path: root/dev-go
diff options
authorZac Medico <>2018-08-19 17:28:36 -0700
committerZac Medico <>2018-08-19 17:29:31 -0700
commite74ce802c8086d9aac8af5fd620caec511189cd2 (patch)
tree944479fa2fc0aff0e8ffc344e83c7575b0beca11 /dev-go
parentdev-db/percona-server: bump to v5.6.41-84.1 (diff)
dev-go/go-tools: remove old versions
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.47, Repoman-2.3.10
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-go')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/dev-go/go-tools/Manifest b/dev-go/go-tools/Manifest
index f9fbac28648b..3c8b3725c646 100644
--- a/dev-go/go-tools/Manifest
+++ b/dev-go/go-tools/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
DIST 965206 BLAKE2B 018ab877bfa7208bb0ca9b4ede85077ed37c8ee3c7065569646e6c9704715d6810b0286276ea0fa9a271f12ffbe964b41f55ec762711c8a43ccea564607f3265 SHA512 d56f5608e64e8d883a782f0c460f08da20e7d01a97330fad35c8757420ac82fb84b657c3f64e3c4d90a08cc4d8905ab37225d6fab8472e8f1fd3d7be212df8b9
DIST go-favicon.ico 1150 BLAKE2B 7cef9e0c7031531ceaddc56b9e7cb8c09cf3ebf08bbdd53876edcf48d412c55968268190b1fe1814e21efc5669618a5e07d30d7bdbb73b4cbeca9a31b3185fc5 SHA512 194c4b3c360321a10f714b6755d9155de6129682b4070d19b52d0d5706fcbd1d244ea38c33fd77fe1dec85b3e39720dd0a62f5b126803036fbc8337a9d72fea6
-DIST go-tools-0_pre20150823.tar.gz 1633447 BLAKE2B 00866c14139099821fc883ab3908b47481a3ea5af323977fdd84622f43e8998a6fcf6c0a4cbf0c6bb98494d1f4b1fdd0d281447b67a0766af1e5b4f68cf24e27 SHA512 6d906bae8433182e7a105a46b92c4f64ac145196ccc72f8934376fc49e5d554182931745e92229c4571323a6eba9ce2f680b5add3844ecb593a194cbbc1b0b63
-DIST go-tools-0_pre20150902.tar.gz 1630401 BLAKE2B 5f23e4d05c614584bfd2ac77d15ad4b464f083b489b1a687a823d014d848ce38ac5006a379eb46f37e7aba0419b7f1b4d48c053aae89c6ac912366e5ddc487c3 SHA512 437d5178ce5bf6c4d39ad638259e7c18150d2574dffb632003fa0b83a61a9103e666e562aecc6e8412d995e4b5ffacda6bc12b1cfbbea0b22a5ff680a0a7e3e1
-DIST go-tools-0_pre20160121.tar.gz 1768660 BLAKE2B ebc7622967dbb82c6578591c108bba8c96cb7df56360d445b02de1da905ac64b4901057acd36e3d2ab5ec51e5e2ff206efae6a9f9523180e53434adcdad278e3 SHA512 ca4b213a6f398f9bb61a81784fb6dcb4a82994e2d7a95134fc5203ce0f65848d192b2d7c8975a59199db873942c23562866a5607347e060ac0af370d72e067e2
DIST go-tools-0_pre20160220.tar.gz 1827046 BLAKE2B 26b4080540958764c42fffc1cb6a1597705c0a7ea85357b5169f9a0bf6939d7c5475681f6fede8b46a88ef58c72afa9eaa9da3fb66a3bbbb19942d0a1887bbeb SHA512 95c9deb9b01b2f294818fcc847e457ab313d5831a839bf9cfeb1a00a0efd833de3fdfd3ecfe7ecfa2dd236ffcf963e73205d7b5b25fa41ab51c7601dc632bce1
DIST go-tools-0_pre20180817.tar.gz 2321169 BLAKE2B d1ba93b36b62bfbf53770cab6c96019d1a96db0ff6521f591577d866f74a1f65ec24e41a06f81d0040be7122f2e0da734e68d0a72591040265b5f95b324645fe SHA512 1af6c4a58f4d1985dc55e4342d9a4f26ada646ffe87fafdb5bdf876ad972a9f826da257ff9a10956c24dbc90ed9d6935bb78b4f7d30f9e50493c60f7ce92edb1
diff --git a/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20150823-r1.ebuild b/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20150823-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fcfd947ef6d..000000000000
--- a/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20150823-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
- inherit golang-vcs
- EGIT_COMMIT="6c9aff3"
- ARCHIVE_URI="${EGIT_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64"
- inherit golang-vcs-snapshot
-inherit golang-build
- -> go-favicon.ico"
-src_prepare() {
- # disable broken tests
- sed -e 's:TestWeb(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/cmd/godoc/godoc_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestVet(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/cmd/vet/vet_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImport(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/gcimporter/gcimporter_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImportStdLib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/importer/import_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/loader/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/ssa/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestGorootTest(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestFoo(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestTestmainPackage(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/ssa/interp/interp_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestBar(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestFoo(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/ssa/interp/testdata/a_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestCheck(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/types/check_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestStdFixed(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestStdKen(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/types/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestRepoRootForImportPath(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/go/vcs/vcs_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/refactor/lexical/lexical_test.go || die
- # Add favicon to the godoc web interface (bug 551030)
- cp "${DISTDIR}"/go-favicon.ico "src/${EGO_SRC}/godoc/static/favicon.ico" ||
- die
- sed -e 's:"example.html",:\0\n\t"favicon.ico",:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/godoc/static/makestatic.go || die
- sed -e 's:<link type="text/css":<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/lib/godoc/favicon.ico">\n\0:' \
- -i src/${EGO_SRC}/godoc/static/godoc.html || die
-src_compile() {
- # Generate static.go with favicon included
- pushd src/ >/dev/null || die
- go run makestatic.go || die
- popd >/dev/null
- golang-build_src_compile
-src_install() {
- # Create a writable GOROOT in order to avoid sandbox violations.
- cp -sR "$(go env GOROOT)" "${T}/goroot" || die
- GOROOT="${T}/goroot" golang-build_src_install
- # bug 558818: install binaries in $GOROOT/bin to avoid file collisions
- exeinto "$(go env GOROOT)/bin"
- doexe bin/* "${T}/goroot/bin/godoc"
- dodir /usr/bin
- ln "${ED}$(go env GOROOT)/bin/godoc" "${ED}usr/bin/godoc" || die
- if has_version '<dev-lang/go-1.5'; then
- exeinto "$(go env GOTOOLDIR)"
- exeopts -m0755 -p # preserve timestamps for bug 551486
- doexe "${T}/goroot/pkg/tool/$(go env GOOS)_$(go env GOARCH)/cover"
- doexe "${T}/goroot/pkg/tool/$(go env GOOS)_$(go env GOARCH)/vet"
- else
- rm "${D}"$(go env GOROOT)/bin/{cover,vet} ||
- die "unable to remove cover and vet"
- fi
diff --git a/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20150902.ebuild b/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20150902.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 552b4705291a..000000000000
--- a/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20150902.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
- inherit golang-vcs
- EGIT_COMMIT="1330b28"
- ARCHIVE_URI="${EGIT_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64"
- inherit golang-vcs-snapshot
-inherit golang-build
- -> go-favicon.ico"
- >=dev-lang/go-1.5"
-src_prepare() {
- local go_src="${EGO_PN%/...}"
- # disable broken tests
- sed -e 's:TestWeb(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/cmd/godoc/godoc_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestVet(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/cmd/vet/vet_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImport(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/gcimporter/gcimporter_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImportStdLib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/importer/import_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/loader/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/ssa/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestGorootTest(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestFoo(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestTestmainPackage(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/ssa/interp/interp_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestBar(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestFoo(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/ssa/interp/testdata/a_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestCheck(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/types/check_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestStdFixed(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestStdKen(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/types/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestRepoRootForImportPath(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/vcs/vcs_test.go || die
- # Add favicon to the godoc web interface (bug 551030)
- cp "${DISTDIR}"/go-favicon.ico "src/${go_src}/godoc/static/favicon.ico" ||
- die
- sed -e 's:"example.html",:\0\n\t"favicon.ico",:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/godoc/static/makestatic.go || die
- sed -e 's:<link type="text/css":<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/lib/godoc/favicon.ico">\n\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/godoc/static/godoc.html || die
-src_compile() {
- # Generate static.go with favicon included
- pushd src/ >/dev/null || die
- go run makestatic.go || die
- popd >/dev/null
- golang-build_src_compile
-src_test() {
- # Create a writable GOROOT in order to avoid sandbox violations.
- cp -sR "$(go env GOROOT)" "${T}/goroot" || die
- mkdir -p "${T}/goroot/test" || die
- GOROOT="${T}/goroot" golang-build_src_test
- rm -rf "${T}/goroot"
-src_install() {
- # Create a writable GOROOT in order to avoid sandbox violations.
- cp -sR "$(go env GOROOT)" "${T}/goroot" || die
- GOROOT="${T}/goroot" golang-build_src_install
- # bug 558818: install binaries in $GOROOT/bin to avoid file collisions
- exeinto "$(go env GOROOT)/bin"
- doexe bin/* "${T}/goroot/bin/godoc"
- dodir /usr/bin
- ln "${ED}$(go env GOROOT)/bin/godoc" "${ED}usr/bin/godoc" || die
- rm "${D}"$(go env GOROOT)/bin/{cover,vet} || die
diff --git a/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20160121.ebuild b/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20160121.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ab6225e7dbb..000000000000
--- a/dev-go/go-tools/go-tools-0_pre20160121.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
- inherit golang-vcs
- EGIT_COMMIT="f3a63969dd29f8cfa913fdaea22f30c1ed537cb3"
- ARCHIVE_URI="${EGIT_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64"
- inherit golang-vcs-snapshot
-inherit golang-build
- -> go-favicon.ico"
- >=dev-lang/go-1.5"
-src_prepare() {
- local go_src="${EGO_PN%/...}"
- # disable broken tests
- sed -e 's:TestWeb(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestWebIndex(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/cmd/godoc/godoc_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestVet(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestDivergentPackagesExamples(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestIncompleteExamples(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/cmd/vet/vet_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImport(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/gcimporter/gcimporter_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImportStdLib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/gcimporter15/gcimporter_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestImportStdLib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/importer/import_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/loader/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/ssa/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestGorootTest(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestFoo(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestTestmainPackage(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/ssa/interp/interp_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestBar(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestFoo(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/ssa/interp/testdata/a_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestCheck(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/types/check_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestStdlib(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestStdFixed(:_\0:' \
- -e 's:TestStdKen(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/types/stdlib_test.go || die
- sed -e 's:TestRepoRootForImportPath(:_\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/go/vcs/vcs_test.go || die
- # Add favicon to the godoc web interface (bug 551030)
- cp "${DISTDIR}"/go-favicon.ico "src/${go_src}/godoc/static/favicon.ico" ||
- die
- sed -e 's:"example.html",:\0\n\t"favicon.ico",:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/godoc/static/makestatic.go || die
- sed -e 's:<link type="text/css":<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/lib/godoc/favicon.ico">\n\0:' \
- -i src/${go_src}/godoc/static/godoc.html || die
-src_compile() {
- # Generate static.go with favicon included
- pushd src/ >/dev/null || die
- go run makestatic.go || die
- popd >/dev/null
- golang-build_src_compile
-src_test() {
- # Create a writable GOROOT in order to avoid sandbox violations.
- cp -sR "$(go env GOROOT)" "${T}/goroot" || die
- mkdir -p "${T}/goroot/test" || die
- GOROOT="${T}/goroot" golang-build_src_test
- rm -rf "${T}/goroot"
-src_install() {
- # Create a writable GOROOT in order to avoid sandbox violations.
- cp -sR "$(go env GOROOT)" "${T}/goroot" || die
- cp -sR "$(get_golibdir_gopath)" "${T}/gopath" || die
- GOROOT="${T}/goroot" GOPATH="${WORKDIR}/${P}:${T}/gopath" go install -v -work -x ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} "${EGO_PN}" || die
- golang_install_pkgs
- # bug 558818: install binaries in $GOROOT/bin to avoid file collisions
- exeinto "$(go env GOROOT)/bin"
- doexe bin/* "${T}/goroot/bin/godoc"
- dodir /usr/bin
- ln "${ED}$(go env GOROOT)/bin/godoc" "${ED}usr/bin/godoc" || die
- rm "${D}"$(go env GOROOT)/bin/{cover,vet} || die