diff options
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/Manifest b/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/Manifest
index 2a2b7ad263af..79d59e6991a6 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
DIST tcpreplay-4.1.0.tar.gz 2118212 SHA256 ad285b08d7a61ed88799713c4c5d657a7a503eee832304d3a767f67efe5d1a20 SHA512 bfd7a0679dccd86aba7ca5d102665e6feba72bffb1596915985bc50261f9ac10ce56b870e1aa64a33efa79e3bee89b8c66e2c26328fb15d3722a5bc957ea77a2 WHIRLPOOL e6a07495cb07a09f707b3784d15a266c04a7b3d369b7d8eb9d7d5683838accdcc539255ff05f99c2fc8036d045e66f3a250a0c7f1896024c65065a6c6d282b7a
+DIST tcpreplay-4.1.1.tar.gz 2173781 SHA256 61b916ef91049cad2a9ddc8de6f5e3e3cc5d9998dbb644dc91cf3a798497ffe4 SHA512 6be88d3742b93fa557c9142eebe7ae2cf61a5436087f8400260472f87c1dd0d61515b338706afa1c850ae2380c0d5fa664691052d3dc01f3099ad068b67eee87 WHIRLPOOL ce1e4fe845ffbc019316f7a11249828d7b8c65afd9bfbff04950d0666aa79ee61e3bfd98d0870f820423cfb5b21e5274bf328cb4a020f290b0e7faa81297c544
diff --git a/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/tcpreplay-4.1.1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/tcpreplay-4.1.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1136474257e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/tcpreplay/tcpreplay-4.1.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic
+DESCRIPTION="a suite of utilities for editing and replaying previously captured network traffic"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="debug pcapnav +tcpdump"
+ >=sys-devel/autogen-5.18.4[libopts]
+ dev-libs/libdnet
+ >=net-libs/libpcap-0.9
+ tcpdump? ( net-analyzer/tcpdump )
+ pcapnav? ( net-libs/libpcapnav )
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.1.0-enable-pcap_findalldevs.patch
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's|-O3||g' \
+ || die
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's|#include <dnet.h>|#include <dnet/eth.h>|g' \
+ src/common/sendpacket.c || die
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's|@\([A-Z_]*\)@|$(\1)|g' \
+ -e '/tcpliveplay_CFLAGS/s|$| $(LDNETINC)|g' \
+ -e '/tcpliveplay_LDADD/s|$| $(LDNETLIB)|g' \
+ src/ || die
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ # By default it uses static linking. Avoid that, bug 252940
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_with pcapnav pcapnav-config /usr/bin/pcapnav-config) \
+ $(use_with tcpdump tcpdump /usr/sbin/tcpdump) \
+ --disable-local-libopts \
+ --enable-dynamic-link \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --with-libdnet \
+ --with-testnic2=lo \
+ --with-testnic=lo
+src_test() {
+ if [[ ! ${EUID} -eq 0 ]]; then
+ ewarn "Some tests were disabled due to FEATURES=userpriv"
+ ewarn "To run all tests issue the following command as root:"
+ ewarn " # make -C ${S}/test"
+ emake -j1 -C test tcpprep || die "self test failed - see ${S}/test/test.log"
+ else
+ emake -j1 test || {
+ ewarn "Note, that some tests require eth0 iface to be UP." ;
+ die "self test failed - see ${S}/test/test.log" ; }
+ fi