diff options
authorMichael Orlitzky <>2022-11-15 15:27:18 -0500
committerMichael Orlitzky <>2022-11-15 18:24:24 -0500
commit0d1b97b7297ab5ecd5da0f9b6a7b1dfd0239a5bc (patch)
tree378f4c679ce36d06ead1a3eb29ca2cf1a313da3a /net-dns
parentapp-crypt/heimdal: add 7.7.1 (diff)
net-dns/djbdns: new EAPI=8 revision with fixed parallel build.
The parallel build fix comes via an updated ipv6 patch, courtesy of Felix von Leitner. (Thanks for the fast response!) This also includes the ever-dangerous manual rebasing of two CVE patches on top of the new ipv6 patch, made scarier by the fact that I don't actually ipv6 myself. Fortunately those patches are not too crazy. Closes: Signed-off-by: Michael Orlitzky <>
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns')
4 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest b/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest
index af9a9ef1e60a..7892a331568a 100644
--- a/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
DIST djbdns-1.05-man.tar.gz 17170 BLAKE2B 2fef7e1be8a427b2c426c2af58bf4c22795e64d03e0f605ca333e38f187ff65b333e88a7cea0e8a9ec867b446b5ca34a5c97dd24ae18b28ee4c747f2fd1f1608 SHA512 98af7bd9033a2205fbbc0f23b7eab45b9756f6ceff5199a62952e19c89c9fe3c03495cb6f8621d388f883c40650309a1509095417df3f54af21a71350c4aa183
DIST djbdns-1.05-test28.diff.xz 22072 BLAKE2B fff6c13220adfa056a0ac5942ff9385d83b75f8622adaebab65f557a2ca8d014fe3c255fe55ba9afca56b24880b7cd28597b26b5bcc3bbbd3ef9f581b67004fd SHA512 7fbfeda10221a0a09897c2e744df5606c83113c394ce055d822b0d8733873d72567a88c37905d21c7d2395170fc12b9e9eb133a941aa809f1b9856872ab48230
+DIST djbdns-1.05-test29.diff.xz 28884 BLAKE2B cff7dd55d68eb33a7f8725898469f39b7a1109c7a081e00b0465d599e0ea462e888f510b98a37a31190dfadb2006c6ba2f42311e235e1d9456f745dd756035a9 SHA512 f3fda79813f0067aadc399b1b8af9b33b179ee212fee188119ad2e3d8fced3b31dbd4d2a83922a138da523bb6d6784c3d98105053f9267e7e4f41cf77b76ce88
DIST djbdns-1.05.tar.gz 85648 BLAKE2B 51918fcc8944e64e72709636ee7d56975a138a2806e22c019fa836770de3a338bb8f682216b89c09d6b2861c2423e60e28dc60639f5a86aca2040e1788e4cf5c SHA512 20f066402801d7bec183cb710a5bc51e41f1410024741e5803e26f68f2c13567e48eba793f233dfab903459c3335bc169e24b99d66a4c64e617e1f0779732fa9
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r36.ebuild b/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r36.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..115ca72ded0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/djbdns-1.05-r36.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit readme.gentoo-r1 toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Collection of DNS client/server software"
+ ipv6? (${P}-${IPV6_PATCH}.diff.xz )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="ipv6 selinux"
+ acct-user/dnscache
+ acct-user/dnslog
+ acct-user/tinydns
+ sys-apps/ucspi-tcp
+ virtual/daemontools
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-djbdns )"
+src_unpack() {
+ # Unpack both djbdns and its man pages to separate directories.
+ default
+ # Now move the man pages under ${S} so that user patches can be
+ # applied to them as well in src_prepare().
+ mv "${PN}-man" "${P}/man" || die "failed to transplant man pages"
+ "${FILESDIR}/headtail-r1.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/dnsroots.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/dnstracesort.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/string_length_255.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/srv_record_support.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/increase-cname-recustion-depth.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/CVE2009-0858_0001-check-response-domain-name-length.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/CVE2012-1191_0001-ghost-domain-attack.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/AR-and-RANLIB-support.patch"
+src_prepare() {
+ if use ipv6; then
+ # The big ipv6 patch.
+ "${WORKDIR}/${P}-${IPV6_PATCH}.diff"
+ # Fix CVE2008-4392 (ipv6)
+ "${FILESDIR}/CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries-ipv6-test29.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/CVE2008-4392_0002-dnscache-cache-soa-records-ipv6-test29.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/makefile-parallel-test25.patch"
+ )
+ else
+ # Fix CVE2008-4392 (no ipv6)
+ "${FILESDIR}/CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries-r1.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/CVE2008-4392_0002-dnscache-cache-soa-records.patch"
+ # Later versions of the ipv6 patch include this
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-errno-r1.patch"
+ )
+ fi
+ default
+src_compile() {
+ echo "$(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS}" > conf-cc || die
+ echo "$(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS}" > conf-ld || die
+ echo "/usr" > conf-home || die
+ emake AR=$(tc-getAR) RANLIB=$(tc-getRANLIB)
+src_install() {
+ insinto /etc
+ doins
+ into /usr
+ dobin *-conf dnscache tinydns walldns rbldns pickdns axfrdns \
+ *-get *-data *-edit dnsip dnsipq dnsname dnstxt dnsmx \
+ dnsfilter random-ip dnsqr dnsq dnstrace dnstracesort
+ if use ipv6; then
+ dobin dnsip6 dnsip6q
+ fi
+ doman man/*.[158]
+ readme.gentoo_create_doc
+To configure djbdns, please follow the instructions at,
+Of particular interest are,
+ axfrdns :
+ dnscache:
+ tinydns :
+Portage has created users for axfrdns, dnscache, and tinydns; the
+commands to configure these programs are,
+ 1. axfrdns-conf tinydns dnslog /var/axfrdns /var/tinydns $ip
+ 2. dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /var/dnscache $ip
+ 3. tinydns-conf tinydns dnslog /var/tinydns $ip
+(replace $ip with the ip address on which the server will run).
+If you wish to configure rbldns or walldns, you will need to create
+those users yourself (although you should still use the "dnslog"
+user for the logs):
+ 4. rbldns-conf $username dnslog /var/rbldns $ip $base
+ 5. walldns-conf $username dnslog /var/walldns $ip
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/files/CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries-ipv6-test29.patch b/net-dns/djbdns/files/CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries-ipv6-test29.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..866b3cc51317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/files/CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries-ipv6-test29.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index b89243a..626a829 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ stralloc.h iopause.h taia.h tai.h uint64.h taia.h
+ ./compile dns_txt.c
+ dnscache: \
+-load dnscache.o droproot.o okclient.o log.o cache.o query.o \
++load dnscache.o droproot.o okclient.o log.o cache.o query.o qmerge.o \
+ response.o dd.o roots.o iopause.o prot.o dns.a env.a alloc.a buffer.a \
+ libtai.a unix.a byte.a socket.lib
+ ./load dnscache droproot.o okclient.o log.o cache.o \
+- query.o response.o dd.o roots.o iopause.o prot.o dns.a \
++ query.o qmerge.o response.o dd.o roots.o iopause.o prot.o dns.a \
+ env.a alloc.a buffer.a libtai.a unix.a byte.a `cat \
+ socket.lib`
+@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ compile dnscache.c env.h exit.h scan.h strerr.h error.h ip4.h \
+ uint16.h uint64.h socket.h uint16.h dns.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h \
+ iopause.h taia.h tai.h uint64.h taia.h taia.h byte.h roots.h fmt.h \
+ iopause.h query.h dns.h uint32.h alloc.h response.h uint32.h cache.h \
+-uint32.h uint64.h ndelay.h log.h uint64.h okclient.h droproot.h
++uint32.h uint64.h ndelay.h log.h uint64.h okclient.h droproot.h maxclient.h
+ ./compile dnscache.c
+ dnsfilter: \
+@@ -751,11 +751,16 @@ qlog.o: \
+ compile qlog.c buffer.h qlog.h uint16.h
+ ./compile qlog.c
++qmerge.o: \
++compile qmerge.c qmerge.h dns.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h iopause.h \
++taia.h tai.h uint64.h log.h maxclient.h
++ ./compile qmerge.c
+ query.o: \
+ compile query.c error.h roots.h log.h uint64.h case.h cache.h \
+ uint32.h uint64.h byte.h dns.h stralloc.h gen_alloc.h iopause.h \
+ taia.h tai.h uint64.h taia.h uint64.h uint32.h uint16.h dd.h alloc.h \
+-response.h uint32.h query.h dns.h uint32.h
++response.h uint32.h query.h dns.h uint32.h qmerge.h
+ ./compile query.c
+ random-ip: \
+diff --git a/dnscache.c b/dnscache.c
+index d45f932..0c48ec1 100644
+--- a/dnscache.c
++++ b/dnscache.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include "okclient.h"
+ #include "droproot.h"
+ #include "openreadclose.h"
++#include "maxclient.h"
+ unsigned long interface;
+@@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ uint64 numqueries = 0;
+ static int udp53;
+-#define MAXUDP 200
+ static struct udpclient {
+ struct query q;
+ struct taia start;
+@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ void u_new(void)
+ static int tcp53;
+-#define MAXTCP 20
+ struct tcpclient {
+ struct query q;
+ struct taia start;
+diff --git a/log.c b/log.c
+index e697f91..2ccc345 100644
+--- a/log.c
++++ b/log.c
+@@ -149,6 +149,13 @@ void log_tx(const char *q,const char qtype[2],const char *control,const unsigned
+ line();
+ }
++void log_tx_piggyback(const char *q, const char qtype[2], const char *control)
++ string("txpb ");
++ logtype(qtype); space(); name(q); space(); name(control);
++ line();
+ void log_cachedanswer(const char *q,const char type[2])
+ {
+ string("cached "); logtype(type); space();
+diff --git a/log.h b/log.h
+index 68d698f..c112785 100644
+--- a/log.h
++++ b/log.h
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ extern void log_cachednxdomain(const char *);
+ extern void log_cachedns(const char *,const char *);
+ extern void log_tx(const char *q,const char qtype[2],const char *control,const unsigned char servers[256],unsigned int gluelessness);
++extern void log_tx_piggyback(const char *,const char *,const char *);
+ extern void log_nxdomain(const unsigned char server[16],const char *q,unsigned int ttl);
+ extern void log_nodata(const unsigned char server[16],const char *q,const char qtype[2],unsigned int ttl);
+diff --git a/maxclient.h b/maxclient.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e52fcd1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/maxclient.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++#ifndef MAXCLIENT_H
++#define MAXCLIENT_H
++#define MAXUDP 200
++#define MAXTCP 20
++#endif /* MAXCLIENT_H */
+diff --git a/qmerge.c b/qmerge.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7c92299
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/qmerge.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
++#include "qmerge.h"
++#include "byte.h"
++#include "log.h"
++#include "maxclient.h"
++struct qmerge inprogress[QMERGE_MAX];
++int qmerge_key_init(struct qmerge_key *qmk, const char *q, const char qtype[2],
++ const char *control)
++ if (!dns_domain_copy(&qmk->q, q)) return 0;
++ byte_copy(qmk->qtype, 2, qtype);
++ if (!dns_domain_copy(&qmk->control, control)) return 0;
++ return 1;
++int qmerge_key_equal(struct qmerge_key *a, struct qmerge_key *b)
++ return
++ byte_equal(a->qtype, 2, b->qtype) &&
++ dns_domain_equal(a->q, b->q) &&
++ dns_domain_equal(a->control, b->control);
++void qmerge_key_free(struct qmerge_key *qmk)
++ dns_domain_free(&qmk->q);
++ dns_domain_free(&qmk->control);
++void qmerge_free(struct qmerge **x)
++ struct qmerge *qm;
++ qm = *x;
++ *x = 0;
++ if (!qm || !qm->active) return;
++ qm->active--;
++ if (!qm->active) {
++ qmerge_key_free(&qm->key);
++ dns_transmit_free(&qm->dt);
++ }
++int qmerge_start(struct qmerge **qm, const char servers[64], int flagrecursive,
++ const char *q, const char qtype[2], const char localip[4],
++ const char *control)
++ struct qmerge_key k;
++ int i;
++ int r;
++ qmerge_free(qm);
++ byte_zero(&k, sizeof k);
++ if (!qmerge_key_init(&k, q, qtype, control)) return -1;
++ for (i = 0; i < QMERGE_MAX; i++) {
++ if (!inprogress[i].active) continue;
++ if (!qmerge_key_equal(&k, &inprogress[i].key)) continue;
++ log_tx_piggyback(q, qtype, control);
++ inprogress[i].active++;
++ *qm = &inprogress[i];
++ qmerge_key_free(&k);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < QMERGE_MAX; i++)
++ if (!inprogress[i].active)
++ break;
++ if (i == QMERGE_MAX) return -1;
++ log_tx(q, qtype, control, servers, 0);
++ r = dns_transmit_start(&inprogress[i].dt, servers, flagrecursive, q, qtype, localip);
++ if (r == -1) { qmerge_key_free(&k); return -1; }
++ inprogress[i].active++;
++ inprogress[i].state = 0;
++ qmerge_key_free(&inprogress[i].key);
++ byte_copy(&inprogress[i].key, sizeof k, &k);
++ *qm = &inprogress[i];
++ return 0;
++void qmerge_io(struct qmerge *qm, iopause_fd *io, struct taia *deadline)
++ if (qm->state == 0) {
++ dns_transmit_io(&qm->dt, io, deadline);
++ qm->state = 1;
++ }
++ else {
++ io->fd = -1;
++ io->events = 0;
++ }
++int qmerge_get(struct qmerge **x, const iopause_fd *io, const struct taia *when)
++ int r;
++ struct qmerge *qm;
++ qm = *x;
++ if (qm->state == -1) return -1; /* previous error */
++ if (qm->state == 0) return 0; /* no packet */
++ if (qm->state == 2) return 1; /* already got packet */
++ r = dns_transmit_get(&qm->dt, io, when);
++ if (r == -1) { qm->state = -1; return -1; } /* error */
++ if (r == 0) { qm->state = 0; return 0; } /* must wait for i/o */
++ if (r == 1) { qm->state = 2; return 1; } /* got packet */
++ return -1; /* bug */
+diff --git a/qmerge.h b/qmerge.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9a58157
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/qmerge.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++#ifndef QMERGE_H
++#define QMERGE_H
++#include "dns.h"
++struct qmerge_key {
++ char *q;
++ char qtype[2];
++ char *control;
++struct qmerge {
++ int active;
++ struct qmerge_key key;
++ struct dns_transmit dt;
++ int state; /* -1 = error, 0 = need io, 1 = need get, 2 = got packet */
++extern int qmerge_start(struct qmerge **,const char *,int,const char *,const char *,const char *,const char *);
++extern void qmerge_io(struct qmerge *,iopause_fd *,struct taia *);
++extern int qmerge_get(struct qmerge **,const iopause_fd *,const struct taia *);
++extern void qmerge_free(struct qmerge **);
++#endif /* QMERGE_H */
+diff --git a/query.c b/query.c
+index a340ffd..b85039c 100644
+--- a/query.c
++++ b/query.c
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ static void cleanup(struct query *z)
+ int j;
+ int k;
+- dns_transmit_free(&z->dt);
++ qmerge_free(&z->qm);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXALIAS;++j)
+ dns_domain_free(&z->alias[j]);
+ for (j = 0;j < QUERY_MAXLEVEL;++j) {
+@@ -623,15 +623,9 @@ static int doit(struct query *z,int state)
+ if (j == 256) goto SERVFAIL;
+ dns_sortip6(z->servers[z->level],256);
+- if (z->level) {
+- dtype = z->ipv6[z->level] ? DNS_T_AAAA : DNS_T_A;
+- log_tx(z->name[z->level],dtype,z->control[z->level],z->servers[z->level],z->level);
+- if (dns_transmit_start(&z->dt,z->servers[z->level],flagforwardonly,z->name[z->level],dtype,z->localip) == -1) goto DIE;
+- }
+- else {
+- log_tx(z->name[0],z->type,z->control[0],z->servers[0],0);
+- if (dns_transmit_start(&z->dt,z->servers[0],flagforwardonly,z->name[0],z->type,z->localip) == -1) goto DIE;
+- }
++ dtype = z->level ? (z->ipv6[z->level] ? DNS_T_AAAA : DNS_T_A) : z->type;
++ if (qmerge_start(&z->qm,z->servers[z->level],flagforwardonly,z->name[z->level],dtype,z->localip,z->control[z->level]) == -1) goto DIE;
+ return 0;
+@@ -645,10 +639,10 @@ static int doit(struct query *z,int state)
+ if (++z->loop == 200) goto DIE;
+- buf = z->dt.packet;
+- len = z->dt.packetlen;
++ buf = z->qm->dt.packet;
++ len = z->qm->dt.packetlen;
+- whichserver = z->dt.servers + 16 * z->dt.curserver;
++ whichserver = z->qm->dt.servers + 16 * z->qm->dt.curserver;
+ control = z->control[z->level];
+ d = z->name[z->level];
+ /* dtype = z->level ? DNS_T_A : z->type; */
+@@ -1075,7 +1069,7 @@ int query_start(struct query *z,char *dn,char type[2],char class[2],unsigned cha
+ int query_get(struct query *z,iopause_fd *x,struct taia *stamp)
+ {
+- switch(dns_transmit_get(&z->dt,x,stamp)) {
++ switch(qmerge_get(&z->qm,x,stamp)) {
+ case 1:
+ return doit(z,1);
+ case -1:
+@@ -1086,5 +1080,5 @@ int query_get(struct query *z,iopause_fd *x,struct taia *stamp)
+ void query_io(struct query *z,iopause_fd *x,struct taia *deadline)
+ {
+- dns_transmit_io(&z->dt,x,deadline);
++ qmerge_io(z->qm,x,deadline);
+ }
+diff --git a/query.h b/query.h
+index 84f33c7..0cd4ece 100644
+--- a/query.h
++++ b/query.h
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ #ifndef QUERY_H
+ #define QUERY_H
+-#include "dns.h"
++#include "qmerge.h"
+ #include "uint32.h"
+ #define QUERY_MAXLEVEL 5
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct query {
+ uint32 scope_id;
+ char type[2];
+ char class[2];
+- struct dns_transmit dt;
++ struct qmerge *qm;
+ } ;
+ extern int query_start(struct query *z,char *dn,char type[2],char class[2],unsigned char localip[16],unsigned int scope_id);
diff --git a/net-dns/djbdns/files/CVE2008-4392_0002-dnscache-cache-soa-records-ipv6-test29.patch b/net-dns/djbdns/files/CVE2008-4392_0002-dnscache-cache-soa-records-ipv6-test29.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9073658cb6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/djbdns/files/CVE2008-4392_0002-dnscache-cache-soa-records-ipv6-test29.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+diff --git a/query.c b/query.c
+index b85039c..df9622f 100644
+--- a/query.c
++++ b/query.c
+@@ -475,6 +475,29 @@ static int doit(struct query *z,int state)
+ }
+ }
++ if (typematch(DNS_T_SOA,dtype)) {
++ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_SOA);
++ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
++ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
++ log_cachedanswer(d,DNS_T_SOA);
++ if (!rqa(z)) goto DIE;
++ pos = 0;
++ while (pos = dns_packet_copy(cached,cachedlen,pos,misc,20)) {
++ pos = dns_packet_getname(cached,cachedlen,pos,&t2);
++ if (!pos) break;
++ pos = dns_packet_getname(cached,cachedlen,pos,&t3);
++ if (!pos) break;
++ if (!response_rstart(d,DNS_T_SOA,ttl)) goto DIE;
++ if (!response_addname(t2)) goto DIE;
++ if (!response_addname(t3)) goto DIE;
++ if (!response_addbytes(misc,20)) goto DIE;
++ response_rfinish(RESPONSE_ANSWER);
++ }
++ cleanup(z);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ }
+ if (typematch(DNS_T_A,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,DNS_T_A);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+@@ -544,7 +567,7 @@ static int doit(struct query *z,int state)
+ }
+ }
+- if (!typematch(DNS_T_ANY,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_AXFR,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_CNAME,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_NS,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_PTR,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_A,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_MX,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_AAAA,dtype)) {
++ if (!typematch(DNS_T_ANY,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_AXFR,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_CNAME,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_NS,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_PTR,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_A,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_MX,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_SOA,dtype) && !typematch(DNS_T_AAAA,dtype)) {
+ byte_copy(key,2,dtype);
+ cached = cache_get(key,dlen + 2,&cachedlen,&ttl);
+ if (cached && (cachedlen || byte_diff(dtype,2,DNS_T_ANY))) {
+@@ -779,15 +802,24 @@ static int doit(struct query *z,int state)
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_AXFR))
+ ;
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_SOA)) {
++ int non_authority = 0;
++ save_start();
+ while (i < j) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[i]); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos + 10,&t2); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&t3); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+ pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,20); if (!pos) goto DIE;
+- if (records[i] < posauthority)
++ if (records[i] < posauthority) {
+ log_rrsoa(whichserver,t1,t2,t3,(const char*)misc,ttl);
++ save_data(misc,20);
++ save_data(t2,dns_domain_length(t2));
++ save_data(t3,dns_domain_length(t3));
++ non_authority++;
++ }
+ ++i;
+ }
++ if (non_authority)
++ save_finish(DNS_T_SOA,t1,ttl);
+ }
+ else if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_CNAME)) {
+ pos = dns_packet_skipname(buf,len,records[j - 1]); if (!pos) goto DIE;