diff options
authorChristian Ruppert <>2015-10-16 22:09:47 +0200
committerChristian Ruppert <>2015-10-16 22:10:20 +0200
commitbaa4e242781638ae2d093ed51017b3b89a8c47e9 (patch)
tree556636af4d673954cdc5bf7c64d3d0969f31030b /net-proxy/haproxy
parentnet-proxy/haproxy: Remove old ebuilds (diff)
net-proxy/haproxy: Version bump to 1.6.0. Also fixes bug 555864
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.23
Diffstat (limited to 'net-proxy/haproxy')
5 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest b/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest
index 7f4d4fee2f23..f2ed0d7a191c 100644
--- a/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
DIST haproxy-1.4.26.tar.gz 837280 SHA256 a8787dae723c045eebd0ed9e0213514f909a67325d64e963eaf50c35b147d3d3 SHA512 f21901069f651f3320c2b7cb6aee96fced5d4d5d4a73eec0d94dd8bd109a391d8da85026389e7209f85026cdefc1b879afcfd0a9bc0970e41aedd59e35935454 WHIRLPOOL 406b7f8bb4b9b3f6b8080f58431a804abea1d834ef9b8d86ede328b27e4f3fe944fbdae5bad8c3f7da75c81c92ff0e030950e09feac28eac4f763e511b5e7dce
DIST haproxy-1.5.14.tar.gz 1345345 SHA256 9565dd38649064d0350a2883fa81ccfe92eb17dcda457ebdc01535e1ab0c8f99 SHA512 83d6101fd402f37845ab3febc914335e4c6d9bdebbb0ff81c8e048d5252ffa5a1b77c4250a434fed5dd541ef1f1f2c47d969b59f7a51d6ab9aea38a8646a9798 WHIRLPOOL 7d2c580589b9b31e1eba169e4bf930ac42d2564e21eb1c25adbdd39b701abd221fd671ebc227167ab956a48b2c30eeb740a6394355a8fa748c408ee42fdff6fc
+DIST haproxy-1.6.0.tar.gz 1538022 SHA256 e83a272b7d3638cf1d37bba58d3e75f497c1862315ee5bb7f5efc1d98d26e25b SHA512 44bfcd040c87e0c3e7d925bb671009e8ed568a7a32ae32ac5d58921417aaa458b772a1368876fee8bf9252106fb315c1c3d29b7f03739a239567b86fb3c25e8e WHIRLPOOL 06afedc7dc7110e0985864f6d955261489997fd55644a16320203e47e14fc6f3bbb9020b772dfc571c01c76c7a55c8883a910f5b0553e70d4f321c1a14d97a2d
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/files/haproxy.confd b/net-proxy/haproxy/files/haproxy.confd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a989a776749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/files/haproxy.confd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# HAProxy config file(s), space separated
+# Additional HAProxy command line options
+# If you want to make use ot the new seamless reload you can just write your own
+# reload_seamless function here. It will be called by the init script.
+# For more information on how to use that feature please have a look at the
+# "seamless_reload.txt" documentation file (requires net-proxy/haproxy[examples])
+#reload_seamless() {
+# checkpath -d -m 0700 haproxy:haproxy "/var/run/haproxy/"
+# socat /var/run/haproxy/socket - <<< "show servers state" > /var/run/haproxy/global.state
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/files/haproxy.initd-r3 b/net-proxy/haproxy/files/haproxy.initd-r3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b3a0e619b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/files/haproxy.initd-r3
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+if [ -z "${CONFIGS}" ]; then
+ if [ -f "/etc/haproxy/${SVCNAME}.cfg" ]; then
+ CONFIGS=/etc/haproxy/${SVCNAME}.cfg
+ elif [ -f "/etc/${SVCNAME}.cfg" ]; then
+ CONFIGS=/etc/${SVCNAME}.cfg # Deprecated
+ fi
+for conf in $CONFIGS; do
+ configs="${configs} -f ${conf}"
+command_args="-D -p ${pidfile} ${configs} ${HAPROXY_OPTS}"
+depend() {
+ need net
+ use dns logger
+checkconfig() {
+ if [ -z "${CONFIGS}" ]; then
+ eerror "No config(s) has been specified"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ for conf in $CONFIGS; do
+ if [ ! -f "${conf}" ]; then
+ eerror "${conf} does not exist!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+ ebegin "Checking ${CONFIGS}"
+ $command -q -c $configs $HAPROXY_OPTS
+ eend $?
+start_pre() {
+ if [ "${RC_CMD}" != "restart" ]; then
+ checkconfig || return 1
+ fi
+stop_pre() {
+ if [ "${RC_CMD}" = "restart" ]; then
+ checkconfig || return 1
+ fi
+reload() {
+ checkconfig || { eerror "Reloading failed, please fix your config(s) first"; return 1; }
+ if [ "$(command -v reload_seamless)" = "reload_seamless" ]; then
+ einfo "Calling user-defined reload_seamless()"
+ reload_seamless || { eerror "reload_seamless() failed!"; return 1; }
+ fi
+ ebegin "Reloading ${SVCNAME}"
+ $command -D -p "${pidfile}" $configs $HAPROXY_OPTS -sf $(cat "${pidfile}")
+ eend $?
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-1.6.0.ebuild b/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-1.6.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9cd80d6b5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-1.6.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit user versionator toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic systemd linux-info
+DESCRIPTION="A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments"
+SRC_URI="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)/src/${MY_P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="+crypt doc examples net_ns +pcre pcre-jit ssl tools vim-syntax +zlib" # lua
+DEPEND="pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre
+ pcre-jit? ( dev-libs/libpcre[jit] )
+ )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0[zlib?] )
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
+# lua? ( dev-lang/lua:5.3 )
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup haproxy
+ enewuser haproxy -1 -1 -1 haproxy
+ if use net_ns; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -e 's:@SBINDIR@:'/usr/bin':' contrib/systemd/ \
+ > contrib/systemd/haproxy.service || die
+ sed -ie 's:/usr/sbin/haproxy:/usr/bin/haproxy:' src/haproxy-systemd-wrapper.c || die
+src_compile() {
+ local args="TARGET=linux2628 USE_GETADDRINFO=1"
+ if use crypt ; then
+ args="${args} USE_LIBCRYPT=1"
+ else
+ args="${args} USE_LIBCRYPT="
+ fi
+# bug 541042
+# if use lua; then
+# args="${args} USE_LUA=1"
+# else
+ args="${args} USE_LUA="
+# fi
+ if use net_ns; then
+ args="${args} USE_NS=1"
+ else
+ args="${args} USE_NS="
+ fi
+ if use pcre ; then
+ args="${args} USE_PCRE=1"
+ if use pcre-jit; then
+ args="${args} USE_PCRE_JIT=1"
+ else
+ args="${args} USE_PCRE_JIT="
+ fi
+ else
+ args="${args} USE_PCRE= USE_PCRE_JIT="
+ fi
+# if use kernel_linux; then
+# else
+# fi
+ if use ssl ; then
+ args="${args} USE_OPENSSL=1"
+ else
+ args="${args} USE_OPENSSL="
+ fi
+ if use zlib ; then
+ args="${args} USE_ZLIB=1"
+ else
+ args="${args} USE_ZLIB="
+ fi
+ # For now, until the strict-aliasing breakage will be fixed
+ append-cflags -fno-strict-aliasing
+ emake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC=$(tc-getCC) ${args}
+ if use tools ; then
+ for contrib in halog iprange ; do
+ emake -C contrib/${contrib} \
+ done
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ dobin haproxy
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" $PN
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd-r3" $PN
+ doman doc/haproxy.1
+ dobin haproxy-systemd-wrapper
+ systemd_dounit contrib/systemd/haproxy.service
+ if use doc; then
+ dodoc ROADMAP doc/{close-options,configuration,cookie-options,intro,linux-syn-cookies,management,proxy-protocol}.txt
+ fi
+ if use tools ; then
+ for contrib in halog iprange ; do
+ dobin contrib/${contrib}/${contrib}
+ done
+ fi
+ if use net_ns && use doc; then
+ dodoc doc/network-namespaces.txt
+ fi
+ if use examples ; then
+ docinto examples
+ dodoc examples/*.cfg
+ dodoc examples/seamless_reload.txt
+ fi
+ if use vim-syntax ; then
+ insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
+ doins examples/haproxy.vim
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [[ ! -f "${ROOT}/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" ]] ; then
+ ewarn "You need to create /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg before you start the haproxy service."
+ ewarn "It's best practice to not run haproxy as root, user and group haproxy was therefore created."
+ ewarn "Make use of them with the \"user\" and \"group\" directives."
+ if [[ -d "${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" ]]; then
+ einfo "Please consult the installed documentation for learning the configuration file's syntax."
+ einfo "The documentation and sample configuration files are installed here:"
+ einfo " ${ROOT}usr/share/doc/${PF}"
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/metadata.xml b/net-proxy/haproxy/metadata.xml
index 2691f323b3fa..40f681e635c5 100644
--- a/net-proxy/haproxy/metadata.xml
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/metadata.xml
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ It can:
Its event-driven architecture allows it to easily handle thousands of simultaneous connections on hundreds of instances without risking the system's stability.
+ <flag name="net_ns">Enable network namespace support (CONFIG_NET_NS)</flag>
<flag name="pcre-jit">Use JIT support for PCRE</flag>
<flag name="tools">Install additional tools (halog, iprange)</flag>