diff options
authorSérgio Almeida <>2009-07-27 18:14:32 +0100
committerSérgio Almeida <>2009-07-27 18:14:32 +0100
commit6b6629ed0919cc47ee446c9da9ff2e3f38e1447a (patch)
tree6057760427cca81e3ad67f91865683a2b1f162b5 /modules now verifies if you are root (diff)
Changed modules to plain python
Added Link dependency Added Env Action Added dynamic usage to Runnable actions Converted python and gcc modules
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
8 files changed, 38 insertions, 455 deletions
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/
diff --git a/modules/env.uselect b/modules/env.uselect
deleted file mode 100644
index effed56..0000000
--- a/modules/env.uselect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# env.uselect
-module env {
- description "Manage environment variables set in /etc/env.d/"
- version "0.1"
- author ""
-} env
-user action update
- description "Collect environment variables from all scripts in /etc/env.d/"
- parameters "<makelinks> <noldconfig>"
- options {
- "makelinks : Specify \"makelinks\" to force updating of links"
- "noldconfig : Do not alter the cache or configuration."
- }
- type runnable
- file env-update.bash {
- #!/bin/bash
- # Classes of env-vars
- source /usr/share/eselect/libs/tests.bash
- source /usr/share/eselect/libs/core.bash
- source /usr/share/eselect/libs/path-manipulation.bash
- source /usr/share/eselect/libs/config.bash
- source /usr/share/eselect/libs/multilib.bash
- # Recognized file formats:
- MIME_WHITELIST="text/plain text/x-makefile"
- # Configuration files
- ENVPROFILE="${ROOT}/etc/profile.env"
- LDCONFIG="${ROOT}/etc/"
- PRELINK="${ROOT}/etc/prelink.conf"
- LDMTIMEDB="${ROOT}/var/lib/eselect/env/ld-mtimedb"
- # Keep all stored LDPATHS
- # is_envd_file()
- # Return successfuly when file can be sourced.
- is_envfile() {
- local mime envfile=${1}
- # Make sure it is a file and no backup file
- [[ -f ${envfile} ]] || return 1
- [[ -n ${envfile##*~} ]] || return 1
- [[ ${envfile##*.} != bak ]] || return 1
- mime=$(POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 file -i ${envfile} \
- | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's/;$//')
- if ! has ${mime} ${MIME_WHITELIST} ; then
- echo "Skipping non-text file ${envfile}."
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
- }
- # update_envvar_classes()
- # Update the contents of *_CLASS based on env,d files.
- update_envvar_classes() {
- local -a envfiles
- local value
- envfiles=( ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/* )
- for envfile in ${envfiles[@]} ; do
- is_envfile ${envfile} || continue
- value=$(load_config ${envfile} COLON_SEPARATED)
- for x in ${value} ; do
- has ${x} ${PATH_CLASS} && continue
- done
- value=$(load_config ${envfile} SPACE_SEPARATED)
- for x in ${value} ; do
- has ${x} ${SPACE_CLASS} && continue
- done
- done
- }
- # create_profile_env()
- # Create profile.env file
- create_profile_env() {
- local -a envfiles
- local vars store items tmpprofile
- envfiles=( ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/* )
- # Blank the file first!
- tmpprofile="$(mktemp ${ROOT}/tmp/profile.XXXXXX)"
- [[ $? = 0 ]] || die "Couldn't create temporary file!"
- # Gather ye classes while ye may!
- update_envvar_classes
- # Parse all files in env.d
- for envfile in ${envfiles[@]} ; do
- is_envfile ${envfile} || continue
- # Which vars are to be loaded?
- # TODO: Change to bash magic?
- vars=$(sed \
- -e '/^#/d' -e '/^\s*$/d' -e '/^.*=/s/^\([^=]*\)=.*/\1/' \
- ${envfile})
- [[ -z ${vars} ]] && continue
- for var in ${vars} ; do
- # Colon separated?...
- if has ${var} ${PATH_CLASS} ; then
- store=$(load_config ${tmpprofile} ${var})
- if [[ -z ${store} ]] ; then
- store=$(load_config ${envfile} ${var})
- else
- items="$(load_config ${envfile} ${var})"
- items=( ${items//:/ } )
- for item in ${items[@]} ; do
- has ${item} ${store//:/ } && continue
- store="${store}:${item}"
- done
- fi
- store_config ${tmpprofile} ${var} "${store#:}"
- continue
- fi
- # Space separated!...
- if has ${var} ${SPACE_CLASS} ; then
- store=( $(load_config ${tmpprofile} ${var}) )
- if [[ -z ${store[@]} ]] ; then
- store=( $(load_config ${envfile} ${var}) )
- else
- items=( $(load_config ${envfile} ${var}) )
- for item in ${items[@]} ; do
- has ${item} ${store[@]} && continue
- store=( ${store[@]} ${item} )
- done
- fi
- store_config ${tmpprofile} ${var} "${store[@]}"
- continue
- fi
- # Ok, just a non-cummultative var.
- store_config \
- ${tmpprofile} \
- ${var} \
- "$(load_config ${envfile} ${var})"
- done
- has LDPATH ${vars} || continue
- # Store LDPATH for later processing
- items=$(load_config ${envfile} LDPATH)
- items=( ${items//:/ } )
- for item in ${items[@]} ; do
- has ${item} ${LDPATH[@]} && continue
- done
- done
- # Move new file onto old one
- ENVPROFILE=$(canonicalise ${ENVPROFILE})
- chmod a+r ${tmpprofile}
- mv ${tmpprofile} ${ENVPROFILE} \
- || die "Couldn't move ${tmpprofile} to ${ENVPROFILE}!\n
- Original profile.env remains unchanged."
- }
- # create_ld_so_conf()
- # Create file based upon gathered LDPATHs
- create_ld_so_conf() {
- [[ -z ${ESELECT_LDPATH[@]} ]] && die -q 'No LDPATHs found in ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/*'
- local str
- str="# autogenerated by eselect\n"
- str="${str}# Make all changes to /etc/env.d files\n"
- for x in ${ESELECT_LDPATH[@]} ; do
- str="${str}${x}\n"
- done
- echo -e "${str}" > $(canonicalise ${LDCONFIG})
- }
- # create_prelink_conf()
- # Create prelink.conf file based upon existing profile.env
- create_prelink_conf() {
- [[ -z ${ESELECT_LDPATH[@]} ]] && die -q 'No LDPATHs found in ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/*'
- local str
- str="# prelink.conf autogenerated by eselect\n"
- str="${str}# Make all changes to /etc/env.d files\n"
- # Add default items
- for x in /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin ; do
- str="${str}-l ${x}\n"
- done
- for x in $(list_libdirs) ; do
- [[ -e ${ROOT}/${x} ]] && str="${str}-l /${x}\n"
- [[ -e ${ROOT}/usr/${x} ]] && str="${str}-l /usr/${x}\n"
- done
- prelink_mask=$(load_config ${ENVPROFILE} PRELINK_PATH_MASK)
- prelink_mask=( ${prelink_mask//:/ } )
- prelink="$(load_config ${ENVPROFILE} PATH)"
- prelink="${prelink} $(load_config ${ENVPROFILE} PRELINK_PATH)"
- prelink=( ${prelink//:/ } ${ESELECT_LDPATH[@]} )
- for x in ${prelink[@]} ; do
- has ${x} ${prelink_mask} && continue
- [[ -z ${x##*/} ]] || x="${x}/"
- str="${str}-h ${x}\n"
- done
- for x in ${prelink_mask[@]} ; do
- str="${str}-b ${x}\n"
- done
- echo -e "${str}" > $(canonicalise ${PRELINK})
- }
- # need_links()
- # Returns true if any item of ${LDPATH} has been modified.
- need_links() {
- local ret=1
- for x in ${ESELECT_LDPATH[@]} ; do
- y=${x//\//_}
- y=${y//-/_}
- y=${y//./_}
- y=${y//+/_}
- oldmtime=$(load_config ${LDMTIMEDB} "mtime${y}")
- newmtime=$(stat -c %Y ${x} 2> /dev/null)
- if [[ ${oldmtime} != ${newmtime} ]] ; then
- ret=0
- store_config ${LDMTIMEDB} "mtime${y}" ${newmtime}
- fi
- done
- return ${ret}
- }
- # update_ldcache()
- # Update using ldconfig
- update_ldcache() {
- case $(uname -s) in
- FreeBSD | DragonFly)
- echo "Regenerating ${ROOT}/var/run/"
- (
- cd /
- ldconfig -elf -i -f "${ROOT:-/}var/run/" \
- "${ROOT:-/}etc/"
- )
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Regenerating ${ROOT}/etc/"
- (
- cd /
- ldconfig ${1} -r ${ROOT:-/}
- )
- ;;
- esac
- }
- ### update action
- do_update() {
- local makelinks ldconfig=1
- while [[ ${#@} -gt 0 ]] ; do
- case ${1} in
- makelinks)
- makelinks="-X"
- ;;
- noldconfig)
- ldconfig=0
- ;;
- *)
- die -q "Unknown option '${1}'"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- if [[ -e ${ROOT}/etc/profile.env ]] ; then
- [[ -w ${ROOT}/etc/profile.env ]] \
- || die -q "You need to be root!"
- else
- touch ${ROOT}/etc/profile.env
- fi
- # Create configuration files
- create_profile_env
- if [[ ${ldconfig} == 1 ]] ; then
- create_ld_so_conf
- [[ -e ${ROOT}/usr/sbin/prelink ]] && create_prelink_conf
- need_links && makelinks="-X"
- update_ldcache ${makelinks}
- fi
- # fix up ${ENVPROFILE}
- cp ${ENVPROFILE} ${ENVPROFILE/.env/.csh}
- sed -i \
- -e "s/^\(.*\)=\"\(.*\)\"/export \1='\2'/" \
- $(canonicalise ${ENVPROFILE})
- sed -i \
- -e "s/^\(.*\)=\"\(.*\)\"/setenv \1 '\2'/" \
- $(canonicalise ${ENVPROFILE/.env/.csh})
- }
- do_update $@
- } env-update.bash
-} update
-# vim: ft=eselect
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece02f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# python.uselect
+from umodule import *
+module = Module(name = "gcc", description = "Python GCC Version Switcher", version = "0.1", author ="") # We define the module
+bin = Action (name = 'bin', description = "Change GCC's Version", type = "sym") # Define a Symlinking Action
+gcc = Link(alias = "gcc", target = "/usr/bin/gcc", prefix = "/usr/bin/", regexp = "gcc-([0-9]+\.[0-9]+$)")
+gcc_config = Link(alias = "gcc-config", target = "/usr/bin/gcc-config", prefix = "/usr/bin/", regexp = "gcc-config([0-9]+\.[0-9]+$)")
+gcc.add_link(gcc_config) # For inheritance
+bin.add_link(gcc) # Adding The Link to the action
+module.add_action(bin) #Adding the action to the module
diff --git a/modules/gcc.uselect b/modules/gcc.uselect
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a1fad..0000000
--- a/modules/gcc.uselect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-module gcc{
- description "GCC Version Switcher"
- version "0.1"
- author ""
-} gcc
-system action profile {
- description "Change GCC's /usr/bin/gcc Version"
- type runnable
- parameters "<target>"
- usage "<target> Target GCC profile."
- file moo.bash {
- #!/bin/bash
- do_moo() {
- if [ -z $1 ]
- then
- gcc-config -l
- else
- gcc-config $@
- fi
- }
- do_moo $@
- } moo.bash
-} profile
-system action bin {
- description "Print path where binaries of the given/current profile are located."
- type runnable
- file moo.bash {
- #!/bin/bash
- do_moo() {
- if [ -z $1 ]
- then
- gcc-config -B
- else
- gcc-config -B
- fi
- }
- do_moo $@
- } moo.bash
-} bin
diff --git a/modules/kernel.uselect b/modules/kernel.uselect
deleted file mode 100644
index 646730a..0000000
--- a/modules/kernel.uselect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# kernel.uselect
-module kernel {
- description "Kernel Switcher"
- version "0.1"
- author ""
-} kernel
-system action src {
- description "Change current kernel source target"
- type sym
- sym linux /usr/src/linux /usr/src/ (.*)-(.*$) *
-} src
-system action boot {
- description "Change current kernel boot target"
- type sym
- sym vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz /boot/ vmlinuz-(.*$) *
-} boot
diff --git a/modules/one.uselect b/modules/one.uselect
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e3709..0000000
--- a/modules/one.uselect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# one.uselect
-module one {
- description "Example Module description"
- version "0.2"
- author ""
-} one
-user action moo {
- description "Example Module will moo for any user"
- parameters "<integer>"
- usage "<integer> - number of moos"
- type runnable
- file moo.bash {
- #!/bin/bash
- do_moo() {
- if [ -z $1 ]
- then
- # print options
- echo "1 - moo one time"
- echo "2 - moo two times"
- echo "3 - moo three times"
- echo "x - moo x times"
- else
- for((i=0;$i<$1;i=$(($i+1))));do
- echo moo
- done
- fi
- }
- do_moo $@
- } moo.bash
-} moo
-system action foo {
- description "Example Simple symlinking Action"
- usage "moo <option>"
- type sym
- sym /usr/moo /usr/share/ moo-(\w+) /bin/moo
-} foo
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6115fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# python.uselect
+from umodule import *
+module = Module(name = "python", description = "Python Version Switcher", version = "0.1", author ="") # We define the module
+bin = Action (name = 'bin', description = "Change Python's Version", type = "sym") # Define a Symlinking Action
+python = Link(alias = "python", target = "/usr/bin/python", prefix = "/usr/bin/", regexp = "python([0-9]+\.[0-9]+$)")
+python_config = Link(alias = "python-config", target = "/usr/bin/python-config", prefix = "/usr/bin/", regexp = "python([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)-config$")
+python_config2 = Link(alias = "python-config", target = "/usr/bin/python-config", prefix = "/usr/bin/", regexp = "python([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)-config$")
+python.add_link(python_config) # For inheritance
+#python_config.add_link(python_config2) # For further inheritance test
+bin.add_link(python) # Adding The Link to the action
+module.add_action(bin) #Adding the action to the module
diff --git a/modules/python.uselect b/modules/python.uselect
deleted file mode 100644
index 79df588..0000000
--- a/modules/python.uselect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# python.uselect
-module python {
- description "Python Version Switcher"
- version "0.1"
- author ""
-} python
-user action bin {
- description "Change Python's Version"
- type sym
- sym python /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ python([0-9]+\.[0-9]+$) *
-} bin
-system action config {
- description "Change Python's /usr/bin/python-config Version"
- type sym
- sym python /usr/bin/python-config /usr/bin/ python([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)-config($) *
-} config