diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www-servers')
3 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest b/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest
index 31917ba640ba..7b44c1e10f93 100644
--- a/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
DIST apache-tomcat-7.0.67-src.tar.gz 4624303 SHA256 0464ebbeec17fb15103cad9f6639edc826f4eca246dd58a5cb1c5d46aff58e0a SHA512 dd299cab7a172860f51bae19e3490432af874b94825de289095647026a91b27cb3544ba85ab1f786bf4696dc59475ca85d051841ebaa221e3b46079e139a6e52 WHIRLPOOL ae7ec13ffd3bd0964496060413924854c5b956dc88b8d0f1de4ac094e8fb5595ccfc7c2eaa7051f082c575253ed9fdadc8833f494281770f8f72b8c64d9b9593
DIST apache-tomcat-7.0.68-src.tar.gz 4641238 SHA256 abb5d2cc7e34a18f968ec2535bdeeae919c53fa7feffe4d617db95e12e94b210 SHA512 dd97205044b03c6466c78bd165509ed9cd37c4d84de34c2170e67c475b28b72bfeda512f14f583c9983c045888d4704cdf7ba7c434f1d4bad9022428b0a0de1c WHIRLPOOL 594cdf5584ea49faebfbea174e67bf85e761365717d56762138d07186c595195df2899a94d897578d1d20201ed4706b51a4d8870d9a6a4ca74c2436ba4283a05
DIST apache-tomcat-8.0.32-src.tar.gz 4957920 SHA256 b8f7770ae947a0c0aed9b5a6f3e2ff18fd27a07f068cc6029f019b5d4c6de560 SHA512 4c18b9ae77963d96ff59891564c4bc8f6aaba582776c319825e9b944dd8cf10747dfc5b3cbc9cfa2ff10f6d889b404902fecd6b49fdde7b3741f9ba90dc6221c WHIRLPOOL 77be9ea10ffd2e606367d477ba13c717294fe49b65ecef6fdc910e53fa2d987f38a8b299c28a340ea7684a16feb6ca3bd0b5e662e3875af73f4735e1ff623a79
+DIST apache-tomcat-8.0.33-src.tar.gz 4969308 SHA256 1a141b90111347640df57fe506d9da29ca959e44b5885795df603b621c2ccb4f SHA512 f781c90dd0932082f0d9b154b634f147c909415ebf49242f047d29430e24e16086d392b982e16d13b4d5f848dc98fd6834c0768e1f9c60d99a35d7dad262265d WHIRLPOOL b1ca10a4c0ead57b75bade8f135eb943f4ca291bf85eae75d523b65e9538bd5b25a270a3f27c37d2c7ea6e1e847ed15e9fdcac923ceb8069282189976f9e8727
DIST apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M4-src.tar.gz 5007858 SHA256 bba5122cf7b6fc8d4446ba0784177bd3a6dd2806c0a7493c4cdb2be1ce4921a1 SHA512 67225852c631095ea3ef633eabb1a21d30209248688231a9681358b46a7a3f4e8635b23035bb2681311986af73cae732fdd7c0a5446489a8360e572308461478 WHIRLPOOL 5e8c3099a9aefddddf370ca8526d7a0b25274241e56d7e250163fc8822c0ceacee7107b5e72ae2ba84e08dbd9bce96621507c60e8a5d1696664efce6e6bdfb5e
diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-8.0.33-build.xml.patch b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-8.0.33-build.xml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1923d23ba50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-8.0.33-build.xml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+diff -Naur apache-tomcat-8.0.24-src.orig/build.xml apache-tomcat-8.0.24-src/build.xml
+--- apache-tomcat-8.0.24-src.orig/build.xml 2015-07-01 21:25:21.000000000 +0100
++++ apache-tomcat-8.0.24-src/build.xml 2015-08-22 21:17:05.825564599 +0100
+@@ -697,24 +697,29 @@
+ manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/annotations-api.jar.manifest" />
+ <!-- Servlet 3.1 Implementation JAR File -->
+ <jarIt jarfile="${servlet-api.jar}"
+ filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+ filesId="files.servlet-api"
+ manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.manifest"
+ notice="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.notice"
+ license="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.license" />
+ <!-- JSP 2.3 Implementation JAR File -->
+ <jarIt jarfile="${jsp-api.jar}"
+ filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+ filesId="files.jsp-api"
+ manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/jsp-api.jar.manifest" />
+ <!-- EL 3.0 Implementation JAR File -->
+ <jarIt jarfile="${el-api.jar}"
+ filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
+ filesId="files.el-api"
+ manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/el-api.jar.manifest" />
+ <!-- WebSocket 1.1 API JAR File -->
+ <jarIt jarfile="${websocket-api.jar}"
+@@ -982,14 +987,14 @@
+ <target name="deploy" depends="package,build-docs,build-tomcat-jdbc,compile-webapp-examples"
+ description="Default. Builds a working Tomcat instance">
+ <copy tofile="${}/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz"
+ file="${tomcat-native.tar.gz}" />
+ <copy tofile="${}/bin/commons-daemon-native.tar.gz"
+ file="${commons-daemon.native.src.tgz}" />
+ <copy tofile="${}/bin/commons-daemon.jar" file="${commons-daemon.jar}" />
+ <!-- Copy scripts -->
+ <copy todir="${}/bin">
+ <fileset dir="bin">
+@@ -1049,7 +1054,7 @@
+ <exclude name="${jdt.jar.filename}"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+- <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/>
++<!-- <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/> -->
+ <!-- Add sources for examples -->
+ <antcall target="examples-sources" />
+@@ -1083,7 +1088,7 @@
+ </javac>
+ </target>
+- <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc" depends="package">
++ <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc" depends="package" unless="noget">
+ <!-- build the jdbc-pool jar and source jar-->
+ <echo message="Building Tomcat JDBC pool libraries"/>
+ <ant antfile="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}/build.xml" dir="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}"
+@@ -1098,7 +1103,7 @@
+ <copy file="${tomcat-jdbc.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc-src">
++ <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc-src" unless="noget">
+ <!-- build the jdbc-pool source jar-->
+ <echo message="Building Tomcat JDBC pool src JAR"/>
+ <ant antfile="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}/build.xml" dir="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}"
+@@ -1202,10 +1207,11 @@
+ <copy file="${basedir}/LICENSE" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+ <copy file="${basedir}/NOTICE" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+ <copy file="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}"
+ failonerror="false"/>
+ <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
+ <!-- Note the meta-inf below will work as long as there is only one JAR
+ that needs to add entries. If there is more than one a more complex
+ solution will be required. -->
+@@ -1542,7 +1548,7 @@
+ <target name="extras-commons-logging-prepare"
+ depends="extras-prepare"
+- description="Prepare to build web services extras package">
++ description="Prepare to build web services extras package" unless="noget">
+ <antcall target="downloadfile-2">
+ <param name="sourcefile.1" value="${commons-logging-src.loc.1}"/>
+@@ -1681,7 +1687,7 @@
+ <target name="extras-webservices-prepare"
+ depends="extras-prepare"
+- description="Prepare to build web services extras package">
++ description="Prepare to build web services extras package" unless="noget">
+ <antcall target="downloadfile">
+ <param name="sourcefile" value="${jaxrpc-lib.loc}"/>
+@@ -1882,6 +1888,7 @@
+ <target name="javadoc" depends="dist-source,extras-webservices-prepare"
+ description="Create the Tomcat javadoc" >
+ <javadoc packagenames="javax.servlet.*"
+ excludepackagenames="javax.servlet.jsp.*"
+ sourcepath="${tomcat.dist}/src/java"
+@@ -1940,6 +1947,7 @@
+ <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
+ </classpath>
+ </javadoc>
+ <javadoc packagenames="javax.websocket.*"
+ sourcepath="${tomcat.dist}/src/java"
+ destdir="${tomcat.dist}/webapps/docs/websocketapi"
+@@ -1970,15 +1978,17 @@
+ docencoding="UTF-8"
+ charset="UTF-8"
+ additionalparam="-breakiterator -notimestamp"
+- maxmemory="256m" >
++ maxmemory="512m" >
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
+ <path refid="tomcat.webservices.classpath"/>
+ <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
+ </classpath>
+ <link href="../servletapi"/>
+ <link href="../jspapi"/>
+ <link href="../elapi"/>
+ <link href="../websocketapi"/>
+ <link href=""/>
+ <link href=""/>
+@@ -2739,7 +2749,7 @@
+ </target>
+ <target name="download-compile"
+- description="Download (and build) components necessary to compile" >
++ description="Download (and build) components necessary to compile" unless="noget">
+ <antcall target="downloadfile-2">
+ <param name="sourcefile.1" value="${tomcat-native.loc.1}"/>
+@@ -2773,7 +2783,7 @@
+ </target>
+ <target name="download-test-compile"
+- description="Download additional components for the tests" >
++ description="Download additional components for the tests" unless="noget">
+ <antcall target="downloadfile">
+ <param name="sourcefile" value="${junit.loc}"/>
+@@ -2819,7 +2829,7 @@
+ </target>
+ <target name="download-dist"
+- description="Download additional components for a distribution" >
++ description="Download additional components for a distribution" unless="noget">
+ <antcall target="downloadzip-2">
+ <param name="sourcefile.1" value="${}"/>
+@@ -2845,18 +2855,18 @@
+ <!-- =============== Utility Targets to support downloads ================ -->
+- <target name="setproxy" if="${proxy.use}">
++ <target name="setproxy" if="${proxy.use}" unless="noget">
+ <setproxy proxyhost="${}" proxyport="${proxy.port}"
+ proxyuser="${proxy.user}" proxypassword="${proxy.password}" />
+ <echo message="Using ${}:${proxy.port} to download ${sourcefile}"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="testexist">
++ <target name="testexist" unless="noget">
+ <echo message="Testing for ${destfile}"/>
+ <available file="${destfile}" property="exist"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="downloadgz" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
++ <target name="downloadgz" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
+ <!-- Download and extract the package -->
+ <local name="temp.file"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -2868,7 +2878,7 @@
+ <delete file="${temp.file}.tar.gz"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="downloadgz-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
++ <target name="downloadgz-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
+ <!-- Download and extract the package from the two alternative locations -->
+ <local name="temp.file"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -2887,7 +2897,7 @@
+ <delete file="${temp.file}.tar.gz"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="downloadzip" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
++ <target name="downloadzip" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
+ <!-- Download and extract the package -->
+ <local name="temp.file"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -2898,7 +2908,7 @@
+ <delete file="${temp.file}"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="downloadzip-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
++ <target name="downloadzip-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
+ <!-- Download and extract the package from the two alternative locations -->
+ <local name="temp.file"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -2916,7 +2926,7 @@
+ <delete file="${temp.file}"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="downloadfile" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
++ <target name="downloadfile" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
+ <!-- Download the file -->
+ <local name="temp.file"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -2926,7 +2936,7 @@
+ <move file="${temp.file}" tofile="${destfile}"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="downloadfile-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
++ <target name="downloadfile-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
+ <!-- Download the file from the two alternative locations -->
+ <local name="temp.file"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
+@@ -2949,7 +2959,7 @@
+ <move file="${temp.file}" tofile="${destfile}"/>
+ </target>
+- <target name="trydownload.check" depends="setproxy">
++ <target name="trydownload.check" depends="setproxy" unless="noget">
+ <condition property="">
+ <and>
+ <not>
+@@ -2960,7 +2970,7 @@
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+- <target name="trydownload" if="" depends="trydownload.check">
++ <target name="trydownload" if="" depends="trydownload.check" unless="noget">
+ <!-- Downloads a file if not yet downloaded and the source URL is available -->
+ <get src="${sourcefile}" httpusecaches="${trydownload.httpusecaches}" dest="${destfile}" />
+ </target>
+@@ -2971,7 +2981,7 @@
+ <target name="ide-eclipse"
+ depends="download-compile, extras-webservices-prepare, download-test-compile"
+- description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse">
++ description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse" unless="noget">
+ <!-- Copy the sample project files into the root directory -->
+ <copy file="${tomcat.home}/res/ide-support/eclipse/eclipse.project" tofile="${tomcat.home}/.project"/>
diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-8.0.33.ebuild b/www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-8.0.33.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75d1b2d20a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/tomcat/tomcat-8.0.33.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source test"
+inherit eutils java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 prefix user
+DESCRIPTION="Tomcat Servlet-3.1/JSP-2.3 Container"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-solaris"
+RESTRICT="test" # can we run them on a production system?
+ dev-java/tomcat-servlet-api:${SAPI_SLOT}"
+ !<dev-java/tomcat-native-1.1.24
+ >=virtual/jre-1.7"
+ app-admin/pwgen
+ >=virtual/jdk-1.7
+ test? (
+ >=dev-java/ant-junit-1.9:0
+ dev-java/easymock:3.2
+ )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
+ enewgroup tomcat 265
+ enewuser tomcat 265 -1 /dev/null tomcat
+java_prepare() {
+ find -name '*.jar' -type f -delete -print || die
+ # Remove bundled servlet-api
+ rm -rv java/javax/{el,servlet} || die
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.xml.patch"
+ # For use of in netbeans
+ sed -i -e "/^# ----- Execute The Requested Command/ a\
+ CLASSPATH=\`java-config --classpath ${PN}-${SLOT}\`" \
+ bin/ || die
+EANT_EXTRA_ARGS="-Dversion=${PV}-gentoo -Dversion.number=${PV} -Dcompile.debug=false"
+# revisions of the scripts
+src_compile() {
+ EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH_EXTRA+=":$(java-pkg_getjar --build-only ant-core ant.jar)"
+ java-pkg-2_src_compile
+src_test() {
+ java-pkg-2_src_test
+src_install() {
+ local dest="/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}"
+ java-pkg_jarinto "${dest}"/bin
+ java-pkg_dojar output/build/bin/*.jar
+ exeinto "${dest}"/bin
+ doexe output/build/bin/*.sh
+ java-pkg_jarinto "${dest}"/lib
+ java-pkg_dojar output/build/lib/*.jar
+ use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc output/dist/webapps/docs/api
+ use source && java-pkg_dosrc java/*
+ ### Webapps ###
+ # add missing docBase
+ local apps="host-manager manager"
+ for app in ${apps}; do
+ sed -i -e "s|=\"true\" >|=\"true\" docBase=\"\$\{catalina.home\}/webapps/${app}\" >|" \
+ output/build/webapps/${app}/META-INF/context.xml || die
+ done
+ insinto "${dest}"/webapps
+ doins -r output/build/webapps/{host-manager,manager,ROOT}
+ use extra-webapps && doins -r output/build/webapps/{docs,examples}
+ ### Config ###
+ # create "logs" directory in $CATALINA_BASE
+ # and set correct perms, see #458890
+ dodir "${dest}"/logs
+ fperms 0750 "${dest}"/logs
+ # replace the default pw with a random one, see #92281
+ local randpw="$(pwgen -s -B 15 1)"
+ sed -i -e "s|SHUTDOWN|${randpw}|" output/build/conf/server.xml || die
+ # prepend gentoo.classpath to common.loader, see #453212
+ sed -i -e 's/^common\.loader=/\0${gentoo.classpath},/' output/build/conf/ || die
+ insinto "${dest}"
+ doins -r output/build/conf
+ ### rc ###
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/tomcat{.conf,${INIT_REV}.init,-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash} "${T}" || die
+ eprefixify "${T}"/tomcat{.conf,${INIT_REV}.init,-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash}
+ sed -i -e "s|@SLOT@|${SLOT}|g" "${T}"/tomcat{.conf,${INIT_REV}.init,-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash} || die
+ insinto "${dest}"/gentoo
+ doins "${T}"/tomcat.conf
+ exeinto "${dest}"/gentoo
+ newexe "${T}"/tomcat${INIT_REV}.init tomcat.init
+ newexe "${T}"/tomcat-instance-manager${IM_REV}.bash tomcat-instance-manager.bash
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "New ebuilds of Tomcat support running multiple instances. If you used prior version"
+ elog "of Tomcat (<7.0.32), you have to migrate your existing instance to work with new Tomcat."
+ elog "You can find more information at"
+ elog "To manage Tomcat instances, run:"
+ elog " ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/gentoo/tomcat-instance-manager.bash --help"
+ ewarn "tomcat-dbcp.jar is not built at this time. Please fetch jar"
+ ewarn "from upstream binary if you need it. Gentoo Bug # 144276"
+# einfo "Please read for more information."