diff options
authorMiroslav Šulc <>2019-12-18 22:32:06 +0100
committerMiroslav Šulc <>2019-12-18 22:32:27 +0100
commit44294a7d2097c646d6c226a25c63ad1c06d58cf3 (patch)
tree14a5543c3c4436f2d4efd5817037192593119fa4 /media-sound
parentmedia-sound/sonic-visualiser: 4.0.1 bump (diff)
media-sound/sonic-visualiser: removed old (3.1.1)
Closes: Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.82, Repoman-2.3.20 Signed-off-by: Miroslav Šulc <>
Diffstat (limited to 'media-sound')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 542 deletions
diff --git a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/Manifest b/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/Manifest
index 123d580e294b..bbe58788fa48 100644
--- a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/Manifest
+++ b/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST sonic-visualiser-3.1.1.tar.gz 5304359 BLAKE2B 79c9d1d55ea2ec939fdb7abe656ab81aae72862d139eda4e62037e0231c596cf725b4fd5741216e6413bc25e659798dee3b0e06f55063a9ad73f0d9204f76d84 SHA512 e83efffb62179e67a0e5fd7352f63f5a0210102a7fb38c5ad486479a3749f68a44fec2d1843d1c1ca826ba0004bf421811a270a0a50e3f89f71d956dc7a76ae7
DIST sonic-visualiser-4.0.1.tar.gz 6649178 BLAKE2B c231833f7cc6228d450600e5cbc6a6db85d0aa784ce67a225bedb1393ca82a99bca492912bbaf8bf87f5fcce48e57facc3f216b057233b53f596ccd71835d174 SHA512 6557d7c90618f7f2c18f8bb0058b8cd74a084f26376999074b9d5f23f04e1548b7e82ccbb73a301fa68c1d2f047810d312e568a85c9c7f3f25da9ec9b00c4220
diff --git a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/notest.patch b/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/notest.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b4d04f9336..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/notest.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Index: sonic-visualiser-3.0.2/
---- sonic-visualiser-3.0.2.orig/
-+++ sonic-visualiser-3.0.2/
-@@ -28,6 +28,3 @@ include(svcore/base/test/files.pri)
- for (file, TEST_SOURCES) { SOURCES += $$sprintf("svcore/base/test/%1", $$file) }
- for (file, TEST_HEADERS) { HEADERS += $$sprintf("svcore/base/test/%1", $$file) }
--!win32* {
-Index: sonic-visualiser-3.0.2/
---- sonic-visualiser-3.0.2.orig/
-+++ sonic-visualiser-3.0.2/
-@@ -28,6 +28,3 @@ include(svcore/data/fileio/test/
- for (file, TEST_SOURCES) { SOURCES += $$sprintf("svcore/data/fileio/test/%1", $$file) }
- for (file, TEST_HEADERS) { HEADERS += $$sprintf("svcore/data/fileio/test/%1", $$file) }
--!win32* {
-Index: sonic-visualiser-3.0.2/
---- sonic-visualiser-3.0.2.orig/
-+++ sonic-visualiser-3.0.2/
-@@ -28,6 +28,3 @@ include(svcore/data/model/test/files.pri
- for (file, TEST_SOURCES) { SOURCES += $$sprintf("svcore/data/model/test/%1", $$file) }
- for (file, TEST_HEADERS) { HEADERS += $$sprintf("svcore/data/model/test/%1", $$file) }
--!win32* {
diff --git a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/piper.capnp b/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/piper.capnp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e99ff6849d2..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/piper.capnp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-# Piper audio feature extraction: schema for low-level operation
-# This file is formatted to 130 characters width, in order to fit the
-# comments next to the schema definitions.
-# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Queen Mary, University of London, provided
-# under a BSD-style licence. See the file COPYING for details.
-using Cxx = import "/capnp/c++.capnp";
-struct Basic {
- # Basic metadata common to many Piper structures.
- identifier @0 :Text; # A computer-readable string. Must match the regex /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/.
- name @1 :Text; # A short human-readable name or label. Must be present.
- description @2 :Text; # An optional human-readable descriptive text that may accompany the name.
-struct ParameterDescriptor {
- # Properties of an adjustable parameter. A parameter's value is just a single
- # float, but the descriptor explains how to interpret and present that value.
- # A Piper feature extractor has a static list of parameters. The properties of
- # a given parameter never change, in contrast to output descriptors, which
- # may have different properties depending on the configuration of the extractor.
- basic @0 :Basic; # Basic metadata about the parameter.
- unit @1 :Text; # Human-recognisable unit of the parameter (e.g. Hz). May be left empty.
- minValue @2 :Float32 = 0.0; # Minimum value. Must be provided.
- maxValue @3 :Float32 = 0.0; # Maximum value. Must be provided.
- defaultValue @4 :Float32 = 0.0; # Default if the parameter is not set to anything else. Must be provided.
- isQuantized @5 :Bool = false; # True if parameter values are quantized to a particular resolution.
- quantizeStep @6 :Float32 = 0.0; # Quantization resolution, if isQuantized.
- valueNames @7 :List(Text) = []; # Optional human-readable labels for the values, if isQuantized.
-enum SampleType {
- # How returned features are spaced on the input timeline.
- oneSamplePerStep @0; # Each process input returns a feature aligned with that input's timestamp.
- fixedSampleRate @1; # Features are equally spaced at a given sample rate.
- variableSampleRate @2; # Features have their own individual timestamps.
-struct StaticOutputDescriptor {
- # Properties of an output, that is, a single stream of features
- # produced in response to process and finish requests. A feature
- # extractor may have any number of outputs, and it always
- # calculates and returns features from all of them when
- # processing; this is useful in cases where more than one feature
- # can be easily calculated using a single method.
- #
- # This structure contains the properties of an output that are
- # static, i.e. that do not depend on the parameter values provided
- # at configuration, excluding the Basic struct parameters like id
- # and description. The Basic struct properties are not included
- # for historical reasons: they were already referenced separately
- # in the OutputDescriptor and ExtractorStaticData before this
- # struct was introduced.
- typeURI @0 :Text; # URI indicating the sort of feature that this output returns (see docs).
-struct ConfiguredOutputDescriptor {
- # Properties of an output, that is, a single stream of features produced
- # in response to process and finish requests. A feature extractor may
- # have any number of outputs, and it always calculates and returns features
- # from all of them when processing; this is useful in cases where more
- # than one feature can be easily calculated using a single method.
- # This structure contains the properties of an output that are not static,
- # i.e. that may depend on the parameter values provided at configuration.
- unit @0 :Text; # Human-recognisable unit of the bin values in output features. May be empty.
- hasFixedBinCount @1 :Bool = false; # True if this output has an equal number of values in each returned feature.
- binCount @2 :Int32 = 0; # Number of values per feature for this output, if hasFixedBinCount.
- binNames @3 :List(Text) = []; # Optional human-readable labels for the value bins, if hasFixedBinCount.
- hasKnownExtents @4 :Bool = false; # True if all feature values fall within the same fixed min/max range.
- minValue @5 :Float32 = 0.0; # Minimum value in range for any value from this output, if hasKnownExtents.
- maxValue @6 :Float32 = 0.0; # Maximum value in range for any value from this output, if hasKnownExtents.
- isQuantized @7 :Bool = false; # True if feature values are quantized to a particular resolution.
- quantizeStep @8 :Float32 = 0.0; # Quantization resolution, if isQuantized.
- sampleType @9 :SampleType; # How returned features from this output are spaced on the input timeline.
- sampleRate @10 :Float32 = 0.0; # Sample rate (features per second) if sampleType == fixedSampleRate.
- hasDuration @11 :Bool = false; # True if features returned from this output will have a duration.
-struct OutputDescriptor {
- # All the properties of an output, both static (the basic metadata and static
- # descriptor) and potentially dependent on configuration parameters (the
- # configured descriptor).
- basic @0 :Basic; # Basic metadata about the output.
- configured @1 :ConfiguredOutputDescriptor; # Properties of the output that may depend on configuration parameters.
- static @2 :StaticOutputDescriptor; # Properties (other than Basic) that do not depend on parameters.
-enum InputDomain {
- # Whether a feature extractor requires time-domain audio input (i.e.
- # "normal" or "unprocessed" audio samples) or frequency-domain input
- # (i.e. resulting from windowed, usually overlapping, short-time
- # Fourier transforms).
- timeDomain @0; # The plugin requires time-domain audio samples as input.
- frequencyDomain @1; # The plugin requires input to have been pre-processed using windowed STFTs.
-struct ExtractorStaticData {
- # Static properties of a feature extractor. That is, metadata about the
- # extractor that are the same regardless of how you configure or run it.
- key @0 :Text; # String that "globally" identifies the extractor, used to load it (see docs).
- basic @1 :Basic; # Basic metadata about the extractor.
- maker @2 :Text; # Human-readable text naming the author or vendor of the extractor.
- rights @3 :Text; # Human-readable summary of copyright and/or licensing terms for the extractor.
- version @4 :Int32; # Version number of extractor; must increase if new algorithm changes results.
- category @5 :List(Text); # List of general->specific category labels for this extractor (see docs).
- minChannelCount @6 :Int32; # Minimum number of input channels of audio this extractor can accept.
- maxChannelCount @7 :Int32; # Maximum number of input channels of audio this extractor can accept.
- parameters @8 :List(ParameterDescriptor); # List of configurable parameter properties for the feature extractor.
- programs @9 :List(Text); # List of predefined programs. For backward-compatibility, not recommended.
- inputDomain @10 :InputDomain; # Whether the extractor requires time-domain or frequency-domain input audio.
- basicOutputInfo @11 :List(Basic); # Basic metadata about all of the outputs of the extractor.
- struct SOPair {
- # A mapping between output identifier and static descriptor for
- # that output.
- output @0 :Text; # Output id, matching the output's descriptor's basic identifier.
- static @1 :StaticOutputDescriptor;
- }
- staticOutputInfo @12 :List(SOPair); # Static descriptors for all outputs that have any static metadata.
-struct RealTime {
- # Time structure. When used as a timestamp, this is relative to "start
- # of audio".
- sec @0 :Int32 = 0; # Number of seconds.
- nsec @1 :Int32 = 0; # Number of nanoseconds. Must have same sign as sec unless sec == 0.
-struct ProcessInput {
- # Audio and timing input data provided to a process request.
- inputBuffers @0 :List(List(Float32)); # A single block of audio data (time or frequency domain) for each channel.
- timestamp @1 :RealTime; # Time of start of block (time-domain) or "centre" of it (frequency-domain).
-struct Feature {
- # A single feature calculated and returned from a process or finish request.
- hasTimestamp @0 :Bool = false; # True if feature has a timestamp. Must be true for a variableSampleRate output.
- timestamp @1 :RealTime; # Timestamp of feature, if hasTimestamp.
- hasDuration @2 :Bool = false; # True if feature has a duration. Must be true if output's hasDuration is true.
- duration @3 :RealTime; # Duration of feature, if hasDuration.
- label @4 :Text; # Optional human-readable text attached to feature.
- featureValues @5 :List(Float32) = []; # The feature values themselves (of size binCount, if output hasFixedBinCount).
-struct FeatureSet {
- # The set of all features, across all outputs, calculated and returned from
- # a single process or finish request.
- struct FSPair {
- # A mapping between output identifier and ordered list of features for
- # that output.
- output @0 :Text; # Output id, matching the output's descriptor's basic identifier.
- features @1 :List(Feature) = []; # Features calculated for that output during the current request, in time order.
- }
- featurePairs @0 :List(FSPair); # The feature lists for all outputs for which any features have been calculated.
-struct Framing {
- # Determines how audio should be split up into individual buffers for input.
- # If the feature extractor accepts frequency-domain input, then this
- # applies prior to the STFT transform.
- #
- # These values are sometimes mandatory, but in other contexts one or both may
- # be set to zero to mean "don't care". See documentation for structures that
- # include a framing field for details.
- blockSize @0 :Int32; # Number of time-domain audio samples per buffer (on each channel).
- stepSize @1 :Int32; # Number of samples to advance between buffers: equals blockSize for no overlap.
-struct Configuration {
- # Bundle of parameter values and other configuration data for a feature-
- # extraction procedure.
- struct PVPair {
- # A mapping between parameter identifier and value.
- parameter @0 :Text; # Parameter id, matching the parameter's descriptor's basic identifier.
- value @1 :Float32; # Value to set parameter to (within constraints given in parameter descriptor).
- }
- parameterValues @0 :List(PVPair); # Values for all parameters, or at least any that are to change from defaults.
- currentProgram @1 :Text; # Selection of predefined program. For backward-compatibility, not recommended.
- channelCount @2 :Int32; # Number of audio channels of input.
- framing @3 :Framing; # Step and block size for framing the input.
-enum AdapterFlag {
- # Flags that may be used when requesting a server to load a feature
- # extractor, to ask the server to do some of the work of framing and input
- # conversion instead of leaving it to the client side. These affect the
- # apparent behaviour of the loaded extractor.
- adaptInputDomain @0; # Input-domain conversion, so the extractor always expects time-domain input.
- adaptChannelCount @1; # Channel mixing or duplication, so any number of input channels is acceptable.
- adaptBufferSize @2; # Framing, so the extractor accepts any blockSize of non-overlapping buffers.
-const adaptAllSafe :List(AdapterFlag) =
- [ adaptInputDomain, adaptChannelCount ];
- # The set of adapter flags that can always be applied, leaving results unchanged.
-const adaptAll :List(AdapterFlag) =
- [ adaptInputDomain, adaptChannelCount, adaptBufferSize ];
- # The set of adapter flags that may cause "equivalent" results to be returned (see documentation).
-struct ListRequest {
- # Request a server to provide a list of available feature extractors.
- from @0 :List(Text); # If non-empty, provide only extractors found in the given list of "libraries".
-struct ListResponse {
- # Response to a successful list request.
- available @0 :List(ExtractorStaticData); # List of static data about available feature extractors.
-struct LoadRequest {
- # Request a server to load a feature extractor and return a handle to it.
- key @0 :Text; # Key as found in the extractor's static data structure.
- inputSampleRate @1 :Float32; # Sample rate for input audio. Properties of the extractor may depend on this.
- adapterFlags @2 :List(AdapterFlag); # Set of optional flags to make any framing and input conversion requests.
-struct LoadResponse {
- # Response to a successful load request.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle to be used to refer to the loaded feature extractor in future requests.
- staticData @1 :ExtractorStaticData; # Static data about this feature extractor, identical to that in list response.
- defaultConfiguration @2 :Configuration; # Extractor's default parameter values and preferred input framing.
-struct ConfigurationRequest {
- # Request a server to configure a loaded feature extractor and prepare
- # it for use. This request must be carried out on a feature extractor
- # before any process request can be made.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle as returned in the load response from the loading of this extractor.
- configuration @1 :Configuration; # Bundle of parameter values to set, and client's preferred input framing.
-struct ConfigurationResponse {
- # Response to a successful configuration request.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle of extractor, as passed in the configuration request.
- outputs @1 :List(OutputDescriptor); # Full set of properties of all outputs following configuration.
- framing @2 :Framing; # Input framing that must be used for subsequent process requests.
-struct ProcessRequest {
- # Request a server to process a buffer of audio using a loaded and
- # configured feature extractor.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle as returned in the load response from the loading of this extractor.
- processInput @1 :ProcessInput; # Audio in the input domain, with framing as in the configuration response.
-struct ProcessResponse {
- # Response to a successful process request.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle of extractor, as passed in the process request.
- features @1 :FeatureSet; # All features across all outputs calculated during this process request.
-struct FinishRequest {
- # Request a server to finish processing and unload a loaded feature
- # extractor. This request may be made at any time -- the extractor does
- # not have to have been configured or used. The extractor handle cannot
- # be used again with this server afterwards.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle as returned in the load response from the loading of this extractor.
-struct FinishResponse {
- # Response to a successful finish request.
- handle @0 :Int32; # Handle of extractor, as passed in the finish request. May not be used again.
- features @1 :FeatureSet; # Features the extractor has calculated now that it knows all input has ended.
-struct Error {
- # Response to any request that fails.
- code @0 :Int32; # Error code.
- message @1 :Text; # Error message.
-struct RpcRequest {
- # Request bundle for use when using Cap'n Proto serialisation without
- # Cap'n Proto RPC layer. For Cap'n Proto RPC, see piper.rpc.capnp.
- id :union {
- # Identifier used solely to associate a response packet with its
- # originating request. Server does not examine the contents of this,
- # it just copies the request id structure into the response.
- number @0 :Int32;
- tag @1 :Text;
- none @2 :Void;
- }
- request :union {
- # For more details, see the documentation for the individual
- # request structures.
- list @3 :ListRequest; # Provide a list of available feature extractors.
- load @4 :LoadRequest; # Load a feature extractor and return a handle to it.
- configure @5 :ConfigurationRequest; # Configure a loaded feature extractor, set parameters, and prepare it for use.
- process @6 :ProcessRequest; # Process a single fixed-size buffer of audio and return calculated features.
- finish @7 :FinishRequest; # Get any remaining features and unload the extractor.
- }
-struct RpcResponse {
- # Response bundle for use when using Cap'n Proto serialisation without
- # Cap'n Proto RPC layer. For Cap'n Proto RPC, see piper.rpc.capnp.
- id :union {
- # Identifier used solely to associate a response packet with its
- # originating request. Server does not examine the contents of this,
- # it just copies the request id structure into the response.
- number @0 :Int32;
- tag @1 :Text;
- none @2 :Void;
- }
- response :union {
- # For more details, see the documentation for the individual
- # response structures.
- error @3 :Error; # The request (of whatever type) failed.
- list @4 :ListResponse; # List succeeded: here is static data about the requested extractors.
- load @5 :LoadResponse; # Load succeeded: here is a handle for the loaded extractor.
- configure @6 :ConfigurationResponse;# Configure succeeded: ready to process, here are values such as block size.
- process @7 :ProcessResponse; # Process succeeded: here are all features calculated from this input block.
- finish @8 :FinishResponse; # Finish succeeded: extractor unloaded, here are all remaining features.
- }
diff --git a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/sonic-visualiser-3.1.1-qt-5.11.patch b/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/sonic-visualiser-3.1.1-qt-5.11.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d62677128b4..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/files/sonic-visualiser-3.1.1-qt-5.11.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- a/svapp/audio/AudioCallbackRecordTarget.cpp
-+++ b/svapp/audio/AudioCallbackRecordTarget.cpp
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include "data/model/WritableWaveFileModel.h"
-+#include <QDateTime>
- #include <QDir>
- #include <QTimer>
diff --git a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/sonic-visualiser-3.1.1.ebuild b/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/sonic-visualiser-3.1.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 788100ee4154..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/sonic-visualiser/sonic-visualiser-3.1.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools desktop qmake-utils xdg-utils
-DESCRIPTION="Music audio files viewer and analiser"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="id3tag jack mad ogg osc +portaudio pulseaudio"
- app-arch/bzip2
- >=dev-libs/capnproto-0.6:=
- dev-libs/serd
- dev-libs/sord
- dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtnetwork:5
- dev-qt/qtsvg:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
- dev-qt/qtxml:5
- media-libs/alsa-lib
- media-libs/dssi
- media-libs/ladspa-sdk
- media-libs/liblrdf
- media-libs/libsamplerate
- media-libs/libsndfile
- media-libs/rubberband
- media-libs/speex
- media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk
- sci-libs/fftw:3.0=
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- ogg? (
- media-libs/libfishsound
- >=media-libs/liboggz-1.1.0
- )
- osc? ( media-libs/liblo )
- portaudio? ( >=media-libs/portaudio-19_pre20071207 )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- dev-qt/qttest:5
- virtual/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/autoconf-archive
-REQUIRED_USE="|| ( jack pulseaudio portaudio )"
- "${FILESDIR}/notest.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-qt-5.11.patch"
-sv_disable_opt() {
- einfo "Disabling $1"
- for i in . svapp svcore svgui ; do
- sed -i -e "/$1/d" "${S}/$i/" || die "failed to remove $1 support"
- done
-src_prepare() {
- default
- use id3tag || sv_disable_opt id3tag
- use jack || sv_disable_opt jack
- use mad || sv_disable_opt mad
- use ogg || sv_disable_opt fishsound
- use ogg || sv_disable_opt oggz
- use osc || sv_disable_opt liblo
- use portaudio || sv_disable_opt portaudio
- use pulseaudio || sv_disable_opt libpulse
- # capnproto 0.7 requires c++14 now
- -i \
- -i */ \
- || die
- eautoreconf
- # Those need to be regenerated as they must match current capnproto version
- einfo "Regenerating piper capnproto files"
- rm -f piper-cpp/vamp-capnp/piper.capnp.* || die
- mkdir -p piper/capnp || die
- cp "${FILESDIR}/piper.capnp" piper/capnp/ || die
- cd piper-cpp || die
- emake vamp-capnp/piper.capnp.h
-src_configure() {
- export QMAKE="$(qt5_get_bindir)"/qmake
- econf
- eqmake5 -r
- sed -e 's/std=gnu++11/std=gnu++14/g' \
- -i Makefile.* \
- -i checker/Makefile.* \
- || die
-src_test() {
- for i in test-svcore-base test-svcore-data-fileio test-svcore-data-model ; do
- einfo "Running ${i}"
- ./${i} || die
- done
-src_install() {
- dobin ${PN} piper-vamp-simple-server piper-convert vamp-plugin-load-checker
- dodoc README*
- #install samples
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}/samples
- doins samples/*
- # desktop entry
- doicon icons/sv-icon.svg
- domenu *.desktop
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_desktop_database_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- xdg_desktop_database_update