click "
-+"to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Three colour Fill; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Three colour Fill; Click to deselect all fill handles; "
-+"Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ft"
-+msgstr "ft"
-+msgid "Gallery properties..."
-+msgstr "Galerie-Eigenschaften..."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s"
-+msgstr "#1%s"
-+msgid "&Galleries;Show the gallery windows;Galleries"
-+msgstr "&Galerien;Zeigt die Galeriefenster;Galerien"
-+msgid "Display full information"
-+msgstr "Alle Informationen anzeigen"
-+msgid "Display as icons only"
-+msgstr "Als Symbole anzeigen"
-+msgid "Display as large icons"
-+msgstr "Große Symbole anzeigen"
-+msgid "Display as small icons"
-+msgstr "Kleine Symbole anzeigen"
-+msgid "Display as text only"
-+msgstr "Als Text anzeigen"
-+msgid "Tidying up gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing folders for search"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing folders for sort"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing folder for display"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "GBrush;Use GDraw or GDI fill patterns"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "GDraw;Use GDraw or GDI drawing method"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Generating optimised palette..."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " (#1%s)"
-+msgstr " (#1%s)"
-+msgid "globally optimised"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to set glow shadow width"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Glow Width; Change the glow width; Change the glow width"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "GPen;Use GDraw or GDI outlines"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to change between colour and transparency fill modes"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Wechseln zwischen Farb- und Transparenzfüllungsmodus."
-+msgid "Drag slider to change the transparency of a fill handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Schieberegler ziehen zum Ändern der Transparenz eines Füllungshaltepunkts."
-+msgid "&Fill Tool;Choose the Fill Tool to fill shapes;Fill creation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Graphic"
-+msgstr "Grafik"
-+msgid "#1%ld% Black"
-+msgstr "Erstellt benannte Farbe(n)."
-+msgid "There are objects selected inside others"
-+msgstr "Objekte, die sich in anderen Objekten befinden, wurden ausgewählt."
-+msgid "&Grid and Ruler Options...;Change the grid and rulers settings"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Raster- und Linealoptionen;Ändern der Raster- und Linealeinstellungen"
-+msgid "Grid Dialogue"
-+msgstr "Raster-Dialogfeld"
-+msgid "Isometric grids"
-+msgstr "Isometrische Raster"
-+msgid "Isometric grid"
-+msgstr "Isometrisches Raster"
-+msgid "Rectangular grids"
-+msgstr "Rechteckige Raster"
-+msgid "Rectangular grid"
-+msgstr "Rechteckiges Raster"
-+msgid "Grid infobar"
-+msgstr "Grid info bar"
-+msgid "Grid type. Choose either square or isometric"
-+msgstr "Rastertyp. Wählen Sie quadratisch oder isometrisch."
-+msgid "&Grid Tool;Choose the Grid Tool to create and edit grids;Grid"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Rasterwerkzeug;Das Rasterwerkzeug wählen, um Raster zu erstellen und zu "
-+msgid "Delete grid"
-+msgstr "Raster löschen"
-+msgid "Delete grids"
-+msgstr "Raster löschen"
-+msgid "Change grid divisions"
-+msgstr "Rasterunterteilungen ändern"
-+msgid "Duplicate grid"
-+msgstr "Raster duplizieren"
-+msgid "Duplicate grids"
-+msgstr "Raster duplizieren"
-+msgid "New grid"
-+msgstr "Neues Raster"
-+msgid "Resize grid"
-+msgstr "Größe des Rasters neu einstellen"
-+msgid "Move grid"
-+msgstr "Raster verschieben"
-+msgid "Move grids"
-+msgstr "Raster verschieben"
-+msgid "Change grid subdivisions"
-+msgstr "Rasterunterteilungen ändern"
-+msgid "Change grid type"
-+msgstr "Rastertyp ändern"
-+msgid "Change grid units"
-+msgstr "Rastereinheiten ändern"
-+msgid "Descriptions"
-+msgstr "Beschreibungen"
-+msgid "GalleryTypes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"A group that is bevelled cannot be ungrouped, please remove the bevel before "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"A group that is contoured cannot be ungrouped, please remove the contour "
-+"before ungrouping."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Group has a bevel or contour applied; remove this before ungrouping"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"A group that is shadowed cannot be ungrouped, please remove the shadow "
-+"before ungrouping."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Group;Groups all selected objects so that they can be manipulated as a "
-+"single object;Group"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Group Transparency;Groups all selected objects so that they can be "
-+"manipulated as a single Transparency object;Group Transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "transparency groups"
-+msgstr "Transparenz-Gruppen"
-+msgid "transparency group"
-+msgstr "Transparenz-Gruppe"
-+msgid "groups"
-+msgstr "Gruppen"
-+msgid "group"
-+msgstr "Gruppe"
-+msgid "Guide &Layer Properties...;Change the guide layer settings"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The guideline properties dialog is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Align centrally"
-+msgstr "Zentriert"
-+msgid "Align left"
-+msgstr "Linksbündig"
-+msgid "No change"
-+msgstr "Keine Änderung"
-+msgid "Align right"
-+msgstr "Rechtsbündig"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"There was a problem downloading '#1%S'\\nPlease check your Internet "
-+"connection and try again. If you still can't get this file please contact "
-+"Xara Technical Support."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Distribute centres"
-+msgstr "Mittelpunkte verteilen"
-+msgid "Distribute equi-spaced"
-+msgstr "Mit gleichem Abstand verteilen"
-+msgid "Distribute left edges"
-+msgstr "Linke Kanten verteilen"
-+msgid "Distribute right edges"
-+msgstr "Rechte Kanten verteilen"
-+msgid ""
-+"HeightandAngleShadow ;Operation for changing the shadow height and "
-+"angle;Change in the shadow's height and angle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"HeightShadow;Operation for changing the shadow height;Change the shadow "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Update Help &files;Check for new Help and Support files at;Help "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Help download;Help download;Help download;"
-+msgstr "Hilfe downladen;Hilfe downladen;Hilfe downladen;"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_ATM_Not_Running"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_ATM_Not_Running"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Abort_or_Continue_Printing"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Abort_or_Continue_Printing"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bad_Document_File_Format"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bad_Document_File_Format"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bad_Filename"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bad_Filename"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bad_Mould_Shape"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bad_Mould_Shape"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bad_Pentium"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bad_Pentium"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bad_Text_Search"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bad_Text_Search"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bars_File_Problem"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bars_File_Problem"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Bitmap_Too_Large"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Bitmap_Too_Large"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Browsing_Cannot_Find_Library"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Browsing_Cannot_Find_Library"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_CD6_files_not_supported"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_CD6_files_not_supported"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Cannot_Close_File"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Cannot_Close_File"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Cannot_Open_Web_Page"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Cannot_Open_Web_Page"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Clipboard_Problem"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Clipboard_Problem"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Close_open_documents"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Close_open_documents"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Delete_Used_Colour"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Delete_Used_Colour"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Do_you_want_to_print_all_these_plates"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Do_you_want_to_print_all_these_plates"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Document_Template"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Document_Template"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Document_Unsaved"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Document_Unsaved"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Drawing_too_large_for_CMX_export"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Drawing_too_large_for_CMX_export"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Export_Entire_Spread"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Export_Entire_Spread"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Export_to_Existing_File"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Export_to_Existing_File"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_File_Cannot_All_be_Exported"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_File_Cannot_All_be_Exported"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_File_Cannot_All_be_Imported"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_File_Cannot_All_be_Imported"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_File_Exists"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_File_Exists"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_File_Not_Found"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_File_Not_Found"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_File_is_Read_Only"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_File_is_Read_Only"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Fonts_Gallery_Sure_InstallDeinstall"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Fonts_Gallery_Sure_InstallDeinstall"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Fonts_Substituted"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Fonts_Substituted"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Fractal_Too_Small"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Fractal_Too_Small"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_GIF_Transparency_Mask_Creation_Failed"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_GIF_Transparency_Mask_Creation_Failed"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_INI_File_Out_of_Date"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_INI_File_Out_of_Date"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Incorrect_Win32s_Version"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Incorrect_Win32s_Version"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Invalid_Input_Value"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Invalid_Input_Value"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Layer_Delete_Query"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Layer_Delete_Query"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Browse_Or_Scan"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Browse_Or_Scan"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Cannot_Find_Index"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Cannot_Find_Index"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Cannot_Update_Index"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Cannot_Update_Index"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Check_Index_Create"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Check_Index_Create"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Check_Remove"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Check_Remove"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Create_Remote"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Create_Remote"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_No_Files"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_No_Files"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_No_Index_File_Gen"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_No_Index_File_Gen"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_No_Index_Skip"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_No_Index_Skip"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Problems_Creating_Index"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Problems_Creating_Index"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Library_Thumbnail_Problem"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Library_Thumbnail_Problem"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Loading_EPS"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Loading_EPS"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Multiple_References_to_a_Bitmap_About_to_be_Deleted"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Multiple_References_to_a_Bitmap_About_to_be_Deleted"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Named_Objects_Overlap"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Named_Objects_Overlap"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_NavBar_File_Exists"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_NavBar_File_Exists"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_No_Result_When_Combining_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_No_Result_When_Combining_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_No_Texture_Loaded"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_No_Texture_Loaded"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Nothing_Selected"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Nothing_Selected"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Only_named_colors_can_be_spot_colors"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Only_named_colors_can_be_spot_colors"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Out_of_Memory"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Out_of_Memory"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Overrun_or_Truncated_File"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Overrun_or_Truncated_File"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Overwrite_V1_file_with_a_V1_5"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Overwrite_V1_file_with_a_V1_5"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Print_as_bitmap"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Print_as_bitmap"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Problem_Installing_Font"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Problem_Installing_Font"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Problem_With_INI_File"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Problem_With_INI_File"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Read_Write_Failure"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Read_Write_Failure"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Reinstall_the_Program"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Reinstall_the_Program"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Remove_Old_Library_Groups"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Remove_Old_Library_Groups"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Serious_Problem"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Serious_Problem"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Set_Current_Attribute"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Set_Current_Attribute"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Share_Violation"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Share_Violation"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Spread_Too_Large"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Spread_Too_Large"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_This_Op_Will_Remove_Perspective"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_This_Op_Will_Remove_Perspective"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_This_document_contains_overlapping_transparent_objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_This_document_contains_overlapping_transparent_objects"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Transparency_Mode_Switching"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Transparency_Mode_Switching"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Unable_to_Create_File"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Unable_to_Create_File"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Unable_to_find_printer_profile"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Unable_to_find_printer_profile"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Undo_Warnings"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Undo_Warnings"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_User_Cancelled_Something"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_User_Cancelled_Something"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_Web_Address_Too_Long"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_Web_Address_Too_Long"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_XaraFont_Not_Found"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_XaraFont_Not_Found"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_You_cannot_create_spot_colors"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_You_cannot_create_spot_colors"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_You_cannot_edit_library_colors"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_You_cannot_edit_library_colors"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert__No_plates_have_been_set_to_print"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert__No_plates_have_been_set_to_print"
-+msgid "IDH_Alert_document_already_open"
-+msgstr "IDH_Alert_document_already_open"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_1234"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_1234"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_About_Studio"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_About_Studio"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Add_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Add_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Alignment"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Alignment"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Apply_ClipView"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Apply_ClipView"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Arrange_Icons"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Arrange_Icons"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Arrange_Views"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Arrange_Views"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bars"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bars"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Brightness_and_Contrast"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Brightness_and_Contrast"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Colour_Depth"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Colour_Depth"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Flip_and_Rotate"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Flip_and_Rotate"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Resize"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Resize"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Special"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Effects_Special"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Tracer"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bitmap_Tracer"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Break_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Break_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Bring_to_Front"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Bring_to_Front"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Cascade_Views"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Cascade_Views"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Clear_Selection"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Clear_Selection"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Clipart_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Clipart_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Clone"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Clone"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Close"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Close"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Colour_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Colour_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Colour_Line"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Colour_Line"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Combine_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Combine_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Composite_Print_Preview"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Composite_Print_Preview"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Contents"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Contents"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Control_Bars"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Control_Bars"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Convert_Line_to_Shape"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Convert_Line_to_Shape"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Convert_to_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Convert_to_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Copy"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Copy"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Create_Bitmap_Copy"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Create_Bitmap_Copy"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Cut"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Cut"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Delete"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Delete"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Document_Info"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Document_Info"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Duplicate"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Duplicate"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Exit"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Exit"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Export"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Export"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Export_Animated_GIF"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Export_Animated_GIF"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Feather"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Feather"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Fill_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Fill_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Fit_Text_To_Curve"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Fit_Text_To_Curve"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Font_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Font_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Frame_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Frame_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Fullscreen"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Fullscreen"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Group"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Group"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Group_Transparency"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Group_Transparency"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Imagesetting"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Imagesetting"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Import"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Import"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Import_from_Web"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Import_from_Web"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Intersect_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Intersect_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Join_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Join_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Layer_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Layer_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Line_Attribute_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Line_Attribute_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Move_Backwards"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Move_Backwards"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Move_Forwards"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Move_Forwards"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Move_to_Layer_Behind "
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Move_to_Layer_Behind "
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Move_to_Layer_in_Front"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Move_to_Layer_in_Front"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Move_to_Next_Frame"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Move_to_Next_Frame"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Move_to_Previous_Frame"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Move_to_Previous_Frame"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Name_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Name_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_New"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_New"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_New_View"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_New_View"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Open"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Open"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_General"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_General"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Grid_and_Ruler"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Grid_and_Ruler"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Imagesetter"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Imagesetter"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Internet"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Internet"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Mouse"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Mouse"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Output"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Output"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Page"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Page"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Plugin"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Plugin"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Print_Layout"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Print_Layout"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Scaling"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Scaling"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Separations"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Separations"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Tuneups"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Tuneups"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_Units"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_Units"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Options_View"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Options_View"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Overprint_Fill"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Overprint_Fill"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Overprint_Line"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Overprint_Line"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Paste"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Paste"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Paste_Attributes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Paste_Attributes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Paste_at_Same_Position"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Paste_at_Same_Position"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Preview_All_Frames"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Preview_All_Frames"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Preview_Animation_in_Browser"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Preview_Animation_in_Browser"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Print"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Print"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Print_Borders"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Print_Borders"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Print_On_All_Plates"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Print_On_All_Plates"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Print_Options"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Print_Options"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Print_Setup"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Print_Setup"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Print_Text_as_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Print_Text_as_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Put_to_Back"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Put_to_Back"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Quality"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Quality"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Remove_Feathering"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Remove_Feathering"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Reverse_Text_on_Curve"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Reverse_Text_on_Curve"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Rulers"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Rulers"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Save"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Save"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Save_All"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Save_All"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Save_As"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Save_As"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Save_As_Template"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Save_As_Template"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Scrollbars"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Scrollbars"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Select_All"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Select_All"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Show_Grid"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Show_Grid"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Show_Guides"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Show_Guides"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Slice_Image"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Slice_Image"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Slice_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Slice_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Snap_To_Grid"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Snap_To_Grid"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Snap_To_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Snap_To_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Snap_to_Guides"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Snap_to_Guides"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Status_Line"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Status_Line"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Subtract_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Subtract_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Time_Redraw"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Time_Redraw"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Tip_of_the_Day"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Tip_of_the_Day"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Undo"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Undo"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Ungroup"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Ungroup"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Ungroup_Transparency"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Ungroup_Transparency"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Use_Help_From_CD"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Use_Help_From_CD"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Web_Address"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Web_Address"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Wizard_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Wizard_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Command_Xara_On_The_Web"
-+msgstr "IDH_Command_Xara_On_The_Web"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Animation_Colors"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Animation_Colors"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Animation_Looping_and_Speed"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Animation_Looping_and_Speed"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Frame_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Frame_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Preview_in_Browser"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Animation_Properties_Preview_in_Browser"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_BMP"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_BMP"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_GIF"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_GIF"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_JPEG"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_JPEG"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_PNG"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Export_PNG"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Bitmap_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_CorelXARA_EPS_Export"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_CorelXARA_EPS_Export"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Offset"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Offset"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Rotation"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Rotation"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Scaling"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Scaling"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Sequence"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Sequence"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Spacing"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Edit_Brush_Spacing"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Add_Folder"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Add_Folder"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Find_Dialog"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Find_Dialog"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Sort_Dialog"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Gallery_Sort_Dialog"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Guideline_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Guideline_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Image_Map_Export_Options"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Image_Map_Export_Options"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Layer_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Layer_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Name_Layer"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Name_Layer"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Name_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Name_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Paste_Special"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Paste_Special"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_PhotoCD_Import"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_PhotoCD_Import"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Rename_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Rename_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Separation_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Separation_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Unit_Properties"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Unit_Properties"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_WEB_File_Options"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_WEB_File_Options"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Web_Export"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Web_Export"
-+msgid "IDH_Dialog_Xar_Export"
-+msgstr "IDH_Dialog_Xar_Export"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Bitmap"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Bitmap"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Clipart"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Clipart"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Colour"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Colour"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Fill"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Fill"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Font"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Font"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Frame"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Frame"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Layer"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Layer"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Line"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Line"
-+msgid "IDH_Gallery_Name"
-+msgstr "IDH_Gallery_Name"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Adding_Clipart_to_the_Clipart_Gallery"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Adding_Clipart_to_the_Clipart_Gallery"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Adding_Custom_Brush_Strokes"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Adding_Custom_Brush_Strokes"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Adding_Points_to_a_LineShape"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Adding_Points_to_a_LineShape"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Adding_Web_Addresses_to_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Adding_Web_Addresses_to_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Aligning_objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Aligning_objects"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Applying_Fill_Colours"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Applying_Fill_Colours"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Applying_Line_Colour"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Applying_Line_Colour"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Applying_a_Mould"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Applying_a_Mould"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Applying_attributes_to_a_whole_text_object"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Applying_attributes_to_a_whole_text_object"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Breaking_a_LineShape"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Breaking_a_LineShape"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Changing_Curved_Lines_and_Shapes"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Changing_Curved_Lines_and_Shapes"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Changing_The_Template_Document"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Changing_The_Template_Document"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Changing_a_Line_into_a_Shape"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Changing_a_Line_into_a_Shape"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Changing_the_Quality_Setting"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Changing_the_Quality_Setting"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Colour_Line_Moving_Colours"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Colour_Line_Moving_Colours"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Copying_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Copying_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Copying_colour_to_another_object"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Copying_colour_to_another_object"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Customizing_the_appearance_of_CorelXARA"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Customizing_the_appearance_of_CorelXARA"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Drawing_Ellipses"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Drawing_Ellipses"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Drawing_Rectangles"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Drawing_Rectangles"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Entering_Text"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Entering_Text"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Moving_the_Transformation_Center"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Moving_the_Transformation_Center"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Moving_and_Copying_Buttons"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Moving_and_Copying_Buttons"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Moving_by_Dragging"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Moving_by_Dragging"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Nudging_objects_and_handles"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Nudging_objects_and_handles"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Pasting"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Pasting"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Pasting_Attributes"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Pasting_Attributes"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Polygon_Curved_Corners"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Polygon_Curved_Corners"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Polygon_Stellate"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Polygon_Stellate"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Polygon_into_an_Ellipse"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Polygon_into_an_Ellipse"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Previewing_animated_GIF_files"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Previewing_animated_GIF_files"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Reordering_Gallery_Items"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Reordering_Gallery_Items"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Restoring_and_Removing_Buttons"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Restoring_and_Removing_Buttons"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Scaling_by_Dragging"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Scaling_by_Dragging"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Select_Under"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Select_Under"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Selecting_Difficult_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Selecting_Difficult_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Selecting_Objects_in_Objects"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Selecting_Objects_in_Objects"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Selecting_Text_Regions"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Selecting_Text_Regions"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Setting_the_Current_Attributes"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Setting_the_Current_Attributes"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Temporary_Selector_Use"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Temporary_Selector_Use"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Text_Tool_Shortcuts"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Text_Tool_Shortcuts"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Tip_of_the_Day"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Tip_of_the_Day"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Typing_Text_onto_a_Curve"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Typing_Text_onto_a_Curve"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Using_the_Push_Tool_Temporarily"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Using_the_Push_Tool_Temporarily"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Viewing_the_demos"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Viewing_the_demos"
-+msgid "IDH_How_Zoom_Temporary"
-+msgstr "IDH_How_Zoom_Temporary"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_Arrange"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_Arrange"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_Edit"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_Edit"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_File"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_File"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_Help"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_Help"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_Plugin"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_Plugin"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_Utilities"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_Utilities"
-+msgid "IDH_Menu_Window"
-+msgstr "IDH_Menu_Window"
-+msgid "IDH_Message__Bevel_already_applied"
-+msgstr "IDH_Message__Bevel_already_applied"
-+msgid "IDH_Message__Contour_already_applied"
-+msgstr "IDH_Message__Contour_already_applied"
-+msgid "IDH_Misc_Colour_Editor"
-+msgstr "IDH_Misc_Colour_Editor"
-+msgid "IDH_Misc_Demos"
-+msgstr "IDH_Misc_Demos"
-+msgid "IDH_Misc_Key_Shortcuts"
-+msgstr "IDH_Misc_Key_Shortcuts"
-+msgid "IDH_Misc_Tech_Support"
-+msgstr "IDH_Misc_Tech_Support"
-+msgid "IDH_Misc_Tools"
-+msgstr "IDH_Misc_Tools"
-+msgid "IDH_Misc_Xara_Ltd"
-+msgstr "IDH_Misc_Xara_Ltd"
-+msgid "IDH_Name_Gallery_Extend_Dialog_Box"
-+msgstr "IDH_Name_Gallery_Extend_Dialog_Box"
-+msgid "IDH_NavBar_Create_Dialog_Box"
-+msgstr "IDH_NavBar_Create_Dialog_Box"
-+msgid "IDH_NavBar_Edit_Design_Dialog_Box"
-+msgstr "IDH_NavBar_Edit_Design_Dialog_Box"
-+msgid "IDH_NavBar_Edit_States_Dialog_Box"
-+msgstr "IDH_NavBar_Edit_States_Dialog_Box"
-+msgid "IDH_Overview_Galleries"
-+msgstr "IDH_Overview_Galleries"
-+msgid "IDH_Overview_Layers"
-+msgstr "IDH_Overview_Layers"
-+msgid "IDH_Overview_Popup_Menus"
-+msgstr "IDH_Overview_Popup_Menus"
-+msgid "IDH_Overview_Printing"
-+msgstr "IDH_Overview_Printing"
-+msgid "IDH_Overview_Zero_Width_Lines"
-+msgstr "IDH_Overview_Zero_Width_Lines"
-+msgid "IDH_Plugin_Filters"
-+msgstr "IDH_Plugin_Filters"
-+msgid "IDH_Popup_Point_Handle_Deselect_All_Handles"
-+msgstr "IDH_Popup_Point_Handle_Deselect_All_Handles"
-+msgid "IDH_Popup_Point_Handle_Select_All_Points"
-+msgstr "IDH_Popup_Point_Handle_Select_All_Points"
-+msgid "Purchasing_Xara_X"
-+msgstr "Purchasing_Xara_X"
-+msgid "Registering_Xara_X"
-+msgstr "Registering_Xara_X"
-+msgid "IDH_Save_Template_Dialog"
-+msgstr "IDH_Save_Template_Dialog"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Bevel"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Bevel"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Blend"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Blend"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Contour"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Contour"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Ellipse"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Ellipse"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Fill"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Fill"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Freehand"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Freehand"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Mould"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Mould"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Pen"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Pen"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_QuickShape"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_QuickShape"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Rectangle"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Rectangle"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Selector"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Selector"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Shadow"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Shadow"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Shape"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Shape"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Shape_Break"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Shape_Break"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Shape_Curved"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Shape_Curved"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Shape_Delete"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Shape_Delete"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Shape_Straight"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Shape_Straight"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Text"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Text"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Transparency"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Transparency"
-+msgid "IDH_Tool_Zoom"
-+msgstr "IDH_Tool_Zoom"
-+msgid "IDH_Trouble_Print"
-+msgstr "IDH_Trouble_Print"
-+msgid "Unlocking_Xara_X"
-+msgstr "Unlocking_Xara_X"
-+msgid "IDH_how_creating_multicolor_fills"
-+msgstr "IDH_how_creating_multicolor_fills"
-+msgid ""
-+"On-line &Demonstrations;Displays help on running the on-line "
-+"demonstrations;Displays help on running the on-line demonstrations"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Using the &Galleries;Displays help on using the galleries;Displays help on "
-+"using the galleries"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Help topics;The on-line help contents"
-+msgstr "&Hilfe-Themen;Der Inhalt der Online-Hilfe"
-+msgid "&Help;Commands that offer help with Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "&Hilfe;Befehle, die Hilfe zu Xara Xtrame anbieten"
-+msgid "Movies test 1 (mplayer);Show a list of movies you can watch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Movies test 2 (wxMediaCtrl);Show a list of movies you can watch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Technical Support;Displays help on how to contact Technical Support;Displays "
-+"help on how to contact Technical Support"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Using the &Tools;Displays help on using the tools;Displays help on using the "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Benutzung der &Werkzeuge;Zeigt eine Hilfe zur Benutzung der Werkzeuge "
-+"an;Zeigt eine Hilfe zur Benutzung der Werkzeuge an"
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme &Help...;Opens Xara Xtreme help"
-+msgstr "&Xara Xtreme Hilfe...;Öffnet die Xara-Xtreme-Hilfe"
-+msgid "Xara XS &Help...;Opens Xara XS help"
-+msgstr "Xara XS &Hilfe...;Öffnet die Xara-XS-Hilfe"
-+msgid "&Using Help;A guide to the help system"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xone;Open the Xara Xone web site"
-+msgstr "Xara Xone;Öffnet die Xara Xone-Webseite"
-+msgid "Insert or edit a horizontal kern code; units of ems/10000"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag down to create a horizontal guideline; Double-click to create a "
-+"vertical guideline"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "AREA"
-+msgstr "AREA"
-+msgid "BODY"
-+msgstr "BODY"
-+msgid "CIRCLE"
-+msgstr "CIRCLE"
-+msgid "</"
-+msgstr "</"
-+msgid ","
-+msgstr ","
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d,#2%d"
-+msgstr "#1%d,#2%d"
-+msgid "COORDS"
-+msgstr "COORDS"
-+msgid "\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "\\r\\n"
-+msgid "="
-+msgstr "="
-+msgid "HEAD"
-+msgstr "HEAD"
-+msgid "HREF"
-+msgstr "HREF"
-+msgid "HTML"
-+msgstr "HTML"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<BODY>\\r\\n<IMG SRC=\"#1%s\" USEMAP=\"##2%s\" BORDER=0>\\r\\n</BODY>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<BODY>\\r\\n<IMG SRC=\"#1%s\" USEMAP=\"##2%s\" BORDER=0>\\r\\n</BODY>\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "<HEAD>\\r\\n<TITLE>#1%s</TITLE>\\r\\n</HEAD>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<HEAD>\\r\\n<TITLE>#1%s</TITLE>\\r\\n</HEAD>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "MAP"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "NAME"
-+msgstr "Name"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d"
-+msgstr "#1%d"
-+msgid "POLYGON"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "\\\""
-+msgstr "\\\""
-+msgid "RECT"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "SHAPE"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "\\t"
-+msgstr "\\t"
-+msgid ">"
-+msgstr ">"
-+msgid "<"
-+msgstr "<"
-+msgid "TARGET"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "TITLE"
-+msgstr "TITEL"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "File %d of %d"
-+msgstr "Datei %d von %d"
-+msgid "HTML file"
-+msgstr "HTML-Datei"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#1%s\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#1%s\">\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "<BODY BACKGROUND=\"#1%s\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<BODY BACKGROUND=\"#1%s\">\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<P ALIGN=\"center\">\\r\\n<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"The previewed "
-+"image\" USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\"></P>\\r\\"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<P ALIGN=\"center\">\\r\\n<IMG BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#1%s\" ALT=\"Die "
-+"Vorschaugrafik\" USEMAP=\"#PreviewBitmapImagemap\" ISMAP=\"ISMAP\"></P>\\r\\"
-+msgid "checker.gif"
-+msgstr "checker.gif"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"There was a problem downloading the URL: #1%S Make sure the URL is spelled "
-+"correctly and check your Internet connection."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "</BODY></HTML>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "</BODY></HTML>\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "<P ALIGN=\"center\"><HR>Exported from #1%s</P><P>&nbsp;</P>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<P ALIGN=\"center\"><HR>Exportiert aus #1%s</P><P>&nbsp;</P>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "<HTML>\\r\\n<HEAD><TITLE>Bitmap Preview</TITLE></HEAD>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<HTML>\\r\\n<HEAD><TITLE>Bitmapvorschau</TITLE></HEAD>\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "#1%s<BR>\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s#2%d"
-+msgstr "#1%s#2%d"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" VALIGN=\"TOP\"><P ALIGN=\"right\"><A HREF=\"#1%s\"><IMG "
-+"BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#2%s\" ALT=\"Visit the Xara Xtreme "
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" VALIGN=\"TOP\"><P ALIGN=\"right\"><A HREF=\"#1%s\"><IMG "
-+"BORDER=\"0\" SRC=\"#2%s\" ALT=\"Besuchen Sie die Xara Xtreme "
-+msgid "XarXLogo.gif"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Visit Xara Xtreme home page"
-+msgstr "Besuchen der Xara Xtreme Homepage"
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"VALIGN=\"TOP\"><P ALIGN=\"left\"><A HREF=\"#1%s\"><IMG BORDER=\"0\" "
-+"SRC=\"#2%s\" ALT=\"Visit the Xara Website\"></A></P></TD>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"VALIGN=\"TOP\"><P ALIGN=\"left\"><A HREF=\"#1%s\"><IMG BORDER=\"0\" "
-+"SRC=\"#2%s\" ALT=\"Besuchen Sie die Xara Xtreme Webseite\"></A></P></TD>\\r\\"
-+msgid "Xaralogo.gif"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "It is illegal to transparency group a single group object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "It is illegal to group a single group object"
-+msgstr "Ein einzelnes Gruppenobjekt kann nicht gruppiert werden."
-+msgid "Exporting Microsoft Windows Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Microsoft Windows Bitmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Microsoft Windows Bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Microsoft Windows Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Microsoft Windows Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Microsoft Windows Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Microsoft Cursor Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "cur"
-+msgstr "cur"
-+msgid "Load Microsoft Cursor Icon file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Microsoft Cursor Icon"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Microsoft Cursor Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Microsoft Cursor Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Microsoft Cursor Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting DR Halo file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load DR Halo file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "DR Halo"
-+msgstr "DR Halo"
-+msgid "Loading DR Halo file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for DR Halo file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export DR Halo file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting DICOM Image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "dcm"
-+msgstr "dcm"
-+msgid "Load DICOM Image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "DICOM Image"
-+msgstr "DICOM Image"
-+msgid "Loading DICOM Image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for DICOM Image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export DICOM Image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting ZSoft Paintbrush file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load ZSoft Paintbrush file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ZSoft Paintbrush"
-+msgstr "ZSoft Paintbrush"
-+msgid "Loading ZSoft Paintbrush file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for ZSoft Paintbrush file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export ZSoft Paintbrush file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "dib"
-+msgstr "dib"
-+msgid "Load Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing mask for Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing to export Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Digital Negative file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "dng"
-+msgstr "dng"
-+msgid "Load Digital Negative file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Digital Negative"
-+msgstr "Digital Negative"
-+msgid "Loading Digital Negative file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Digital Negative file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Digital Negative file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Encapsulated Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "epdf"
-+msgstr "epdf"
-+msgid "Load Encapsulated Portable Document Format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Encapsulated Portable Document Format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Encapsulated Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Encapsulated Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Encapsulated Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "epi"
-+msgstr "epi"
-+msgid "Load Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing mask for Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing to export Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "eps2"
-+msgstr "eps2"
-+msgid "Load Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "eps3"
-+msgstr "eps3"
-+msgid "Load Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "epsf"
-+msgstr "epsf"
-+msgid "Load Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Encapsulated PostScript"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "epsi"
-+msgstr "epsi"
-+msgid "eps"
-+msgstr "eps"
-+msgid ""
-+"Exporting Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ept"
-+msgstr "ept"
-+msgid ""
-+"Load Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Loading Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing mask for Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with "
-+"TIFF preview file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing to export Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with "
-+"TIFF preview file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting ImageMagick file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Group 3 TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "fax"
-+msgstr "fax"
-+msgid "Load Group 3 TIFF file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Group 3 TIFF"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Group 3 TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Group 3 TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Group 3 TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "miff"
-+msgstr "miff"
-+msgid "Load ImageMagick file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ImageMagick"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Flexible Image Transport System file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "fits"
-+msgstr "fits"
-+msgid "Load Flexible Image Transport System file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Flexible Image Transport System"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Flexible Image Transport System file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Flexible Image Transport System file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Flexible Image Transport System file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Microsoft Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Microsoft Icon file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Microsoft Icon"
-+msgstr "Microsoft Icon"
-+msgid "Loading Microsoft Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Microsoft Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Microsoft Icon file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading ImageMagick file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Multiple-image Network Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "jng"
-+msgstr "jng"
-+msgid "Load Multiple-image Network Graphics file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Multiple-image Network Graphics"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Multiple-image Network Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Multiple-image Network Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Multiple-image Network Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for ImageMagick file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Magick image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Magick image file format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Magick image file format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Magick image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Magick image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Magick image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Magick Persistent Cache image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "mpc"
-+msgstr "mpc"
-+msgid "Load Magick Persistent Cache image file format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Magick Persistent Cache image file format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Magick Persistent Cache image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Magick Persistent Cache image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Magick Persistent Cache image file format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting On-the-air Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "otb"
-+msgstr "otb"
-+msgid "Load On-the-air Bitmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "On-the-air Bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading On-the-air Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for On-the-air Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export On-the-air Bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "p7"
-+msgstr "p7"
-+msgid "Load Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Palm pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "palm"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Palm pixmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Palm pixmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Palm pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Palm pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Palm pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Common 2-dimensional bitmap format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pam"
-+msgstr "pam"
-+msgid "Load Common 2-dimensional bitmap format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Common 2-dimensional bitmap format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Common 2-dimensional bitmap format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Common 2-dimensional bitmap format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Common 2-dimensional bitmap format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Portable bitmap format (black and white) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Portable bitmap format (black and white) file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Portable bitmap format (black and white)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Portable bitmap format (black and white) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Portable bitmap format (black and white) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Portable bitmap format (black and white) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Photo CD file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pcds"
-+msgstr "pcds"
-+msgid "Load Photo CD file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Photo CD file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Photo CD file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Photo CD file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting HP Page Control Language file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pcl"
-+msgstr "pcl"
-+msgid "Load HP Page Control Language file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "HP Page Control Language"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading HP Page Control Language file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for HP Page Control Language file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export HP Page Control Language file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Palm Database ImageViewer Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pdb"
-+msgstr "pdb"
-+msgid "Load Palm Database ImageViewer Format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Palm Database ImageViewer Format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Palm Database ImageViewer Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Palm Database ImageViewer Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Palm Database ImageViewer Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pdf"
-+msgstr "pdf"
-+msgid "Load Portable Document Format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Portable Document Format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Portable Document Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Portable graymap format (gray scale) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Portable graymap format (gray scale) file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Portable graymap format (gray scale)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Portable graymap format (gray scale) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Portable graymap format (gray scale) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Portable graymap format (gray scale) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pict"
-+msgstr "pict"
-+msgid "Load Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Alias/Wavefront RLE image format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pix"
-+msgstr "pix"
-+msgid "Load Alias/Wavefront RLE image format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Alias/Wavefront RLE image format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Alias/Wavefront RLE image format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Alias/Wavefront RLE image format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Alias/Wavefront RLE image format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Portable anymap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pnm"
-+msgstr "pnm"
-+msgid "Load Portable anymap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Portable anymap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Portable anymap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Portable anymap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Portable anymap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Portable pixmap format (color) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Portable pixmap format (color) file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Portable pixmap format (color)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Portable pixmap format (color) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Portable pixmap format (color) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Portable pixmap format (color) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export ImageMagick file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Level II PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ps2"
-+msgstr "ps2"
-+msgid "Load Adobe Level II PostScript file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Level II PostScript file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Level II PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe Level II PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe Level II PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Level III PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ps3"
-+msgstr "ps3"
-+msgid "Load Adobe Level III PostScript file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Level III PostScript file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Level III PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe Level III PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe Level III PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe Photoshop bitmap file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Adobe Photoshop bitmap file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Photoshop bitmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe Photoshop bitmap file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe Photoshop bitmap file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe Photoshop bitmap file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Adobe PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ps"
-+msgstr "ps"
-+msgid "Load Adobe PostScript file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe PostScript file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Adobe PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Adobe PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Adobe PostScript file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Pyramid encoded TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ptif"
-+msgstr "ptif"
-+msgid "Load Pyramid encoded TIFF file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Pyramid encoded TIFF"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Pyramid encoded TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Pyramid encoded TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Pyramid encoded TIFF file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Seattle File Works multi-image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pwp"
-+msgstr "pwp"
-+msgid "Load Seattle File Works multi-image file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Seattle File Works multi-image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Seattle File Works multi-image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Seattle File Works multi-image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Seattle File Works multi-image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Alias/Wavefront image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "rla"
-+msgstr "rla"
-+msgid "Load Alias/Wavefront image file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Alias/Wavefront image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Alias/Wavefront image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Alias/Wavefront image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Alias/Wavefront image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Utah Run length encoded image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "rle"
-+msgstr "rle"
-+msgid "Load Utah Run length encoded image file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Utah Run length encoded image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Utah Run length encoded image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Utah Run length encoded image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Utah Run length encoded image file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Scitex Continuous Tone Picture file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "sct"
-+msgstr "sct"
-+msgid "Load Scitex Continuous Tone Picture file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Scitex Continuous Tone Picture"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Scitex Continuous Tone Picture file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Scitex Continuous Tone Picture file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Scitex Continuous Tone Picture file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Seattle File Works image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "sfw"
-+msgstr "sfw"
-+msgid "Load Seattle File Works image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Seattle File Works image"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Seattle File Works image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Seattle File Works image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Seattle File Works image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting SUN Rasterfile file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "sun"
-+msgstr "sun"
-+msgid "Load SUN Rasterfile file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "SUN Rasterfile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading SUN Rasterfile file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for SUN Rasterfile file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export SUN Rasterfile file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Scalable Vector Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "svg"
-+msgstr "svg"
-+msgid "Load Scalable Vector Graphics file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Scalable Vector Graphics"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Scalable Vector Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Scalable Vector Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Scalable Vector Graphics file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Truevision Targa image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Truevision Targa image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Truevision Targa image"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Truevision Targa image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Truevision Targa image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Truevision Targa image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Tagged Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "tiff"
-+msgstr "tiff"
-+msgid "Load Tagged Image File Format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Tagged Image File Format"
-+msgstr "Tagged Image File Format"
-+msgid "Loading Tagged Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Tagged Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Tagged Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting PSX TIM file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "tim"
-+msgstr "tim"
-+msgid "Load PSX TIM file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "PSX TIM file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading PSX TIM file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for PSX TIM file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export PSX TIM file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting TrueType font file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ttf"
-+msgstr "ttf"
-+msgid "Load TrueType font file file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "TrueType font file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading TrueType font file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for TrueType font file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export TrueType font file file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting VICAR rasterfile format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "vicar"
-+msgstr "vicar"
-+msgid "Load VICAR rasterfile format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "VICAR rasterfile format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading VICAR rasterfile format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for VICAR rasterfile format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export VICAR rasterfile format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Khoros Visualization Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "viff"
-+msgstr "viff"
-+msgid "Load Khoros Visualization Image File Format file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Khoros Visualization Image File Format"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Khoros Visualization Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Khoros Visualization Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Khoros Visualization Image File Format file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Wireless bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "wbmp"
-+msgstr "wbmp"
-+msgid "Load Wireless bitmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Wireless bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Wireless bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Wireless bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Wireless bitmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting Word Perfect Graphics File file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Word Perfect Graphics File file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Word Perfect Graphics File"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Word Perfect Graphics File file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for Word Perfect Graphics File file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export Word Perfect Graphics File file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting X Windows system bitmap, black and white only file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "xbm"
-+msgstr "xbm"
-+msgid "Load X Windows system bitmap, black and white only file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "X Windows system bitmap, black and white only"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading X Windows system bitmap, black and white only file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing mask for X Windows system bitmap, black and white only file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Preparing to export X Windows system bitmap, black and white only file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting GIMP image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "xcf"
-+msgstr "xcf"
-+msgid "Load GIMP image file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "GIMP image"
-+msgstr "GIMP Grafik"
-+msgid "Loading GIMP image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for GIMP image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export GIMP image file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting X Windows system pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "xpm"
-+msgstr "xpm"
-+msgid "Load X Windows system pixmap file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "X Windows system pixmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading X Windows system pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for X Windows system pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export X Windows system pixmap file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exporting X Windows system window dump file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "xwd"
-+msgstr "xwd"
-+msgid "Load X Windows system window dump file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "X Windows system window dump"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading X Windows system window dump file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing mask for X Windows system window dump file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Preparing to export X Windows system window dump file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Image map export options; Changes the options for exporting an Image Map"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Approximately"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Closely"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Not at all"
-+msgstr "Ãœberhaupt nichts"
-+msgid "Very closely"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "htm"
-+msgstr "htm"
-+msgid "ImageMap"
-+msgstr "ImageMap"
-+msgid ""
-+"Export image in slices...;Exports the entire image in sections;Image slicing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Monochrome"
-+msgstr "Monochrom"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d-bit"
-+msgstr "#1%d-Bit"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Image Size: #1%d by #2%d pixels, "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
-+msgstr "HTML-Dateien (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*||"
-+msgid "Loading Enhanced Metafile..."
-+msgstr "Erweiterte Metadatei wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Loading Xara (wix) file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Importing a JPEG file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Xara X document..."
-+msgstr "Xara X-Dokument wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Loading CorelXARA document..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading PNG file..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loading Xara web document..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import With Layers"
-+msgstr "Mit Ebenen importieren"
-+msgid "Import layers into the active layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Maintain imported layers names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import layers into new layers"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "in"
-+msgstr "zoll"
-+msgid "Inch"
-+msgstr "Zoll"
-+msgid "Inches"
-+msgstr "Zoll"
-+msgid ""
-+"Incorrect serial number present on system. This program will now terminate."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Incorrect serial number entered."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Multiplier values must be in the range 90% - 110%"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Infobar"
-+msgstr "Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Tool Infobar"
-+msgstr "Hilfsmittel-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "&Current"
-+msgstr "&Aktuell"
-+msgid "&Default"
-+msgstr "&Standard"
-+msgid ""
-+"A sub-system has failed to initialise correctly, without correctly reporting "
-+"an error. The application will now close-down."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "InsetPath"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "make inset path a contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "make contour an inset path"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "'inside'"
-+msgstr "„innen“"
-+msgid "&Install"
-+msgstr "&Installieren"
-+msgid "Install &All"
-+msgstr "&Alle installieren"
-+msgid "This font is already installed."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "An interlaced #1%s"
-+msgstr "Ein interlaced #1%s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Internal program error %u.%s"
-+msgstr "Interner Programmfehler %u.%s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "A transparent, interlaced #1%s"
-+msgstr "Ein transparentes, interlaced #1%s"
-+msgid "0123456789"
-+msgstr "0123456789"
-+msgid "The angle you specified was invalid. It must be between -180 and 180"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der angegebene Winkel ist ungültig. Der Wert muss zwischen -180 und 180 "
-+msgid ""
-+"Invalid distance, please ensure the distance and unit type are correct"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter the name of a valid installed font"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cannot read new information about bars."
-+msgstr "Informationen über Leisten können nicht gelesen werden."
-+msgid "You must enter a value between"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You must enter a value between "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "An invalid number of colours has been specified in the palette"
-+msgstr "In der Palette wurde eine ungültige Anzahl von Farben angegeben."
-+msgid "Isometric"
-+msgstr "Isometrisch"
-+msgid "Is static"
-+msgstr "Ist statisch"
-+msgid "italic"
-+msgstr "Kursiv"
-+msgid "That operation can only be applied to library colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Compressed, retaining #1%d% of image quality<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Jim's example string"
-+msgstr "Jims Beispielzeichenfolge"
-+msgid "Hello world"
-+msgstr "Hallo Welt"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Join Shapes;Combine two or more shapes into one compound shape;Join shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bevelled join"
-+msgstr "Schrägverbindung"
-+msgid "Join shapes needs at least two shapes selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Für Formenverbindung werden mindestens zwei ausgewählte Formen benötigt."
-+msgid "join type"
-+msgstr "Verbindungstyp"
-+msgid "JPEG,"
-+msgstr "JPEG,"
-+msgid "This is not a valid JPEG file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "IJG Library Internal Error"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "File too complicated to process"
-+msgstr "Datei zum Verarbeiten zu kompiliziert"
-+msgid "JPEG File is corrupt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "JPEG File contains unsupported features"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load JPEG file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "justification"
-+msgstr "Ausrichtung"
-+msgid "Centre justify text"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fully Justify text"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Left justify text"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Right justify text"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Keep"
-+msgstr "Beibehalten"
-+msgid "&Kern;Kern;Kern"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Kilometre"
-+msgstr "Kilometer"
-+msgid "Kilometres"
-+msgstr "Kilometer"
-+msgid "km"
-+msgstr "km"
-+msgid "Adobe Illustrator"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "'"
-+msgstr "'"
-+msgid "''"
-+msgstr "''"
-+msgid "Angled"
-+msgstr "Eckig"
-+msgid "Feathered"
-+msgstr "Farbverlauf"
-+msgid "Arrow Head"
-+msgstr "Pfeilspitze"
-+msgid "Hollow Diamond"
-+msgstr "Leere Diamanten"
-+msgid "Spot"
-+msgstr "Spot"
-+msgid "Straight"
-+msgstr "Gerade"
-+msgid "' "
-+msgstr "' "
-+msgid " '"
-+msgstr " '"
-+msgid "Dashed Line"
-+msgstr "Bindestrich-Linie"
-+msgid "Solid Line"
-+msgstr "Gefüllte Linie"
-+msgid "No name"
-+msgstr "Kein Name"
-+msgid "Deleting bitmap '"
-+msgstr "Bitmap wird gelöscht '"
-+msgid "Times-Roman"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Times-Bold"
-+msgstr "Times-Bold"
-+msgid "Times-Roman-Bold"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Times-BoldItalic"
-+msgstr "Times-BoldItalic"
-+msgid "Times-Roman-BoldItalic"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Times-Roman-Italic"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Layer 1"
-+msgstr "Ebene 1"
-+msgid ""
-+"Both components are inherited from the parent, so you cannot drag here"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie können nicht an diese Stelle ziehen, da beide Komponenten von der "
-+"übergeordneten Komponente geerbt sind."
-+msgid "This component cannot be dragged as it is inherited from the parent"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Komponente kann nicht gezogen werden, da sie von der übergeordneten "
-+"Komponente geerbt ist."
-+msgid ""
-+"The Key component cannot be dragged as it is inherited from the parent"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die Schlüsselkomponente (Schwarz) kann nicht gezogen werden, da sie von der "
-+"übergeordneten Komponente geerbt ist."
-+msgid "Click here to cycle the diagonal axis between Red, Green, and Blue"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie hier, um die diagonale Achse zwischen Rot, Grün und Blau zu "
-+msgid ""
-+"Click here to cycle the diagonal axis between Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie hier, um die diagonale Achse zwischen Zyan, Magenta und Gelb zu "
-+msgid "Current colour"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Farbe"
-+msgid "Shows the current colour; This colour can be dragged and dropped"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This can only be dragged in one direction, as it inherits from the parent"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Dies kann nur in eine Richtung gezogen werden, da es Komponenten von der "
-+"übergeordneten Komponente erbt."
-+msgid "Drop to Edit Colour"
-+msgstr "Ablegen zum Bearbeiten der Farbe"
-+msgid "Hue cannot be changed, as it is inherited from the parent colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Farbton kann nicht geändert werden, da er von der übergeordneten Farbe "
-+"geerbt ist"
-+msgid "You cannot name local colours"
-+msgstr "Lokale Farben können nicht benannt werden"
-+msgid ""
-+"Saturation cannot be changed, as it is inherited from the parent colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sättigung kann nicht geändert werden, da sie von der übergeordneten Farbe "
-+"geerbt ist"
-+msgid ""
-+"Saturation/Value cannot be changed, as they are inherited from the parent "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Value cannot be changed, as it is inherited from the parent colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wert kann nicht geändert werden, da er von der übergeordneten Farbe geerbt "
-+msgid "Original colour"
-+msgstr "Originalfarbe"
-+msgid ""
-+"Shows the colour before editing; This colour can be dragged and dropped"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "There is no colour editor!"
-+msgstr "Kein Farb-Editor!"
-+msgid "Invalid"
-+msgstr "Ungültig"
-+msgid "Imported "
-+msgstr "Importiert "
-+msgid "Unnamed"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Generating fractal"
-+msgstr "Fraktal wird generiert"
-+msgid " -Bold"
-+msgstr " -Fett"
-+msgid " *"
-+msgstr " *"
-+msgid " -Italic"
-+msgstr " -Kursiv"
-+msgid ", "
-+msgstr ", "
-+msgid "Create Bitmap Object"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Objekt erstellen"
-+msgid " (Greyscale)"
-+msgstr " (Graustufen)"
-+msgid "; Press TAB for 'Background update' mode"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Creating new "
-+msgstr "Neu erstellen: "
-+msgid "Editing "
-+msgstr "Bearbeiten "
-+msgid "; Press TAB for 'Immediate update' mode"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Press TAB for 'No update' mode"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Anti-aliased bitmap resolution"
-+msgstr "Anti-Alias-Bitmap-Auflösung"
-+msgid "&PostScript"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "A0"
-+msgstr "A0"
-+msgid "A1"
-+msgstr "A1"
-+msgid "A2"
-+msgstr "A2"
-+msgid "A3"
-+msgstr "A3"
-+msgid "A4"
-+msgstr "A4"
-+msgid "A5"
-+msgstr "A5"
-+msgid "A6"
-+msgstr "A6"
-+msgid "Fanfold"
-+msgstr "Endlospapier"
-+msgid "US Legal"
-+msgstr "US Legal"
-+msgid "US Letter"
-+msgstr "US Letter"
-+msgid "s"
-+msgstr "s"
-+msgid "AaBbCc"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Larger"
-+msgstr "Größer"
-+msgid "&ChangeLayers;Change layers;Change layers"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Layers;Layers dialog;Layer operation"
-+msgstr "&Ebenen;Ebenendialog;Ebenenoperationen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Background layers in #1%s"
-+msgstr "Hintergrund-Ebenen in #1%s"
-+msgid "Copy of "
-+msgstr "Kopie von "
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Foreground layers in #1%s"
-+msgstr "Vordergrund-Ebenen in #1%s"
-+msgid "Layer names are not unique"
-+msgstr "Ebenennamen sind nicht eindeutig."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Layer #1%ld"
-+msgstr "Ebene #1%ld"
-+msgid "&Layer name;Change the name of a layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Layer Properties...;Change the layer settings"
-+msgstr "&Ebeneneigenschaften;Ändern der Ebeneneinstellungen"
-+msgid "The layer properties dialog is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "layers"
-+msgstr "Ebenen"
-+msgid ""
-+"The layer contains some objects. Are you sure you want to delete them?"
-+msgstr "Die Ebene enthält Objekte. Möchten Sie diese löschen?"
-+msgid "&Delete layer"
-+msgstr "&Lösche Ebene"
-+msgid "layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene"
-+msgid "LAYER"
-+msgstr "EBENE"
-+msgid "Can't change the page background layer's locked state"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Can't change a layer's editable state when 'All editable' is on"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Bearbeitbar-Status einer Ebene kann nicht geändert werden, wenn das "
-+"Bearbeiten aller Ebenen aktiviert ist."
-+msgid "The selected layer is always editable"
-+msgstr "Die ausgewählte Ebene ist immer bearbeitbar."
-+msgid "Can't change a layer's visible state when 'All visible' is on"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sichtbar-Status einer Ebene kann nicht geändert werden, wenn „Alle Ebenen "
-+"sichtbar“ aktiviert ist."
-+msgid "The selected layer is always visible"
-+msgstr "Die ausgewählte Ebene ist immer sichtbar."
-+msgid "Make all layers visible regardless of their visible state"
-+msgstr "Macht alle Ebenen sichtbar unabhängig vom Status."
-+msgid "Copy the selected layer and all its contents"
-+msgstr "Kopiert die ausgewählte Ebene mit Inhalt."
-+msgid "Delete the selected layer and all its contents"
-+msgstr "Löscht die ausgewählte Ebene mit Inhalt."
-+msgid "Move the selected layer down the list to alter its viewing order"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Verschiebt die ausgewählte Ebene in der Liste nach unten und ändert den "
-+msgid "Make the layer either editable or uneditable"
-+msgstr "Macht die Ebene bearbeitbar oder nicht bearbeitbar."
-+msgid "Make all layers editable regardless of their editable state"
-+msgstr "Macht alle Ebenen bearbeitbar unabhängig vom Status."
-+msgid "Set the name of the selected layer"
-+msgstr "Legt den Namen der ausgewählten Ebene fest."
-+msgid "Create a new layer"
-+msgstr "Legt eine neue Ebene an."
-+msgid "Opens the properties dialog for the selected layer"
-+msgstr "Öffnet das Dialogfeld für Eigenschaften für die ausgewählte Ebene."
-+msgid "Move the selected layer up the list to alter its viewing order"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Verschiebt die ausgewählte Ebene in der Liste nach oben und ändert den "
-+msgid "Make the layer either visible or invisible"
-+msgstr "Macht die Ebene sichtbar oder unsichtbar."
-+msgid "'All layers visible' state change"
-+msgstr "Alle Ebenen sichtbar oder nicht sichtbar"
-+msgid "Change layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene ändern"
-+msgid "Change layer name"
-+msgstr "Ebenenname ändern"
-+msgid "layer's locked state change"
-+msgstr "Ebenen gesperrt"
-+msgid "Move layer"
-+msgstr "Ebene verschieben"
-+msgid "'Edit all layers' state change"
-+msgstr "Alle Ebenen bearbeiten"
-+msgid "layer's visible state change"
-+msgstr "Ebene sichtbar oder nicht sichtbar"
-+msgid "Leave background as is"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Leave large"
-+msgstr "Groß lassen"
-+msgid "; Other mouse button/Num + to leave original"
-+msgstr "; Other mouse button/Num + to leave original"
-+msgid "; Other mouse button/Num + to remove original"
-+msgstr "; Other mouse button/Num + to remove original"
-+msgid "; Other mouse button/Num + leaves original"
-+msgstr "; Other mouse button/Num + leaves original"
-+msgid "; Other mouse button/Num + removes original"
-+msgstr "; Other mouse button/Num + removes original"
-+msgid "Drag to move left side of grid"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Verschieben des Rasters links."
-+msgid "left margin"
-+msgstr "linker Rand"
-+msgid "Apply a left wall perspective around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten linke Perspektive zu."
-+msgid "Less than 1 sec"
-+msgstr "weniger als 1 Sek."
-+msgid "negligible"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "1. <None>"
-+msgstr "1. <Keine>"
-+msgid "Add a new LiveEffect to the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Einen neuen LiveEffekt zu den gewählten Objekten hinzufügen"
-+msgid "&Always Copy"
-+msgstr "&Immer kopieren"
-+msgid "Do you want to change the current effect or insert a new effect?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There are special effects in this group which may make the objects look "
-+"different when they are ungrouped. Do you want to remove the effects before "
-+"ungrouping or copy them onto the ungrouped objects?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Change"
-+msgstr "Än&dern"
-+msgid "Change or insert effects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Please wait while the effect resolutions are changed. Press ESCAPE to "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Copy Effects"
-+msgstr "&Effekte kopieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"You are about to delete all effects from the selected objects\\nAre you sure?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This effect must be applied on top of any others. Please choose a different "
-+"effect or change to a higher position in the effect order before trying "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This effect doesn't allow itself to be edited. If you want to change it you "
-+"will have to recreate it from scratch."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit the current effect using XPE"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Only one effect can be edited at a time. Close the current edit before "
-+"starting a new one."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Insert new"
-+msgstr "Neu &einfügen"
-+msgid "Insert a new LiveEffect before the currently selected effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Please wait while the selected effects are locked. Press ESCAPE to cancel..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "<None>"
-+msgstr "<Keine>"
-+msgid "Effects can only be added or edited on selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add Live Effect"
-+msgstr "LiveEffekt hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Add Feather Effect"
-+msgstr "Ausfranseffekt hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock Effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Lock/unlock Effects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change Effect Resolution"
-+msgstr "Effektauflösung ändern"
-+msgid "Plug-in effects shown in order. Choose one to edit or delete."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the selected effect up or down the order"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d. %s"
-+msgstr "%d. %s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d. %s (locked)"
-+msgstr "%d. %s (gesperrt)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d. <None>"
-+msgstr "%d. <Keine>"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d. %s (missing)"
-+msgstr "%d. %s (fehlend)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d ppi"
-+msgstr "%d ppi"
-+msgid "Recreate effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Remove Effects"
-+msgstr "Effekte &entfernen"
-+msgid "Delete all effects from the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please wait: Rendering LiveEffects..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Resolution of effect bitmap in pixels per inch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please wait: Contacting XPE for list of Live Effects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Lock/unlock effects in the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "See all the available effects and choose one to insert or change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Please wait while the selected effects are unlocked. Press ESCAPE to "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Clip/WebTheme Selector;Select whether to view Clipart or Web Themes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Clipart"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Web Themes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No Index"
-+msgstr "Kein Index"
-+msgid "Index"
-+msgstr "Index"
-+msgid "Bitmap clipart"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Clipart"
-+msgid "XaraBitm.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Calculating checksum"
-+msgstr "Kontrollsumme wird berechnet"
-+msgid "XaraClip.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Colours"
-+msgstr "Farben"
-+msgid "XaraColo.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fills"
-+msgstr "Füllungen"
-+msgid "XaraText.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Finding CD"
-+msgstr "CD wird gesucht"
-+msgid "XaraFont.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fractal"
-+msgstr "Fraktal"
-+msgid "Fractals"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "XaraFrac.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "DESCRIPTION:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Index.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "FILES:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "# Index file for "
-+msgstr "# Indexdatei für "
-+msgid "Author"
-+msgstr "Autor"
-+msgid "Filename"
-+msgstr "Dateiname"
-+msgid "ID"
-+msgstr "ID"
-+msgid "Key"
-+msgstr "Taste"
-+msgid "Title"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "START"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "AUTHOR:"
-+msgstr "AUTOR:"
-+msgid "KEY:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "TITLE:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Synonym.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Themes"
-+msgstr "Themen"
-+msgid "xarathem.txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "XaraInfo"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "XARAINFO"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Failed to locate the required folder."
-+msgstr "Der gewünschte Ordner konnte nicht gefunden werden."
-+msgid "Caching indices"
-+msgstr "Indizes werden in den Zwischenspeicher gestellt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Failed to locate the index for '#1%s'. Continue will remove this section, "
-+"and Quiet will remove all affected sections."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Failed to locate the index for '#1%s'. Skip will skip this section, and "
-+"Quiet will skip all affected sections."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The index for section '#1%s' cannot be found or has changed. Continue will "
-+"remove this section, and Quiet will remove all affected sections."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Are you sure you want to create a new index? Disk space may be required to "
-+"generate thumbnails for files that need them."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected sections?"
-+msgstr "Möchten Sie die ausgewählten Abschnitte entfernen?"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Can't create the index in this folder. Would you like to create it in '#1%s'?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Index für diesen Ordner kann nicht angelegt werden. Möchten Sie ihn in "
-+"'#1%s' anlegen?"
-+msgid "Scanning possible files in folder"
-+msgstr "Mögliche Dateien in Ordner werden durchsucht."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "The index for '#1%s' is invalid and must be updated."
-+msgstr "Der Index für '#1%s' ist ungültig und muss aktualisiert werden."
-+msgid "Double click to open this file; Or drag and drop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to close this section of the gallery"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Schließen dieses Galerieabschnitts."
-+msgid "Click to open this section of the gallery"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Öffnen dieses Galerieabschnitts."
-+msgid "Creating index"
-+msgstr "Index wird erstellt."
-+msgid ""
-+"There is a problem with the folder's index file. Use the 'Add' button to add "
-+"a new folder to the gallery."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Invalid folder."
-+msgstr "Ungültiger Ordner."
-+msgid ""
-+"Can't find any suitable files to add to the index for the specified folder."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Entsprechende Dateien, die dem Index des ausgewählten Ordners hinzugefügt "
-+"werden können, konnten nicht gefunden werden."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "The folder '#2%s' doesn't have a #1%s index."
-+msgstr "Ordner „#2%s“ verfügt nicht über Index #1%s."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The folder '#2%s' doesn't have a #1%s index. Would you like to create a new "
-+"index for the folder? (Disk space may be required to generate thumbnails for "
-+"files that need them)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "That folder already has an index. Are you sure you want to update it?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der Ordner verfügt bereits über einen Index. Möchten Sie diesen "
-+msgid "Problems creating index for that folder."
-+msgstr "Probleme beim Erstellen des Index für diesen Ordner."
-+msgid "Removing selected folders"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählte Ordner werden entfernt."
-+msgid "Scanning folder(s)"
-+msgstr "Ordner werden durchsucht."
-+msgid "Click to select"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen"
-+msgid "Ctrl-Click to deselect"
-+msgstr "Strg und Klicken zum Aufheben"
-+msgid "Double click to close this section of the gallery"
-+msgstr "Doppelklicken zum Schließen dieses Galerieabschnitts."
-+msgid "Double click to open this section of the gallery"
-+msgstr "Doppelklicken zum Öffnen dieses Galerieabschnitts."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Can't create thumbnail for '#1%s'."
-+msgstr "Skizze für '#1%s' kann nicht angelegt werden."
-+msgid "Can't update the chosen folder because it has a read-only index."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der ausgewählte Ordner kann nicht aktualisiert werden, da der Index "
-+"schreibgeschützt ist."
-+msgid "Updating Gallery Resource Management file"
-+msgstr "Galerie-Ressourcen-Management-Datei wird aktualisiert."
-+msgid "linear graduated fill"
-+msgstr "Lineare Verlaufsfüllung"
-+msgid "linear transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "0.25 pt"
-+msgstr "0,25 pt"
-+msgid "0.5 pt"
-+msgstr "0,5 pt"
-+msgid "12 pt"
-+msgstr "12 pt"
-+msgid "16 pt"
-+msgstr "16 pt"
-+msgid "1 pt"
-+msgstr "1 pt"
-+msgid "2 pt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "4 pt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "8 pt"
-+msgstr "8 pt"
-+msgid " attribute"
-+msgstr " Attribut"
-+msgid "Butt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Arrowheads"
-+msgstr "Pfeilspitzen"
-+msgid "Line cap"
-+msgstr "Linienkappe"
-+msgid "Dash patterns"
-+msgstr "Bindestrich-Muster"
-+msgid "Join type"
-+msgstr "Verbindungstyp"
-+msgid "Line widths"
-+msgstr "Linienbreite"
-+msgid "Brush strokes"
-+msgstr "Pinselstriche"
-+msgid "Stroke shapes / Pressure profiles"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Mitre"
-+msgstr "Fuge"
-+msgid "No head"
-+msgstr "Keine Spitze"
-+msgid "No tail"
-+msgstr "Kein Ende"
-+msgid "Round"
-+msgstr "Rund"
-+msgid "Click to select this "
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen von "
-+msgid "Ctrl-click to deselect this "
-+msgstr "Strg und Klicken zum Auswählen von "
-+msgid "; Double-click to apply it"
-+msgstr "; Double-click to apply it"
-+msgid "Square"
-+msgstr "Eckig"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click the 'Apply' button to apply #1%S attribute#2%S to the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche 'Zuweisen', um ausgewählten Attributen #2%S "
-+"#1%S zuzuweisen."
-+msgid "Simple line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Simple stroke"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Barb"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bevelled Ends"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blip"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bow Tie"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cigar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cigar 2"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Cigar 3"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Comet"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Concave"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Concave 2"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Concave 3"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Constant"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Convex"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Convex 2"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Convex 3"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Dab"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Decay"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ellipse"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fallout"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Goldfish"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Intestine"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Iron"
-+msgstr "Eisen"
-+msgid "Meteor"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Missile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ocean Liner"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Petal"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Propeller"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Raindrop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Reed"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Saw Tooth"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "SlimBlip"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Torpedo"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Yacht"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "line spacing"
-+msgstr "Zeilenabstand"
-+msgid "Choose the Shape Editor Tool to create and edit lines and shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das Hilfsmittel „Form-Editor“ erstellt und bearbeitet Linien und Formen."
-+msgid "A"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "line colour"
-+msgstr "Linienfarbe"
-+msgid "L"
-+msgstr "L"
-+msgid "Line transparency"
-+msgstr "Linientransparenz"
-+msgid "line width"
-+msgstr "Linienbreite"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Linked to #1%s"
-+msgstr "Verbunden mit #1%s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\">\\r\\n<CENTER><A "
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\">\\r\\n<CENTER><A "
-+msgid "Click an object to see LiveEffects applied."
-+msgstr "Auf ein Objekt klicken, um Live-Effekte anzuwenden"
-+msgid "Live effects infobar"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekt-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "live effects"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekte"
-+msgid "live effect"
-+msgstr "Live-Effekt"
-+msgid ""
-+"Live E&ffect Tool;Choose the Live Effect Tool to apply dynamic bitmap "
-+"effects to objects;LiveEffect"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Live-E&ffect-Werkzeug;Wählen Sie das Live-Effekt-Werkzeug, um "
-+"dynamischeBitmapeffekte auf Objekte anzuwenden;LiveEffect"
-+msgid "LoadFileDirect"
-+msgstr "LoadFileDirect"
-+msgid "Restoring workspace ..."
-+msgstr "Arbeitsbereich wird wiederhergestellt..."
-+msgid "FRAME"
-+msgstr "FRAME"
-+msgid "Lock a colour"
-+msgstr "Eine Farbe sperren"
-+msgid "Click to lock a colour in the palette"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Creating bitmap..."
-+msgstr "Erzeuge Bitmap..."
-+msgid "Create bitmap options"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Optionen erstellen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Make Colour(s) local to frame;Make Colour(s) local to frame;Make Colour(s) "
-+"local to frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add curved segments or change a straight segment to a curved segment"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Fügt Kurvensegmente hinzu oder ändert ein gerades Segment in ein "
-+msgid "Change to &Curves;Change to curves; Change to curves"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click this button or press Z for sharp joins between line segments"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie auf diese Schaltfläche, oder drücken Sie Z für spitze "
-+"Verbindungen zwischen Linienabschnitten."
-+msgid ""
-+"You are trying to set the colour of a full colour bitmap. It is only "
-+"possible to colour grey level bitmaps. Would you like to create a grey level "
-+"bitmap and apply the colour to that ?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Toggles the default grid on and off"
-+msgstr "Aktiviert/deaktiviert das Standardraster."
-+msgid ""
-+"Add straight line segments or change a curved segment to a straight segment"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Fügt gerade Liniensegmente oder ein Kurvensegment zu einem geraden Segment "
-+msgid "Change to &Lines;Change to lines; Change to lines"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Convert to &mask;Convert the selected objects into a mask region"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make named"
-+msgstr "Namen geben"
-+msgid "Make objects shapes...;Make objects into shapes;Convert to shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Reverse &Paths;Reverse paths; Reverse paths"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Con&vert to Editable Shapes;Converts all selected objects to shapes;Convert "
-+"to shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make small"
-+msgstr "Verkleinern"
-+msgid "Click this button or press S for smooth joins between line segments"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken Sie auf diese Schaltfläche, oder drücken Sie S für glatte "
-+"Verbindungen zwischen Linienabschnitten"
-+msgid ""
-+"Create Brush;Converts the selected objects to a custom brush which can be "
-+"applied from the line gallery;Create brush"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No objects are currently selected. Do you wish to make the"
-+msgstr "Zur Zeit sind keine Objekte ausgewählt. Möchten Sie"
-+msgid "Choose the rate of fade from one point to another"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie die Ausblendrate von einem Punkt zu einem anderen aus."
-+msgid "Mask &inside;Mask the inside or outside of a mask region"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This file contains some items that cannot be converted using this version of "
-+"the Metafile loader."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S byte"
-+msgstr "#1%S Byte"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S bytes"
-+msgstr "#1%S Bytes"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S K"
-+msgstr "#1%S K"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S M"
-+msgstr "#1%S M"
-+msgid "Zoom to 100%;Click to zoom the selected bitmap to 100%"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom to 1:1;Click to zoom to the resolution of the image"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom to Fit;Click to zoom so the bitmap fills the view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Locked"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Menu preferences"
-+msgstr "Menüeinstellungen"
-+msgid "Push Tool;Choose the Push Tool to move the bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Restore"
-+msgstr "&Wiederherstellen"
-+msgid "Colour Selector Tool;Click on a colour to select it."
-+msgstr "Farbauswahlwerkzeug;Klicken Sie auf eine Farbe, um sie auszuwählen."
-+msgid "Sort by &Hue"
-+msgstr "Nach &Farbton sortieren:"
-+msgid "Sort by &Importance"
-+msgstr "Nach Wichtigkeit sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by Lu&minance"
-+msgstr "Nach &Helligkeitswert sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by &Number of Uses"
-+msgstr "Nach &Verwendungshäufigkeit sortieren"
-+msgid "&Add System Colours"
-+msgstr "&Systemfarben hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Transparent &Background"
-+msgstr "Transparenter &Hintergrund"
-+msgid "&Make Web Safe"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom Tool;Choose the Zoom Tool to zoom in and out"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Times New Roman"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Metre"
-+msgstr "Meter"
-+msgid "Metres"
-+msgstr "Meter"
-+msgid "mi"
-+msgstr "M"
-+msgid "Mile"
-+msgstr "Meile"
-+msgid "Miles"
-+msgstr "Meilen"
-+msgid "Millimetre"
-+msgstr "Millimeter"
-+msgid "Millimetres"
-+msgstr "Millimeter"
-+msgid "Millipoint"
-+msgstr "Millipunkt"
-+msgid "Millipoints"
-+msgstr "Millipunkte"
-+msgid ""
-+"The directory which contains the help file is not present, no help will be "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The help index file is not present, unable to display the help index."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "mitre limit"
-+msgstr "Winkelbegrenzung"
-+msgid "mm"
-+msgstr "mm"
-+msgid "Add as a new NavBar"
-+msgstr "Als neue Navigation hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Make this the only NavBar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Replace the states indicated above"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Mould tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Grundform Infoleiste"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Using a #1%d bit, monochrome palette<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select an object, then choose one of the perspective or envelope "
-+"moulds from the infobar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "moulders"
-+msgstr "Grundformen"
-+msgid "moulder"
-+msgstr "Grundform"
-+msgid "Mould group"
-+msgstr "Grundform-Gruppe"
-+msgid "Mould groups"
-+msgstr "Grundform-Gruppen"
-+msgid "mould ink objects"
-+msgstr "Tintenobjekt auf Grundform anwenden"
-+msgid "mould ink object"
-+msgstr "Tintenobjekt auf Grundform anwenden"
-+msgid "Object is inside a mould"
-+msgstr "Objekt innen ist Grundform"
-+msgid "moulds"
-+msgstr "Grundformen"
-+msgid "mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform"
-+msgid "&Mould Tool;Choose the Mould Tool to bend and warp objects;Mould"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Verformungswerkzeug;Wählen Sie das Verformungswerkzeug, um Objekte zu "
-+"verbiegen und zu verzerren"
-+msgid "Move Bac&kwards;Moves the selected objects backwards;Move backwards"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move Fo&rwards;Moves the selected objects forward;Move forwards"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Move to Ne&xt Frame;Moves the selected objects to the next frame;Move to "
-+"next frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Move to Layer Be&hind;Moves the selected objects to the layer behind;Move to "
-+"layer behind"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Move to Layer in &Front;Moves the selected objects to the layer in "
-+"front;Move to layer in front"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move line point;Move path point;Line/Shape edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Move to Pre&vious Frame;Moves the selected objects to the previous "
-+"frame;Move to previous frame"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Move To Active Layer;Move To Active Layer;Move To Active Layer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "mp"
-+msgstr "mp"
-+msgid "The movie replay resources aren't present, please check the install"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "<Multiple>"
-+msgstr "<Mehrfach>"
-+msgid "Change fill type"
-+msgstr "Füllungstyp ändern"
-+msgid "Nothing"
-+msgstr "Nichts"
-+msgid "There are no objects selected."
-+msgstr "Es sind keine Objekte ausgewählt."
-+msgid "There are no objects with this name."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "There is one #1%S selected."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "There are #1%S selected."
-+msgstr "Es sind #1%S ausgewählt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "There is one object named '#1%S',\\n#2%S selected."
-+msgstr "Es ist ein Objekt genannt „#1%S“,\\n#2%S ausgewählt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "There are #3%d objects named '#1%S',\\n#2%S selected."
-+msgstr "Es sind #3%d Objekte genannt „#1%S“,\\n#2%S ausgewählt."
-+msgid "none"
-+msgstr "Kein"
-+msgid "This dialog box is already visible"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S #2%d"
-+msgstr "#1%S #2%d"
-+msgid "which is"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "which isn't"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Used bitmaps"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Used colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Exports"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select Export Location"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Some exports failed because #1%S files are not supported."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Used #1%Ss"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Used names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "name"
-+msgstr "Name"
-+msgid "Slices"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Stretches"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Used fonts"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "font"
-+msgstr "Zeichensatz"
-+msgid ""
-+"Apply &names to object;Give the highlighted names to an object;name object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Apply &names to selection;Give the highlighted names to the selected "
-+"objects;name objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create &name for objects;Create a new name for objects;create name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Apply &name to selection;Give a name to the selected objects;name objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Change the extending mode of bars;Change the way that bars extend;change "
-+"extend mode"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Change the properties of bars;Change the properties associated with "
-+"bars;change bar property"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Change the properties of objects;Change the properties associated with "
-+"objects having a name;change object property"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Delete names from objects;Delete the highlighted names from all "
-+"objects;delete names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"E&xport objects with names;Batch-export all objects with the highlighted "
-+"names;export objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Name objects;Create new names for objects;create names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Rede&fine names as selection;Redefine the highlighted names to denote only "
-+"the selected objects;redefine names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Re&move names from selection;Take the highlighted names away from the "
-+"selected objects;remove names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Rename objects;Change a name for all objects with it;rename objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Objekte umbenennen;Änderen des Namens für alle Objekte mit selbigen;Objekte "
-+msgid ""
-+"&Rename objects;Change the highlighted name for all objects with it;rename "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Select &intersection of names;Select all objects with every highlighted "
-+"name;select intersection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Select name;Select all objects called a name;select name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Select &union of names;Select all objects with any highlighted name;select "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Name gallery &index;Change which properties of items are displayed in the "
-+"gallery;change property index"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Native file export options; Change the parts of the drawing to be exported."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "bitmap definition"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "colour definition"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Problems have been found with some data. The data includes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load CorelXARA document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Xara X document"
-+msgstr "Xara X-Dokument laden"
-+msgid "font definition"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ". The problems have been fixed with default values"
-+msgstr ". Die Probleme wurden mit den Standardwerten korrigiert"
-+msgid "Sorting the colours for the document..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "unit definition"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Delete point needs at least one selected point handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Für das Löschen eines Punktes wird mindestens ein ausgewählter Haltepunkt "
-+msgid ""
-+"Transparency is needed to show this document correctly. Printing and viewing "
-+"may take longer than usual. Do you want to use transparency?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "New colour"
-+msgstr "Neue Farbe"
-+msgid "create new colour;create new colour;create new colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "New colour (Copy of #1%s)"
-+msgstr "Neue Farbe (Kopie von #1%s)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"A colour of this name already exists. The new colour has been renamed '%s'"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Es existiert bereits eine Farbe mit diesem Namen. Die neue Farbe wurde in "
-+"'%s' unbenannt."
-+msgid ""
-+"NewQuickShape;Operation for creating regular QuickShapes;QuickShape creation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Animation.xar"
-+msgstr "Animation.xar"
-+msgid "Animation"
-+msgstr "Animation"
-+msgid "*.xar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara X Template (*.xar)|*.xar||"
-+msgstr "Xara X Vorlge (*.xar)|*.xar||"
-+msgid "/Templates/"
-+msgstr "/Vorlagen/"
-+msgid "Save Template"
-+msgstr "Vorlage speichern"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Untitled ##1%d"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "New guideline"
-+msgstr "Neue Hilfslinie"
-+msgid "New layer..."
-+msgstr "Neue Ebene..."
-+msgid "There are no brushes to use"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No colour"
-+msgstr "Keine Farbe"
-+msgid "No colours"
-+msgstr "Keine Farben"
-+msgid "The colour manager failed to start up"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " (%d dpi)"
-+msgstr " (%d dpi)"
-+msgid "Add Endpoint;Add a point to the line;Add point"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Endpunkt hinzufügen;Fügt einen Punkt zur Linie hinzu;Punkt hinzufügen."
-+msgid "&Edit line/shape Op;Edit the line/shape;Line/shape Edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create new line;Create new line;Create line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The Xara Xtreme font is not installed. XARAFONT.FON in the Xara Xtreme "
-+"directory is a copy of this font. Please re-install the font using the "
-+"Windows Control Panel."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Not dithered<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create new grid"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Erstellen eines neuen Rasters."
-+msgid "scale"
-+msgstr "Skal."
-+msgid ""
-+"Your drawing contains no named objects. Open the name gallery and name "
-+"objects that you wish to be complete pieces of the sliced image."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Your selection for exporting contains no named objects. Select the parts of "
-+"your drawing you want to export. Having no selection will export the whole "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There is not enough space on your filing system to download the next help or "
-+"support file.\\nPlease free up some space and Try again or Cancel this "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You will need to save your drawing before the design notes can refer to it."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No restore method"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "With&out"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You must select one curve and one text line"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Kurve und eine Textlinie aus."
-+msgid "No type"
-+msgstr "Kein Typ"
-+msgid "The document could not be opened as it was not a Xara (wix) file."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The document could not be opened as it is not a CorelXARA document."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The document could not be opened as it was not a Xara X document."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Dieses Dokument konnte nicht geöffnet werden, da es sich nicht um ein Xara X-"
-+"Dokument handelt."
-+msgid "The file could not be opened as it was not a PNG file."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The document could not be opened as it was not a Xara web Document."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Dieses Dokument konnte nicht geöffnet werden, da es sich nicht um ein Xara "
-+"Web-Dokument handelt."
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, feather region sizes must be in the range [0pix - 40pix]. Please re-"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, a line width must be specified as a positive unit value (eg.'.5pt'). "
-+"Please re-enter."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Failed to locate your browser. It should be associated with .htm files."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The objects on the clipboard don't share any common attributes"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die Objekte in der Zwischenablage verfügen nicht über gemeinsame Attribute."
-+msgid "There is no document"
-+msgstr "Kein Dokument."
-+msgid "There are no feathered objects selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No fonts"
-+msgstr "Keine Schriftarten"
-+msgid "You cannot cut, copy, or paste grids via the clipboard"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie können Raster nicht über die Zwischenablage ausschneiden, kopieren oder "
-+msgid "There are no groups selected"
-+msgstr "Es sind keine Gruppen ausgewählt."
-+msgid "There are no transparency groups selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Guides must be created before they can be used, double-click on either ruler "
-+"to create a guideline"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "No IDAT chunks have been written into the file"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Stop Live Stretching"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The version of wxWidgets which this application application was built "
-+"against doesn't support wxMediaCtrl, no video replay will happen"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Nothing selected"
-+msgstr "Nichts ausgewählt"
-+msgid "There are no objects selected"
-+msgstr "Es sind keine Objekte ausgewählt."
-+msgid ""
-+"There are no selected objects to apply attributes to. Do you want to make "
-+"the chosen attributes Current Attributes?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"There are no selected objects to paste attributes onto. Do you want to make "
-+"the pasted attributes Current Attributes?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "All objects in the selection already have feathering applied"
-+msgstr "Alle Objekte der Auswahl sind bereits ausgefranst"
-+msgid "No selected bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "There are no visible objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Could not locate the specified WebPage."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Your operating system is unable to open a web address in your default "
-+"browser. Please see the FAQ for more details -"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Nudge the selection"
-+msgstr "Verschiebt die Auswahl schrittweise."
-+msgid "No selected objects to nudge"
-+msgstr "Keine Objekte für schrittweise Verschiebung ausgewählt."
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to nudge the selection as it would move beyond the limits of the "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " x "
-+msgstr " x "
-+msgid "objects"
-+msgstr "Objekte"
-+msgid "offset type random sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "offset value random effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "offset value random sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Alternating"
-+msgstr "Abwechselnd"
-+msgid "To left"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "On line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Random"
-+msgstr "Zufällig"
-+msgid "To right"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Small Fonts"
-+msgstr "Small Fonts"
-+#. IDS_OK
-+msgid "OK"
-+msgstr "OK"
-+msgid ""
-+"This operation will remove the Perspective fills from one or more of the "
-+"selected objects. Is this ok ?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "This is an example string"
-+msgstr "Dies ist eine Beispielzeichenfolge."
-+msgid "on"
-+msgstr "Ein"
-+msgid "Blend forcing a 1 to 1 mapping of corresponding nodes"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendung erzwingt 1 zu 1-Zuordnung der entsprechenden Knoten."
-+msgid "Change 1 to 1 node mapping"
-+msgstr "Ändert 1 zu 1-Knotenzuordnung."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " 'inside' on frame #1%S"
-+msgstr " „innerhalb“ von Rahmen #1%S"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on frame #1%S ('inside')"
-+msgstr " an Rahmen #1%S ('innerhalb')"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " 'inside' on #1%S"
-+msgstr " „innerhalb“ von #1%S"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on #1%S ('inside')"
-+msgstr " an #1%S ('innerhalb')"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on frame #1%S"
-+msgstr " an Rahmen #1%S"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on #1%S"
-+msgstr " an #1%S"
-+msgid "on layer"
-+msgstr "Auf Ebene"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " 'inside' on layer #1%S"
-+msgstr " „innerhalb“ von Ebene #1%S"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on layer #1%S ('inside')"
-+msgstr " auf Ebene #1%S ('innerhalb')"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on layer #1%S"
-+msgstr " auf Ebene #1%S"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on #1%d frames"
-+msgstr " an #1%d Rahmen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on #1%d frames ('inside')"
-+msgstr " an #1%d Rahmen ('innerhalb')"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on #1%d layers"
-+msgstr " auf #1%d Ebenen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid " on #1%d layers ('inside')"
-+msgstr " auf #1%d Ebenen ('innerhalb')"
-+msgid "Alignment;Align or distribute objects;Alignment"
-+msgstr "Ausrichtung;Objekte ausrichten oder verteilen;Ausrichtung"
-+msgid "change guide layer colour"
-+msgstr "Ändert Farbe der Hilfsebenenlinien und -objekte"
-+msgid "change layer properties"
-+msgstr "Ändert Ebeneneigenschaften"
-+msgid "Clipart import;Clipart import;Clipart import;"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "copy guideline"
-+msgstr "Kopiert Hilfslinie"
-+msgid "creation of guide layer"
-+msgstr "Erstellen einer Hilfslinien und -objektebene"
-+msgid "delete all guidelines"
-+msgstr "Alle Hilfslinien löschen"
-+msgid "there are no guidelines to delete"
-+msgstr "Keine zu löschenden Hilfslinien"
-+msgid "delete guideline"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinie löschen"
-+msgid "delete selected guidelines"
-+msgstr "Löscht ausgewählte Hilfslinien"
-+msgid "The scan set up dialog is already being used"
-+msgstr "The scan set up dialog is already being used"
-+msgid "The scanning operation is already being used"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der eingegebene magnetische Zeilenradius ist ungültig. Es muss sich um einen "
-+"positiven Wert außer Null handeln."
-+msgid "&Properties...;Change the properties of the guideline;guideline edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Eigenschaften...;Ändern der Eigenschaften der Hilfslinie;guideline edit"
-+msgid "Open Document"
-+msgstr "Dokument öffnen"
-+msgid "delete named colour(s);delete named colour(s);delete named colour(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The export dialog is already open"
-+msgstr "Exportieren"
-+msgid "The import dialog is already open"
-+msgstr "Importieren"
-+msgid "move guideline"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinie verschieben"
-+msgid "new guideline"
-+msgstr "Neue Hilfslinie"
-+msgid "&New guideline; Insert a new guideline; new guideline"
-+msgstr "&Neue Hilfslinie;Fügt eineneue Hilfslinie ein;new guideline"
-+msgid "&New Guideline...;Insert a new guideline;new guideline"
-+msgstr "&Neue Hilfslinie...;Fügt eineneue Hilfslinie ein;new guideline"
-+msgid "Page resize; Page resize; Page resize;"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "redraw colours;redraw colours;redraw colours"
-+msgstr "Farbe neu darstellen;Farbe nue darstellen;Farbe neu darstellen"
-+msgid "&Reset;Reset the 0,0 point;0,0 point reset"
-+msgstr "&Zurücksetzten;Setzt den 0,0-Punkt;Zurücksetzten des 0,0-Punkts"
-+msgid "the 0,0 point is already at the default position"
-+msgstr "Nullpunkt ist bereits an der Standardposition."
-+msgid "Grid resize; Grid resize; Grid resize;"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Change curvature;Add and remove curvature from the QuickShape;Change "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make c&urved"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Remove c&urvature"
-+msgstr "B&ogen entfernen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Straighten edges;Return the edges to a QuickShape to straight "
-+"lines;Straighten edges"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Change QuickShape;Change the QuickShape between an ellipse and a "
-+"polygon;Change QuickShape"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make &elliptical"
-+msgstr "&Elliptisch machen"
-+msgid "Make &polygonal"
-+msgstr "&Vieleckig machen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Change stellation;Add and remove stellation from the QuickShape;Change "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make s&tellated"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Remove s&tellation"
-+msgstr "&Stern entfernen"
-+msgid "create named colour(s);create named colour(s);create named colour(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change 0,0 point;Change the 0,0 point;0,0 point change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to change the 0,0 point"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern des Nullpunkts."
-+msgid "&Ops;Commands to work with operations"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Character selection;Character selection;Character selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Drag indent;Drag indent;Drag indent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "optimised"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Export each layer to a file of its own"
-+msgstr "&Exportieren eines Layes in eine eigene Datei"
-+msgid "Use &Original JPEG"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Print Text &as Shapes"
-+msgstr "Text &als Formen drucken"
-+msgid "Change selection to inner contours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change selection to outer contours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click this to extend or reduce the path's size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag 0,0 point"
-+msgstr "Nullpunkt ziehen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag from here onto the document to move the 0,0 point; Double-click to reset"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Windows #1%d.#2%d"
-+msgstr "Windows #1%d.#2%d"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Windows #1%d.#2%d (Win32s build #3%d)"
-+msgstr "Windows #1%d.#2%d (Win32s build #3%d)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Windows 95 #1%d.#2%d (Build #3%d)"
-+msgstr "Windows 95 #1%d.#2%d (Build #3%d)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Windows NT #1%d.#2%d (Build #3%d)"
-+msgstr "Windows NT #1%d.#2%d (Build #3%d)"
-+msgid "Out Of Memory"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicherplatz"
-+msgid "&Overwrite"
-+msgstr "Ü&berschreiben"
-+msgid ""
-+"This file is a CorelXARA 1.1 format document. Do you want to overwrite it "
-+"with the Xara X format or 'Save As' a different name?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You cannot overwrite a file while it is still open, either close the "
-+"original or save the current document under a different name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Overwrite"
-+msgstr "Ãœberschreiben"
-+msgid "Pa&ge Options...;Change the page options"
-+msgstr "&Seitenoptionen...;Ändern der Seitenoptionen"
-+msgid "pages"
-+msgstr "Seiten"
-+msgid "page"
-+msgstr "Seite"
-+msgid ""
-+"<CENTER>\\r\\n<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"50%\">\\r\\n<TR "
-+"VALIGN=\"middle\"><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\" VALIGN=\"middle\">\\r\\"
-+"n<CENTER><B>Xara Xtreme Browser Preview</B></CENTER>\\r\\"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<CENTER>\\r\\n<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"50%\">\\r\\n<TR "
-+"VALIGN=\"middle\"><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\" VALIGN=\"middle\">\\r\\"
-+"n<CENTER><B>Xara Xtreme Browser-Vorschau</B></CENTER>\\r\\"
-+msgid "CMYK(#1%d%,#2%d%,#3%d%,#4%d%)"
-+msgstr "CMYK(#1%d%,#2%d%,#3%d%,#4%d%)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "CMYK(#1%d,#2%d,#3%d,#4%d)"
-+msgstr "CMYK(#1%d,#2%d,#3%d,#4%d)"
-+msgid "#1%d% White"
-+msgstr "1%d% Weiß"
-+msgid "HSV(#1%d%,#2%d%,#3%d%)"
-+msgstr "HSV(#1%d%,#2%d%,#3%d%)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "HSV(#1%d,#2%d,#3%d)"
-+msgstr "HSV(#1%d,#2%d,#3%d)"
-+msgid "RGB(#1%d%,#2%d%,#3%d%)"
-+msgstr "RGB(#1%d%,#2%d%,#3%d%)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "RGB(#1%d,#2%d,#3%d)"
-+msgstr "RGB(#1%d,#2%d,#3%d)"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Using a #1%d bit, #2%d colour #3%s palette<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "WebSnap optimised"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%sD"
-+msgstr "#1%sD"
-+msgid "#1%s%"
-+msgstr "#1%s%"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%sd"
-+msgstr "#1%sd"
-+msgid "Paste &In Place"
-+msgstr "Am &Ort einfügen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Pa&ste Attributes;Take attributes from objects on the clipboard and paste "
-+"them into the selection;Paste attributes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Paste envelope;Paste the contents of the clipboard as an envelope shape over "
-+"the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Paste mould;Paste the contents of the clipboard as a mould shape over the "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Paste;Pastes a copy of the objects on the clipboard;Paste"
-+msgstr "&Einfügen;Fügt Objekte aus der Zwischenablage ein;Einfügen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Paste perspective;Paste the contents of the clipboard as a perspective shape "
-+"over the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Paste &Special...;Paste specific format from the clipboard;Paste &Special..."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release will add line segment; Drag to reform the line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Release to add segment; CTRL-drag to constrain around the other end of this "
-+"new segment"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release to close the line and create a shape"
-+msgstr "Loslassen zum Beenden der Linie und Erstellen einer Form."
-+msgid ""
-+"CTRL-drag to constrain around start; SHIFT-CTRL-drag to constrain around "
-+"previous point handle; SHIFT-ALT-CTRL-drag to constrain around next point "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Release to finish editing; CTRL-drag to constrain around connected point "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release to finish reshaping"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release to join the lines together"
-+msgstr "Loslassen zum Verbinden von Linien."
-+msgid "file://"
-+msgstr "file://"
-+msgid "Click to move the handle right"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Verschieben des Haltepunkts nach rechts."
-+msgid "Click to move the handle upwards"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Verschieben des Haltepunkts nach oben."
-+msgid "Click to move the handle left"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Verschieben des Haltepunkts nach links."
-+msgid "Click to move the handle downwards"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Verschieben des Haltepunkts nach unten."
-+msgid "Click to rotate the point clockwise"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Drehen des Punktes im Uhrzeigersinn."
-+msgid "Click to rotate the point anti-clockwise"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Drehen des Punktes gegen den Uhrzeigersinn."
-+msgid "Click to decrease the length of the line"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Verringern der Linienlänge."
-+msgid "Click to increase the length of the line"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Erhöhen der Linienlänge."
-+msgid "The line/shape reported an error while freeing memory."
-+msgstr "Linie/Form gab beim Freisetzen von Speicher Fehler zurück."
-+msgid "lines"
-+msgstr "Linien"
-+msgid "line"
-+msgstr "Linie"
-+msgid "X coordinate of the selected point handle"
-+msgstr "X-Koordinate des ausgewählten Punkt-Haltepunkts."
-+msgid "Y coordinate of the selected point handle"
-+msgstr "Y-Koordinate des ausgewählten Punkt-Haltepunkts."
-+msgid "The line/shape did not have enough memory to insert a new item."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Linie/Form verfügt nicht über genügend Speicher zum Einfügen eines neuen "
-+msgid "X coordinate of the next curve handle"
-+msgstr "X-Koordinate des nächsten Kurvenhaltepunkts."
-+msgid "Y coordinate of the next curve handle"
-+msgstr "Y-Koordinate des nächsten Kurvenhaltepunkts."
-+msgid "Angle to the horizontal of the next line"
-+msgstr "Winkel zu horizontaler nächster Linie."
-+msgid "Length of the next line"
-+msgstr "Länge der nächsten Linie"
-+msgid "X coordinate of the previous curve handle"
-+msgstr "X-Koordinate des vorherigen Kurvenhaltepunkts."
-+msgid "Y coordinate of the previous curve handle"
-+msgstr "Y-Koordinate des vorherigen Kurvenhaltepunkts."
-+msgid "Angle to the horizontal of the previous line"
-+msgstr "Winkel zu horizontaler vorheriger Linie."
-+msgid "Length of the previous line"
-+msgstr "Länge der vorherigen Linie"
-+msgid "Click or drag to add a curved line, Shift click to de-select."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken oder Ziehen zum Hinzufügen einer gebogenen Linie. Umschalt und "
-+"Klicken zum Rückgängigmachen der Auswahl."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to add a straight segment. Drag to add a curved segment. Shift click "
-+"to de-select."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to alter existing segment"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern des bestehenden Abschnitts."
-+msgid "Click to close this shape. Click and drag to define the closed shape."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Schließen der Form. Klicken und Ziehen zum Definieren der "
-+"geschlossenen Form."
-+msgid ""
-+"Create point;Click to start a new line, drag to start a new curved line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit line;Drag to re-shape the new line segment"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to alter this point."
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern dieses Punkts."
-+msgid "Edit point;Drag to re-edit the control points"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to create a point, drag to create a curve end."
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Erstellen von Punkten, Ziehen zum Erstellen von Kurven."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only this point, Drag to move, Shift click to add to the "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to move this point, Shift click to toggle its selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ziehen zum Verschieben von Punkten. Umschalt und Klicken zum "
-+"Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Auswahl."
-+msgid "Pen tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Stift-Infoleiste"
-+msgid ""
-+"PenumbraShadow;Operation for changing the penumbra width;Change the shadow "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Pen Tool;Choose the Pen Tool to draw lines and shapes;Bezier creation"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d%%"
-+msgstr "%d%%"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%d%% of %s"
-+msgstr "%d%% von %s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%s%%"
-+msgstr "%s%%"
-+msgid "Phil's example string"
-+msgstr "Phils Beispielzeichenfolge"
-+msgid "&PhotoCD import options; Change the sort of image that is imported"
-+msgstr "&PhotCD-Importoptionen; Ändern der Art der zu importierenden Bilder"
-+msgid "Apply last filter"
-+msgstr "Letzten Filter anwenden"
-+msgid "PhotoShop plug-in"
-+msgstr "PhotShop-Plugins"
-+msgid "PhotoShop plug-ins"
-+msgstr "PhotShop-Plugins"
-+msgid "pi"
-+msgstr "pi"
-+msgid "Pica"
-+msgstr "Pica"
-+msgid "Picas"
-+msgstr "Picas"
-+msgid "Pixel"
-+msgstr "Pixel"
-+msgid "Pixels"
-+msgstr "Pixel"
-+msgid "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Print Preview"
-+msgstr "Seitenansicht"
-+msgid "&Print"
-+msgstr "&Drucken"
-+msgid "Add new path for plug-ins"
-+msgstr "Plugin-Pfad hinzufügen"
-+msgid "Path doesn't exist"
-+msgstr "Pfad existiert nicht"
-+msgid "Path exists"
-+msgstr "Pfad existiert"
-+msgid "&Bitmap Effects && Plug-ins"
-+msgstr "Bitmapeffekte & Plugins"
-+msgid ""
-+"Configure plug-ins...;Add and remove plug-ins, or edit their properties"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The filter interface is wrong for this plug-in"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The bitmap is the wrong type for this plug-in"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The plug-in requires services (Colour Step) not provided by this host."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The plug-in requires services not provided by this host."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "The plug-in has caused the following exception to occur (%s)"
-+msgstr "Das Plugin verursachte den folgenden Fehler: %s"
-+msgid "The plug-in has run out of memory"
-+msgstr "Dem Plugin ist der Speicher ausgegangen"
-+msgid "A requested property could not be found."
-+msgstr "Eine angeforderte Eigenschaft konnte nicht gefunden werden."
-+msgid "Unknown plug-in error has occurred"
-+msgstr "Ein unbekannter Plugin Fehler ist aufgetreten"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Unknown %s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Applying plug-in..."
-+msgstr "Plugin zuweisen..."
-+msgid "Searching for plug-ins..."
-+msgstr "Suche nach Plugins..."
-+msgid "Sorting plug-ins..."
-+msgstr "Plugins sortieren..."
-+msgid "A bKGD chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr ""
-+"In der PNG-Datei wurde ein bKGD-Abschnitt an einer ungültigen Stelle gefunden"
-+msgid "A cHRM chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr ""
-+"In der PNG-Datei wurde ein cHRM-Abschnitt an einer ungültigen Stelle gefunden"
-+msgid "The colour type of the PNG image is invalid"
-+msgstr "Der Farbtyp des PNG-Bildes ist ungültig"
-+msgid "The compression type of the PNG file is invalid"
-+msgstr "Der Komprimierungstyp der PNG-Datei ist ungültig"
-+msgid "A bad CRC was found whilst decompressing the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Die CRC-Prüfung der geladenen PNG-Grafik schlug fehl."
-+msgid "An unknown critical chunk has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein ungültiger kritischer Abschnitt wurde in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "The colour resolution of the PNG image is invalid"
-+msgstr "Die Farbauflösung des PNG-Bildes ist ungültig"
-+msgid "The filter type value of the PNG file is invalid"
-+msgstr "Der Filtertyp-Wert der PNG-Datei ist ungültig"
-+msgid "A gamma chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein Gamma-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei wurde gefunden"
-+msgid "A hIST chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein hIST-Abschnitt am falschen Ort der PNG-Datei wurde gefunden"
-+msgid "An invalid chunk has been found after the IDAT chunk in the PNG file"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ein ungültiger Abschnitt nach dem IDAT-Abschnitt in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A header chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein Kopfabschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "An invalid IEND chunk has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein ungültiger IEND-Abschnitt wurde in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "An error occurred in the header of the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler im Kopfabschnitt der PNG-Datei ist aufgetreten"
-+msgid "The interlace value of the PNG file is invalid"
-+msgstr "Der Interlace-Wert der PNG-Datei ist ungültig"
-+msgid "Too many IDAT chunks have been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Zu viele IDAT-Abschnitte in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A oFFs chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein oFFs-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "The bit depth and colour type combination of the PNG image is invalid"
-+msgstr "Die Bit-Tiefen- und Farbtypkombination der PNG-Datei ist ungültig"
-+msgid "An invalid palette chunk has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ungültiger Palette-Abschnitt in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A pHYs chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein pHYs-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid ""
-+"An invalid attempt to read rows from the image has been made in the PNG file"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ein ungültiger Versuch wurde gemacht, Bildzeilen in der PNG-Datei zu lesen"
-+msgid "A sBIT chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein sBIT-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "The width or height of the PNG image is invalid"
-+msgstr "Breite oder Höhe des PNG-Bildes ist ungültig"
-+msgid "A tEXT chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein tEXT-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A tIME chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein tIME-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A tRNS chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein tRNS-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A zTXt chunk has been found in the wrong place in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein zTXt-Abschnitt am falschen Ort in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "A compression error has occurred in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Beim Komprimieren der PNG-Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"
-+msgid "Extra compressed data has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Zusätzliche komprimierte Daten in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "Not enough image data is present in the PNG image"
-+msgstr "Nicgt genügend Bilddaten in der PNG-Datei vorhanden"
-+msgid "No header chunk has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Kein Kopfabschnitt in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "No palette chunk has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Kein Palettenabschnitt in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "Not enough compressed data is present in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Unzureichende Kompressionsdaten in der PNG verfügbar"
-+msgid "No image has been found in the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Kein Bild in der PNG-Datei gefunden"
-+msgid "An error occurred when compressing the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler ist beim Komprimieren der PNG-Datei aufgetreten"
-+msgid "An error occurred reading the palette"
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler ist beim Lesen der Paletten aufgetreten"
-+msgid "An error occurred writing the palette to the PNG file"
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler beim Schreiben der Paletten zur PNG-Datei aufgetreten"
-+msgid "Load PNG file"
-+msgstr "Lade PNG-Datei"
-+msgid ""
-+"Please note that some browsers may not display PNG images correctly. Try GIF "
-+"or JPEG as an alternative format."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "GetPenHwEventData"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "IsPenEvent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "change position profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"PositionShadow;Operation for positioning the shadow;Position of the shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " (PostScript)"
-+msgstr " (Postscript)"
-+msgid "PostScript"
-+msgstr "Postscript"
-+msgid "Print files (*.prn)|*.prn|All files (*.*)|*.*||"
-+msgstr "Dateien drucken (*.prn) | *.prn | Alle Dateien (*.*) | *.* ||"
-+msgid "Print To File"
-+msgstr "In Datei drucken"
-+msgid "postscript"
-+msgstr "Postscript"
-+msgid "Preparing to save..."
-+msgstr "Vorbereiten des Speicherns..."
-+msgid "Zoom to resolution of image"
-+msgstr "Auf Bildauflösung vergrößern"
-+msgid "Apply A"
-+msgstr "A anwenden"
-+msgid "Apply B"
-+msgstr "B anwenden"
-+msgid "Colour Selector"
-+msgstr "Farbauswähler"
-+msgid "&Export A"
-+msgstr "&A exportieren"
-+msgid "&Export B"
-+msgstr "&B exportieren"
-+msgid "Image A (#1%d%) "
-+msgstr "Bild A (#1%d%) "
-+msgid "Image B (#1%d%) "
-+msgstr "Bild B (#1%d%) "
-+msgid "Help;Displays help on the dialog"
-+msgstr "Hilfe;Zeigt Hilfe zur Dialogbox an"
-+msgid "&Create A"
-+msgstr "&Erstelle A"
-+msgid "&Create B"
-+msgstr "&Erstelle B"
-+msgid "SELECTED"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählt"
-+msgid "Zoom to 100%"
-+msgstr "Zoomen auf 100%"
-+msgid "Zoom to Fit"
-+msgstr "Passend zoomen"
-+msgid "Restore previous image"
-+msgstr "Vorheriges Bild wiederherstellen"
-+msgid "Crop marks"
-+msgstr "Schnittmarken"
-+msgid "Plate information"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "P&rint Options...; Customise the printing based options"
-+msgstr "D&ruckeinstellungen...; Bearbeiten der Druckeinstellungen"
-+msgid "The print options dialog is already open"
-+msgstr "Die Dialogbox Druckeinstellungen ist bereits geöffnet"
-+msgid "Best fit; "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Automatic fit; "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Custom fit; "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Print;Commands to work with printers"
-+msgstr "&Drucken;Befehle, um mit Druckern zu arbeiten"
-+msgid "Multiple fit; "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Page only partly printable"
-+msgstr "Seite nur teilweise druckbar"
-+msgid "No printer connected"
-+msgstr "Kein Drucker angeschlossen"
-+msgid " page fits on the paper"
-+msgstr " Seite passt auf Papier"
-+msgid " pages fit on the paper"
-+msgstr " Seite passt auf Papier"
-+msgid "Analysing"
-+msgstr "Analysieren von #1%s"
-+msgid " : Printer scaling of "
-+msgstr " : Druckerskalierung von "
-+msgid "Composite"
-+msgstr "Komposit"
-+msgid "Printing"
-+msgstr "Drucke"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d of #2%d"
-+msgstr "Seite #1%d von #2%d"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%ld% complete"
-+msgstr "#1%ld% fertig"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d of #2%d (#3%s)"
-+msgstr "#1%d von #2%d (#3%s)"
-+msgid " Sideways : "
-+msgstr " Querformat: "
-+msgid ""
-+"You have suspended the print job. Do you want to Abort it now or Continue "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie haben den Druckauftrag angehalten. Wollen Sie jetzt abbrechen oder das "
-+"Drucken fortsetzen?"
-+msgid " tile fits on the paper"
-+msgstr " Kachel passt auf Papier"
-+msgid " tiles fit on the paper"
-+msgstr " Kachel passt auf Papier"
-+msgid " Upright : "
-+msgstr " Hochformat: "
-+msgid "User initiated abort"
-+msgstr "Abbruch durch Benutzer"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"There were problems uninstalling '#1%s'. Use the Control Panel to uninstall "
-+"this font."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "There were problems installing '#1%s'."
-+msgstr "Probleme beim Installieren von „#1%s“."
-+msgid "normal"
-+msgstr "normal"
-+msgid "Profile 1"
-+msgstr "Profil 1"
-+msgid "Profile 2"
-+msgstr "Profil 2"
-+msgid "Profile 4"
-+msgstr "Profil 4"
-+msgid "dialog"
-+msgstr "Dialog"
-+msgid "A progressive JPEG\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "Ein progressives JPEG\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Only one Bitmap Properties dialog can be open at any time"
-+msgstr "Nur ein Bitmap-Eigenschaften-Dialog kann gleichzeitig geöffnet sein"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara uses the system wide proxy server settings. #1%s To change your proxy "
-+"server settings, use the Internet Options in the Control Panel."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara benutzt die systemweiten Proxy Server-Einstellungen. #1%s Um Ihre Proxy "
-+"Server-Einstellungen abzuändern, rufen Sie die Internetoptionen (bei Windows "
-+"in der Systemsteuerung) auf."
-+msgid ""
-+"Currently you have no proxy server set up or the system is set to auto-"
-+"detect proxy servers."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Your current proxy server is '#1%s', port #2%d."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara was not able to find your current proxy server settings."
-+msgstr "Xara konnte keine Proxy Server-Einstellungen finden."
-+msgid "pt"
-+msgstr "pt"
-+msgid "Pul&l onto grid;Pull the selection to the nearest grid point"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release will end operation"
-+msgstr "Auflösen beendet die Operation."
-+msgid "Push tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Schieben Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Click and drag to move the page around"
-+msgstr "Klicken und Ziehen zum Verschieben der Seite."
-+msgid "Release mouse button to stop pushing the image"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click and drag to move the bitmap around"
-+msgstr "Klicken und ziehen, um das Bitmap zu verschieben"
-+msgid "&Push Tool;Choose the Push Tool to move the page"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Verschiebewerkzeug;Wählen Sie das Verschiebewerkzeug, um die Seite zu "
-+msgid "Choose the Push Tool to move the bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Put to Back;Puts the selected objects to the back of all other objects;Put "
-+"to back"
-+msgstr ""
-+#. IDS_QM
-+msgid "?"
-+msgstr "?"
-+msgid ""
-+"Some of the selected object types (QuickShapes and Bitmaps) cannot have "
-+"their control points extended. These objects will be translated as a whole "
-+"instead, or you can convert them to editable shapes."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "quality"
-+msgstr "Qualität"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Anti-aliased;The best quality graphics but also the slowest redraw speed"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Normal;Good quality graphics and also reasonably fast redraw speed"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Normal;Gute Qualität der Graphiken und auch ausreichend schnelles "
-+msgid ""
-+"&Outline;Lowest quality graphics only showing outlines but fastest redraw"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Simple;Quality good enough to see what you're doing with fast redraw"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Einfach;Qualität ausreichend, um zu sehen, was man tut mit schnellem "
-+msgid ""
-+"This operation will permanently convert any 32-bit alpha channel bitmaps "
-+"into 24-bit versions. This operation cannot be undone. Do you wish to "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Number of sides;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape;Change QuickShape "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"10;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 10;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"10;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 10;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"3;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 3;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"3;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 3;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"4;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 4;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"4;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 4;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"5;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 5;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"5;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 5;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"6;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 6;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"6;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 6;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"7;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 7;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"7;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 7;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"8;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 8;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+"8;Verändert die Seitenanzahl einer Schnellform zu 8;Seitenanzahl einer "
-+"Schnellform ändern"
-+msgid ""
-+"9;Change the number of sides of a QuickShape to 9;Change QuickShape sides"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make Regular;Make QuickShape regular;Make QuickShape regular"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Quiet"
-+msgstr "Nicht erneut anzeigen"
-+msgid "Be &quiet"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "radial graduated fill"
-+msgstr "Radiale Füllung"
-+msgid "Can't create new index because the existing one is read only."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Neuer Index kann nicht angelegt werden, da vorhandener Ordner "
-+"schreibgeschützt ist."
-+msgid "The specified folder cannot be written to."
-+msgstr "In den angegebenen Ordner kann nicht geschrieben werden."
-+msgid "0123456789."
-+msgstr "0123456789."
-+msgid "Recreate"
-+msgstr "Neuerstellen"
-+msgid "States to recreate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "rectangles"
-+msgstr "Rechtecke"
-+msgid "rectangle"
-+msgstr "Rechteck"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Rectangle Tool;Choose the Rectangle Tool to draw rectangles and "
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Rechteckwerkzeug;Wählen Sie das Rechteckwerkzeug, um Rechtecke und Quadrate "
-+"zu zeichnen;"
-+msgid ""
-+"Default envelope; Apply a rectangular envelope around the selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Default perspective; Apply a rectangular perspective around the selected "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release now to complete the new rectangle. Ctrl to make square."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Loslassen zum Beenden des neuen Rechtecks. Strg zum Erstellen eines Quadrats."
-+msgid "Click and Drag to draw a new rectangle; Click to select an object."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken und ziehen, um ein neues Rechteck zu zeichnen; Klicken, um ein "
-+"Objekt zu markieren"
-+msgid "Rectangle tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Rechteck Infoleiste"
-+msgid "&Rect Tool;Choose the Rect Test Tool to wibble a wobble"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s (Redefined)"
-+msgstr "#1%s (Redefiniert)"
-+msgid "Redefine BackBar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Nothing to redo"
-+msgstr "Nichts zum Wiederherstellen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "This version of #1%s is currently not registered for #2%s files."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Version von #1%s ist gegenwärtig nicht für #2%s-Dateien registriert"
-+msgid "Register"
-+msgstr "Registrieren"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme found a problem while connecting with the server (0x%08x).\\"
-+"nPlease make sure you are connected to the Internet.\\nIf this continues to "
-+"happen, please contact technical support."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter your details below and then click the Register\\nbutton."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"If you already have a Xara account, enter your email address or username\\"
-+"nand password and then click the Register button below. Otherwise click\\"
-+"nthe Sign-up button to register your details."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "R&egister;Register the CD"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Thank you for registering your copy of Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Vielen Dank für die Registrierung Ihrer Xara Xtreme-Version"
-+msgid "Register Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Registriere Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "add curvature"
-+msgstr "Krümmung hinzufügen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Add mode affects future QuickShape creation; Change mode edits existing "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "QuickShapes are created by dragging their bounds"
-+msgstr "Schnellformen werden durch Ziehen ihrer Begrenzungen erstellt."
-+msgid "Reduce the value in the editable field to the left"
-+msgstr "Reduziert Wert im bearbeitbaren Feld links."
-+msgid "Increase the value in the editable field to the left"
-+msgstr "Erhöht Wert im bearbeitbaren Feld rechts."
-+msgid "The X position of the centre point"
-+msgstr "X-Position des Mittelpunkts"
-+msgid "The Y position of the centre point"
-+msgstr "Y-Position des Mittelpunkts"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Drag to create a new #1%s; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select this button to give the selected QuickShapes rounded edges"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche, um die Ecken der Schnellform abzurunden."
-+msgid "QuickShapes are created by dragging their diameter"
-+msgstr "Schnellformen werden durch Ziehen ihres Durchmessers erstellt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to move the QuickShape; Click to select; double click to make #1%s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to adjust curvature; Click to select; Double click to remove curvature"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Double click to #1%s"
-+msgstr "Doppelklicken auf #1%s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Drag to reform the edge of the QuickShape; Double click to #1%s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to resize or rotate the ellipse; Click to select; Double click to make "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to resize or rotate the #1%s; Click to select; Double click to make "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to squash or skew the #1%s; Click to select; Double click to make "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to resize or rotate the QuickShape; Click to select; Double click to "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to change the stellation appearance; Click to select; Double click to "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select items from this menu to edit"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie Werte aus diesem Menü zum Bearbeiten aus."
-+msgid "Select values to edit here from the menu on the left"
-+msgstr "Auswählen von Werten zum Bearbeiten aus dem Menü links."
-+msgid "Select this button to create ellipses"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche zum Erstellen von Ellipsen."
-+msgid "Restore the edges of the selected shapes to straight lines"
-+msgstr "Wandelt die Ränder der ausgewählten Formen in gerade Linien um."
-+msgid "Centre"
-+msgstr "Mittelpunkt"
-+msgid "Curvature"
-+msgstr "Krümmung"
-+msgid "Size & rotation"
-+msgstr "Größe & Drehen"
-+msgid "Width and height"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Stellation radius & offset"
-+msgstr "Sternradius & -verschiebung"
-+msgid "Select this button to create regular polygons"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche zum Erstellen von regulären Polygonen."
-+msgid "The primary curvature ratio of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "QuickShapes are created by dragging their radius"
-+msgstr "Schnellformen werden durch Ziehen ihres Radius erstellt."
-+msgid "remove curvature"
-+msgstr "Krümmung entfernen"
-+msgid "The angle of rotation of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Drehwinkel der ausgewählten Schnellformen."
-+msgid "remove stellation"
-+msgstr "Sternform entfernen"
-+msgid "Enter the number of sides the QuickShape has"
-+msgstr "Geben Sie die Anzahl der Seiten der Schnellform ein."
-+msgid "The size of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Größe der ausgewählten Schnellform."
-+msgid "polygon"
-+msgstr "Polygon"
-+msgid "stellate"
-+msgstr "Sternförmig"
-+msgid "Select this button to make the selected QuickShapes stellated"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche für eine sternförmige Schnellform."
-+msgid "The offset of the stellation points of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Abstand der Sternpunkte der ausgewählten Schnellform."
-+msgid "The stellation curvature ratio of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Stern-Krümmungsverhältnis der ausgewählten Schnellform."
-+msgid "The radius of the stellation points of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Radius der Sternpunkte der ausgewählten Schnellform."
-+msgid "The new size is too large. The QuickShape was not changed."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The size of a QuickShape must be greater than zero"
-+msgstr "Schnellformen müssen größer als Null sein."
-+msgid "Shape is an ellipse"
-+msgstr "Form ist eine Ellipse"
-+msgid "The height of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Höhe der ausgewählten Schnellform."
-+msgid "QuickShape tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Schnellform"
-+msgid "QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Schnellformen"
-+msgid "QuickShape"
-+msgstr "Schnellform"
-+msgid ""
-+"&QuickShape Tool;Choose the QuickShape Tool to create and edit "
-+msgstr ""
-+"&QuickShape Tool;Choose the QuickShape Tool to create and edit "
-+msgid "The width of the selected QuickShapes"
-+msgstr "Breite der ausgewählten Schnellform."
-+msgid "Processing blend object...Please wait"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendobjekt wird verarbeitet... Bitte warten"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s (#2%s)"
-+msgstr "#1%s (#2%s)"
-+msgid "Remap blend"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendung neu zuordnen"
-+msgid "&Remove"
-+msgstr "&Entfernen"
-+msgid "RemoveBevel;Operation for removing bevels;Delete bevel"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Remove blend;Removes the selected blend objects, leaving the original "
-+"objects in the document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select one or more blend objects"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie ein oder mehrere Überblendungsobjekte aus."
-+msgid "Removes the contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"RemoveContour;Removes the selected contour objects, leaving the original "
-+"objects in the document; Remove contour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Remove mould;Remove the mould shape from these objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "RemoveShadow;Operation for removing shadows;Delete shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Remove &text from curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Remove ClipVie&w;Ungroups the selected objects so they are no longer "
-+"clipped;Apply ClipView"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Would you like to remove the existing clipart folders from the gallery "
-+"before adding new ones or keep them?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wollen Sie die bestehenden Clipart-Ordner von der Gallerie entfernen bevor "
-+"neue hinzugefügt werden oder wollen Sie die Ordner behalten?"
-+msgid ""
-+"Would you like to remove the existing fills folders from the gallery before "
-+"adding new ones or keep them?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wollen Sie die bestehenden Füllmuster-Ordner von der Gallerie entfernen "
-+"bevor neue hinzugefügt werden oder wollen Sie die Ordner behalten?"
-+msgid ""
-+"Would you like to remove the existing font folders from the gallery before "
-+"adding new ones or keep them?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wollen Sie die bestehenden Schriftarten-Ordner von der Gallerie entfernen "
-+"bevor neue hinzugefügt werden oder wollen Sie die Ordner behalten?"
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme was unable to make a backup of your artwork before saving the "
-+"new version. Do you want to continue saving anyway?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Dialog Render Demo;Displays a dialog with a GDraw render region in it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Replace attributes;Replaces specified attributes;Replace attributes"
-+msgstr "Attribute &ersetzen;Ersetzt angegebene Attribute;Attribute ersetzten"
-+msgid ""
-+"MSXML4 is not correctly installed. If the installer reported that you need "
-+"to restart your computer then please do so. If you still have this problem "
-+"after restarting, please refer to"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme has detected a change to the selected printer. Switching to the "
-+"default printer."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme has detected a change to the selected printer. Closing all print "
-+"dialogs and switching to the default printer."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to add point handle to segment; Drag to reshape line"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Hinzufügen des Haltepunkts zum Segment; Ziehen zum Umformen der "
-+msgid "Restore a colour"
-+msgstr "Farbe wieder herstellen"
-+msgid "Click to restore a previously deleted colour"
-+msgstr "Klicken Sie, um eine soeben gelöschte Farbe wieder herzustellen"
-+msgid "Leave as is"
-+msgstr "Lassen wie es ist"
-+msgid "Previous image"
-+msgstr "Vorheriges Bild"
-+msgid "150 dpi"
-+msgstr "150 dpi"
-+msgid "200 dpi"
-+msgstr "200 dpi"
-+msgid "300 dpi"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "72 dpi"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "96 dpi"
-+msgstr "96 dpi"
-+msgid "Auto (variable dpi)"
-+msgstr "Automatisch (variable DPI)"
-+msgid "Intermediate (150 dpi)"
-+msgstr "Mittlere (150 dpi)"
-+msgid "Print (200 dpi)"
-+msgstr "Drucken (200 dpi)"
-+msgid "Hi-res Print (300 dpi)"
-+msgstr "Hochauflösender Druck (300 dpi)"
-+msgid "Screen (96 dpi)"
-+msgstr "Bildschirm (96 DPI)"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Retro Fit;Refit the last freehand line/shape with a new accuracy;Freehand "
-+"line/shape Re-fit"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The Refitting of the line/shape failed due to a lack of memory."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das erneute Anpassen der Linie/Form ist fehlgeschlagen, da nicht genügend "
-+"Speicher vorhanden ist."
-+msgid ""
-+"Smooth region;Simplify a curved line or selected line segment by reducing "
-+"the number of control points"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Retry"
-+msgstr "&Wiederholen"
-+msgid "Click to reverse paths"
-+msgstr "Klicken, um den Pfad umzukehren"
-+msgid ""
-+"Rever&se Text on Curve;Reverse the direction of the text on the "
-+"curve;Reverse text on curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Revert"
-+msgstr "&Umkehren"
-+msgid "Drag to move right side of grid"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Verschieben des Rasters rechts."
-+msgid "right margin"
-+msgstr "Rechter Rand"
-+msgid "Apply a right wall perspective around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten rechte Perspektive zu."
-+msgid "Rik Heywood woz 'ere"
-+msgstr "Rik Heywood war hier"
-+msgid "All states"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "MouseDown"
-+msgstr "MouseDown"
-+msgid "MouseOff"
-+msgstr "MouseOff"
-+msgid "MouseOver"
-+msgstr "MouseOver"
-+msgid "No States"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply a ceiling perspective around the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Weist ausgewählten Objekten Decken-Perspektive zu."
-+msgid "Rotate contents;Rotate the moulded objects within the mould shape"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Rotate Op;Rotate the selected objects;Rotation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to rotate objects; Ctrl-drag to constrain to set angles"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to rotate objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Ctrl to constrain to set angles"
-+msgstr "; Ctrl to constrain to set angles"
-+msgid "rotation angle random effect"
-+msgstr "zufällige Winkeldrehung"
-+msgid "rotation angle random seed"
-+msgstr "Start der zufälligen Winkeldrehung"
-+msgid "&Rotate Tool;Activate the Rotation Tool;Rotation"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ruler"
-+msgstr "Lineal"
-+msgid "Units in which ruler is measured"
-+msgstr "Einheiten, in denen das Lineal gemessen wird."
-+msgid "The Same Size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Save As"
-+msgstr "Speichern unter"
-+msgid ""
-+"There is already a file with that name. The contents of the old file will be "
-+"lost if you overwrite it.\\n\\nDo you want to Overwrite or Save as a new "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara X (*.xar) |*.xar| All Files (*.*) |*.*||"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "CorelXARA 1.1 (*.xar) |*.xar| All Files (*.*) |*.*||"
-+msgstr "CorelXARA 1.1 (*.xar) |*.xar| Alle Dateien (*.*) |*.*||"
-+msgid "CorelXARA (*.cxn) |*.cxn| All Files (*.*) |*.*||"
-+msgstr "CorelXARA (*.cxn) |*.cxn| Alle Dateien (*.*) |*.*||"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Save '#1%S' As"
-+msgstr "„#1%S“ speichern unter"
-+msgid ""
-+"Shadow Change; Change the shadow parameters; Change in shadow parameters"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Save Document As"
-+msgstr "Dokument speichern unter"
-+msgid ""
-+"You are about to replace the template document from which all new embedded "
-+"documents are made. New documents inserted in other compound documents will "
-+"look like this document from now on. The current template document for "
-+"embeddings will be removed."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Save elsewhere"
-+msgstr "Sonstwo speichern"
-+msgid ""
-+"Found an envelope whose control polygon is currently detached. On loading, "
-+"the envelope will automatically reattach to the polygon, possibly affecting "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Found a perspective whose control polygon is currently detached. On loading, "
-+"the perspective will automatically reattach to the polygon, possibly "
-+"affecting results.."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Saving workspace ..."
-+msgstr "Arbeitsbereich wird gespeichert..."
-+msgid "Preparing to export document"
-+msgstr "Vorbereiten des Dokumentexportes"
-+msgid "&Scale factor;Change the scale factor for this spread"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Num / to adjust line widths"
-+msgstr "; Num / to adjust line widths"
-+msgid "; Num / to retain original line widths"
-+msgstr "; Num / to retain original line widths"
-+msgid "Scales"
-+msgstr "Skalieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"ScaleShadow;Operation for changing the shadow scale;Change the shadow scale"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Scale;Scale the selected objects;Scale"
-+msgstr "&Skalieren;Skaliert die selektierten Objekte;Skalieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to scale objects; Shift-drag, scale around centre; Ctrl-drag, multiples "
-+"of original size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to resize objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Shift to resize around centre; Ctrl to constrain size"
-+msgstr "; Shift to resize around centre; Ctrl to constrain size"
-+msgid "The Scale Factor dialog is already open"
-+msgstr "Das Dialogfeld für Skalenfaktor ist bereits geöffnet."
-+msgid "&Scan"
-+msgstr "Durch&suchen"
-+msgid "User positioned"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "script"
-+msgstr "Skript"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d.#2%d secs"
-+msgstr "#1%d.#2%d Sek."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s secs"
-+msgstr "#1%s Sek."
-+msgid "See you later!"
-+msgstr "Auf Wiedersehen!"
-+msgid "The colour of the fill handle"
-+msgstr "Farbe des Füllungshaltepunkts."
-+msgid "Drag to move this curve handle and reshape curve"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Bewegen dieses Kurvenhaltepunkts und Neuformen der Kurve."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only this point handle; Drag to move; Shift-Click to "
-+"deselect; Double-Click to make smooth"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use Infobar to alter default grid, Drag to create new grid"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Standardraster über Infoleiste ändern; Ziehen zum Erstellen eines neuen "
-+msgid ""
-+"&Select All Points;Select all the points on the path;Select all points"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select bevel inside;Select bevel inside;Select bevel inside"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Select Op;Select a group of objects;Select object(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Selector tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Auswahlwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "&Move Op;The Object Move Operation;Move object(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Selector Tool;Choose the Selector Tool to select and manipulate "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select point handles on a line;Start new path;Start line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use Infobar to alter this grid, Drag to move it"
-+msgstr "Raster über Infoleiste ändern, Ziehen zum Verschieben."
-+msgid "Drag up or down to move guideline; Drag onto top ruler to delete it"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the #1%S member of the last selected object alone"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Auswählen nur von %S Mitglied des letzten ausgewählten Objekts."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the #1%S member of the last selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Auswählen von %S Mitglied des letzten ausgewählten Objekts."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect the #1%S member of the last selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Aufheben von #1%S Mitglied des letzten ausgewählten Objekts."
-+msgid "Drag to move the selected objects"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Verschieben der ausgewählten Objekte."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the top #1%S alone; (Reached the simplest object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the top #1%S; (Reached the simplest object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect the top #1%S; (Reached the simplest object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to move selected objects"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Verschieben der ausgewählten Objekte."
-+msgid "Nothing inside this object"
-+msgstr "Nichts in diesem Objekt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S alone; (The pointer is not over a member of the "
-+"last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S; (The pointer is not over a member of the last "
-+"selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the #1%S; (The pointer is not over a member of the last "
-+"selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select this #1%S alone"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen nur von #1%S."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select this #1%S"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen von #1%S."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect this #1%S"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Aufheben von #1%S."
-+msgid "Click to change to scale & stretch mode; Drag to move the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to change to rotate & skew mode; Drag to move the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select this #1%S alone; Drag to move it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to clear selection"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Löschen der Auswahl."
-+msgid "Move pointer over object to select"
-+msgstr "Bewegt Zeiger über auszuwählendes Objekt."
-+msgid "Move pointer over object to add/remove from selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Bewegt Zeiger über Objekt, das der Auswahl hinzugefügt oder aus der Auswahl "
-+"entfernt werden soll."
-+msgid "Drag to marquee select objects"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Markieren der Auswahlobjekte."
-+msgid "Drag to marquee select objects to add to selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ziehen zum Markieren von Auswahlobjekten, die der Auswahl hinzugefügt werden "
-+msgid "Use Shift, Alt, Ctrl for options"
-+msgstr "Umschalt, Alt, Strg für Optionen benutzen"
-+msgid "Choose the type of transparency"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie den Transparenztyp aus."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only this point handle; Drag to move; Shift-Click to "
-+"deselect; Double-Click to make cusp"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the #1%S under the last selected object alone"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Auswählen von #1%S unter dem letzten ausgewählten Objekt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the #1%S under the last selected object"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen von #1%S unter letztem ausgewähltem Objekt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect the #1%S under the last selected object"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Aufheben von #1%S unter dem letzten ausgewählten Objekt."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the top #1%S alone; (Reached the bottom)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the top #1%S; (Reached the bottom)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect the top #1%S; (Reached the bottom)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S alone; (Nothing under the last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the #1%S; (Nothing under the last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S alone; (The last selected object is not under the "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S; (The last selected object is not under the pointer)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the #1%S; (The last selected object is not under the "
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect the #1%S; (Nothing under the last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag left or right to move guideline; Drag onto left ruler to delete it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to resize the selected objects; Shift-drag to keep centre; Ctrl-drag to "
-+"resize to exact multiples of the original size."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to stretch/squash the selected objects; Shift-drag to keep centre; Ctrl-"
-+"drag to stretch to exact multiples of the original size."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Increase or decrease the selected object(s) angle of rotation"
-+msgstr "Erhöht oder verringert den Rotationswinkel des ausgewählten Objekts."
-+msgid "Increase or decrease the selected object(s) degree of shearing"
-+msgstr "Erhöht oder verringert den Schubgrad des ausgewählten Objekts."
-+msgid "Increase or decrease the selected object(s) width and height"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Breite und Höhe des ausgewählten Objekts werden erhöht oder verringert."
-+msgid "Increase or decrease the selected object(s) X and Y position"
-+msgstr ""
-+"X- und Y-Position des ausgewählten Objekts wird erhöht oder verringert."
-+msgid ""
-+"Selection for editing spans more than one layer that defines a NavBar "
-+"MouseOver state."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag the marquee so it encloses the objects to be selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ziehen Sie den Markierungsrahmen, so dass die auszuwählenden Objekte "
-+"umschlossen werden."
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag the centre of rotation to its new position; Ctrl-drag to snap to "
-+"selection bounds"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Allows editing of the selected object(s) angle of rotation"
-+msgstr "Rotationswinkel des ausgewählten Objekts kann bearbeitet werden."
-+msgid "Allows editing of the selected object(s) degree of shearing"
-+msgstr "Der Schubgrad des ausgewählten Objekts kann bearbeitet werden."
-+msgid "Allows editing of the selected object(s) width and height"
-+msgstr "Breite und Höhe des ausgewählten Objekts können bearbeitet werden."
-+msgid "Allows editing of the selected object(s) X and Y position"
-+msgstr "X- und Y-Position des ausgewählten Objekts kann bearbeitet werden."
-+msgid "Allows editing of the selected object(s) scale factor"
-+msgstr "Skalenfaktor des ausgewählten Objekts kann bearbeitet werden."
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, that entry is invalid. Please enter a number in the Angle field."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Selector Tool"
-+msgstr "Auswahlhilfsmittel"
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, that entry is invalid. Please enter a number in the Shear-angle field."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, that entry is invalid. Please enter a positive non-zero number in the "
-+"Width and Height fields."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, that entry is invalid. Please enter a number in the X and Y fields."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Sorry, that entry is invalid. Please enter a positive non-zero number in the "
-+"X and Y Scale fields."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Flip the selected object(s) horizontally or vertically"
-+msgstr "Spiegelt das ausgewählte Objekt horizontal oder vertikal."
-+msgid "Click here to select this ClipView group's keyhole object alone"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Leave behind a copy of the selected object(s) when transforming"
-+msgstr ""
-+"lässt eine Kopie des ausgewählten Objekts beim Transformieren zurück."
-+msgid "Click select"
-+msgstr "Durch Klicken auswählen."
-+msgid "Adjust select"
-+msgstr "Durch Anpassen auswählen."
-+msgid "Select under"
-+msgstr "Auswählen unter."
-+msgid "Adjust select under"
-+msgstr "Anpassen auswählen unter."
-+msgid "Force drag/Select member"
-+msgstr "Ziehen erzwingen/Mitglied auswählen."
-+msgid "Force drag/Adjust select member"
-+msgstr "Ziehen erzwingen/Mitglied auswählen anpassen."
-+msgid "Select inside"
-+msgstr "Innen auswählen."
-+msgid "Adjust select inside"
-+msgstr "Innen auswählen anpassen."
-+msgid "Locks the aspect ratio of the selected object(s) when scaling"
-+msgstr "Sperrt das Größenverhältnis des ausgewählten Objekts beim Skalieren."
-+msgid "Toggles between scale mode and rotate/skew mode"
-+msgstr "Schaltet zwischen Skalenmodus und Dreh-/Neigungsmodus hin und her."
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to rotate the selected objects around the rotation origin; Ctrl-drag to "
-+"rotate to exact multiples of the constrain angle."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to skew the selected objects; Ctrl-drag to skew to exact multiples of "
-+"the constrain angle."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to reposition the origin for rotation; Ctrl-drag to position the origin "
-+"exactly at the corners, edges or centre of selection."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set the centre of rotation to various positions in the selection."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Legt das Rotationszentrum auf verschiedene Positionen in der Auswahl fest."
-+msgid "Include the selected object(s) line-widths when scaling"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Berücksichtigt die Linienbreite des ausgewählten Objekts beim Skalieren."
-+msgid "; "
-+msgstr "; "
-+msgid "Shows the selected object's bounding box handles"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Zeigt die Haltepunkte der Begrenzungsrahmen des ausgewählten Objekts an."
-+msgid "Shows the selected object's fill attribute handles"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Füllungsattribut-Haltepunkte des ausgewählten Objekts an."
-+msgid "Shows the selected object's editable object handles"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die bearbeitbaren Haltepunkte des ausgewählten Objekts an."
-+msgid "Allows automatic transformation of fill"
-+msgstr "Automatische Transformation der Füllung zulassen"
-+msgid "object random sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Backward"
-+msgstr "Zurück"
-+msgid "Forward"
-+msgstr "Vorwärts"
-+msgid "Mirror"
-+msgstr "Spiegeln"
-+msgid "Serious error from Xara X"
-+msgstr "Schwerwiegender Fehler in Xara X"
-+msgid "Set"
-+msgstr "Festlegen"
-+msgid "Set font aspect ratio"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply bold"
-+msgstr "Fett anwenden"
-+msgid "Apply italic"
-+msgstr "Kursiv anwenden"
-+msgid "Set font typeface; choose from TrueType fonts"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set font size"
-+msgstr "Schriftgröße setzen"
-+msgid "Apply underline"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply line spacing"
-+msgstr "Zeilenabstand anwenden"
-+msgid "Apply subscript"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply superscript"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Apply tracking; units of ems/1000"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Example Item"
-+msgstr "Beispieleintrag"
-+msgid "TEMPLATE gallery"
-+msgstr "VORLAGEN-Galerie"
-+msgid "4-bit"
-+msgstr "16 Farben"
-+msgid "4-bit, transparent"
-+msgstr "4-bit, transparent"
-+msgid "8-bit"
-+msgstr "256 Farben"
-+msgid "8-bit, transparent"
-+msgstr "8-bit, transparent"
-+msgid "32-bit"
-+msgstr "32-bit"
-+msgid "2-bit "
-+msgstr "4 Farben "
-+msgid "2-bit, transparent"
-+msgstr "2-bit, transparent"
-+msgid "16-bit"
-+msgstr "65K Farben"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Animation: #1%s cs delay, #2%s"
-+msgstr "Animation: #1%s cs Verzögerung, #2%s"
-+msgid "; Double click, or drag and drop to apply this bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Dragging Bitmap '#1%s' : "
-+msgstr "Bitmap '#1%s' wird gezogen: "
-+msgid "Drop to apply a Bitmap fill to this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um hier eine Bitmap-Füllung zuzuweisen "
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s by #2%s pixels, #3%s, #4%s dpi"
-+msgstr "#1%s mal #2%s Pixel, #3%s×#4%s dpi"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "'#1%s', #2%s, #3%s"
-+msgstr "'#1%s', #2%s, #3%s"
-+msgid "24-bit"
-+msgstr "Millionen Farben"
-+msgid "Monochrome, transparent"
-+msgstr "Monochrom, transparent"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "'#1%s'"
-+msgstr "'#1%s'"
-+msgid "0 K [Edits list]"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to select;"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ctrl-click to deselect;"
-+msgstr "Strg-Klick zum Abwählen;"
-+msgid " Double-click to apply this colour; Or drag and drop"
-+msgstr " Doppelklicken, um diese Farbe anzuwenden; Oder Ziehen und Ablegen"
-+msgid " : "
-+msgstr " : "
-+msgid "Drop here to move/copy the dragged item above this one"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ablegen zum Verschieben/Kopieren des gezogenen Elements über dieses Element."
-+msgid "Drop here to move/copy the dragged item below this one"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ablegen zum Verschieben/Kopieren des gezogenen Elements unter dieses Element."
-+msgid "Drag to change the display order of the list"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern der Anzeigereihenfolge der Liste."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s, '#2%s', #3%s"
-+msgstr "#1%s, '#2%s', #3%s"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s, '#2%s'"
-+msgstr "#1%s, '#2%s'"
-+msgid "LibraryGallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ClipartGallery"
-+msgstr "ClipartGallery"
-+msgid "Dragging line attribute"
-+msgstr "Linienattribute werden gezogen"
-+msgid "Drop to set the Current Attribute"
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um das aktuelle Attribut festzulegen"
-+msgid "Drop to apply this attribute to this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen, um dieses Attribut hier zuzuweisen "
-+msgid "Drop to apply the fill to this "
-+msgstr "Ablegen um Füllung hier zuzuweisen "
-+msgid "FillsGallery"
-+msgstr "FillsGallery"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "'#1%s', "
-+msgstr "'#1%s', "
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ", '#1%s', "
-+msgstr ", '#1%s', "
-+msgid "Line properties..."
-+msgstr "Linieneigenschaften..."
-+msgid "Add clipart from disc..."
-+msgstr "Clipart hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "Add fills from disc..."
-+msgstr "Füllungen hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "Add fonts from disc..."
-+msgstr "Schriftarten hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "Empty web fills cache"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Empty web fonts cache"
-+msgstr "Dies ist der erste Abschnitt in der Galerie."
-+msgid "Copy brush graphic to clipboard"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Find..."
-+msgstr "Suchen..."
-+msgid "Fold section"
-+msgstr "Abschnitt einblenden"
-+msgid "Next section"
-+msgstr "Nächster Abschnitt"
-+msgid "Special Effects..."
-+msgstr "Spezialeffekte..."
-+msgid "Previous section"
-+msgstr "Vorhergehender Abschnitt"
-+msgid "Remove section"
-+msgstr "Abschnitt entfernen"
-+msgid "Rename..."
-+msgstr "Umbenennen..."
-+msgid "Rename brush"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set page background;Set the page background to the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show frame; Show the frame in the current animation sequence"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show in Colour Line;Show this colour gallery group in the colour line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Sort..."
-+msgstr "Sortieren..."
-+msgid "Unfold section"
-+msgstr "Abschnitt ausblenden"
-+msgid "Xara Picture Editor..."
-+msgstr "Xara Bildeditor..."
-+msgid "Sorting gallery items..."
-+msgstr "Galerie-Elemente werden sortiert..."
-+msgid "Find Gallery items..."
-+msgstr "Galerie-Elemente suchen..."
-+msgid "Searching... Press 'Esc' to abort"
-+msgstr "Suchen... Drücken Sie zum Abbrechen „ESC“."
-+msgid "This is the first section in the gallery"
-+msgstr "Das ist der erste Abschnitt in der Galerie"
-+msgid "This is the last section in the gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You cannot delete the default bitmap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "There are no items selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "There are no sections selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "This gallery does not support that command"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "This operation can only be performed on a single item"
-+msgstr "Diese Aktion kann nur mit einem einzelnen Objekt durchgeführt werden"
-+msgid "You can only rename a single colour at a time"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Web fonts must be installed before you can use them"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Sort Gallery items..."
-+msgstr "Galerie-Elemente sortieren..."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Shade of #1%s"
-+msgstr "Schattierung von #1%s"
-+msgid ""
-+"Shadow Transparency; Change the transparency of the Shadow; Change the "
-+"transparency of the Shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shadows"
-+msgstr "Schatten"
-+msgid "Shadow Profile; Change the shadow profile; Change the shadow profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Changes the blur of the selected shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Changes the transparency of the selected shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Angle"
-+msgstr "Winkel"
-+msgid "Blur"
-+msgstr "Unschärfe"
-+msgid "Drag to position shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click select; Drag to apply a shadow to a non-shadowed object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to change angle and height of floor shadows; Shift to add new shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag left/right or up/down to change width of glow shadows; Shift to add new "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to shadow objects; Click to select objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to position wall shadows; Shift to add new shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You cannot shadow a group containing shadows"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie können das Schatten-Werkzeug nicht auf eine Gruppe anwenden, deren "
-+"Objekte bereits Schatten enthalten."
-+msgid "Move pointer over object to shadow"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shadow tool infobar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Floor"
-+msgstr "Boden"
-+msgid "Wall"
-+msgstr "Wand"
-+msgid "You cannot shadow a group which contains shadows within it."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Turn off"
-+msgstr "Abschalten"
-+msgid "&Shear;Skew the selected objects;Shear"
-+msgstr "&Scheren;Verzerrt die ausgewählten Objekte;Shear"
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to skew objects; Shift-drag, skew around centre; Ctrl-drag, multiples "
-+"of constrain angle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to skew objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Shift to skew around centre; Ctrl to constrain angle"
-+msgstr "; Shift to skew around centre; Ctrl to constrain angle"
-+msgid "&Show Grid;Toggles the visible state of all grids"
-+msgstr "Raster anzeigen;Schaltet die Sichtbarkeit aller Gritter um"
-+msgid "Show Gui&des;Toggles the 'show guides' state"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinien anzeigen;Umschalten des „Hilfslinien-anzeigen“-Modus"
-+msgid "Show &Print Borders;Show printable area in this view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Show NavBar State;Show NavBar State;Show NavBar State"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Do you want to view your exported HTML now?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Quiet"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " (inside)"
-+msgstr " (innerhalb)"
-+msgid "&Skip"
-+msgstr "&Ãœberspringen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the #1%S member and all associated button elements of "
-+"the last selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S member and all associated button elements of the "
-+"last selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the #1%S member and all associated button elements of the "
-+"last selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to move the selected named objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the top #1%S and all associated button elements; "
-+"(Reached the simplest object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the top #1%S and all associated button elements; (Reached "
-+"the simplest object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the top #1%S and all associated button elements; (Reached "
-+"the simplest object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the #1%S and all associated button elements; (The "
-+"pointer is not over a member of the last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S and all associated button elements; (The pointer is "
-+"not over a member of the last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the #1%S and all associated button elements; (The pointer "
-+"is not over a member of the last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select only this #1%S and all associated button elements"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select this #1%S and all associated button elements"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to deselect this #1%S and all associated button elements"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "r#1%dc#2%d"
-+msgstr "r#1%dc#2%d"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only this #1%S and all associated button elements; Drag to "
-+"move them"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move pointer over object to select other objects with the same name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Move pointer over object to add/remove objects with the same name from the "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to marquee select named objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to marquee select named objects to add to selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Peripheral elements of the slice\\n(such as a shadow) overlap with another "
-+"slice. Exclude these elements from the slices?"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The named objects #1%s && #2%s overlap. Either move one of these or mark one "
-+"as acceptable to slice up."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Button and NavBar tool infobar"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the #1%S and all associated button elements under the "
-+"last selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S and all associated button elements under the last "
-+"selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the #1%S and all associated button elements under the last "
-+"selected object"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the top #1%S and all associated button elements; "
-+"(Reached the bottom)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the top #1%S and all associated button elements; (Reached "
-+"the bottom)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the top #1%S and all associated button elements; (Reached "
-+"the bottom)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the #1%S and all associated button elements; (Nothing "
-+"under last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Click to select the #1%S and all associated button elements"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only the #1%S and all associated button elements; (Last "
-+"selected object not under pointer)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select the #1%S and all associated button elements; (Last selected "
-+"object not under pointer)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to deselect the #1%S and all associated button elements; (Nothing "
-+"under last selected object)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Slice Op;Select a group of objects;Select object(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag the marquee so it encloses one of the named objects to be selected"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Image slicing - produces an HTML file and a number of graphic files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&SliceMove Op;The SliceTool Move Operation;Move object(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You attempted to export a named object that is on an invisible layer outside "
-+"the bounds of the rendered spread"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Button and NavBar Tool; Activate the Button and NavBar Tool;Button and "
-+"NavBar Tool"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"GIF slices (*.gif) |*.*|JPEG slices (*.jpg) |*.*|BMP slices (*.bmp) |*.*|PNG "
-+"slices (*.png) |*.*||"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Status Line"
-+msgstr "Statuszeile"
-+msgid "The Status Line shows the current state of the application."
-+msgstr "Die Statuszeile zeigt den aktuellen Zustand der Anwendung an."
-+msgid "32,768K"
-+msgstr "32,768 KB"
-+msgid "Memory used"
-+msgstr "Verwendeter Speicher"
-+msgid "Memory used by application"
-+msgstr "Für die Anwendung benötigter Speicher"
-+msgid "Mouse Position"
-+msgstr "Maus-Position"
-+msgid "Position of mouse pointer within the page(s)."
-+msgstr "Position des Mauszeigers auf den Seiten."
-+msgid "Showing Printer colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Printer colours are being shown in this view; Double-click to return to "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Redraw Indicator"
-+msgstr "Anzeiger neu zeichnen"
-+msgid "Indicates redraw is in progress."
-+msgstr "Zeigt an, dass Anzeige neu gezeichnet wird."
-+msgid "P"
-+msgstr "P"
-+msgid "Live Drag Indicator"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Indicates the Live Drag state; Double-click to change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Snapped indicator"
-+msgstr "Ausgerichteter Anzeiger"
-+msgid ""
-+"Indicates that the mouse position has snapped to grid, guideline or object."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Zeigt an, dass die Mausposition am Gitter, an der Hilfslinie oder am Objekt "
-+"ausgerichtet wurde."
-+msgid "T"
-+msgstr "T"
-+msgid "Transparency Indicator"
-+msgstr "Transparenz-Anzeiger"
-+msgid ""
-+"Indicates transparency is used when redrawing; double-click to change state."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Smaller"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Sets accuracy of the smoothing operation"
-+msgstr "Legt Genauigkeit der Glättungsoperation fest."
-+msgid "Snap to &Grid;Toggles the 'snap to grid' state"
-+msgstr "Einrasten am Raster;Umschalten der Einrasten-am-Raster-Einstellung"
-+msgid "Snap to G&uides;Toggles the 'snap to guides' state"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Einrasten an &Hilfslinien;Umschalten der Einrasten-an-Hilfslinien-Einstellung"
-+msgid "Snap to &Objects;Toggles the 'snap to objects' state"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Einrasten an &Objekten;Umschalten der Einrasten-an-Objekten-Einstellung"
-+msgid "Use to nudge the position of the selected shadow(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Allows editing of the horizontal position of the selected shadow(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Allows editing of the vertical position of the selected shadow(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to remove the shadow from the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click on an object to apply a shadow on it"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Shadow Tool;Choose the Shadow Tool to create and edit shadows;Shadow Tool"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Sort by quality"
-+msgstr "Nach Qualität sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by file type"
-+msgstr "Nach Dateityp sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by font type"
-+msgstr "Nach Schrifttyp sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by height"
-+msgstr "Nach Höhe sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by hue"
-+msgstr "Nach Farbton sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by intensity"
-+msgstr "Nach Intensität sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by memory size"
-+msgstr "Nach Speichergröße sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by model"
-+msgstr "Nach Modell sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by name"
-+msgstr "Nach Namen sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by name length"
-+msgstr "Nach Namenslänge sortieren"
-+msgid "Sort by width"
-+msgstr "Nach Breite sortieren"
-+msgid "Luminance"
-+msgstr "Helligkeit"
-+msgid "Number of uses"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Redraw took #1%d.#2%03d secs"
-+msgstr "Neuzeichnen dauerte #1%d.#2%03d Sek"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s took #2%d.#3%03d secs"
-+msgstr "#1%s brauchte #2%d.#3%03d Sek."
-+msgid ""
-+"<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\">\\r\\"
-+"n<TR>\\r\\n<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"50%\" "
-+"ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Speed</TD>\\r\\n<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"50%\" "
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\">\\r\\"
-+"n<TR>\\r\\n<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"50%\" "
-+"ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Geschwindigkeit</TD>\\r\\n<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" "
-+"WIDTH=\"50%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Dauer</TD>\\r\\n"
-+msgid ""
-+"<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"25%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Speed</TD>\\r\\n<TD "
-+"BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"25%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Time</TD>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"25%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Geschwindigkeit</TD>\\"
-+"r\\n<TD BGCOLOR=\"#70A0FF\" WIDTH=\"25%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Dauer</TD>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "</TR>\\r\\n</TABLE>\\r\\n</TD></TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "</TR>\\r\\n</TABLE>\\r\\n</TD></TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Company:"
-+msgstr "Firma:"
-+msgid "© Xara Group Ltd 1995"
-+msgstr "© Xara Group Ltd 1995"
-+msgid "Developed by "
-+msgstr "Klein "
-+msgid "Licensee:"
-+msgstr "Lizenznehmer:"
-+msgid "Serial No:"
-+msgstr "Seriennummer:"
-+msgid "Version:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Graphic file viewer"
-+msgstr "Mittel mit Bildlaufleiste"
-+msgid "Xara X - startup panel"
-+msgstr "Xara X - Autostartsteuerung"
-+msgid "You need to enable NEW_PASTEBOARD to test this function"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "spreads"
-+msgstr "Ausbreitungen"
-+msgid "spread"
-+msgstr "Ausbreitung"
-+msgid "diamond graduated fill"
-+msgstr "Diamant-Füllung"
-+msgid "diamond transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Scale;Stretch the selected objects;Scale"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to stretch/squash objects; Shift-drag, squash around centre; Ctrl-drag, "
-+"multiples of original size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to stretch/squash objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Shift to squash around centre; Ctrl to constrain size"
-+msgstr "; Shift to squash around centre; Ctrl to constrain size"
-+msgid "Click to start a new curve; Drag to select point handles"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to start a new line; Drag to select point handles; Shift-Click to de-"
-+"select all handles"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to start a new line; Drag to select point handles"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "start arrow"
-+msgstr "Startpfeil"
-+msgid "start cap"
-+msgstr "Start"
-+msgid "New state is a copy"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "New state looks distinct"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " state"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag the colour picker to capture screen colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Press Ctrl to disable Bar docking; Esc to cancel the drag"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Resize and Reformat the Bar"
-+msgstr "Ändert Größe und Format des Balkens."
-+msgid "Press Ctrl to copy the Control; Esc to cancel the drag"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Reposition the Gallery"
-+msgstr "Positioniert die Galerie neu."
-+msgid "Drag to zoom in on an area"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to zoom in to #1%d%; "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shift-click to zoom out to #1%d%; "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit the distance between steps of the blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change distance between blend steps"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Stop"
-+msgstr "&Stopp"
-+msgid "Stop brush"
-+msgstr "Pinsel stoppen"
-+msgid "&Stop update"
-+msgstr "&Aktualisieren stoppen"
-+msgid "apply stroke."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "line transparency type"
-+msgstr "Linientransparenztyp"
-+msgid "line transparency"
-+msgstr "Linientransparenz"
-+msgid "New Style Name;Enter the name of a new style;New Style Name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Style Definition"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Wizard Style refers to unknown property"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The number of subdivisions between each major grid point"
-+msgstr "Anzahl der Unterteilungen zwischen Haupt-Rasterpunkten."
-+msgid "Click to add or remove system colours."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Tab to see outlines"
-+msgstr "; Tab to see outlines"
-+msgid "; Tab to see changes live"
-+msgstr "; Tab to see changes live"
-+msgid "Compound render hint"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "(#1%d)"
-+msgstr "(#1%d)"
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to read this file because essential data has been found that is not "
-+msgstr "Wesentliche Daten der Datei waren nicht lesbar."
-+msgid "Export hint"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Non-essential data has been found that is not recognised. Ignored data "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Wizard Property"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Wizard Properties Style"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Wizard Style Reference"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Rotate the objects to match the angle of the curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "change rotate along curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "</TD></TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "</TD></TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgid ""
-+"Wizard Proper&ties...;Make your objects customizable;Wizard Properties"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme could not find your default template. Please open the file you "
-+"would like to use as you default template and save this using the Save "
-+"Template command with the Use As Default Template option set."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara Xtreme konnte Ihre Standardvorlage nicht finden. Bitte öffnen Sie eine "
-+"Datei, die Sie als Standardvorlage benutzen möchten und speichern Sie diese "
-+"mit der Option \"Speichern als Vorlage\" ab."
-+msgid " (Bad data item)"
-+msgstr " (Fehlerhafter Dateneintrag)"
-+msgid " (Bad record)"
-+msgstr " (Fehlerhaft Datensatz)"
-+msgid "Xara (wix) file is corrupt."
-+msgstr "Xara (wix)-Datei ist defekt."
-+msgid ""
-+"The Xara (wix) filter is not correctly installed. Please re-install Xara X "
-+"to correct this problem."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Text"
-+msgstr "Text"
-+msgid "0pt"
-+msgstr "0pt"
-+msgid "10pt"
-+msgstr "10 pt"
-+msgid "11pt"
-+msgstr "11 pt"
-+msgid "12pt"
-+msgstr "12 pt"
-+msgid "14pt"
-+msgstr "14 pt"
-+msgid "16pt"
-+msgstr "16 pt"
-+msgid "18pt"
-+msgstr "18 pt"
-+msgid "20pt"
-+msgstr "20 pt"
-+msgid "24pt"
-+msgstr "24 pt"
-+msgid "28pt"
-+msgstr "28 pt"
-+msgid "32pt"
-+msgstr "32 pt"
-+msgid "36pt"
-+msgstr "36 pt"
-+msgid "48pt"
-+msgstr "48 pt"
-+msgid "72pt"
-+msgstr "72 pt"
-+msgid "8pt"
-+msgstr "8 pt"
-+msgid " B"
-+msgstr " F"
-+msgid " I"
-+msgstr " I"
-+msgid "Multiple"
-+msgstr "Mehrfach"
-+msgid "x"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "%%"
-+msgstr "%%"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s<BR>"
-+msgstr "#1%s<BR>"
-+msgid "Paste text;Paste the text object from the clipboard;Paste text"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release the mouse button here to cancel the new tab stop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the mouse left and right to position the new tab stop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to change the type given to newly created tab stops"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Release the mouse button here to delete the tab stop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"SHIFT-drag to create the column at any angle; CTRL-drag to constrain the "
-+"angle of the column"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the mouse left and right to move the first line indent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the mouse left and right to move the left margin"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to change the width of this text on a curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the mouse left and right to move the right margin"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"CTRL-drag to constrain about other margin handle; SHIFT-drag to move "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to change the width and angle of this text column; Use SHIFT and CTRL "
-+"for options"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move the mouse left and right to move the tab stop"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Text tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Text Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Click to create a simple text object; Drag to create a text column"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Type to enter text; Click to create a new simple text object; Drag to create "
-+"a new text column"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to create a text column; SHIFT-click to create simple text; CTRL-click "
-+"to position the text at the start of this curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to position text cursor; Drag to select characters; Double click to "
-+"select word; CTRL-click to select line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to create a tab stop, drag markers to move them"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Text Tool;Choose the Text Tool to enter and edit text;Text Tool"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "three colour graduated fill"
-+msgstr "dreifarbige Verlaufsfüllung"
-+msgid "three point transparency"
-+msgstr "Dreipunkt-Transparenz"
-+msgid ""
-+"&Toggle cache throttling; Toggle cache throttling;Toggle cache throttling"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&With"
-+msgstr "&Mit"
-+msgid "&Time redraw;Calculate time taken for redisplay"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "This demo version of Xara Xtreme has expired."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "A previous installation has been found"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Invalid unlock number. Please contact supplying as many "
-+"details as possible including which product you are trying to unlock and "
-+"your xaraclub user name."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Thank you for purchasing Xara Xtreme. You will be sent a CD including the "
-+"full program, clipart, bitmaps and movies. This download will run for a "
-+"further 20 weeks. When you receive your CD please use it to re-install."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unable to find a previous version of Xara"
-+msgstr "Es konnte keine ältere Version von Xara gefunden"
-+msgid ""
-+"Although the account you specified does own the Xara Xtreme Upgrade product, "
-+"a corresponding installation could not be found. Please contact technical "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The account you specified does not own the Xara Xtreme product. Please try "
-+"again using the details for the Xara account that you used to purchase Xara "
-+"Xtreme, or click on the Buy button to purchase now."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You do not have sufficient access rights to run Xara Xtreme on this computer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ihr Benutzeraccount verfügt nicht über genügend Rechte, um Xara Xtreme auf "
-+"diesem Computer zu starten."
-+msgid ""
-+"This purchased download version of Xara Xtreme has expired please install "
-+"Xara Xtreme from the CD you should have received."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This purchased download version of Xara Xtreme will expire shortly, please "
-+"install Xara Xtreme from the CD as soon as possible."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme will now search for previous installations"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme sucht nun nach älteren Installationen."
-+msgid "Unlock"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Enter the email address or username and password that you used to\\npurchase "
-+"Xara Xtreme and then click the Unlock button below\\nto unlock."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Unlock Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please enter a time stamp period of greater than zero"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "time stamp period"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E0E0F0\" WIDTH=\"50%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">#1%s</TD>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E0E0F0\" WIDTH=\"50%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">#1%s</TD>\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Tint of #1%s"
-+msgstr "Verbunden mit #1%s"
-+msgid "Tip of the Day..."
-+msgstr "wussten Sie schon..."
-+msgid "Displays a Tip of the Day."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ti&p of the day;Show useful hints and tips about using Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ti&p des Tages;Zeigt nützliche Tips und Hilfen zur Benutzung von Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "Ti&p of the day;Show useful hints and tips about using Xara XS"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ti&p des Tages;Zeigt nützliche Tips und Hilfen zur Benutzung von Xara Xtreme "
-+"for Linux"
-+msgid ""
-+"&amp;Tip of the Day;Show useful hints and tips about using Xara Xtreme;TipOp"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&amp;Tip des Tages;Zeigt nützliche Tips und Hilfen zur Benutzung von Xara "
-+msgid "Show printer colours"
-+msgstr "Entfernen"
-+msgid "Switch between normal view and printer colours preview"
-+msgstr "Beibehalten"
-+msgid ""
-+"Show P&rinter Colours;Show colours as they will look when printed;Show "
-+"printer colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Cyan plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch between normal view and cyan plate preview"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Cyan (C);Show preview of the cyan plate;Show cyan (c)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Key plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch between normal view and key plate preview"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Black (K);Show preview of the key plate;Key plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Magenta plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch between normal view and magenta plate preview"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Magenta (M);Show preview of the magenta plate;Magenta plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show plates in black"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch between showing plates in black and real colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show as Black;Show plate preview in black;Show as black"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Toggle Mesh;Switch the selected mould objects mesh on and off"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show normal view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch back to showing the normal view of the document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Screen Colours;Show normal view;Screen colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Simulate P&rint Colours;Show colours as they will look when printed;Simulate "
-+"print colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Simulate print colours"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Spot plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch between normal view and spot plate preview"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Spot Plate;Show preview of a spot plate;Spot plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Yellow plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Switch between normal view and yellow plate preview"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Show Yellow (Y);Show preview of the yellow plate;Yellow plate"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Double buffer;Toggle double buffer usage"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Background drawing;Toggle background drawing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Pressure Sensitive"
-+msgstr "Druckempfindlich"
-+msgid "&Scrollbars;Toggle proportional Scrollbars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "New control bar..."
-+msgstr "Neue Steuerungsleiste..."
-+msgid "Con&trol Bars...;Add, remove or edit the toolbars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You can't view all the tools in this screen mode - would you like to make "
-+"the buttons small ?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "A bar has a maximum of 20 buttons and a minimum of 1."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Eine Symbolleiste kann maximal 20 Schaltflächen aufnehmen und muß mindestens "
-+"eine Schaltfläche beinhalten."
-+msgid "Drag to move top of grid"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Verschieben des Rasters oben."
-+msgid "Drag to resize grid to top and left"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern der Größe des Gitters oben und links."
-+msgid "Drag to resize grid to top and right"
-+msgstr "Ziehen zum Ändern der Größe des Gitters oben und rechts."
-+msgid "Total Size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "<TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<TR>\\r\\n"
-+msgid "Bitmap &Tracer...;Display bitmap tracer;Display bitmap tracer"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Bitmapvektorisierer...;Zeigt den Bitmapvektorisierer an;Zeigt den "
-+msgid "Preparing bitmap for tracing (press Escape to abort)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Tracing bitmap (press Escape to abort)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Insert traced image"
-+msgstr "Vektorisiertes Bild einfügen"
-+msgid "16 Colour"
-+msgstr "16 Farben"
-+msgid "Limited colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Only one copy of the bitmap tracer dialog may be invoked at a time"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Aborted (#1%ld lines, #2%ld points)"
-+msgstr "Abgebrochen (#1%ld Linien, #2%ld Punkte)"
-+msgid "Press Trace button to begin"
-+msgstr "Klicken Sie den \"Vektorisieren\"-Button um zu Starten"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Done (#1%ld lines, #2%ld points)"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Tracing (#1%ld lines, #2%ld points)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Photographic"
-+msgstr "Fotographisch"
-+msgid "tracking"
-+msgstr "Tracking"
-+msgid "; Num - to adjust fills"
-+msgstr "; Num - to adjust fills"
-+msgid "; Num - to leave fills in place"
-+msgstr "; Num - to leave fills in place"
-+msgid "Drag to move objects; Ctrl-drag, constrain relative to original"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to move objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "; Ctrl to constrain direction"
-+msgstr "; Ctrl to constrain direction"
-+msgid "Yes"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "A transparent #1%s"
-+msgstr "Ein transparentes #1%s"
-+msgid "Make background transparent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to make the image background transparent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make selected colour transparent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to make a palette colour transparent"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Transparency Fill Profile; Change the transparency fill Profile; Change the "
-+"transparency fill profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Profil Transparenzfüllung; Verändert das Profil der Transparenzfüllung; "
-+"Verändert das Profil der Transparenzfüllung"
-+msgid "View and adjust the resolution of this bitmap transparency"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Auflösung dieser Bitmap-Transparenz an und passt sie an."
-+msgid "View and adjust the graininess of this fractal transparency"
-+msgstr "Zeigt die Körnung dieser Fraktalfüllung an und passt sie an."
-+msgid "View and adjust the scale of this fractal transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Alter the transparency of the selected fill handle"
-+msgstr "Ändert die Transparenz des ausgewählten Füllungshaltepunkts."
-+msgid "Choose the shape of the transparency"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie die Form der Transparenz aus."
-+msgid "Choose the repeating nature of the transparency"
-+msgstr "Wählen Sie die wiederholende Transparenz aus."
-+msgid "transparency type"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Transparency Tool;Choose the Transparency Tool to create and edit "
-+"transparency;Control transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "<TR><TD>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr "<TR><TD>\\r\\n"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Using a #1%d bit, true colour palette<BR>\\r\\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Try again"
-+msgstr "&Nochmals"
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Bitmap transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Bitmap transparency; Click to deselect fill handles; "
-+"Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Circular transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Circular transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Conical transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Conical transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Elliptical transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Elliptical transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag the slider to set a flat transparency"
-+msgstr "Schieberegler ziehen zum Einstellen einer gleichmäßigen Transparenz."
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag the slider to set a flat transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Four point transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Four point transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Fractal transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Fractal transparency; Click to deselect fill handles; "
-+"Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Linear transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Linear transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Fractal Plasma transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Fractal Plasma transparency; Click to deselect fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to remove any transparency fill"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Entfernen jeder Transparenzfüllung."
-+msgid "Click to remove any transparency fill and deselect all fill handles"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Entfernen jeder Transparenzfüllung und zum Aufheben aller "
-+msgid "Drag to create a new Diamond transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Diamond transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Three point transparency; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag to create a new Three point transparency; Click to deselect all fill "
-+"handles; Click to select an object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Typing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "underline"
-+msgstr "Unterstrichen"
-+msgid "add segment"
-+msgstr "Linienabschnitt hinzufügen"
-+msgid "add element"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "break at points"
-+msgstr "Punkte auflösen"
-+msgid "close line"
-+msgstr "Linie schließen"
-+msgid "copy mould shape"
-+msgstr "Grundform kopieren"
-+msgid "create mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform erstellen"
-+msgid "Default Page Background"
-+msgstr "Diese Operation kann nur mit einem Element durchgeführt werden."
-+msgid "detach mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform lösen"
-+msgid "Nothing to undo"
-+msgstr "Nichts zum Rückgängigmachen"
-+msgid "drag vanishing point"
-+msgstr "Fluchtpunkt ziehen"
-+msgid "create envelope"
-+msgstr "Hülle erstellen"
-+msgid "There is insufficient memory to perform this operation. "
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher zum Ausführen dieser Operation. "
-+msgid "Nudge"
-+msgstr "Schrittweise verschieben"
-+msgid "paste envelope"
-+msgstr "Hülle einfügen"
-+msgid "paste mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform einfügen"
-+msgid "paste perspective"
-+msgstr "Perspektive einfügen"
-+msgid "create perspective"
-+msgstr "Perspektive erstellen"
-+msgid "default envelope"
-+msgstr "Standardhülle"
-+msgid "default perspective"
-+msgstr "Standard-Perspektive"
-+msgid "remove mould"
-+msgstr "Grundform entfernen"
-+msgid "retro smooth"
-+msgstr "Retro glätten"
-+msgid "rotate contents"
-+msgstr "Inhalt drehen"
-+msgid "smooth region"
-+msgstr "Bereich glätten"
-+msgid "toggle mesh"
-+msgstr "Maschen ein-/ausblenden"
-+msgid ""
-+"Remove Feathering;Removes feathered outline created by Feather "
-+"command;Remove Feathering"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Ungroup;Ungroups all selected group objects created using the Group "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Ungroup All;Ungroups all groups in the selection, including those "
-+"nested;Ungroup All"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Alle Gruppen auflösen;Löst alle markierten Gruppen auf, inklusive "
-+"Untergruppen;Alle Gruppen auflösen"
-+msgid ""
-+"Ungroup Transparency;Ungroups all selected group objects created using the "
-+"Group Transparency command;Ungroup Transparency"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Transparenzgruppen auflösen;Löst alle markierten Gruppen, die mit dem "
-+"Gruppentransparenz-Befehl erstellt wurden, auf;Gruppentransparenz auflösen"
-+msgid "&Unit setup;Change units used, and create and edit new units"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The base unit cannot be the same as this unit."
-+msgstr "Die Basiseinheit darf dieser Einheit nicht entsprechen."
-+msgid "The base unit cannot be one that is based on this unit."
-+msgstr "Die Basiseinheit kann nicht auf dieser Einheit basieren."
-+msgid ""
-+"This unit cannot be deleted because it is being used in the document. It may "
-+"be used by the grid spacing or scaling values, or as a page or font unit."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This unit cannot be deleted because it has other units that are based on it."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Einheit kann nicht gelöscht werden, da andere Einheiten auf ihr "
-+msgid ""
-+"Unit &Properties...; Show and allow editing of a user unit's properties"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The unit properties dialog is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The units in which the space between major grid points is measured"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Einheiten, in denen der Abstand zwischen Haupt-Rasterpunkten gemessen wird."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s (#2%s) #3%s #4%s:#5%s #6%s"
-+msgstr "#1%s (#2%s) #3%s #4%s:#5%s #6%s"
-+msgid "New unit "
-+msgstr "Neue Einheit "
-+msgid "nu"
-+msgstr "nu"
-+msgid "Prefix"
-+msgstr "Präfix"
-+msgid "Suffix"
-+msgstr "Suffix"
-+msgid "The Unit Setup dialog is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das Dialogfeld für das Einrichten von Einheiten ist bereits geöffnet."
-+msgid "0123456789.mcinftydpMCINFTYDP"
-+msgstr "0123456789.mcinftydpMCINFTYDP"
-+msgid ""
-+"This file has been compressed in a way that cannot be uncompressed by this "
-+"version of the importer."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "An unknown PNG error has occurred"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only this point handle; Drag to move; Shift-Click to add to "
-+"selection; Double-click to make smooth"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to select default grid, Drag to create new grid"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Klicken zum Auswählen des Standardgitters; Ziehen zum Anlegen des neuen "
-+msgid "Click to select the bitmap "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to select this grid, Drag to move it"
-+msgstr "Klicken zum Auswählen dieses Gitters; Ziehen zum Verschieben."
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to select only this point handle; Drag to move; Shift-Click to add to "
-+"selection; Double-click to make cusp"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Please wait...reading printer settings"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Checking and downloading Help and Support files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Checking and downloading information from"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import from &Web...;Imports all images on a web page;Import from Web"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "\\\\"
-+msgstr "\\\\"
-+msgid ":"
-+msgstr ":"
-+msgid "../"
-+msgstr "../"
-+msgid "./"
-+msgstr "./"
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "http:"
-+msgstr "http:"
-+msgid "a"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "z"
-+msgstr "z"
-+msgid "//"
-+msgstr "//"
-+msgid "/"
-+msgstr "/"
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Z"
-+msgstr "Z"
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "User defined value"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Use"
-+msgstr "&Benutzen"
-+msgid "&Options...;Invoke options dialog"
-+msgstr "&Optionen...;Den Optionsdialog aufrufen"
-+msgid "Utilities"
-+msgstr "Extras"
-+msgid "&Utilities;Commands which provide many useful functions"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Extras;Befehle, die viele nützliche Funktionen zur Verfügung stellen"
-+msgid "&Colour Manager...;Create and edit named colours"
-+msgstr "&Farbmanager;Erstellen und bearbeiten von benannten Farben"
-+msgid "Cus&tomize...;Alter the user interface (menus, hotkeys and buttons)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"An&passen...;Passt die Benutzeroberfläche an (Menüs, Tastaturcodes und "
-+msgid "&Options...;Alter various options"
-+msgstr "&Optionen...;Verschiedene Optionen ändern"
-+msgid "A valid palette is required for paletted images"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Align bottom"
-+msgstr "Unten ausrichten"
-+msgid "Align top"
-+msgstr "Oben ausrichten"
-+msgid "fill"
-+msgstr "Füllung"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Various #1%S's"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Distribute bottom edges"
-+msgstr "Untere Kanten verteilen"
-+msgid "Distribute top edges"
-+msgstr "Obere Kanten verteilen"
-+msgid "Apply a vertical baseline shift"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"View &Quality Slider;Use this slider to change Quality setting for the "
-+"document.;Set view quality"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Colour Line;Show or hide the Colour line"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Full Screen;Toggle full-screen mode"
-+msgstr "&Vollbild;Umschalten des Vollbildmodus"
-+msgid "&View;Commands to work with this view"
-+msgstr "&Ansicht;Befehle, um diese Ansicht zu modifizieren"
-+msgid "&Rulers;Show or hide the rulers"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Scrollbars ;Show or hide the scrollbars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "S&tatus Line;Show or hide the Status line"
-+msgstr "&Statuszeile;Anzeigen oder verbergen der Statuszeile"
-+msgid "&Toolbar;Show or hide the tool bar"
-+msgstr "&Werkzeugleiste;Zeigen oder verbergen der Werkzeugleiste"
-+msgid ""
-+"Drag right to create a vertical guideline; Double-click to create a "
-+"horizontal guideline"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Creating Document"
-+msgstr "Erzeuge Dokument"
-+msgid "Updating Clipboard"
-+msgstr "Aktualisiere Zwischenablage"
-+msgid "Opening Document"
-+msgstr "Dokument öffnen"
-+msgid "Rendering metafile ..."
-+msgstr "Interner Programmfehler %u.%s"
-+msgid "Saving Document"
-+msgstr "Dokument wird gespeichert"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Updating #1%s"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this bar?"
-+msgstr "Möchten Sie diesen Balken wirklich löschen?"
-+msgid ""
-+"n<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\">\\r\\n<CENTER>#1%s</CENTER>\\r\\n</TD></TR>\\r\\"
-+msgstr ""
-+"n<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#eddc8b\">\\r\\n<CENTER>#1%s</CENTER>\\r\\n</TD></TR>\\r\\"
-+msgid ""
-+"Your button design contains text in a group. Text in buttons is required to "
-+"be free from groups."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The object you have created has been added to a layer that is locked or "
-+"invisible. You may not be able to see or select it. Use the layer gallery to "
-+"make the layer visible and unlocked."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Please draw a backbar around the bar then set the selection to include all "
-+"of the elements of the BackBar."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Please set the selection to include all of the elements of a single button "
-+"that you wish to make this bar state from."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You will lose your current bar configuration - are you sure you want to go "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Unable to connect to Xara Picture Editor 2. Please ensure that XPE2 is "
-+"installed correctly and try again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "You are about to disable bitmap cacheing and clear the cache"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Your are about to disable cache throttling. Cacheing may take a significant "
-+"proportion of rendering time."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This document needs transparency to be shown correctly. Are you sure you "
-+"want to turn it off?"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"You are about to enable cache throttling. Cacheing will be restricted to 5% "
-+"of rendering time. Several renders may be needed before the drawing is fully "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Couldn't find the selected Effect editor."
-+msgstr "Ausgewählter Effekteditor nicht gefunden."
-+msgid ""
-+"The selection uses a transparency type that cannot be held in a standard "
-+"bitmap.\\nIf you Continue the bitmap may not look exactly like the selected "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme cannot find ImageMagick version 6.0.0 or above. Various bitmap "
-+"filters will be disabled. To install ImageMagick, either use the package "
-+"manager supplied with your distribution, or visit"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme Update cannot write files in the Program Files\\\\Xara Xtreme "
-+"folder.\\nPlease ensure that your account is allowed to do so. If you're not "
-+"sure ask your system administrator or contact Xara Technical Support."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme Update cannot write files in the Program Files\\\\Xara Xtreme "
-+"folder.\\nPlease ensure that your account is allowed to do so. If you're not "
-+"sure ask your system administrator or contact Xara Technical Support before "
-+"trying again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme Update cannot write files in the Program Files\\\\Xara Xtreme "
-+"folder.\\nPlease remove Read only status. If you're not sure ask your system "
-+"administrator or contact Xara Technical Support."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme Update cannot write files in the Program Files\\\\Xara Xtreme "
-+"folder.\\nPlease remove Read only status, ask your system administrator or "
-+"contact Xara Technical Support before trying again."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme Update cannot find the Program Files\\\\Xara Xtreme folder.\\"
-+"nPlease ensure any removable discs are present or check your network "
-+"connection. If this message appears again ask your system administrator or "
-+"contact Xara Technical Support."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme Update cannot find the Program Files\\\\Xara Xtreme folder.\\"
-+"nPlease ensure any removable discs are present or check your network "
-+"connection. If this message appears again ask your system administrator or "
-+"contact Xara Technical Support before trying again."
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The updated file '#1%S' may be incorrectly indexed at Please "
-+"inform Xara Technical Support.\\nYou can either Continue to update more "
-+"files or Stop and wait until the fault is corrected."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "New window (_blank)"
-+msgstr "Neues Fenster (_blank)"
-+msgid "Default (none specified)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Parent frame of this document (_parent)"
-+msgstr "Ãœbergeordneter Rahmen dieses Dokuments (_parent)"
-+msgid "Same frame as this document (_self)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Same window as this document (_top)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Web Address...;Connects selected objects to an Internet site;Web address"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Web address...;Connects selected objects to an Internet site"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "The Web address dialog box is already open"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "_blank"
-+msgstr "_blank"
-+msgid "none specified"
-+msgstr "nicht angegeben"
-+msgid "_parent"
-+msgstr "_parent"
-+msgid "_self"
-+msgstr "_self"
-+msgid "_top"
-+msgstr "_top"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"<embed src=\"#1%S\" width=#2%ld height=#3%ld type=\"application/vnd.xara\" "
-+msgstr ""
-+"<embed src=\"#1%S\" width=#2%ld height=#3%ld type=\"application/vnd.xara\" "
-+msgid ""
-+"Use Hints, Tips and Movies from CD;Switch between getting hints, tips and "
-+"movies from the CD or directly from Xara Ltd's web site"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"&Web file export options; Change the options associated with web file export"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme LX Home Page;Open the Xara Xtreme LX home page"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme LX Homepage;Öffnet die Xara-Xtreme-LX-Homepage"
-+msgid ""
-+"\\nUntitled\\nDocument\\nXara Web files (*.web)\\n.web\\nXaraWebDocument\\"
-+"nXara Web Document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Load Xara web document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make Web Safe"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to make a palette colour Web Safe"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"What's This?;Allows you to click on any part of Xara Xtreme to find out "
-+"about it;What"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "WIDTH=\"#1%d\" HEIGHT=\"#2%d\""
-+msgstr "WIDTH=\"#1%d\" HEIGHT=\"#2%d\""
-+msgid "winding rule"
-+msgstr "Winding-Regel"
-+msgid "Arrange &Icons;Arrange window icons"
-+msgstr "&Icons anordnen;Icons anordnen"
-+msgid "&Print borders;Shows or hides the printable region of pages"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Cascade;Cascade windows"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Smart &windows;Make windows change when the application window changes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Grids;Shows or hides the grid"
-+msgstr "&Gitter;Zeigt oder verbirgt das Gitter"
-+msgid "&Window;Commands to work with this window and its surroundings"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Fenster;Befehle, um mit diesem Fenster und seiner Umgebung zu arbeiten"
-+msgid "&New View;Open a new view window onto the current document"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Neue Ansicht;Öffnet ein neues Ansichtsfenster auf das aktuelle Dokument"
-+msgid "&Quality;Menu items that set the view quality of the current document"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Qualität;Menüeintrag, der die Ansichtsqualität des aktuellen Dokuments setzt"
-+msgid "Page &rulers;Shows or hides the page rulers"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Se&paration...;Set the separation shown in the active view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Snap to grids;Turns on or off snapping to the grids"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Arrange Views;Tesselate all open documents"
-+msgstr "Fenster &anordnen;Ordnet alle Fenster untereinander an"
-+msgid "Con&trol Bars...;Shows or hides the control bars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Would you like to create the new index with or without thumbnails? "
-+"(Thumbnails will only be created for files that need them. Some disk space "
-+"will be required to store them)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme Forums;Open the Xara Xtreme Forums page"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme Foren;Öffnet die Xara Xtreme Forenseite"
-+msgid ";Open the Xara home page"
-+msgstr ";Öffnen der Xara-Homepage"
-+msgid "Purchase;Purchase Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Kaufen;Xara Xtreme kaufen"
-+msgid "Xara on the &Web"
-+msgstr "&Xara im Netz"
-+msgid ""
-+"This image has information for the Xara Picture Editor stored with it.\\nIf "
-+"you continue that information will be lost."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid " (Edited)"
-+msgstr " (Bearbeitet)"
-+msgid ""
-+"Edit bitmap with Xara Picture Editor...;Send the bitmap to the Xara Picture "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Grafik mit Xara Bildeditor bearbeiten...;Sendet die Grafik an den Xara "
-+msgid "There are no bitmaps in the current selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Picture Edit"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Picture Editor not installed"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Layer '#1%S' contains a mixture of transparency types that may not be "
-+"represented correctly using the current settings of the filter. Please see "
-+"the help page for details of how to avoid this situation."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Plugin filter reported an error but didn't provide a message"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Yard"
-+msgstr "Elle"
-+msgid "Yards"
-+msgstr "Ellen"
-+msgid "yd"
-+msgstr "yd"
-+msgid ""
-+"Set zoom &factor;Sets the zooming factor for this view, as a percentage"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom to &drawing;Zooms so the visible objects fill the view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom Into &page;Zooms into the current drawing;Zoom In to &page"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Drag marquee around the area to zoom; Press Escape to cancel"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom Out of &page;Zooms out of the current drawing;Zoom Out of &page"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Previous"
-+msgstr "Startlister"
-+msgid "&Previous zoom;Restores the last zoom performed in this view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom to s&elected;Zooms so the selected object(s) fill the view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom to &page;Zooms so the page fills the view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to zoom the selected bitmap to 100%"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to zoom so the bitmap fills the view"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Zoom tool infobar"
-+msgstr "Zoom Infoleiste"
-+msgid "--------"
-+msgstr "--------"
-+msgid "Drag marquee around the area to zoom; Press Escape to Cancel"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "#1%d%"
-+msgstr "#1%d%"
-+msgid ""
-+"Click to zoom in; Shift-click to zoom out; Drag to zoom in on an area."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Zoom Tool;Choose the Zoom Tool to zoom in and out"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Vergrößerungswerkzeug;Wählen Sie das Vergrößerungswerkzeug, um zu "
-+"vergrößern und zu verkleinern"
-+msgid "Choose the Zoom Tool to zoom in and out"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Use to nudge the softness width of the selected shadow(s)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adding colours to document..."
-+msgstr "Hinzufügen von Farben zum Dokument..."
-+msgid "Import Illustrator 7.0 EPS format files"
-+msgstr "Importiert Illustrator 5.0 EPS-Formatdateien."
-+msgid "Adobe Illustrator 7.0 EPS"
-+msgstr "Adobe Illustrator 5.0 EPS"
-+msgid "Import Illustrator 8.0 EPS format files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Illustrator 8.0 EPS"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This file contains gradient fills that are not yet supported by Xara Xtreme -"
-+" they have been approximated."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import Illustrator 3.0 EPS format files"
-+msgstr "Importiert Illustrator 3.0 EPS-Formatdateien."
-+msgid "Adobe Illustrator 3.0 EPS"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import ArtWorks EPS format files"
-+msgstr "Importiert ArtWorks EPS-Formatdateien"
-+msgid "ArtWorks EPS"
-+msgstr "ArtWorks-EPS"
-+msgid "Error detected in Metafile."
-+msgstr "Fehler in Metadatei erkannt."
-+msgid "Import any bitmap file"
-+msgstr "Import jede Bitmap-Datei."
-+msgid ""
-+"There is currently no selected object, so the current page(s) will be "
-+"exported. This may be large in size. Do you still want to export?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export Windows BMP bitmap format files"
-+msgstr "Windows-BMP-Bitmap-Formatdateien exportieren."
-+msgid "Import Xara Xtreme EPS format files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme EPS"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "CAMELOT_BARS"
-+msgstr "CAMELOT_BARS"
-+msgid "CAMELOT_MENU"
-+msgstr "CAMELOT_MENU"
-+msgstr "CAMELOT_PAGESIZES.res"
-+msgstr "CAMELOT_UNITS"
-+msgid "Unable to find the filter to import that file with."
-+msgstr "Kann Filter nicht finden, mit dem die Datei importiert werden soll."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "CDR Bitmap #1%d"
-+msgstr "CDR-Bitmap #1%d"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d envelopes were approximated."
-+msgstr "#1%d -Hüllen wurden angenähert."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d envelope was approximated."
-+msgstr "#1%d-Hülle wurde angenähert."
-+msgid "Imports CorelDRAW 3, 4 and 5 files."
-+msgstr "Importiert CorelDRAW 3-, 4- und 5-Dateien."
-+msgid "CorelDRAW"
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW"
-+msgid ""
-+"That file is a version 2.xx CDR file. Only versions 3, 4 and 5 are supported."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die Datei ist eine Version 2.xx CDR-Datei. Nur Versionen 3, 4 und 5 werden "
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d objects could not be imported."
-+msgstr "#1%d-Objekte konnten nicht importiert werden."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%d object could not be imported."
-+msgstr "#1%d-Objekte konnten nicht importiert werden."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "CDR Pattern #1%d"
-+msgstr "CDR-Muster #1%d"
-+msgid ""
-+"An error was detected in the CMX file, and it cannot be processed. Your file "
-+"is corrupt."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ein Fehler in der CMX-Datei wurde festgestellt, so daß diese nicht "
-+"verarbeitet werden kann. Ihre Datei ist kaputt."
-+msgid "Imports CMX files"
-+msgstr "CMX-Dateinen importieren"
-+msgid "CMX files"
-+msgstr "CMX-Dateien"
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme has exported the file but the size of the drawing on the paper "
-+"has been reduced."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara Xtreme hat die Datei exportiert, aber die Größe der Zeichnung auf dem "
-+"Papier wurde reduziert."
-+msgid "Loading CMX file..."
-+msgstr "CMX-Datei wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Import CorelDRAW 4.0 EPS format files"
-+msgstr "Importiert CorelDRAW 4.0 EPS-Formatdateien."
-+msgid "CorelDRAW 4.0 EPS"
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 4.0-EPS"
-+msgid "Imports CorelDRAW 3, 4 and 5 palette files."
-+msgstr "Importiert CorelDRAW 3-, 4- und 5-Palettendateien."
-+msgid "CorelDRAW Palette"
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW-Palette"
-+msgid "Import any Corel files"
-+msgstr "Alle Corel-Dateien importieren"
-+msgid "Corel files"
-+msgstr "Corel-Dateien"
-+msgid "Unable to create dialog box."
-+msgstr "Kann Dialogfeld nicht erstellen."
-+msgid "Not enough memory to create a new document"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicherplatz zum Erstellen eines neuen Dokuments."
-+msgid "Error detected in Document structure (could not find attribute)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Fehler in der Dokumentstruktur erkannt (konnte Attribut nicht finden)."
-+msgid "DOCRESTYPE"
-+msgstr "DOCRESTYPE"
-+msgid "An error was detected while importing that Acorn Draw file."
-+msgstr "Ein Fehler wurde beim Importieren der Acorn Draw-Datei erkannt."
-+msgid "Acorn Draw files (*.drw, *.aff) | *.drw; *.aff ||"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import Acorn RISC OS Draw format files"
-+msgstr "Importiert Acorn RISC OS-Formatdateien."
-+msgid "Acorn Draw"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Ran out of memory while reading Acorn Draw file."
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicherplatz beim Lesen der Acorn Draw-Datei."
-+msgid "That file is not an Acorn Draw file"
-+msgstr "Datei ist keine Acorn Draw-Datei."
-+msgid "Could not open Acorn Draw input file"
-+msgstr "Konnte Acorn Draw-Eingabedatei nicht öffnen."
-+msgid "Exporting DXF file ..."
-+msgstr "Exportiere DXF-Datei..."
-+msgid "dxf"
-+msgstr "dxf"
-+msgid "DXF"
-+msgstr "DXF"
-+msgid "Data Exchange Format"
-+msgstr "Daten-Austausch-Format (DXF)"
-+msgid "Importing DXF file ...X"
-+msgstr "Importiere DXF-Datei..."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Error detected in EPS file at line #1%d [#2%d]"
-+msgstr "Fehler in EPS-Datei in Zeile #1%d [#2%d] erkannt."
-+msgid "&Export ArtWorks EPS;Export as an ArtWorks format EPS file;EPS Export"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Exportiere ArtWorks EPS;Export als EPS-Datei im ArtWorks-Format;EPS-Export"
-+msgid "Export ArtWorks EPS"
-+msgstr "Exportiert ArtWorks-EPS."
-+msgid "EPS files (*.eps) | *.eps ||"
-+msgstr "EPS-Dateien (*.eps) | *.eps ||"
-+msgid "Import any supported EPS file"
-+msgstr "Alle unterstützten EPS-Datei importieren"
-+msgid "EPS files"
-+msgstr "EPS-Dateien"
-+msgid "The EPS file did not contain any graphical objects to import."
-+msgstr "Die EPS-Datei enthielt keine zu importierenden grafischen Objekte."
-+msgid "Ran out of memory while reading EPS file"
-+msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher beim Lesen der EPS-Datei."
-+msgid "That EPS file is not recognised by this import filter"
-+msgstr "Diese EPS-Datei wird von diesem Import-Filter nicht erkannt."
-+msgid ""
-+"This file is not understood by Xara Xtreme - it may contain an error or be "
-+"in an unsupported format."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Datei konnte von Xara Xtreme nicht geladen werden - entweder ist ein "
-+"Fehler aufgetreten oder die Datei beinhaltet ein nicht unterstütztes Format."
-+msgid "String token is too long in EPS file"
-+msgstr "Zeichen-Token in der EPS-Datei ist zu lang."
-+msgid "&Export...;Export a file from the document;Export file"
-+msgstr ""
-+"&Exportieren...;Exportieren einer Datei aus dem Dokument;Datei exportieren"
-+msgid "Exporting Windows BMP..."
-+msgstr "Windows-BMP wird vorbereitet..."
-+msgid "Exporting Illustrator EPS..."
-+msgstr "Illustrator-EPS wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Exporting Xara Xtreme EPS..."
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme EPS-Datei exportieren..."
-+msgid "Exporting CMX file..."
-+msgstr "CMX-Datei exportieren..."
-+msgid "Saving Flash file..."
-+msgstr "Als Flash-Datei speichern..."
-+msgid "Exporting metafile..."
-+msgstr "Metadatei wird exportiert..."
-+msgid "Writing metafile..."
-+msgstr "Metadatei wird geschrieben..."
-+msgid ""
-+"You have used one or more transparent fractal fills, which are not yet "
-+"supported in EPS due to their provisional status. Information will be lost "
-+"from your drawing."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "A serious internal error occurred while exporting."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ein schwerwiegender interner Fehler ist beim Exportieren aufgetreten."
-+msgid "Could not open the output file."
-+msgstr "Konnte die Ausgabe-Datei nicht öffnen."
-+msgid "Export file"
-+msgstr "Datei exportieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"You are not exporting as Xara X EPS - this may cause loss of information "
-+"from the drawing. Are you sure you wish to export in this format?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie exportieren nicht als Xara X EPS; das kann zum Informationsverlust bei "
-+"der Zeichnung führen. Wollen Sie wirklich in dies Format exportieren?"
-+msgid "The filename is too long for Xara Xtreme to handle."
-+msgstr "Der Dateiname ist zu lang für Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "That file is not recognised by any of the installed filters."
-+msgstr "Datei ist von keinem der installierten Filter erkannt worden."
-+msgid "drw,aff"
-+msgstr "drw,aff"
-+msgid "aco"
-+msgstr "aco"
-+msgid "act"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "ai,eps"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "txt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "cdr,cdt"
-+msgstr "cdr,cdt"
-+msgid "cmx"
-+msgstr "cmx"
-+msgid "pal,cpl"
-+msgstr "pal,cpl"
-+msgid "swf"
-+msgstr "swf"
-+msgid "jcw"
-+msgstr "jcw"
-+msgid "wmf"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "pal"
-+msgstr "pal"
-+msgid "rtf"
-+msgstr "rtf"
-+msgid "Imports Adobe Colour Swatch files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Imports Adobe Colour Table files"
-+msgstr "Importiert Adobe-Farbtabellen-Dateien"
-+msgid "Export as Flash file"
-+msgstr "Exportiere als Flash-Datei"
-+msgid "Imports JCW palette files"
-+msgstr "Importiert JCW-Palettendateien"
-+msgid "Imports any palette file"
-+msgstr "Importiert alle Palettendateien"
-+msgid "Imports PaintShopPro palette files"
-+msgstr "Importiert PaintShopPro-Palettendateien"
-+msgid "Imports Windows palette files"
-+msgstr "Importiert Windows-Palettendateien"
-+msgid "Adobe Colour Swatch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Adobe Colour Table"
-+msgstr "Adobe Farbtabelle"
-+msgid "Adobe Illustrator 7.0"
-+msgstr "Adobe Illustrator 5.0"
-+msgid "Adobe Illustrator 8.0"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Windows Bitmaps"
-+msgstr "Windows-Bitmaps"
-+msgid "Xara X EPS"
-+msgstr "Xara X-EPS"
-+msgid "CMX 5 -- 16 bit"
-+msgstr "CMX 5 -- 16 bit"
-+msgid "CMX 6 -- 32 bit"
-+msgstr "CMX 6 -- 32 bit"
-+msgid "CMX"
-+msgstr "CMX"
-+msgid "CorelDRAW 3.x EPS"
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 3.x-EPS"
-+msgid "CorelDRAW 4.x EPS"
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 4.x-EPS"
-+msgid "CorelDRAW palette"
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW-Palette"
-+msgid "Flash"
-+msgstr "Flash"
-+msgid "All files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "JCW palette"
-+msgstr "JCW Palette"
-+msgid "Windows 16-bit metafiles"
-+msgstr "Windows-16-Bit-Metadateien"
-+msgid "Palettes"
-+msgstr "Paletten"
-+msgid "PaintShopPro palette"
-+msgstr "PaintShopPro-Palette"
-+msgid "Rich Text Format"
-+msgstr "Rich-Text-Format"
-+msgid "Text files"
-+msgstr "Textdateien"
-+msgid "Unicode text"
-+msgstr "Unicode-Text"
-+msgid "Drawings"
-+msgstr "Zeichnungen"
-+msgid "Windows palettes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"At least one object was larger than the maximum size for Flash export (4350 "
-+"pixels in either dimension)\\n\\nReduce the size of anything larger than "
-+"this (including the page, if it has a background layer - see Layer Gallery)."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Imports FreeHand 3.0 EPS"
-+msgstr "Importiert FreeHand 3.0 EPS."
-+msgid "FreeHand 3.0 EPS"
-+msgstr "FreeHand 3.0 EPS"
-+msgid "Import any file"
-+msgstr "Alle Dateien importieren"
-+msgid "&Import...;Import file into the document;Import file"
-+msgstr "&Importieren...;Datei ins Dokument importieren;Datei importieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"No filters that were designed for this type of file have been found. The "
-+"import will continue using the most compatible filter, although the image "
-+"may not appear as intended."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Keine passenden Filter für diesen Dateityp gefunden. Der Import wird mit dem "
-+"nächstpassendem Filter fortgesetzt, so daß das Bild möglicherweise nicht wie "
-+"erwartet aussehen wird."
-+msgid "Importing Acorn Draw file..."
-+msgstr "Acorn Draw-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Illustrator EPS..."
-+msgstr "Illustrator-EPS wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Illustrator 7.0 EPS..."
-+msgstr "Illustrator 5.0 EPS wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Illustrator 8.0 EPS..."
-+msgstr "Illustrator 8.0 EPS--Datei importieren..."
-+msgid "Importing ArtWorks EPS..."
-+msgstr "ArtWorks-EPS wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Windows BMP..."
-+msgstr "Windows-BMP wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Xara Xtreme EPS..."
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme EPS--Datei importieren..."
-+msgid "Importing CorelDRAW 3 file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 3-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing CorelDRAW 4 file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 4-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing CorelDRAW 5 file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 5-Datei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing Corel 3.x EPS..."
-+msgstr "Corel 3.x EPS. wird importiert.."
-+msgid "Importing Corel 4.0 EPS..."
-+msgstr "Corel 4.0 EPS wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing CorelDRAW palette file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW-Palettendatei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Importing via filter DLL..."
-+msgstr "Import über Filter-DLL..."
-+msgid "Loading Flash file..."
-+msgstr "Flash-Datei wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Importing FreeHand 3.0 EPS"
-+msgstr "FreeHand 3.0 EPS wird importiert."
-+msgid "Importing 16bit Windows Metafile..."
-+msgstr "16Bit Windows Metadatei wird importiert..."
-+msgid "Cannot import this file, as PhotoShop EPS files are not supported"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Datei kann nicht importiert werden, da Photoshop-EPS-Dateien nicht "
-+"unterstützt werden"
-+msgid "Importing text file"
-+msgstr "Textdatei importieren"
-+msgid ""
-+"One or more objects in this file were incorrect and have been ignored."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Ein oder mehrere Objekte in dieser Datei waren nicht korrekt und sind "
-+"ignoriert worden."
-+msgid "Could not open the input file."
-+msgstr "Konnte die Eingabe-Datei nicht öffnen."
-+msgid "Import file"
-+msgstr "Datei importieren"
-+msgid "Load cancelled by Escape"
-+msgstr "Abgebrochene mit Escape laden."
-+msgid ""
-+"This file may not be suitable for this filter - are you sure you wish to "
-+"continue?\\n\\nNOTE: If the file is opened with 'All files' as the filter "
-+"type Xara Xtreme will automatically select the most suitable filter"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "This file import operation has been aborted."
-+msgstr "Dieser Dateiimport wurde abgebrochen."
-+msgid "Insufficient memory to create the new Tool's info bar."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Nicht genügend Speicherplatz zum Erstellen der neuen Hilfsmittel-Infoleiste."
-+msgid "INFO_BAR"
-+msgstr "INFO_BAR"
-+msgid "Error during writing of settings file"
-+msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der Einstellungsdatei"
-+msgid "Unable to clear initialisation file"
-+msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der Einstellungsdatei."
-+msgid ""
-+"Your Options settings were created by a newer version of Xara X and may be "
-+"incorrect. Would you like to use the Default settings or keep the Current "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Your Options settings were created by an older version of Xara X and may be "
-+"incorrect. Would you like to use the Default settings or keep the Current "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme has suffered a serious internal error."
-+msgstr "Schwerer interner Fehler bei Xara Xtreme aufgetreten."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s (#2%d)"
-+msgstr "#1%s (#2%d)"
-+msgid "String length exceeded while reading file"
-+msgstr "Länge der Zeichenfolge ist beim Lesen überschritten worden."
-+msgid "Import Windows 16-bit Metafiles"
-+msgstr "Importiert Windows-16-Bit-Metadateien."
-+msgid "Windows Metafiles"
-+msgstr "Windows-Metadateien"
-+msgid "That format of EPS cannot be loaded by this version of the Viewer."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Das Format von EPS kann von dieser Viewer-Version nicht geladen werden."
-+msgid "Ac&quire..."
-+msgstr "&Einlesen..."
-+msgid "Select Source..."
-+msgstr "Quelle auswählen..."
-+msgid "Loading CorelDRAW 3 file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 3-Datei wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Loading CorelDRAW 4 file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 4-Datei wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Loading CorelDRAW 5 file..."
-+msgstr "CorelDRAW 5-Datei wird geladen..."
-+msgid "Grid and Ruler options for "
-+msgstr "Raster- und Linealoptionen für "
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme is unable to find the selected printers profile. Click continue "
-+"to print using a simple separation process, or cancel to stop the current "
-+"print job."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This new undo size is smaller than the current undo buffer size and will "
-+"result in the loss of undo information. Clicking Resize will continue with "
-+"the change, Don't resize will stop the change."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Page layout options for "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Scaling for "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Undo size for "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Units for "
-+msgstr "Einheiten für "
-+msgid "Window options for "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "PhotoShop EPS"
-+msgstr "PhotoShop EPS"
-+msgid "PSRESTYPE"
-+msgstr "PSRESTYPE"
-+msgid "Import RTF files"
-+msgstr "Importieren von RTF-Dateien"
-+msgid ""
-+"Save &Template...;Save the document as a template for all new documents;Save "
-+"the document as a template"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Als &Vorlage speichern...;Speichert das Dokument als Vorlage für neue "
-+"Dokumente;Speichert das Dokument als Vorlage"
-+msgid ""
-+"You are about to replace the template document from which all new documents "
-+"are made. New documents will look like this document from now on. The "
-+"current template document will be removed."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import text files"
-+msgstr "Importieren von Textdateien"
-+msgid " - mask"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import any drawing file"
-+msgstr "Importiert jede Zeichnungsdatei."
-+msgid "&Info bar;Toggle the Info Bar;Info Bar"
-+msgstr "&Infoleiste;Umschalten der Infoleiste;Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Import any Xara X files"
-+msgstr "Jede Xara X Datei importieren"
-+msgid "Xara X files"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"The scaling values stored in this document are bad, using the default values "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"You are using an incompatible version of GDRAW.DLL. See your installation "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Export aborted due to user intervention"
-+msgstr "Das Dialogfeld für Optionen ist bereits geöffnet."
-+msgid "Bitmap export aborted due to user intervention"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Export aufgrund von Benutzereingriff abgebrochen."
-+msgid "Bitmap import aborted due to user intervention"
-+msgstr "Bitmap-Import aufgrund von Benutzereingriff abgebrochen."
-+msgid ""
-+"Cannot load the bitmap defined in this record, the default bitmap will be "
-+"used instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This document contains overlapping transparent objects which are too complex "
-+"for some programs to handle. Do you want to Continue anyway or Limit "
-+"transparency to the lower three objects?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"This file was produced by a newer version of the program and cannot be "
-+"loaded. Please contact Xara Ltd for upgrade information"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Diese Datei wurde mit einer neueren Verison des Programms erstellt und kann "
-+"nicht geladen werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die Xara Ltd für nähere "
-+"Informationen zu einem möglichen Update/Upgrade."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"You are using an old version of #1%s. Program reliability may be affected."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie verwenden eine alte Version von #1%s. Das Programm arbeitet eventuell "
-+"nicht mehr zuverlässig."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"You are using an unstable version of #1%s. Program reliability may be "
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie benutzen eine instabile Version von #1%s. Die Programmzuverläßigkeit "
-+"kann eingeschrängt sein."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"If you install #1%s then dialogs will have an improved 3D appearance. See "
-+"your installation instructions for further details."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Wenn Sie #1%s installieren, haben die Dialoge ein verbessertes 3D-Aussehen. "
-+"Mehr Details finden Sie in der Installationsanleitung."
-+msgid ""
-+"The SNBD9CM.DLL has not been found. Only simple bitmap import/export options "
-+"will be available."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Die SNBD9CM.DLL wurde nicht gefunden. Nur einfache Bitmap-Import-/Export-"
-+"Optionen verfügbar."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme cannot start because it does not work on #1%s. You need to "
-+"upgrade to Windows 95 or Windows NT."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara Xtreme kann nicht starten, weil es nicht unter #1%s läuft. Bitte "
-+"upgraden Sie zuerst auf Windows 95 oder Windows NT."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%s not found. See your installation instructions."
-+msgstr ""
-+"#1%s wurde nicht gefunden. Sehen Sie in Ihren Installationsanweisungen nach."
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"You are using an old version of #1%s. See your installation instructions."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Sie benutzen eine alte Version von #1%s. Sehen Sie in Ihren "
-+"Installationsanweisungen nach."
-+msgid ""
-+"This file may not be suitable for this filter - are you sure you want to "
-+"open this file?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der Filter scheint für diese Datei nicht geeigent sein, wollen Sie wirklich "
-+"diese Datei öffnen?"
-+msgid "Page name is either blank or too long"
-+msgstr "Seitenname ist entweder nicht eingegeben oder zu lang"
-+msgid "Page size is invalid"
-+msgstr "Seitengröße ist ungültig"
-+msgid "Bad token"
-+msgstr "Falsches Zeichen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"An error occurred (#1%s) when reading in the page size definitions, using "
-+"the bound in ones instead."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Failed to add page to system"
-+msgstr "Dem System konnte keine Seite hinzugefügt werden"
-+msgid "Failed to get a token"
-+msgstr "Kein Zeichen gefunden"
-+msgid "Unexpected main token"
-+msgstr "Unerwartetes Hauptzeichen"
-+msgid "Unexpected token"
-+msgstr "Unerwartetes Zeichen"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid ""
-+"The filename contains the extension '#1%s' but the selected filter uses "
-+"'#2%s'. Do you want to replace the extension?"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Der Dateiname enthält die Dateierweiterung „#1%s“ aber der ausgewählte "
-+"Filter benutzt „#2%s“. Wollen Sie die Erweiterung ersetzten?"
-+msgid "&Test"
-+msgstr "&Testen"
-+msgid "&Xara Group Ltd"
-+msgstr "&Xara Group Ltd"
-+msgid "Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows"
-+msgstr "Zeigt Hilfe für aktuelle Aufgabe oder Befehl an."
-+msgid "Erase the selection"
-+msgstr "Löscht die Auswahl."
-+msgid "Erase everything"
-+msgstr "Löscht alles."
-+msgid "Find the specified text"
-+msgstr "Sucht den angegebenen Text."
-+msgid "Insert Clipboard contents and a link to its source"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Fügt den Inhalt der Zwischenablage ein und stellt eine Verbindung zu deren "
-+"Quelle her."
-+msgid "Insert Clipboard contents with options"
-+msgstr "Fügt den Inhalt der Zwischenablage mit Optionen ein."
-+msgid "Redo the previously undone action"
-+msgstr "Stellt den letzten rückgängig gemachten Vorgang wieder her."
-+msgid "Repeat the last action"
-+msgstr "Wiederholt den letzten Vorgang."
-+msgid "Replace specific text with different text"
-+msgstr "Ersetzt ausgewählten durch anderen Text."
-+msgid "Select the entire document"
-+msgstr "Wählt das ganze Dokument aus."
-+msgid "Ni!"
-+msgstr "Ni!"
-+msgid "Peng!"
-+msgstr "Peng!"
-+msgid "R*C*P"
-+msgstr "R*C*P"
-+msgid "Open this document"
-+msgstr "Öffnet dieses Dokument."
-+msgid "Create a new document"
-+msgstr "Erstellt ein neues Dokument."
-+msgid "Change the printing options"
-+msgstr "Ändert die Druckoptionen."
-+msgid "Display help for current task or command"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Online help contents"
-+msgstr "Inhalt Online-Hilfe"
-+msgid "Display instructions about how to use help"
-+msgstr "Zeigt Hilfe für ausgewählte Schaltflächen, Menüs und Fenster an."
-+msgid "CAP"
-+msgstr "UF"
-+msgid "EXT"
-+msgstr "ER"
-+msgid "NUM"
-+msgstr "NUM"
-+msgid "OVR"
-+msgstr "ÃœB"
-+msgid "REC"
-+msgstr "MA"
-+msgid "SCRL"
-+msgstr "RF"
-+msgid "Switch to the next window pane"
-+msgstr "Wechselt zum nächsten Teilfenster."
-+msgid "Edit linked objects"
-+msgstr "Bearbeitet verbundene Objekte."
-+msgid "Insert new embedded object"
-+msgstr "Fügt neues, eingebettetes Objekt ein."
-+msgid "Activate embedded or linked object"
-+msgstr "Aktiviert eingebettetes oder verbundenes Objekt."
-+msgid "Switch back to the previous window pane"
-+msgstr "Wechselt zum vorherigen Teilfenster."
-+msgid "Viewport size"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Folder:"
-+msgstr "Ordner:"
-+msgid "Net&work..."
-+msgstr "Netz&werk..."
-+msgid "&Read Only"
-+msgstr "&Nur lesbar"
-+msgid "List Files of &Type:"
-+msgstr "Datei&typ:"
-+msgid "File &Name:"
-+msgstr "Datei&name:"
-+msgid "Dri&ves:"
-+msgstr "&Laufwerke:"
-+msgid "Sort By:"
-+msgstr "Sortiere nach:"
-+msgid "Integer"
-+msgstr "Ganze Zahl"
-+msgid "Show or hide the Status Line"
-+msgstr "Blendet die Statuszeile ein oder aus."
-+msgid "Show or hide the toolbar"
-+msgstr "Blendet die Symbolleiste ein oder aus."
-+msgid "Arrange icons at the bottom of the window"
-+msgstr "Ordnet Symbole unten im Fenster an."
-+msgid "Arrange windows so they overlap"
-+msgstr "Ordnet Fenster überlappend an."
-+msgid "Open another window on the current document"
-+msgstr "Öffnet ein weiteres Fenster im aktuellen Dokument."
-+msgid "Split the current window into panes"
-+msgstr "Teilt das aktuelle Fenster in Teilfenster."
-+msgid "Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles"
-+msgstr "Ordnet Fenster nichtüberlappend an."
-+msgid "Print to &File"
-+msgstr "&In Datei drucken"
-+msgid "Collate Cop&ies"
-+msgstr "Kopien &zusammenstellen"
-+msgid "Prin&ter..."
-+msgstr "&Drucker..."
-+msgid "Print Objects"
-+msgstr "Objekte drucken"
-+msgid "Printer: Master Nev Strikes again"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&From:"
-+msgstr "&Von:"
-+msgid "&To:"
-+msgstr "&An:"
-+msgid "Print &Quality:"
-+msgstr "&Druckqualität:"
-+msgid "Copies:"
-+msgstr "Kopien:"
-+msgid "Display program information, version number and copyright"
-+msgstr "Zeigt Programminformationen, Versionsnummer und Copyright an."
-+msgid "Bitmap Size and Resolution"
-+msgstr "Bitmapgröße und -auflösung"
-+msgid "Close the current document"
-+msgstr "Schließt das aktuelle Dokument."
-+msgid "Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard"
-+msgstr "Kopiert die Auswahl in die Zwischenablage."
-+msgid "Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard"
-+msgstr "Schneidet die Auswahl aus und kopiert sie in die Zwischenablage."
-+msgid "Quit the application; prompts to save documents"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&No"
-+msgstr "&Nein"
-+msgid "&Close"
-+msgstr "&Schließen"
-+msgid "Open an existing document"
-+msgstr "Öffnet ein vorhandenes Dokument."
-+msgid "Insert Clipboard contents"
-+msgstr "Fügt den Inhalt der Zwischenablage ein."
-+msgid "Display full pages"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Print the current document"
-+msgstr "Druckt das aktuelle Dokument."
-+msgid "Change the printer and printing options"
-+msgstr "Ändert den Drucker und die Druckoptionen."
-+msgid "Save the current document"
-+msgstr "Speichert das aktuelle Dokument."
-+msgid "Save the current document with a new name"
-+msgstr "Speichert das aktuelle Dokument unter neuem Namen."
-+msgid "Window options"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Yes"
-+msgstr "&Ja"
-+msgid " Version 3.00"
-+msgstr " Version 3.00"
-+msgid "&About Xara Xtreme..."
-+msgstr "&Ãœber Xara Xtreme..."
-+msgid "&Apply"
-+msgstr "&Ãœbernehmen"
-+msgid "&Arrange Icons"
-+msgstr "&Symbole anordnen"
-+msgid "&Cascade"
-+msgstr "&Ãœberlappend"
-+msgid "&Contents"
-+msgstr "&Inhalt"
-+msgid "&Copy\tCtrl+C"
-+msgstr "&Kopieren\tStrg+C"
-+msgid "&Direction of Bar"
-+msgstr "&Leistenrichtung"
-+msgid "&Display this frame for:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Dithering"
-+msgstr "Farbmischung"
-+msgid "&Folder:"
-+msgstr "&Ordner:"
-+msgid "&Name:"
-+msgstr "&Name:"
-+msgid "&New Window"
-+msgstr "&Neues Fenster"
-+msgid "&New\tCtrl+N"
-+msgstr "&Neu\tStrg+N"
-+msgid "&Number of Buttons"
-+msgstr "&Knopfanzahl"
-+msgid "&OK"
-+msgstr "&OK"
-+msgid "&Ok"
-+msgstr "&OK"
-+msgid "&Open...\tCtrl+O"
-+msgstr "&Öffnen...\tStrg+O"
-+msgid "&Palette"
-+msgstr "&Palette"
-+msgid "&Paste"
-+msgstr "&Einfügen"
-+msgid "&Paste\tCtrl+V"
-+msgstr "&Einfügen\tStrg+V"
-+msgid "&Print...\tCtrl+P"
-+msgstr "&Drucken...\tStrg+P"
-+msgid "&Quality"
-+msgstr "&Qualität"
-+msgid "&Save\tCtrl+S"
-+msgstr "&Speichern\tStrg+S"
-+msgid "&Sort"
-+msgstr "&Sortieren"
-+msgid "&Status Bar"
-+msgstr "&Statusleiste"
-+msgid "&Status Line"
-+msgstr "&Statuszeile"
-+msgid "&Suspend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "&Tile"
-+msgstr "&Nebeneinander"
-+msgid "&Toolbar"
-+msgstr "&Werkzeugleiste"
-+msgid "&Transparency"
-+msgstr "&Transparenz"
-+msgid "&Undo\tCtrl+Z"
-+msgstr "&Rückgängig\tStrg+Z"
-+msgid "&Using Help"
-+msgstr "&Hilfe Benutzen"
-+msgid "&Xara Ltd"
-+msgstr "&Xara Ltd"
-+msgid "2"
-+msgstr "2"
-+msgid "3"
-+msgstr "3"
-+msgid "<<OLE VERBS GO HERE>>"
-+msgstr "<<OLE VERBS GO HERE>>"
-+msgid "A&pply"
-+msgstr "&Anwenden"
-+msgid "Add yours in here..."
-+msgstr "Hier hinzufügen..."
-+msgid "All gallery Op buttons"
-+msgstr "Alle Schaltflächen für Galerie-Optionen"
-+msgid "Anti-aliasing"
-+msgstr "Kantenglättung"
-+msgid "Apply/Do it"
-+msgstr "Anwenden"
-+msgid "Area To Save"
-+msgstr "Zuspeichender Bereich"
-+msgid "Area for image map"
-+msgstr "Image-Map-Bereich"
-+msgid "Area to view"
-+msgstr "Anzuzeigender Bereich"
-+msgid "Available Properties"
-+msgstr "Verfügbare Eigenschaften"
-+msgid "Bevel Size:"
-+msgstr "Kantengröße:"
-+msgid "Bevel Type:"
-+msgstr "Kantentyp:"
-+msgid "Bevel tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Kantenwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Bitmap size:"
-+msgstr "Bitmapgröße:"
-+msgid "Blend tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Ãœberblendwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Brush Name:"
-+msgstr "Pinselname:"
-+msgid "Button &Spacing"
-+msgstr "Knopf-&Abstand"
-+msgid "Button S&tretching"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Buttons are &All"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "C&reate"
-+msgstr "&Erstellen"
-+msgid "Cache Size:"
-+msgstr "Cache-Größe:"
-+msgid "Cache control"
-+msgstr "Cache-Kontrolle"
-+msgid "Cache usage:"
-+msgstr "Cache-Nutzung:"
-+msgid "Cl&ose"
-+msgstr "&Schließen"
-+msgid "Colour depth (&Bits per pixel)"
-+msgstr "&Farbtiefe (Bits pro Pixel)"
-+msgid "Colour of guide layer objects"
-+msgstr "Farbe der Hilfslinien und -objekte"
-+msgid "Colour separation options for"
-+msgstr "Farbauszugsoptionen für"
-+msgid "Colours:"
-+msgstr "Farben:"
-+msgid "Command"
-+msgstr "Befehl"
-+msgid "Comment:"
-+msgstr "Kommentar:"
-+msgid "Connection Type"
-+msgstr "Verbindungstyp"
-+msgid "Contour tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Konturwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Contrast:"
-+msgstr "Kontrast:"
-+msgid "Control bar name:"
-+msgstr "Steuerungsleistenname:"
-+msgid "Copyright © 1994-2005 Xara Group Ltd."
-+msgstr "Copyright © 1994-2005 Xara Group Ltd."
-+msgid "Copyright © 1997 Xara Ltd."
-+msgstr "Copyright © 1997 Xara Ltd."
-+msgid "Created:"
-+msgstr "Erstellt:"
-+msgid "Cu&t\tCtrl+X"
-+msgstr "&Ausschneiden\tStrg+X"
-+msgid "Data type:"
-+msgstr "Datentyp:"
-+msgid "Default Gallery buttons"
-+msgstr "Standard-Galerie-Schaltflächen"
-+msgid "Developed by Xara Ltd."
-+msgstr "Entwickelt von Xara Ltd."
-+msgid "Dialog Control"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Dimensions:"
-+msgstr "Dimensionen:"
-+msgid "Display each frame for:"
-+msgstr "Zeige jeden Frame für:"
-+msgid "Displays the current mouse position"
-+msgstr "Aktuelle Mausposition anzeigen"
-+msgid "Displays the current status"
-+msgstr "Zeigt den aktuellen Status"
-+msgid "Displays the progress of a slow job"
-+msgstr "Zeigt den Fortschritt eines langsamen Jobs"
-+msgid "Do you want to register it ?"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Dots per inch"
-+msgstr "Punkte pro Zoll"
-+msgid "Dreamweaver Integration"
-+msgstr "Dreamweaver-Integration"
-+msgid "E&xit"
-+msgstr "&Beenden"
-+msgid "Export Image Map To"
-+msgstr "Image-Map exportieren nach"
-+msgid "Export size"
-+msgstr "Exportgröße"
-+msgid "External resources used by this document:"
-+msgstr "Extern genutzte Ressourcen in diesem Dokument:"
-+msgid "File name:"
-+msgstr "Dateiname:"
-+msgid "Find items including the text:"
-+msgstr "Einträge einschließlich Text suchen:"
-+msgid "Find ne&xt"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Font gallery buttons"
-+msgstr "Schaltflächen für Schriftart-Galerie"
-+msgid "Format:"
-+msgstr "Format:"
-+msgid "Fractal size:"
-+msgstr "Fraktalgröße:"
-+msgid "Freehand tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Freihandwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Frequency"
-+msgstr "Häufigkeit"
-+msgid "GIF Animation"
-+msgstr "GIF-Animation"
-+msgid "General Options"
-+msgstr "Allgemeine Optionen"
-+msgid "Graduated fill tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Grid and Ruler options for"
-+msgstr "Gitter- und Linealoptionen für"
-+msgid "Guidelines"
-+msgstr "Hilfslinien und -objekte"
-+msgid "High"
-+msgstr "Hoch"
-+msgid "Horizontal positions:"
-+msgstr "Horizontale Positionen:"
-+msgid "Host OS:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Image Map Options"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Image to load"
-+msgstr "Zu ladendes Bild"
-+msgid ""
-+"Indicates that the mouse position has snapped to the grid, guideline, or "
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Indicates the live drag state; click to change"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Information"
-+msgstr "Information"
-+msgid "Insert &New Object..."
-+msgstr "&Neues Objekt einfügen..."
-+msgid "Internet Cache"
-+msgstr "Internet Cache"
-+msgid "Last saved:"
-+msgstr "Zuletzt gespeichert:"
-+msgid "Layer gallery buttons"
-+msgstr "Schaltflächen für Ebenen-Galerie"
-+msgid "Layer name:"
-+msgstr "Ebene benennen:"
-+msgid "Library gallery buttons"
-+msgstr "Schaltflächen für Bibliothek-Galerie"
-+msgid "Light Angle:"
-+msgstr "Lichtwinkel:"
-+msgid "Lin&ks..."
-+msgstr "Lin&ks..."
-+msgid "Live drag indicator"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Local delay"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Locate the folder containing the files that you want to add to the gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Locate the folder containing the files that you want to add to the gallery."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Suchen Sie den Ordner mit den Dateien, die der Galerie hinzugefügt werden "
-+msgid ""
-+"Locate the folder containing the fonts that you want to add to the gallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid ""
-+"Locate the folder containing the fonts that you want to add to the gallery."
-+msgstr ""
-+"Suchen Sie den Ordner mit den Schriftarten, die der Galerie hinzugefügt "
-+"werden sollen."
-+msgid "Location:"
-+msgstr "Position:"
-+msgid "Loop and Speed"
-+msgstr "Wiederholung und Geschwindigkeit"
-+msgid "Loop continuously"
-+msgstr "ständig Wiederholen..."
-+msgid "Low"
-+msgstr "Niedrig"
-+msgid "Map name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Memory used:"
-+msgstr "Benötigter Speicher:"
-+msgid "Mould tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Verformungswerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "Mouse options"
-+msgstr "Mausoptionen"
-+msgid "Mouse position"
-+msgstr "Mausposition"
-+msgid "Name:"
-+msgstr "Name:"
-+msgid "New name:"
-+msgstr "Neuer Name:"
-+msgid "Number of &colours in palette"
-+msgstr "&Farbenanzahl in der Palette"
-+msgid "Number of bitmaps:"
-+msgstr "Bitmaps:"
-+msgid "Number of fractals:"
-+msgstr "Fraktale:"
-+msgid "Number of objects:"
-+msgstr "Objekte:"
-+msgid "Number of selected objects:"
-+msgstr "Ausgewählte Objekte:"
-+msgid "Operations:"
-+msgstr "Operationen:"
-+msgid "Organisation:"
-+msgstr "Organisation:"
-+msgid "P&rint Setup..."
-+msgstr "&Druckereinrichtung..."
-+msgid "PANTONE? and other PANTONE trademarks"
-+msgstr "PANTONE© und andere PANTONE-Warenzeichen"
-+msgid "Page layout options for"
-+msgstr "Seitenlayout-Einstellungen für"
-+msgid "Page:"
-+msgstr "Seite:"
-+msgid "Palette &colours"
-+msgstr "&Palettenfarben"
-+msgid "Paste &Link"
-+msgstr "&Link einfügen"
-+msgid "Percentage of memory to use for"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Photoshop Plugins"
-+msgstr "Photoshop-Plugins"
-+msgid "Plate:"
-+msgstr "Platte:"
-+msgid "Position:"
-+msgstr "Position:"
-+msgid "Print Pre&view"
-+msgstr "&Seitenansicht"
-+msgid "Printer error: Cancel and choose Print... again."
-+msgstr "Druckerfehler: Abbrechen und erneut \"Drucken...\" auswählen."
-+msgid "Printer:"
-+msgstr "Drucker:"
-+msgid "Program:"
-+msgstr "Programm:"
-+msgid "Progress indicator"
-+msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige"
-+msgid "Properties Used"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Proxy Server Settings"
-+msgstr "Proxy-Server-Einstellungen"
-+msgid "QuickShape tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Random colour changes:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Recent File"
-+msgstr "Letzte Datei"
-+msgid "Register Later"
-+msgstr "Später registrieren"
-+msgid "Register Now"
-+msgstr "Jetzt registrieren"
-+msgid "Rendering indicator"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Resolution"
-+msgstr "Auflösung"
-+msgid "Rotation changes by:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Save &As..."
-+msgstr "&Speichern unter..."
-+msgid "Save options"
-+msgstr "Optionen speichern"
-+msgid "Scaling for"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Serial Number:"
-+msgstr "Seriennummer:"
-+msgid "Set Design"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set folders for plugins and effects:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set origin to bottom centre of selection"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf untere Mitte der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Set origin to bottom centre"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf untere Mitte"
-+msgid "Set origin to bottom left of selection"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf unten links der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Set origin to bottom left"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf unten links"
-+msgid "Set origin to bottom right of selection"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf unten rechts der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Set origin to bottom right"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf unten rechts"
-+msgid "Set origin to centre left of selection"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf Mitte links der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Set origin to centre left"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf Mitte links"
-+msgid "Set origin to centre of selection"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung auf die Mitte der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Set origin to centre right of selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set origin to centre right"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set origin to centre"
-+msgstr "Setzt Ursprung in die Mitte"
-+msgid "Set origin to top centre of selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set origin to top centre"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set origin to top left of selection"
-+msgstr "Setzt den Ursprung auf oben links der Auswahl"
-+msgid "Set origin to top left"
-+msgstr "Setzt den Ursprung nach oben links"
-+msgid "Set origin to top right of selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set origin to top right"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set the design for all in:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Shape editor tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Formbearbeiten-Werkzeuginfoleiste"
-+msgid "Show &preview bitmap"
-+msgstr "Vorschau&bild zeigen"
-+msgid "Sort Items"
-+msgstr "Einträge sortieren"
-+msgid "Status bar text"
-+msgstr "Statuszeilentext"
-+msgid "Stop Download"
-+msgstr "Herunterladen stoppen"
-+msgid "Target frame for URL"
-+msgstr "Zielrahmen der URL"
-+msgid "Text tool info bar"
-+msgstr "Textwerkzeug-Infoleiste"
-+msgid "To 256 col (&octree)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Transparency changes by:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Transparent fill tool info bar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Transparent:"
-+msgstr "Transparent:"
-+msgid "Tune-ups"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Type:"
-+msgstr "Typ:"
-+msgid "URL"
-+msgstr "URL"
-+msgid "Undo size:"
-+msgstr "Größe rückgängig:"
-+msgid "Undo steps:"
-+msgstr "Schritte rückgängig:"
-+msgid "Units for"
-+msgstr "Einheiten für"
-+msgid "Untitled#1"
-+msgstr "Unbenannt#1"
-+msgid "Use large buttons for:"
-+msgstr "Große Schaltflächen"
-+msgid "Vertical positions:"
-+msgstr "Vertikale Positionen:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "When animated, indicates that XaraLX is rendering"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Within the bar:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Within:"
-+msgstr "In:"
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme Debug Tree"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme Debug Tree"
-+msgid ""
-+"\"Set Design\" will take your selection as the basis for the button design "
-+"of this state. All buttons in this bar will reflect this design."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "are the property of Pantone Inc."
-+msgstr "are the property of Pantone Inc."
-+msgid "caching groups, layers and live effects:"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "size in pixels"
-+msgstr "Größe in Pixel"
-diff -urNad xaralx-0.7r1785~/po/fr.po xaralx-0.7r1785/po/fr.po
---- xaralx-0.7r1785~/po/fr.po 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ xaralx-0.7r1785/po/fr.po 2009-10-08 11:48:42.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,21314 @@
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-08-15 15:05+0100\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-03 20:29+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Lstr <Unknown>\n"
-+"Language-Team: French <>\n"
-+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
-+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2009-10-08 09:48+0000\n"
-+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
-+msgid "Locate the folder containing the plug-ins that you want to use"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Choisissez le dossier contenant les greffons que vous voulez utiliser"
-+msgid "Xara Xtreme"
-+msgstr "Xara Xtreme"
-+msgid "Select an object on which to get Help"
-+msgstr "Choisissez l'objet sur lequel vous souhaitez obtenir de l'aide"
-+msgid ""
-+"Xara Xtreme - For help & information select Contents from the Help menu"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Xara Xtreme pour Linux - Pour avoir de l'aide, sélectionnez la rubrique "
-+"Contenu dans le menu d'aide"
-+msgid "Activate this window"
-+msgstr "Activer cette fenêtre"
-+msgid "&Apply\\n50"
-+msgstr "&Appliquer\\n50"
-+msgid "Cancel\\n50"
-+msgstr "Annuler\\n50"
-+msgid "Close"
-+msgstr "Fermer"
-+msgid "&Help\\n50"
-+msgstr "&Aide\\n50"
-+msgid "OK\\n50"
-+msgstr "OK\\n50"
-+msgid "Close the active window and prompts to save the documents"
-+msgstr "Ferme la fenêtre active et propose de sauvegarder les documents"
-+msgid "Enlarge the window to full size"
-+msgstr "Agrandir la fenêtre à la taille maximale"
-+msgid "Reduce the window to an icon"
-+msgstr "Réduire la fenêtre en icône"
-+msgid "Change the window position"
-+msgstr "Modifier la position de la fenêtre"
-+msgid "Switch to the next document window"
-+msgstr "Aller à la fenêtre (document) suivante"
-+msgid "Switch to the previous document window"
-+msgstr "Aller à la fenêtre (document) précédente"
-+msgid "Restore the window to normal size"
-+msgstr "Restaurer la fenêtre à sa taille normale"
-+msgid "Change the window size"
-+msgstr "Modifier les dimensions de la fenêtre"
-+msgid "Activate Task List"
-+msgstr "Activer la liste des tâches"
-+msgid "This bar should not be called FontsSGallery"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blend Along A Curve"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add segment"
-+msgstr "Ajouter un segment"
-+msgid "Add element"
-+msgstr "Ajouter un élément"
-+msgid "Alignment"
-+msgstr "Alignement"
-+msgid "Apply ClipView"
-+msgstr "Grouper & masquer"
-+msgid "Apply Live Effect"
-+msgstr "Appliquer un effet Live"
-+msgid "Complete shapes"
-+msgstr "Fermer les chemins"
-+msgid "Banner envelope"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bar creation"
-+msgstr "Création de barres"
-+msgid "Create NavBar"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Slider type"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Vertical position"
-+msgstr "Position verticale"
-+msgid "Inner Bevel"
-+msgstr "Biseau intérieur"
-+msgid "Bevel join"
-+msgstr "Raccord biseauté"
-+msgid "Mitre join"
-+msgstr "Raccord aigu"
-+msgid "Round join"
-+msgstr "Raccord arrondi"
-+msgid "Outer Bevel"
-+msgstr "Biseau extérieur"
-+msgid "Softness width"
-+msgstr "Largeur de l'adoucissement"
-+msgid "Inner/Outer Bevel"
-+msgstr "Biseau intérieur/extérieur"
-+msgid "Bevel Settings"
-+msgstr "Paramètres du biseau"
-+msgid "Bevel contrast"
-+msgstr "Contraste du biseau"
-+msgid "Bevel size"
-+msgstr "Taille du biseau"
-+msgid "Bevel light angle"
-+msgstr "Angle d'illumination du biseau"
-+msgid "Light Elevation"
-+msgstr "Hauteur de la lumière"
-+msgid "Halo shadow switch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Bevel type"
-+msgstr "Type de biseau"
-+msgid "Bevel Tool Ctrl+F3"
-+msgstr "Biseau Ctrl+F3"
-+msgid "Softness nudge"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Current mode"
-+msgstr "Mode actuel"
-+msgid "End arrow position"
-+msgstr "Position de la fin de flèche"
-+msgid "Start arrow position"
-+msgstr "Position du début de flèche"
-+msgid "Shape Editor Tool F4"
-+msgstr "Édition des formes"
-+msgid "Profile"
-+msgstr "Profil"
-+msgid "Bitmap resolution"
-+msgstr "Résolution bitmap"
-+msgid "Bitmap effects"
-+msgstr "Effets bitmap"
-+msgid "Bitmap name"
-+msgstr "Nom de l'image"
-+msgid "Bitmap tracer"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Blank Tool (No Hotkey)"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Text Tool F8"
-+msgstr "Texte F8"
-+msgid "Anti-alias blend steps"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Attribute profile"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Distance between steps in the blend"
-+msgstr "Espacement des pas de fusion"
-+msgid "Position profile"
-+msgstr "Profil de position"
-+msgid "Blend steps"
-+msgstr "Pas de fusion"
-+msgid "Edit number of steps"
-+msgstr "Modifier le nombre de niveaux"
-+msgid "Number of steps in the blend"
-+msgstr "Nombre de pas pour la fusion"
-+msgid "Blend Tool F7"
-+msgstr "Fusion F7"
-+msgid "Set page background"
-+msgstr "Définir comme l'arrière-plan"
-+msgid "Insert bitmap object"
-+msgstr "Insérer un objet bitmap"
-+msgid "Apply as fill"
-+msgstr "Utiliser comme remplissage"
-+msgid "Special Effects"
-+msgstr "Effets spéciaux"
-+msgid "Show preview of bitmaps"
-+msgstr "Afficher un aperçu des images"
-+msgid "Gallery properties"
-+msgstr "Propriétés des palettes"
-+msgid "Save bitmap"
-+msgstr "Enregistrer l'image"
-+msgid "Apply as transparency"
-+msgstr "Utiliser comme transparence"
-+msgid "Trace bitmap"
-+msgstr "Vectoriser l'image"
-+msgid "Break at points"
-+msgstr "Ouvrir aux points"
-+msgid "Break shapes"
-+msgstr "Séparer les formes"
-+msgid "Bring to front"
-+msgstr "Mettre au premier plan"
-+msgid "Edit brush distance"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit brush"
-+msgstr "Modifier la brosse"
-+msgid "Select an existing brush"
-+msgstr "Choisir une brosse existante"
-+msgid "Bitmap info"
-+msgstr "Info image"
-+msgid "Floor shadow"
-+msgstr "Ombre portée sur sol"
-+msgid "Glow"
-+msgstr "Halo"
-+msgid "No shadow"
-+msgstr "Aucune ombre"
-+msgid "Wall shadow"
-+msgstr "Ombre portée sur mur"
-+msgid "Set line width"
-+msgstr "Modifier la largeur de ligne"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock selected effects"
-+msgstr "Verrouiller/Déverrouiller les effets selectionnés"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock all the effects in the selection"
-+msgstr "Verrouiller/Déverrouiller tous les effets dans la selection"
-+msgid "Change effect resolution"
-+msgstr "Modifier la résolution des effets"
-+msgid "Set line cap"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Set join type"
-+msgstr "Définir le type de raccord"
-+msgid "Circular envelope"
-+msgstr "Enveloppe circulaire"
-+msgid "Toggle Bitmap Cache"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Clone"
-+msgstr "Cloner"
-+msgid "Close line"
-+msgstr "Fermer la ligne"
-+msgid "Set Page Background"
-+msgstr "Définir l'arrière-plan de la page"
-+msgid "Edit colours"
-+msgstr "Modifier les couleurs"
-+msgid "Colour blend effect"
-+msgstr "Effet de fusion de couleurs"
-+msgid "Change the colour effect"
-+msgstr "Changer l'effet de couleur"
-+msgid "Colour editor"
-+msgstr "Éditeur de couleur"
-+msgid "Define colour sorts"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Add shapes"
-+msgstr "Ajouter des primitives"
-+msgid "Intersect shapes"
-+msgstr "Intersection des formes"
-+msgid "Slice shapes"
-+msgstr "Découper les formes"
-+msgid "Subtract shapes"
-+msgstr "Soustraire les formes"
-+msgid "Concave envelope"
-+msgstr "Enveloppe concave"
-+msgid "Distance between steps in the contour"
-+msgstr "Espacement des pas dans le contour"
-+msgid "Inner Contour"
-+msgstr "Contour intérieur"
-+msgid "Outer Contour"
-+msgstr "Contour extérieur"
-+msgid "Contour Width"
-+msgstr "Largeur du contour"
-+msgid "Number of steps in the contour"
-+msgstr "Nombre de pas dans le contour"
-+msgid "Contour Tool Ctrl+F7"
-+msgstr "Contours Ctrl+F7"
-+msgid "Convert File Formats"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Copy"
-+msgstr "Copier"
-+msgid "Copy And Transform"
-+msgstr "Copier et transformer"
-+msgid "Copy mould shape"
-+msgstr "Copier le moule"
-+msgid "Create a new brush"
-+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle brosse"
-+msgid "Thumbnails"
-+msgstr "Vignettes"
-+msgid "Create mould"
-+msgstr "Créer un moule"
-+msgid "Create and edit a button or a bar"
-+msgstr "Créer et modifier un bouton ou une barre"
-+msgid "Cut"
-+msgstr "Couper"
-+msgid "Default envelope"
-+msgstr "Enveloppe par défaut"
-+msgid "Default perspective"
-+msgstr "Perspective par défaut"
-+msgid "Delete"
-+msgstr "Supprimer"
-+msgid "Delete All Live Effects"
-+msgstr "Supprimer tous les effets Live"
-+msgid "Delete points"
-+msgstr "Supprimer les points"
-+msgid "Delete Live Effect"
-+msgstr "Supprimer l'effet Live"
-+msgid "Detach Curve From Blend"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Detach mould"
-+msgstr "Détacher le moule"
-+msgid "Bitmap gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette Images"
-+msgid "Clipart gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette Cliparts"
-+msgid "Colour gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette Couleurs"
-+msgid "Fill gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette Remplissages"
-+msgid "Fonts gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette Polices"
-+msgid "Layer gallery"
-+msgstr "Calques"
-+msgid "Line gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette Ligne"
-+msgid "Name gallery"
-+msgstr "Palette des Noms"
-+msgid "Grid spacing"
-+msgstr "Espacement de la grille"
-+msgid "Drag origin"
-+msgstr "Déplacer l'origine"
-+msgid "Duplicate"
-+msgstr "Dupliquer"
-+msgid "Edit an existing brush"
-+msgstr "Modifier une brosse existante"
-+msgid "Select all"
-+msgstr "Tout sélectionner"
-+msgid "Clear selection"
-+msgstr "Déselectionner"
-+msgid "Edit the bar's properties"
-+msgstr "Modifier les propriétés de la barre"
-+msgid "Edit the selected object using its main editor"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Edit Live Effect"
-+msgstr "Modifier l'effet Live"
-+msgid "Fill effect"
-+msgstr "Effet de remplissage"
-+msgid "Ellipse Tool Shift+F4"
-+msgstr "Ellipse Shift+F4"
-+msgid "Elliptical envelope"
-+msgstr "Enveloppe elliptique"
-+msgid "Extend named objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Feather"
-+msgstr "Adoucissement"
-+msgid "Change profile of feather region"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change size of feather region"
-+msgstr "Modifier l'intensité de l'adoucissement"
-+msgid "Freehand and Brush Tool F3"
-+msgstr "Main libre & Brosses F3"
-+msgid "Close file"
-+msgstr "Fermer"
-+msgid "Export"
-+msgstr "Exporter"
-+msgid "Import"
-+msgstr "Importer"
-+msgid "Document info"
-+msgstr "Informations sur le document"
-+msgid "New drawing"
-+msgstr "Nouveau dessin"
-+msgid "New animation"
-+msgstr "Nouvelle animation"
-+msgid "New document from template"
-+msgstr "Nouveau document à partir d'un modèle"
-+msgid "Open file"
-+msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier"
-+msgid "Save all"
-+msgstr "Tout enregistrer"
-+msgid "Save as"
-+msgstr "Enregistrer sous"
-+msgid "Save"
-+msgstr "Enregistrer"
-+msgid "Save template"
-+msgstr "Enregistrer comme modèle"
-+msgid "Fill handle colour"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Selected fill handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fill tiling"
-+msgstr "Type de répétition"
-+msgid "Fill type"
-+msgstr "Type de remplissage"
-+msgid "Fractal resolution"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fractal graininess"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fractal scale"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Fill Tool F5"
-+msgstr "Remplissages F5"
-+msgid "Fit text to curve"
-+msgstr "Ajuster le texte à la courbe"
-+msgid "Zoom to drawing"
-+msgstr "Ajuster la fenêtre au dessin"
-+msgid "Zoom to selection"
-+msgstr "Ajuster la fenêtre à la sélection"
-+msgid "Zoom to page"
-+msgstr "Ajuster la fenêtre à la page"
-+msgid "Floor perspective"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Uninstall selected fonts"
-+msgstr "Désinstaller les polices sélectionnées"
-+msgid "Install selected fonts"
-+msgstr "Installer les polices sélectionnées"
-+msgid "Enable/disable pressure recording"
-+msgstr "Activer/Désactiver l'enregistrement de la pression"
-+msgid "Re-fit indicator"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Freehand smoothing"
-+msgstr "Adoucissement du tracé Main Libre"
-+msgid "Apply item to selection"
-+msgstr "Appliquer l'élément à la sélection"
-+msgid "Delete items"
-+msgstr "Supprimer les objets"
-+msgid "Edit this item"
-+msgstr "Modifier cet élément"
-+msgid "Help for this Gallery"
-+msgstr "Aide pour cette palette"
-+msgid "Display options"
-+msgstr "Options d'affichage"
-+msgid "Rename this item"
-+msgstr "Renommer cet élément"
-+msgid "Create new item"
-+msgstr "Créer un nouvel élément"
-+msgid "Redefine from selection"
-+msgstr "Redéfinir à partir de la sélection"
-+msgid "Undo"
-+msgstr "Annuler"
-+msgid "Change fill mode"
-+msgstr "Modifier le mode de remplissage"
-+msgid "Transparency"
-+msgstr "Transparence"
-+msgid "Grid and Ruler options"
-+msgstr "Options des grilles et règles"
-+msgid "Grid type"
-+msgstr "Type de grille"
-+msgid "Grid Tool"
-+msgstr "Outil Grille"
-+msgid "Group"
-+msgstr "Groupe"
-+msgid "Group Transparency"
-+msgstr "Transparence de groupe"
-+msgid "Guideline properties"
-+msgstr "Paramètres des guides"
-+msgid "Help on the demos"
-+msgstr "Aide sur les exemples"
-+msgid "Help on galleries"
-+msgstr "Aide sur les palettes"
-+msgid "Help contents"
-+msgstr "Contenu de l'aide"
-+msgid "Contacting Technical Support"
-+msgstr "Contacter le support technique"
-+msgid "Help on tools"
-+msgstr "Aide sur les outils"
-+msgid "Help on..."
-+msgstr "Aide sur..."
-+msgid "Image slicing"
-+msgstr "Découpage de l'image"
-+msgid "Inset Path"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Join shapes"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Layer properties"
-+msgstr "Propriétés des calques"
-+msgid "All layers visible"
-+msgstr "Tous les calques visibles"
-+msgid "Copy layer"
-+msgstr "Copier le calque"
-+msgid "Delete layer"
-+msgstr "Supprimer le calque"
-+msgid "Move layer down"
-+msgstr "Déplacer le calque vers le bas"
-+msgid "Change editable state"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move to current layer"
-+msgstr "Déplacer le calque actif"
-+msgid "Edit all layers"
-+msgstr "Modifier tous les calques"
-+msgid "Name layer"
-+msgstr "Nommer le calque"
-+msgid "New layer"
-+msgstr "Nouveau calque"
-+msgid "Layer properties..."
-+msgstr "Propriétés des calques..."
-+msgid "Move layer up"
-+msgstr "Déplacer le calque vers le haut"
-+msgid "Change visible state"
-+msgstr "Afficher/Masquer"
-+msgid "Left perspective"
-+msgstr "Perspective gauche"
-+msgid "Add new effect"
-+msgstr "Ajouter un nouvel effet"
-+msgid "Change/Insert effects"
-+msgstr "Modifier/Insérer un effet"
-+msgid "Edit the current effect"
-+msgstr "Modifier l'effet en cours"
-+msgid "Insert new effect"
-+msgstr "Insérer un nouvel effet"
-+msgid "Effects applied in order"
-+msgstr "Effets appliqués dans l'ordre"
-+msgid "Change effect order"
-+msgstr "Modifier l'ordre des effets"
-+msgid "Delete all effects"
-+msgstr "Supprimer tous les effets"
-+msgid "Delete the current effect"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Resolution of effect (pixels per inch)"
-+msgstr "Résolution de l'effet (en pixels par pouce)"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock effects"
-+msgstr "Verrouiller/Déverrouiller les effets"
-+msgid "Lock/unlock the current effect"
-+msgstr "Verrouiller/Déverrouiller l'effet actuel"
-+msgid "Choose type of effect"
-+msgstr "Choisir le type d'effet"
-+msgid "Add clipart from disc"
-+msgstr "Ajouter des clipart depuis le disque"
-+msgid "Add fills from disc"
-+msgstr "Ajouter un remplissage à partir du disque"
-+msgid "Add fonts from disc"
-+msgstr "Ajouter des polices à partir du disque"
-+msgid "Add new library"
-+msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle librairie"
-+msgid "Show Clipart or Web Themes"
-+msgstr "Afficher les cliparts ou les thèmes Web"
-+msgid "Copy to clipboard"
-+msgstr "Copier vers le presse-papiers"
-+msgid "Generate new indices"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Import into this document"
-+msgstr "Importer dans ce document"
-+msgid "Open as new document"
-+msgstr "Ouvrir comme nouveau document"
-+msgid "Remove selected sections"
-+msgstr "Supprimer les sections sélectionnées"
-+msgid "Stop thumbnail downloading"
-+msgstr "Interrompre le téléchargement des vignettes"
-+msgid "Start batching"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Connect to clipart gallery on Xara's web site"
-+msgstr "Se connecter à la collection de cliparts du site Web de Xara."
-+msgid "Connect to fills gallery on Xara's web site"
-+msgstr "Se connecter à la collection de remplissages du site Web de Xara."
-+msgid "Connect to font gallery on Xara's web site"
-+msgstr "Se connecter à la collection de police du site Web de Xara."
-+msgid "Live effect tool Ctrl+F5"
-+msgstr "Effets Live Ctrl+F5"
-+msgid "Make the bar stretch live as you type"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Loads a file directly into a specified document"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Make curve 'C'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Curved lines"
-+msgstr "Lignes courbes"
-+msgid "Cusp join 'Z'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Toggle default grid"
-+msgstr "Afficher/Masquer la grille par défaut"
-+msgid "Make line 'L'"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Straight lines"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Convert objects into shapes"
-+msgstr "Convertir les objets en formes éditables"
-+msgid "Reverse paths"
-+msgstr "Inverser les chemins"
-+msgid "Convert to editable shapes"
-+msgstr "Convertir en forme éditable"
-+msgid "Smooth join 'S'"
-+msgstr "J"
-+msgid "Create stroke"
-+msgstr "Créer un type de trait"
-+msgid "Mould Tool Shift+F6"
-+msgstr "Moulage Shift+F6"
-+msgid "Move backwards"
-+msgstr "Descendre"
-+msgid "Move forwards"
-+msgstr "Monter"
-+msgid "Move to frame/layer behind"
-+msgstr "Déplacer sur le calque inférieur"
-+msgid "Move to layer behind"
-+msgstr "Déplacer sur le calque inférieur"
-+msgid "Move to frame/layer in front"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Move to layer in front"
-+msgstr "Déplacer sur le calque supérieur"
-+msgid "MovePathPoint"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "All"
-+msgstr "Tous"
-+msgid "Export the object"
-+msgstr "Exporter l'objet"
-+msgid "Select the location and file type of this object"
-+msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "#1%S \"#2%S\" selected"
-+msgstr "#1%S « #2%S » sélectionné"
-+#. IDS_NO
-+msgid "No"
-+msgstr "Non"
-+msgid "Click to select the name and file type of this object"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Click to select the export options for this object"
-+msgstr "Cliquez pour modifier les options d'exportation de cet objet"
-+msgid "Select to make this object remain whole after image slicing"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select to make this object stretch"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Some"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Name the object"
-+msgstr "Nommer l'objet"
-+msgid "Name selected objects"
-+msgstr "Nommer les objets sélectionnés"
-+msgid "Create a new name"
-+msgstr "Créer un nouveau nom"
-+msgid "Change extending mode of bars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change properties of bars"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change properties of objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Delete names from all objects"
-+msgstr "Effacer les noms de tous les objets"
-+msgid "Export objects with names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create new names"
-+msgstr "Créer de nouveaux noms"
-+msgid "Redefine names as selected objects"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Remove names from selected objects"
-+msgstr "Supprimer les noms des objets sélectionnés"
-+msgid "Change a name"
-+msgstr "Modifier un nom"
-+msgid "Select objects with names in common"
-+msgstr "Sélectionner les objets dont les noms sont identiques"
-+msgid "Select objects called a name"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Select objects with names"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Change which properties are shown"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create a new bar from the selection"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "1 to 1 node mapping"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Options"
-+msgstr "Options"
-+msgid "Page rulers"
-+msgstr "Règles"
-+msgid "Page size"
-+msgstr "Dimensions de la page"
-+msgid "Paste"
-+msgstr "Coller"
-+msgid "Paste at same position"
-+msgstr "Coller au même endroit"
-+msgid "Paste attributes"
-+msgstr "Coller les attributs"
-+msgid "Paste envelope"
-+msgstr "Coller l'enveloppe"
-+msgid "Paste mould"
-+msgstr "Coller le moule"
-+msgid "Paste perspective"
-+msgstr "Coller la perspective"
-+msgid "Paste Special"
-+msgstr "Collage spécial"
-+msgid "Increase value"
-+msgstr "Augmenter la valeur"
-+msgid "Reduce value"
-+msgstr "Diminuer la valeur"
-+msgid "Point handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Line angle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Line length"
-+msgstr "Longueur de ligne"
-+msgid "Next curve handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Previous curve handle"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create point"
-+msgstr "Créer un point"
-+msgid "Edit line"
-+msgstr "Modifier la ligne"
-+msgid "Edit point"
-+msgstr "Modifier le point"
-+msgid "Pen Tool Shift+F5"
-+msgstr "Crayon Shift+F5"
-+msgid "Previous zoom"
-+msgstr "Revenir au niveau de zoom précédent"
-+msgid "Print borders"
-+msgstr "Imprimer les bordures"
-+msgid "Print"
-+msgstr "Imprimer"
-+msgid "Print setup"
-+msgstr "Configuration de l'impression"
-+msgid "Pull onto grid"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Push Tool Shift+F8"
-+msgstr "Déplacement Shift+F8"
-+msgid "Put to back"
-+msgstr "Mettre à l'arrière"
-+msgid "Anti-aliased"
-+msgstr "Anti-crennelé"
-+msgid "Normal"
-+msgstr "Normal"
-+msgid "Outline"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Simple"
-+msgstr "Simple"
-+msgid "Rectangle Tool Shift+F3"
-+msgstr "Rectangle Shift+F3"
-+msgid ""
-+"Take the design of this bar's buttons for this state from the selection."
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Redo"
-+msgstr "Refaire"
-+msgid "Tool mode"
-+msgstr "Mode Outils"
-+msgid "Bounds creation"
-+msgstr "Contrôler l'encombrement global"
-+msgid "Centre point X"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Centre point Y"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Curved corners"
-+msgstr "Angles arrondis"
-+msgid "Diameter creation"
-+msgstr "Contrôler le diamètre"
-+msgid "Editable items"
-+msgstr "Élements modifiables"
-+msgid "Create ellipses"
-+msgstr "Créer des ellipses"
-+msgid "Restore edges"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Create polygons"
-+msgstr "Créer des polygones"
-+msgid "Primary curvature ratio"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Radius creation"
-+msgstr "Contrôler le rayon"
-+msgid "Rotation"
-+msgstr "Rotation"
-+msgid "Number of sides"
-+msgstr "Nombre d'arêtes"
-+msgid "Size"
-+msgstr "Taille"
-+msgid "Starred shapes"
-+msgstr "Formes étoilées"
-+msgid "Stellation offset"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Stellation curvature ratio"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Stellation radius"
-+msgstr ""
-+msgid "Height"
-+msgstr "Hauteur"
-+msgid "QuickShape Tool Shift+F2"
-+msgstr "Formes Automatiques Shift+F2"
-+msgid "Width"
-+msgstr "Largeur"
-+msgid "Remove blend"
-+msgstr "Supprimer la fusion"
-+msgid "Remove Contour"
-+msgstr "Supprimer le contour"
-+msgid "Remove mould"
-+msgstr "Supprimer le moule"
-+msgid "Remove ClipView"
-+msgstr "Supprimer le masquage"