diff options
authorMatthew Thode <>2018-03-22 12:17:01 -0500
committerMatthew Thode <>2018-03-22 12:17:17 -0500
commitdfff36d5a809ea50f80c1a0b21e2469236399e34 (patch)
tree2e0e509a73e8c93fcf935034cddbfa4a5566e922 /net-analyzer/icinga2
parentapp-portage/portage-utils: sh stable wrt bug #622578 (diff)
net-analyzer/icinga2: 2.8.2 stable amd64 x86 ppc ppc64
removed 2.8.1, fast stable with removal for the following CVEs CVE-2017-16933, CVE-2018-6532, CVE-2018-6533, CVE-2018-6534, CVE-2018-6535, CVE-2018-6536 Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.24, Repoman-2.3.6
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer/icinga2')
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/icinga2/Manifest b/net-analyzer/icinga2/Manifest
index 0b6e9f882e74..50eb7173807b 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/icinga2/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/icinga2/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST icinga2-2.8.1.tar.gz 2501182 BLAKE2B a32e60f8888d43eacedaee3cb33b719e2e405a6123710f7806b6c82eccb80eeb0ab0318a34302a5f3b310b258702214148f34719f166b3a3807ef2c9d4b28fa0 SHA512 27dcd2de1a9fa81327fa9cf25f25171e471715b4506dfd312bcd6c10408520cef86d260762f4340a00aaa7824c8ab65baadf541b7e104bd378204667dc92f762
DIST icinga2-2.8.2.tar.gz 2507304 BLAKE2B 0f2cc58fff6d9f648b302c3af07e24fcf20e0c10c140d4052991477e1dbf5c158157f0c64e8d3aa26a6fadc46db25eb26d7b5d5c791a8a7d91445be10f0cecea SHA512 55a9791fa14d0e3e559b3083ec83ad301b62a677a1b56ad30227b1a3591612e2fe536a34a25705fb935a6ca8e42f45ff006f9856b47103da054db15582455579
diff --git a/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ed2e1ddc30c7..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]]; then
- inherit cmake-utils depend.apache eutils systemd toolchain-funcs user wxwidgets
- SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ppc ppc64 x86"
- inherit cmake-utils depend.apache eutils git-r3 systemd toolchain-funcs user wxwidgets
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
-DESCRIPTION="Distributed, general purpose, network monitoring engine"
-IUSE="+mysql postgres classicui console libressl lto mail minimal nano-syntax +plugins studio +vim-syntax"
- !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:0= )
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.58-r1
- console? ( dev-libs/libedit )
- mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
- postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )"
- sys-devel/bison
- >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.35"
- plugins? ( || (
- net-analyzer/monitoring-plugins
- net-analyzer/nagios-plugins
- ) )
- mail? ( virtual/mailx )
- classicui? ( net-analyzer/icinga[web] )
- studio? ( x11-libs/wxGTK:3.0 )"
-REQUIRED_USE="!minimal? ( || ( mysql postgres ) )"
-pkg_setup() {
- depend.apache_pkg_setup
- if use studio ; then
- setup-wxwidgets
- fi
- enewgroup icinga
- enewgroup icingacmd
- enewgroup nagios # for plugins
- enewuser icinga -1 -1 /var/lib/icinga2 "icinga,icingacmd,nagios"
-src_configure() {
- sed -i 's/FLAGS\}\ \-g/FLAGS\}\ \-lpthread\ /g' CMakeLists.txt || die
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -DICINGA2_SYSCONFIGFILE=/etc/conf.d/icinga2
- -DICINGA2_PLUGINDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/nagios/plugins"
- -DICINGA2_USER=icinga
- -DICINGA2_GROUP=icingacmd
- )
- # default to off if minimal, allow the flags to be set otherwise
- if use minimal; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- else
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -DICINGA2_WITH_PGSQL=$(usex postgres ON OFF)
- -DICINGA2_WITH_MYSQL=$(usex mysql ON OFF)
- )
- fi
- # LTO
- if use lto; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- else
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- fi
- if use studio; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- else
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- fi
- cmake-utils_src_configure
-src_install() {
- BUILDDIR="${WORKDIR}"/icinga2-${PV}_build
- cd "${BUILDDIR}" || die
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- einstalldocs
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/icinga2.initd icinga2
- if use mysql ; then
- docinto schema
- newdoc "${WORKDIR}"/icinga2-${PV}/lib/db_ido_mysql/schema/mysql.sql mysql.sql
- docinto schema/upgrade
- dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/icinga2-${PV}/lib/db_ido_mysql/schema/upgrade/*
- elif use postgres ; then
- docinto schema
- newdoc "${WORKDIR}"/icinga2-${PV}/lib/db_ido_pgsql/schema/pgsql.sql pgsql.sql
- docinto schema/upgrade
- dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/icinga2-${PV}/lib/db_ido_pgsql/schema/upgrade/*
- fi
- keepdir /etc/icinga2
- keepdir /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones
- keepdir /var/lib/icinga2/api/repository
- keepdir /var/lib/icinga2/api/log
- keepdir /var/spool/icinga2/perfdata
- rm -r "${D}/var/run" || die "failed to remove /var/run"
- rm -r "${D}/var/cache" || die "failed to remove /var/cache"
- fowners root:icinga /etc/icinga2
- fperms 0750 /etc/icinga2
- fowners icinga:icinga /var/lib/icinga2
- fowners icinga:icinga /var/spool/icinga2
- fowners -R icinga:icingacmd /var/lib/icinga2/api
- fowners icinga:icinga /var/spool/icinga2/perfdata
- fowners icinga:icingacmd /var/log/icinga2
- fperms ug+rwX,o-rwx /etc/icinga2
- fperms ug+rwX,o-rwx /var/lib/icinga2
- fperms ug+rwX,o-rwx /var/spool/icinga2
- fperms ug+rwX,o-rwx /var/log/icinga2
- if use vim-syntax; then
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles
- doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/${P}/tools/syntax/vim/ftdetect
- doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/${P}/tools/syntax/vim/syntax
- fi
- if use nano-syntax; then
- insinto /usr/share/nano
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/${P}/tools/syntax/nano/icinga2.nanorc
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999 && -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} && ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} != ${PV} ]]; then
- elog "DB IDO schema upgrade may be required required.
- fi
diff --git a/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.2.ebuild b/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.2.ebuild
index 4108f14e4147..525aa185b124 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.2.ebuild
+++ b/net-analyzer/icinga2/icinga2-2.8.2.ebuild
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ EAPI=6
if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]]; then
inherit cmake-utils depend.apache eutils systemd toolchain-funcs user wxwidgets
SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ppc ppc64 x86"
inherit cmake-utils depend.apache eutils git-r3 systemd toolchain-funcs user wxwidgets