Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* {dev-python/[manuel,xlutils] refinedIan Delaney2012-05-201-2/+1
* [dev-python/xlutils] tweak to DOCSIan Delaney2012-05-191-2/+8
* [dev-python/xlutils] Cleanup, set correct deps under test?Ian Delaney2012-05-191-15/+6
* [dev-python/xlutils] Bumped to 1.5.2, tests fixed in bump, dropped oldIan Delaney2012-05-194-57/+17
* [dev-python/mwlib] Add mwlib, other cleanups, fixesIan Delaney2012-05-193-3/+65
* [dev-python/xlutils] x86 -> ~x86 in ebuildIan Delaney2012-05-161-2/+2
* [dev-python-django-xslt] 0.4.5.ebuild revision, xlutils changeIan Delaney2012-04-271-3/+3
* Refinements, review of django-auth-ldap && pkginfoIan Delaney2012-04-161-2/+2
* [dev-python/] Fine tune to recent ebuildsIan Delaney2012-04-131-10/+3
* [dev-python/xlutils] Add new xlutils-1.5.1.ebuildIan Delaney2012-04-133-0/+41