diff options
authorHans de Graaff <>2022-05-20 09:36:58 +0200
committerHans de Graaff <>2022-05-20 12:36:33 +0200
commit2f5a5aae2fc997d55d7617a916bf82791b30bb0a (patch)
tree41b3e0306ab8b27345d27cb09a47e9bc72e119bc /www-apps/jekyll
parentapp-dicts/sword-UrduGeoRoman: add 1.4, drop 1.3 (diff)
www-apps/jekyll: drop 4.1.1, 4.2.0
Signed-off-by: Hans de Graaff <>
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps/jekyll')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest b/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest
index 024159d8adca..ad15fac726a3 100644
--- a/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest
+++ b/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST jekyll-4.1.1.tar.gz 1398438 BLAKE2B ac207d58b155e069fda40b4598d441d8fb88f22e85740082829d018dc9cefe51ca636b23a6207c37711c4d26e078f6e4913946599f0200b8e8cb065a9ceff952 SHA512 98c635b54219c9666de6496e76f3a131fc715d650d868049c0fe10d76851a027e0808609c2dce1a138c95eb2fb7e58ef978237a305484071339b4a15d5acc4d5
DIST jekyll-4.2.0.tar.gz 1412419 BLAKE2B 351852b52abc227f8e1eedeeef0871a593d66ffc95f4ed644441f81e841582ab9f393b206f049107daa7e9deaa63d36359ff8d0b47c69b629dda2ea462cd0481 SHA512 aee4d832631a285c3d37576b5f3d80073b56afefcb8c8a19a74435ce431b606b5cedc28a02c8e3930f9bc35ab432c952f96e1878b3bee6b9d33fbd01f0a147ec
diff --git a/www-apps/jekyll/jekyll-4.1.1.ebuild b/www-apps/jekyll/jekyll-4.1.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f6aebf2bdafd..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/jekyll/jekyll-4.1.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby25 ruby26"
-inherit ruby-fakegem
-RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="README.markdown History.markdown"
-DESCRIPTION="A simple, blog aware, static site generator"
-SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64"
-ruby_add_rdepend "
- >=dev-ruby/addressable-2.4
- >=dev-ruby/colorator-1.0
- >=dev-ruby/em-websocket-0.5
- dev-ruby/i18n:1
- >=dev-ruby/kramdown-2.1:2
- dev-ruby/kramdown-parser-gfm:1
- dev-ruby/liquid:4
- >=dev-ruby/mercenary-0.4.0
- >=dev-ruby/pathutil-0.9
- =dev-ruby/rouge-3*
- >=dev-ruby/safe_yaml-1.0
- >=dev-ruby/terminal-table-1.8:0
- >=www-apps/jekyll-sass-converter-2.0
- >=www-apps/jekyll-watch-2.0
-ruby_add_bdepend "
- test? (
- >=dev-ruby/classifier-reborn-2.1.0
- dev-ruby/launchy
- >=dev-ruby/rdiscount-2.0
- >=dev-ruby/redcarpet-3.2.3
- dev-ruby/rspec-mocks
- >=dev-ruby/shoulda-3
- dev-ruby/test-unit:2
- www-apps/jekyll-coffeescript
- )
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/jekyll-3.6.0-test-helper.patch
- # Drop tests requiring bundler
- sed -i -e '/bundle_message/d' test/test_new_command.rb || die
- rm test/test_plugin_manager.rb || die
- # Replace git command in gemspec
- sed -e 's/git ls-files/find -not -type d -print/' \
- -e 's:_relative ": "./:' \
- # FIXMEs:
- # fails to find fixtures because this requires bundler
- rm test/test_theme.rb || die
- rm test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb || die
- sed -i -e '/^ should.*theme/,/^ end$/d' \
- -e '/^ should.*theme/,/^ end$/d' test/test_site.rb || die
- sed -i -e '/context "with a theme"/,/^ end/ s:^:#:' test/test_layout_reader.rb || die
- sed -i -e '/normalize paths of rendered items/askip "test-theme"' test/test_liquid_renderer.rb || die
- # partially requires 'toml'
- rm test/test_configuration.rb || die
- # pygments tests fail because of line numbering
- sed -i -e '/^ context.*pygments/,/^ end$/d' test/test_tags.rb || die
- #sed -i -e '/^ context.*pygments/,/^ end$/d' test/test_redcarpet.rb || die
- # Tries to use bundler and install packages.
- rm -f test/test_new_command.rb || die
-src_test() {
- ruby-ng_src_test
diff --git a/www-apps/jekyll/jekyll-4.2.0.ebuild b/www-apps/jekyll/jekyll-4.2.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8affdcb77943..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/jekyll/jekyll-4.2.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby25 ruby26"
-inherit ruby-fakegem
-RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="README.markdown History.markdown"
-DESCRIPTION="A simple, blog aware, static site generator"
-SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64"
-ruby_add_rdepend "
- >=dev-ruby/addressable-2.4
- >=dev-ruby/colorator-1.0
- >=dev-ruby/em-websocket-0.5
- dev-ruby/i18n:1
- >=dev-ruby/kramdown-2.1:2
- dev-ruby/kramdown-parser-gfm:1
- dev-ruby/liquid:4
- >=dev-ruby/mercenary-0.4.0
- >=dev-ruby/pathutil-0.9
- =dev-ruby/rouge-3*
- >=dev-ruby/safe_yaml-1.0
- >=dev-ruby/terminal-table-1.8:0
- >=www-apps/jekyll-sass-converter-2.0
- >=www-apps/jekyll-watch-2.0
-ruby_add_bdepend "
- test? (
- >=dev-ruby/classifier-reborn-2.1.0
- dev-ruby/httpclient
- dev-ruby/kramdown-syntax-coderay
- dev-ruby/launchy
- dev-ruby/nokogiri
- >=dev-ruby/rdiscount-2.0
- >=dev-ruby/redcarpet-3.2.3
- dev-ruby/rspec-mocks
- >=dev-ruby/shoulda-3
- dev-ruby/test-unit:2
- www-apps/jekyll-coffeescript
- )
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- # reported upstream
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/jekyll-missingdep.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/jekyll-3.6.0-test-helper.patch
- # Drop tests requiring bundler
- sed -i -e '/bundle_message/d' test/test_new_command.rb || die
- rm test/test_plugin_manager.rb || die
- # Replace git command in gemspec
- sed -e 's/git ls-files/find -not -type d -print/' \
- -e 's:_relative ": "./:' \
- # FIXMEs:
- # fails to find fixtures because this requires bundler
- rm test/test_theme.rb || die
- rm test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb || die
- sed -i -e '/^ should.*theme/,/^ end$/d' \
- -e '/^ should.*theme/,/^ end$/d' test/test_site.rb || die
- sed -i -e '/context "with a theme"/,/^ end/ s:^:#:' test/test_layout_reader.rb || die
- sed -i -e '/normalize paths of rendered items/askip "test-theme"' test/test_liquid_renderer.rb || die
- # partially requires 'toml'
- rm test/test_configuration.rb || die
- # pygments tests fail because of line numbering
- sed -i -e '/^ context.*pygments/,/^ end$/d' test/test_tags.rb || die
- #sed -i -e '/^ context.*pygments/,/^ end$/d' test/test_redcarpet.rb || die
- # Tries to use bundler and install packages.
- rm -f test/test_new_command.rb || die
-src_test() {
- ruby-ng_src_test