diff options
authorPacho Ramos <>2018-04-29 15:06:10 +0200
committerPacho Ramos <>2018-04-29 15:06:52 +0200
commit1391afa6a2e870fd035808bbe23f382853e03788 (patch)
treea1ad07412566e189bc9eab81485507127ccc0ce7 /games-emulation
parentgames-strategy/wargus-data: Drop old (diff)
Remove masked for removal package
Diffstat (limited to 'games-emulation')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/games-emulation/sdlmame/Manifest b/games-emulation/sdlmame/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b36828499ac..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/sdlmame/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-DIST 95944685 BLAKE2B e97027edf7be293e599499bd428c663c1fc13498e2fe10ee356aa56ef8ba85d6ea003ba65a8cbc41d1159246eed354585fc18bf9507b47dc1774b87f5737b48d SHA512 9db4d98fb5f5373529808f3bc41fddefa65ebbf7c26d946ebf886cab25e5abf7c4d539d96dfd6af5e62f4366b2bb0b0b59d40fe7a722698f3707eb8ea4c12a0b
diff --git a/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/sdlmame-0.174-cxx14.patch b/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/sdlmame-0.174-cxx14.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bd88cb476e8a..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/sdlmame-0.174-cxx14.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# work around gcc-4.9.3's implementation of cxx14
-# bug 582576 with patch from Alexander Miller
---- a/src/lib/util/strformat.h
-+++ b/src/lib/util/strformat.h
-@@ -185,9 +185,8 @@
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <utility>
--#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) && (__GLIBCXX__ < 20150413)
--namespace std
-+namespace std {
-+namespace mame_cxx14_compat {
- template<class _Container>
- inline constexpr auto
- cbegin(const _Container& __cont) noexcept(noexcept(std::begin(__cont)))-> decltype(std::begin(__cont))
-@@ -198,7 +197,8 @@
- cend(const _Container& __cont) noexcept(noexcept(std::end(__cont)))-> decltype(std::end(__cont))
- { return std::end(__cont); }
- }
-+using namespace mame_cxx14_compat;
- namespace util {
- namespace detail {
diff --git a/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/sdlmame-0.174-qt.patch b/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/sdlmame-0.174-qt.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c384d91cf8..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/sdlmame-0.174-qt.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-No point in adding qt-related things to the compile line unless the qt debugger is wanted
---- scripts/src/osd/sdl_cfg.lua.orig
-+++ scripts/src/osd/sdl_cfg.lua
-@@ -115,14 +115,16 @@
- configuration { }
- elseif _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="linux" then
-- if _OPTIONS["QT_HOME"]~=nil then
-- buildoptions {
-- "-I" .. backtick(_OPTIONS["QT_HOME"] .. "/bin/qmake -query QT_INSTALL_HEADERS"),
-- }
-- else
-- buildoptions {
-- backtick("pkg-config --cflags Qt5Widgets"),
-- }
-+ if _OPTIONS["USE_QTDEBUG"]=="1" then
-+ if _OPTIONS["QT_HOME"]~=nil then
-+ buildoptions {
-+ "-I" .. backtick(_OPTIONS["QT_HOME"] .. "/bin/qmake -query QT_INSTALL_HEADERS"),
-+ }
-+ else
-+ buildoptions {
-+ backtick("pkg-config --cflags Qt5Widgets"),
-+ }
-+ end
- end
- elseif _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="macosx" then
- defines {
diff --git a/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/vector.ini b/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/vector.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index d4906e34ccd7..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/sdlmame/files/vector.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Specific options file for vector games
-video soft
-yuvmode yv12
diff --git a/games-emulation/sdlmame/metadata.xml b/games-emulation/sdlmame/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d94f41033e1b..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/sdlmame/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo Games Project</name>
- </maintainer>
- <longdescription>
-SDLMAME is a port of the popular MAME[tm].
-There are a few principles that guide its development:
-1) run on Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and other SDL supported operating systems with
-as few changes as possible to the base Win32 code. This means we can track
-changes faster than larger more conventional ports such as MacMAME, and we also
-maintain what I call "Firefox compatibility" where learning a major app only
-needs to be done once per application, and it then applies across many
-operating systems. If you can use the command-line Win32 MAME, you already know
-how to use SDLMAME on any platform you may encounter it on.
-2) MAME developers are important. By keeping quickly up to date, we make it
-easy for people on non-Windows platforms to make and submit changes to the core
-MAME code, and we offer native implementations of MAME's multi-window GUI
-debugger on both Linux/Unix and Mac OS X.
- </longdescription>
- <use>
- <flag name="arcade">Enable the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for arcade games support</flag>
- <flag name="tools">Build development tools shared between sdlmame and sdlmess</flag>
- <flag name="mess">Enable the Multi Emulator Super System for game system support</flag>
- </use>
- <upstream>
- <remote-id type="github">mamedev/mame</remote-id>
- </upstream>
diff --git a/games-emulation/sdlmame/sdlmame-0.174.ebuild b/games-emulation/sdlmame/sdlmame-0.174.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f61aaf4edb..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/sdlmame/sdlmame-0.174.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs qmake-utils games
-DESCRIPTION="Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator + Multi Emulator Super System (MESS)"
-SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/mame${MY_PV} -> mame-${PV}.zip"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa +arcade debug +mess opengl openmp tools"
-REQUIRED_USE="|| ( arcade mess )"
-# MESS (games-emulation/sdlmess) has been merged into MAME upstream since mame-0.162 (see below)
-# MAME/MESS build combined (default) +arcade +mess (mame)
-# MAME build only +arcade -mess (mamearcade)
-# MESS build only -arcade +mess (mess)
-# games-emulation/sdlmametools is dropped and enabled instead by the 'tools' useflag
- !games-emulation/sdlmess
- dev-db/sqlite:3
- dev-libs/expat
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/flac
- media-libs/libsdl2[joystick,opengl?,sound,video,X]
- media-libs/portaudio
- media-libs/sdl2-ttf
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/jpeg:0
- virtual/opengl
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib
- media-libs/portmidi )
- debug? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 )
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- app-arch/unzip
- virtual/pkgconfig
- x11-proto/xineramaproto"
-# Function to disable a makefile option
-disable_feature() {
- sed -i -e "/^[ ]*$1.*=/s:^:# :" makefile || die
-# Function to enable a makefile option
-enable_feature() {
- sed -i -e "/^#.*$1.*=/s:^#[ ]*::" makefile || die
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- default
- unpack ./
- rm -f || die
-src_prepare() {
- epatch \
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-qt.patch \
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-cxx14.patch
- # Disable using bundled libraries
- enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_EXPAT
- enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_FLAC
- enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_JPEG
-# Use bundled lua for now to ensure correct compilation (ref. b.g.o #407091)
-# enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_LUA
- enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_SQLITE3
- enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_ZLIB
- # Disable warnings being treated as errors and enable verbose build output
- enable_feature NOWERROR
- enable_feature VERBOSE
- use amd64 && enable_feature PTR64
- use debug && enable_feature DEBUG
- use tools && enable_feature TOOLS
- disable_feature NO_X11 # bgfx needs X
- use openmp && enable_feature OPENMP
- if use alsa ; then
- enable_feature USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTMIDI
- else
- enable_feature NO_USE_MIDI
- fi
- sed -i \
- -e 's/-Os//' \
- -e '/^\(CC\|CXX\|AR\) /s/=/?=/' \
- 3rdparty/genie/build/gmake.linux/genie.make || die
-src_compile() {
- local targetargs
- local qtdebug=$(usex debug 1 0)
- use arcade && ! use mess && targetargs="SUBTARGET=arcade"
- ! use arcade && use mess && targetargs="SUBTARGET=mess"
- function my_emake() {
- # Workaround conflicting $ARCH variable used by both Gentoo's
- # portage and by Mame's build scripts
- OVERRIDE_CC=$(tc-getCC) \
- OVERRIDE_CXX=$(tc-getCXX) \
- OVERRIDE_LD=$(tc-getCXX) \
- QT_HOME="$(qt5_get_libdir)/qt5" \
- ARCH= \
- emake "$@" \
- AR=$(tc-getAR)
- }
- my_emake -j1 generate
- my_emake ${targetargs} \
- SDL_INI_PATH="\$\$\$\$HOME/.sdlmame;${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}" \
- USE_QTDEBUG=${qtdebug}
- if use tools ; then
- my_emake -j1 TARGET=ldplayer USE_QTDEBUG=${qtdebug}
- fi
-src_install() {
- local MAMEBIN
- local suffix="$(use amd64 && echo 64)$(use debug && echo d)"
- local f
- function mess_install() {
- dosym ${MAMEBIN} "${GAMES_BINDIR}"/mess${suffix}
- dosym ${MAMEBIN} "${GAMES_BINDIR}"/sdlmess
- newman docs/man/mess.6 sdlmess.6
- doman docs/man/mess.6
- }
- if use arcade ; then
- if use mess ; then
- MAMEBIN="mame${suffix}"
- mess_install
- else
- MAMEBIN="mamearcade${suffix}"
- fi
- doman docs/man/mame.6
- newman docs/man/mame.6 ${PN}.6
- elif use mess ; then
- MAMEBIN="mess${suffix}"
- mess_install
- fi
- dogamesbin ${MAMEBIN}
- dosym ${MAMEBIN} "${GAMES_BINDIR}/${PN}"
- insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}"
- doins -r keymaps $(use mess && echo hash)
- # Create default mame.ini and inject Gentoo settings into it
- # Note that '~' does not work and '$HOME' must be used
- ./${MAMEBIN} -noreadconfig -showconfig > "${T}/mame.ini" || die
- # -- Paths --
- for f in {rom,hash,sample,art,font,crosshair} ; do
- sed -i \
- -e "s:\(${f}path\)[ \t]*\(.*\):\1 \t\t\$HOME/.${PN}/\2;${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/\2:" \
- "${T}/mame.ini" || die
- done
- for f in {ctrlr,cheat} ; do
- sed -i \
- -e "s:\(${f}path\)[ \t]*\(.*\):\1 \t\t\$HOME/.${PN}/\2;${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}/\2;${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/\2:" \
- "${T}/mame.ini" || die
- done
- # -- Directories
- for f in {cfg,nvram,memcard,input,state,snapshot,diff,comment} ; do
- sed -i \
- -e "s:\(${f}_directory\)[ \t]*\(.*\):\1 \t\t\$HOME/.${PN}/\2:" \
- "${T}/mame.ini" || die
- done
- # -- Keymaps --
- sed -i \
- -e "s:\(keymap_file\)[ \t]*\(.*\):\1 \t\t\$HOME/.${PN}/\2:" \
- "${T}/mame.ini" || die
- for f in keymaps/km*.map ; do
- sed -i \
- -e "/^keymap_file/a \#keymap_file \t\t${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/keymaps/${f##*/}" \
- "${T}/mame.ini" || die
- done
- insinto "${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}"
- doins "${T}/mame.ini"
- insinto "${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}"
- doins "${FILESDIR}/vector.ini"
- dodoc docs/{config,mame,newvideo}.txt
- keepdir \
- "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}"/{ctrlr,cheat,roms,samples,artwork,crosshair} \
- "${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}"/{ctrlr,cheat}
- if use tools ; then
- for f in castool chdman floptool imgtool jedutil ldresample ldverify romcmp ; do
- newgamesbin ${f} ${PN}-${f}
- newman docs/man/${f}.1 ${PN}-${f}.1
- done
- newgamesbin ldplayer${suffix} ${PN}-ldplayer
- newman docs/man/ldplayer.1 ${PN}-ldplayer.1
- fi
- prepgamesdirs
-pkg_postinst() {
- games_pkg_postinst
- elog "It is strongly recommended to change either the system-wide"
- elog " ${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}/mame.ini or use a per-user setup at ~/.${PN}/mame.ini"
- elog
- if use opengl ; then
- elog "You built ${PN} with opengl support and should set"
- elog "\"video\" to \"opengl\" in mame.ini to take advantage of that"
- elog
- elog "For more info see"
- fi