diff options
authorAndrey Grozin <>2017-10-05 22:59:20 +0700
committerAndrey Grozin <>2017-10-05 22:59:20 +0700
commit02e56ee24725f083e92b14c9ee94dadc9a1613ed (patch)
tree12b35af339e62377b34bea3bbb364cc3547e0291 /sci-mathematics
parentapp-shells/quoter: Revert "bump." (diff)
sci-mathematics/maxima: bump to 5.41.0
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.6, Repoman-2.3.3
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics')
2 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest
index 07b5abb84017..40dfcadef209 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/Manifest
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ DIST maxima-5.37.3.tar.gz 29964644 SHA256 8bd5dcd672f37ea752385475fc64f8c87dfa29
DIST maxima-5.38.1.tar.gz 38641257 SHA256 0e866536ab5847ec045ba013570f80f36206ca6ce07a5d13987010bcb321c6dc SHA512 abca10984dbb22a48bae481b2e803cb5bee6776e974b4bb9271773aa035fb5e49f34b2458aabca01f0a681a07179e57c012273be6f8d53c615b3309b1034abf9 WHIRLPOOL 443ab032e784e4e2c37274dc3b1635acd9ede08af7863793f93b2f8fdc10e9cce8d4b1a5e98df9a6486fe97e082fb4030fbb3208939ab627f7ca333de7c224b8
DIST maxima-5.39.0.tar.gz 38652090 SHA256 f58ff98013fcaa37d8661b941672c38db58f982f082d6cfcca1f1b5fac7d71b3 SHA512 393ade47fc3832ee44df7bf0c3bd2e501755167ec0f02d50d5876e7cf54fe682f2ebf2511290fa498d174e55961451e61ea5c1c5f6e5f9e6d04ad73d45a5d2a9 WHIRLPOOL 35c7e4acf7933c11562ade2ce30b9c3865a052fc13f9880502165313aae66925aff44cc9d70666001d0378ef14b2e0bf6bc2faeb258b6d50e558b9e043cd972c
DIST maxima-5.40.0.tar.gz 41668208 SHA256 74fe468cd372714622a99afb6b34297589ddd80386e125d71067d3e75519f796 SHA512 7aa36ae56c289e1cc6bb1722a6ee93fed5bf893747a26bb52a48f93cd02d65b63c453f37dc2c86ab4596ad192150aed9ad6b361ab295eda5207d9633c07cdee6 WHIRLPOOL 0e66c5492728a1d21ef7b72fd227943200725c5dad812d81e111f609f381a94a66432c7ff13608e18fc5f2616f8992b46769b421b6942d10fb796d3992d46c8a
+DIST maxima-5.41.0.tar.gz 41540226 SHA256 daf8254600f4c7d9f079a0084178aaf036bd97a63b1e77b945f4120d7e401674 SHA512 1b93ae2db055ba7fb4a95924a896667f0cfa1c675c603c104181662aeb32b10b006158526b2f3ad93a59688a23eacdc82e870bb8ffb182a89e1e51de013ec209 WHIRLPOOL 3b3ebd648be9c51280e80312ef4666eb1e190391f196fd4f4a49326be1abd46f1bbffe2d6184d0e4d477a18f0409eb259104f1a030218bc190185873cee3e3a1
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.41.0.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.41.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bdc377e8486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/maxima/maxima-5.41.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools elisp-common eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Free computer algebra environment based on Macsyma"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x86-macos"
+# Supported lisps
+LISPS=( sbcl cmucl gcl ecls clozurecl clisp )
+# <lisp> supports readline: . - no, y - yes
+SUPP_RL=( . . y . . y )
+# . - just --enable-<lisp>, <flag> - --enable-<flag>
+CONF_FLAG=( . . . ecl ccl . )
+# patch file version; . - no patch
+PATCH_V=( 2 1 . 2 2 1 )
+IUSE="emacs tk nls unicode X ${LISPS[*]}"
+# Languages
+LANGS="de es pt pt_BR"
+for lang in ${LANGS}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${lang}"
+# texlive-latexrecommended needed by imaxima for breqn.sty
+ X? ( x11-misc/xdg-utils
+ sci-visualization/gnuplot[gd]
+ tk? ( dev-lang/tk:0 ) )
+ emacs? ( virtual/emacs
+ virtual/latex-base
+ app-emacs/auctex
+ app-text/ghostscript-gpl
+ dev-texlive/texlive-latexrecommended )"
+# generating lisp dependencies
+depends() {
+ local LISP DEP
+ LISP=${LISPS[$1]}
+ DEP="dev-lisp/${LISP}:="
+ if [ "${SUPP_RL[$1]}" = "." ]; then
+ DEP="${DEP} app-misc/rlwrap"
+ fi
+ echo ${DEP}
+for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ LISP=${LISPS[${n}]}
+ RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} ${LISP}? ( $(depends ${n}) )"
+ DEF_DEP="${DEF_DEP} !${LISP}? ( "
+# default lisp
+DEF_LISP=0 # sbcl
+ARM_LISP=2 # gcl
+DEF_DEP="${DEF_DEP} arm? ( `depends ${ARM_LISP}` ) !arm? ( `depends ${DEF_LISP}` )"
+for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ DEF_DEP="${DEF_DEP} )"
+unset LISP
+ ${DEF_DEP}"
+ sys-apps/texinfo"
+pkg_setup() {
+ local n=${#LISPS[*]}
+ for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ use ${LISPS[${n}]} && NLISPS="${NLISPS} ${n}"
+ done
+ if [ -z "${NLISPS}" ]; then
+ use arm && DEF_LISP=${ARM_LISP}
+ ewarn "No lisp specified in USE flags, choosing ${LISPS[${DEF_LISP}]} as default"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ local n PATCHES v
+ PATCHES=( emacs-0 rmaxima-0 wish-2 xdg-utils-0 )
+ n=${#PATCHES[*]}
+ for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PATCHES[${n}]}.patch
+ done
+ n=${#LISPS[*]}
+ for ((n--; n >= 0; n--)); do
+ v=${PATCH_V[${n}]}
+ if [ "${v}" != "." ]; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${LISPS[${n}]}-${v}.patch
+ fi
+ done
+ # bug #343331
+ rm share/ || die
+ rm src/ || die
+ touch src/*.mk
+ touch src/
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local CONFS CONF n lang
+ for n in ${NLISPS}; do
+ CONF=${CONF_FLAG[${n}]}
+ if [ ${CONF} = . ]; then
+ CONF=${LISPS[${n}]}
+ fi
+ CONFS="${CONFS} --enable-${CONF}"
+ done
+ # enable existing translated doc
+ if use nls; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS}; do
+ if use "linguas_${lang}"; then
+ CONFS="${CONFS} --enable-lang-${lang}"
+ use unicode && CONFS="${CONFS} --enable-lang-${lang}-utf8"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ econf ${CONFS} \
+ $(use_with tk wish) \
+ $(use_enable emacs) \
+ --with-lispdir="${EPREFIX}/${SITELISP}/${PN}"
+src_compile() {
+ emake
+ if use emacs; then
+ pushd interfaces/emacs/emaxima > /dev/null
+ elisp-compile *.el
+ popd > /dev/null
+ pushd interfaces/emacs/imaxima > /dev/null
+ BYTECOMPFLAGS="-L . -L ../emaxima"
+ elisp-compile *.el
+ popd > /dev/null
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ docompress -x /usr/share/info
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" emacsdir="${EPREFIX}/${SITELISP}/${PN}" install
+ use tk && make_desktop_entry xmaxima xmaxima \
+ /usr/share/${PN}/${PV}/xmaxima/maxima-new.png \
+ "Science;Math;Education"
+ # do not use dodoc because interfaces can't read compressed files
+ # read COPYING before attempt to remove it from dodoc
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/${PV}/doc
+ dodir /usr/share/doc
+ dosym ../${PN}/${PV}/doc /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ if use emacs; then
+ elisp-install ${PN} interfaces/emacs/{emaxima,imaxima}/*.{el,elc,lisp}
+ elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}"/50maxima-gentoo-1.el
+ rm "${ED}"/${SITELISP}/${PN}/emaxima.sty || die
+ insinto ${TEXMF}/tex/latex/emaxima
+ doins interfaces/emacs/emaxima/emaxima.sty
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/${PV}/doc/imaxima
+ doins interfaces/emacs/imaxima/README
+ doins -r interfaces/emacs/imaxima/imath-example
+ fi
+ # if we use ecls, build an ecls library for maxima
+ if use ecls; then
+ ECLLIB=`ecl -eval "(princ (SI:GET-LIBRARY-PATHNAME))" -eval "(quit)"`
+ insinto "${ECLLIB#${EPREFIX}}"
+ doins src/binary-ecl/maxima.fas
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use emacs; then
+ elisp-site-regen
+ mktexlsr
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ if use emacs; then
+ elisp-site-regen
+ mktexlsr
+ fi