diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 545 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/ChangeLog b/net-analyzer/symon/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 55054201f..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/symon
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 11 Aug 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> metadata.xml:
- Add USE flag description to metadata wrt GLEP 56
- 06 Aug 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.79-r1.ebuild:
- Improve syweb elog messages by saying how to customize it, and mention that
- there's a no user interaction php script
- 06 Aug 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> -symon-2.79.ebuild,
- +symon-2.79-r1.ebuild:
- Install syweb documentation, remove old
- 31 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- symon doesn't use GNU make, hence ignore MAKEOPTS since some options aren't
- available in pmake (e.g. --load-average)
- 31 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Tell the user how to test the configuration files, and how the RRDs
- directory structure for syweb should be organized
- 31 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Make doins, dodoc, doman, dosbin, and dobin die on failure
- 31 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- 21 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Improve elog messages
- 16 Jul 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Rename 'client' USE flag to 'perl'
- 11 Jun 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Simplify die messages, while there avoid using identical die messages in the
- same function to ease error identification
- 03 Jun 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Simplify sed calls
- 31 May 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Respect AR and RANLIB, while there beautify the ebuild
- 08 Apr 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Prettify src_compile, virtual/httpd-cgi removed from RDEPEND since it isn't
- needed
- 08 Apr 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- -symon-2.78-r2.ebuild, +symon-2.79.ebuild:
- Version bump (syweb bumped too), remove old
- 21 Mar 2008; Jakub Moc <> symon-2.78-r2.ebuild:
- Improve webapp eclass handling and fix dependencies
- 18 Mar 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- files/symon-symon.conf.patch, files/symon-symux.conf.patch:
- Prettify the configuration files, add resources for MP machines, while there
- insert missing comments to document the patch purpose
- 18 Mar 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- files/,
- files/,
- files/symon-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch:
- Improve patch comment about renaming the directories, while there prettify them
- 18 Mar 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r2.ebuild:
- Tell the user to test the configuration files only after creating the RRDs,
- since symux reads the configuration file with file access checks (prevents
- symux -t from giving warnings)
- 18 Mar 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> files/symon-init.d,
- files/symux-init.d:
- Beautify the code by converting spaces to tabs
- 23 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r2.ebuild:
- Remove slash from docinto, simplify elog messages
- 19 Feb 2008; Jakub Moc <> symon-2.78-r2.ebuild:
- Fix php check in pkg_setup, add missing pkg_prerm for webapp.eclass
- 18 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r2.ebuild:
- Introduce a new variable (CDEPEND) that will hold common dependencies for
- 18 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- -symon-2.78-r1.ebuild, +symon-2.78-r2.ebuild:
- New USE flag 'client' added, remove old
- 17 Feb 2008; (Tommy[D]) symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Shorten description
- 03 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> files/symon-init.d,
- files/symux-init.d:
- net is really necessary for the correct functioning of the service
- 03 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Simplify elog messages
- 02 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Die if sed failed
- 02 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Append Gentoo CFLAGS in src_compile by using the CFLAGS variable from the
- portage environment instead of doing it with sed in src_unpack
- 02 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Put sed calls after epatch ones to prevent breaking patches, and use "${S}"
- instead of hardcoding the directories
- 02 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Do a safer pattern in sed when the user requested not to build the symux target
- 02 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Instead of using sed and avoiding pre-stripping in src_unpack, make the
- package use the STRIP variable from the portage environment in src_compile
- 02 Feb 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Instead of using sed and tc-getCC to call the correct gcc in src_unpack,
- make the package use the proper CC from the portage environment in
- src_compile
- 10 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Avoid pre-stripping
- 10 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Honour Gentoo CFLAGS
- 10 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <>
- symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- Fix hardcoded CC
- 09 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> files/symon-init.d,
- +files/symux-init.d, -symon-2.78.ebuild, +symon-2.78-r1.ebuild:
- New USE flag 'symux' added, remove old
- 08 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.78.ebuild:
- Added ~amd64 keyword
- 07 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> symon-2.78.ebuild:
- Bump syweb, too
- 07 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> -symon-2.77.ebuild,
- +symon-2.78.ebuild:
- Version bump, remove old
- 06 Jan 2008; Tiago Cunha (tcunha) <> +files/symon-init.d,
- +files/symon-symon.conf.patch, +files/symon-symux.conf.patch,
- +files/,
- +files/,
- +files/symon-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch, +metadata.xml,
- +symon-2.77.ebuild:
- New Ebuild for bug 176635
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/Manifest b/net-analyzer/symon/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index b4dd8f34d..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-AUX symon-init.d 384 RMD160 779f0410c9ef4ec7ff83a8c4bd80949edd9ee5df SHA1 a60201406a2072a24458fc4ab6ef7af1a35e1c86 SHA256 13b9d627df34708ae4f436a8d10729c809f71d05ecd9f593a47cd6bf161eff28
-AUX symon-symon.conf.patch 669 RMD160 b0f53dfbf6eaba2c292e6e9f9f91625f26498683 SHA1 5523fbc4db46114197c3e020c74c72822b93e545 SHA256 603b471778ec84f2ebbb57b5718a8624fb748ca5c6dde36f4943156acf9a2b10
-AUX symon-symux.conf.patch 1858 RMD160 8882ef430e763791a47be90a1460f85550cc3e8b SHA1 0734a88eb4e4da0e91909c2120ebd7cf349e025c SHA256 d8e12296c32a302d0dda1c2d9f20782a6bdb1b87a65795e90775418bbc3a5f54
-AUX 461 RMD160 b52dba8c8c43b4a7ed53d163855846351ed1b845 SHA1 40b749f3d80ff933e96f2de9ed59444f85ddf8fa SHA256 04ec1b000065f36064bcec46e2355da493ec2b051100cb418f8b63929d1fe9fd
-AUX 909 RMD160 c90bb6131830f53cbfbd105cebced4611af2599b SHA1 2a18d08e7942204fac90585c5785da0fcaddeb8a SHA256 91d06d8258a0312bbe5be803b6094177f037910029c118d81ded3f259aebd977
-AUX symon-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch 1673 RMD160 63e130338b7d48dc2debc4c205b955b60fc94c4d SHA1 ff5e7ee658f7a48df7c54a2a8923bc456a4834f3 SHA256 c2572d99370b76787685f20ad82158c182baa4840a5f9409efb2c0537a79a901
-AUX symux-init.d 378 RMD160 438f3ee87579117db71fa346cd333cc4740b8a35 SHA1 bc5edf413f24aed698147767447f0266c4374415 SHA256 f887ab858987fc6f0984cba93dddbb1c82fb1ed515340002e373c0aa4541e584
-DIST symon-2.79.tar.gz 102400 RMD160 693b798cd6c564f4e8b79c62c1776f5b036aaf1a SHA1 a21566f3291baaa39806bec32550d5a28a163213 SHA256 7157b087b99a59f3aba9a02c375fb1b411dc4329463f748d2323c3cdf3d0cd83
-DIST syweb-0.58.tar.gz 40960 RMD160 5dffc149a078789703c1ee10699e8aab350313d7 SHA1 bf0aa3a96533f8d6ae38f5317ae001282510ced4 SHA256 c01dfbc9f069d73d7c92880a0ed05bd7bca3e970ab282c2deb706861af7d6dcf
-EBUILD symon-2.79-r1.ebuild 4214 RMD160 9c6bdbdba515a0d9c2b141cd943332f2e1d90333 SHA1 800fd38c7a794f3aecb866ef5e59cfed0c2e6fb0 SHA256 9779b898c980424a672052577a64edc0866870e74f618e0b7ba0e1ebd9005e87
-MISC ChangeLog 6483 RMD160 9110e412b06ff4ff8498fa35d35441e979102449 SHA1 acd3b9d43bd74526ae0904d91311efdf76bc722d SHA256 b4926682509f449950ac5c6b0135689a6a5584c7771f95a43a4c373ae983be82
-MISC metadata.xml 460 RMD160 1401409a153f0d98ba307fb3554df7869935760a SHA1 f7bfea7187f15fd8aa05345f719581c32f5f6d86 SHA256 f8f286f8e439163d26488880a5a4536fd25c693c9867a433564d103961c908ae
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-init.d b/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-init.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e9a31a68..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-init.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header:
-depend() {
- need net
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting symon"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/symon -- -u
- eend ${?}
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping symon"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/
- eend ${?}
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-symon.conf.patch b/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-symon.conf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a006835..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-symon.conf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Convert BSD devices to Linux.
-# mbuf, pf, proc, and sensor are not available in Linux.
---- symon/symon/symon.conf.orig 2008-03-18 03:46:17.173140738 +0000
-+++ symon/symon/symon.conf 2008-03-18 04:49:07.463331989 +0000
-@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
- #
- # Demo configuration for symon. See symon(8) for BNF.
--monitor { cpu(0), mem,
-- if(lo0),
--# pf,
--# mbuf,
--# sensor(0),
--# proc(httpd),
--# if(xl0), if(de0), if(wi0),
--# io(wd1), io(wd2), io(wd3), io(cd0)
-- io(wd0)
-+monitor {
-+ cpu(0),
-+ cpu(1),
-+# cpu(2),
-+ mem,
-+ if(lo),
-+ if(eth0),
-+# if(eth1),
-+# io(hda), io(hdb), io(hdc), io(hdd),
-+ io(sda), io(sdb)
- } stream to 2100
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-symux.conf.patch b/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-symux.conf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a020855..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-symux.conf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Convert BSD devices to Linux.
-# mbuf, pf, proc, and sensor are not available in Linux.
-# Rename RRDs directories since it makes more sense in a non-syweb environment.
---- symon/symux/symux.conf.orig 2008-03-18 03:51:21.083141917 +0000
-+++ symon/symux/symux.conf 2008-03-18 04:49:17.643141246 +0000
-@@ -6,31 +6,36 @@
- mux 2100
- source {
-- accept { cpu(0), mem,
-- if(lo0),
--# pf,
--# mbuf,
--# sensor(0),
--# proc(httpd),
--# if(xl0), if(de0), if(wi0),
--# io(wd1), io(wd2), io(wd3), io(cd0)
-- io(wd0)
-+ accept {
-+ cpu(0),
-+ cpu(1),
-+# cpu(2),
-+ mem,
-+ if(lo),
-+ if(eth0),
-+# if(eth1),
-+# io(hda), io(hdb), io(hdc), io(hdd),
-+ io(sda), io(sdb)
- }
-+ datadir "/var/lib/symon/rrds/localhost"
- }
- # an example showing the write directive
- #
- # source {
--# accept { cpu(0), mem, if(sis0), if(sis1),
--# if(lo0), if(wi0), io(wd0)
-+# accept {
-+# cpu(0),
-+# mem,
-+# if(eth0), if(eth1),
-+# if(lo),
-+# if(hda), io(sda)
- # }
- #
--# write cpu(0) in "/var/www/symon/rrds/4512/cpu0.rrd"
--# write mem in "/var/www/symon/rrds/4512/mem.rrd"
--# write if(sis0) in "/var/www/symon/rrds/4512/if_sis0.rrd"
--# write if(sis1) in "/var/www/symon/rrds/4512/if_sis1.rrd"
--# write if(lo0) in "/var/www/symon/rrds/if_lo0.rrd"
--# write if(wi0) in "/var/www/symon/rrds/4512/if_wi0.rrd"
--# write io(wd0) in "/var/www/symon/rrds/4512/io_wd0.rrd"
-+# write cpu(0) in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/cpu0.rrd"
-+# write mem in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/mem.rrd"
-+# write if(eth0) in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/if_eth0.rrd"
-+# write if(eth1) in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/if_eth1.rrd"
-+# write if(lo) in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/if_lo.rrd"
-+# write io(hda) in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/io_hda.rrd"
-+# write io(sda) in "/var/lib/symon/rrds/hostname/io_sda.rrd"
- # }
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/ b/net-analyzer/symon/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 425e9f4b1..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Comment layout test since they aren't installed by default (prevents
-# configtest.php from failing).
---- syweb/htdocs/syweb/ 2007-04-30 21:04:45.004493630 +0100
-+++ syweb/htdocs/syweb/ 2007-04-30 21:04:59.267317747 +0100
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
- function _test() {
- global $symon;
-- $this->load('hifn_test.layout');
-+ /* $this->load('hifn_test.layout'); */
- while(!$this->eof) {
- $token = $this->next_token();
- }
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/ b/net-analyzer/symon/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 737625b21..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Rename directories to reflect the changes from the ebuild and the
-# configuration files.
---- syweb/htdocs/syweb/ 2007-04-28 18:13:18.000000000 +0100
-+++ syweb/htdocs/syweb/ 2007-04-28 18:14:25.000000000 +0100
-@@ -32,11 +32,18 @@
- $symon['layout_dir']='/var/www/symon';
- */
--/* running FreeBSD, apache not chrooted: */
-+/* running FreeBSD, apache not chrooted:
- $symon['rrdtool_path']='/usr/local/bin/rrdtool';
- $symon['cache_dir']='/usr/local/www/symon/cache';
- $symon['host_tree']='/usr/local/www/symon/rrds';
- $symon['layout_dir']='/usr/local/www/symon';
-+/* running Linux, apache not chrooted: */
- $symon['cache_duration']=20;
- $symon['isolate_hosts']=1;
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch b/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c449fc0..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symon-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Convert BSD devices to Linux.
-# Rename directories to reflect the changes from the ebuild and the
-# configuration files.
---- syweb/symon/total_firewall.layout.orig 2007-04-30 19:13:12.967405846 +0100
-+++ syweb/symon/total_firewall.layout 2007-04-30 19:14:55.872706997 +0100
-@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
- </div>";
- group name="interfaces", start=1017942400, end=-1;
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/if_de0.rrd, title="external if on dikkeaap";
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/if_xl0.rrd, title="internal if on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/if_eth0.rrd, title="external if on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/if_eth1.rrd, title="internal if on dikkeaap";
- group name="cpu and memory", start=1017942400, end=-1;
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/cpu0.rrd, title="cpu(0) on dikkeaap";
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/mem.rrd, title="mem on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/cpu0.rrd, title="cpu(0) on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/mem.rrd, title="mem on dikkeaap";
- group name="disks", start=1017942400, end=-1;
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/io_wd0.rrd, title="disk 0 on dikkeaap";
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/io_wd1.rrd, title="disk 1 on dikkeaap";
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/io_wd2.rrd, title="disk 2 on dikkeaap";
--graph rrdfile=/symon/rrds/www/io_wd3.rrd, title="disk 3 on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/io_hda.rrd, title="disk 0 on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/io_hdb.rrd, title="disk 1 on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/io_hdc.rrd, title="disk 2 on dikkeaap";
-+graph rrdfile=/var/lib/symon/rrds/www/io_hdd.rrd, title="disk 3 on dikkeaap";
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symux-init.d b/net-analyzer/symon/files/symux-init.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 58df4c51b..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/files/symux-init.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header:
-depend() {
- need net
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting symux"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/symux
- eend ${?}
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping symux"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/
- eend ${?}
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/metadata.xml b/net-analyzer/symon/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 019f79802..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>maintainer-wanted</herd>
- <use>
- <flag name='perl'>Enables a generic perl symux client</flag>
- <flag name='symux'>Enables the multiplexer which stores incoming symon
- streams on disk in RRD files</flag>
- <flag name='syweb'>Enables the PHP script that draws rrdtool pictures
- of the stored data</flag>
- </use>
diff --git a/net-analyzer/symon/symon-2.79-r1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/symon/symon-2.79-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 65c3fb9df..000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/symon/symon-2.79-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit depend.php eutils perl-module toolchain-funcs webapp
-DESCRIPTION="Performance and information monitoring tool"
- syweb? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="perl symux syweb vhosts"
-RDEPEND="perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
- symux? ( net-analyzer/rrdtool )
- syweb? ( ${WEBAPP_DEPEND}
- virtual/httpd-php )"
- sys-devel/pmake"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use syweb ; then
- require_php_with_any_use gd gd-external
- webapp_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-symon.conf.patch
- use symux && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-symux.conf.patch
- if use syweb ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-syweb-total_firewall.layout.patch
- fi
- if ! use perl ; then
- sed -i "/SUBDIR/s/client//" "${S}"/Makefile || die "sed client failed"
- fi
- if ! use symux ; then
- sed -i "/SUBDIR/s/symux//" "${S}"/Makefile || die "sed symux failed"
- fi
-src_compile() {
- MAKE=pmake MAKEOPTS= emake \
- AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
- RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" \
- STRIP=true || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- insinto /etc
- doins symon/symon.conf || die "doins symon.conf failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-init.d ${PN} || die "newinitd symon failed"
- dodoc CHANGELOG HACKERS TODO || die "dodoc failed"
- doman symon/symon.8 || die "doman symon failed"
- dosbin symon/symon || die "dosbin symon failed"
- dodir /usr/share/symon
- insinto /usr/share/symon
- doins symon/ || die "doins failed"
- fperms a+x,u-w /usr/share/symon/
- if use perl ; then
- dobin client/ || die "dobin failed"
- perlinfo
- insinto ${SITE_LIB}
- doins client/ || die "doins failed"
- fi
- if use symux ; then
- insinto /etc
- doins symux/symux.conf || die "doins symux.conf failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/symux-init.d symux || die "newinitd symux failed"
- doman symux/symux.8 || die "doman symux failed"
- dosbin symux/symux || die "dosbin symux failed"
- insinto /usr/share/symon
- doins symux/ || die "doins failed"
- fperms u-w,u+x /usr/share/symon/
- dodir /var/lib/symon/rrds/localhost
- fi
- if use syweb ; then
- docinto layouts
- dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/syweb/symon/total* || die "dodoc layouts failed"
- docinto syweb
- dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/syweb/{CHANGELOG,README} || die "dodoc syweb failed"
- webapp_src_preinst
- dodir "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/cache
- dodir "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/layouts
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/cache
- insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
- doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/syweb/htdocs/syweb/* || die "doins syweb failed"
- webapp_configfile "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/
- webapp_src_install
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Before running the monitor, edit /etc/symon.conf. To test your"
- elog "configuration file, run symon -t."
- elog "NOTE that symon won't chroot by default."
- use perl && perl-module_pkg_postinst
- if use symux ; then
- elog "Before running the data collector, edit /etc/symux.conf."
- elog "To create the RRDs run /usr/share/symon/ all. Then,"
- elog "to test your configuration file, run symux -t."
- elog "For information about migrating RRDs from a previous symux"
- elog "version read the LEGACY FORMATS section of symux(8)."
- fi
- if use syweb ; then
- elog "Test your syweb configuration by pointing your browser at:"
- elog "http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${PN}/configtest.php"
- elog "Customize syweb by editing the file"
- elog "If you don't want any user interaction, move index_noui.php"
- elog "to index.php."
- elog "NOTE that syweb expects a machine/*.rrd style directory"
- elog "structure under /var/lib/symon/rrds."
- webapp_pkg_postinst
- fi
-pkg_prerm() {
- use syweb && webapp_pkg_prerm