diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-devel/distcc/files')
33 files changed, 2264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18-r1/conf b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18-r1/conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..783236aa410f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18-r1/conf
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# /etc/conf.d/distccd: config file for /etc/init.d/distccd
+# this is the distccd executable
+# this is where distccd will store its pid file
+# set this option to run distccd with extra parameters
+# Default port is 3632. For most people the default is okay.
+# Logging
+# You can change some logging options here:
+# --log-file FILE
+# --log-level LEVEL [critical,error,warning, notice, info, debug]
+# Leaving --log-file blank will log to syslog
+# example: --log-file /dev/null --log-level warning
+# example: --log-level critical
+DISTCCD_OPTS="${DISTCCD_OPTS} --log-level critical"
+# It is HIGHLY recomended that you use the --listen option
+# for increased security. You can specify an IP to permit connections
+# from or a CIDR mask
+# --listen accepts only a single IP
+# --allow is now mandatory as of distcc-2.18.
+# example: --allow
+# example: --allow --allow
+# example: --listen
+# set this for niceness
+# Default is 15
+#ifdef AVAHI
+# Enable zeroconf support in distccd
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18-r1/init b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18-r1/init
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7676e9827891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18-r1/init
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# $Id$
+depend() {
+ local avahi
+#ifdef AVAHI
+ [ ${DISTCCD_AVAHI} = yes ] && avahi="avahi-daemon"
+ need net ${avahi}
+ use ypbind
+start() {
+ [ -e "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}" ] && rm -f ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} &>/dev/null
+ local args
+#ifdef AVAHI
+ [ ${DISTCCD_AVAHI} = yes ] && args="--zeroconf"
+ ebegin "Starting distccd"
+ chown distcc `dirname ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}` &>/dev/null
+ PATH="$(gcc-config --get-bin-path):${PATH}" \
+ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --startas ${DISTCCD_EXEC} \
+ --pidfile ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -- \
+ --pid-file ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -N ${DISTCCD_NICE} --user distcc \
+ ${args} ${DISTCCD_OPTS}
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping distccd"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}"
+ rm -f "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}"
+ eend $?
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18/conf b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18/conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3f6c3f07fa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18/conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# /etc/conf.d/distccd: config file for /etc/init.d/distccd
+# this is the distccd executable
+# this is where distccd will store its pid file
+# set this option to run distccd with extra parameters
+# Default port is 3632. For most people the default is okay.
+# Logging
+# You can change some logging options here:
+# --log-file FILE
+# --log-level LEVEL [critical,error,warning, notice, info, debug]
+# Leaving --log-file blank will log to syslog
+# example: --log-file /dev/null --log-level warning
+# example: --log-level critical
+DISTCCD_OPTS="${DISTCCD_OPTS} --log-level critical"
+# It is HIGHLY recomended that you use the --listen option
+# for increased security. You can specify an IP to permit connections
+# from or a CIDR mask
+# --listen accepts only a single IP
+# --allow is now mandatory as of distcc-2.18.
+# example: --allow
+# example: --allow --allow
+# example: --listen
+# set this for niceness
+# Default is 15
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18/init b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18/init
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f9bf8ed4b86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/2.18/init
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# $Id$
+depend() {
+ need net
+ use ypbind
+start() {
+ [ -e "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}" ] && rm -f ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} &>/dev/null
+ ebegin "Starting distccd"
+ chown distcc `dirname ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}` &>/dev/null
+ PATH="$(gcc-config --get-bin-path):${PATH}" \
+ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --startas ${DISTCCD_EXEC} \
+ --pidfile ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -- \
+ --pid-file ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -N ${DISTCCD_NICE} --user distcc \
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping distccd"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}"
+ rm -f "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}"
+ eend $?
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/conf b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb784c3ac88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# /etc/conf.d/distccd: config file for /etc/init.d/distccd
+# this is the distccd executable
+# this is where distccd will store its pid file
+# set this option to run distccd with extra parameters
+# Default port is 3632. For most people the default is okay.
+# Logging
+# You can change some logging options here:
+# --log-file FILE
+# --log-level LEVEL [critical,error,warning, notice, info, debug]
+# Leaving --log-file blank will log to syslog
+# example: --log-file /dev/null --log-level warning
+# example: --log-level critical
+DISTCCD_OPTS="${DISTCCD_OPTS} --log-level critical"
+# It is HIGHLY recomended that you use the --listen option
+# for increased security. You can specify an IP to permit connections
+# from or a CIDR mask
+# --listen accepts only a single IP
+# --allow is now mandatory as of distcc-2.18.
+# example: --allow
+# example: --allow --allow
+# example: --listen
+# set this for niceness
+# Default is 15
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9aec95503633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/distcc-config
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os, re, signal, sys
+from string import rstrip
+from subprocess import Popen
+ '--get-hosts',
+ '--set-hosts',
+ '--get-verbose',
+ '--set-verbose',
+ '--get-log',
+ '--set-log',
+ '--help',
+ '--get-env',
+ '--set-env'
+envfile = '/etc/env.d/02distcc'
+def exithandler(foo,bar):
+ os.kill(0,signal.SIGKILL)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def isroot(ret=0):
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ if ret == 0:
+ print '!!!',sys.argv[:1][0],tmpcmdline[0],'must be run as root'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ retval = 0
+ else:
+ retval = 1
+ return retval
+def writeenv(var,value):
+ isroot()
+ distcc_env = []
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'r').readlines()
+ distcc_env_new = open(envfile, 'w')
+ for i in range(len(distcc_env)):
+ if re.compile(var+'="(.*)"').match(distcc_env[i]):
+ distcc_env[i] = var+'="'+value+'"\n'
+ distcc_env_new.write(distcc_env[i])
+ #print 'Set',var,'to:',value
+ Popen('/usr/sbin/env-update', shell=True)
+ print 'If you want to use these new settings in an existing shell,'
+ print 'you need to "source /etc/profile" to get the changes.'
+def readenv(var):
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'r').read()
+ match = re.compile(var+'="(.*)"').search(distcc_env)
+ if match:
+ print var+'='
+ else:
+ print var,'not set.'
+def createdistccdir(dir):
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+ os.chmod(dir, 0755)
+for x in tmpcmdline:
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ if x[0:2]=="--":
+ if not x in options:
+ print "!!! Error:",x,"is an invalid option."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ cmdline = x
+if '--get-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
+ HOSTS_ENV = os.environ.get('DISTCC_HOSTS')
+ HOSTS_HOME = os.environ.get('HOME')+'/hosts'
+ print HOSTS_ENV
+ elif os.path.isfile(HOSTS_HOME) and os.path.getsize(HOSTS_HOME) != 0:
+ print rstrip(open(HOSTS_HOME, 'r').read())
+ elif os.path.exists('/etc/distcc/hosts'):
+ print rstrip(open('/etc/distcc/hosts', 'r').read())
+ else:
+ print 'No configuration file found. Setup your hosts with --set-hosts.'
+elif '--set-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
+ if isroot(1):
+ PATH = '/etc/distcc'
+ else:
+ PATH = os.environ.get('HOME')
+ createdistccdir(PATH)
+ open(PATH+'/hosts', 'w').write(cmdline + '\n')
+elif '--get-verbose' in tmpcmdline:
+ readenv('DISTCC_VERBOSE')
+elif '--set-verbose' in tmpcmdline:
+ writeenv('DISTCC_VERBOSE',tmpcmdline[1])
+elif '--get-log' in tmpcmdline:
+ readenv('DISTCC_LOG')
+elif '--set-log' in tmpcmdline:
+ writeenv('DISTCC_LOG',tmpcmdline[1])
+elif '--get-env' in tmpcmdline:
+ if len(tmpcmdline) == 1:
+ print rstrip(open(envfile, 'r').read())
+ elif len(tmpcmdline) == 2:
+ readenv(tmpcmdline[1])
+ else:
+ print '!!! Error: Specify only one variable.'
+elif '--set-env' in tmpcmdline:
+ if len(tmpcmdline) > 2 and len(tmpcmdline) <= 3:
+ isroot()
+ writeenv(tmpcmdline[1],tmpcmdline[2])
+ else:
+ print '!!! Error: Awaiting two parameters.'
+ print 'Usage: %s --set-hosts DISTCC_HOSTS | --get-hosts' % sys.argv[0]
+ print ' %s --set-verbose { 0 | 1 } | --get-verbose' % sys.argv[0]
+ print ' %s --set-log FILE | --get-log' % sys.argv[0]
+ print ' %s --set-env VARIABLE VALUE | --get-env [VARIABLE]' % sys.argv[0]
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/init b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/init
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2740f2b5636a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.0/init
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+depend() {
+ need net
+ use avahi-daemon ypbind
+start() {
+ ebegin "Starting distccd"
+ if [ ! -e /var/run/distccd ] ; then
+ mkdir -p /var/run/distccd
+ chown distcc:daemon /var/run/distccd
+ fi
+ # Load GCC_SPECS from profile.env bug #164818
+ GCC_SPECS="$(. /etc/profile.env; echo "${GCC_SPECS}")" \
+ PATH="$(gcc-config --get-bin-path):${PATH}" \
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec "${DISTCCD_EXEC}" -- \
+ --daemon --pid-file "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}" --user distcc \
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping distccd"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}"
+ eend $?
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.1/conf b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.1/conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b1faf145b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.1/conf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# /etc/conf.d/distccd: config file for /etc/init.d/distccd
+# this is the distccd executable
+# this is where distccd will store its pid file
+# Ports:
+# Default port is 3632. For most people the default is okay.
+# Logging:
+# You can change some logging options here:
+# --log-file FILE
+# --log-level LEVEL [critical,error,warning, notice, info, debug]
+# Leaving --log-file blank will log to syslog
+# example: --log-file /dev/null --log-level warning
+# example: --log-level critical
+# Nice level:
+# The default nice level is 15. You can change it by adding: -N xx
+# where xx is the nice level.
+# It is HIGHLY recomended that you use the --listen option
+# for increased security. You can specify an IP to permit connections
+# from or a CIDR mask
+# --listen accepts only a single IP
+# --allow is now mandatory as of distcc-2.18.
+# example: --allow
+# example: --allow --allow
+# example: --listen
+DISTCCD_OPTS="--port 3632 --log-level notice --log-file /var/log/distccd.log -N 15"
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.1/init b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.1/init
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..f7009f6e3101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/3.1/init
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+depend() {
+ need net
+ use avahi-daemon ypbind
+start() {
+ ebegin "Starting distccd"
+ if [ ! -e /var/run/distccd ] ; then
+ mkdir -p /var/run/distccd
+ chown distcc:daemon /var/run/distccd
+ fi
+ # Load PATH and GCC_SPECS from gcc-config, bug #262773
+ eval "$(gcc-config -E)"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec "${DISTCCD_EXEC}" --user distcc -- \
+ --daemon --pid-file "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}" \
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping distccd"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile "${DISTCCD_PIDFILE}"
+ eend $?
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-fix-fortify.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-fix-fortify.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8edc330e324b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-fix-fortify.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -ru a/src/snprintf.h b/src/snprintf.h
+--- a/src/snprintf.h 2008-08-06 15:52:06.000000000 -0500
++++ b/src/snprintf.h 2009-01-04 15:19:22.000000000 -0600
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ */
+ #include <stdarg.h>
++#include "config.h"
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ /** Use gcc attribute to check printf fns. a1 is the 1-based index of
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-gentoo.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e2464dfa5abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.0.orig/include_server/c_extensions/distcc_pump_c_extensions_module.c distcc-3.0/include_server/c_extensions/distcc_pump_c_extensions_module.c
+--- distcc-3.0.orig/include_server/c_extensions/distcc_pump_c_extensions_module.c 2008-08-07 05:52:20.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.0/include_server/c_extensions/distcc_pump_c_extensions_module.c 2008-10-14 22:34:38.000000000 +0900
+@@ -23,17 +23,18 @@
+ #include "Python.h"
+-static char *version = ".01";
++static const char *version = ".01";
+ /* To suppress compiler warnings */
+ #define UNUSED(v) ((void)&v)
+-char *rs_program_name = "distcc_include_server";
++const char *rs_program_name = "distcc_include_server";
+ #include "distcc.h"
+ #include "rpc.h"
+ static PyObject *distcc_pump_c_extensionsError;
++void initdistcc_pump_c_extensions(void);
+ /***********************************************************************
+@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
+ PyObject *module;
+ PyObject *py_str;
+ distcc_pump_c_extensionsError = PyErr_NewException(
+- "distcc_pump_c_extensions.Error", NULL, NULL);
++ (char *)"distcc_pump_c_extensions.Error", NULL, NULL);
+ module = Py_InitModule4("distcc_pump_c_extensions",
+ methods,
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-svn617.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-svn617.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..54f55dcea15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-svn617.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: src/arg.c
+--- src/arg.c (revision 616)
++++ src/arg.c (revision 617)
+@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
+ dest_argv[i] = strdup(opt);
+ if (!dest_argv[i]) return EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ i++;
+- if (strcmp(opt, "-MD") == 0 || strcmp(opt, "-MMD")) {
++ if (strcmp(opt, "-MD") == 0 || strcmp(opt, "-MMD") == 0) {
+ char *filename;
+ if (!comma) {
+ rs_log_warning("'-Wp,-MD' or '-Wp,-MMD' option is missing "
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-uninitialized.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-uninitialized.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28b226b7966c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-uninitialized.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: src/where.c
+--- src/where.c (revision 622)
++++ src/where.c (working copy)
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
+ int dcc_lock_local_cpp(int *cpu_lock_fd)
+ {
+ int ret;
+- struct dcc_hostdef *chosen;
++ struct dcc_hostdef *chosen = NULL;
+ ret = dcc_lock_one(dcc_hostdef_local_cpp, &chosen, cpu_lock_fd);
+ dcc_note_state(DCC_PHASE_CPP, NULL, chosen->hostname);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47877ad45b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.0-xinetd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.0.orig/doc/example/xinetd distcc-3.0/doc/example/xinetd
+--- distcc-3.0.orig/doc/example/xinetd 2008-08-07 05:52:13.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.0/doc/example/xinetd 2008-10-27 15:32:14.000000000 +0900
+@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@
+ socket_type = stream
+ wait = no
+ user = distcc
+- server = /usr/local/bin/distccd
++ server = /usr/bin/distccd
+ server_args = --inetd
+- # This makes xinetd cope if there is no service listed in
+- # /etc/services
+- type = UNLISTED
+ }
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-argc-fix.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-argc-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d7f30b5567fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-argc-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+this fixes virtualbox not compiling with distcc
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/source/src/arg.c
++++ distcc-3.1/source/src/arg.c
+@@ -515,6 +515,8 @@
+ }
+ free(argv);
+ *argv_ptr = argv = new_argv;
++ i += extra_args - 1;
++ argc += extra_args - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-freedesktop.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-freedesktop.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b23db21a2558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-freedesktop.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/ distcc-3.1/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/ 2009-02-02 00:40:20.000000000 +0900
+@@ -49,13 +49,14 @@
+ includedir = @includedir@
+ oldincludedir = /usr/include
+ docdir = @docdir@
+-pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE_NAME@
++icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
++desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+ include_server_builddir = $(builddir)/_include_server
+ # These must be done from here, not from autoconf, because they can
+ # contain variable expansions written in Make syntax. Ew.
+-DIR_DEFS = -DSYSCONFDIR="\"${sysconfdir}\"" -DPKGDATADIR="\"${pkgdatadir}\""
++DIR_DEFS = -DSYSCONFDIR="\"${sysconfdir}\"" -DICONDIR="\"${icondir}\""
+ # arguments to pkgconfig
+@@ -1003,7 +1004,8 @@
+ @echo " documents $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)"
+ @echo " programs $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
+ @echo " system configuration $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)"
+- @echo " shared data files $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)"
++ @echo " icons $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)"
++ @echo " .desktop file $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)"
+ # install-sh can't handle multiple arguments, but we don't need any
+@@ -1086,10 +1088,10 @@
+ done
+ install-gnome-data: $(gnome_data)
+- $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)"
+- for p in $(gnome_data); do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$p" "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)" || exit 1; \
+- done
++ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)
++ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) gnome/distccmon-gnome-icon.png $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)
+ install-conf: $(conf_files) $(default_files)
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/distcc"
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop distcc-3.1/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop 2008-12-03 06:50:27.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop 2009-02-02 00:40:55.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Exec=distccmon-gnome
+ Name=distcc monitor
+ GenericName=Distributed Compile Monitor
+ Comment=Graphical view of distributed compile tasks
+ TryExec=distccmon-gnome
+ Terminal=false
+ Type=Application
+ StartupNotify=true
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/src/mon-gnome.c distcc-3.1/src/mon-gnome.c
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/src/mon-gnome.c 2008-12-03 06:50:25.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/src/mon-gnome.c 2009-02-02 00:41:18.000000000 +0900
+@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
+ #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,2,0)
+ gtk_window_set_icon_from_file (GTK_WINDOW (mainwin),
+- PKGDATADIR "/distccmon-gnome-icon.png",
++ ICONDIR "/distccmon-gnome-icon.png",
+ NULL);
+ #endif
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-python.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-python.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..733357a53932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.1-python.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/bench/ distcc-3.1/bench/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/bench/ 2008-12-03 06:50:21.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/bench/ 2009-03-17 01:29:26.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/env python2.2
++#! /usr/bin/env python
+ # benchmark -- automated system for testing distcc correctness
+ # and performance on various source trees.
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/configure distcc-3.1/configure
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/configure 2008-12-03 06:50:34.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/configure 2009-03-17 01:31:09.000000000 +0900
+@@ -3629,7 +3629,7 @@
+ #
+ # NB: Cannot use AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR here, because it's not present
+ # in autoconf 2.53.
+-for ac_prog in python2.5 python-2.5 python2.4 python-2.4 python
++for ac_prog in python
+ do
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+ set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/ distcc-3.1/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/ 2009-03-17 01:29:04.000000000 +0900
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
+ #
+ # NB: Cannot use AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR here, because it's not present
+ # in autoconf 2.53.
+-AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, [python2.5 python-2.5 python2.4 python-2.4 python])
+ AC_ARG_VAR(PYTHON, [Python interpreter])
+ # Python 1 doesn't even support -V
+ if ! "$PYTHON" -V 2>&1 | grep "^Python" >/dev/null; then
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/include_server/ 2009-03-17 01:30:46.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ #
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/test/ distcc-3.1/test/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/test/ 2008-12-03 06:50:22.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/test/ 2009-03-17 01:29:44.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.1.orig/test/ distcc-3.1/test/
+--- distcc-3.1.orig/test/ 2008-12-03 06:50:22.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.1/test/ 2009-03-17 01:29:36.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/env python2.2
++#! /usr/bin/env python
+ # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Pool <>
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-freedesktop.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-freedesktop.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8f0d8d77a12b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-freedesktop.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/ distcc-3.2rc1/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/ 2011-10-26 11:07:15.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/ 2011-10-27 16:57:46.815272689 +0900
+@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@
+ includedir = @includedir@
+ oldincludedir = /usr/include
+ docdir = @docdir@
+-pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE_NAME@
++icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
++desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+ include_server_builddir = $(builddir)/_include_server
+ # These must be done from here, not from autoconf, because they can
+ # contain variable expansions written in Make syntax. Ew.
+-DIR_DEFS = -DSYSCONFDIR="\"${sysconfdir}\"" -DPKGDATADIR="\"${pkgdatadir}\""
++DIR_DEFS = -DSYSCONFDIR="\"${sysconfdir}\"" -DICONDIR="\"${icondir}\""
+ # arguments to pkgconfig
+@@ -1016,7 +1017,8 @@
+ @echo " documents $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)"
+ @echo " programs $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
+ @echo " system configuration $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)"
+- @echo " shared data files $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)"
++ @echo " icons $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)"
++ @echo " .desktop file $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)"
+ # install-sh can't handle multiple arguments, but we don't need any
+@@ -1108,10 +1110,10 @@
+ done
+ install-gnome-data: $(gnome_data)
+- $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)"
+- for p in $(gnome_data); do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$p" "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)" || exit 1; \
+- done
++ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(icondir)"
++ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)"
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) gnome/distccmon-gnome-icon.png "$(DESTDIR)$(icondir)" || exit 1
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)" || exit 1
+ install-conf: $(conf_files) $(default_files)
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/distcc"
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop distcc-3.2rc1/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop 2011-04-06 03:58:58.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop 2011-10-27 17:01:50.792242592 +0900
+@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Exec=distccmon-gnome
+ Name=distcc monitor
+ Name[sv]=distcc övervakare
+@@ -8,9 +6,9 @@
+ GenericName[sv]=Distribuerad kompilerings-övervakare
+ Comment=Graphical view of distributed compile tasks
+ Comment[sv]=Grafisk vy av distribuerade kompileringsuppgifter
+ TryExec=distccmon-gnome
+ Terminal=false
+ Type=Application
+ StartupNotify=true
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/src/mon-gnome.c distcc-3.2rc1/src/mon-gnome.c
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/src/mon-gnome.c 2008-12-03 06:50:25.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/src/mon-gnome.c 2011-10-27 16:54:50.220566026 +0900
+@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
+ #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,2,0)
+ gtk_window_set_icon_from_file (GTK_WINDOW (mainwin),
+- PKGDATADIR "/distccmon-gnome-icon.png",
++ ICONDIR "/distccmon-gnome-icon.png",
+ NULL);
+ #endif
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-gssapi.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-gssapi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..73551f8a7b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-gssapi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/ distcc-3.2rc1/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/ 2011-10-21 13:40:55.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/ 2011-10-27 18:06:58.938922585 +0900
+@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
+ AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(src/config.h)
+ # FreeBSD installs its version of libpopt into /usr/local/, but does
+ # not put that on the default library and header path.
+ # Solaris doesn't even ship libpopt. We used to add that path if
+@@ -502,16 +504,17 @@
+ [provide mutual authentication services via the GSS-API])])
+ if test x"$with_auth" = xyes; then
+- AC_SEARCH_LIBS([gss_init_sec_context],
+- [gssapi gssapi_krb5],
+- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GSSAPI, 1, [Define if the GSS_API is available])
++ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GSSAPI, 1, [Define if the GSS_API is available])
+ AUTH_COMMON_OBJS="src/auth_common.o"
+ AUTH_DISTCC_OBJS="src/auth_distcc.o"
+- AUTH_DISTCCD_OBJS="src/auth_distccd.o",
+- AC_MSG_FAILURE([--with-auth was given but no GSS-API library found])
++ AUTH_DISTCCD_OBJS="src/auth_distccd.o"],
++ [AC_MSG_FAILURE([--with-auth was given but no GSS-API library found])
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-python.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-python.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..409b5a19d321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-python.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/bench/ distcc-3.2rc1/bench/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/bench/ 2008-12-03 06:50:21.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/bench/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.418023081 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/env python2.2
++#! /usr/bin/env python
+ # benchmark -- automated system for testing distcc correctness
+ # and performance on various source trees.
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/ distcc-3.2rc1/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/ 2011-10-21 13:40:55.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/ 2011-10-27 17:05:31.179112690 +0900
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
+ #
+ # NB: Cannot use AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR here, because it's not present
+ # in autoconf 2.53.
+-AC_PATH_PROGS(PYTHON, [python2.6 python-2.6 python2.5 python-2.5 python2.4 python-2.4 python])
+ AC_ARG_VAR(PYTHON, [Python interpreter])
+ # Python 1 doesn't even support -V
+ if ! "$PYTHON" -V 2>&1 | grep "^Python" >/dev/null; then
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.421023097 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.421023097 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.421023097 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.422023101 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2011-04-06 03:58:59.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.422023101 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.422023101 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.422023101 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.422023101 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.423023105 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.423023105 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.423023105 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.423023105 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2011-04-06 03:58:59.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.423023105 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.423023105 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2011-04-06 03:58:59.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2011-04-06 03:58:59.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2011-04-06 03:58:59.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.424023109 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2011-04-06 03:58:59.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.425023113 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/include_server/ 2008-12-03 06:50:31.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/include_server/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.425023113 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/python2.4
++#! /usr/bin/python
+ #
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/test/ distcc-3.2rc1/test/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/test/ 2008-12-03 06:50:22.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/test/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.432023140 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+ #
+diff -Naur distcc-3.2rc1.orig/test/ distcc-3.2rc1/test/
+--- distcc-3.2rc1.orig/test/ 2011-10-21 11:40:49.000000000 +0900
++++ distcc-3.2rc1/test/ 2011-10-27 17:05:08.432023140 +0900
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /usr/bin/env python2.2
++#! /usr/bin/env python
+ # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Pool <>
+ # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-socks5.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-socks5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..256a16ffd5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.2_rc1-socks5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+From fdd93b1e9545b66d1b3a2a1ec24d4c8613ee43fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Micha=C5=82=20G=C3=B3rny?= <>
+Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:59:21 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Support SOCKSv5 proxy
+Support using a SOCKSv5 proxy specified as DISTCC_SOCKS_PROXY.
+The variable can either a hostname, a host:port pair or an absolute path
+to a UNIX socket. When SOCKS is used, the hostname is passed to
+the proxy and therefore the name resolution is done remotely.
+ src/clinet.c | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/clinet.c b/src/clinet.c
+index 010a884..4773d8b 100644
+--- a/src/clinet.c
++++ b/src/clinet.c
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stddef.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+@@ -42,8 +43,10 @@
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
++#include <arpa/inet.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
+ #include <netinet/tcp.h>
++#include <sys/un.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
+@@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ out_failed:
+ /**
+ * Open a socket to a tcp remote host with the specified port.
+ **/
+-int dcc_connect_by_name(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
++static int dcc_connect_by_name_real(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
+ {
+ struct addrinfo hints;
+ struct addrinfo *res;
+@@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ int dcc_connect_by_name(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
+ *
+ * @todo Don't try for too long to connect.
+ **/
+-int dcc_connect_by_name(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
++static int dcc_connect_by_name_real(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in sock_out;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+@@ -224,3 +227,133 @@ int dcc_connect_by_name(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
+ }
+ #endif /* not ENABLE_RFC2553 */
++static int dcc_connect_via_socks5(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd, const char *proxy)
++ int ret;
++ char *proxy_host, *proxy_it;
++ int proxy_port;
++ char buf[262];
++ int host_length;
++ struct sockaddr_in addr_buf;
++ int skip_bytes;
++ host_length = strlen(host);
++ if (host_length > 255) {
++ rs_log_error("hostname \"%s\" too long for SOCKSv5 (over 255 chars)", host);
++ }
++ if (proxy[0] == '/') { /* UNIX socket */
++ struct sockaddr_un unix_addr;
++ if (strlen(proxy) >= sizeof(unix_addr.sun_path))
++ {
++ rs_log_error("UNIX socket path \"%s\" too long", proxy);
++ }
++ unix_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
++ strcpy(unix_addr.sun_path, proxy);
++ ret = dcc_connect_by_addr((struct sockaddr *) &unix_addr,
++ offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen(proxy) + 1,
++ p_fd);
++ } else { /* hostname? IP address? */
++ proxy_host = strdup(proxy);
++ if (proxy_host == NULL) return EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
++ proxy_it = strrchr(proxy_host, ':');
++ if (proxy_it) {
++ *(proxy_it++) = 0;
++ proxy_port = atoi(proxy_it);
++ if (proxy_port <= 0) {
++ rs_log_error("invalid proxy port \"%s\"", proxy_it);
++ free(proxy_host);
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ proxy_port = 1080;
++ ret = dcc_connect_by_name_real(proxy_host, proxy_port, p_fd);
++ free(proxy_host);
++ }
++ if (ret != 0)
++ return ret;
++ /* connected to proxy, now identifier/method selection */
++ buf[0] = 0x05; /* SOCKSv5 */
++ buf[1] = 0x01; /* one method */
++ buf[2] = 0x00; /* NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED */
++ ret = dcc_writex(*p_fd, buf, 3);
++ if (ret != 0)
++ return ret;
++ /* wait for method selection */
++ ret = dcc_readx(*p_fd, buf, 2);
++ if (ret != 0)
++ return ret;
++ if (buf[0] != 0x05 || buf[1] != 0x00) { /* version, method */
++ rs_log_error("invalid proxy reply (version 0x%02x, method 0x%02x)",
++ buf[0], buf[1]);
++ }
++ /* send connect request */
++ buf[0] = 0x05; /* SOCKSv5 */
++ buf[1] = 0x01; /* CONNECT command */
++ buf[2] = 0x00; /* reserved */
++ buf[3] = 0x03; /* DOMAINNAME address type */
++ buf[4] = host_length;
++ memcpy(&buf[5], host, host_length);
++ addr_buf.sin_port = htons(port);
++ memcpy(&buf[5 + host_length], &addr_buf.sin_port, 2);
++ ret = dcc_writex(*p_fd, buf, 7 + host_length);
++ if (ret != 0)
++ return ret;
++ /* wait for the connection */
++ /* read first 4 bytes of reply + 2 extra bytes we know will be there */
++ ret = dcc_readx(*p_fd, buf, 6);
++ if (ret != 0)
++ return ret;
++ if (buf[0] != 0x05 || buf[2] != 0x00) { /* version, reserved */
++ rs_log_error("invalid proxy reply (version 0x%02x, reserved 0x%02x)",
++ buf[0], buf[2]);
++ }
++ if (buf[1] != 0x00) { /* reply */
++ rs_log_error("proxy connection failed, reason=0x%02x", buf[1]);
++ }
++ /* now read the remaining (packet size - 6) bytes */
++ switch (buf[3]) { /* address type */
++ case 0x01: skip_bytes = 4; break; /* IPv4 */
++ case 0x03: skip_bytes = buf[4] + 1; break; /* hostname with length field */
++ case 0x04: skip_bytes = 16; break; /* IPv6 */
++ default:
++ rs_log_error("invalid proxy reply (address type 0x%02x)", buf[3]);
++ }
++ ret = dcc_readx(*p_fd, buf, skip_bytes);
++ if (ret != 0)
++ return ret;
++ return 0;
++int dcc_connect_by_name(const char *host, int port, int *p_fd)
++ const char *proxy;
++ proxy = getenv("DISTCC_SOCKS_PROXY");
++ if (proxy)
++ return dcc_connect_via_socks5(host, port, p_fd, proxy);
++ else
++ return dcc_connect_by_name_real(host, port, p_fd);
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-as-needed.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-as-needed.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6678e4d78d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-as-needed.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Index: distcc-2.18.3/
+--- distcc-2.18.3.orig/
++++ distcc-2.18.3/
+@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ src/renderer.o: src/renderer.c
+ $(srcdir)/src/renderer.c
+ distccmon-gnome@EXEEXT@: $(mon_obj) $(gnome_obj)
+- $(CC) -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) \
+- $(mon_obj) $(gnome_obj)
++ $(CC) -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) \
++ $(mon_obj) $(gnome_obj) \
+ ## Dist targets
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-avahi-configure.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-avahi-configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc1097d643d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-avahi-configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+diff -ur distcc-2.18.3.old/ distcc-2.18.3/
+--- distcc-2.18.3.old/ 2008-01-01 21:08:02.000000000 +0200
++++ distcc-2.18.3/ 2008-01-01 21:09:56.000000000 +0200
+@@ -387,14 +387,18 @@
+ [#include <sys/socket.h>])
+ dnl check for avahi
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(avahi, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-avahi], [enable avahi support]), [], [enable_avahi=auto])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(AVAHI, [avahi-client >= 0.6.5],
+-[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AVAHI, 1, [defined if Avahi is available])
+-ZEROCONF_DISTCC_OBJS="src/zeroconf.o src/gcc-id.o"
+-ZEROCONF_DISTCCD_OBJS="src/zeroconf-reg.o src/gcc-id.o"],
++[if test x"${enable_avahi}" = x"yes" || test x"${enable_avahi}" = x"auto"; then
++ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AVAHI, 1, [defined if Avahi is available])
++ ZEROCONF_DISTCC_OBJS="src/zeroconf.o src/gcc-id.o"
++ ZEROCONF_DISTCCD_OBJS="src/zeroconf-reg.o src/gcc-id.o"
++[test x"${enable_avahi}" = x"yes" && AC_MSG_ERROR(avahi support needs avahi-client >= 0.6.5 installed)])
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-config b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c7e6622adc3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-config
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os, re, signal, sys, commands, pwd
+from string import rstrip
+ '--get-hosts',
+ '--set-hosts',
+ '--get-verbose',
+ '--set-verbose',
+ '--get-log',
+ '--set-log',
+ '--install',
+ '--help',
+ '--get-env',
+ '--set-env'
+envfile = '/etc/env.d/02distcc'
+def exithandler(foo,bar):
+ os.kill(0,signal.SIGKILL)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def isroot(ret=0):
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ if ret == 0:
+ print '!!!',sys.argv[:1][0],tmpcmdline[0],'must be run as root'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ retval = 0
+ else:
+ retval = 1
+ return retval
+def writeenv(var,value):
+ isroot()
+ distcc_env = []
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'r').readlines()
+ distcc_env_new = open(envfile, 'w')
+ for i in range(len(distcc_env)):
+ if re.compile(var+'="(.*)"').match(distcc_env[i]):
+ distcc_env[i] = var+'="'+value+'"\n'
+ distcc_env_new.write(distcc_env[i])
+ #print 'Set',var,'to:',value
+ os.popen('/usr/sbin/env-update')
+ print 'If you want to use these new settings in an existing shell,'
+ print 'you need to "source /etc/profile" to get the changes.'
+def readenv(var):
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'r').read()
+ match = re.compile(var+'="(.*)"').search(distcc_env)
+ if match:
+ print var+'='
+ else:
+ print var,'not set.'
+def permissions(path,user,group):
+ for file in os.listdir(path):
+ #print 'Configuring',path+file+'...'
+ os.chown(path+file,user,group)
+def installlinks(chost=''):
+ for file in ['gcc', 'cc', 'c++', 'g++']:
+ path = '/usr/lib/distcc/bin/'
+ if not chost == '':
+ file = chost+'-'+file
+ if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/'+file):
+ #print 'Creating',path+file,'symlink...'
+ if not os.path.exists(path+file):
+ os.symlink('/usr/bin/distcc',path+file)
+ #else:
+ # print 'Already exists. Skipping...'
+def createdistccdir(dir):
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+ os.chmod(dir, 1777)
+for x in tmpcmdline:
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ if x[0:2]=="--":
+ if not x in options:
+ print "!!! Error:",x,"is an invalid option."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ cmdline = x
+if '--get-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
+ HOSTS_ENV = os.environ.get('DISTCC_HOSTS')
+ HOSTS_HOME = os.environ.get('HOME')+'/hosts'
+ print HOSTS_ENV
+ elif os.path.isfile(HOSTS_HOME) and os.path.getsize(HOSTS_HOME) != 0:
+ print HOSTS_HOME
+ elif os.path.exists('/etc/distcc/hosts'):
+ print rstrip(open('/etc/distcc/hosts', 'r').read())
+ else:
+ print 'No configuration file found. Setup your hosts with --set-hosts.'
+elif '--set-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
+ if isroot(1):
+ PATH = '/etc/distcc'
+ else:
+ PATH = os.environ.get('HOME')
+ createdistccdir(PATH)
+ open(PATH+'/hosts', 'w').write(cmdline + '\n')
+elif '--get-verbose' in tmpcmdline:
+ readenv('DISTCC_VERBOSE')
+elif '--set-verbose' in tmpcmdline:
+ writeenv('DISTCC_VERBOSE',tmpcmdline[1])
+elif '--get-log' in tmpcmdline:
+ readenv('DISTCC_LOG')
+elif '--set-log' in tmpcmdline:
+ writeenv('DISTCC_LOG',tmpcmdline[1])
+elif '--install' in tmpcmdline:
+ isroot()
+ print 'Creating',envfile+'...'
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'w')
+ distcc_env.write('# This file is managed by distcc-config; use it to change these settings.\n')
+ distcc_env.write('DISTCC_LOG=""\n')
+ distcc_env.write('DCCC_PATH="/usr/lib/distcc/bin"\n')
+ distcc_env.write('DISTCC_VERBOSE="0"\n')
+ if os.WEXITSTATUS(commands.getstatusoutput('/usr/sbin/useradd -u 240 -g daemon -s /bin/false -d /dev/null -c "distccd" distcc')[0]) == 9:
+ os.WEXITSTATUS(commands.getstatusoutput('/usr/sbin/usermod -g daemon -s /bin/false -d /dev/null -c "distccd" distcc')[0])
+ foobar = pwd.getpwnam('distcc')
+ user = foobar[2]
+ group = foobar[3]
+ makeconf = open('/etc/make.conf', 'r').read()
+ chost = re.compile('CHOST="(.*)"').search(makeconf).group(1)
+ print 'Creating symlinks...'
+ installlinks()
+ installlinks(chost)
+ print 'Checking permissions...'
+ permissions('/usr/lib/distcc/bin/',user,group)
+ permissions('/var/run/distccd/',user,group)
+elif '--get-env' in tmpcmdline:
+ if len(tmpcmdline) == 1:
+ print rstrip(open(envfile, 'r').read())
+ elif len(tmpcmdline) == 2:
+ readenv(tmpcmdline[1])
+ else:
+ print '!!! Error: Specify only one variable.'
+elif '--set-env' in tmpcmdline:
+ if len(tmpcmdline) > 2 and len(tmpcmdline) <= 3:
+ isroot()
+ writeenv(tmpcmdline[1],tmpcmdline[2])
+ else:
+ print '!!! Error: Awaiting two parameters.'
+ print 'Usage: /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-hosts DISTCC_HOSTS | --get-hosts'
+ print ' /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-verbose { 0 | 1 } | --get-verbose'
+ print ' /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-log FILE | --get-log'
+ print ' /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-env VARIABLE VALUE | --get-env [VARIABLE]'
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-config-3.2_rc1 b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-config-3.2_rc1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f3bd27e40f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-config-3.2_rc1
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os, re, signal, subprocess, sys
+ '--get-hosts',
+ '--set-hosts',
+ '--get-verbose',
+ '--set-verbose',
+ '--get-log',
+ '--set-log',
+ '--update-masquerade',
+ '--update-masquerade-with-crossdev',
+ '--help',
+ '--get-env',
+ '--set-env'
+eprefix = '@EPREFIX@'
+bindir = os.path.join(eprefix, 'usr', 'bin')
+sbindir = os.path.join(eprefix, 'usr', 'sbin')
+libdir = os.path.join(eprefix, '@libdir@')
+sysconfdir = os.path.join(eprefix, 'etc')
+gcc_config = os.path.join(bindir, 'gcc-config')
+env_update = os.path.join(sbindir, 'env-update')
+envfile = os.path.join(sysconfdir, 'env.d', '02distcc')
+default_distcc_dir = os.path.join(sysconfdir, 'distcc')
+hostfile = os.path.join(default_distcc_dir, 'hosts')
+distcc_path = os.path.join(bindir, 'distcc')
+dccc_dir = os.path.join(libdir, 'distcc', 'bin')
+def exithandler(foo,bar):
+ os.kill(0,signal.SIGKILL)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def isroot(ret=0):
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ if ret == 0:
+ print('!!! %s %s must be run as root' % (sys.argv[:1][0],tmpcmdline[0]))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ retval = 0
+ else:
+ retval = 1
+ return retval
+def writeenv(var,value):
+ isroot()
+ distcc_env = []
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'r').readlines()
+ distcc_env_new = open(envfile, 'w')
+ for i in range(len(distcc_env)):
+ if re.compile(var+'="(.*)"').match(distcc_env[i]):
+ distcc_env[i] = var+'="'+value+'"\n'
+ distcc_env_new.write(distcc_env[i])
+ #print('Set %s to: %s ' % (var,value))
+ subprocess.Popen(env_update, shell=True)
+ print('If you want to use these new settings in an existing shell,')
+ print('you need to "source /etc/profile" to get the changes.')
+def readenv(var):
+ distcc_env = open(envfile, 'r').read()
+ match = re.compile(var+'="(.*)"').search(distcc_env)
+ if match:
+ print(var+'='
+ else:
+ print(var,'not set.')
+def installlink(chost='', version=''):
+ for file in ['gcc', 'cc', 'c++', 'g++']:
+ if not chost == '':
+ file = '%s-%s' % (chost,file)
+ if not version == '':
+ file = '%s-%s' % (file,version)
+ path = os.path.join(dccc_dir,file)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(bindir,file)):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ print('Creating %s symlink...' % (path))
+ os.symlink(distcc_path,path)
+ #else:
+ # print('Already exists. Skipping...')
+def installlinks():
+ p = subprocess.Popen([gcc_config+" -C -l"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ lines ='\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ columns = line.split()
+ if len(columns) >= 2:
+ matches = re.match("(.*)-(.*)", columns[1])
+ chost =
+ version =
+ installlink(chost)
+ installlink(chost, version)
+def uninstalllinks():
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dccc_dir):
+ for file in files:
+ os.remove(os.path.join(root, file))
+def createdistccdir(dir):
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+ os.chmod(dir, 0o755)
+for x in tmpcmdline:
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ if x[0:2]=="--":
+ if not x in options:
+ print("!!! Error: %s is an invalid option." % (x))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ cmdline = x
+if '--get-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
+ HOSTS_ENV = os.environ.get('DISTCC_HOSTS')
+ HOSTS_HOME = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.distcc', 'hosts')
+ print(HOSTS_ENV)
+ elif os.path.isfile(HOSTS_HOME) and os.path.getsize(HOSTS_HOME) != 0:
+ print(HOSTS_HOME)
+ elif os.path.exists(hostfile):
+ print(open(hostfile, 'r').read().rstrip())
+ else:
+ print('No configuration file found. Setup your hosts with --set-hosts.')
+elif '--set-hosts' in tmpcmdline:
+ if isroot(1):
+ PATH = default_distcc_dir
+ else:
+ PATH = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.distcc')
+ createdistccdir(PATH)
+ open(os.path.join(PATH, 'hosts'), 'w').write(cmdline + '\n')
+elif '--get-verbose' in tmpcmdline:
+ readenv('DISTCC_VERBOSE')
+elif '--set-verbose' in tmpcmdline:
+ writeenv('DISTCC_VERBOSE',tmpcmdline[1])
+elif '--get-log' in tmpcmdline:
+ readenv('DISTCC_LOG')
+elif '--set-log' in tmpcmdline:
+ writeenv('DISTCC_LOG',tmpcmdline[1])
+elif '--update-masquerade' in tmpcmdline:
+ isroot()
+ uninstalllinks()
+ print('Creating symlinks...')
+ installlink()
+ installlinks()
+elif '--update-masquerade-with-crossdev' in tmpcmdline:
+ isroot()
+ uninstalllinks()
+ print('Creating symlinks...')
+ installlinks()
+elif '--get-env' in tmpcmdline:
+ if len(tmpcmdline) == 1:
+ print(open(envfile, 'r').read().rstrip())
+ elif len(tmpcmdline) == 2:
+ readenv(tmpcmdline[1])
+ else:
+ print('!!! Error: Specify only one variable.')
+elif '--set-env' in tmpcmdline:
+ if len(tmpcmdline) > 2 and len(tmpcmdline) <= 3:
+ isroot()
+ writeenv(tmpcmdline[1],tmpcmdline[2])
+ else:
+ print('!!! Error: Awaiting two parameters.')
+ cmd = sys.argv[:1][0]
+ print('Usage: %s --set-hosts DISTCC_HOSTS | --get-hosts' % (cmd))
+ print(' %s --set-verbose { 0 | 1 } | --get-verbose' % (cmd))
+ print(' %s --set-log FILE | --get-log' % (cmd))
+ print(' %s --set-env VARIABLE VALUE | --get-env [VARIABLE]' % (cmd))
+ print(' %s --update-masquerade' % (cmd))
+ print(' %s --update-masquerade-with-crossdev' % (cmd))
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-create-dir.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-create-dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8c818e1bd8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-create-dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* local directory is at
+* comparing to
+M ./src/tempfile.c
+* modified files
+--- orig/src/tempfile.c
++++ mod/src/tempfile.c
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
+ int dcc_get_top_dir(char **path_ret)
+ {
+ char *env;
+- static char *cached;
++ static char *cached = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ if (cached) {
+@@ -154,22 +154,23 @@
+ }
+ if ((env = getenv("DISTCC_DIR"))) {
+- if ((cached = strdup(env)) == NULL) {
++ if ((cached = strdup(env)) == NULL)
+- } else {
++ else
+ *path_ret = cached;
+- return 0;
+- }
+- }
+- if ((env = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
+- rs_log_warning("HOME is not set; can't find distcc directory");
+- }
++ } else {
+- if (asprintf(path_ret, "%s/.distcc", env) == -1) {
+- rs_log_error("asprintf failed");
++ if ((env = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
++ rs_log_warning("HOME is not set; can't find distcc directory");
++ }
++ if (asprintf(path_ret, "%s/.distcc", env) == -1) {
++ rs_log_error("asprintf failed");
++ }
+ }
+ ret = dcc_mkdir(*path_ret);
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-freedesktop.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-freedesktop.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..26981097f2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-freedesktop.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+* local directory is at
+* comparing to
+M src/mon-gnome.c
+M gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop
+* modified files
+--- orig/
++++ mod/
+@@ -45,11 +45,12 @@
+ includedir = @includedir@
+ oldincludedir = /usr/include
+ docdir = @docdir@
+-pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE_NAME@
++icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
++desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+ # These must be done from here, not from autoconf, because they can
+ # contain variable expansions written in Make syntax. Ew.
+-DIR_DEFS = -DSYSCONFDIR="\"${sysconfdir}\"" -DPKGDATADIR="\"${pkgdatadir}\""
++DIR_DEFS = -DSYSCONFDIR="\"${sysconfdir}\"" -DICONDIR="\"${icondir}\""
+ # arguments to pkgconfig
+@@ -508,7 +509,8 @@
+ @echo " documents $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)"
+ @echo " programs $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
+ @echo " system configuration $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)"
+- @echo " shared data files $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)"
++ @echo " icons $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)"
++ @echo " .desktop file $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)"
+ # install-sh can't handle multiple arguments, but we don't need any
+@@ -541,8 +543,8 @@
+ done
+ install-gnome-data: $(gnome_data)
+- $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)
+- for p in $^; do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir) || exit 1; \
+- done
++ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)
++ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) gnome/distccmon-gnome-icon.png $(DESTDIR)$(icondir)
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)
+--- orig/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop
++++ mod/gnome/distccmon-gnome.desktop
+@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Exec=distccmon-gnome
+ Name=distcc monitor
+ GenericName=Distributed Compile Monitor
+ Comment=Graphical view of distributed compile tasks
+ TryExec=distccmon-gnome
+ Terminal=false
+ Type=Application
+ StartupNotify=true
+--- orig/src/mon-gnome.c
++++ mod/src/mon-gnome.c
+@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
+ #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,2,0)
+ gtk_window_set_icon_from_file (GTK_WINDOW (mainwin),
+- PKGDATADIR "/distccmon-gnome-icon.png",
++ ICONDIR "/distccmon-gnome-icon.png",
+ NULL);
+ #endif
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-gentoo-multilib-r1.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-gentoo-multilib-r1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a7b37e878bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-gentoo-multilib-r1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+diff -Naurp distcc-2.18.3.orig/src/distcc.c distcc-2.18.3/src/distcc.c
+--- distcc-2.18.3.orig/src/distcc.c 2004-10-01 17:47:07.000000000 -0700
++++ distcc-2.18.3/src/distcc.c 2005-01-30 22:15:43.883870942 -0800
+@@ -135,7 +135,106 @@ static void dcc_client_catch_signals(voi
+ signal(SIGHUP, &dcc_client_signalled);
+ }
++#define MAXNEWFLAGS 32
++#define MAXFLAGLEN 127
++static char **getNewArgv(char **argv, const char *newflagsStr) {
++ char **newargv;
++ char newflags[MAXNEWFLAGS][MAXFLAGLEN + 1];
++ unsigned newflagsCount = 0;
++ unsigned argc;
++ unsigned i;
++ char **p;
++ unsigned s, f; /* start/finish of each flag. f points to
++ * the char AFTER the end (ie the space/\0
++ */
++ /* Tokenize the flag list */
++ for(s=0; s < strlen(newflagsStr); s=f+1) {
++ /* Put s at the start of the next flag */
++ while(newflagsStr[s] == ' ' ||
++ newflagsStr[s] == '\t')
++ s++;
++ if(s == strlen(newflagsStr))
++ break;
++ f = s + 1;
++ while(newflagsStr[f] != ' ' &&
++ newflagsStr[f] != '\t' &&
++ newflagsStr[f] != '\0')
++ f++;
++ /* Detect overrun */
++ if(MAXFLAGLEN < f - s || MAXNEWFLAGS == newflagsCount)
++ return NULL;
++ strncpy(newflags[newflagsCount], newflagsStr + s, f - s);
++ newflags[newflagsCount][f - s]='\0';
++ newflagsCount++;
++ }
++ /* Calculate original argc and see if it contains -m{abi,32,64} */
++ for(argc=0, p=argv; *p; p++, argc++) {
++ if(newflagsCount && (strncmp(*p, "-m32", 4) == 0 ||
++ strncmp(*p, "-m64", 4) == 0 ||
++ strncmp(*p, "-mabi", 5) == 0)) {
++ /* Our command line sets the ABI, warn the user about this and ignore
++ newArgs by setting newflagsCount to 0.
++ */
++ newflagsCount = 0;
++ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s detected on the command line overrides implicit %s added by the wrapper.\n", argv[0], *p, newflagsStr);
++ }
++ }
++ /* Allocate our array */
++ newargv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + newflagsCount + 1));
++ /* Make room for the original, new ones, and the NULL terminator */
++ if(!newargv)
++ return NULL;
++ /* Build argv */
++ newargv[0] = argv[0];
++ /* The newFlags come first since we want the environment to override them. */
++ for(i=1; i - 1 < newflagsCount; i++) {
++ newargv[i] = newflags[i - 1];
++ }
++ /* We just use the existing argv[i] as the start. */
++ for(; i - newflagsCount < argc; i++) {
++ newargv[i] = argv[i - newflagsCount];
++ }
++ /* And now cap it off... */
++ newargv[i] = NULL;
++ return newargv;
++static char **getNewArgvFromEnv(char **argv) {
++ char **newargv = argv;
++ if(getenv("ABI")) {
++ char *envar = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen("CFLAGS_") + strlen(getenv("ABI")) + 1 ));
++ if(!envar)
++ return NULL;
++ /* We use CFLAGS_${ABI} for gcc, g++, g77, etc as they are
++ * the same no matter which compiler we are using.
++ */
++ sprintf(envar, "CFLAGS_%s", getenv("ABI"));
++ if(getenv(envar))
++ newargv = getNewArgv(argv, getenv(envar));
++ free(envar);
++ }
++ return newargv;
+ /**
+ * distcc client entry point.
+@@ -150,6 +249,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int status, sg_level, tweaked_path = 0;
+ char **compiler_args;
+ char *compiler_name;
++ char **newargv;
+ int ret;
+ dcc_client_catch_signals();
+@@ -183,7 +283,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ goto out;
+ }
+- dcc_find_compiler(argv, &compiler_args);
++ if(!(newargv = getNewArgvFromEnv(argv))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dcc_find_compiler(newargv, &compiler_args);
++ if (newargv != argv) free(newargv);
+ /* compiler_args is now respectively either "cc -c hello.c" or
+ * "gcc -c hello.c" */
+@@ -200,7 +305,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ &tweaked_path)) != 0)
+ goto out;
+- dcc_copy_argv(argv, &compiler_args, 0);
++ if(!(newargv = getNewArgvFromEnv(argv))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dcc_copy_argv(newargv, &compiler_args, 0);
++ if (newargv != argv) free(newargv);
+ compiler_args[0] = compiler_name;
+ }
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-gentoo-multilib.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-gentoo-multilib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..02e0486c2a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-gentoo-multilib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+diff -Naur distcc-2.18.3-vanilla/src/distcc.c distcc-2.18.3/src/distcc.c
+--- distcc-2.18.3-vanilla/src/distcc.c 2004-10-01 17:47:07.000000000 -0700
++++ distcc-2.18.3/src/distcc.c 2004-12-28 01:04:51.017574246 -0800
+@@ -135,7 +135,86 @@
+ signal(SIGHUP, &dcc_client_signalled);
+ }
++#define MAXNEWFLAGS 32
++#define MAXFLAGLEN 127
++static char **getNewArgv(char **argv) {
++ char **newargv;
++ char newflags[MAXNEWFLAGS][MAXFLAGLEN + 1];
++ unsigned newflagsCount = 0;
++ unsigned argc;
++ unsigned i;
++ char **p;
++ if(getenv("ABI")) {
++ char *envar = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) *
++ (strlen("CFLAGS_") + strlen(getenv("ABI")) + 1 ));
++ if(!envar)
++ return NULL;
++ /* We use CFLAGS_${ABI} for gcc, g++, g77, etc as they are
++ * the same no matter which compiler we are using.
++ */
++ sprintf(envar, "CFLAGS_%s", getenv("ABI"));
++ if(getenv(envar)) {
++ const char *newflagsStr = getenv(envar);
++ unsigned s, f; /* start/finish of each flag. f points to
++ * the char AFTER the end (ie the space/\0
++ */
++ /* Tokenize the flag list */
++ for(s=0; s < strlen(newflagsStr); s=f+1) {
++ /* Put s at the start of the next flag */
++ while(newflagsStr[s] == ' ' ||
++ newflagsStr[s] == '\t')
++ s++;
++ if(s == strlen(newflagsStr))
++ break;
++ f = s + 1;
++ while(newflagsStr[f] != ' ' &&
++ newflagsStr[f] != '\t' &&
++ newflagsStr[f] != '\0')
++ f++;
++ /* Detect overrun */
++ if(MAXFLAGLEN < f - s || MAXNEWFLAGS == newflagsCount)
++ return NULL;
++ strncpy(newflags[newflagsCount], newflagsStr + s, f - s);
++ newflagsCount++;
++ }
++ }
++ free(envar);
++ }
++ /* Calculate argc */
++ for(argc=0, p=argv; *p; p++, argc++);
++ /* Allocate our array */
++ newargv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + newflagsCount + 1));
++ /* Make room for the original, new ones, and the NULL terminator */
++ if(!newargv)
++ return NULL;
++ /* We just use the existing argv[i] as the start. */
++ for(i=0; i < argc; i++) {
++ newargv[i] = argv[i];
++ }
++ /* Now we want to append our newflags list. */
++ for(; i < argc + newflagsCount; i++) {
++ newargv[i] = newflags[i - argc];
++ }
++ /* And now cap it off... */
++ newargv[i] = NULL;
++ return newargv;
+ /**
+ * distcc client entry point.
+@@ -150,6 +229,7 @@
+ int status, sg_level, tweaked_path = 0;
+ char **compiler_args;
+ char *compiler_name;
++ char **newargv;
+ int ret;
+ dcc_client_catch_signals();
+@@ -183,7 +263,12 @@
+ goto out;
+ }
+- dcc_find_compiler(argv, &compiler_args);
++ if(!(newargv = getNewArgv(argv))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dcc_find_compiler(newargv, &compiler_args);
++ free(newargv);
+ /* compiler_args is now respectively either "cc -c hello.c" or
+ * "gcc -c hello.c" */
+@@ -200,7 +285,12 @@
+ &tweaked_path)) != 0)
+ goto out;
+- dcc_copy_argv(argv, &compiler_args, 0);
++ if(!(newargv = getNewArgv(argv))) {
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dcc_copy_argv(newargv, &compiler_args, 0);
++ free(newargv);
+ compiler_args[0] = compiler_name;
+ }
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-hardened.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-hardened.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..69b3a6516936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-hardened.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From: Gordon Malm <>
+Make distcc client pass -D__KERNEL__ macro. Hardened GCC uses this
+macro to determine if code intended to be run in-kernel is being compiled.
+If the code is kernel code, certain compile flags are not applied.
+When using distcc to build kernel code (modules, etc.) without this patch,
+the distccd host doesn't get passed -D__KERNEL__. Consequently, gcc on
+the distccd host applies all kinds of flags that it shouldn't.
+--- distcc-2.18.3/src/strip.c
++++ distcc-2.18.3-hardened/src/strip.c
+@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@ int dcc_strip_local_args(char **from, ch
+ /* skip through argv, copying all arguments but skipping ones that
+ * ought to be omitted */
+ for (from_i = to_i = 0; from[from_i]; from_i++) {
+- if (str_equal("-D", from[from_i])
++ if (str_equal("-D__KERNEL__", from[from_i])) {
++ to[to_i++] = from[from_i];
++ }
++ else if (str_equal("-D", from[from_i])
+ || str_equal("-I", from[from_i])
+ || str_equal("-U", from[from_i])
+ || str_equal("-L", from[from_i])
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-march-native.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-march-native.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a5c9bb2e4da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-march-native.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff -ur distcc-2.18.3/src/arg.c distcc-modified/src/arg.c
+--- distcc-2.18.3/src/arg.c 2004-11-30 13:13:53.000000000 +0100
++++ distcc-modified/src/arg.c 2008-02-05 17:56:58.000000000 +0100
+@@ -171,6 +171,12 @@
+ to distribute it even if we could. */
+ rs_trace("%s implies -E (maybe) and must be local", a);
++ } else if (!strcmp(a, "-march=native")) {
++ rs_trace("-march=native generates code for local machine; must be local");
++ } else if (!strcmp(a, "-mtune=native")) {
++ rs_trace("-mtune=native optimizes for local machine; must be local");
+ } else if (str_startswith("-Wa,", a)) {
+ /* Look for assembler options that would produce output
+ * files and must be local.
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distccd.service b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distccd.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3eb61396b84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distccd.service
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Description=Distccd: A Distributed Compilation Server
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/distccd --verbose --no-detach --daemon --port 3632 -N 15 --allow $ALLOWED_SERVERS
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distccd.service.conf b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distccd.service.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a334c3724b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distccd.service.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# --allow is now mandatory as of distcc-2.18.
+# example: --allow
+# example: --allow --allow