diff options
7 files changed, 396 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/src/_eselect b/src/_eselect
index 46b8477..77b9fd6 100644
--- a/src/_eselect
+++ b/src/_eselect
@@ -1,199 +1,232 @@
-#compdef eselect
- "help[Display help text]"
- "usage[Display usage information]"
- "version[Display version information]"
-_eselect_env () {
- if (( $words[(I)(update)] )); then
- _values "update options" \
- "makelinks[force updating of links]" \
- "noldconfig[Do not alter the ld.so cache or configuration]" && return 0
+#compdef eselect kernel-config profile-config rc-config
+_eselect_parse_generic() {
+ local -a mod_std mod_extra
+ local -a eselect_args
+ local mod_cur eselect_descr
+ local mod descr etype
+ eselect_args=($@)
+ if [[ $1 == "modules" ]] ; then
+ eselect_args=($1 usage)
- _values "env options" $common_values \
- 'update[Collect environment variables from all scripts in /etc/env.d/]' && return 0
+ mod_cur="mod_extra"
+ eselect_descr="$(LANG=C COLUMNS=100 eselect --colour=no ${eselect_args[@]} 2> /dev/null)"
+ while IFS="" read -r helpdesc ; do
+ case "$helpdesc" in
+ ("Built-in modules:"|"Standard actions:"))
+ mod_cur="mod_std"
+ ;;
+ ("Extra modules:"|"Extra actions:"))
+ mod_cur="mod_extra"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ "$helpdesc" =~ '^ [A-Za-z]' ]] ; then
+ echo "$helpdesc" | read mod descr
+ descr="$(echo "$descr" | sed -r -e 's/.*\s\s\s+//')"
+ set -A $mod_cur ${(P)mod_cur} ${mod}:${(q)descr}
+ fi
+ done <<< "$eselect_descr"
-_eselect_binutils () {
- local binutilslist
- if (( $words[(I)(set)] )); then
- binutilslist=(${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no binutils list)"})
- _values "available binutils version" $binutilslist[@] && return 0
+ if [[ -z "${eselect_args[@]}" ]] ; then
+ etype="modules"
+ else
+ etype="actions"
- _values "binutils options" $common_values \
- "list[List all installed version of binutils]" \
- "show[Print the currently active binutils version]" \
- "set[Activate one of the installed binutils]" && return 0
-_eselect_kernel () {
- local kernellist
- if (( $words[(I)(set)] )); then
- kernellist=(${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no kernel list)"})
- _values "available kernel version" $kernellist[@] && return 0
+ if [[ -z "${mod_extra}" && -z "${mod_std}" ]] ; then
+ _nothing
+ else
+ _describe -t eselect_extra -V "eselect extra $etype" mod_extra
+ _describe -t eselect_standard -V "eselect standard $etype" mod_std
- _values "kernel options" $common_values \
- "list[List available kernel symlink targets]" \
- "show[Show the current kernel symlink]" \
- "set[Set a new kernel symlink target]" && return 0
-_eselect_ctags () {
- local ctagslist
- if (( $words[(I)(set)] )); then
- ctagslist=(${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no ctags list)"})
- _values "available ctags version" $ctagslist[@] && return 0
+_eselect_parse_action_list() {
+ local eselect_list
+ local idx descr
+ local arr_items_selected=$2
+ local arr_items_unselected=$3
+ eselect_list="$(LANG=C COLUMNS=100 eselect --colour=no $1 list 2> /dev/null)"
+ while IFS="" read -r ele ; do
+ echo "$ele" | read idx descr
+ idx=${idx#*\[}
+ idx=${idx%\]*}
+ if [[ "$idx" =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]]; then
+ local stripped_descr="${descr% *\**}"
+ if [[ "${stripped_descr}" != "${descr}" ]] ; then
+ set -A $arr_items_selected ${(P)arr_items_selected} "$idx:${(q)descr}"
+ else
+ set -A $arr_items_unselected ${(P)arr_items_unselected} "$idx:${(q)descr}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done <<< "$eselect_list"
+_eselect_module_action() {
+ if (( $+functions[_eselect_${1}_action] )) ; then
+ _eselect_${1}_action
+ else
+ _eselect_parse_generic ${1}
- _values "ctags options" $common_values \
- "list[List available ctags symlink targets]" \
- "show[Show the current target of the ctags symlink]" \
- "update[Automatically update the ctags symlink]" \
- "set[Set a new ctags symlink target]" && return 0
-_eselect_profile () {
- local profilelist
- if (( $words[(I)(set)] )); then
- profilelist=(${${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no profile list)"}/:/\\:})
- _values -w "available profiles" $profilelist[@] \
- "--force[Forcibly set the symlink]" && return 0
+_eselect_complete_action() {
+ local actionname=$(_eselect_get_module)
+ if (( $+functions[_eselect_complete_${actionname}_action] )) ; then
+ _eselect_complete_${actionname}_action
+ else
+ _eselect_complete_action_generic ${actionname}
- _values "profile options" $common_values \
- "list[List available profile symlink targets]" \
- "show[Show the current make.profile symlink]" \
- "set[Set a new profile symlink target]" && return 0
-_eselect_fontconfig () {
- local fclistenabled fclistdisabled
- if (( $words[(I)(enable)] )); then
- fclistdisabled=(${${${${(M)${(f)"$(eselect --color=no fontconfig list)"}## *}#*\*}// \**/}//( \[*\] | \[*\] )/})
- _values -w ".conf to enable" $fclistdisabled[@] && return 0
- elif (( $words[(I)(disable)] )); then
- fclistenabled=(${${${(M)${(M)${(f)"$(eselect --color=no fontconfig list)"}## *}#*\*}// \**/}//( \[*\] | \[*\] )/})
- _values -w ".conf to disable" $fclistenabled[@] && return 0
+_eselect_get_module() {
+ if [[ $service == "eselect" ]] ; then
+ echo $line[1]
+ else
+ echo ${service%-config}
- _values "fontconfig options" $common_values \
- "list[List available fontconfig .conf files]" \
- "disable[Disable specified fontconfig .conf file(s)]" \
- "enable[Enable specified fontconfig .conf file(s)]" && return 0
-_eselect_opengl () {
- local opengllist
- if (( $words[(I)(set)] )); then
- opengllist=(${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no opengl list)"})
- _values -w "opengl implementations and options" $opengllist[@] \
- "--use-old[If an implementation is already set, use that one instead]" \
- "--prefix[Set the source prefix]:path:_files -/" \
- "--dst-prefix[Set the destination prefix]:path:_files -/" \
- "--ignore-missing[Ignore missing files when setting a new implementation]" && return 0
+_eselect_action_index() {
+ if [[ $service == "eselect" ]] ; then
+ echo 2
+ else
+ echo 1
- _values "opengl options" $common_values \
- "list[List the available OpenGL implementations]" \
- "set[Select the OpenGL implementation]" \
- "show[Print the current OpenGL implementation]" && return 0
+_eselect_get_action () {
+ echo ${line[$(_eselect_action_index)]}
+_eselect_action() {
+ _eselect_module_action $(_eselect_get_module)
+_eselect_module() {
+ _eselect_parse_generic
-_eselect_vi () {
- local vilist
- if (( $words[(I)(set)] )); then
- vilist=(${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no vi list)"})
- _values -w "vi implementation" $vilist[@] && return 0
- elif (( $words[(I)(update)] )); then
- _values -w "option" "--if-unset[Do not override existing implementation]" && return 0
+_eselect_complete_action_generic() {
+ local -a sel_items
+ local -a unsel_items
+ if (( $NORMARG + $(_eselect_action_index) == $CURRENT )) ; then
+ case "$(_eselect_get_action)" in
+ ("set"|"enable"))
+ _eselect_parse_action_list $1 sel_items unsel_items
+ if (( $#unsel_items + $#sel_items > 0 )) ; then
+ _describe -t eselect_sel -V 'eselect items' unsel_items
+ if (( $#unsel_items + $#sel_items < 10 )) ; then
+ _describe -t eselect_unsel -V 'eselect already selected items' sel_items
+ fi
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ("remove"|"disable"))
+ _eselect_parse_action_list $1 sel_items unsel_items
+ if [[ -n "${sel_items[@]}" ]] ; then
+ _describe -V 'eselect items' sel_items
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
- _values "vi options" $common_values \
- "list[List available vi implementations]" \
- "set[Set a new vi implementation provider]" \
- "show[Show the current vi implementation]" \
- "update[Automatically update the vi provider]"
+ _nothing
-_eselect_news() {
- ## TODO: Normal numeric sorting.
- ## I've spent many time on trying to rewrite this
- ## function to normally sort (to DO NOT sort, actually) items,
- ## but it growing bigger and bigger and going to be too complicated.
- ## So, I (mva) either need to help to make it in the "right way".
- ## Or, maybe, to completely rewrite this compdef.
- local -a newslist;
- if ((CURRENT == 3)); then
- _values 'news options' $stdopts[@] \
- 'list[List news items]' \
- 'count[Display number of news items]' \
- 'purge[Purge read news]' \
- 'read[Read news items]' \
- 'unread[Mark read news items as unread again]' && return 0
- elif ((CURRENT == 4)); then
- if (( $words[(I)(count)] )); then
- _values -w 'news' 'new[Count only new news items]' 'all[Count all news items]' && return 0
- fi
+# custom completions:
+(( $+functions[_eselect_complete_news_action] )) || _eselect_complete_news_action() {
+ local -a items
- newslist=(${${${${${${${(M)${(f)"$(eselect --color=no news list)"}## *}// \**/}/ \[/}/\] ##/\[}/%/]}/ \[/ (}/\] /) })
+ case "$(_eselect_get_action)" in
+ ("read"|"unread"))
+ local -a extra_items=('all:Read all news items')
+ if [[ $(_eselect_get_action) == "read" ]] ; then
+ extra_items=('new:Read unread news items (default)' "${extra_items[@]}")
+ fi
+ _eselect_parse_action_list news items items
- if (( $words[(I)(read)] )); then
- newslist+=( "new[Read unread news items (default)]" "all[Read all news items]" "--mbox[Output in mbox format]" "--quiet[Suppress output, only change status]" "--raw[Output in raw format]" )
- fi;
+ items=(${(q)extra_items[@]} ${(Oa)items})
+ if [[ -n "${items[@]}" ]] ; then
+ _describe -V 'eselect items' items
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
- if (( $words[(I)(unread)] )); then
- newslist+=( "all[Unread all news items]" )
- fi
+ _nothing
- _values -w 'news' $newslist[@] && return 0
+(( $+functions[_eselect_complete_kernel_action] )) || _eselect_complete_kernel_action() {
+ local -a items
+ if (( $NORMARG + $(_eselect_action_index) == $CURRENT )) ; then
+ case "$(_eselect_get_action)" in
+ "set")
+ for k in ${(@f)$(eselect --colour=no --brief kernel list)} ; do
+ items+=${k#linux-}
+ done
+ local -a expl=(-P linux-)
+ compadd -V 'eselect kernel' -P linux- ${items[@]}
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ _nothing
-_eselect () {
- local globopts modnames modopts
- globopts=(
- "--brief[Make output shorter]"
- "--colour=no[Disable coloured output]"
- "--color=no[Disable coloured output]"
- )
- modnames=(${${${(M)${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no modules list)"}## *}// */}// /})
- if ((CURRENT == 2)); then
- _arguments -s \
- "$globopts[@]" \
- "*:portage:_values 'eselect modules' \$modnames[@]" && return 0
- elif ((CURRENT == 3)); then
- if [[ $words[2] == --colour=no || $words[2] == --color=no ]]; then
- _arguments -s \
- "*:portage:_values 'eselect modules' \$modnames[@]" && return 0
- elif (( $modnames[(I)$words[2]] )); then
- if [[ "$words[2]" == (env|binutils|kernel|ctags|profile|fontconfig|opengl|vi|news) ]]; then
- _eselect_$words[2] "$@"
- else
- modopts=(${${${(M)${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no $words[2] usage)"}## *}// */}// /})
- _arguments -s \
- "*:portage:_values 'eselect $words[2] options' \$modopts[@]" && return 0
- fi
- fi
- elif ((CURRENT >= 4)); then
- if (( $words[(I)(--color=no|--colour=no)] )); then
- if (( $modnames[(I)$words[3]] )); then
- if [[ "$words[3]" == (env|binutils|kernel|ctags|profile|fontconfig|opengl|vi|news) ]]; then
- _eselect_$words[3] "$@"
- else
- modopts=(${${${${(M)${(f)"$(eselect --brief --color=no $words[3] usage)"}## *}// */}// /}// *})
- _arguments -s \
- "*:portage:_values 'eselect $words[3] options' \$modopts[@]" && return 0
- fi
- fi
- else
- if (( $modnames[(I)$words[2]] )); then
- (( $+functions[_eselect_$words[2]] )) && _eselect_$words[2] "$@"
- fi
- fi
+(( $+functions[_eselect_complete_profile_action] )) || _eselect_complete_profile_action() {
+ if (( $NORMARG + $(_eselect_action_index) == $CURRENT )) ; then
+ case "$(_eselect_get_action)" in
+ "set")
+ _values 'eselect profiles' $(eselect --colour=no --brief profile list)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ _nothing
+(( $+functions[_eselect_complete_timezone_action] )) || _eselect_complete_timezone_action() {
+ if (( $NORMARG + $(_eselect_action_index) == $CURRENT )) ; then
+ case "$(_eselect_get_action)" in
+ "set")
+ _multi_parts / "($(eselect --colour=no --brief timezone list))"
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ _nothing
+eselect_comp() {
+ integer NORMARG
+ case "$service" in
+ eselect)
+ _arguments -A '-*' -n \
+ '--brief[Make output shorter]' \
+ '(--colour --color)'--colo{,u}r='[Enable or disable colour output]:colour:(yes no)' \
+ '1:eselect_module:_eselect_module' \
+ '2:eselect_action:_eselect_action' \
+ '*:eselect_complete_action:_eselect_complete_action'
+ ;;
+ *-config)
+ _arguments -n \
+ "1:action:_eselect_action" \
+ '*:eselect_complete_action:_eselect_complete_action'
+ ;;
+ esac
-_eselect "$@"
+eselect_comp "$@"
# vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 ft=zsh:
diff --git a/src/_gentoo_packages b/src/_gentoo_packages
index 37539c8..c2d9d36 100644
--- a/src/_gentoo_packages
+++ b/src/_gentoo_packages
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ _parsesetsconf() {
_gentoo_packages_update_installed_sets() {
local sets
- sets=($(</var/lib/portage/world_sets))
+ sets=($(<${EPREFIX}/var/lib/portage/world_sets))
if [[ ((${#sets} > 0)) ]]; then
_wanted installed_sets expl 'installed set' compadd "$@" "${(o@)^sets}"
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ _gentoo_packages_update_installed_sets() {
_gentoo_packages_update_available_sets() {
local dirs dir sets_dir set sets sets_path sets_files
- dirs=($(_gentoo_repos -o) /etc/portage /usr/share/portage/config)
+ dirs=($(_gentoo_repos -o) ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config)
for dir in ${(@)dirs}; do
if [[ -d ${dir} ]]; then
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ _gentoo_packages_update_useflag(){
local flags USE
- [[ -z ${(P)var} && -r /etc/portage/make.conf ]] &&
- local $var="$(. /etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo ${(P)var})"
- [[ -z ${(P)var} && -r /etc/make.conf ]] &&
- local $var="$(. /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo ${(P)var})"
+ [[ -z ${(P)var} && -r ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf ]] &&
+ local $var="$(. ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo ${(P)var})"
+ [[ -z ${(P)var} && -r ${EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf ]] &&
+ local $var="$(. ${EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo ${(P)var})"
compadd $flags
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ _gentoo_packages_update_category(){
local installed_dir installed_portage installed_pkgname installed_list
- installed_dir="/var/db/pkg"
+ installed_dir="${EPREFIX}/var/db/pkg"
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ _gentoo_packages_update_installed(){
local installed_list installed_portage
- installed_portage=(/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
+ installed_portage=(${EPREFIX}/var/db/pkg/*-*/*)
_wanted packages expl 'package' compadd "$@" ${installed_portage:t}
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ _gentoo_packages_update_available_versions(){
_gentoo_packages_update_binary() {
local PKGDIR
- [[ -z $PKGDIR && -r /etc/portage/make.conf ]] &&
- PKGDIR="$(. /etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $PKGDIR)"
- [[ -z $PKGDIR && -r /etc/make.conf ]] &&
- PKGDIR="$(. /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $PKGDIR)"
- [[ -z $PKGDIR && -r /usr/share/portage/config/make.globals ]] &&
- PKGDIR="$(. /usr/share/portage/config/make.globals 2>/dev/null; echo $PKGDIR)"
+ [[ -z $PKGDIR && -r ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf ]] &&
+ PKGDIR="$(. ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $PKGDIR)"
+ [[ -z $PKGDIR && -r ${EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf ]] &&
+ PKGDIR="$(. ${EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $PKGDIR)"
+ [[ -z $PKGDIR && -r ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config/make.globals ]] &&
+ PKGDIR="$(. ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config/make.globals 2>/dev/null; echo $PKGDIR)"
# this doesn't take care of ${PORTAGE_BINHOST}. If Gentoo official
# binary mirror will be available we should rewrite it accordingly.
diff --git a/src/_gentoo_repos b/src/_gentoo_repos
index 85f3936..e5acf36 100644
--- a/src/_gentoo_repos
+++ b/src/_gentoo_repos
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@ _gentoo_repos() {
- if [[ -e /usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf || -e /etc/portage/repos.conf ]]; then
- main_repo=$(_repos_conf DEFAULT main-repo)
- main_repo_path=$(_repos_conf ${main_repo} location)
+ if [[ -e ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf || -e ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/repos.conf ]]; then
+ main_repo=$(_gentoo_repos_conf DEFAULT main-repo)
+ main_repo_path=$(_gentoo_repos_conf ${main_repo} location)
- for overlay in $(_repos_conf -l); do
- overlay_paths+=($(_repos_conf ${overlay} location))
+ for overlay in $(_gentoo_repos_conf -l); do
+ overlay_paths+=($(_gentoo_repos_conf ${overlay} location))
- source /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null
- source /etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null
+ source ${EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null
+ source ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null
- source /usr/share/portage/config/make.globals 2>/dev/null
- source /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null
- source /etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null
+ source ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config/make.globals 2>/dev/null
+ source ${EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null
+ source ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf 2>/dev/null
@@ -43,50 +43,6 @@ _gentoo_repos() {
echo ${(u)result}
-_repos_conf() {
- local v file insection section arr secname
- secname=();
- for file in /usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf \
- /etc/portage/repos.conf \
- /etc/portage/repos.conf/*.conf; do
- [[ -f ${file} ]] || continue
- insection=0
- declare -A arr
- IFS='= '
- while read -r name value; do
- [[ -z ${name} || ${name} == '#'* ]] && continue
- if [[ (${name} == '['*']') && (-z ${value}) ]]; then
- value=${name//(\]|\[)}
- name="section"
- fi
- arr[${name}]=${value}
- if [[ ${insection} == 1 && ${name} == "section" ]]; then
- break
- elif [[ ${name} == "section" ]]; then
- [[ ${value} == ${1} ]] && insection=1
- secname+=(${value})
- elif [[ ${insection} == 1 ]]; then
- if [[ ${name} == ${2} ]]; then
- v=${value}
- fi
- fi
- continue
- done < ${file}
- done
- if [[ ${1} == "-l" ]]; then
- echo "${(@u)secname}"
- else
- echo "${v}"
- fi
_gentoo_repos "$@"
# vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 ft=zsh:
diff --git a/src/_gentoo_repos_conf b/src/_gentoo_repos_conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dad709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_gentoo_repos_conf
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Usage:
+# _gentoo_repos_conf -l -> returns the list of all repos names
+# _gentoo_repos_conf REPO ATTRIBUTE -> returns the VALUE associated
+# with the ATTRIBUTE of the REPO
+_gentoo_repos_conf() {
+ local v file insection section arr secname
+ secname=();
+ for file in ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf \
+ ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/repos.conf \
+ ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/repos.conf/*.conf; do
+ [[ -f ${file} ]] || continue
+ insection=0
+ declare -A arr
+ IFS='= '
+ while read -r name value; do
+ [[ -z ${name} || ${name} == '#'* ]] && continue
+ if [[ (${name} == '['*']') && (-z ${value}) ]]; then
+ value=${name//(\]|\[)}
+ name="section"
+ fi
+ arr[${name}]=${value}
+ if [[ ${insection} == 1 && ${name} == "section" ]]; then
+ break
+ elif [[ ${name} == "section" ]]; then
+ [[ ${value} == ${1} ]] && insection=1
+ secname+=(${value})
+ elif [[ ${insection} == 1 ]]; then
+ if [[ ${name} == ${2} ]]; then
+ v=${value}
+ fi
+ fi
+ continue
+ done < ${file}
+ done
+ if [[ ${1} == "-l" ]]; then
+ echo "${(@u)secname}"
+ else
+ echo "${v}"
+ fi
+_gentoo_repos_conf "$@"
+# vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 ft=zsh:
diff --git a/src/_gentoolkit b/src/_gentoolkit
index fdad29f..ce5ada4 100644
--- a/src/_gentoolkit
+++ b/src/_gentoolkit
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ _equery () {
{size,s}'[print size of files contained in package]'
{uses,u}'[display USE flags for package]'
{which,w}'[print full path to ebuild for package]'
- {has,a}'[list all packages matching ENVIRONMENT data stored in /var/db/pkg]'
+ {has,a}'[list all installed packages where specified KEY matches the specified VALUE]'
{keywords,y}'[display keywords for specified PKG]'
{meta,m}'[display metadata about PKG]'
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ _glsa_id () {
# will be low. May be we should display only the X previous GLSA,
# or GLSA ids of the X last month.
- # start to look at /usr/lib/gentoolkit/pym/glsa.py if GLSA_DIR is still
+ # start to look at ${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/gentoolkit/pym/glsa.py if GLSA_DIR is still
# PORTDIR + "metadata/glsa/"
# and then get the list (it's only xml files in GLSA_DIR, easy!)
diff --git a/src/_portage b/src/_portage
index 1c43ac4..8700829 100644
--- a/src/_portage
+++ b/src/_portage
@@ -1,33 +1,51 @@
#compdef emerge ebuild quickpkg emaint env-update etc-update portageq repoman
_ebuild () {
- if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
- _files -g \*.ebuild
- elif (( CURRENT > 2 )); then
- _values "ebuild command" \
- 'clean[Cleans the temporary build directory]' \
- 'help[Show help]' \
- 'setup[Run all package specific setup actions and exotic system checks.]' \
- 'fetch[Fetch all necessary files]' \
- 'digest[Creates a digest file for the package]' \
- 'unpack[Extracts the sources to a subdirectory in the build directory]' \
- 'prepare[Prepares the extracted sources by running the src_prepare()]' \
- 'configure[Configures the extracted sources by running the src_configure()]' \
- 'compile[Compiles the extracted sources by running the src_compile()]' \
- 'test[Runs package-specific test cases to verify that everything was built properly]' \
- 'preinst[Run specific actions that need to be done before installation]' \
- 'install[Installs the package to the temporary install directory]' \
- 'postinst[Run specific actions that need to be done after installation]' \
- 'qmerge[Installs the package de the filesystem]' \
- 'merge[perform the following actions: fetch, unpack, compile, install and qmerge.]' \
- 'unmerge[Remove the installed files of the packages]' \
- 'prerm[Run specific actions that need to be executed before unmerge]' \
- 'postrm[Run specific actions that need to be executed after unmerge]' \
- 'config[Run specific actions needed to be executed after the emerge process has completed.]' \
- 'package[This command is a lot like the merge command, but create a .tbz2 package]' \
- 'manifest[Updates the manifest file for the package.]' \
- 'rpm[Builds a RedHat RPM package]'
- fi
+ local state
+ local expl=(-Vx)
+ local optional_args=(
+ '--skip-manifest[skip all manifest checks]'
+ '--debug[run bash with the -x option]'
+ '--color=[enable or disable color output]:yes/no:((y\:yes n\:no))'
+ '--ignore-default-opts[ignore $EBUILD_DEFAULT_OPTS]'
+ '--force[forces regeneration all associated distfiles if used with digest or or manifest command]'
+ )
+ _arguments -O expl -C $optional_args "1:ebuild file:_files -g \*.ebuild" "*:ebuild command:->ebuild_cmd"
+ case $state in
+ (ebuild_cmd)
+ local ebuild_cmds=(
+ 'clean[Cleans the temporary build directory]'
+ 'help[Show help]'
+ 'setup[Run all package specific setup actions and exotic system checks]'
+ 'fetch[Fetch all necessary files]'
+ 'digest[Creates a digest file for the package]'
+ 'unpack[Extracts the sources to a subdirectory in the build directory]'
+ 'prepare[Prepares the extracted sources by running the src_prepare()]'
+ 'configure[Configures the extracted sources by running the src_configure()]'
+ 'compile[Compiles the extracted sources by running the src_compile()]'
+ 'test[Runs package-specific test cases to verify that everything was built properly]'
+ 'preinst[Run specific actions that need to be done before installation]'
+ 'install[Installs the package to the temporary install directory]'
+ 'postinst[Run specific actions that need to be done after installation]'
+ 'qmerge[Installs the package de the filesystem]'
+ 'merge[perform the following actions: fetch, unpack, compile, install and qmerge]'
+ 'unmerge[Remove the installed files of the packages]'
+ 'prerm[Run specific actions that need to be executed before unmerge]'
+ 'postrm[Run specific actions that need to be executed after unmerge]'
+ 'config[Run specific actions needed to be executed after the emerge process has completed]'
+ 'package[This command is a lot like the merge command, but create a .tbz2 package]'
+ 'manifest[Updates the manifest file for the package]'
+ 'rpm[Builds a RedHat RPM package]'
+ )
+ local curcontext="ebuild_cmd"
+ zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:values:values" sort || zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:values:values" sort false
+ _values -w "ebuild command" "$ebuild_cmds[@]"
+ ;;
+ esac
_quickpkg () {
@@ -186,6 +204,8 @@ _emerge () {
"(: $all[3,-1])--resume[Resumes the last merge operation]"
"(: $all[3,-1])--skipfirst[Removes the first package in the resume list]"
"($all)--keep-going[Continue merge even if a package fails to build]"
+ "--with-bdeps=[pull in build time dependencies that are not strictly required]:yes/no:((y\:'yes' n\:'no'))"
+ "--with-test-deps=[pull in dependencies that are conditional on the \"testUSE flag]:yes/no:((y\:'yes' n\:'no'))"
@@ -235,11 +255,76 @@ _emerge () {
_emaint () {
- _arguments -s \
+ local state
+ local chk_opt fix_opt pretend_opt clean_opt purge_opt log_extra_opt repo_opt
+ local sync_opt sync_extra_opt standalone_opt exclusive_cmd_opt repos
+ local allcmd logcmd synccmd mergecmd fixcmds
+ chk_opt=(-c --check)
+ fix_opt=(-f --fix)
+ pretend_opt=(-p --pretend)
+ clean_opt=(-C --clean)
+ purge_opt=(-P --purge)
+ log_extra_opt=(-t --time)
+ repo_opt=(-r --repo)
+ sync_opt=(-a --auto -A --allrepos)
+ sync_extra_opt=(--sync-submodule $repo_opt)
+ standalone_opt=(-h --help --version)
+ exclusive_cmd_opt=($chk_opt $fix_opt $sync_opt $purge_opt $pretend_opt $standalone_opt)
+ repos=$(_gentoo_repos_conf -l)
+ _arguments -C \
"(: -)"{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]' \
+ "($sync_extra_opt $log_extra_opt $exclusive_cmd_opt $clean_opt)"{-f,--fix}"[Fix any problems that may exist]" \
"(: -)"--version"[show program's version number and exit]" \
- '(-c --check -f --fix)'{-c,--check}"[Check for any problems that may exist]:emaint:((all\:'check all' world\:'check only world file'))" \
- '(-c --check -f --fix)'{-f,--fix}"[Fix any problems that may exist]:emaint:((all\:'check all' world\:'check only world file'))"
+ "($sync_extra_opt $exclusive_cmd_opt)"{-c,--check}"[check for any problems that may exist]" \
+ "($fix_opt $purge_opt $sync_opt $sync_extra_opt $standalone_opt -t --time)"{-t,--time}"[(cleanlogs only)changes the minimum age NUM (in days) of the logs to be listed or deleted]" \
+ "($sync_extra_opt $exclusive_cmd_opt)"{-p,--pretend}"[output logs that would be deleted (cleanlogs only)]" \
+ "($fix_opt $sync_opt $sync_extra_opt $purge_opt)"{-C,--clean}"[cleans the logs from \$PORT_LOGDIR (cleanlogs only)]" \
+ "($log_extra_opt $sync_extra_opt $exclusive_cmd_opt $clean_opt)"{-P,--purge}"[removes the list of previously failed merges (merges only)]" \
+ "($repo_opt $log_extra_opt $exclusive_cmd_opt $clean_opt)"{-a,--auto}"[sync repositories which have their auto-sync setting set (sync module only)]" \
+ "($chk_opt $fix_opt $purge_opt $pretend_opt $log_extra_opt $clean_opt $standalone_opt)*"{-r,--repo}"=[Sync the specified repo]:gentoo repo:($repos)" \
+ "($repo_opt $log_extra_opt $exclusive_cmd_opt $clean_opt)"{-A,--allrepos}"[Sync all repos that have a sync-url defined (sync module only)]" \
+ "($chk_opt $fix_opt $purge_opt $pretend_opt $log_extra_opt $clean_opt $standalone_opt)*--sync-submodule=[restrict sync to the specified submodule (sync module only)]:portage submodule:(glsa news profiles)" \
+ "1:emaint commands:->emaint_cmd"
+ case $state in
+ (emaint_cmd)
+ local descr="emaint commands"
+ local cmd=(
+ 'all:perform all supported commands that accept the specified option'
+ 'logs:clean out old logs from the $PORT_LOGDIR'
+ 'sync:perform sync actions on specified repositories'
+ 'merges:scan for failed package merges and attempt to fix those failed packages'
+ 'binhost:generate a metadata index for binary packages located in $PKGDIR'
+ 'cleanconfmem:discard no longer installed config tracker entries'
+ 'cleanresume:discard merge lists saved for the emerge --resume action'
+ 'movebin:perform package move updates for binary packages located in $PKGDIR'
+ 'moveinst:perform package move updates for installed packages'
+ 'world:fix problems in the world file'
+ )
+ local -a remove
+ if (( $words[(I)(-f|--fix)] )); then
+ remove=(${cmd[(r)logs:*]} ${cmd[(r)sync:*})
+ elif (( $words[(I)(-c|--check)] )); then
+ remove=(${cmd[(r)sync:*]})
+ elif (( $words[(I)(-p|--pretend|-C|--clean|-t|--time)] )); then
+ cmd=(${cmd[(r)logs:*]})
+ elif (( $words[(I)(-a|--auto|-A|--allrepos|-r=*|--repo=*|-r|--repo|--sync-submodule|--sync-submodule=*)] )); then
+ cmd=(${cmd[(r)sync:*]})
+ elif (( $words[(I)(--purge|-P)] )); then
+ cmd=(${cmd[(r)merges:*]})
+ else
+ remove=(${cmd[(r)sync:*]})
+ fi
+ cmd=(${cmd:|remove})
+ _describe $descr cmd
+ ;;
+ esac
_env-update () {
diff --git a/src/_portage_utils b/src/_portage_utils
index 4c41e16..9077f30 100644
--- a/src/_portage_utils
+++ b/src/_portage_utils
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ case $service in
{'(--repo)-R','(-R)--repo'}'[Display installed packages with repository]' \
{'(--umap)-U','(-U)--umap'}'[Display installed packages with flags used]' \
{'(--columns)-c','(-c)--columns'}'[Display column view]' \
- '--show-debug[Show /usr/lib/debug files]' \
+ '--show-debug[Show debug files]' \
{'(--exact)-e','(-e)--exact'}'[Exact match (only CAT/PN or PN without PV)]' \
{'(--all)-a','(-a)--all'}'[Show every installed package]' \
{'(--dir)-d','(-d)--dir'}'[Only show directories]' \
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ case $service in
{'(--unlist)-u','(-u)--unlist'}'[Show unmerge history]' \
{'(--sync)-s','(-s)--sync'}'[Show sync history]' \
{'(--current)-c','(-c)--current'}'[Show current emerging packages]' \
- {'(--logfile)-f','(-f)--logfile'}'[Read emerge logfile instead of /var/log/emerge.log]:log:_files' \
+ {'(--logfile)-f','(-f)--logfile'}'[Read emerge logfile instead of $EMERGE_LOG_DIR/emerge.log]:log:_files' \
'*:packages:_gentoo_packages available'